A HISTORY OF JAPAN 1 334-— 1 6 1 5
George Sansom
CHARLES E. TUTTLE COMPANY Suido i-chome, 2-6, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Published by the C h arles E . Tutde Com pany, Inc. o f R u tlan d , V erm ont & Tokyo, Ja p a n with ed itorial offices at Suido 1-chome, 2 - 6 , Bu nkyo-ku, Tokyo, Ja p a n by special arrangem en t with B a rrie & Je n k in s L td ., London C opyright © 1963 by the B o ard o f Trustees o f the L elan d Stanford Ju n io r U niversity All rights reserved No part o f this book m ay be reproduced in any form w ithout perm ission in w riting from the publishers, except by a reviewer, who m ay quote b rie f passages in a review to be p rinted in a m agazine o r newspaper. First Tuttle edition, 1974 Seventh printing, 1990
P rinted in Ja p a n
This volume relates the course of events in a period of some two hundred and eighty years during which the whole of Japan was tom by factions and plagued by incessant civil war until late in the sixteenth century, when a process of national unification by force of arms was begun by a great general, Nobunaga, continued by his successor Hideyoshi, and completed by the victories of Ieyasu, the first Tolcugawa Shogun. Examined in retrospect this prolonged achievement of the military power reveals a decline in the moral standards of its leaders. The rule of the Hojo had been distinguished by prudent administration and a concern for justice until after the Mongol invasion of 1281, which threw a great strain upon the feudal economy. At the turn of the century the Hojo were showing clear signs of weakness, and 1334 (perhaps b e cause any feudal system harbours an internal contradiction) they suc cumbed to the pressure of dangerous rivals. Kamakura fell, the Regency was destroyed, and the Throne, after a fruitless restoration, was sub jected to the dominance of a new line of Shoguns, beginning with Ashikaga Takauji. Takauji and his kinsmen and associates were men without scruple. They have been blamed for their ill-treatment of the Imperial House, although in this they were no more guilty than the Hojo, who had banished an Emperor in 1221. Their real faults were their gross am bition and their ruthless greed. Yet the two centuries and more of Ashi kaga rule (from 1336 to 1573) are the liveliest, the most varied and in teresting period in Japanese history, whether military, political, or social. In the nineteenth century, because political orthodoxy regarded the Ashikaga Shoguns as traitors, Japanese historians tended to neglect this period; but today it is enthusiastically explored by specialists in almost every field bent upon tracing the evolution of the national life during the middle ages. Some scholars describe the dynastic struggle of the fourteenth cen tury and its sequels as a social revolution. Such a label seems to me misleading, for what took place was a redistribution of feudal privilege and power due to economic stresses rather than to conscious political design and affecting the lives of both warrior and peasant in unforeseen ways. I t is upon this aspect of Ashikaga history that I have mainly dwelt in the following chapters. I have paid comparatively little attention to the activities of Western missionaries and traders in Japan in the six
teenth century because I regard their intrusion as an episode of second ary importance in the history of the nation. From the W estern view point it has been amply treated by Murdoch. Since warfare was almost incessant during the years treated here, I have dealt at length and in what may seem tiresome detail with cam paigns and the clash of arms. I wish I could have abbreviated these chronicles, but they are a necessary part of any study of a society in which the warriors compose the ruling class. Moreover, because de velopment in the arts of war was rapid, the changing needs of armies influenced the direction of the economic development of the whole country and often dictated changes in its social and political structure. Even the aesthetic climate of the fifteenth century reflects the taste of successful fighting men. G. S.
I owe a great debt to many friends in Japan for continued assistance and encouragement. Fukui Rikichiro (formerly Professor at Tohoku Daigaku, Sendai), as well as reading critically parts of my manuscript, took pains to select and procure photographs for use as illustrations and gave me good advice out of his store of learning on mediaeval art and letters. Yashiro Yukio ( celebrated as an art historian and now Director of the Yamato Bunkakan Museum at N ara), whose friendship I have enjoyed for many years, never failed to give me generous help. For several months in the spring and summer of 1959 I had the exceptional advantage of almost daily guidance by Toyoda Takeshi, of Tohoku Daigaku, one of the leading Japanese historians, who was at that time a guest of Stanford University. Our collaboration was as fruitful and harmonious as he is erudite and land. W e worked at the same desk side by side, although metaphorically I sat at his feet, with great profit and enjoym ent I also owe thanks to his accomplished wife, Toyoda Yoshiko, a specimen of whose calligraphy adorns the page pre ceding the half title of this volume. Sakamoto Taro, the learned director of the Historiographical Insti tute of Tokyo University, supplied me with much valuable material in the shape of photographs of documents of historical importance. Ishizawa Masao, of the Tokyo National Museum and a member of the Commission for the Protection of Cultural Property, also kindly furnished photographs of paintings and other articles under his care. H ere I must also acknowledge the permission granted to me by the above Commission (Bunkazai Hogo Iinkai) to publish photographs of materials under its protection. At Stanford Dr. Joseph Williams, Professor of Geography, again generously gave time and care to the preparation of maps and diagrams. I am indebted to Helen Craig McCullough of the University of Cali fornia at Berkeley for research assistance, especially in regard to the first five chapters of this volume. Her translation of part of the Taiheiki covers some of the matters treated in those chapters. Other friends here and at Berkeley, in particular the library staff of the E ast Asiatic collections, gave me valuable assistance. I am espe cially obliged to J. G. B ell and Linda Brownrigg, of the Stanford Uni versity Press, for highly skilled editorial work.
1. The Rival Dynasties. Go-Daigo’s Accession, 1318. 2. GoDaigo’s Resistance and Exile. 3. Go-Daigo’s Return. 4. The Fall of Kamakura. H. THE KEMMU RESTORATION
1. Go-Daigo’s Policies. 2. Provincial Affairs. 3. The Failure of the Revival Movement. HI. THE RISE O F ASHIKAGA TAKAUJI
1. Takauji in Kyoto, 1336. 2. Retreat to the West. 3. Return from Kyiishu. 4. Minatogawa. 5. Takauji’s Success. 6. The Kemmu Shildmoku. IV. THE SOUTHERN COURT
1. Go-Daigo’s Resistance. 2. Go-Murakami. 3. Loyalist Efforts in the Northern Region. 4. Kanenaga’s Mission in Kyushu. 5. Prospects in the Home Provinces. V. DISSENSION IN THE BAKUFU
1. Opposition to Takauji’s Policy. 2. Moronao and Moroyasu. 3. Tadayoshi and the Southern Court. 4. Rivalry between Ta kauji and Tadayoshi. 5. The Struggle for Kyoto, 1352-55. VI. THE FAILURE OF THE SOUTHERN COURT
1. Takauji Recaptures Kyoto. 2. Takauji. 3. Chikafusa. 4. The Last Phase of Loyalist Resistance. 5. The Kyushu Campaign. 6. Imagawa Sadayo. VII. THE END OF THE CIVIL WAR
1. Agreement between the Northern and Southern Courts. 2. A Note on Mediaeval Warfare. 3. The Ashigaru. 4. Wives and Children. VHI. THE L IF E OF THE COURT
1. The Throne Humiliated. 2. The Structure of Government under Yoshimitsu. 3. The Enemies of the Bakufu. 4. The Ex travagance of Yoshimitsu. 5. Yoshimitsu’s Relations with the Throne. 6. The Influence of Zen Buddhists. 7. Gido and Yoshi mitsu.
1. Trade with China under Yoshimitsu. 2. Relations with China after 1408. 3. Japanese Pirates. 4. Trade with Korea. 5. Trade with the Luchu Islands.
XI. ECONOMIC GROWTH 1. Increased Production. 2. Money Economy. 3. The Growth of Towns. 4. Wholesale Trade. 5. Trade Guilds. X II. YOSHIMOCHI’S SUCCESSORS
1. Yoshinori. 2. The Kanto Warriors. 3. The Constable-Daimyo. 4. Rural Society. 5. Agrarian Risings. 6. Yoshimasa. 7. The Finances of the Muromachi Bakufu.
X III. THE ONIN WAR 1. Its Origins. 2. The First Year of Onin. 3. Later Hostilities. 4. Higashiyama. XIV. THE CAPITAL AND THE ONIN WAR 1. Hosokawa and the Rising of 1485. 3. The the Onin War. 5. War
233 Ashikaga Shoguns. 2. The Yamashiro Capital in Ruins. 4. The Provinces after in the Kanto. 6. Provincial Autonomies.
1. Asakura Toshikage. 2. House Laws and Civil Administration. 3. Peasant Protection. 4. Industrial Growth. 5. Communications, Travel, and Transport. XVI. SEABORNE TRADE
1. Development in the Western Provinces. 2. The Arrival of the Portuguese. 3. Piracy and Foreign Trade. 4. Seaport Towns. XVII. TH E ROAD TO UNIFICATION
1. Oda Nobunaga. 2. Okehazama. 3. Mino Subdued. 4. Nobunaga in Kyoto. 5. Nobunaga’s Strategic Problems. 6. The Fall of the Honganji. XVIII. CHRISTIANITY AND BUDDHISM UNDER NOBUNAGA
1. Missionaries in the Capital. 2. Nobunaga and the Buddhist Sects. 3. Japanese Christians. XIX. NOBUNAGA'S LAST YEARS 1. Civil Government. 2. Nobunaga’s Political Power. 3. Nobu naga and Sakai. 4. Nobunaga’s Last Campaigns. 5. Nobunaga’s Character.
1. F irst Steps. 2 . Hideyoshi’s L an d Survey. 3 . H ideyoshi’s M ili tary Problem s: Kyushu. 4 . Hideyoshi’s M ilitary Problem s: th e Kanto. X X I. H ID E Y O S H I’S P O L IT IC A L A IM S
1. Hideyoshi and N obunaga. 2 . T h e Organization o f Govern m e n t 3. Rural L ife . 4 . Adm inistrative Organs. 5 . Hideyoshi's R elations with th e T hrone. 6 . H ideyoshi and Buddhism . 7 . H ide yoshi and Christianity. X X I I . T H E IN V A SIO N O F K O R E A 1. 3.
X X I I I . H ID E Y O S H I’S L A S T Y E A R S 1.
F irst Steps. 2. T h e Lan din g at Pusan and th e D rive to Seoul. Hideyoshi’s Political Situation after 1 5 9 0 .
D om estic Affairs. 2 . H ideyoshi’s C h aracter. 3. Foreign Affairs.
1. 3.
His E arly L ife. 2. Relations with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. Sekigahara. 4 . Osaka.
X X V I. T H E F I R S T Y E A R S O F T H E T O K U G A W A B A K U F U
-1. Ieyasu’s Politics. 2 . Ieyasu’s Foreign Policy. 3 . Administrative M ethods. A P P E N D IX E S
D E S C R I P T I V E L I S T OF P L A T E S Plates 1 and 2 follow p. 74. Plates 3 -9 follow p. 138. Plates 10-13 fallow p. 234. Plates 14 and IS follow p. 282. Plates 16-20 follow p. 346. FRONTISPIECE
Suigetsu Kannon. A sculpture of the late Kamakura period, foreshadow ing the strong influence of Sung art during Ashikaga times. It is of wood, painted; 47 cm. in height. Now in the Kamakura Museum, it is the prop erty of the TSkeiji. 1. Ashikaga Takauji. An equestrian portrait bearing the cipher of Ashikaga Yoshialdra, Takauji’s son. Formerly the property of the Moriya family. It has been questioned, but it is almost certainly authentic. 2. Muso Kokushi. A contemporary portrait, now owned by the Myochi-In; the photograph was kindly furnished by Benridd. The Saihoji portrait is less flattering, but probably more revealing of the prelate s character. 3. A seascape by Sesson, ca. 1550. 4. Detail from the Long Scroll (Chdkan) of Sesshu, ca. 1470. Property of the Mori family. 5. Portraits of the Emperor Go-Daigo and the retired Emperor Hanazono. Part of a scroll in the Imperial Collection ( Rekidai TennO Shinyei
Emaki). 6. Four figures from the Tdhoku-In Uta-awase, a picture scroll portraying a verse-matching party for members of various occupations. It is ascribed —both script and drawings—to Hanazono. The figures are from left to right (1 ) a gambler, (2) a carpenter, (3 ) a sorceress, and (4 ) a moulder of pots and pans. 7. A portrait of the Emperor Hanazono in monastic dress, by Coshin, a contemporary Court painter. It formerly belonged to the Chofukuji. A contemporary writer described it as a very good likeness. 8. A portrait of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. In the Rokuonji. 9. A portrait of Ashikaga Yoshimochi. In colour, on silk. It is the property of the Jingoji in Kyoto, and is thought to represent Yoshimochi at the age of about 21. The photograph was kindly furnished by Benridd. 10. Ashigaru destroying a building. From Shinnyodd Engi Emaki, a picture scroll belonging to the Kyoto Gokurakuji.1 11. Detail from Yuki Kassen Ekotoba, a picture scroll showing episodes in the civil war of 1440, when Yula Ujitomo revolted against the Bakufu. In colour, on paper. Property of the Hosomi family, Osaka. 12. Ritual dance at rice-planting time. 13. The market place at Fukuoka in Hizen. From the scroll Ippen Shonin E-den ( “Pictorial Life of Ippen”).
14. Portrait of Oda Nobunaga, by Kand Munehide, younger brother of Eitoku. In colour, on paper. The inscription states that the portrait was dedicated to the Chokeiji in 1583, on the first anniversary of Nobunaga’s death. 15. Portrait of Ryokei, ca. 1570. He played a leading part in the defence of the Honganji in 1570-76, and was a typical militant leader of the Ikko sect. This is probably a contemporary painting by a Kano artist. Photograph kindly furnished by the publishers of Nihon Bunkashi Taikei. 16. Portrait of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. In colour, on silk. Property of Date Munealdra, Tokyo. The inscription gives the date 1599, and it seems that the portrait was painted to the order of one of Hideyoshi’s retainers more than six months after Hideyoshi’s death in September 1598. The artist is not known. The size of the painting is 132 cm. X 103 cm. It is now in the Itsuo Art Museum. Osaka. 17. “Karashishi” (“Lions at Play”). Attributed to Kan5 Eitoku (1543-90). It was painted for Nobunaga’s castle at Azuchi. A folding screen in colour, on gold, its dimensions are 225 cm. X^459 cm. In the Imperial Collection. 18. Detail from “Namban Byobu,” a pair of screens portraying the Portu guese in Japan. It shows the arrival of Portuguese sea captains and merchants. These screens (on paper, in colour) are thought to have been painted before 1600, and are among the earliest of such works surviving. The dimensions are 158 cm. X 334 cm. The screens are in the Imperial Collection. 19. Another detail from “Namban Byobu,” showing the Jesuits. 20. A portrait of Ieyasu, one of six from the Rinnoji at Nikko, which is the mausoleum of Ieyasu.
L I S T OF I L L U S T R A T I O N S I N T E X T General map of Japan, showing the provinces Map of the northern and eastern provinces Map of the central provinces (Chugoku) and the Home Provinces Map of the western provinces, Shikoku, and Kyushu Letter from Go-Daigo to Go-Uda Map showing Nitta's march to Kamakura (1333) Map of Kamakura Ciphers of the Emperor Go-Daigo and Ashikaga Takauji Map showing the campaigns of 1335-36 Map of Kyoto in the fourteenth century Map of the Inland Sea Map showing the battle of the Minato River Map of the eastern provinces A letter from Chikafusa Takauji’s vow to the Kiyomizu Kannon Map showing Kusunokis defences at Chihaya Diagram showing the central administration of the Ashikaga Bakufu The two ciphers of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu Drawing of a bowyer, after an illustration in “Shichijuichi-ban Uta-awase” Diagram of Kyoto at the time of the Onin War Drawing of dengaku and sarugaku dancers, after an illustration in “Shichijuichi-ban Uta-awase” Map showing the Hojo strongholds about 1550 Page from the first extant Japanese book printed from movable type Seal and ciphers of Oda Nobunaga Drawing of O-Ichi, Nobunaga’s sister, after a portrait in the Jimyo-In, Koyasan Seals of four Christian daimyos: Otomo, Hosokawa, Kuroda, and Mori Diagram showing Hideyoshi's siege of Takamatsu castle Seal and cipher of Hideyoshi, and the cipher of Ieyasu Plan of a village in northern Yamashiro, based on a diagram in Nihon
no Rekishi Page from a volume of Relationes (Jesuit letters) published in Rome, 1598 Front elevation of the Hiunkaku, a pavilion of the Honganji Map showing the positions of the contending forces at Seldgahara
xvi xoii xviii xix 6 19 20 31 39 42 46 51 62 70 99
124 146 156 187 224 231 244 259 280 286 298 307 328 334 344 383 394
A k iB -4
I w a k iD - a
R ik u o k u D - i
A w a B -4 , D - 3
Iw a m i B -4
R ik u z c n D - 2
A w a ji C -4
Iw a ih iro D - j
Saeam i D - l
B in g o B -4
Iy o B -4
S a n u k i B -4
Iz u D -3
Sau u m a A -5
B iz c n B -4
Izu m i O 4
S e ttiu C 3 / 4
Bungo A /B -4
Iz u m o B - 3
Sh iin o sa D - 3
fiu x c n A - 4
K agaC3
S h im o o u k e D - a / 3
C h ik u g o A * 4
K a iD .3
S h in a n o C / D - 3
C h ik u z c n A - 4
K aw achi O 4
Su ru ga D -3
E c h ig o D -a
K a z u u D -3
Suw o A /B -4
E c h iz c n C * 3
K iiC -4
T a jin u B -3
E tc h u C - 3
K o tsu k e D -3
T am b a C -3
H a r im a B / C 3 / 4
M ik a w a C - 3
T a n g o C -3
H id a C .3
M im a sak a B -3
T o s a B -4
H ig o A -4 /5
M in o C -3
T o to m i C / D - 3
H ita c h i D - 2 / 3
M u s a s h iD -3
U g o D -i
B itc h u B - 3 / 4
H iz c n A - 4
N a g a to A -4
U zcn D -2
H o ld B -3
N o to C -2 / 3
W a k a a a C -3
H yuga A /B -5
0 m i0 3
Y a m a x h iro C - 3
I g a C .3 / 4
O su m i A - 5
Y a m a to C -4
In ab a B -3
O w a r iC -3
J k C-3/4
R ik u c h u D - i
C **' \ \
, \
« 0
Y , y
\ \
( \
\ \
/u r m
YX ? /
• O'
T he provinces o f Japan T he five northern provinces correspond to the earlier Mutsu and D ewa. T here are two provinces nam ed Awa; th e nam es are written with differen t characters. T he islands of Iki, O ki, Sado, and Tsushima are not provinces. T he three sm all rectangles correspond to th e enlarged m aps on the follow ing three pages.
T he northern and eastern provinces
T he central provinces (Chugoku) and the H om e Provinces
xi x
P R O M T H E A C C O M P L IS H E D B R U S H 0 7
F O R M S T H E W O RD OTOSOi, M E A N IN G S t r ife , AN D T H A T I S T H E M A IN T H E M E 07
T H IS V O L U M E .
They around the flag Of each his faction, in their several Clanns Light-arm’d or heavy, sharp, smooth, swift or slow, Swarm populous, unnumber’d as the Sands To whom these most adhere, Hee rules a moment; Chaos Umpire sits, And by decision more imbroiles the fray By which he Reigns. Next him high Arbiter Chance governs all. (Paradise Lost, II)
The history upon which I am entering is rich in disasters, dreadful in its battles, rent by its seditions and cruel even in its peace. ( tacitus , Histories, I, ii)
Chronology of the Dynastic Struggle, 1318-92 1318 1321
1324 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1342 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1358 1362 1365 1368 1370 1372 1383 1392
Accession of Go-Daigo Abolition of cloister government (Insei) Failure of Go-Daigo’s plot against the Bakufu Failure of Go-Daigo s second plot against the Bakufu Go-Daigo banished to Old Fall of the Hojo Regency and the Kamakura Bakufu The Kemmu restoration Ashikaga Takauji rebels Minatogawa. Takauji enters Kyoto Go-Daigo escapes to Yoshino. The era of the two Courts begins Takauji appointed Shogun. The foundation of the Muromachi Bakufu Kitabatake Chikafusa establishes headquarters in Hitachi. GoDaigo dies Prince Kanenaga arrives in Kyushu Chikafusa returns to Yoshino Ashikaga Tadayoshi quarrels with Takauji Tadayoshi attempts to effect a reconciliation between the Courts Tadayoshi killed by Takauji. The loyalists capture Kyoto Takauji recaptures Kamakura and Kyoto Chikafusa dies Takauji dies. Ashikaga Yoshiakira appointed Shogun Southern army attacks Kyoto. Yoshiakira escapes Kanenaga gains control of all Kyushu Ashikaga Yoshimitsu appointed Shogun Imagawa Sadayo sent to Kyushu Imagawa gains control of northern Kyushu Kanenaga dies. Loyalist resistance at an end Union of the Northern and Southern Courts
T H E R E I G N OF G O - D A I G O
1. T he Rival Dynasties. Go-Daigo’s Accession, 1318 h e l o n g - d r a w n - o u t succession dispute between the senior and junior lines of descent from the Emperor Go-Saga has been de scribed in detail in the first volume of this work; but for the sake of clarity it is useful to recapitulate here some of its main features. It began after the death of Go-Saga in 1272, and lasted until the accession of Go-Daigo in 1318, by which it was temporarily solved, only to be resumed in 1331 and to last for more than fifty years during which the whole country was disturbed by incessant civil war. In the period from 1272 to 1318 the rivalry between the two lines was so intense and continuous that the Kamakura Bakufu, though reluctant to take sides, felt obliged to intervene and to give its support to one candidate or another simply in order to prevent continuous wrangling and to preserve the peace. No choice of sovereign or heir-apparent was valid unless it had the approval of the Bakufu, and the Bakufu displayed a neutral attitude in this contentious matter, working out a plan by which succession alternated between the two lines. Its object was to please both sides, yet as might have been foreseen it ended by pleasing neither. But the decisions of Kamakura had to be accepted because the imperial Court had a lively memory of the fate of the abdicated emperor Go-Toba, whose resistance to the Bakufu in 1221 had brought a punitive force to the capital and led to his b anishmentDespite the strength of their position, the leaders in Kamakura were surprisingly patient in their treatment of the quarrelsome aspir ants. Unlike the Regent Yoshitoki, who chastised Go-Toba for his insubordination, the deputies of the Shogun in Kamakura two or three generations later seem to have lacked confidence in their own power to control the warrior class in the provinces and to direct the behaviour of princes and nobles in the cap ital They were no doubt aware of a rising antagonism to themselves and their rule, in feudal society as well as in Court circles, but they were at a loss when it came to deciding how to deal with it. I t is true that their position had been weakened—and not through their own fault—by the awful ordeal of defending the country against invasion over a period of almost half a century. Their finances were dangerously weak, and the loyalty of their vassals was strained. But these facts are not enough to account for their decline, which was a deterioration in quality as well as a loss of wealth and power. There can b e little doubt that the weakness of the Bakufu from the end of
the thirteenth century was due in a large measure to the poor char acter of the Hojo Regents after the death of Tokimune in 1284. Sadatold (1 2 84-1301) was able but indolent Takatoki (1 3 1 6 -2 6 ) was dissolute and was described (in an unfriendly chronicle, it is tru e) as base and incorrigibly shameless; moreover, he was only a boy when he succeeded, a weak youth in the hands of corrupt advisers. I t was these men whose management of the affairs of the Bakufu put into the minds o f aggrieved or envious vassals ideas of destroying the H ojo family, and emboldened the party at Court which desired to restore the power of the Throne. That was no doubt a general desire in the capital. However, the Court was not united in support of one candidate, and on that account the position was weaker than it might have been had the two lines been able to reach even provisional agreem ent Indeed the wrangling between them was most unseemly, as one of the contestants pointed o u t This was the Emperor Hanazono, an acute and remarkably un biassed observer, who was in 1318 obliged to abdicate and give place to Go-Daigo. In his diary, under dates in January 1325, he describes how in order to urge their respective claims, messengers and deputa tions from both parties had speeded to Kamakura in what the people in derision called a “horse race.” T he rivals competed also in prayers and incantations at the great shrines and monasteries, each condemning the other, doubtless to the confusion of the divinities addressed. At the end of a long series of dynastic arguments Go-Daigo ascended the throne in the year 1318, and to the surprise—or at any rate the displeasure—o f the Bakufu, he showed that he meant to break the pattern of accession and early abdication which had been followed since the death of Go-Saga. H e made it clear that he would not abdi cate to make way for an infant, or indeed for anybody. H e was a man of thirty and he intended to govern the country as long as he lived. H e had plans for reform which he was determined to execute, and he began to organize his government on new lines. Quite early in his reign he had an experience which hardened his resentment against the Bakufu. H e had been enthroned in April 1318, and had been carrying on the government under the direction of his father, the cloistered Go-Uda. Towards the end of the year the regular meeting was held to determine promotions and retirements, and shortly thereafter the Kampaku resigned and was replaced by Ichijo Uchitsune. The Bakufu apparently did not approve of this change, which had been arranged by Go-Daigo. Accordingly, when the installation of the new Kampaku was due to take place, it turned out that none of the Court nobles would attend because they feared the Balcufu’s displeasure. The Emperor sent word of this to Go-Uda and asked his advice. Go-Uda was incensed and scrawled across the letter the words “This is outrageous” ( “motte no hoka ni soro”). He suggested the name of a high official who might be summoned, but nothing came
of his suggestion. The installation took place soon after, without the usual attendance. No doubt Go-Daigo’s determination to resist the Bakufu was strengthened by this and similar instances of the intrusion of Kamakura upon the imperial prerogative. I t would be superflous to trace here in detail the steps by which Go-Daigo began the reforms which he had planned, since within a few years he was in exile while his supporters struggled against the military power of the Hdjo. But it is convenient to give a brief outline of his early measures, because some of them were followed up when he was able to resume his reign in 1333. His first important action was to abolish the practice of cloister government (In se i), which had been at the root of much political trouble since the days of its first great exponent, Shirakawa, who although abdicated was the de facto sov ereign from 1086 to 1129. Go-Daigo took this important step in 1321,1 with the consent of his father, Go-Uda-In, who resigned from his office as a demonstration of approval. News of this gesture was conveyed to the Bakufu and there accepted, although it must have been clear that a really crucial change had been accomplished to the advantage of the ruling sovereign. Several changes in the organization of government became neces sary after'this move. The offices of the In—both the buildings and the functions—were transferred to new holders under the direction of the sovereign himself. Advisory councils were set up which were intended to make real decisions, and the former Record Office was revived and enlarged so that it constituted a court of law for the settlement not only of disputes about land but also of suits and complaints connected with public business in general. Some arrangement of this nature was essential, since during the long period of cloister government important official business tended to be handled (sometimes very summarily) in the In’s secretariat (In no Fudono). Contemporary notices speak well of Go-Daigo’s reforms, praising his wisdom and devotion to kingly duty; but his new arrangements were not put to the severe test of time, since during the ten years from the abolition of cloister government to the break with the Bakufu, that is, from 1321 to 1331, he and his advisers must have devoted much 1 It will be noticed that the era name was changed in the year 1321 to Cenko, signifying the start of a new regime. This was the fifty-eighth year in the current sexagenary cycle, and it had been the practice to make a change at this point since 901, when the era called Engi was opened to inaugurate a period of wise laws and good government. The successive eras of this sequence were as follows: Eiji ................ ............ 1141 Engi ............................ 901 Kennin ........... ............ 1201 Owa .............. ............ 961 KochS .......................... 1261 J i a n ................ .............. 1021 Genko .......................... 1321 Eiho ............................ 1081 These changes did not preclude new era names for intervening years. That was a matter of choice. It should be noted that the imperial titles Go-Uda and Go-Daigo were chosen to express an intention to return to the ideals of Uda and Daigo, who reigned in the auspicious years of Kampyo (8 8 9 -9 8 ) and Engi (9 0 1 -2 2 ).
