Car of the Week | NISMO 400R '95 (2025)

Following them from behind, Candy shouted..

Candy: "Wait for me!"

They then stopped, allowing her to catch up.

Candy: "So, what's the menti.. oh?"

Paul: "Oh is right, lassie."

The 'oh' came warranted as the quick glance earlier turned to a full fledged preview..

Car of the Week | NISMO 400R '95 (1)

Her first sight was definitely on the Ferrari, but the man coming out the Camaro also took her fancy.

Candy: "The sharpshooter.. Emile.."

Paul: "Meaning to ask, but.. aye, it's an Emile, is it? A sharp dressed bloke he be.."

Unlike Emile, though, the other woman by his side: a figure known to her friends as Ginoa Fantoccia, comes off as both familiar, and to Sonny: casual, as he approaches..

Sonny: "Ginnie! Enjoying your time off, baby?"

Ginoa: "Hey, I plan to use it more without you in my face.. insert expletive in Mandarin here."

Sonny: "Fuiyoo, that's my Gin! Always thinking ahead for the strangely also Singaporean crowd. You want me to say, or you okay doing it yourself?"

He points towards the flatcap wearing Scot, who waves nervously, but with a smile.

Paul: "Sonny's quite the arse to have us reunite at a place like this, lass."

Ginoa: "Ehh, it could be worse. Let's see how off the radar have I been, Paulie.. How's the wife and kids? Did they miss their Aunt Ginnie? Hehe.."

Paul: "Carrie sure does. Amelia? Might have to get back onto you fer her."

His whole expression is behind his face, but he raised an eyebrow, asking..

Emile: "Aunt?"

Ginoa: "Not literally, of course."

Emile: "Hmm.."

Now facing her employer, Ginoa then talked more formally..

Ginoa: "Before you ask.. this is Emile. Fellow Guild mate. Also the only man who's shot my arm off and lived to tell that tale."

Emile: "Not like I wish to use that to brag.. regardless.. Gunny Jake told me about these three. How are you holding up, Miss Lam?"

Looking at her, she talks back, thinking of her recent encounters with this shady group.

Candy: "Other than my MINI getting confiscated again.. not bad. I met more of your kind just recently. Tall Scandinavian and this one in green who I don't want any mention of ever."

Ginoa though follows this with sentiment on her mind.

Ginoa: "Madame and the Helwalker."

Emile: "Figure that's no riddle, Ginoa."

His serious tone did however give her reason to raise her voice.

Ginoa: "Yeah, I didn't ask, Emile! Who's she, though? Quite a bold, petit one."

Emile: "Do I?"

Intruding this line of thought, Candy stepped up and spoke..

Candy: "No, you don't have to. Candy Lam. GT racing savant under Toyota. I hear a lot of you, indirectly, I mean. The Trinitia woman known as Ginnie."

Ginoa: "That you do? I'd ask from who, but.. nah."

Thinking about who spilled those beans, she only had a non-answer to say..

Candy: "There's a whole roster of them.. him included."

He spoke with no emotion about it, mainly to tease..

Emile: "So, am I in.. trouble?"

Ginoa: "Why would you be? Ah, well.. she even knows what the Trinitia is, so I suppose it'll be all fine."

As Ginoa flips in, she walks around her new acquaintance, noting..

Ginoa: "Hmm.. nice slippers."

Candy: "Thanks.. custom made for me, but that sure is odd for you to notice?"

Ginoa: "I'm a woman of the little details, Ca, umm.. Candy was it?"

Candy: "Yu-yes?"

Ginoa: "Your eyes look elsewhere."

Not lying about her senses to inner details, Candy however can't hide that..

Candy: "What? No. I mean, it's just a, well.. looks to be an incredibly maintained.. twin turbo Ferrari that I must inspect!"

Curiously seeing Candy run towards her own car, Ginoa then asked Sonny..

Ginoa: "I must ask.. she is one of your race rivals, is it?"

Sonny: "That she is. I know you're thinking: no, I didn't bring the shepherd's hook today."

And her observation did lead to an infuriating thought..

Ginoa: "She's not like Kate at all.. she dares treat me like an item.. as if we're all items!"

Emile: "Then if you have a need for.. a lesson, we will watch from afar, Ginnie."

Seething with anger, she turns to her employer, bowing and calmly retorting..

Ginoa: "Then.. may I be excused?"

Sonny: "When I say it's your day off.. ehh, go knock yourself out, lor."

Watching her grin as she turned away, Sonny steps back to stand by the men as they watch, but not before a question came forwards..

Sonny: "You know, I think I've seen you around before. Worked for Nirvana a few times, I bet?"

Emile: "He knows. Perhaps if you need my.. services, don't let her get in the way of that."

Sonny: "Gotcha. I notice that Nirvana's tobacco not being around means.. you're here for another reason?"

Emile: "Official Guild business. We received a hint that Miss Lam might be in.. some inconvenience. And outside Japan, that risk increases. That's as much as I will say on the matter."

Keeping information behind from him, Sonny stumbles as he questions..

Sonny: "Beh, I thought Ginnie's on hiding from those guys."

Emile: "You heard right. I asked for her personally, not as a fellow worker, but as a friend. Though, about having what might be the world's most feared lady of murder under your roof is unheard of."

Paul then finally knew it was time to speak.

Paul: "Tis a long winded tale, mate."

Sonny: "I'm surprised you know, Paul's for the course."

Emile: "Let's watch this act of rage with interest, shall we?"

And as Ginoa finally sees Candy being a complete fan girl towards this V8 monster's heart, she approaches..

Ginoa: "My my, look at that!"

Candy: "I know that engine anywhere.. this IS the real deal!"

Not having a master plan on her head, Candy looks to see the owner opening the driver's side door, with no realization..

