1. Hellraiser III [1996] [R] - 5.8.6 | Parents' Guide & Review | Kids-In-Mind.com
Going to hell, the loss of soul to evil, pain inflicted for pleasure and gruesome deaths are the focus, with casual sex thrown in for good measure.
Pinhead, in his third outing as the soulless butcher.
2. Parent reviews for Hellraiser | Common Sense Media
There's several sex scenes in this movie, which are all vivid, and some nudity. A breast is shown only for a second or so, a woman's behind is seen, and a fully ...
Read Hellraiser reviews from parents on Common Sense Media. Become a member to write your own review.

3. HELLRAISER III–HELL ON EARTH - Reviews - Movieguide
Is HELLRAISER III–HELL ON EARTH family friendly? Find out only at Movieguide. The Family and Christian Guide to Movie Reviews and Entertainment News.
HELLRAISER III--HELL ON EARTH conjures up the devil in the form of Pinhead, a hellish ghoul who is brought to life by eating the flesh and blood of his

4. Hellraiser Movie Review | Common Sense Media
Apr 10, 2023 · Parents need to know that Hellraiser is extremely gory. Killing and mutilating befalls both humans and animals (rats), with bloody death by knife, hammer, and ...
Gore-torture-horror-ghoul fantasy from the '80s. Read Common Sense Media's Hellraiser review, age rating, and parents guide.

5. Hellraiser: Bloodline [1992] [R] - 5.9.5 | Parents' Guide & Review
The only nudity is his chest and the sides of her breasts). One sex scene during which we clearly see a woman's breasts and the top of her buttocks.
In this fourth "Hellraiser," a man must atone for the error of his ancestor.
6. Search - FilmRatings.com
Rated R for strong bloody horror violence and gore, language throughout, some sexual content and brief graphic nudity.
7. List of NC-17 rated films | The JH Movie Collection's Official Wiki
Edited 2006 re-release rated R for sexual content, nudity, drug material and some violence. Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead, 1993 (edited for re-rating) (uncut ...
This is a list of films rated NC-17 (No One 17 or Under Admitted; originally No Children Under 17 Admitted) by the Motion Picture Association of America's Classification and Rating Administration (CARA). Titles with surrendered ratings are usually released unrated to avoid the stigma of NC-17. Some films are released without an MPAA rating because the filmmaker expects an NC-17. Changes in ratings are due to resubmission or appeal by a film's producers. Films receiving an NC-17 are often cut and

OUR WORD TO PARENTS · Many of the scenes listed under "Violence" will also be scary or tense to some viewers. · Most of the scenes will not be scary to older ...
See AlsoOsrs Vorkath Combat AchievementsHOW OTHERS RATED THIS MOVIE
9. Buy Hellraiser 3: Hell On Earth - Microsoft Store
Joey Summerskill is an ambitious TV reporter whose life is changed forever when she witnesses the horrific death of a tormented teenage boy.
Joey Summerskill is an ambitious TV reporter whose life is changed forever when she witnesses the horrific death of a tormented teenage boy, torn apart by bloody chains. Determined to find the truth behind this gruesome vision, she discovers the Lament Configuration Box which opens the door to the Cenobites' demonic world of pleasure and pain.
10. The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb)
HELLRAISER III: HELL ON EARTH Written by Peter Atkins Original Story by Peter Atkins & Tony Randel 1st Draft May 8 1991 Bobbi Thomson Revised May 29 1991 ...
Writers : Peter Atkins Tony Randel Genres : Fantasy Horror
11. movies - Page 734 - If Music Could Talk
Aug 26, 2022 · (1981) A young woman hires a mercenary to guide her through he jungles on New Guinea to find her missing sister. ... Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth ...
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12. Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth - Behind the Couch
Mar 12, 2014 · There will be blood… The first Hellraiser slow-burned its way through searing violence and morbidly sexualised imagery, while sequel Hellbound ...
1992 Dir. Anthony Hickox When the diabolical Pinhead is freed from his prison - a macabre sculpture purchased by a sleazy nightclub ow...

13. Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (Film) - TV Tropes
Freudian Excuse: It's insinuated that Monroe was molested by his parents, potentially explaining why he's such an asshole in his adult life. Going for the ...
Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth (1992) is the third film in the Hellraiser series. At an antique shop in New York, a nightclub owner named J.P. Monroe (Kevin Bernhardt) purchases an old statue pillar for his private collection. Several weeks later …

14. How Hellraiser Was a Gateway to More Extreme Horror Movies
Oct 10, 2022 · Flesh was twisted, ripped, and rent in ways far more messy than I had experienced before. The kills in your average Friday the 13th or Halloween ...
Clive Barker's original Hellraiser was a game-changer for the horror genre, opening the door to more extreme horror movies in the 1980s.

15. FRANCHISE ME: Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth - CHUD.com
Oct 10, 2011 · Hellraiser III reveals the crippling paradox at the heart of the Hellraiser franchise. Talk to any fan of the first film, and they are pretty ...