T he letter from Go-D aigo to Go-U da referred to on p. 4. Go-U da’s reply begins on the extrem e right w ith th e words “T his is o u tr a g e o u s T h e last line is overw ritten on th e large black characters to the right o f centre.
if not most of their effort to the exacting task of planning and plotting a rising against the supreme military power. H e knew that in order to carry out his design he would have to resist the Bakufu, and since there was no prospect of changing their policy by argument, he was obliged to contemplate the use of force. His thoughts seem to have followed that line even before his enthronement, and within a few years he was conspiring to overthrow the Shogunate, encouraged by certain signs of weakness in Kamakura. The story of the conspiracies and the breath-taking risks they involved makes an exciting chapter of history and throws light on the nature of Kyoto life and its more engaging follies. Its most surprising feature is the failure of the Bakufu to see evidence that must have been staring them in the face. One incident will suffice as an example of the rashness of the con spirators and the short sight of the warriors, and perhaps it reveals a general rule that conspirators in all countries are men so proud of their undertaking that they cannot bear to keep it entirely secret. In Kyoto in the year 1324 the main conspirators formed a secret society called the Free-and-Easy (Burei-ko or Harei-ko, meaning a gathering at which the rules of etiquette are suspended). Its mem bers were of various ranks, and they used to meet at parties where, to put it mildly, all formality was banned. This had the advantage that persons of different social standing could talk to one another without reserve or circumspection. They would sit and drink in ex trem e dishabille, without their hats, their hair loose and their clothes
rumpled—those who were monks discarded their robes and sat in their long shirts. They were waited upon by a score of beautiful girls of about seventeen, in diaphanous garments, serving delicacies of all lands and pouring wine as if from a spring. All present enjoyed singing and dancing. But in the midst of these riotous pleasures only one thing was discussed—how to destroy “the savages in the East,” the warriors of Kamakura. The source of this anecdote is the Taiheiki, a great historical ro mance, but there is no reason to disbelieve i t One might suppose that such exceptional gatherings would not escape the attention of noc turnal passers-by, and it is clear that they did somehow come to the notice of the observant ex-Emperor Hanazono. In his diary he de scribes the goings-on of the Burei-ko as they had been told to him. H e says that the members sit and drink half-naked, and by inviting certain scholars who are ignorant of their purpose they try to give the meetings an air of solemnity proper to the discussion of learned matters. He suggests that people in Kyoto have already guessed that these are not ordinary banquets. Yet there is no sign that the Bakufu’s Rokuhara headquarters in Kyoto had got wind of them. The Bakufu seems to have lost its traditional sense of proportion, its pragmatic wisdom; for its officers, even while they were failing as intelligence agents, were interfering with Kyoto in matters of no true importance and thereby enraging the Court. But whatever the truth about the Burei-ko conspirators, in 1324 the Bakufu agents in Kyoto did uncover a rather well developed con spiracy against Kamakura, in which some of the Burei-ko members were involved. They acted promptly and arrested the ringleaders, but they accepted Go-Daigo’s protestation and his emissary Fujiwara Nobufusa’s plea that the Emperor had no knowledge of this plot, though they must have been pretty certain of his complicity. No doubt they tortured some of the suspects to get evidence, but they did not punish the persons they had arrested, except for one or two, and even these were not severely treated. This moderation is not easy to explain. I t may be that the Bakufu, while strengthening their precautions in Kyoto, thought it prudent not to make a major issue of the conspiracy but to play it down, on the principle that it is a part of political wisdom not to make a second-class dispute into a first-class quarrel. It is more likely, however, that their decision was due not so much to good judgment as to lack of resolution. However that may be, the Emperor, though for a time rather frightened, did not abandon hope of ousting the Bakufu, and he stood out firmly against attempts of the senior line to force his abdication. He continued to seek support for his plans, relying mainly upon the great religious bodies to furnish him with spiritual and some military aid. He could not count upon any powerful warrior families to declare
in his favour, though he might hope after some early successes, how ever slight, to persuade one or more of the important vassals to join a movement against the Hojo family. There were doubtless many chieftains who felt that a share in the spoils of a civil war might restore their fortunes. A strong temptation was offered by the great estates controlled by the Hojo leaders, whom they no longer respected. Accordingly Go-Daigo went on with his plans until the spring of 1331, when they were treacherously revealed by one of his three trusted advisers, Fujiwara Sadafusa. Shortly after this the Bakufu sent officers to Kyoto, where they caused the arrest of certain impor tant monks and others party to the Court’s intentions. These persons were sent to Kamakura for interrogation, and the nature of the con spiracy was made clear. Go-Daigo hastily endeavoured to collect a force strong enough to attack and hold the Rokuhara headquarters, but before this bold step could be taken, a force under commanders sent at speed from Kamakura arrested some of his leading supporters, including Hino Toshimoto, one of two courtiers named Hino who had been among those seized in 1324 for complicity in the “Burei-ko” plot.* This was in June 1331, but still the Bakufu refrained from decisive measures, perhaps because of a disagreement between Takatoki and his chief adviser, an unscrupulous official named N agasaki They seem not to have recognized the dimensions of the revolt, and they may have supposed that the Hino suspects were of no importance, thinking that high treason was the business of men of high rank. There was certainly some internal rift that prevented a determined and unanimous policy towards Kyoto, and this no doubt encouraged Go-Daigo. Slow as they were to act, the Bakufu did presently decide to send a strong expedition to the W est, a demonstration in force. Go-Daigo heard of this intention from his eldest son, Prince Daitd (better known by his lay name of M orinaga), whom he had made an Abbot of Hiyeizan for military rathe: than ecclesiastical purposes. He had wisely fore seen that in a struggle with the feudal overlords it would be of great importance to ha/e the most influential religious bodies on his side. Meanwhile, to add to these advantages, the Enryakuji and its chapels formed an immense receiving house for political news and gossip * The two Hino ( they were not related) were much trusted by Go-Daigo. He seems to have interceded with the Bakufu, but could not save Suketomo, who was exiled to Sado, where he was later (1 3 3 2 ) killed. Toshimoto was released in 1324 and continued to serve Go-Daigo until 1331, when he was denounced by an enemy to Rokuhara leaders, arrested, and sent to Kamakura, where he was questioned and executed (1 3 3 2 ). One of the most admired passages in the Taiheiki is the “Michiyuki,” an account of his sad journey to the East, not knowing whether he would be killed on the way or in prison at his destination. This is an imitation of similar passages in the Heike Monogatari which, when recited by itinerant monks, could be counted upon to draw tears from every listener.
from all quarters. The leading prelates had the entry into high places, and they generally knew what was afoot. Go-Daigo’s relationship with Buddhist institutions and Buddhist dignitaries is of some interest The influence of the leading Zen masters in certain aspects of political affairs grew fast in this period. Among them perhaps the most capable was Muso Soseld (127 5 -1 3 5 1 ), who came to be known as Muso Kokushi (National T each er), a title awarded to him by the state. I t was upon Muso’s advice that an offi cial embassy was sent to China in 1325, the first for nearly five cen turies. Muso’s close contacts with the Emperor did much to establish the strong position at Court which was enjoyed by later Zen masters. 2. Go-Daigo’s Resistance an d Exile Towards the end of September 1331 the Emperor saw that there was no hope of holding the Palace against the Bakufu garrison. He hurriedly escaped with the Regalia and fled first to the Todaiji at Nara.8 Thence he went on to Kasagi, an eminence of some six hundred feet which overlooks the beautiful Kizugawa. H e was made welcome by soldier-monks of the monastery at the summit, who rapidly strength ened the position. The monastery was attacked by Bakufu troops who had come in pursuit, and though sturdily defended it fell to a deter mined assault Go-Daigo escaped but was soon captured and taken to Rokuhara. By this time orders had come from Kamakura to enthrone Prince Kazuhito (th e son of Go-Fushim i), and an accession* ceremony took place about two weeks later. An attempt had been made to persuade Go-Daigo to enter holy orders and then to abdicate, but he refused. This meant that the junior line had lost the support of the Kamakura government. Go-Daigo had in fact been deposed. His prospects seemed bleak, but he had found some useful allies, mainly among local • Great importance was attached to the Regalia, without which no succession was valid. The records do not state clearly what part of the Regalia was carried by Go-Daigo in his flight. The Mirror is not mentioned, since the true Mirror was kept in the Great Shrine at Ise and the one in the Naishi-dokoro at the Palace was a dupli cate. The Sword was also a duplicate, the true Sword being enshrined at Atsuta. But Go-Daigo may have taken the duplicate Sword and the Seal with him. Since it would not be possible to conceal the Sword, he may have left it at the Tddaiji or in some other safe place, but on escaping from Kasagi he might have concealed the Seal about his person. A seemingly contemporary document describes a ceremony at the Rokuhara headquarters in which the Sword and the Seal were handed over to the new sovereign’s ministers on November 8 ,1 3 3 1 ; but subsequently Go-Daigo and his supporters always contended that any part of the Regalia produced by the “senior" line must be counterfeit. Interesting particulars are recorded by Hanazono in his diary for the same day. * The accession was in the ninth month of Genkd (1 3 3 1 ), but the enthronement was postponed until the end of the following year because the Bakufu hoped by then to have secured the genuine Regalia.
gentry in the central provinces who owed no allegiance to the Hojo Regents. Chief among them was a warrior of modest standing in Kawachi named Kusunoki Masashige, who is celebrated in Japanese history as a scholar, a soldier, and a pattern of loyalty. B ut such men were few, and most of those who offered their services at this stage had only a small number of fighting men at their command. Kusunoki, whom the Bakufu soon recognized as a dangerous enemy, held out in his own stronghold, at a place called Akasaka in Kawachi province, until about November 2 0 ,1 3 3 1 , when it fell to a determined attack after less than a week of hard fighting. Kusunoki managed to escape with a few companions to build up a new force. Prince Morinaga had been with him but left separately and made his way to a Nara monastery, where he is said to have hidden in a great chest usu ally containing Buddhist scriptures. H e was later able to reach Yoshino in safety. Go-Daigo had already been captured and taken to Rokuhara, where he was treated unceremoniously but not roughly.® H e was con fined in a shabby annex, because the best rooms were already occupied by distinguished guests, namely the former Emperors of the senior line Go-Fushimi and Hanazono, and the future Emperor Kogon, then the Prince Kazuhito. Hanazono was an acute observer, and his diary gives some useful information about conditions in the capital at that time, with comments not unfriendly to Go-Daigo. In April of the following year (1 3 3 2 ), Go-Daigo with a few fol lowers was banished to the island of Old. T he outlook for the junior line was dark, but there were a few encouraging prospects. Kusunoki was able to use guerrilla tactics in a rough country which he knew well, and he was in constant touch with Prince Morinaga, Go-Daigo’s son, who had given up his prelacy on Hiyeizan and was now engaged in political activity and in recruiting supporters for the loyalist cause. W hile Kusunoki was giving Hojo commanders great trouble by his raids, Morinaga was taking advantage of the discontent of many war riors who disliked the H ojo rulers. From his protected base in the mountainous region of Yoshino he sent out appeals far and wide to warriors and in particular to religious bodies, inviting them to join in the revolt against Kamakura. H e had some success in obtaining prom ises of help from warrior chieftains, and by the end of 1332, although he and Kusunoki had no lasting offensive strength, they were causing such anxiety to the Hojo leaders that the Bakufu felt obliged to employ almost the whole of its strength against them. B y itself the gallant effort of Kusunoki and Morinaga was not a permanent reply to the superior numbers that could b e brought against them. But it had an effect which perhaps they had not foreseen. To B Hanazono quotes a report that Go-Daigo was in a wretched condition, ex hausted, wearing a thin robe and quite dishevelled. “Abominable treatment,” he notes.
deal with the uprising of loyalists in the Home Provinces the Bakufu had been obliged to withdraw troops from the outer provinces, such as Harima. There Norimura, the head of a family named Akamatsu (o f Murakami Genji stock), was emboldened by the absence of Bakufu forces to take control of his own province and to march into Settsu, next to the province of Yamashiro, in which the capital lay. H e even tried a coup de main in the capital itself. H e was repulsed, but the fact that a provincial chieftain of moderate standing could venture an attack on the imperial city was a disconcerting sign of the times. The Kamakura government could be challenged and even resisted; and as the news reached remoter parts of the country other chieftains rose against the Hojo, among them Kikuchi in Kyushu and Yuki in the northern region of Mutsu. These indications of the decline of the Hojo power were of course pleasing to the supporters of the cause of Go-Daigo. T o be sure, they did not prove that the country was in favour of restoring direct imperial rule, but were rather expressions of dislike or envy of the Hojo domi nation of feudal society. They were enough, however, to encourage the Court party to plan the escape of Go-Daigo from his place of ban ishment on Oki. The time was not yet ripe for decided action, since it was necessary to make sure that if he returned to the mainland the loyalists would have enough military strength to take him to the capital and protect him there. But thanks to a growing response to the call to arms issued by Morinaga, the position was improving and the com manders in the Rokuhara headquarters were uneasy. The atmosphere in the city was full of gloom. W hen the Emperor had escaped to Kasagi in the autumn of 1331, the Bakufu deputies in Kyoto (th e North and South Tandai, Nakatold and Tokimasu) had thought fit to demonstrate their firmness by exam ining and punishing persons suspected of conspiring against the Bakufu. Armed men poured into the streets and entered the houses of people known to have been close to His Majesty. They arrested such eminent persons as Madenokoji Nobufusa and numerous officials and monks. Most of the men arrested were released, but the main conspirators were severely punished. The unfortunate Hino Toshimoto lost his life, certain monks were tortured, and a number of notables were banished. B y subjecting the Emperor and his followers to harsh treatment, the Bakufu presumably sought to show the country that the pattern of the Jokyu affair of 1221 could b e repeated. B ut in fact the prestige of the Hojo Regents was already waning, and many of the eastern warriors whose forebears had hastened to the call of men like Tokimasa and Yoshitoki had now lost faith in their successors. W ith the capture of Go-Daigo the Bakufu had for a time restored its political authority in Kyoto, but it had not brought back peace to
the city. The streets were full of robbers and cutthroats and the capital was under martial law, not only for the purpose of keeping order but also because Rokuhara feared sudden raids or attempts to rescue the imprisoned Emperor. After Go-Daigo was exiled the situation grew less tense in the capital, but anxiety now spread to the surrounding country, where it was known that emissaries of Kusunoki and Morinaga were more than ever active in stirring up warriors and circulating orders to join the imperial forces. By the end of the year 1332 the garrison in Kyoto was showing signs of alarm. In the diary of the abdicated Hanazono, who was living in Kyoto under surveillance, there is an entry towards the end of No vember saying that Kusunoki had recovered from his losses and was about to take the offensive with the help of Morinaga; that the guards at the gates had suddenly been strengthened; and that the warriors were in full battle dress. Troops were coming in from the East, but meanwhile the position was alarming. During the month of Decem ber 1332 Morinaga remained in his headquarters in Yoshino, while Kusunoki was very active in Kawachi. There was excitement in the capital when it was reported that he was advancing to the border of Yamashiro province, evidently with designs on the city. In January 1333 he was in control of Kawachi, where the local gentry were friendly, and he was able to advance upon Tennoji, well on the road to Kyoto. To meet this threat the Rokuhara com manders got together a force of 5,000 men and sent it to attack Kusu noki. There was a sharp engagement, lasting from morning until nightfall. Kusunoki had tricked the Bakufu force into crossing the Yodo River in pursuit and then turned upon them. They were taken by surprise and retreated, but he broke off the action and returned to Kawachi to rest, satisfied that the fighting men of the Hojo had been shown to b e vulnerable. By the beginning of the 1333 there had been a plentiful response to the summonses* of Morinaga throughout most of the western prov * The official name for a summons of this nature was rydji. It was a document transmitting a command from an Imperial Prince or other personage of the highest rank. A translation of one of the commands of Prince Morinaga reads as follows: “The incumbents and monks of the Kumeta monastery in the province of Izumi are requested to be zealous in performing their loyal duty of prayer for the Emperor and further to resist the entry of troops into their monastery or its domains. This order [rydji] of the Prince Morinaga is conveyed by an officer to the Abbot Myflchi." Its purpose was to encourage the monks to keep soldiers of either side from entering and pillaging, and so to retain the good will of the Church. One of the most interesting of these documents is a ryoji addressed to die strate gically placed Oyamadera in the province of Harima. It is dated in March 1333 and it opens by reciting the misdeeds of Hojo Tokimasa and his descendants, describing them as “eastern barbarians who have presumed to take arms against the imperial Court and even to banish His Majesty. This reversal of the order of society, this attempt of the low to rise above the high, is unspeakable and must be put down. In all the fifteen western provinces along the coast large forces are gathering to hasten to the batdefront in support of the Throne.” This ryoji does not give a direct order, but suggests that the monastery should
inces of the main island, and orders had been issued to sympathizers in Kyushu to attack the Bakufu deputies there—the Kyushu Tandai. The degree of success that attended these efforts to raise armies is not exactly known, but the results were certainly enough to alarm the Bakufu. A council was held in Kamakura and it was decided that an overwhelming attack must be launched against the growing forces of the imperial party, whose banner was attracting more and more good fighting men in the West. Late in January 1333 Nikaido, a trusted servant of the Bakufu and a frequent emissary to the Court, entered the capital at the head of the vanguard of a great Bakufu army. This ( apart from reinforcements for the Rokuhara garrison) was composed of three divisions, which were to attack the loyalist army of the South from three directions. They were under the command of sturdy kinsmen of the Hdjo family, Aso, Osaragi, and Nagoshi,*7 each leading a body of picked troops from the East, who were to be strengthened by the incorporation of local war riors owing fidelity to the Bakufu. The first division, commanded by Aso, was to take in levies from Kawachi and adjacent provinces and to attack along the Kawachi road in the direction of Mount Kongo. The second division, under Osaragi, was to be swelled by troops furnished by vassals in Yamato, Iga, Tamba, and other nearby prov inces. It was also to incorporate troops composing the Oban, or Great W atch, that is to say the warriors on the roster to protect the Home Provinces and safeguard the Throne. This division was to advance southward through Yamato in the direction of Yoshino. The third division, under Nagoshi, was to take in levies from Owari, Echizen, and other provinces, eleven in all, and to attack along the Kii road. The three divisions were ordered by the Bakufu to coordinate their movements, and they were assured that successes in the field would be richly rewarded. To any man, however low in rank, who could show proof that he had killed Kusunoki a rich estate would be granted. This was a sad departure from tradition, because in earlier days the Bakufu would have scorned to bribe their warriors in this open way; and to announce a reward for the murder of an Imperial Prince, as was done at the same time, was an offence against tradition unthinkable to the Bakufu in its prime. The first action in which this army engaged was a siege of the now strengthened Akasaka castle by Aso’s division early in March 1333. The assault was fierce and very costly to the attackers, but the castle help the loyalist cause. In fact the Oyamadera and the force raised by Akamatsu Norimura were between them able to hold the province of Harima against the Hdjo attacks and to use it as a base for raids upon the country round the capital. 7 Nagoshi was the senior commander of the Bakufu army. The Taiheiki read ings of the names Osaragi and Nagoshi are Daibutsu and Nagoya.
fell during the month. Nikaido s contingent, part of Osaragi’s division, made an onslaught upon Morinaga s position in Yoshino at about the same time, and succeeded in breaking down the stubborn resistance of the defenders whom he had assembled, including a number of monks from neighbouring monasteries. The Prince escaped to Koyasan, where he remained in hiding. Nagoshi s division met with no resistance as it proceeded south along the Kii road. The three divisions had thus accomplished the first part of their task. They now turned their attention to the Chihaya fortress on Mount Kongo, which had so far withstood prolonged attack. It held out and in fact was never reduced.8 This remarkable success of the loyalist arms was due to the skill and courage of Kusunold Masashige. After the fall of Akasaka he had collected and trained a small body of first-class fighting men, and he made such clever use of the terrain when planning the defences of Chihaya that he was able to throw back repeated assaults first by Osaragi’s force and then by the columns of Aso and Nagoshi. The position on which he took his stand was favourable to defensive fight ing. Mount Kongo rises to 1,112 metres above the plains of Kawachi and Yamato. At or near its summit there are remains and traces of a number of ancient strongholds. Most of these cannot be identified or dated, but it is clear that the main defence works put up by Kusunoki were at Chihaya, while there were subsidiary works at several other points, intended only to delay and enfilade an attacking force. Kusunoki’s victory gave heart to the loyalists and brought new sup port to their cause. 8 The size of this Bakufu army of three divisions is not known. The romantic war tales put it as high as one million, an absurd figure. Hakuseld, relying upon Jdkyuki, puts the total number of men mobilized for the attack upon Kyoto in 1221 at 190,000, of which the contingent based upon Kamakura accounts for 100,000. This is hard to believe. It is more likely that the force of mounted warriors sent from the Kamakura command area was a fast-moving body of about 10,000 picked men under YasutokL The main body, which left the eastern provinces by the mountain road (Tosando), may have numbered 50,000, and the troops from the North, which arrived from Echizen too late, were put at 40,000. The total number mobilized was probably about 100,000. In the campaign of 1333 the force mobilized by the Bakufu is not likely to have much exceeded this total. The hard core of Kanto warriors furnished by Kamakura was probably not more than 10,000 in combatant strength. Local warriors recruited by Osaragi in or near the Home Provinces may have numbered 20,000, and his total strength perhaps reached 50,000. Nagoshi is not likely to have collected a larger force than this. The total combatant strength of the three divisions may have been over 100,000, but it would have been difficult to supply and manoeuvre a really great number in the wild Yoshino country. The opposing armies at Austerlitz each num bered 80,000. For a further discussion of the numbers engaged in the civil wars, see pp. 120-21 below. The defence of Chihaya is discussed in detail on pp. 123-24.