Ginoa: "I'm thinking it's for a good reason, so.."

Candy: "Dreams.. really do come true!"

About to closen in , Ginoa then slams the door at an instant, then used the car's body to leap off above, moving forwards while flipping backwards.

Landing behind, Candy couldn't get a moment to catch her breath in awe, as she gets binded by her neck, held by Ginoa's leg, who then readies her right arm, revealing a high caliber gun's barrel embedded within, aimed at the side of Candy's head..

Ginoa: "I got you now, you little gremlin.. you made the critical error of disrespecting who I am and what I carry."

Candy: "Wuh.. WHYY?!"

She shouted with fear all in her throat, but not an answer was provided on this..

Ginoa: "Move a twitch, and the gun will fire. Catch me off guard and there is an already armed flamethrower at the cap of my knees.."

Candy: "Gah! (There's no trick in that deadpan tone of hers!)"

And from a distance, the men overhear this all..

Paul: "Ach, that's a real threatening sight."

Sonny: "Paul! Look, man, it's like old times."

Emile: "The flamethrower in the knees is obviously fake, though.."

Ginoa then moved ahead, not hiding the satisfaction of this on her face, as she bellows out a speech..

Ginoa: "Now, it's a shame the Guild does want you breathing and living your normal, dull life.. If one wants to ride this mint F40 with its owner's permission, you're going to need to prove me you're a woman people look up to, as they look up to me. I'm not looking for a racing lightweight like you and all of these folk.. Show me something. Show me something, bebe."

And as she releases her new prize, she followed on..

Ginoa: "Show me something that proves me wrong."

..topping this all with a shot of that literal arm cannon to the sky.

To exit this calmly for Candy was a complete lie, as she escapes..


Ginoa then returned to the small group of men, now not in a tense form..

Ginoa: "Well then, was that too much?"

Paul: "It would'a been for me. But lassie, I thinking you be breaking her spirit too."

Car of the Week | NISMO 400R '95 (2)

Finished with a quick tap of her phone's keyboard, Candy finds herself cowering in the corner of an empty garage, not feeling overwhelmingly sad or angry, but afraid, mixed in with stress.

Candy: "Ughh.. she sure is one scary customer.. getting me tearing away in the corner like that.. if only Miranda was here.."

Not a minute in however, another pair comes to join her.

Rin: "Little sis! There you are! Oh, Zumi-san.. she's here."

Izumi: "Yup, that's the one.. AHAHAH.. how are you doing?"

Candy: "Wh-what does it look like?!"

Rin: "Looks to me... aha! That day in Big Sur, only that.. things have changed, Candy-san."

Both coming in, cheongsam enthusiast Japanese woman Izumi steps back a little, observing the moment..

Izumi: "You poor thing.. Keh, don't tell me.. HEHE, it was Ginnie, was it?"

Rin: "She's being a bully, was it? You know, that's not quite what I had in mind for someone like her."

After some time to think, Candy spoke honestly..

Candy: "Rin-san, it truly is that day in Big Sur! But.. well, you can say it's karma."

Rin: "Fret not! Now I'm the one going to help you.. first things first, as Jake-san taught me, you do not mess with Ginnie-san EVER."

Izumi: "Yeah.. she's also not the type that'll come and say sorry to you. That I'm sure you've figured out, hehe."

Now on her feet quicker than the last times she's had this, Candy then brought it all out..

Candy: "Thanks for consoling this.. sour mint.. I leapt at the chance on her F40 and she.. threatened to kill me."

Izumi: "Typical Ginnie, heehee.. well, she's good at making swift, effective threats. When I said she's a taboo figure.. you now know why."

Rin: "Not to mention while we know each other on a personal and professional way, I too want to be careful with her. Let's go now."

Now exiting the garage, they head back towards the V8 sports cars, but with one major difference, and it's not the weather.

Rin: "Hey, where'd everybody go?"

Candy: "No idea.."

Izumi: "WHO, BAHAHAHAAHH!! I mean.. er.. at any rate, is this your first time here? It sure is for me."

Rin: "Same."

Candy: "Same."

Izumi: "Well, if anything.. ghkk.. you both are showing the fact you might be sisters."

Even with that, the replies Izumi got hinted it even more..

Rin: "Heehee.. my bad."

Candy: "What, why?! You don't need to apologize!"

Rin: "After what you've been through, well, I suppose a bit of cheer will help."

Candy: "Well, that's nice. But really, my heart says it'll settle as soon as I get my hands on a car as nice as that F40.."

Hearing that, Izumi inches close to the F40, inspecting it with interest, then saying.

Izumi: "Fair enough. I too would like a go at Ginnie's F40."

Rin: "Me too.. Yes.. (Zumi-san probably remembers that time I did..)"

As Rin closes in to her partner, she speaks to her with her mouth closed..

Izumi: "(Rin-san, let's not get her berserk..)"

Rin: "(You think?!)"

Izumi: "(Just hinting away that might backfire.. hehehe)"

Rin: "(Zumi-san, I don't understand how we're completely understanding one another without moving our mouthes.. not to mention you're laughing NOW?!)"

Thinking it strange, Candy comes in and asks..

Candy: "Umm, what are you two scheming?"

Izumi: "HAHA, nothing.."

Rin: "Like she said."

Done with the dishonesty, she however chose to not pursue it as she still reels in to earlier complications..

Candy: "Whatever.."

Rin: "But, let's turn things around for ourselves back from Big Sur, Candy. Let's live in the moment and drive the Copen. I'll ride shotgun!"

Candy: "It's not the F40, but.. sure thing, big sis."

Izumi: "Heh. Go on, ladies. I, uhh.. think I see Emile over there."

Car of the Week | NISMO 400R '95 (2025)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 6113

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.