3. G o-Daigo s Return Some historians argue that Kusunoki had deliberately tempted the Bakufu army to concentrate upon the siege of Chihaya so that other parts of the country could be held by the loyalist volunteers. This may be an exaggerated view, but it is true that the Bakufu found it increasingly difficult to hold Kyoto in face of the rising fortunes of the loyalists, and that the levies of the three Bakufu generals on the vassals in and near the Home Provinces left wide areas open for the movement of adherents to the cause of Go-Daigo. In these circumstances the banished Emperor, to whom news was regularly sent by fishing boat, began to see a prospect of victory, and as the spring of 1333 advanced he received messages from Morinaga and Kusunoki that encouraged him to take the risk of leaving the island. W ith the connivance of one or more of his guards he got away in a small craft, pursued but not overtaken by the dismayed governor. He reached the Izumo shore safely and made his way thence to Hold province, where an escort was provided by a loyal warrior, Nawa Nagatoshi. H e was lodged in a monastery near Nawa’s house. There he established a temporary court while awaiting news from Morinaga or Kusunoki, and m et with encouraging responses to a call for loyal supporters which he had issued soon after landing. The partisans of the imperial cause had now begun to dominate the western part of Japan, and even the Rokuhara garrison in the capital was sorely tried. It was able to beat off one attack after another, but was obliged to call for strong reinforcements from the East. The Bakufu responded by sending two divisions, which were put under the command of Nagoshi Takaiye and Ashikaga Takauji, respectively. Both of these generals came from great feudal houses. Nagoshi was a member of the Hojo clan. Takauji was the head of the Ashikaga, a family of Seiwa Minamoto stock that had stood by Yoritomo from the time of his rising in 1180 and was now one of the wealthiest and most respected families in the East. The Regent Takatoki placed great faith in Takauji, who had already been sent on military duty to the west in 1331 and had taken part in the attack upon Kasagi. Both divisions set out from Kyoto early in June 1333. Nagoshi was promptly killed in battle, leaving Takauji in sole command of all Bakufu forces in western Japan.9 H e was soon using them against the Bakufu. Takauji had led his powerful army along the Sanindo in the direc tion of Hold province, with the announced intention of attacking and capturing Go-Daigo and his now rapidly multiplying supporters. But 9 Nagoshi’s force had left Kyoto on the same day as Takauji. He was to march along the Sanyodo by way of Harima and Bizen into the province of Hold. But when he reached the environs of Yodo he encountered Akamatsu Norimura, the enterprising leader of guerrilla raids from Harima, and was defeated and slain. His troops fled back to Kyoto. It may be imagined what dismay this news caused in Kamakura.
he suddenly halted just after leaving Yamashiro province, turned round, and threw his weight on the side of the imperial cause. He forthwith attacked the Hojo garrison in Kyoto and drove it out of the city. His decision to change sides was not sudden, but had been made before he reached Kyoto from the East, and ( it seem s) communicated secretly to Go-Daigo not long afterwards. H e sent envoys to Hoki asking for a commission to attack the Bakufu, and the commission je a ch e d him while he was still in Omi province. He then (June 1333) sent word secretly to possible allies throughout the country from Oshu to Kyushu, on minute scraps of paper concealed in the topknots of messengers or in the seams of their garments. Relieved of all fear of capture, Go-Daigo with the courtiers who had joined him in Hold returned by an easy, indirect route to Kyoto and established himself in the Palace towards the end of July 1333. H e reentered the capital as if returning from a journey. He had the Imperial Seal with him and there was no need for an accession cere mony. H e treated the young Kazuhito (th e Emperor Kogon accord ing to the Hojo view) quite generously, according him the privileges of an ex-emperor and transferring to him and other royal personages of the senior line a fair share of the estates left by Go-Saga, including the rich Chokodo domain. H e then set about the great task of gov ernment, upon lines that showed the best of intentions and the worst of qualifications—an ignorance of political realities. His efforts to introduce reforms will be described in the next chapter. Meanwhile it is important to understand what results in other parts of Japan followed from Takauji s action—what in fact were the conditions with which the restored Emperor had to deal. Something should be said first about the situation in Kyoto after Takauji s intentions becam e clear. Although it was not to b e expected that the Rokuhara garrison could hold out for long against the great army of Takauji, there is a certain tragic interest in the doom of the feudal headquarters that had for over a century dominated the im perial city. Having assembled a great force in Tamba, Takauji began to move towards Kyoto on June 19. L ate that night his vanguard had reached the suburbs and were beginning to stream into the city in seven lines converging upon Rokuhara. Street fighting began soon after daybreak and the defenders were forced back into their headquarters. At the same time Akamatsu and other western chieftains pressed on from Yamazaki and Yahata, setting fire to buildings as they fanned out and made their way into the city. The scene is described in the M asukagami as follows: “By afternoon the sky was full of smoke rising from Yahata, Yamazaki, Takeda, Uji, Seta, and the neighbourhood of the Hojoji. There was no daylight. I t was as if the scene had been rubbed over with ink.” From these grim surroundings the two Hojo
deputies (Tand ai) decided that they must somehow extricate the two ex-emperors and the young Kogon. They contrived to escape under cover of night and reached Omi, whence they hoped to join one of the Bakufu armies still in the field. They were attacked on the way, and one of them (Tokim asu) was killed. Turning eastward, they were checked by loyalist soldiers and suffered heavy losses. The survivors rallied, but on the following morning they found their way east stopped by a royal prince in holy orders who had assembled a force near Ibulayama. This was Itsutsuji Hyobukyo Shinno, who had doubtless been in touch with Go-Daigo. Loyalist supporters from Mino were also closing in, and Nakatoki, the second Tandai, saw that there was no hope of storming through to the Tokaido. He and his men went to a nearby chapel and there committed suicide. To this day there is preserved in a monastery called Rengeji a death roll of more than four hundred names. The royal fugitives were captured and led to safety. Such was the end of the great establishment of the Kamakura Bakufu in the West. It had held down the capital and its neighbour ing provinces, dictated to the Emperor and his nobles, and kept a watch on the vassals in the western provinces for over a century since the appointment of the first pair of Rokuhara Tandai, Yasutoki and Tokifusa, in 1221. Now it was utterly destroyed and there was no prospect of a revival of the Hojo power. W hen news of the collapse of the Rokuhara troops reached the army that was still besieging Chihaya, its commanders raised the siege and withdrew. They moved southward, in the hope of later recovery, but they soon found that their position was impossible. They surrendered, and their troops went over to Takauji. Some of them were executed by Takauji’s order. One immediate sequel of the fall of the Bakufu was the end of the line of Kamakura Shoguns. I t had begun with Yoritomo, who was followed by two Shoguns of Minamoto stock. After that the Bakufu had drawn upon the Fujiwara family for two successive Shoguns, and then came four princes of the blood royal. The last of these was Prince Morikuni, who held office from 1308 to 1333—longer than any of his royal predecessors—until his functions ceased with the collapse of his headquarters. A new line of Shoguns was to begin five years later, the first being Ashikaga Takauji. In reviewing the success of the loyalist movement which led to the restoration of Go-Daigo, one cannot but be impressed by the important part .played by Prince Morinaga. His skill, his courage, and his prestige combined to evoke a remarkable response to the appeals for support sent by him to warriors and to monasteries. In Kusunoki he had a perfect colleague, brave and resourceful and firm in his loyalty. I t is at first sight surprising that Go-Daigo was able to find so much support among warrior families who had no special feeling of loyalty
to the sovereign. Men like Kusunold belonged to families which had for generations been loyal tenants of Crown lands, and had therefore suffered from the depredations of the Bakufu. But there were other families not especially devoted to the Throne whose estates had been confiscated or reduced by the Bakufu after the abortive rising of G o-Toba in 1221, and they also were hostile to the Bakufu. A third and very important element in the loyalist resistance was the animosity of powerful rivals of the Ashikaga family, notably Nitta and Akamatsu. T he historical importance of the conflict lies in its character not as a dynastic struggle but as an aspect of the emergence of a new feudal society in which families hitherto of no great prominence play a leading part. It will be shown in later chapters that the war between the Courts was not confined to rivals for succession to the throne, but was a national war among great houses throughout the country. It would not have lasted fifty years had it been a mere quarrel of princes. 4. T he Fall o f Kamakura While the fortunes of the Bakufu were rapidly declining in western Japan, the outlook in Kamakura was becoming desperate. Many strong feudal chieftains were ready to join in destroying the Hojo family. Apart from Ashikaga Takauji, whose change of front had undermined their position in the capital and surrounding provinces, the Hojo had a dangerous enemy in the East. This was a warrior named Nitta Yoshisada, who was soon to strike their death blow. Nitta probably felt no need to justify attacking the Hojo, but he had some grounds for disliking them. His family were of the same origin as the Ashikaga but ranked below them, although descended from an elder son.10 They were long settled in Kotsuke province and 10 The abbreviated pedigree is: S E IW A C E N JI
Yorinobu Yoshiiye
_____________________ !_____________ _
_______________ _______ \
Yoshishige (elder)
Nitta family
Yoshiyasu (younger)
Ashikaga family
There was no absolute rule of primogeniture. The Ashikaga family was ranked above the Nitta family partly, no doubt, because of its connexion by marriage with the Hojo family.
had not been prominent in Kamakura because their ancestor at the time of Yoritomos uprising was deaf to the Minamoto call. Thus unable to reach the heights of feudal society, they tended to live apart and nourish their grievances. They spread into Echigo and other regions to the north, where they becam e moderately powerful and (it is said) awaited the time when they could restore their family fortunes by striking down the Hojo leaders. The opportunity did not come until some time after the fighting started in Kyoto in 1331. Nitta as a vassal had been ordered by the Bakufu to join the army investing the stronghold of Chihaya. H e disliked this errand, and found an excuse for returning to his fief after accepting a summons ( ryofi ) from Prince Morinaga. He also received a command (rin/i) from Go-Daigo to join in destroying the Hojo, having doubtless got into touch secretly with agents of Mori naga. He found means of relaying the summons to other Minamoto vassals in the provinces of Echigo, Kai, and Shinano. B y the middle of June 1333 he was able to raise his banner before die Ikushima shrine in his home district, where he was soon joined by the warrior chieftains he had summoned and others who also desired the downfall of the Hojo government.
These allies marched into Kotsuke, ejected Nagasaki, the Constable of that province, and with Nitta's clansmen crossed the Tonegawa into Musashi. They came to the Tamagawa and engaged a force which had been sent to meet them by Hojo Takatoki. The fighting began at a place in the river basin called Bubai-Kawara and on rising ground at Selddo, these being points which since Yoritomo's day had been regarded as the outer defences of Kamakura to the north, comparable to the Hakone Pass to the w est Here the Hojo force, after at first throwing the invaders back, was taken unawares, routed, and then
vigorously pursued by Nitta southward from the Tamagawa towards Kamakura. After halting to regroup his army Nitta advanced upon the city in three divisions, right, left, and centre. The Kamakura garrison was rapidly organized in three bodies to hold the main roads of entry. By the evening of July 1 the attack had reached the outskirts of Kama kura. The fighting was heavy; the troops trying to enter the city through the cuttings and tunnels by which it is approached from the east and west sides were held back by the defenders and found them selves in great difficulties. One of the commanders withdrew and by a detour led his men to the hills, from which they came down on the rear of the defenders behind the Gokurakuji monastery. Odate with the right division had reached the southern fringe of the city along die short line but had been pressed back to Koshigoye, the point at which Yoshitsune had once been denied entrance by his brother Yoritomo. Odate rallied and advanced again, but his force was at last wiped o u t Upon hearing this news, Nitta turned his main body to pass through Katase and Koshigoye to Inamuragasaki, and there, taking ad vantage of a very low tide, crossed the head of the bay along the sands and stormed the city from the south.11
11 The legendary version of this exploit, as given in the Taiheiki, explains that the Sun Goddess held back the waters at the prayer of Yoshisada.
There was desperate fighting at all points, but the stubborn Kama kura defence was at last broken. The struggle went on in the streets. The chronicle in a customary hyperbole says: “The shouts of war riors, the whistling of arrows, the sound of the feet of armed men and the hoofs of the chargers did not cease for five days.” On the last of those five days (Ju ly 5 ) Takatoki set fire to the Bakufu buildings and with several hundred men withdrew to a monastery called Toshoji, where all committed suicide. Although Nitta Yoshisada was the man who planned and carried out the defeat of the Hojo in the East, and in fact brought about their destruction, there is no doubt that he had the moral support and en couragement of Ashikaga Takauji. Indeed it is doubtful whether he would have taken the risk of acting against Takauji’s wishes. H e had with him in his march upon Kamkura captains whose names figure prominently in later feudal history—Yamana, Satomi, Horiguchi, Odate, Iwamatsu, and Momonoi. To complete the destruction of the Hojo regime it was necessary to deal with their deputies in Kyushu and Nagato. The Kyushu Tandai, Hojo Hidetoki, was taken and killed after some resistance at his head quarters near Hakata. His colleague at Nagato, not being a member of the Hojo family, was spared. Thus by the end of 1333 the Kama kura Bakufu and all its organs were destroyed, the Hojo family was swept away, and much of the city founded by Yoritomo was in ashes. But, as one chronicler observed, although several hundred of the de scendants of Hojo Tokimasa lost their lives, the laws which their family had made were unchanged. The feudal system had survived; but it was to suffer great vicissitudes.
1. Go-Daigo's Policies O n c e Go-Daigo had ascended the throne in 1318, though respecting the views of his father Go-Uda, he made it clear that he had no inten tion of abdicating and that he meant to govern without interference from Kamakura. He had a definite policy, which was largely concerned with the tenure of land. He revived the Record Office (K irokujo), which had been established by a previous sovereign in 1069 to investi gate the claims of great landlords to the immunity of their estates. It had never been effective, and after a few years most of its functions had been assumed by the In’s secretariat. I t was all but obsolete at the time Go-Daigo chose to transform it into a court of law for the settlement of disputes. This broadening of its scope was a natural development, seeing that most suits and complaints had to do with that very contentious matter, the ownership of rights in the land and its product. In Go-Daigo’s discussions with his advisers it had been strongly urged upon him that the growth of immune estates had brought dis order to the country, and that such abuses must be remedied before good government could be restored. But in the years between his accession and his flight to Kasagi in 1331, he had neither time nor authority to govern; his urgent task was to make sure of his position against the Bakufu. W hile he was in exile (13 3 2 -3 3 ) he could do no more than reflect upon the duties of a monarch, and even when he had escaped from the island of Oki he had still to overthrow his enemies, the Hdjd Regents in Kamakura. At last, however, for a short space after his escape while he was in Kyoto, he was able to pay attention to the business of government and to introduce certain measures of reform which together made what is called the Kemmu Restoration or Revival, Kemmu being the era name for the years 1334-36. From things Go-Daigo said and did at this time it seems that he seriously thought it possible to return to the ideals of a golden age. He even wrote a treatise ( called Kemmu Nenchii G yoji ) for the pur pose of reviving certain annual Court ceremonies which had fallen out of use; and in general he believed that he could summon back a van ished past. He and his advisers showed a curious blindness, for any impartial observer could see that the old ways were now of little more than antiquarian interest. It was idle to look up precedents, now that the prestige of the Throne and the ritual pattern of Court life had been
changed beyond recovery by civil wars, fires, and other disasters. The great fire of 1177—which the citizens called Taro, or Big Brother, by contrast with its successor Jiro, or Little Brother—alone had destroyed most of the public buildings in Kyoto, including the colleges, and caused the irreparable loss of tens or even hundreds of thousands of books and manuscripts. These calamities put the finishing touch to a decline of the old metropolitan culture; and once the centre of real power had moved to Kamakura, the Throne was too concerned with preserving itself from further humiliation to give much thought to elegance and decorum. O f course the principal item of reform in the minds of Go-Daigo and his counsellors was the restoration of the imperial authority that had been usurped by the Bakufu. But it was inevitable that the sub ject of land ownership should claim attention, since it was at the base of the national economy. Kitabatake Chikafusa, a country gentleman of high character who was later to become Go-Daigo’s chief adviser, discussed the problem of immune estates in his writings on the legiti mate succession. He said that in the “middle” age the growth of the manor (sho) had brought disorder to the whole country ( “rankoku ni nari”), and he went on to describe how the appointment of Constables (Shugo) and Stewards (Jito ) from about 1190 onwards had changed the traditional shape of things ( “inishie no sugata”), with the result that the art of government was lost.1 It was true that the tax exemptions enjoyed by the great landholders impoverished the central government by depriving the Crown of reve nue, and diminished its power by creating within the state wide areas of autonomy. Yet Chikafusa admitted that neither the military families nor the Court nobility had even dreamed of abolishing these immuni ties, so that the prospects of the so-called Kemmu Revival were poor indeed. The object of the reform in his mind was to do away with the agrarian system as it had developed under feudal rule, and this required the abolition of Stewards and Constables—and indeed of the whole apparatus of land tenure and tax collection upon which the Bakufu had depended. W hat was to take its place is not clear, but it seems that Chikafusa contemplated a return to the ancient, pre-feudal rural administration by provincial and district governors laid down in the Taiho codes (7 0 2 ) and subsequent laws. Certainly he did not envisage any division of power between the Throne and the leaders of the military class; he hated the warriors as age-old enemies of the Throne ( siidai no ch oteki). 1 Chikafusa was right about the Stewards and Constables; but he might have added that their predecessors, the Governors of provinces and districts, were also grasping and land-hungry. It used to be said of such officials that if a Zuryo (the Governor or Deputy of a province) stumbled and fell, he always got up holding two handfuls of earth.
It is plain that Chikafusa was a man of immense courage and high but somewhat mistaken ideals. In calling for a return to the Engi and Encho eras (901 to 9 3 0 ), which were celebrated for wise legislation and enlightened government, he supposed that restoration or revival was the same as reform, and generally that what was old was good and beautiful. Yet the truth is that the old system, though perhaps beautiful in its symmetry, had never worked in practice from the day of its introduction, and accordingly that its advocates in 1334 were guilty of either nonsense or sophistry. There is no strong evidence that Go-Daigo intended to revert to the policies of those times. His purpose was to restore the personal rule of the sovereign, and his chief political concern was to restrict the power of the Bakufu. He had to deal with immediate problems and had no interest in elaborate schemes of revival. Indeed most of his Court nobles scoffed at the “Back to Engi” movement. The only meas ures of Go-Daigo which might be described as a return to early prin ciples are his firm refusal to appoint a Shogun with the full powers that had been granted to Yoritomo and his abolition of the office of Kampaku. There is no doubt that the Constables and the Stewards abused their power deplorably; but in the programme of reform as it was worked out by Go-Daigo and his advisers there was no serious effort to regulate, far less to abolish, the manors. There was some attempt to control the activities of Constables and Stewards in specific cases, but not in general as a matter of principle. Moreover, to tamper with the sh6—now a most intricate system of rights and obligations—was in most cases to deprive loyal warriors and officials of rewards for their services; and when it was tried it usually provoked violent resentment of a kind likely to affect the stability of the Throne. F o r all their animus against the Bakufu, Go-Daigo and Chikafusa, as well as Kusunoki and Prince Morinaga, could not forget that it was to warriors from manors in the western provinces that they owed their success against the Bakufu forces. Since Go-Daigo s period of peaceful civil government was brief, it bore little fruit, and his policies need not be described in detail. But it is worth while to notice some of his actions which concerned the ownership of land, for even failures are instructive. W hen he returned from exile he first stayed briefly in the Toji, an ancient and powerful Shingon monastery on the southern edge of the city. H e then moved to a mansion known as the Tominokoji palace, from its position at the intersection of Nijo (Second Avenue) and Tominokoji (Fortune L an e). It had been repaired and enlarged for him. There he at once devoted his attention to the property of the senior line, which included the estates of Go-Fushimi, Hanazono, and Fushimi. O f these and other manors he took charge, meaning to see to their fair distribution. This
he carried out, assigning for instance the tax revenue of Harima prov ince to his rival Kogon-In. H e was also careful to confirm in their hold ings such monasteries as the Toji and the Daitokuji, as an act of piety and also in the hope of securing the continued support of powerful churchmen. H e had made this his policy since his accession, thinking that the influence of the Church would counterbalance the force of the Bakufu; and the course of events during the year of his exile had shown the support of the great monasteries to b e of much value to Morinaga and Kusunoki. Although the land policy of Go-Daigo may have gained some ap proval among the great landowners, it made no favourable impression upon the lower grades of tenant and farm workers. The new regime removed none of their grievances, and the records kept by the monks of the Toji show the Church to have been no less grasping a landlord than any avaricious layman. Complaints poured into the monastery about the treatment of tenants and workers by stewards and others. There is an interesting document in the Toji archives, under a date in July 1334: a complaint by the farmers of a certain manor (th e Tarasho), in which they say that when the estate reverted to the monastery they had expected to lead a peaceful life, but to their distress they had found that, far from reducing their burdens, the Toji was levying heavier taxes than those of Hojo times and was in general guilty of cruel oppression. Many other petitions made the same point, that things had been better when the Bakufu was in full command of the situation. Thus a Toji document of September 1334 complains that in a manor of which the Toji was the ultimate landlord, over six hun dred men had been taken from the fields and put to work on the steward’s own land. I t is not likely that such an abuse of power by a delinquent vassal would have been tolerated by the Bakufu or the Regent as landlord-in-chief. Moreover, the monks themselves proved to be harsh landlords, and petitions from farmers to the Toji and similar foundations were rarely entertained. Thus in 1346, more than ten years after Go-Daigo s return to power, fifty-four farmers signed a complaint against the Toji, and begged for the dismissal of two particularly dishonest monks. Their prayer was granted but the monks soon returned and resumed their malpractices. The truth is that feudal discipline had been replaced by anarchy. W hen Go-Daigo granted a certain manor to the T o ji in 1333, men were sent to take over the property. But they were ejected by the former steward, who with his armed bullies resisted even emis saries of the Court. It was not until 1335 that the Constable of the province was able to restore the estate to the monastery. It will be seen that the farming population put no trust in the re forms. The small holders could not rely upon the Kyoto government for protection, and the peasants found their own condition no better
than before, or even worse. Sometimes they showed signs of revolt and sometimes in despair they would abscond, as their ancestors had done in the seventh century. They had no faith in the justice of their landlords, as is clear from the words in a petition submitted during the Kemmu era: “Even though your lordship should not consider us to be human beings . . .” ( “hito to oboshi-mesare sorawazu to mo”). Nor did the landowners, large or small, desire or even in theory approve any redistribution of rights in land. Most of them asked for more land, more rights, as a reward for assisting the loyalist cause, which (it is tru e) could not have triumphed without them. I t is doubtful whether Go-Daigo or even Chikafusa fully understood the feelings of the military class or realized what the country owed to them, although the Emperor seems to have thought that there was a possibility of persuading warriors and the Court nobility to work to gether harmoniously in high office. In fact, the character of Go-Daigo is something of a mystery, for his actions do not square with his repu tation for learning and wisdom. Chikafusa said of him: “He rises early and retires late. H e listens to the complaints of the people and is looked up to by all.” Similarly the abdicated Hanazono (who might have been spiteful) praised him for his conduct of affairs in difficult times, going so far as to say that he had restored purity to government B ut there is little to justify that praise in the history of his reign after his return from Oki, for it is a monotonous tale of well-intentioned folly and misrule. H e probably deserved his reputation for scholarship, and it is on record that he was deeply interested in the new Confucian philosophy of the Sung masters, which was at this time enthusiastically studied by the young nobles at C ou rt Perhaps his studies qualified him to discuss political theory, but his knowledge of philosophy does not appear to have fitted him to deal with the practical issues that had to be faced. The first of these was the settlement of claims for rewards which poured in an endless stream into the tribunals. The Hojo Regents had found it impossible to compensate their supporters because they had no property available for that purpose, but Go-Daigo had at his disposal all the estates of the Hojo family, which he had confiscated upon their d efeat Yet of such rich material he made the poorest use. Favouritism was rampant, bribery was common, and rich estates fell to unworthy owners, while the hardships of deserving applicants went unrelieved. The story of these awards needs telling in some detail, for it is essential to an understanding of the complicated politics of the next few decades. After the first step, the lavish recompense made to certain religious foundations in August 1333, preparations were made to distribute the confiscated Hojo estates, and as soon as this became known, the warriors poured into Kyoto to present their claims—each man treading on the heels of one in front, if we may believe the chron-
iclers. By the middle of September the awards to the leaders in the struggle had been made known. The principal appointments, some of which carried with them substantial revenues and other valuable pre rogatives were as follows: Kitabatake Akiiye, Governor of Mutsu Ashikaga Takauji, Governor of Musashi and Constable of other eastern provinces Nitta Yoshisada, Governor of Echigo and Vice-Governor of Kotsuke and Harima Kusunola Masashige, Governor of Settsu and Kawachi Nawa Nagatoshi, Governor of Hold Shoni Sadatsune, Constable of Chikuzen and Chikugo Shimazu Sadahisa, Constable of Osumi I t will b e seen from these appointments that it was the warriors, not the civil officials, who obtained the most powerful positions, includ ing the office of Governor, traditionally filled by civil candidates. They were almost independent rulers of great areas, sometimes as many as three provinces.® Thus the first step in Go-Daigo s reform was a nega tion of any plan to restore the provinces to the civil authority. I t must be said, however, that he made appointments of both Governor and Constable side by side in some provinces, without favouring either civil or military candidates in his choice. Now followed the obligation to reward the lesser warriors who had supported the loyalist cause, a matter of the greatest urgency if the Court wished to retain their good will. I t was here that Go-Daigo and his advisers made an irreparable blunder, for the cases dragged on indefinitely, partly because the tribunals that dealt with them were composed of persons without experience and partly because their task was difficult, if not impossible. A month after his return to the capital from Hold the Emperor had established an office for the determination o f rewards for good service to the Crown. I t was called the Onsho-gata (Office of Awards), and it was to commence operations after the awards to the great generals had been decided by the Emperor in cou ncil This was early in September 1333, and by that time petitioners were pouring into the city and clamouring at the doors of the Office of Awards. Besides warriors in great numbers there were delegates from monasteries and shrines who claimed that they had contributed to the success of the loyalist cause by their prayers and by furnishing soldiers or supplies. There is no doubt that they had rendered such services and that the Court party had made promises which it could not fulfil. 2 Chigusa Tadaaki received three great provinces and a great number of smaller fiefs; but he did not live long enough to enjoy them.
The confusion in the city is described in an entertaining miscellany
( Kem m u Nenkan K i) which includes a number of satirical gibes said to have been scribbled on walls by sharp-witted citizens. The first of these reads: "W hat is the fashion in the city today?—Night raids, robbery, and forged documents of title.” Others make fun of countrybred warriors aping the dress and manners of the nobility, or of the struggles of petitioners to get a hearing in the courts. Others again deplore the breakdown of good breeding and the intrusion of vul garity, in such words as: “No distinction between high and low in a world of license and disorder." T he Office of Awards and other bodies which had to deal with claims were elaborately organized. Their description on paper is impressive. But they were staffed mainly by men with no experience of official duties, who owed their appointments to patronage and were being rewarded by salaries which they were not qualified to earn, for, it must be remembered, the administrative offices in the capital had for long past exercised no real authority, whereas the Kamakura government had developed a highly efficient civil service.* Thus the machinery of adjudication was cumbrous and costly, while the prop erty at the government’s disposal was scarcely sufficient to meet even all reasonable claims. I t is not surprising that the more strong-minded petitioners were enraged by the resulting blunders, and lost what loyalty to the government they may once have fe lt The incompetence of the administration was aggravated by a start ling imprudence on the part of Go-Daigo. Soon after his return to Kyoto he planned a new palace, suitable to the majesty of the Throne. There was a real need for new buildings. The inner palace enclosure had been destroyed by fire in 1227 and not rebuilt, with the result that for more than a century the sovereign had lived either in a temporary palace, in one of the mansions of the high nobility, or in apartments within the precincts of a great monastery. Yet this was not a time for lavish ex* Perhaps an exception should be made of the tribunal for miscellaneous claims ( Zassho Ketsudansho), which dealt with minor suits. It met frequently for two years and was staffed by experienced officials. Recent researches indicate that its decisions were fairly prompt and that its orders were usually obeyed in die provinces where the claims arose. Documents announcing the tribunal’s decisions have been preserved throughout the country. The following is a sample: Zassho Ketsudansho Order. (D ate: 1334.X.12) Regarding the claim of Saigo Yataro Morimitsu: Buildings, wet and dry rice fields in Inuzuka village, Musashi Buildings, wet and dry rice fields in Higashi Ebukuro village W et and dry fields of Amida monastery The claimant’s title is hereby confirmed and cannot be revoked. This document is signed by the senior member of the Court, who was a noble man of high rank, and four assessors.
penditure, and a wiser emperor would have delayed his projected ex travagance. Go-Daigo pushed stubbornly ahead. Since the imperial treasury was empty, an order was sent to vassals and stewards of all estates to contribute to the Crown one-twentieth of their income from land, together with certain payments in land. The whole tax revenue of two provinces was put aside for the same purpose, and new copper coins were minted.* Meanwhile the courts of enquiry made few awards to claimants. So, while justly aggrieved petitioners were chafing at delays, news got round the country that the warriors not only must wait for what was due them, but also must pay for luxurious buildings in the capital. An ironic flavour is given to this situation by the issue in the same month of a decree in the sovereign’s name, forbidding extravagance in dress. This is one of several instances in which the Emperor and his advisers failed to understand the trend of feeling in the country. The Court still believed that the warriors had risen to destroy the Hojo out of loyalty to the Throne rather than in the hope of sharing the spoils of civil war— to which many thought they had a just claim in advance, since they or their fathers had not been fully recompensed by Kamakura for their services in repelling the Mongols. The plain fact was that the Court had broken its promises, and strained such loyalty as did exist. All loyal landholders were confirmed in their tenure, but few could so much as get a hearing for their individual claims. As we have seen, the officials assigned to appraising claims were largely inexperienced men. A few members of the tribunal were men of high standing, both civil and military, among them being Kusunold and Nawa, who had been through all the fighting; and a few others had had administra tive experience in Kamakura. The ordinary official, however, was over whelmed by the amount of evidence presented to him, and had no idea what to do with it. Yet inexperience was only part of the difficulty. Even had the boards and tribunals been highly organized and staffed by capable men, they could not have satisfied more than a fraction of the total claims with the confiscated property available. And it should b e added that to unravel the complexities of land tenure in Japan was a long and laborious business for even the most experienced investigator at the best of times. I t was to b e expected, therefore, that many claimants would seek to gain their ends by bribery. It was easier to get the ear of a favourite mistress in the Palace than of a judge in the courts, and claimants who followed this irregular procedure could even purchase estates to which they had no right whatever. One Director after another resigned from the Office of Awards in despair, and a great part of the available con * Paper money was proposed, but there is no record of its being circulated.
fiscated lands came into the hands of courtiers or their friends and fa vourites. I t is said that Go-Daigo’s favourite consort, Renshi, acquired the estates of the Hojd general Osaragi in this way, and that petty offi cials, dancing girls, and the like becam e owners of valuable property. The sources for these accounts are not entirely reliable, especially since the writers of the Taiheiki, the principal historical romance of the period, liked to give plenty of colour to a bald recital. But it is clear that whether the officials were to blame or not, the system of allocation by the appointed organs broke down, and the warriors began to take matters into their own hands. T h e imperial Court was certainly to blame in some cases, for there is good evidence to show that courtiers and Palace ladies interfered in the business of the tribunals by causing the issue of imperial grants of estates under review or already awarded to claimants. Such grants by a land of order called rin/i5 were (according to one authority) so com mon as to be worthless, and becam e an object of derision among the populace, especially since even forged rinji began to circulate. Kitabatake Chikafusa, in his Jinno Shotoki (1 3 3 9 ), admitted that the government had been at fault in the matter of land distribution, but held that the claimants were also to blame, since to sacrifice property and even life was the duty of a warrior, and to scramble for rewards was not the behaviour of a gentleman. He also said that the dynastic warfare which followed Go-Daigo’s reign was due to the claims of an unlimited number of persons on a limited amount of land. In that statement, al though he could not know it, Chikafusa was summarizing the whole of Japanese history from the beginning down to modem times. Discontent in Kyoto was so acute that as early as the end of August 1333 orders were sent to the provincial authorities to prevent both war riors and civilians from leaving their duty and going up to the capital to prosecute their claims. But no argument or order could stem the flow of petitioners up and down the streets of the capital or along the high roads from the east or the west; and before long the feelings of the war riors began to run strongly against the Court nobility, who were apt to treat them with condescension. There was, however, one warrior chieftain whom the courtiers could not afford to displease. In the first distribution of honours Ashikaga Takauji had been made Governor of Musashi and Constable of several eastern provinces. He had been ele vated in rank, and treated with great consideration by Go-Daigo, even granted exceptional favours.6 Chikafusa did not like Takauji, whom he
8 The rinji was a document conveying an imperial command. It came into use to simplify procedure in the late Heian period. It was issued in the name of the sov ereign, but did not bear his seal, being signed by an official after the words "by imperial order." 6 Takauji was allowed to use in writing his name the character for “Taka” wh the Emperor had used in his own name as Prince Takaharu. The grant of this un precedented honour shocked the Court nobility.
regarded as a greedy soldier of no great merit and not of a really good family, since the Ashikaga belonged to the Seiwa Genji, while Chikafusa’s family was of the Murakami branch, senior in descent and much more distinguished.7
Ciphers o f the Emperor Go-Daigo ( l e f t ) and Ashikaga Takaufi
Chikafusa was an aristocrat, and his hatred of the warriors was not based entirely upon political grounds. All the nobility continued in their hearts to despise the upstart soldiers who had deprived them of their rights for more than a century. Now the young noblemen and even the commoners in the capital made fun of the soldiers, who did not know how to behave at Court, wore the wrong clothes, and spoke with the wrong accent. They laughed at the petitioner from the country, carry ing his documents in a basket as he trudged to the Office of Awards. But the Court nobles could not treat the descendants of the great Minamoto leaders with the disdain which they felt for a rustic gentry. The aristocrats of the capital may have hoped for a return of the days when both Taira and Minamoto men-at-arms were mere servants and policemen, but Takauji and his men had other ideas, and the power to carry them out. They knew that it was their arms that had restored the Emperor, and what they had raised up they could if they wished strike down. Such was the weight of tradition that some of the high-born eastern families regarded the destruction of the Hojo clan not as a blow to the warrior caste in general, but only as the end of the Taira and the prelude to a great Minamoto revival. Only a strong and bold leader was required, was indeed probably awaited, for by the end of 1335 (th e second year of Kemm u) the warrior class as a whole appear to have lost what faith they may have had in the so-called revival or reform. The wiser heads of the reform government had done their best to preserve harmony between the civil and military elements in the state, but this attempt failed, as it had done in the past and was to do in the future— 7 In his Jinno Shdtoki Chikafusa refers rather contemptuously to the Ashikaga family, saying that when Sanetomo was Shogun they were ordinary vassals, who formed part of Sanetomo’s escort on foot.
even as late as the mid-nineteenth century.8 In the pattern of national life there was woven a strong contrast between the courtier and the soldier. One of the chronicles described the position at the end of 1333 by saying that the warriors and the Court nobles were as fire and w a te rincompatible. 2. Provincial Affairs W hile the Emperor and his advisers naturally devoted most of their attention to affairs in the capital, they could not neglect the more distant parts of the country, notably the eastern and northern provinces, which hitherto had been under the direct control of the Bakufu. To appoint a Shogun to reside at Kamakura would be a step in a return to military rule, and therefore some compromise had to be sought. Consequently a new appointment was made, limited in its scope. In late 1333 Kitabatake Akiiye, the son of Chikafusa, was ordered to escort the eighth son of Go-Daigo, Prince Norinaga (then in his sixth y ear), to the province of Mutsu. There the Prince was installed as Governor-General of the whole northern region, comprising both Mutsu and Dewa. He was ac companied by Chikafusa and a suite of warriors and civil officials. They resided in the stronghold of Taga, which had been a frontier post in the ninth century, when settlers were trying to push the aborigines to the north.* No doubt as a countermove to this appointment, early in 1334 Takauji’s brother Ashikaga Tadayoshi ( apparently without imperial war ran t) escorted Prince Narinaga, another of Go-Daigo’s many sons, then in his eleventh year, to the East, where he was installed in Kamakura as Governor of the province of Kotsuke with Tadayoshi as his deputy.14 This did not betoken a revival of the Shogun’s government in Kamakura, but the appointment of Tadayoshi to a key position was a sign that the leading warriors, of whom Takauji was the most powerful, were not prepared to leave all political decisions to civilian ministers in the capital. Soon after Go-Daigo’s return to Kyoto in 1333 a new office had been set up for the control of warriors in the city, who were already violent and disorderly. I t was in name the same as a previous body, the Mushadokoro, which was intended to keep order among warriors stationed in
8 When there was an unsuccessful call for kobu gattai—the unity of civil an military. For details see T he Western World and Japan, pp. 272, 311, 317. * Chikafusa left soon and thereafter travelled widely; he is said to have visited Go-Daigo secretly at intervals. He and Norinaga returned to the south in 1336. Norinaga was later named Crown Prince, and succeeded Go-Daigo as the Emperor Go-Murakami in 1339. 10 It should be noted here that Go-Daigo and his advisers showed consider able foresight in sending young princes with capable guardians to establish them selves at key points in distant provinces as representatives of the Crown. Even as late as 1375 Prince Kanenaga, who had gone to the W est as a child, was a power in Kyushu.
Kyoto for the protection of the restored sovereign and his palace. T h e new Musha-dokoro was placed under the command of the Nitta family, with a staff of sixty-four officers,''including Kusunold and Nawa. T h e composition of this body suggests that it was opposed to Takauji; and no doubt Takauji had contrived to bring the Nitta men away from the East, where they might brew mischief, to Kyoto, where they could b e under observation. They were probably in touch with Prince Morinaga, who had divested himself of his holy office as Tendai Abbot and was feeling his way in public life—under the careful surveillance of Ashikaga agents. Morinaga had been named for appointment as Sei-i Tai-Shogun by Go-Daigo, and thus had incurred the hostility of Takauji, who coveted that post. In point of fact Morinaga was never formally invested with the rank of Shogun, but Takauji continued to consider him an obstacle to his own advancement. As we have seen, Takauji did not believe that the defeat of the Hojd and the destruction of the Kamakura Bakufu heralded the decline of the military class as a power in government H e saw himself replacing the late leaders of the Kamakura Bakufu, not as a usurper but as restoring and continuing the true Minamoto tradition, for he himself was in a direct line of descent from great Genji forebears, and was fully qualified by birth and talent to succeed to the leadership of the military class. W hen the Rokuhara garrison was destroyed in 1333, Takauji at once stepped in and set up a Control Office ( Bugyosho) in Kyoto. Its purpose was to keep order in the city, then swarming with njifitary, and it took over not only the premises but also the functions of the former Rokuhara headquarters. This was a clear sign that Takauji intended to preserve a continuity of military power in the state, for not content with applying disciplinary measures to unruly soldiers and others misbehaving in the city, he extended the functions of this office to the surrounding country, controlling travel along the highroads, issuing passports, and generally exercising powers which had formerly belonged to the deputies (T an d ai) of the Bakufu. From that time onwards, though he continued to enjoy the favour of Go-Daigo, Takauji did nothing to identify himself with the civil power. He stood aside when the Office of Awards and other tribunals were formed to investigate claims; and disappointed claimants naturally turned towards him. His military strength was at that time greater, potentially if not actually, than that of any other feudal commander. Nitta Yoshisada came nearest, but not near enough to challenge him; and in a feudal society where ancestry counted for much, Nitta was outranked by Ashikaga. Only Prince Morinaga was of sufficient stature to hinder Takauji’s plans. The Prince was devoted to the imperial cause and by temperament he was in favour of a purely civil government, in which there would be no place for an ambitious generalissimo or for a
military establishment like the defunct Bakufu. There was bound to be a clash between these two strong-minded men, and it was not long in coming. I t makes an unsavoury story. In March 1333 Morinaga had remained in seclusion in Yoshino, and had deliberately kept away from Kyoto, watching events from a distance until later in the year. Then he went to the capital, where he was highly esteemed by the Court party, who looked on him as the chief architect of the restoration of imperial rule. Takauji meanwhile saw himself as the destined head of the feudal order. Presently, when the new government made its inevitable mistakes, in the minds of the discontented warriors he grew in stature as the man who could save them by bringing back the firm and just government of the Bakufu in its prime. Although the latter-day heads of the Hojo family had been of poor quality, the people in general still felt that the Kamakura government had for a century or more stood for efficient rule and impartial justice. Thus the Ashikaga had a considerable following, which grew as hope of good civil government diminished. Morinaga, on the other hand, could count upon the sympathy and in due course the active help of men like Nitta Yoshisada and Nawa Nagatoshi, whom Takauji had offended. As Takauji s designs becam e clear, the Emperor and his advisers were tempted to resort to force, but they were not yet strong enough and therefore tried to avoid the ap pearance of discontent. But in July 1334 a rumour reached Takauji that Morinaga was about to attack him, and he suspected Yoshisada and Nagatoshi also. (T h e Emperor’s favourite consort, the lady Renshi, hated her stepson Morinaga, and it is probable that she inflamed T a kauji against h im .) Takauji put his Kyoto mansion in a posture of de fence and filled the nearby streets with armed men. The day of the expected attack passed without incident, and for the moment Takauji took no further step. Go-Daigo knew of all these things, but when Takauji complained, he protested his own innocence and put the blame upon Morinaga. After biding his time for several months, Takauji had Morinaga seized by imperial warrant and confined in the headquarters of the Mushadokoro. Some weeks later Morinaga was taken to Kamakura with cer tain of his followers who had also been arrested. There he was kept in close custody until late in August 1335, when he was killed by the order of Takauji's brother Tadayoshi.11 In this melancholy story the Emperor Go-Daigo plays a sorry part. In conventional Japanese historical works he is usually a romantic figure, the victim of evil forces against which he struggled in vain. But it is
11 Thus, according to Chikafusa, carrying out a long-cherished design. Prob ably the most reliable account of the differences between Morinaga and Takauji, and their respective ambitions, is to be found in Imagawa Sadayo’s Nan-Taiheiki, a cri tique of the Taiheiki.
hard to admire or even to excuse a man who time after time denied his friends and adherents. It was Go-Daigo who swore that he had no knowledge of plots which the Balcufu uncovered, who without even a mild protest allowed his most loyal supporters to be arrested and tor tured, and who did not move a finger to save his son. I f the records of his reign are truthful, his was not a character to compel admiration. Had it been, the history of Japan might well have followed a less sanguinary course during the next half-century. Go-Daigo did not want for brave and loyal advisers, men of talents in peace and war, but he seems not to have made the best use of them. Among them was Madenokoji Fujifusa, a son of that Nobufusa who had been an ardent supporter of the junior line. H e was appointed judge in the Office of Awards, but he had no faith in Go-Daigo’s policy, re signed from all offices, and disappeared. T he great Japanese historian and scholar Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725) gives an unflattering estimate of Go-Daigo’s capacity as a ruler, summing up with the words: “No wonder the country was in a state of confusion.” A similar opinion is expressed in the Nihon Gaishi. There is further support for an unfavourable view of Go-Daigo in a sermon preached by Muso Kokushi in 1351. Regarding Morinaga’s feel ings, there is a passage in the Baishd-ron which says that he hated his father for his treachery more than he disliked the warriors for their en mity. It might be argued in defence of Go-Daigo’s behaviour that in a disturbed society where cruelty was common, those in power incurred little blame by resorting to barbarous methods; but after all courage and compassion are virtues in any civilized society in any age. All things considered, there is not much to be said in favour of the official class in the capital. After two centuries or more of delegated rule they were without experience in the applied arts of administration. When the time came for them to exercise authority, they had lost the habit of command and did not know how to persuade. Thus while older men were conniving at bad government, the young courtiers were ar dently discussing the new Confucianism and endeavouring to apply its principles to the conduct of state affairs. At best they were as effective as earnest young students of political science might be today in tackling the harsh quotidian realities of government in a period of stress. The plain truth was that the warrior class throughout the country was in a ferment which words could not reduce. For every successful claimant there was at least one, and usually there were several, who felt injured; so that even had the judges and assessors in Kyoto been prompt and just in their verdicts, still the provincial gentry would have been angry and mutinous. It was not only dissatisfied claimants who created ill-feeling in the provinces. The distribution of offices in pro vincial governments also caused great tension between civil authorities and the leading feudal notables in the country.
Go-Daigo had hoped to arrange some kind of collaboration between the civil and military parties in the central government, and he took steps to that end, as for example in appointments to judicial bodies. But he must have been acutely aware that the real test of his power would take place at a distance from the capital. I t was im possiblesuch were the vested interests in land—to revert to the old system of provincial governors appointed by the Crown and carrying out the in structions of departments in Kyoto. The appointment of Stewards and Constables by Yoritomo had destroyed the former fabric of local ad ministration, and their successors were too well entrenched to be dis placed by the civil officers of the Crown. T h e whole situation was anomalous, for in the first distribution of awards in 1333 the Emperor made appointments of both Governors and Constables, although the office of Constable had been invented by Yori tomo to keep representatives of the feudal order in key positions in those provinces which were of strategic or economic importance to him. T h e Constable (S Hugo) was in effect the military governor, and was usually in a position to override orders given by the civil governor. The first appointment of a Constable by the Crown seems to have been that of one Iwamatsu Tsuneiye, who was named Constable of Hida province in August 1333. Iwamatsu had been with Nitta in the attack upon Ka makura, and the need to recompense such military leaders for their services was one reason why civil and military candidates could not be treated on an equal footing. Perhaps an extreme example of the excessive rewards given to war riors by the Emperor in the first distribution of prizes and honours is the case of Chigusa Tadaaki, who had accompanied him in his banish ment and later had led an advanced column in the attack on the Rokuhara garrison. Chigusa was awarded three provinces and a number of confiscated estates. This lavish recompense proved too much for him, and his name becam e a byword for extravagance and dissipation. He was a picturesque character, but his entertaining follies scarcely can be said to have warranted such magnificent compensation, especially in view of the Emperor’s shabby treatment of such a deserving warrior as Akamatsu Norimura. T hat bold fighter had harried and defeated Hojo forces by raids from his province of Harima, thus hastening the fall of Rokuhara. H e was rewarded by the gift of one single manor, and at the same time he was relieved of his post of Constable. In the instructions given to Kitabatake Akiiye on his appointment to Mutsu, the Emperor enjoined him to employ civil and military persons in equal proportions. But in Kamakura the organization of Tadayoshi’s new headquarters was like that of the former Bakufu in kind, though of course narrower in scope. Kamakura was a base for such military operations as Takauji might find necessary in the future. Elsewhere throughout the country, whatever new appointments the Crown might
choose to make, the great provincial officers, whether Governors or Con stables, tended to become territorial lords enjoying an increasing degree of autonomy and controlling sometimes two or even three wide prov inces. T o put the matter briefly, events in Kyoto—the appointments made, the honours granted, the orders issued—were of little importance alongside the growth throughout the country of centres of military power which for the next few decades were to coalesce and disperse in unpredictable patterns. The revival or restoration movements headed by the loyalists had so far done little more than touch the surface of national life. 3. T he Failure o f the Revival M ovement The first serious clash between the civil government and the military leaders took place when Ashikaga Takauji disobeyed an imperial com mand. H e had left Kyoto for Kamakura without permission and later refused to return to the capital, although told to do so in an order from the Throne. His action is best explained by describing the train of events which led to his departure from Kyoto and—to anticipate—his return in February 1336 as a triumphant warlord from whom the Em peror had to escape by hurried flight. Early in March of 1335 two chieftains from Sagami had started a revolt and attacked the city of Kamakura. They were defeated by one of Takauji’s adherents in a desperate fight near the Gokurakuji, but news of their rising caused alarm in the capital, where it was interpreted as evidence of a major effort to return to power on the part of the Hojo family. Takauji, for his part, suspecting a coup de main on behalf of the imprisoned Morinaga, ordered a strong force to fill the main streets of the capital. Morinaga’s faction was afraid to move, not knowing what force Takauji could count upon. There was some ground for suspecting an attempt by Hojo support ers, for (as it turned out) a member of the Saionji family, who had spent much of his life in military circles in Kamakura, was in touch with remnants of the Hojo clan, and had hoped by its revival to bring about the succession, through Kogon, of the senior line of emperors. By the late summer of 1335 most of the sporadic revolts of the remaining mem bers of the Hojo family had been put down, but in August Tokiyuld, a son of the late Regent Takatoki, was still at large and in command of a moderately strong force. H e attacked Kamakura and succeeded in driving out the young Prince Narinaga and his regent, Tadayoshi, who before leaving gave orders for the murder of Prince Morinaga. Tokiyuki’s vigorous pursuit drove Tadayoshi far along the coast road into the province of Suruga. On hearing of his brother’s predicament, Takauji asked the Emperor for a commission as Commander-in-Chief and Constable-General (Sei-i Tai-Shogun and Sotsuibushi), in order
to suppress the rebels. W hen his request was not granted, he pleaded family duty and set forth with his troops on August 21 ,1 3 3 5 , upon his own responsibility.1* H e met Tadayoshi at the Yahagi River in Mikawa province, and they prepared to move together along the coast road in the direction of Ka makura. Tokiyuki had put up very strong defence works in Totdmi near the mouth of the Oigawa, a broad but shallow stream not difficult to cross. T he leader of Takauji’s vanguard crossed at a ford by a bold move ment and turned Tolayuki’s flank. Takauji now pursued the retreating forces of Tokiyuki and defeated them in one engagement after another in Totomi and Suruga, and finally in front of Kamakura. H e gave them no respite and stormed into the city on September 8, 1335, killing Toki yuki and scattering the survivors of his army. Thus after only a little more than twenty days in the field Tokiyuki returned to the home of his H ojo ancestors to m eet his death. H e was only a youth and he had no wise counsellors. His generals and their families, Osaragi, Gokurakuji, and kinsmen of Nagoshi, once the leaders of feudal society, escaped with their lives and becam e menials in Zen monasteries in the vicinity. Takauji installed himself in the Nikaido apartments of the Eifukuji monastery at Kamakura, where he received the submission of a number of former supporters of the Hojo. From Kyoto there arrived messengers to congratulate him on the defeat of the “eastern barbarians” and to bring messages of praise and encouragement. H e was pressed to return to the capital, where festivities and ceremonies of thanksgiving and re ward would be held. Tadayoshi, replying in the name of his brother (who made a point of keeping modestly in the background), informed the Emperor that whereas in Kyoto Takauji had been in constant danger of attack by conspirators among the Court nobility and by Nitta Yoshisada, he felt safe in Kamakura and proposed to stay there. So Takauji began to build a palace on the site of the residence of the former Shdguns. Feudal chieftains like Moronao built their mansions nearby and soon the city was rich in handsome edifices. News of Takauji’s activities began to reach Kyoto, and it becam e evident that he had assumed powers which had not been granted to him by the Throne. He was conferring rewards upon warriors for their ex ploits and had even granted certain manors in Shinano and Hitachi to followers who had served him well. This was to usurp the imperial prerogative, and the possibility of commissioning Nitta Yoshisada to command a punitive force was discussed in Kyoto, especially after T a kauji was reported to have appointed a member of the Uyesugi family 12
12 There are other versions of the request of Takauji and the response of the Emperor; but it is clear that he was refused the full rank and tide of Sei-i Tai-Shogun. Not long afterward he was given a similar rebuff. According to one account, on the day after Takauji asked to be authorized to destroy Nitta Yoshisada, Prince Takanaga and Nitta were granted swords as signs of their, commission to proceed against the rebels. This was at the end of 1335.
to the post of Constable of Kotsuke, which was Nitta’s own native prov ince. Now the members of the Court party began to hurry from the E ast back to the capital, and those whose loyalty lay in the E ast hastened to escape to Kamakura, so that the highroad was crowded with traffic in both directions—like a shuttle, the chronicler says. In the late fall of 1335 the country was in a state of bewilderment, heightened by news that an imperial army of tens of thousands was about to move against Kamakura, while to resist it a great force was to move westward from Kamakura, under the command of Ko no Moro yasu.18 The orders given to Moroyasu said that he must pass through the province of Mikawa, “anchor himself* to a base on the left bank of the Yahagi River, and there await the arrival of reinforcements from Takauji’s own province. He was on no account to cross the river, since that would take him to Mino, out of Takauji’s sphere of influence. On November 17, 1335, Tadayoshi issued a call (in the name of Takauji) to all warriors throughout the country, saying: “Nitta Yoshisada must be destroyed. You are to assemble your clansmen and hasten to join me.”
The Court meanwhile, displeased by Takauji’s independent actions, issued a proclamation to all provinces commanding the warriors to pro ceed to Kamakura in order to suppress Takauji and Tadayoshi, who were fomenting rebellion. The Emperor’s second son, Takanaga, was ap pointed Seito Shogun, or Commander-in-Chief for the chastisement of the eastern rebels, and under him as general came Nitta Yoshisada with a commission to destroy the two brothers, dated at the end of November 1335.13 13 The Ko brothers Moronao and Moroyasu were Takauji’s leading generals. The Ko family were hereditary vassals of the Ashikaga.
B y that time, however, a majority of the warriors throughout the country were disappointed by what they regarded as the failure of the imperial government, and were ready to answer the call of a leader fitted by birth and talent to command. In the minds of most of them Takauji fulfilled all these requirements, especially since he could claim to be restoring the supremacy of the great house of Minamoto. As to the ordinary man, he had but little to say; but most cultivators of the soil had come round to the view that, after all, they had been better off under stewards disciplined by Kamakura than under the direct control of land lords owing their estates to the Crown. N itta’s army arrived at the right bank of the Yahagi River on about D ecem ber 10. The two armies faced one another for some days without any movement beyond a few skirmishes. Then Moroyasu divided his army into three parts, of which the north and south forces were to cross the river and engage the forces opposite to them; the centre, which was opposite Nitta’s position, made no move. T he two armies did not join battle until a warrior named Horiguchi rode out from Nitta’s side and laid about him. Nitta’s whole force followed him across the river, and pressed Moroyasu so hard that he had to retreat in the direction of Suruga, where he made a stand. But his position was insecure, and on Decem ber 20 he was thoroughly defeated in a general engagement at Tegoshi-gawara,14 even though he had been reinforced by the arrival of several thousand men under Tadayoshi. A great number of warriors surrendered to Nitta, but their names were suppressed by the chroniclers “to save them from shame.” After this defeat Tadayoshi withdrew into the Hakone mountain region, where he entrenched himself in a strong position and prepared to make a desperate stand with the redoubtable Kd brothers and other commanders. So far the outlook for the loyalist armies was promising. B u t Takauji, who had come to the help of his brother, by a clever ruse caught Nitta’s men unawares on the western side of the Ashigara pass, and inflicted great damage upon them, pressing them back for several miles to a point wkere they were obliged to halt and make a stand. Takauji saw thj.t this was a crucial moment in the campaign, and to encourage his supporters he awarded them certain manors which he regarded as being at his disposal. Here he was assuming the kind of powers which Yoritomo had exercised. He had in fact gone further than Yoritomo, since he made these awards on the battlefield. This new device for stimulating warriors succeeded because, as one ingenuous chronicler remarks, “the fish rises to a savoury bait.” On Decem ber 27 the imperial troops withdrew into Suruga and took up a position at Sanoyama. Here they were fiercely attacked, hav ing lost the support of a Kyushu warrior chieftain of the Otomo family, 14 Shizuoka.
A point on the eastern coastal highway on the site of the present city
who suddenly offered his following of several hundred good fighting men to Takauji. Owing to this defection (which was of a kind by no means rare at that tim e) the loyalists were broken and routed. They fell back southward towards the township of Mishima. Rain fell through the night, and in the morning the Kamakura army, much enlarged by reinforcements which now flocked to its successful banner, looked down upon Mishima from its encampment on the heights. Not waiting for the weather to clear, they stormed the town and forced Nitta to abandon his position and to retreat through the night in the direction of the coast H e was overtaken by Takauji just as he reached the highroad along the shore of Suruga Bay soon after daylight. A desperate battle was fought there, in which “the tramp of armed men sounded like a thousand con vulsions of the earth,” if we may believe one narrator. Nitta’s remnant with difficulty reached the Fujikawa and crossed the rushing river by a hanging bridge. Now Takauji and Tadayoshi joined forces and hastened on to Ulashima, where they halted and encamped on flat ground near the high road. Here they held a council of war to decide whether one of them, or perhaps both, should return to ensure the safety of Kamakura. It was agreed that both should press on together to Kyoto. This was in mid winter, and snow lay so thick over the land that it was not possible to tell the hills from the plains. I t had always been a common saying that the eastern warrior faced the w est This had been true of Noriyori and Yoshitsune, of Yasutoki and Toldfusa, and now of Takauji and Tada yoshi. They pressed on to Kyoto. As Takauji followed the retreating imperial forces, he was joined by warriors from all the eight eastern provinces and the coastal regions, and by the time of his arrival in Mino his troops were so numerous that they overflowed in the mountain villages. At this juncture an attempt was made by some monks of a mountain fraternity who favoured the loyalists to deliver a surprise attack upon the rear of Takauji’s army, but their plot was discovered and they were put to flight. The edge of Lake Biwa was quite near, and many of the fugitives escaped in boats from the battlefield. From this point the Kamakura army was divided ifltq three separate forces, which were to attack the city by the traditional approaches— across the bridges at Seta and U ji and along the road from Yodo. Battle was joined on the third day of the new year, corresponding to F eb ruary 16,1336. Nitta had erected a tower in the middle of the Uji bridge. On the night of February 21 Takauji s men launched a desperate attack on the bridge, but Nitta maintained a strong defence, buoyed up by the hope that Kitabatake Akiiye would reach him from Mutsu with a con siderable force. Away from the river fighting went on day and night. Meanwhile Takauji was being joined by more and more warriors, men who had come from Kawachi, Settsu, and farther west, even from Shi-
koku and Kyushu. Among them was Akamatsu from Harima, the bold leader whom Go-Daigo had neglected to reward. On February 22 these new allies proposed to attack the imperial forces in the Yamazaki area early the next morning, sending up a smoke signal at a suitable moment so that a general attack on all fronts might then be delivered. Waiting for the dawn impatiently, Akamatsu moved forward, forced his way through the gate, and took Yamazaki by storm before noon. Thence the attackers rushed on to Kuga and Toba in a furious drive which sent the imperial troops fleeing through the streets. By the night of February 23 the battle was won. The fighting in Kyoto and its suburbs had continued day and night from the first exchange of arrows. W ith Takauji s victory a new era had begun; Go-Daigo’s plan to restore the powers of the Throne had failed, and he was once more a fugitive.
1. Takauji in Kyoto, 1336 O n F e b r u a r y 2 3, Takauji’s vanguard, led by Hosokawa Jozen, entered
the capital after a forced march. The Emperor, apprised of his approach, had escaped by night and taken refuge in E ast Sakamoto under the pro tection of the Enryakuji. That day and the next Hosokawa’s men passed through the streets leaving flames behind them as they destroyed the Palace and the mansions of Court nobles and generals, notably those of their enemies Kusunoki, Nawa, and Yuki. On the following day, February 25, 1336, Takauji arrived in Kyoto and took up residence in the mansion of the Minister of the Right, Toin Kinkata. But he was not to remain undisturbed, for very soon strong forces led by Kitabatake Akiiye and Yuki Munehiro ( though under the nominal command of Prince Norinaga, then nine years old) reached Hiyeizan from the north, while Prince Takanaga’s contingent advanced towards Kyoto from the east by the mountain road (Tosando). Akiiye had made a tremendous effort to pursue and overtake Takauji, causing his troops to bear great hardships on the long march. These attacking columns reached Sakamoto on February 27, after crossing Lake Biwa, and were enthusiastically welcomed by the monks of the mountain sects, among whom the Emperor had sought sanctuary. Since the monks of the Onjoji ( commonly called M iidera) were hostile to the Enryakuji, it was natural that Hosokawa should establish himself at Miidera, and that Akiiye should attack him there. Takauji’s com mander was routed in this action, and Miidera was completely destroyed by fire. Takauji fell back and took up other positions, but could not hold them against the fierce assaults of the loyalists, and after three days of heavy fighting the city was lost and Takauji was driven to retreat into Tam ba province. Takauji saw that there was no prospect of quick recovery, and to avoid further encounters he took a roundabout route to Settsu, guided by his captains through Tam ba and Harima. He reached the coast at Hyogo in the middle of March, but the loyalists found him out and pressed him hard for ten days, until he had to accept defeat and escape by sea to Kyushu.1 Many Ashikaga adherents at this time surrendered 1 According to one version, at this juncture, after a serious reverse in the neigh bourhood of Hyogo, Takauji was in despair and decided to commit suicide with Tadayoshi, but was persuaded by Hosokawa Jozen to leave for Kyushu. This sounds improbable; but certainly there was hesitation as to the next step, and Tadayoshi seems to have favoured a desperate attack on Kyoto. There was much argument
to Nitta and Kusunoki, who returned to the capital in triumph. On March 16 the Emperor came down from Hiyeizan. 2. Retreat to the W est Takauji’s troops had been routed in one engagement after another. Following their last stand at Hyogo, Takauji saw that he had no recourse but to secure allies and reinforcements in the western provinces and in Kyushu. This was not a new design, for Takauji had already taken care to win favour among some of the chieftains in the western provinces. He was carried west in one of a group of war vessels which had brought him five hundred picked horsemen from Suo and Nagato, provinces whose Constables were already his partisans. Those of his captains who were familiar with local conditions in the Home Provinces, in particular Akamatsu Norimura of Harima, had told him that even if h e should defeat Kusunoki and return to the capital he would not be able to hold it: he must transfer his headquarters westward, give his men and their animals a long rest, and prepare his army for victory by raising the spirits of the soldiers. In this last respect he was already well aware of the weakness of his position. H e knew that men want a flag to fight under, and that as things stood, the loyalists were inspired with ardour for the Brocade Banner, whereas the Ashikaga leader appeared as an enemy of the Throne ( ch oteki ). The remedy was simple. All that was needed was an order from the true heir to the throne, that is to say the representative of the senior line. This was arranged with the help of the influential chamberlain Hino Sukena, and after some going and coming of confidential messen gers a commission was granted by the cloistered Emperor of the senior line, Kogon-In. The document (called an Inzen) commissioned Takauji to act in the name of Kogon-In, and it was followed by a supplementary L etter of Instruction ( M ikyojo) ordering him to destroy Nitta Yoshisada and other rebels. There is some doubt as to the time and place of delivery of the Inzen, but it appears that Takauji had word of its issue and therefore antici pated its arrival by announcing when he reached the port of Tomo in Bingo province that he was commissioned by the cloistered Emperor. H e began to summon warriors in all provinces to follow him in chastis ing “the rebel Nitta Yoshisada.” In the next few months Takauji spent much time and effort gathering support in the western provinces of the main island and in Kyushu. through the night of March 25, and finally Takauji agreed to embark from Hyogo. He reached there early in the morning of March 26, embarkation was begun in the late afternoon, and the vessels left after dark. Tadayoshi had at first turned back and camped at the foot of Maya-san, eager to risk his life in an attack upon Kyoto. But he was overruled, and boarded the flagship late that night.
Even during the short stay of his ship at Muro in late March, he was active in approaching influential persons in those regions and allotting them spheres of influence and military commands in specified areas. Thus the whole island of Shikoku was allotted to the Hosokawa clan, Akamatsu was confirmed as territorial lord of Harima, and great families like Imagawa in Bitchu, Ouchi in Suo, and Momonoi in Aki were given authority over wide areas. These arrangements were not easy to make, since the Ashikaga clan had but little connexion with the western feudal barons, and no real control over them. Indeed these western magnates could, if they chose to combine, determine the fate of Takauji. More over, it was clear to them from his failures in the vicinity of Kyoto that he could not hope to restore his prestige without their help. O f these things Takauji also was well aware. Even during the revolt against Kamakura in 1331 he had made a point of conciliating the powerful Otomo, Shoni, and Shimazu chieftains of Kyushu and seeing that they were appointed to high posts. He had kept in touch with them thereafter and had gained their good will; it was the timely (and treacherous) support of an Otomo detachment that had enabled him to turn the loyalist flank and win the battle at Sanoyama in Suruga. Now, in addition to Otomo, Shoni and others were disposed to follow Takauji with considerable numbers of fighting men; and by the time of his arrival in Nagato at the end of March 1336 he was in a fair way to obtaining a favourable reception in Kyushu. Reaching Shimonoseki early in April, he crossed at once into Chikuzen, where he was wel comed by a number of Kyushu notables, and was presently visited by members of the Shoni family, who brought a troop of five hundred war riors with gifts and greetings from their chieftain Sadatsune. Not all the great Kyushu families were on Takauji s side. Certain powerful chieftains, notably Kikuchi Taketoshi, were opposed to him. Taketoshi had already gone to the assistance of Nitta in the East, but his younger brother, together with other Kyushu leaders, remained on the alert in Higo, where the Kikuchi family had its stronghold. Thus Takauji had to reckon with an influential group, including such promi nent men as Aso, Mihara, and Kuroki, who were at one in desiring to check his progress in Kyushu. They had entered Higo for that purpose a few days before Takauji crossed the Straits. Early in April Kikuchi attacked the Shoni stronghold at Dazaifu in Chikuzen. H e succeeded in reducing the fort and driving out Shoni Sadatsune,* who then made a stand in the neighbouring hills but was thoroughly defeated and committed suicide with several of his kinsmen.2 2 Sadatsune had retired from leadership of the clan and entered religion, taking the name Myfiye. But he felt obliged to go into battle for Takauji because his family were traditionally liegemen of the Shogun. His son Yorihisa later went into action against Kikuchi wearing a suit of armour that had been given to one of his ancestors by Yoritomo.
The Inland Sea
Meanwhile Takauji had set out from Ashiyaura by road, led by another Shoni, Yorihisa, the eldest son; but before they reached the house of the warden of the shrine at Munakata (a place where heavy fighting took place during the Mongol invasion) they learned the bad news of Sadatsunes defeat and death. Takauji, after assessing the situation, managed to enlist a force of warriors in the vicinity of Munakata. Kikuchi responded by moving against Takauji with the troops that had stormed Dazaifu and others collected at Hakata. Takauji left Munakata on April 15 and marched southwest about fifteen miles to a place called Tatara-no-hama, on Hakata Bay. Here, says the account in Baishd-ron, "there is a stretch of over three miles of dry foreshore, crossed at the south end by a small stream. The precincts of the Hakozaki Hachiman Shrine consist of some five square miles of pine forest. To the south lies the city of Hakata, on the east five or six miles distant is hilly country, and to the west is the open sea stretching as far as China.” On this battlefield of white sand and green pine the two armies clashed, and after bitter fighting the Kikuchi force had to surrender. The victory was due largely to the efforts of Ashikaga Tadayoshi, who drove the enemy before him all the way to Dazaifu. Kikuchi took to the hills and then withdrew into the province of Chikugo, while other chieftains who had resisted Takauji either surrendered or, like Aso and Akizuld, killed themselves. Much gratified by this result, Takauji rewarded the successful com manders. Speaking as a representative of the Throne in putting down rebellion, he confirmed them in their holdings. But he also abstained from punishing those who had resisted him, and his clemency won over to his side many of the men whom Kikuchi had recruited. Thus at one stroke the Ashikaga leader becam e virtually master of Kyushu. After discussions with Shoni Yorihisa he invited all the most influential chiefs in the northern half of Kyushu to join him. Most of the men invited, including such important leaders as Nabeshima and Goto, quickly assembled at Dazaifu, and thus there was formed an amalgamation strong enough to suppress all opposition in the important Chinzei (W est ern D efence) region.3 3. Return from Kyushu After this meeting Takauji assigned the task of subduing further opposition to certain chosen leaders, who severally succeeded in de feating his remaining adversaries and capturing their strongholds. Thus with the help of these supporters, in particular Shoni and Shimazu, he had gained an assured position in Kyushu in the space of a few weeks. Kikuchi and Aso had been strong—in fact, they had outnumbered the Ashikaga force at Tatara—but the victory of Takauji and Tadayoshi was complete. It was a great stride towards mastery of the whole country.
Takauji now felt safe in leaving Nikki, Isshild, the Matsuura lea guers,* and other trusted officers at Hakata in command of all the Ashikaga forces remaining in Kyushu, while he and his brother set out from Dazaifu on May 15 with picked troops of Shoni, Otomo, and other re liable adherents. This army was embarked at Hakata for Shimonoseki, while Takauji and Tadayoshi proceeded northward by land, crossed the Straits, and set up their headquarters at Fuchu, the seat of government in Nagato. From that point Takauji began his eastward movement T he Court party seemed helpless, for the Ashikaga forces met with no serious challenge as they marched along the coastal road. The inert ness of the loyalists throughout April was in strong contrast to the activity of Takauji. Even when he had been in virtual flight to the W est, he had taken care to leave detachments at key points in Shikoku and the central provinces, together with stores of food and weapons in prep aration for his return. To be sure, shortly after the loyalist defeat at Tatara Go-Daigo appointed Yula Munehiro Constable of Shimotsuke and Aso Constable of Satsuma, but these were acts of no practical impor tance, since Shimotsuke was Ashikaga country and Satsuma had for centuries been the domain of Kyushu families, notably of the Shimazu clan. The loyalists did, however, take some practical steps against Takauji in the E ast and in the North. By early April Prince Norinaga, who in 1333 had been appointed Governor-General of Mutsu and Dewa, was back at his post with Kitabatake Aldiye as his adviser. At this time Aldiye was appointed Chinjufu Shogun—the old office of Commanderin-Chief of the Defence of the North which had been held by Minamoto Yoshiiye two hundred years before. A number of chieftains in the northern provinces (O u ) formed a league under Aldiye s direction, among them being such strong families as Yuki, Nambu, Date, Soma, and Tamura. Further, certain clansmen of Kusunoki joined warriors in H itachi and the surrounding country to form a useful concentration. These two groups provided stalwart support for the loyalist cause in eastern Japan (th e K anto), where the Ashikaga family, despite its prominence, was relatively weak in a purely military sense—so weak in fact that of the three strategic areas in Japan, the Home Provinces, Kyushu, and the Kant5, it was now the Kanto in which it was easiest for the loyalists to attack the Ashikaga. Takauji was aware of this, and he managed to get Soma and some other chieftains to change sides and resist Akiiye in Ou while, in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief in the East,4 he ordered Satake and others to harass loyalist forces in Hitachi. At the same time Nitta was ordered by the Court to proceed against Takauji in the West. * The Matsuura-to or Matsuura league consisted of forty-eight Matsuura fami lies. I t was the chieftain of this clan who allowed the English “factory” to be estab lished in Hirado in 1620. * I.e., the KantO, as distinct from the northern regions.
All these loyalist steps against the Ashikaga were rather belated, for they were not taken until about a month after Takauji left Kyoto. As part of his strategy, Nitta first attacked Akamatsu at Ikaruga in Harima province, on April 26. Akamatsu was forced to retire to his strong hold of Shirohata in the western part of that province, and there he held out stubbornly, knowing that the loss of his positions in Harima would close Takaujis path to the East. Nitta’s object was to capture the place before Takauji could send relief. H e surrounded it early in May and hoped to starve it out, at the same time sending separate forces to invest strongholds in Bizen, Bingo, and Mimasaka. Most of these fell, but Shirohata and Mitsuishi (in Bizen) held out. News from Akamatsu had decided Takauji to move eastward rather sooner than he had planned, since it appeared that the defenders of Shirohata and Mitsuishi could not hold out much longer, being short of food. But he had long intended to return to attack Kyoto sometime in the late spring or early summer of 1336, and his preparations were already made when he received the message from Akamatsu. Having left Dazaifu about May 15, as we have seen, Takauji stayed for three weeks in Fuchu, no doubt while there overseeing preparations for the great expedition to Kyoto and also surveying the political situation and keeping an eye upon his allies and adherents. He moved on to Kasado in Suo and thence to Itsukushima on June 10. H e worshipped at the shrine and left handsome gifts for its maintenance. On June 13 he reached Onomichi, and there he visited the Jodoji, an ancient Shingon chapel, where he gave a poetry party and himself recited thirty-three stanzas, which he copied out in his own hand and presented to the monks. This leisurely progress may have been meant to induce the loyalist commanders to relax their precautions, for Takauji showed no signs of haste. But he moved steadily forward. W hen all his forces had reached the environs of Tomo, he held a council of war,® at which it was decided to advance in two bodies, one by sea under Takauji, the other by land under Tadayoshi. Accordingly on June 19 both armies left Tomo. The land army was preceded by a vanguard of 2,000 horse under Shoni Yorihisa. I t is significant that this post of honour was entrusted to a Kyushu warrior, a man who owed no traditional allegiance to the Ashi kaga family. As the land force marched forward they could see Taka uji s vessels under way. When the fleet had made three or four miles eastward, the lookouts saw approaching a large number of vessels, one of which displayed Takaujis emblem. F o r a time this was thought to be a ruse of Kusunoki, but it soon became evident that it was a large reinforcement from Shikoku, led by Hosokawa. According to the Baishd-ron Hosokawas vessels, five hundred in 8 The council of war was held on June 14; two days before at Itsukushima Ta kauji had received news of the death of Go-Fushimi.
number, carried over 5,000 men. Nothing is said about the sizes of these craft, but they no doubt included war junks and fairly capacious ships for transporting men and supplies. T he force included several thousand mounted men, and therefore ( if the number is correct) the transports had to carry an average of about ten warriors, their horses, and some grooms as well as a crew. Takauji with his fleet reached Kojim a in Bizen on June 24, while Tadayoshi, after overcoming some oppo sition at Fukuyama, kept pace with him by land. Several days later, pressure from Tadayoshi’s large army obliged the loyalist forces to abandon their assaults upon Shirohata and Mitsuishi and withdraw to Hyogo. On about July 2 Takauji’s flotilla left Muro on the ebb at moonlight and with a fair wind sailed until the evening of July 4, when they dropped anchor off Akashi Okuradani.® The van of this seaborne divi sion was under the command of Hosokawa Jozen. At the same time the land army led by Tadayoshi had reached Suma and Ichinotani (the scene of Yoshitsune’s great feat of arms in 1184), and camped at Shioya and Okuradani. T he troops on shore lit signal fires, and the ships re sponded by showing flares through the night. This was the dramatic prelude to a conflict that was to take place next day—one of the decisive battles in Japanese history, the battle of the Minato River or Minatogawa. 4. M inatogawa Immediately after withdrawing from Shirohata, the loyalist commander-in-chief Nitta Yoshisada had hastened to inform Kyoto of the military situation. Alarmed, but not panic-stricken, the Emperor sent for Kusunoki and ordered him to proceed forthwith to Hyogo to assist Nitta. According to the Taiheiki, Kusunoki did not agree with Nitta’s plans and recommended that a pitched battle should be avoided for a time. T h e Emperor should take refuge at Hiyeizan, and Kusunoki him self would temporarily withdraw into Kawachi province, so enticing Takauji to enter the capital. Then Takauji would b e attacked from Hiyeizan and from Kawachi, while Nitta would cut his line of supply. Finding that the Emperor’s advisers would not agree to this proposal, Kusunoki loyally made up his mind to die in battle and marched down towards Hyogo. This version of the events leading to the battle of Minatogawa is* * The fleet was delayed some days at Muro, waiting for good weather. There was much argument before it was decided to risk departure, since the clumsy and heavily laden craft could make no progress against a head wind either by sail or by oars, and in a storm were likely to collide or drift ashore. The Baishd-ron gives an interesting account of precautions taken by the superstitious warriors. Dreams were read, oracles were consulted, and a priestess of the Sumiyoshi shrine ( guardian of ships and sail ors) declared that Takauji’s enterprise would succeed. Best of all, a weather-wise boatman disagreed with his mates and predicted that the fleet would ride smoothly forward on a steady breeze.
not improbable.7 Kusunoki was a gifted strategist, and his plan of cam paign might well have succeeded. But the Court always vacillated in times of danger, and its tardy decision played into Takauji’s hand. The preliminary clash between the two armies took place early on July 5. The course of the fighting is described in abundant detail in the chron icles of the period and in die archives of many of the families involved in the conflict. Here it will be enough to recite the main features of the battle.
The loyalist army took up a defensive position in a line from W ada no Misalci to the Ikuta River. Nitta (who had received some reinforce ments from the adjacent provinces of Mimasaka and Bizen) was in command of all troops. He placed his main body on the rising ground of W ada no Misalci facing the sea, while his wings occupied the shore line. Kusunoki, standing with his back to the Minato River, held the zone from Egeyama to the village of Nagata, thus facing the land force of Tadayoshi.8 The loyalists also detached a fairly large body to hold the Suma entry on the Harima road. 7 The Baishd-ron has a very different version, as follows. Shortly after Takauji’s defeat near Kyoto and his flight to Hyogo, Kusunoki advised the Emperor to have Nitta put to death and to call Takauji back to the capital, there to work in harmony with His Majesty. He undertook to carry the message to Takauji himself. When the courtiers ridiculed his plan, he retorted that in truth Takauji was more loyal than Nitta. He predicted Takauji's victorious return, and said that for his own part he would die in battle against him. Whether this is a true story it is hard to say; but it is probable that Kusunoki disliked and mistrusted Nitta. 8 The Minato estuary has frequently changed. In 1180, to protect his new city of Fukuwara (H y6go), Kiyomori diverted the river to its present course. In Ashikaga times the river bed was dry except after heavy rains, and it was on stony ground that Kusunoki fought
O n the Ashikaga side, Tadayoshi’s army took up positions in three sectors, opposite those of Nitta. Tadayoshi took the centre position, meaning to attack Kusunoki’s centre, while Shiba’s corps took a position on high ground with the intention of falling upon Kusunoki’s rear. A third corps, under Shdni Yorihisa, was drawn up on the shore line and moved gradually eastward, so as to keep touch with Takauji’s seaborne army. The fleet of war junks great and small was led by Hosokawa’s vessels. I t moved along parallel to the shore, leaving the Minato River and Hyogo on its port side and then bearing in towards the mouth of the Ikuta River in order to land Takauji’s army east of Hyogo, where it could cut off the loyalists’ retreat T he action began with Hosokawa’s attempt to force a landing, which failed and resulted in heavy losses. He was obliged to move further east and land near the mouth of the Ikuta River. Meanwhile Nitta’s division was attacked and badly punished by Shoni’s picked men. Nitta with drew in haste as soon as it was clear that his rear was endangered by Hosokawa. This retreat of Nitta proved to b e a fateful blunder. I t left Kusunoki in the air, and resulted in the defeat of the whole loyalist army, for Tadayoshi quickly took advantage of Nitta’s retreat to fall vigorously upon Kusunoki. Kusunoki fought back desperately, and for a time Tadayoshi was in difficulties. But Kusunoki could not sustain die counterattack without support, and presently he had to face not only reinforcements sent to Tadayoshi by Takauji but also pressure from Hosokawa’s men, who had driven Nitta from the field and now appeared in Kusunoki’s rear. Thus attacked on all sides, and having lost his one road of retreat upon Tamba, Kusunoki fought on against overwhelming odds until he and all his clansmen ( including his brother) were killed or died by their own hands. The number of their dead, according to the Ashikaga record, was more than seven hundred. They had fought continuously for six hours in the great heat of the afternoon of July 5,1336. In the chronicles of Japan Kusunoki Masashige appears as a paragon of martial valour and of loyalty to the Throne. H e was evidently a man of high character and his reputation was well deserved. But he was an almost solitary figure, for the occupant of the throne could count upon very little disinterested support from members of the military class. In attempting to restore the power of the Imperial House, both Go-Toba in 1221 and Go-Daigo a century later had sadly overestimated the strength of their adherents. They depended principally upon the sympathy of some of the great monasteries, and such military aid as might be furnished by provincial gentry who disliked the rule of Kama kura or were lessees of Crown lands and therefore inclined to side with the C o u rt O f all Go-Daigo’s supporters, Kusunoki was the one who made the
greatest sacrifices for the Throne. H e was a well-to-do member of the rural gentry in the province of Kawachi. Though of only middling estates, he could claim descent from Tachibana Moroye, a great noble man of the eighth century. He was a scholar and a devout Buddhist, familiar with the mystic Shingon teaching and intimate with some of the leading clerics of the day. I t is not certain whether he held his lands in fief from Kamakura or as a Crown lessee; in any event, it seems that his espousal of the loyalist cause arose from his connexion with the superiors of such monasteries as the Izumi Kumeta-dera and the Kanshinji, upon whicli (it will be remembered) Prince Morinaga had called for help while Go-Daigo was in exile. No doubt some of the accomplishments ascribed to Kusunoki are only legendary, but he stands in the history of his country as the ideal figure of a warrior, compact of civil and military virtues in a high degree. The loyalist cause suffered a great loss by his death, for unlike him many of the supporters of the junior line were moved less by their duty to the sovereign than by their antagonism to the Ashikaga. This was particu larly true of Nitta Yoshisada, whose first motive for fighting was a desire to prevent Takauji from dominating the country and dictating to the Nitta clan. But it must be admitted that even after the defeat at Minatogawa the indefatigable Nitta continued to lead the resistance against Takauji with surprising success. Kusunoki s loyalty was exceptional in that it was entirely unselfish. The war which developed from Go-Daigo’s determination to retain the crown was not in reality a dynastic struggle, though it took that form. I t was essentially a struggle for land, and most of the members of feudal houses took sides not to put this or that claimant on the throne but to promote the fortunes of their own families. Often there was a deliberate division of allegiance within a clan, so that whatever the outcome of a civil war one part of the family would b e on the winning side. This not uncommon feature of the feudal wars is best seen in the example of the powerful Shimazu family. T he head of the whole clan was Sadahisa, and his fiefs included great domains in Satsuma and Osumi. When the civil war spread in Kyushu in 1360, Sadahisa took the Satsuma estates and declared his loyalty to the Bakufu, while his younger brother took the Osumi lands and declared himself for the Court party. Sometimes such family breaches were genuine conflicts of principle, but as a rule there seems to have been an understanding between the two branches, and the division between them was superficial. 5. Takaujts Success Minatogawa has been described as a decisive battle, but its effect was not immediate. Takauji was not able to take the sting out of Nitta until early October 1336.
Nitta extricated his army from Minatogawa by a series of bitterly fought delaying actions as he fell back on Kyoto. H e entered the city on July 6, and the next day it was decided that Go-Daigo should take refuge on Hiyeizan. The Emperor at once returned to East Sakamoto, carrying the sacred Regalia. It was a melancholy procession, but it was escorted by a band of seasoned warriors, Yoshisada at their head. With him were other members of the Nitta family and such well-known war rior chieftains as Utsunomiya, Chiba, Kikuchi, Doi, and Nawa Nagatoshi. The Emperor was well received by the mountain monks. The procession had included the ex-Emperor of the senior line, Kogon-In, but he had pleaded illness and turned back to the capital. Soon after this Takauji established his headquarters at the Otokoyama Hachiman Shrine, and there he received Kogon-In and the Prince Yutahito (later the Emperor Kom yo). The position of the Ashikaga forces at this time was very favourable. Nikki and Imagawa had entered the city from the Tam ba road, Tadayoshi had followed with his army and established himself in Kyoto two or three days later, while considerable forces brought by Ashikaga adher ents from Mino, Owari, Iga, and adjoining territory had poured into Omi province and were allotted positions north of the city, with headquarters at the Shugaku-In villa. Tadayoshi took command of all troops and prepared to assault Hiyei zan. T he attack began on July 13, but after two weeks’ fighting little progress had been made. Takauji, who evidently had not foreseen such poor results, decided to enter Kyoto where he installed Kogon-In in the T o ji monastery with the idea of stimulating his supporters. Meanwhile, loyalist flying columns were active in Settsu and south of the capital. T h e loyalists thus threatened to squeeze Tadayoshi between north and south, and before long the Ashikaga force in W est Sakamoto was in such danger that Tadayoshi was forced to evacuate his headquarters there and retreat to Kyoto. On August 7 the loyalists attacked Kyoto in great force at dawn, setting fire to buildings in most quarters of the city. A rapid drive towards the T o ji by Nawa Nagatoshi threatened Takauji himself. At this juncture Takauji took charge, and with the help of his allies man aged to turn an imminent defeat into a victory. Nawa was killed. The loyalist forces thereupon fell back on Hiyeizan, the Ashikaga army remained inactive, and a period of stalemate ensued. Occasional raids and sallies by loyalist flying columns continued to endanger the Ashikaga positions, however, and ultimately forced Takauji to decide upon a vigorous reprisal. Early in October a determined assault was made on the loyalists in the vicinity of Yodo and they were forced to re treat The indefatigable Nitta counterattacked, but without success. This was on October 5, and from that day the fortunes of war went against the loyalists. They continued a scattered resistance at U ji and
elsewhere, but gradually the position at Hiyeizan was isolated and rendered untenable. At this point Takauji decided not to prolong the fighting. H e offered terms to “the Mountain,” that is to say to the monastery sheltering Go-Daigo. H e said that although he had so far appeared as a rebel, he had fought only in order to destroy Nitta and his clan. Now that Nitta was reduced to impotence, he, Takauji, begged His M ajesty to return to Kyoto and govern the country. According to this version (in the T aiheiki), the Emperor agreed and ostensibly for the purpose of consultation went down from Sakamoto to the Kazan-In palace on November 13, 1336. This was merely a tactical move on the part of Takauji, timed when the condition of the loyalist forces was unfavourable and Go-Daigo was helpless. His Majesty no doubt thought it prudent to agree, while not ceasing to hope for a full restoration of his power. This at least was the attitude of Chikafusa, who observes in his Jinno Shotoki that important forces in the northern provinces were still available to the Princes Tsunenaga and Takanaga, who were ready to establish a base at Tsuruga and were in close touch with Nitta. According to a story quoted by Arai Hakuseki in Dokushi Y oron, before Go-Daigo went down he received a visit from a member of the Nitta clan who protested that in fighting for His M ajesty Nitta Yoshisada had lost 163 members of his own family and 7,000 soldiers. I f His Majesty meant to go to Kyoto at Takaujis request, he should first cut off the heads of the fifty surviving members of the family. It may have been in response to this protest that Go-Daigo entrusted Princes Taka naga and Tsunenaga to the Nitta leaders to be escorted to Echizen. As soon as Go-Daigo reached the Kazan-In palace, he was placed in confinement and obliged to surrender the Regalia to Komyo-ln, after which he was himself given the style of Dajo Tenno or Grand Sovereign. Komyo-ln was the younger brother of Kogon, who with the approval of Kamakura had assumed the title of Emperor while Go-Daigo was in exile, but had not been recognized in 1333 upon the return of Go-Daigo. According to the statements of a prominent courtier of the time, the Regalia which Komyo-ln received were counterfeit. Komyo’s accession was declared on September 20,1336, and thus began an age of conflict between the two Courts.® According to the Taiheiki, on the day before Go-Daigo surrendered to Takauji he secretly relinquished the throne to his heir-apparent, Prince Tsunenaga. There is nothing to confirm this in other chronicles, but it is a fact that Tsunenaga left with Takanaga for northern Japan that 9 9 Komyo, who was Prince Yutahito, the second son of Go-Fushimi, was made emperor after Kogon had nominally returned to the throne in June 1336, in order to establish the legitimacy of the senior line. Komyo’s enthronement ceremony was not performed until the end of 1337, though his accession was in September 1336.
day. Further, he is known to have issued a formal imperial decree on at least one occasion from his headquarters in the North. On November 17,1336, Go-Daigo s son Narinaga was named Crown Prince. It seems that Takauji still regarded Go-Daigo as the legitimate sovereign now retired, and therefore thought it would be proper to name a member of the junior line to follow Kdmyd; but Chikafusa says that Takauji wished to please Go-Daigo and had hope of reconciling the two lines. However that may be, Go-Daigo was a stubborn man and did not intend to submit or to abandon his dynastic claims so long as he could see a possibility of escape. Takauji took other steps to encourage a favourable opinion of his actions. H e confirmed the title to land of most of the shrines and mon asteries in the Home Provinces, and he ordered that the estates confis cated since the end of 1333 be returned to their former owners. At the same time he cut down the functions and privileges of Court nobles and officials, and in general moved towards the establishment of a new Bakufu. In late 1336 he was promoted to the rank of Gon-Dainagon (A cting Grand Counsellor) and becom e popularly known as the Kamakura Dainagon, an indication that he represented the ideas of which Kama kura was a symbol—the rule of a warrior class. He would probably have moved to Kamakura had not the strain between civil and military been so severe that he could not be absent from the capital. He decided to establish his headquarters, his Bakufu, in Kyoto. Once established there, he summoned important officials and scholars versed in the laws and discussed with them the main principles of gov ernment. He wished in principle to conduct his administration in accord ance with the provisions of the Joei Formulary (Jo e i Shikimoku) which the Minamoto leaders had laid down in 1232, but it was thought desir able by his consultants to supplement this by a further statement of principles. This statement, known as the Kemmu Shikimoku, was issued before the end of the year. It deserves notice for the light it throws on contemporary ideas, but it must be read as the work of lawyers and officials, and not necessarily as a statement of Takauji s intentions.10 For wherever the Bakufu was to b e situated and whatever law it was to administer, Takauji was determined to settle the dynastic issue with out diminishing his own powers. H e would not be bound by any rule or precedent. If Go-Daigo proved stubborn, he would favour the senior line and see to it that only youthful and subservient monarchs came to the throne.
10 In the preamble to this document the authors discussed where the new B kufu should be situated. I t was argued by Nikaido ( an aged member of the highly respected Nikaido family of hereditary civil servants) that despite Kamakura’s strong historical and traditional claims, whether a new Bakufu should be situated there or elsewhere was a matter to be decided not by precedent but by majority feeling. It was decided, as we have seen, by Takauji.
6. T he Kemm u Shikimoku The Kemmu Shikimoku consists of seventeen articles, seventeen b e ing a magic number for such documents since the date of the Constitu tion of Seventeen Articles attributed to the Crown Prince Shotoku ( a .d. 60 4 ). It does not deal with theory, being rather a set of rules ad hoc, designed to furnish guidance in dealing with current problems. A sum mary of its contents is as follows: 1. Enjoins economy. 2. Condemns drinking and gambling. 3. Declares that order must b e kept and crimes of violence pre vented. 4 and 5. Deal with reconstruction after the great damage caused by the civil wars: Property is not to be confiscated without careful en quiry. Rewards and punishments are to b e decided on the merits of individual cases, and there is to be no indiscriminate punishment of former enemies. 6. In rebuilding, fireproof construction is to b e the rule. 7. F o r the office of Constable men of special integrity and ability are to be chosen; the function of the Constable since early times has been to keep the peace. Deserving warriors will be rewarded by the grant of estates. 8. The administration must put an end to the interference of courti ers, palace women, and monks in the granting of rewards or promotions. 9. Discipline among public servants is the rule and it must be en forced. 10. There is to be no bribery. 11. Presents offered to palace functionaries and government officials must be sent back. 12. Personal attendants of the Emperor and the Shogun must be selected for merit. 13. Ceremonial must be correctly performed and distinctions of rank scrupulously observed. 14. Good service must be specially rewarded. 15. Those in authority must listen to the complaints of the poor and lowly. 16. The claims and petitions of shrines and monasteries must be carefully scrutinized, since the professed motives are not always the true ones. 17. Justice must be firm and prompt. There are to be no needless delays, no ambiguous judgments. T h e Kemmu Shikimoku is little more than a restatement, in the light of recent events, of the main features of the Joei Shikimoku of a century
before. It has a more decided political flavour, no doubt because it was issued at a critical juncture. From its text the nature of current problems can be easily inferred. It represents the views of a group of experienced officials, concerned with practical questions of government rather than theory. It reads almost like a rebuke to Go-Daigo for the failure of his administration to remedy even the most obvious abuses. It is not a judicial document but a statement of guiding principles for the feudal leaders. Ashikaga Takauji, having assumed the title and office of Shogun, established his headquarters in the capital city in a mansion at NijdTakakura.11 H e appointed as his Deputy (Shitsu ji) the successful gen eral Ko no Moronao, and a member of the Ota family was put at the head of the Monchujo, the chief judicial organ.1* In general Takauji followed the pattern of the Kamakura Bakufu, though his staff had no comparable physical facilities. Owing to the destruction caused by con stant street fighting (in which setting fire to houses was a usual prac tic e ), there was no special building to accommodate the officials of the new Bakufu until 1378, when a palatial structure for this purpose was completed in the quarter called Muromachi.112*18 Takauji and his colleagues did not neglect civil administration, but most of their effort during the next few decades was devoted to the con duct of a civil war against the supporters of Go-Daigo and the junior line. 11 The city of Kyoto being a rectangle with parallel streets running north-south and east-west, it was the practice to describe the position of a building by naming the intersection at or near which it stood. Thus a palace near the intersection of Nijo Avenue and Takakura Street was called the Nijo-Takakura Palace. See the map of Kyoto in A History o f Japan to 1334, p. 472. 12 The post was hereditary in the families of Ota and Machino, descendants of MiyOshi Yasunobu, its first occupant in 1191. 18 T he district called Muromachi lay north and west of the intersection of Shichijo and Higashi-T5in, and the street called Muromachi formed its western bound ary. Takauji established his residence and military government offices in this area in 1338. The Ashikaga Bakufu thus founded was commonly styled the Muromachi Bakufu from that date until its collapse in 1573, and the period of the Ashikaga Shogunate is often referred to as the Muromachi era. T he district was close to the Imperial Palace, whereas the Hojo deputy in Kyoto had had his headquarters at Rokuhara, outside the city.
1. G o-D aigos Resistance O n c e Takauji felt free to act without interruption by the loyalist forces he kept the Emperor in close confinement under military guard— a fact so well known to the Kyoto gossips that they used to ask in jest: “To which island will His Majesty next pay a visit?” But Go-Daigo was a stubborn man and had by no means abandoned his life’s purpose of restoring imperial rule. H e had friends and supporters and he somehow contrived to escape from custody and take refuge in the remote parts of Yoshino.1 This was in January 1337. W hen Takauji and his officers learned of Go-Daigo’s flight they pro fessed to take the matter lightly, but in fact they were crestfallen and made a great to-do to trace the movements of the fugitive monarch. But they could not find him. At that time one of the Emperor’s loyal supporters (Shijo Takakuni) had collected a force in the district of Kawachi where Kusunoki had had his estate, and it was probably he that escorted Go-Daigo over the mountain road to Yoshino a day or so after his escape. Shortly after reaching Yoshino, Go-Daigo sent a prayer to the great Shingon monastery of Koyasan, in which he asked for sup port and vowed to enter the sect, to endow it with lands, and in general to promote the Buddhist faith when peaceful times should come again. This document he signed “Tenshi Takaharu” to show that he (Takaharu) was the “son of Heaven” and had not surrendered his throne to Komyo. He established his Court in Yoshino, and decreed a new era, named Engen, of which the first year coincides with 1336.* This begins the period known as Nambokucho, or the age of the Northern and Southern 1 Yoshino is the name of a large tract of mountainous country, wild and sparsely populated, in the southern part of Yamato province. The hills rise steeply and the valleys are narrow. The highest peaks reach to over 5,000 feet and the slopes are thickly covered with forest. This was a most suitable place of refuge for the Court, remote from towns and highways, in a terrain where large bodies of troops could not be deployed. To the east of Yoshino and Koyasan lies high moorland country, rising to an eminence called Odaigahara from which there is a distant view of Ise Bay. 2 From this date the era names for the Northern and Southern Courts differ. The era names for the years 1 3 34-40 are given below. Northern Court Southern Court
1334 Kemmu 1 Kemmu 1
1335 Kemmu 2 Kemmu 2
1336 Kemmu 3 Engen 1
1337 Kemmu 4 Engen 2
1338 1339 1340 Ryakud Ryakud RyakuS 1 2 3 Engen Engen Kdkoku 4 3 1
Courts, respectively the “senior” line of Komyo established in Kyoto and the “junior” line of Go-Daigo established in Yoshino. Go-Daigo was joined in Yoshino by a number of ministers and Court officials of high rank, but his military strength was uncertain. After the death of Kusunold and the defeat of Nitta Yoshisada, it would seem as if an effort to resume the struggle against Takauji’s superior numbers could be nothing but a forlorn hope. Yet Go-Daigo could still count upon a surprising amount of political sympathy and a degree of military strength which, if skilfully used, was by no means negligible. H e also had certain topographical advantages, in that the mountainous terrain of Ise, Kii, and Yamato, where he had active partisans, was ideally suited to his military needs, being at once hard to attack and convenient as a base for guerrilla raids on other provinces. I t was thanks to these cir cumstances that Go-Daigo s hastily established Southern Court was to hold out for half a century.* Fortunately for his cause Go-Daigo had supporters in many other provinces as well—in twenty-five out of the sixty-six, according to some accounts. Even though the direct military effort which these forces could contribute was small, it was often sufficient to create useful diver sions or to immobilize enemy forces at a long distance from the main field of operations. O f particular value was the strength of the loyalists in the North, which kept Ashikaga troops on the watch to prevent sud den descents upon important centres in the eastern provinces. During Takauji’s absence in Kyushu, Kitabatake Alaiye had collected a large following in Mutsu and Hitachi, and other adherents of Go-Daigo en couraged resistance movements among the rural gentry in the North, many of whom feared that their interests would suffer at the hands of ruthless feudal overlords like the Ashikaga. Accounts of battles long ago are tedious, but since these battles are the substance of a national legend and elements in the formation of a national ethos, it will not do to pass over them in silence. In the warfare that followed Go-Daigo’s escape to Yoshino, the winds of fortune blew to and fro, the tides of conflict ebbed and flowed. Each side had its defeats and victories, and for a long time no definite result was reached. Perhaps the most striking feature of this prolonged struggle was the persistence with which the loyalists returned to the attack after what seemed like crushing reverses. After the failure at Minatogawa, Nitta had evaded pursuit and now, accompanying the Crown Prince Tsunenaga and his brother Prince Takanaga, he hastened to Tsuruga in Echizen. The Prince-Abbot Soncho (M unenaga) made his way from Hiyeizan to Ise, where he joined Chikafusa. Other loyalist leaders had gone into hiding in Kawachi or * Go-Daigo left Yoshino sometime in 1337; his movements thereafter are not exactly known, but he appears to have gone from place to place during 1337. Later (1 3 4 9 ) the Court was situated south of Yoshino in a remote locality called Anau ( pronounced A n6).
Kii to prepare for a new rising. The wild country of Yoshino was like a natural fortress, well suited to serve as headquarters of a volunteer army to be raised in those adjoining provinces. At the end of the third year of the Kemmu era, on a date corre sponding to January 27,1337, a few days after settling in Yoshino, GoDaigo sent word to Akiiye in Mutsu, ordering him to come to the aid of the Southern army, that is, the troops in the country south of Kyoto. Akiiye replied that he had been forced to yield the stronghold of Taga to the powerful enemy forces operating in that region, and had with drawn with Prince Norinaga to a fortress called Ryozenji (in D ates country). Later in the year a loyalist force under D ate and Yuki that had been operating in the neighbourhood of Utsunomiya made a sally to Ryozenji, and gave some help and encouragement to Akiiye, who was thus enabled to reach Utsunomiya, escorting Norinaga and picking up adherents on the way. Akiiye s men were in such good heart that from Utsunomiya they began to attack enemy forces in the vicinity, and towards the end of 1337 they set out on a westward drive. They were opposed by Takauji’s son, Yoshialdra, based upon Kamakura, who had raised a force for serv ice in the eastern provinces, but he was defeated at the Tonegawa ( D e cember 24, 1337) and fled to Miura, while the loyalists passed unhin dered through Musashi to Fuchu, and thence proceeded to occupy Kamakura. At this point the outlook for the loyalists in the eastern part of Japan was not unfavourable, but it was not to remain so for long. In the early spring of the following year ( February 1338) Akiiye marched westward along the Tokaido, being met in Totomi province by local reinforce ments. He next entered Mino province, but here he was checked by Tadayoshi and Ko no Morofuyu (a younger cousin of Moronao) with a strong array, at the same time being pressed from the rear by another Ashikaga force. The two armies met in battle on March 22, at a point of strategical importance which was to figure nearly three centuries later under the name of Sekigahara as the site of perhaps the most decisive battle in the history of civil wars in Japan. Here Akiiye was halted and obliged to fight his way through Iga, reaching Nara a week later. After resting and reorganizing his forces, he was planning to attack Kyoto when he was fallen upon by a great Ashikaga Bakufu army under Ko no Moronao and barely escaped into Kawachi, while Prince Norinaga made his way into Yoshino. In Kawachi Akiiye was able to re-form his defeated force, and at the end of April he drove through enemy resistance to Tennoji (some ten miles southwest of Kyoto and the site of one of the first Buddhist monasteries in Jap an ), whence he pursued the enemy commander (Hosokawa Akiu ji) towards the capital. Alarmed by the loyalists’ progress, Tadayoshi went to the T oji monastery to organize the defence of the city, and took the Emperor Komyo into protective custody. He sent aU available
The eastern provinces
troops against the loyalist forces at Tennoji and Otokoyama, the hill on which stood the celebrated Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine. At Tennoji, after desperate fighting, the loyalist force had to give way, and Akiiye led his tired troops to Izumi, where he was again attacked by a rein forced Bakufu army. H e was at length utterly broken, and died fighting at a place palled Ishizu in Izumi, early in June 1338. He was only twenty years of age. There is a tearful description of his death in his father s Jinno Shotoki, and the Tathetki contains a passage of mournful praise, calling him an incomparable leader. Akinobu, his younger brother, had held out against heavy assaults upon Otokoyama, but he was forced to withdraw for lack of provisions and escaped into Kawachi. In August Moronao and his colleagues wan tonly set fire to the shrine, which was entirely destroyed. Thus loyalist resistance to the Ashikaga in the neighbourhood of the capital city was overcome, and in other parts of Japan the outlook was not encouraging for Go-Daigo. The defeat of Akiiye was regarded as so important that Takauji was rewarded by the Emperor Komyo and appointed Sei-i TaiShogun—the rank which Go-Daigo had been unwilling to grant him. Another loyalist force in the North was that of Nitta Yoshisada in Echizen. As we have seen, Nitta had set out for Tsuruga in November 1336, after being entrusted by Go-Daigo with the care of the Crown Prince Tsunenaga just before the Em perors descent from Hiyeizan. Nitta’s northward advance was checked by the Constable of Echizen, Shiba Takatsune. The weather was intensely cold, and Nitta’s men struggled against wind and snow until they reached the stronghold of Kanagasaki4 in a state of exhaustion late in November. An Ashikaga force was immediately sent from Shinano to hold Nitta, followed at the close of the year by a large-scale expedition under the joint command of Moronao and Moroyasu. Nitta, who seems never to have been alarmed by the predicaments in which he involved himself, raised some local levies and sent his brother W akiya Yoshisuke5 to make contact with the prominent Echizen loyalist Uryu Tamotsu, in his for tress at Somayama. W ith this addition to his strength and with the pros pect of further help from Yuki Chikatomo in Oshu, to whom he sent a summons in the name of the Crown Prince, Nitta felt ready for action on a grand scale. At this juncture his forces repelled a series of fierce attacks upon Kanagasaki. Meanwhile Uryu took the offensive from Somayama and captured the stronghold of Shiba, the Constable of Echizen. If the liaison between Nitta and Uryu had been perfected, the two together might have made an impressive force, but they allowed the enemy to nibble at their strength and finally Uryu had to fall back on * * Kanagasaki is on the seaward side of Tsuruga, overlooking die harbour. 6 Yoshisuke had upon marriage formed a new branch of the Nitta clan named Wakiya.
Somayama in the middle of M arch 1337. Kanagasaki, after a threemonth siege, was now isolated and short of food. The indomitable Nitta secretly left the besieged castle and with Yoshisuke and others entered Somayama in the hope of devising a plan to save Kanagasaki. B u t Kanagasald’s defenders were exhausted and starving, reduced to eating horseflesh.* They held out for another twenty days against attacks by day and night, until on April 7 at dawn Moroyasu broke down the main gates and stormed in, Shimazu s contingent leading the way. The Prince Takanaga and Nitta s son Yoshiald took their own lives. Tsunenaga was able to escape in the confusion, but was captured on his way to seek shelter in Somayama. H e was taken to Kyoto, where he was given poison by Takauji—a fate also met by his brother Narinaga, who was captured a few days later.67 Upon the fall of Kanagasaki Takauji announced the victory to the western provinces, saying that Nitta and all his followers had been put to the sword and the castle destroyed by fire. This report was prema ture, for although Nitta s plans for victory in the North had failed, he himself was still active, and with his younger brother was in Somayama working out schemes for raising troops and continuing the struggle against Takauji. H e rallied the many members of the Nitta clan settled in Echigo, and he found other adherents, including the armed monks of the Heisenji monastery. In the course of time he was able once again to get a considerable force together. In response to calls from the Court in Yoshino in April 1338 he sent Yoshisuke to help in the attack on Otokoyama, but he retained the main body of his new army for his own project. I t must have been of important dimensions, for Takauji was so alarmed that he gave strict orders to the Constable Shiba Takatsune to attack Somayama. Shiba s attack proved unsuccessful, and he had to withdraw to a district now comprising the town of Fukui and its envi rons, where he built defences across the plain to stop Nitta s advance. At this point fate took a hand. Takauji sent reinforcements under the command of Hosokawa Akiuji to assist in the defence of Shiba’s stronghold of Kuromaru (th e Black F o r t), and a contingent of Hoso kawa s troops came across a small group of about fifty horse, led by Nitta himself. In the melee that ensued Nitta was mortally wounded by an arrow. This was in August 1338, when he was not yet thirty-eight years old. It seems that the unfortunate encounter was due to a change o f front by the Heisenji monks, who had been bribed by Shiba. Nitta had hurried to the gap in his line created by their defection, and had run into Hosokawa’* force by sheer accident 6 For a Buddhirt to eat horseflesh was held to break his karma and return him to an animal stage of existence. 7 Among others who lost their lives here was Ichijd Yuldfusa, a celebrated cal ligrapher who had long been a loyal supporter of Go-Daigo. He was killed alongside the Prince Tsunenaga, whom he was escorting.
There is little detailed information about the reputation of Nitta Yoshisada at the time of his death; but contemporary references to him suggest that he was not highly esteemed as a general by his own side. The Taiheiki, although relating events before and after his death, has only one brief reference to his character. Chikafusa in the Jinno Shotoki says of Nitta that he was frequently summoned by the Em peror but was never available, and that he died in battle without having achieved any thing of importance ( “sa seru koto naku shite”). This passage follows upon a mention of the death of Chikafusa’s son Aldiye, a bitter loss which might have been prevented (h e doubtless fe lt) had Nitta not stayed fighting in the North. The story recounted in the T aiheiki of Nitta’s marriage shows him as an elegant young man rather than as a budding commander. His wife (known as Koto no Naishi) was a daughter of Ichijo Tsunetada, a Court noble of distinction. At the age of fifteen, according to a lyrical descrip tion in the Taiheiki, she was “of a delicate beauty like the petal of a flower. She wore no rouge or powder but her face looked as if it had been lightly brushed by a roving cloud and her complexion was as clear as autumn moonlight.” She entered the Palace as a maid-of-honour (N aishi) and Yoshisada, a young officer on guard duty, fell in love with her at first sight. News of this came to His Majesty’s ear and he encour aged the young pair to marry. Yoshisada was so happy and lovesick that ( it is said) he dragged his feet when he went to the wars, forgetting that he was a warrior by descent and calling. W hile campaigning in the North he sent for her, but before she could reach him he had been killed in battle. She spent the rest of her life praying for his salvation. In later years there grew up a legend that the unhappy girl had drowned herself in Lake Biwa to follow her husband to the shades; and until very recent times the village near her burial place staged every year a simple play to soothe her departed spirit. There is no doubt that Nitta Yoshisada was a great fighting man, but after his victory over the Hojo he had no real success as commander-inchief of the loyalist armies. His strategy was bold, but never thoroughly carried out, perhaps because he had more confidence than prudence. H e had failed his comrades at Minatogawa, and his decision to remain in the North instead of joining Aldiye s forces operating in the E ast and South was probably a blunder if, as his critics thought, the best hope for the loyalist cause was to concentrate the greatest possible numbers on the recapture of Kyoto, the seat of the dynasty. Like many other warrior chieftains, however, Nitta had private rea sons for his public actions. He was born in a family long settled in the northern provinces, and it may be that he chose to fight there because at the back of his mind he also had a prospect of restoring the fortunes of the Nitta clan. He was driven also by animosity against Takauji, who had asked the sovereign for a commission to destroy Nitta and had even
dared reward Ashikaga adherents with lands which had for generations been the territory of the Nitta clan. The position of the Southern Court in the fall of 1338 was discour aging. It had lost all but a few of its most valuable supporters. Kusunoki, Nitta, and Akiiye were dead, together with many other brave and skilful captains, and after all the heavy losses sustained since the battle of Minatogawa, the military situation was desperate. But still the Em peror and his Court did not despair. Realizing that there was no imme diate hope of regaining Kyoto, they began to think of forming a nucleus of power in the E ast and the North, with special reference to the prov inces in Mutsu, from which, it was hoped, they might in time extend their influence southward. T o this end, even while Nitta Yoshisada was fighting his last battles, a party consisting of Prince Norinaga and other members of the Emperor Go-Daigo s family made its way into the province of Ise, escorted by Chikafusa and his son Akinobu, who was in command of a small force which he increased by enlistments on the way. The purpose of this journey (in August 1338) was to establish a centre of resistance which, while not too difficult of access from Yoshino, would be strategically placed as a base from which raids could be made on other provinces and communications with the northern provinces could be maintained by sea. In O ctober 1338 Norinaga, according to plan, embarked at Ominato in vessels carrying men and supplies destined for Mutsu, where he was once again to take up his post as Governor-General. Akinobu was at the same time appointed Vice-Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Defences (Chinjufu Shogun), the post formerly held by his brother Akiiye. I t was at this time determined that Norinaga should be heir to the Throne and he was named Kotaishi (Crow n P rince). The date of the departure from Ominato is not exactly known, but it may have been as early as October 15. Soon after sailing they ran into a storm and the ships were separated. Norinaga’s vessel, carrying Akinobu and Yuki Munehiro, was driven back to Shinoshima in Ise, while by good fortune or skilful handling Chikafusa’s reached a har bour in Hitachi. Chikafusa at once sent a message to Yuki Chikatomo (M unehiro’s son) in his stronghold at Shirakawa, at the entry to Mutsu, explaining the situation and asking him to search for the other ship, since it had no doubt been driven ashore not far away. Chikafusa now devoted his energy to establishing connexions with friendly chieftains in the neighbourhood arid confirming the support of warriors in nearby strongholds, including members of the D ate family. He established his headquarters in the main stronghold and residence of Oda, at the foot of Mount Tsukuba. The news that Norinaga’s ship had been driven back to Ise soon
reached Chikafusa in Hitachi. H e felt that it would b e useful to visit Mutsu as soon as possible, but found the way barred by Ashikaga adher ents. Norinaga and Akinobu meanwhile made their way back to Yoshino. Thus the year 1338 drew to a close, and when 1339 opened there was still no sign of the arrival from Ise of Akinobu with the reinforcements without which it would clearly not be possible to proceed to Mutsu. An attempt was made in March by local forces to reduce strongholds which stood in the path to the north; but this was not successful. Chika fusa then appealed to Yuki Chikatomo to open a way north, and when this appeal met with no success he settled down to await further news from the Southern C ou rt 2. Go-Murakami In the late summer of 1339 Go-Daigo s health failed. H e died after a short illness at the age of fifty-two on September 19. H e had already named as his successor the Prince Norinaga, his son by the favourite consort of his later years, the Lady Renshi. A simple enthronement cere mony took place in Yoshino a few weeks later, when Norinaga took the name of Go-Murakami. The Emperor Go-Daigo, whatever his faults, was a man of strong convictions. He remained firm in his determination not to come to terms with the Bakufu, and he submitted to exile and hardship rather than give way on a matter of principle. No doubt his resolution was fortified by Chikafusa, a man of unconquerable spirit; but Go-Daigo s own will was very strong. On his deathbed he issued an order (rin ji) to his sup porters in every province, urging them to continue the struggle with unabated loyalty. The young sovereign—he was under twelve years of age—had no important advisers with him. However, Chikafusa was able to keep in touch by messengers, and he sent Norinaga his two celebrated works, the Jinno Shotoki and the Shokugensho, the former prepared for the guidance of the young monarch, the latter for the instruction of his advisers. Chikafusa s Jinno Shotoki relates the history of Japan in terms of the reigns of its sovereigns, tracing the dynasty from the age of the gods to the Emperor Go-Daigo and his successor the Emperor GoMurakami. Its main purpose was to support the Southern Court. Chika fusa, in a preface to a later copy, said of his work: “This record was completed in the fourth year of Engen [1339]. An old man’s pen raced to instruct the young. W hile on my travels I had not a single volume to refer to, and it was with difficulty that at last I found a most abbrevi ated list of the reigns, and on this I had to depend. I did not see what I had written for five years, when I heard that it was being copied and passed from hand to hand. Alarmed by this, I examined it and found
it full of errors. I made some corrections in the fourth year of Kokoku [1343], and this is the book. At least, I hope, it will not be ridiculed by those who read it before.” T he finished work was sent to Yoshino late in 1339 from the province of Hitachi, where Chikafusa was besieged in his stronghold. I t is an interesting chronicle, written in a clear if ornate style, with some exag gerations;8 but for the last few reigns it is a valuable historical source, since Chikafusa served five emperors (Go-Fushim i, Go-Nijd, Hanazono, Go-Daigo, and Go-Murakami) and knew all that was going on in poli tics and war. H e was an accomplished scholar and a fine soldier. T h e Shokugen-sho was also a tour de force: it was compiled in 1339 entirely from memory. It is an account of the origin and nature of the offices of the central and provincial governments and an essay on the selection and promotion of officials. As may be imagined, however, there was little time for such niceties a t the anxious Court in Yoshino. As soon as Go-Murakami was en throned, Yoshisuke was ordered to attack Shiba Takatsune’s fortress of Kuromaru in Echizen, in front of which his brother had been killed. T h e attempt succeeded, and Shiba was obliged to surrender. Then in 1340 the loyalists had some local successes in the northern provinces and also in Mino, where the Bakufu were not in great force. But the outlook for the loyalists was anything but b rig h t W hile their strength was limited, the fortunes of Ashikaga Takauji were clearly rising, and as Sei-i Tai-Shogun he could look forward to new supporters and to fur ther successes. 3. Loyalist Efforts in th e Northern Region W ith the death of Go-Daigo much weight fell upon the shoulders of Chikafusa in his Hitachi stronghold of Oda. As we have seen, Chika fusa s efforts to clear a path northward from H itachi were checked by tibe opposition of the influential warrior Yuki Chikatomo, who held the key position of Shirakawa and remained stubbornly neutral® At about the same time the fortress at Taga, which was the seat of government in Mutsu, had been captured and held by a member of the Shiba clan, Ishido, who resisted all attacks by the loyalists. To add to Chikafusa s difficulties, Ko no Morofuyu left Kamakura with a large force and *
* Like many Japanese chroniclers, Chikafusa was weak on figures. In his account of the Mongol invasion he says that in the great storm the enemy lost “several hun dred thousand" ships. 9 Chikatomo’s stronghold was at or near the old barrier (seki) and military post controlling entry into Mutsu. It was on high ground overlooking the upper waters of the Abukuma River, at a place that commanded access from Kotsuke and Hitachi to Taga in the north and to Aizu in the w est This was a key position, and Shirakawa was still an important castle town in 1868.
attacked loyalist groups in Hitachi at the end of 1339 and in the spring of 1340. That summer, Akinobu at long last left Yoshino to take up his appointment as Commander-in-Chief in Mutsu. After stopping at Oda to help Chikafusa, he proceeded to Taga, where he was checked by Ishido. In the following year neither Akinobu nor Chikafusa could make any headway. One after another the strongholds of the loyalists fell to the onslaught of much superior numbers brought against them by Morofuyu in July 1341. Chikafusa appealed time after time to Chikatomo, invok ing the name of Yuki Munehiro, Chikatomo’s father, who had been a fervent loyalist and had died in 1338 after marching with Chikafusa. But Chikatomo was obdurate and at the coming of spring in 1342 all the loyalist strongholds were surrounded and isolated, including Seki, which Chikafusa stubbornly held. H e made a last desperate appeal to Chikatomo in June 1342, but without resu lt Meanwhile Takauji, well aware that the Yuki fortress at Shirakawa was the key to success for the loyalists if they could win it or keep it neutral, was bringing strong pressure to bear upon Chikatomo, and at length in July Chikafusa learned that Chikatomo had gone over to the side of the Bakufu. H e could do nothing but write Chikatomo a bitter reproach.1012 For the loy alists in Hitachi the end was near. In September Morofuyu surrounded and attacked the two loyalist forts that still held out—Taiho and Seki.11 This was the third year of siege, and at last their garrisons, exhausted and starving, were overcome. Chikafusa managed to escape and probably reached Ise by sea, thence going on to Yoshino. He had carried on the struggle for four years from these Hitachi strongholds; but now his plans for the E ast and the North had failed. The bad news reached Akinobu in Mutsu but he decided to stay there, and retained some measure of influence in the region. In another part of the North (th at is, of the Hokurikudo1*) the loy alist cause had suffered from the defeat of Nitta but the loyalist forces had not been destroyed. Not long after Nitta’s death they regained possession of Kanagasaki and gradually extended their influence to Tsuruga, under the command of Yoshisuke. But his success was of short duration; by October 1339 he had been driven out of Echizen and his loyalist army had faded away. W ith its scanty remnants Yoshisuke made his way to Ise and then to Yoshino. 10 Some of Chikafusa’s letters from the besieged place to Chikatomo have been preserved. They are touching documents. 11 Seki was on the northwest shore of the Taihd lagoon, which was about eight miles to the west of Mount Tsukuba. The Taiho stronghold was across the lagoon, on the southeast shore. 12 The Hokurikudo or Northern Land Circuit is usually understood to comprise the great provinces of Mutsu and Dewa, north of the eight provinces of the Kant5.
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A letter (holograph) from Chikafusa, presenting the Steward’s rights o f a manor in
Aki province, as income for the support of a seminary at Kdyasan. Photograph by favour of Tokhoayama Bunko.
A t the time of Chikafusa s return to Yoshino the prospects for the Southern Court had never been darker. T h e loyalist forces, despite heroic efforts, were at a disadvantage on almost every front, outnum bered and short of supplies. Yet their leaders did not give up hope. There were certain good reasons for optimism. One of these was perhaps inherent in the nature of mediaeval warfare in Japan. I t will have been noticed that even after what seem to have been crushing blows, the defeated side was usually able within a short space of time to recuperate and often to resume the offensive with success. In most battles armies were not destroyed or so weakened by slaughter that they could not revive. It would appear that although the weapons used were deadly in hand-to-hand fighting, the tactics were not such as to inflict really crippling losses. Mass movements of troops sufficient to overwhelm a large enemy force were uncommon, for the Japanese war rior preferred single combat, and even engagements which began with large-scale attacks in close order often developed into encounters be tween individual combatants or small groups, especially among mount ed men who after an exchange of arrows would clash in sword fights. Further, seeing that the contending armies had no heavy gear to transport, it was not difficult (if there was room to manoeuvre) for a hard-pressed force to extricate itself by rapid retreat when, in another
kind of warfare, it might have been cut to pieces, as for instance where a cavalry charge could scatter and decimate a body of infantry in flig h t1* Thus Nitta Yoshisada after his first victory over the Hojo was defeated in action time after time and yet managed to keep a considerable force intact for long periods. Chikafusa also knew how to keep the field for weeks on end despite inferior numbers. His resistance in Hitachi, his ability to preserve his force under fierce assault, was due in part to his exceptional skill and tenacity. Indeed it is possible that had he been able to persuade Chikatomo to remain neutral he could have gained the upper hand in Hitachi and thus broken the Ashikaga hold upon the North. The forces of the Southern Court had a further advantage in that their adversaries were not united. There were constant dissensions in Kyoto among the great warlords, and clashes of pride or interest b e tween Tadayoshi and the leaders of the Ko family. The unanimity of the loyalists was one of their strongest weapons.
4. K anenagas Mission in Kyushu The reverses which the loyalists met in the E ast and the North were to some degree counterbalanced by successes in western Japan and in Kyushu. I t will be remembered that when Ashikaga Takauji left Kyushu in 1336, he had put his interests in the charge of such powerful families as the Shimazu, the Otomo, and the Shorn. The Southern Court had for its support the Kikuchi and Aso families; but its general situation was unsatisfactory, for it had no unified force, its supporters wasting their strength in small and probably personal conflicts. For that reason GoDaigo, while still at Hiyeizan in late 1336, had sent the seven-year-old Prince Kanenaga as Chinzei Shogun ( Commander-in-Chief of the W est ern D efence A rea) to look after loyalist interests throughout KyushiL At that time it was impossible for the Prince to reach Kyushu by the land route to Nagato. He arrived at Sanuki by ship at the end of 1336, having presumably made contact with the Kumano pirates and obtained a passage from them. Proceeding along the coast, he came first to Iyo ia The Japanese horses were sturdy but small, and had little or no protection. They were therefore not well suited for mass charges, nor were there as a rule any large bodies of infantry, any "serried ranks,” for them to ride down. It was not until later in the Muromachi period that a large class of foot soldiers was developed and gave rise to the use of infantry tactics in certain kinds of engagements. Foot soldiers first proved their usefulness in street fighting, where mounted men were at a disad vantage. The best early Japanese example of the almost complete destruction of an army was the battle of Dannoura in 1185, which was a sea fight in which most of the van quished army were drowned. Pitched battles on land were exceptional; or perhaps it would be better to say that they were not as a rule fought to a finish, unless the terrain was such as to make flight or rapid retreat difficult.
and then to the Seven Islands (Kotsuna Shichito) in the Iyo Channel, the base of the powerful Kotsuna clan.1* T h e Kotsuna family had been a powerful force in this area for a long time. As both warriors and freebooters they controlled the traffic through the Inland Sea, thanks to their enterprise and the commanding position of their islands, which stretched across the Iyo Channel for two sea miles east and west. They were, moreover, the leaders of pirates who made their living in the Inland Sea, without whose good will the loyalists would have found it difficult to maintain bases in the W est or in Kyushu. Fortunately for the loyalist cause, the Kotsuna were good loyalists; in 1333 their chieftain had responded to a summons issued by Prince Morinaga, and had rendered great service to the loyalist forces fighting against the Hojo. Subsequently the family had taken the loyalist side in other provinces ( Yamato, Kii, Suo, Aki, Izum i). There is an impres sive list of their services—men and supplies—in the family archives. Kanenaga, together with his guardian Isshiki Noriuji, arrived at the Seven Islands in 1337, and was warmly received by the Kotsuna. He stayed with them for three years, during which time conditions in Kyushu were not favourable to the exercise of his powers. At length the wind shifted. Early in 1339 he established liaison with Kikuchi and Aso, and in late summer of that year, after acquiring further adherents, he prepared to leave the Islands. In the autumn of 1339 news of Go-Daigo’s death reached the Prince and his advisers, and they learned that Norinaga had been designated as his successor. T he news caused them to delay their departure, but in 1340 they at last set forth, reaching the coast of Bungo-Hyuga in late April or early May. T he direction of affairs in Kyushu at this time was left to the Prince and his adviser Gojo Yorimoto, who was frequently sent news and advice from Yoshino by Shijd Takasuke, a comrade of Chikafusa. Kanenaga could rely on some support from loyalists in Kyushu, but he had no troops and was without any great military leader. I t is for this reason that Waldya (N itta) Yoshisuke was appointed to command the W estern Defences in 1341. T h e movements of Yoshisuke at this time are not exactly known, but it appears that he left Yoshino in 1341 and started for the W est, recruiting support on the way to replace the men lost in and after his campaign in Echizen in 1339-40. He called to worship at Kdyasan, and then went down to the Kishu coast, where he prepared sea transport. H e contrived to get hold of no fewer than three hundred pirate vessels in Kumano, and received encour aging messages from landowners in central Japan and Shikoku, with offers of men. Relatives of two important warriors, Doi Michimasu and l * Also called Kutsuna. They held appointments as Steward (Jttd) and Chief Constable ( Sotsuibushi) from the Kamakura government in the twelfth century.
Tokuno Michitsuna,1* sent large reinforcements, and Yoshisuke arrived with a new army in Iyo some three weeks after leaving Yoshino. H e was well received in Iyo, for the Constable there was Odate, a member of the Nitta clan, and the Governor was a son of Shijd Takasuke. His prospects at that time were encouraging, and in fact were be ginning to cause some misgivings to Takauji. But he was suddenly taken ill in Iyo, and died there a month after landing. His army was at once attacked by a member of the Hosokawa family, the leading war rior of the region ( Awa, Sanuld, and T o sa); and within a short time the loyalist support in Iyo was destroyed. W e may presume that the death of Yoshisuke was a serious blow to loyalist hopes in Kyushu, where altogether the Bakufu held the upper hand. The Shoni in Dazaifu and the Isshild in Hakata were very strong, giving the Bakufu control over the north, and in the south, in Satsuma, was the powerful Shimazu clan. Loyalist support, drawn mainly from the Aso and Kikuchi clans, was concentrated in northern Satsuma and in Higo, and had there been a successful military leader to unite these forces they might have been able to make important gains. There is scant information about Kanenaga’s activity for two years after his arrival on the coast of Hyuga in 1340. W e learn only that in 1341 he wrote to possible supporters in Higo and Hyuga, and that in early June of 1342 he seems to have arrived at a harbour at Satsuma and called upon the Aso family for help. Apparently receiving no en couragement from the Aso, the Prince took up residence in the castle of a warrior named Taniyama, and stayed there while getting in touch with local loyalist gentry. His plan was to improve or consolidate his position in Satsuma province and then to advance into Higo. To a point the loyalists in Higo were able to hold their own against Otomo and Isshild forces, who had been ordered to attack the loyalists in 1342. But when the Prince sent an envoy north to stir up resistance by the Kikuchi family in 1343, Isshiki and others attacked and defeated Kikuchi, leaving the Princes forces in Satsuma almost entirely cut off. The southern part of Satsuma was controlled by the Shimazu clan, which particularly since the beginning of the century had developed a military strength unmatched in Kyushu. Upon learning of the Prince’s intentions, the chieftain Shimazu Sadahisa attacked Taniyama s castle, but the castle was stoutly defended and the attackers were driven off. This made an impression upon neighbouring chiefs, a number of whom came to join the loyalist cause. Such valuable accessions brightened the prospects of the loyalists, whose support in Kyushu had hitherto 16 16 Tokuno and Doi had fought alongside Nitta in the North, and TokunO was with Nitta at the fall of the Kanagasaki fort. His family were powerful in Iyo and were on good terms with the Kotsuna. In fact, this TokunS seems to have been related to them.
been drawn from a number of small groups with no cohesion. In time the Prince and his advisers felt able to plan an offensive against Sadahisa (w ho had entered central Satsum a), and eventually to gain some meas ure of control in northern Satsuma. They began to discuss the proper strategy for this purpose by renewing correspondence with members of the Aso family. B ut while these exchanges were talcing place, Sadahisa's forces de scended upon the loyalists in front of Taniyama and at other points and routed them, and by July 1344 Sadahisa occupied the whole of central Satsuma. Thereafter the two armies were at a standstill, and the Prince was obliged to remain inactive in the castle. He had not abandoned his plan of entering Higo, but his hope of success depended upon the two Aso chieftains, Koretoki and Korezumi, and by mid-1344 these hopes had been disappointed. The actions of Koretoki and Korezumi suggest that this was one of the cases where members of the same clan deliberately took opposite sides. Korezumi remained loyal to the Prince, but his force was in a difficult position, almost surrounded by Isshiki and Otomo troops. At the Prince’s order a letter was sent to Korezumi, saying that Korezumi’s life was of more value than his own, since the Prince depended upon him; and this letter was followed by further commendations and re wards. Koretoki, however, while remaining on good terms with the loyalists, was not so quick to choose sides. In August 1342 Chikafusa called upon Koretoki to be loyal to the Southern Court, presumably having some reason to suspect his good faith. But Koretoki remained neutral, and when Takauji, who also knew of the situation in Kyushu, offered him great rewards in 1343, he finally decided to take the Ashikaga side. H e no longer concealed his alliance with the Shoni, and urged Takauji to reward him further. His greed was insatiable, and he was evidently trusted by neither side. His defection made it impossible for the loyalist forces to enter Higo (ju st as Chikatomo’s had prevented Chikafusa from entering M utsu), and a stalemate ensued. The Shoni provided a further obstacle to the Prince’s entry into Higo. Thus for a time the Prince’s forces were almost completely cut off. W hen this state of affairs becam e known to Chikafusa, he and his col leagues decided to call upon the maritime strength of allies in Kii and Ise and along the Inland Sea. They addressed themselves especially to the pirates, whom they now invited to threaten the coast of Kyushu at points useful to the loyalist army. By 1345 the assistance of these pirates had made it possible for the loyalists to consolidate their postions in southern Kyushu and to advance up the coast to Yatsushiro in Higo; by then, moreover, the Court in Yoshino had begun to see a new prospect of regaining the capital. In June 1347 a fleet of pirate vessels attacked the coast of Chikuzen. A few days later some thirty vessels from Shi koku and the opposite shore of the main island appeared off Hyuga and Osumi, and then landed at Kagoshima.
The situation had now become favourable to the Prince. A report from one of the Ashikaga warriors engaged in the defence of Satsuma said that “several thousand” pirates from Kumano had attacked from land and sea, overwhelming die defenders, who could do nothing but throw away their lives. Early in 1348, a message from the Court at Yoshino acknowledged with pleasure the news that the Prince and his company had left Taniyama by sea, under pirate escort, and sailed northward to new head quarters in Higo. The same message struck an optimistic note about developments in the Home Provinces. 5. Prospects in the H om e Provinces In the Home Provinces the loyalists’ position had been unfavourable after the death of Akiiye in battle in 1338, and they had been almost without resources from 1340 until 1343, when Chikafusa returned to Yoshino and began to plan a concerted strategy. It was important to keep the offensive going, and not to think too much in terms of the protection of Yoshino, since in an emergency the Court could b e moved. A gifted military leader was at last found in Kusunoki Masatsura, who, following in his father’s footsteps, had been bold and active since 1340. In 1347 he led a force into Kii and there attacked Bakufu sympathizers with such success that he found his army growing and even attracting adherents from Kii and Kumano, as well as Izumi and Settsu. Thus a condition was created which caused some alarm in Kyoto; and Hosokawa Akiuji was sent down to Sakainoura in Izumi. But he was met by Masatsura with a much superior force and broke off his attack, reporting to Kyoto that he would not be able to withstand an offensive. This news caused consternation in the capital—among the warriors b e cause it was shameful, among the populace because die danger was so near. According to the diary of Toin Kinkata18 a real fear of disaster swept through the Bakufu, and he observed: “Just when the Bakufu is governing in a suitable manner this devilish thing happens.. . . Inscru18 This is the diary known as Entairyaku, the most valuable single contempo rary document describing events between 1311 and 1359. Toin Kinkata kept his diary with scrupulous care and regularity during the whole of this period, and since he held high office during most of his career and was Chancellor of die Realm ( D aj6daijin) when he resigned in 1350, he had an intimate knowledge of Court life and of politics behind the scenes. He was consulted frequently after his retirement and had more influence than the Kampaku Yoshimoto. It is unfortunate that the extant portions of the diary do not include the entries for the years from 1311 to 1342, since this interval covers the period during which Go-Daigo was on the throne and Kinkata was one of his ministers. The first extant entries concerning the Bakufu are under dates in 1347, and subsequent entries give interesting accounts of the complex relations between Takauji, Tadayoshi, and Yoshiakira, and of the course of events in the struggle between the rival Courts. Kinkata entered religion in 1359, and died in the following year at the age of seventy, on all sides greatly regretted.
table are the ways of Heaven.” T hat night (Septem ber 2 6) the holy places in the capital were filled with the sound of prayers. Now Masatsura turned back into Kawachi and there clashed with the enemy on September 29 and again on October 13 and October 21 in hot engagements, defeating Hosokawa and in a night attack crushing the Bakufu army with (said Toin ) innumerable casualties. Just as this news reached Kyoto, couriers arrived from the Kanto, reporting suc cesses by the loyalist forces there. It becam e clear to the Bakufu that these were not isolated incidents but part of a far-reaching strategy, planned and stimulated by Chikafusa and others at the Yoshino Court. Hosokawa fell back on Tennoji after his defeat, and the Bakufu sent Yamana Tokiuji to his aid; but the two forces remained inactive for a whole month. Observing their inaction, Masatsura attacked ( with Wada as vanguard) on Decem ber 28, 1347. Hosokawa had not the spirit to resist, and although Yamana did his best, the odds were against him. His brothers were killed, and he and his sons were wounded but man aged to escape. The shock to Kyoto was g reat The generals were de pressed; the civilian ministers and Court nobles were panic-stricken. The news of Kanenaga s successes in Kyushu had been discouraging to Takauji and his generals, but the growth of the loyalists’ strength in the Home Provinces presented a threat under their noses which they could not disregard. A great army led by Moronao and Moroyasu was sent to attack Masatsura’s base in Kawachi in February 1348. Chikafusa, who was there with his own troops, endeavoured to divert part of the attack by moving into Izumi while Masatsura opposed the advance of Moronao’s force. In this attempt Masatsura was killed, with some forty of his kinsmen. This was a tragic loss to the Kusunoki family, and a blow to the loyalist cause.17 Moronao was now free to advance into Yoshino, in the hope of se em ing the person of the Emperor Go-Murakami. He reached the place where the Southern Court had been residing, but the Court had moved away, leaving nothing but some deserted buildings, which Moronao burned.18 Upon turning to pursue the fugitives, however, he was un expectedly trapped and defeated with heavy losses by Kusunoki Masanori, a younger brother of Masatsura. At the same time Moroyasu was severely handled by loyalists in Kawachi, and altogether it might be 17 The battle is known as the battle of Shij'5-Nawate, from the locality where it was fought in Kawachi. Masatsura had defeated the Bakufu armies in at least four engagements by the end of 1347, and the Bakufu commanders had felt obliged to make a great effort, raising levies in more than twenty provinces. In the battle Masatsura had been on the point of taking Moroyasu s head in single combat when he was severely wounded by an arrow and took his own life. His age was twentytwo. He is a touching figure in Japanese legend, which says that, knowing he must face fearful odds and prepared for death, he had gone to Go-Daigo’s tomb before the battle and written a verse on the door of the shrine together with the names of his kinsmen who were to be with him. 18 Toin describes the behaviour of his troops as "unspeakable."
said that the flag of the Bakufu was drooping, or, in the Japanese phrase, its colour was bad ( “hatairo ga warm”). I t was now autumn in the year 1349. There was at last good reason for the Southern Court to rejoice, after nearly thirteen years of struggle. The Bakufu was still pre-eminent in the land, but its pre-eminence, like its hold on Kyoto, had never been so shaky. On the face of things, the two Courts were now essentially equal. For the first time in years men on both sides began to speak of bringing the conflict to an end by uniting the two dynasties, the senior and junior lines.
1. Opposition to T akau jis Policy I n t h e struggle between claimants to the throne, the Southern Court no doubt hoped to profit by any internal weakness that might develop in the Bakufu; and it is true that serious disagreements among Takauji and his colleagues gave renewed hope to the loyalists in 1349, only a year after their serious reverse at Shijo-Nawate. But the disagreements, although complicated by those jealousies which usually afflict military commanders, were not of vital military importance. They may have prolonged the civil war, but their real significance was political. Takauji, Tadayoshi, and the Bakufu generals were all strong-willed men, and the Ko brothers, Moronao and Moroyasu, were especially vain, violent, and quarrelsome. But beneath their personal grievances there was a serious difference of opinion, not only regarding military affairs but including all aspects of T akau jis policy in matters of civilian government. When Takauji had destroyed the Kamakura Bakufu and restored Go-Daigo, he was almost master of the whole country, and he had to decide what course he should next follow. Should he completely destroy the power and influence of the Throne, set up his own central govern ment, and incorporate rural society in a new system which he would construct? Such a policy would involve the abolition of the manorial system and the development of a new feudalism. It would require revolutionary methods and would produce friction and antagonism throughout the country among those whose interests were endangered. Alternatively, he could compromise as much as possible with the monarchy and gradually destroy it by assuming arbitrary powers. As we have seen, it was this course which he chose to follow when, after an early military setback in 1335, he drove the Emperor Go-Daigo out of the capital and raised up Komyo as his puppet W hile engaged in this reduction of the power of the Throne and the consequent increase of his own authority, he thought it prudent to placate the great monastic bodies and some of the leading Court nobles by threatening to punish any warriors guilty of forcible entry into their estates. It was on this point that Takaujis policy aroused antagonism among his colleagues in the capital. The alignment of the parties in this dis pute is not quite clear, but it is certain that the Ko brothers, Moronao and Moroyasu, were against making any concessions and in favour of drastic measures. They had no respect for the Throne and believed
only in force. They thought that Takauji’s policy had been mistaken from the beginning, and they were bitter because they had not been fully rewarded for their victories. They particularly hated Tadayoshi, whose advice on political matters was usually followed by Takauji. The quarrels and warfare of the following two decades were the reflection of personal hatreds, but in historical retrospect they are re vealed as a clash between conservative and revolutionary factions in Takauji's government. There is another aspect to this clash which is not at first sight obvious, and that is the effect of Takauji’s policy upon opinion in the country at large. Most minor landowners of the warrior class had counted upon the destruction of the Hojo regime to release them from tax and other obligations. As we have seen, Go-Daigo’s regime did nothing to remove their grievances, and Takauji introduced no measures of land reform. Accordingly, when Takauji forbade the warriors to take matters into their own hands, to break into manors and confiscate the property of others, their disappointment was great In the long run it was the oppo sition of rural gentry and emancipated peasants rather than the disa greements of metropolitan grandees that was to contribute most to the collapse of the Ashikaga Bakufu. These land-hungry countrymen did not want to preserve the old order. They even preferred anarchy be cause it would give them a chance to gather spoils.2 2. Moronao and Moroyasu The Ko brothers, whatever their prowess in the art of war, were violent, arrogant men who did not understand milder forms of persua sion. T he news of their victory at Shijo-Nawate in 1348 caused great rejoicing in the capital, and a kind of national holiday was proclaimed in the expectation of peaceful days to come. But Moronao and Moro yasu, not content with their successes, began to ride high, and their intemperate conduct soon caused ill-feeling. Moronao, as we have seen, indulged in wanton destruction of the deserted buildings of the temporary Court in Yoshino, having on his way there plundered and set fire to houses of the country people. H e then went on toward Anau, where the Court had taken refuge, but before he could get there he was beaten by a loyalist force with the assistance of a large number of monks of the fraternities of Hasedera and Tonomine. On his way back towards the capital he set fire to more monastic buildings before withdrawing to Nara, where he boasted that he had pacified the province of Yamato and forced hundreds of loyalists into submission. Moronao’s action, far from serving the Bakufu, caused trouble and ill-will. His brother Moroyasu was no better behaved and had no better fortune. On his way to attack the loyalist force under Masanori at Tojo
in Kawachi, he burned and smashed houses and shrines. H e was roughly handled by Masanori, and had to fall back. The two armies sat facing one another until September 1349, when Moroyasu was called back to Kyoto by Moronao, which means that the loyalists had held out for a year and a half from the battle of Shijd-Nawate. Though not a victory, this was at least a promising situation for the loyalist arms, and the news of Moroyasu’s departure was quickly sent out to comrades in other re gions, even as far as Kyushu, for their encouragement. W hen Moronao returned to Kyoto from his none too glorious feats in Yamato, he found the atmosphere unpleasant. For some time rela tions between the Ko brothers and Tadayoshi had been near the break ing point, and by July 1349 there was talk of open warfare between them and Tadayoshi. At Moronao’s request Moroyasu returned, and the citi zens trembled, expecting a violent outbreak at any moment. The breach was of some seven or eight years’ standing, and was by no means a merely personal quarrel. The Ko family, it will be remem bered, were relatives and vassals of the Ashikaga, whereas Tadayoshi was Takauji s own brother and had served him well. Takauji, when he disobeyed the Emperor Go-Daigo in 1335 by going to Kamakura, had remained in the background, living apart in a monastery and leaving the conduct of affairs to Tadayoshi, hoping thus to avoid charges of rebellion and treason. After defeating Nitta near Hakone at the end of 1335, he decided to return to Kyoto where he assumed nominal charge of all affairs, both civil and military. At that time he worked in close harmony with Tadayoshi, who devoted his attention mainly to adminis trative matters, a field in which he proved himself perhaps more capable than Takauji. But with the lapse of years, and as difficult problems arose, this harmony was strained until it seemed to observers in Kyoto that an open breach could not be avoided. The immediate cause of disagree ment was a quarrel between Tadayoshi and the Ko brothers. Moronao had proved a successful leader in several campaigns, and he had done good work in o rg a n iz in g the Bakufu in its earlier stages. For this and similar reasons he and Moroyasu began to gain Takauji’s confidence until their influence rivalled that of Tadayoshi. Even as early as 1342 there were signs of this state of affairs in the capital, and news of the quarrel had reached Chikafusa, then under siege in his stronghold of Seki in Hitachi. By 1349 it was a commonplace of gossip everywhere, and no doubt this internal strain in the Bakufu was encouraging to the loyalists. Toin Kinkata’s diary at this time re cords that there was much trouble in the neighbourhood of Tadayoshi’s headquarters. Small buildings and other obstacles, he says, have been cleared away as a precaution against sudden attack and “it is rumoured that an armed clash between Tadayoshi and Moronao is imminent. Men and women in the capital are rushing wildly from west to east and from east to west. This is the work of devils!”
It seems that some Zen monks were involved in this affair, and it was rumoured that Tadayoshi’s counsellor Myokichi and perhaps Muso Kokushi had inflamed Tadayoshi against the Ko brothers, whom they thought of as evil men. Tadayoshi visited the Jimyd-In, the home of the senior line, to complain, and shortly after this Moronao was relieved of his post as Deputy (Shitsu ji) of the Shogun; it was at this point that he called Moroyasu back from Kawachi. The two brothers put a strong guard of troops around their own house, and Tadayoshi took similar steps to protect himself in Takauji’s new mansion at Sanjo-Takakura, in which he had taken temporary residence. Thereupon (Septem ber 26) Moronao and Moroyasu surrounded the mansion and ordered Takauji to hand over Tadayoshi’s two deputies, whom they blamed for the pres ent quarrel.1 Takauji would not agree to this but promised to banish both men together with Myokichi, and also to replace Tadayoshi by his own son, Ashikaga Yoshialdra. Takauji was in a difficult position, because the force then at his disposal was less than half that of the Ko brothers. It was said at the time that he wished to come to terms with Moronao, but thanks to the intercession of Muso Kokushi, Tadayoshi was restored to his former posi tion as the Shogun’s Deputy. In October the usual conferences were resumed at his official residence and attended by Moronao and his associates. However, Moronao s anger did not subside, and he showed his temper by despatching an expedition as far as Tomo in Bingo prov ince to attack Ashikaga Tadafuyu ( a natural son of Takauji adopted by Tadayoshi), whom Tadayoshi had had appointed to govern the eight western provinces as Tandai of Nagato in May 1349. The professed pur pose of this appointment was to subdue loyalist risings in the W est, but it was in reality intended by Tadayoshi to restrain the partisans of Moronao there. As we have seen, Takauji and Moronao had agreed that Takauji’s son and heir Yoshialdra, who was then governing the Kanto, should leave Kamakura for the capital to take over the functions of Tadayoshi. Accordingly Yoshialdra arrived in Kyoto at the beginning of Decem ber and took up residence in Tadayoshi’s mansion. Tadayoshi moved to the Nishikikoji house of his old comrade-in-arms Hosokawa Akiuji. To replace Yoshialdra a younger son of Takauji was sent to Kamakura with Ko no Morofuyu and Uyesugi Noriald as his deputies. Tadayoshi was gradually edged out of his other functions by pressure from Moronao, until early in 1350 he shaved his head and entered the religious life, shunning all intercourse with the outside world. Moronao embellished his triumph by despatching assassins to Echizen to do away with Tada yoshi’s two deputies, who had been sent there in exile. H e had already 1 These deputies were Uyesugi Shigeyoshi and Hatakeyama Naomune, men of high standing who despised the Ko brothers and through the monk Myokichi had urged Tadayoshi to get rid of them. Myokichi had great influence upon Tadayoshi.
begun to persecute Tadafuyu, driving him to escape from western Japan into Kyushu. Tadafuyu, however, was not ruined by this action. He had made valuable friends in the W est, and in Kyushu he found supporters who were against the Bakufu. There was a confusion of loyalties everywhere, mainly because dissensions within the Bakufu were reflected in provin cial politics. Much more was involved than the issue of loyalty to the Throne, for what was now taking place was a redistribution of feudal power in the western provinces. The former feudatories were beginning to act as independent territorial lords, and in Kyushu in particular there were such convulsions that not long after Tadafuyu’s arrival, Takauji decided upon a great expedition to suppress disorder there. He left Kyoto at the end of November 1350, accompanied by Moronao. He reached Mitsuishi in Bizen about January 18,1351; and now Tadayoshi, who had seemingly abandoned all worldly ambition, began to show his true colour. Most of the incidents just related are recorded in the diary (known as the Entairyaku ) of Tdin Kinkata, at that time Chancellor of the Realm. H e refers frequently and with unconcealed distaste to the tur bulence of the warriors. His description of life in the capital gives an impression of alarming disorder, yet among his daily entries are careful accounts of regular Court ceremonies, discussion of fine points of eti quette, and (in a separate volume) a full account of the enthronement ceremonies of the Emperor Suko in January 1351, which had been post poned for more than a year by the uncertain conditions prevailing in 1349 and 1350. During all those days of violence, when the scene was dominated by angry warlords, the Northern Emperor and his ministers continued to perform their usual ceremonial duties, and the Shogun treated the titular and the abdicated sovereigns with outward forms of deference. In the midst of the uproar caused by the Ko brothers, Takauji planned an entertainment to celebrate his move to a newly built mansion; and Kinkata gives the text of a simple letter from the Shogun’s household to a Court lady, asking what are the correct sweetmeats to serve on such an occasion. Her reply is courteous, and gives the names of five confections, which must be served on a silver tray with silver chopsticks.3 3. Tadayoshi and the Southern Court In November 1350, a few days before Takauji set out for Kyushu, Tadayoshi suddenly left the capital by night and made his way into Yamato wearing his monastic robe. The Bakufu soon learned of his movements, but Takauji, though urged by Moronao to dispose of Tada yoshi once and for all, gave no order to pursue him. Tadayoshi mean while professed to be acting for the Southern Court, and about January 12, 1351, he sent out imperial orders (M ikyojo) calling upon certain
warriors to join in punishing Moronao and Moroyasu.2 One of these documents has been preserved. It simply says: “Moronao and Moro yasu are to be destroyed. You are to attack them at once.” Tadayoshi had submitted, that is to say declared allegiance, to the Southern Court some ten days before, and had not yet received a reply. But he knew that the Ko brothers were hated, and felt sure of support. He went into Kawachi, and from there sent a message to Takauji, then in Bizen, ex plaining that he was not disloyal, only angered by the behaviour of the Ko brothers. He urged Takauji to rid himself of these men. But the messenger was seized by Moronao, and sent back to the capital in bonds. Tadayoshi urged the recapture of Kyoto before Bakufu armies could return there, but he found that he could not count much on the support of loyalist forces in the vicinity. He hurriedly took up a position at Yahata, and soon began to receive reinforcements brought by friends from the northwest, notably Momonoi, who came to his aid through snow and ice. During February 1351 there was bitter fighting. Yoshiakira, then in charge of Kyoto, felt that he could not cope with this assault, and left the city to join Takauji. Takauji had by then turned back to help Yoshiakira and sent Moronao ahead; but their combined force failed to recover the ground they had abandoned. Takauji now retreated along the road to Hyogo—not a new experi ence for him—and in March 1351 he was defeated in a battle at Uchidehama in Settsu. Both the Ko brothers were wounded. A truce was arranged through the intervention of Muso Kokushi, and Takauji was forced to tell the Ko brothers that they would be spared only if they became monks. A week later Takauji left Hyogo for the capital, escort ing the two men, Moronao in a Zen monk’s habit and Moroyasu robed as a member of the Nembutsu fraternity. But they were not to complete the journey, for on their arrival at the Muko River they were halted by a body of armed men under the command of Akiyoshi, a son of that Uyesugi Shigeyoshi whom the Ko brothers had ordered to be killed. Akiyoshi now claimed the brothers as his prisoners, and shortly after ward, in revenge for the murder of his father, killed them, together with several score of their clansmen. Moronao and Moroyasu had rendered great service to Takauji, and in their rise to power they had invited much hostility. The Taiheiki view of their characters is perhaps prejudiced, but its charges of arro gance and criminal behaviour are surely well founded.
4. Rivalry betw een Takauji and Tadayoshi Having delivered the two victims to Akiyoshi, Takauji returned to Kyoto, where Tadayoshi was now in power. Takauji appeared to be 2 Mikyojo is an order issued by officers of prescribed high rank, with the force of an imperial edict.
in a dejected mood, whereas Tadayoshi was elated and confident. The two seemed to be reconciled, and Tadayoshi resinned his functions as administrator, with Yoshialdra as his superior. In the flowery month of April the three made an exclusion to the garden of the Saihoji, a monas tery in the western suburbs. They enjoyed looking at the blossoms and listening to the improving conversation of the great Kokushi. B u t under this surface of elegance and urbanity passions were seeth ing. For one thing, Takauji was angry with Tadayoshi for his lenient treatment of Uyesugi Alayoshi, who had stabbed Moronao. Takauji wished to punish Akiyoshi by death; Tadayoshi reduced the punishment to exile. But there were more serious differences than this. The recent fighting, which had involved great warrior families throughout the country, had created antagonisms among them which were beyond hope of reconciliation. Hatreds arose first from conflicts on the battle field and later from a clash of interests when the time came to settle rewards for good service. All these difficulties stood in the way of a real peace between the two brothers. Moreover a matter of paternal pride was involved, for Takauji wished to make sure that upon his death he would be succeeded by his sons Yoshialdra and the younger Motouji (as a child called M itsu-o) in various offices, and not by Tada yoshi or his offspring. But because Takauji doubted whether Yoshialdra was capable of holding an office that called for good judgment and steady character, he decided that Motouji should be in charge at Kama kura as Kanto Kanrei, the Shogun’s Deputy in the East, a truly impor tant post because its holder had to control and direct the eastern war riors.* T h e office of Shogun would naturally fall to Yoshialdra, the eldest son, who would have the benefit of experienced advisers. Tadayoshi, it will be remembered, had tried (after a fashion) to make peace between the Northern and Southern Courts at the end of 1350, and in April 1351 he tried again. H e proposed a discussion be tween the two lines, for which Go-Murakami was to go to Kyoto. GoMurakami had already shown a willingness to negotiate in a message carried to Tadayoshi by Kusunoki Masanori, who was acting as gobetween. But when definite conditions were proposed in writing to the Southern Court, a reply came back in June to say that Chikafusa strongly opposed a reconciliation between the two lines. The failure of these pourparlers annoyed Masanori, who had hoped to negotiate a practical solution. It also put Tadayoshi in an awkward position, and it caused anxiety in Kyoto because it seemed to presage a renewed antag8 When the Bakufu was in Kamakura, the Shogun’s Deputy resided in Kyoto. The first regular appointment was that of the Rokuhara Tandai in 1219, and after that the post was held by members of the Hoj6 family until 1333. When Ashikaga Takauji came into power he created the post of Kantd Kanrei. It was first held by Yoshialdra and successive members of the Ashikaga family, from 1337 to 1455, and then by members of the Uyesugi family. In Kyoto the Ashikaga Shoguns appointed a general as Deputy, with die style of Kanrei, and this practice continued from 1379 to 1552.
onism between the two brothers. Their respective supporters wished to avoid entanglement in such a quarrel, and most of them left the capital in July and August, returning to their own fiefs, with their own forces. I t was a sign of the times that several former Bakufu supporters were now ready to submit to the Southern Court; but Takauji was against coming to terms. Tadayoshi, beginning to suspect T akau jis and Yoshialdra’s inten tions towards him, now left Kyoto and made his way into Etchu prov ince, followed by some of his allies. These movements excited misgiv ings in the country. The Taiheiki says of this time: “The people were ill at ease. The whole country was divided into three parts and it seemed that they would go on fighting forever.” The situation was indeed fantastic, and the outlook grim. Takauji moved against Sasaki Doyo; Yoshiakira planned to attack Akamatsu Norisuke, a faithful sup porter of the Southern Court; loyalist forces were active in Kawachi, where they were sure to engender conflicts; and Tadayoshi was in the field with Momonoi and other allies from the North. After some fighting and some negotiations, hostilities were broken ofF just when Tadayoshi had moved with fresh levies into Omi province and was there joined by a friendly chieftain with reinforcements. But he seems to have lost confidence, for he met Takauji about October 15 and the brothers came to terms. Their harmony, however, did not ex tend to their supporters. The divisions and feuds between members of the rival parties were even intensified, for throughout the land fighting had become a chronic disease, and could not be stopped by agreement between the two leaders. Tadayoshi returned to Kamakura, where he busied himself with the affairs of the Kanto. These internal troubles of the Ashikaga Bakufu gave the armies of the Southern Court numerous opportunities for action, and some loyalist leaders were now inclined to move on Kyoto. This proposal was pre mature, but it shows that the Court was moving from the defensive to the offensive and was watching for the next moment of confusion within the Bakufu. Takauji must have sensed this, for he now proposed to submit to the Southern Court and expressed himself in favour of an agreement be tween the two Courts. H e felt that he must not miss a chance which might prove favourable to him in the long run. He thought it wise to make a show of support for his proposals; and he persuaded Akamatsu Norisuke to urge the Southern Court to accept his submission and his proposal for the amalgamation of the two dynastic lines. After a short delay the Court consented in November 1351 to accept the submission of Takauji and Yoshiakira. They sent a monk to Kyoto to deliver this message and to state that there must b e a return to the conditions of “the early days of Genko” (1 3 3 1 -3 3 ), when the empire was united under the Crown. At the same time Takauji was commissioned to chastise Tadayoshi
Takauji ordered the cessation of hostilities throughout the country and declared that he surrendered to the judgment of the Emperor. H e said he would obey every word of the imperial command. This was on November 2 2,1351. A few days later the Emperor Suko and his Crown Prince, Tadahito, were “retired,” and the era name of the Northern Court was cancelled, both sides now using “Shohei.” At the end of the year the Regalia were handed over by the senior line to the junior line, which accepted them, though saying that they were counterfeit. I t is scarcely necessary to say that Takauji’s humble submission was a mere tactical move, designed to gain time. Possibly his only true motive was to obtain a commission to attack Tadayoshi. Similarly the Court must have been well aware of Takauji’s duplicity—it was some thing which Chikafusa would at once detect—but it would have been a mistake to miss an opportunity to return to the capital; and even a simu lated agreement between the two Courts might lead the way to a gen uine union of both against the Bakufu. Takauji announced his commission to all the provinces. He left Kyoto in Decem ber and entered Suruga early in January 1352, estab lishing a base near Tegoshi-gawara.4 H e invited Utsunomiya and Yuki Chikatomo to join him, hoping thus to “scissor” Tadayoshi, who had established himself in Izu province. T he two armies met when Tada yoshi advanced to Sattayama, east of Okitsu, in Suruga. He was roughly handled by Utsunomiya’s force, and withdrew to Hojo and then into the hills of Izu. H e seems to have been mentally disturbed. He could find no place of safety and was on the point of suicide when peace proposals were made. H e surrendered and was taken to Kamakura and kept in confinement within the precincts of the Jomyoji monastery, where he died—beyond doubt poisoned—during the month of March, at the age of forty-six. Opinions vary as to the character of Tadayoshi. The Taiheiki, which is not generally favourable to him, says, after recording his death, that he was “much interested in government and aware of the claims of humanity and justice.” I t is hard to believe this obituary praise. Tada yoshi was disliked in his time for his evil deeds, especially the murder of Prince Morinaga and the poisoning of the young Prince Tsunenaga, which were regarded as unforgivable offences. W hen Toin Kinkata heard of his death he observed that this might be a good occasion for bringing an end to the everlasting warfare. He no doubt felt that all this bloodshed was the work of guilty men. The Nan-Taiheiki says that Takauji never forgot the debt of grati tude which he owed to Tadayoshi for his services in their early days. He did not even blame him for instigating Moronao and Moroyasu to evil courses. He was ready to work with Tadayoshi, but he was deter* Tegoshi-gawara was a dry river-bed near Shizuoka, and was the scene of a loyalist victory under Nitta Yoshisada in December 1335.
mined that Kamakura should go to his own descendants, and his infatu ation for Yoshiakira was probably the real cause of his breach with Tadayoshi. The private lives of both Takauji and Tadayoshi are said to have been blameless. In discussing the relations between Takauji and Tadayoshi, Arai Hakuseki says that Takauji was inferior to Tadayoshi in intellect and in political skill, but far superior in the art of war.® 5. The Struggle fo r Kyoto, 1352-55 After Tadayoshi’s defeat, the Southern Court had only one great enemy to reckon with, and felt that the moment had come for a desper ate effort to break the power of the military society, which was now divided in its loyalties. A plan was formed to attack Takauji in the East and Yoshiakira in Kyoto. Accordingly, in the Kanto the Nitta clan, joined by the majority of Tadayoshi’s adherents, went into Musashi, while other former Tada yoshi men combined with Nitta partisans to attack Kamakura, which Takauji had hurried to defend. They drove Takauji out of the city in April 1352. Further to the north the loyalist governors becam e active. All these movements were coordinated by a previous plan devised under Chikafusa’s direction at the Court in Anau. Although the successes of these loyalist armies were striking, they were by no means complete. Nitta Yoshimune ( the third son of Yoshisada), with a strong force from Echigo, attacked Takauji and defeated him in several short engagements, but he was at last driven back in a fight at a place called Kotesashi-hara, and withdrew to a position on Fluteplayer’s Pass (Fuefuld-toge, now known as Usui-toge and familiar to travellers from Karuizawa). H e was presently dislodged from this position by Takauji, and fled to Echigo. Similarly, the drive of the other Nitta brothers was checked. Takauji was able to recapture Kamakura, and although the loyalists held a stronghold in Sagami against repeated attacks until the spring of 1353, their resistance then collapsed and they scattered in the hills. But their efforts had kept a large Bakufu force engaged, and thus had taken pressure off the loyalist operations in the neighbourhood of Kyoto. The Bakufu s position in the Kyoto area was in serious danger. After the agreement between the two Courts, Yoshiakira learned that GoMurakami intended to move on the capital and had already reached Tojo in Kawachi on the way to a temporary residence at Sumiyoshi in Settsu. H e entered Sumiyoshi on March 14,1352. After a short period 8 It may be useful for students of this period to know that the chronicles rarely refer to the Ashikaga leaders by name, but by one of their titles, as follows: Takauji is called O-Gosho or Dainagon; Tadayoshi is called Gosho or Daikyuji-dono; Yoshia kira is called BSmon or Hdkyd-In.
of preparation he moved to Tennoji early in April. Yoshiakira was obliged to act, for he saw that the purpose of the Southern Court was not a mere union, but a full-scale attack upon Kyoto. H e was taken by surprise. H e knew he could not depend upon Takauji, then engaged in die Kanto, and he did not feel strong enough to make a stand alone. H e therefore decided to prepare a way for retreat, and to convey to the Emperor certain proposals for a settlem ent T o meet the first need he had the long bridge at Seta put in order and strengthened so that it could carry a large force moving rapidly to the east. For his next step he seems to have made offers which included the transfer of valuable estates to members of the Court nobility. The Emperor gave no definite reply, but told Yoshiakira s emissary, the monk Eichin, that he would answer after arriving at Yahata. He reached the Hachiman Shrine on April 4 and took up residence in the house of the Grand Warden, but he gave no reply to Eichin’s repeated enquiries. According to Toin’s diary, that night the Bakufu troops were busy preparing to leave, and the citizens of Kyoto “were pale with fright.” On the following day, April 5, the loyalist army, which had assembled at Yahata, poured into the capital in columns led by Kitabatake Alayoshi, coming from Toba; Kusunoki Masanori, coming from the Katsura River; and Chigusa Akitsune, coming from Tamba. Yoshiakira met this attack but was routed by Akiyoshi and fled across the Seta bridge into Omi province. On the next day ( April 6 ) the three abdicated Emperors o f the senior line (Kogon, Komyo, and Suko) with the Crown Prince Tadahito were taken by officers of the Southern Court to the Rokujo palace, where they were detained for a short time. They were then removed first to Yahata, next to T ojo in Kawachi, and finally to Anau, thus reversing the road taken by Go-Murakami himself. There was confusion in the city, and Kitabatake Akiyoshi tried to establish order, with the help of his father Chikafusa, who as always stayed close to his sovereign. The capture of Kyoto was a brilliant victory, the result of sound strategy and hard fighting against seasoned warriors. But like many battles in the warfare of this period, it resulted in the defeat but not the destruction of the enemy’s army. Yoshiakira had performed what in modern parlance is styled a strategic withdrawal This may not have been his purpose, but after reaching a suitable point in Omi, he did in fact halt to reassemble his scattered forces and to obtain additional strength from neighbouring leaders. Thus refreshed he confidently launched an attack upon Kyoto on April 25, some twenty days after his retreat The defence was weak, for Akiyoshi had not enough men to keep order in the city while holding all the approaches to Kyoto. Within forty-eight hours the Ashikaga forces had re-entered the capital and had established themselves in strong positions on the high ground in the Higashiyama district, which commands the city. Soon after that
Yoshiakira moved his headquarters to the Toji monastery, and thence on June 7 he opened an attack upon Otokoyama. At about this time he received reinforcements from Hosokawa Akiuji and also from Akamatsu Norisuke. T he Akamatsu family, once great fighters for the Southern Court, had contracted the increasingly common habit of changing sides. W ith such assistance Yoshiakira had not much difficulty in forcing the loyalists back on Yahata. Early in May Hosokawa and some other commanders took a circuitous route by Uji, crossed the Kizu River, and came out over the pass onto the rear of Masanori. He also was obliged to fall back on Otokoyama, so that now the whole of the loyalist army was concentrated there, to make a last stand. A few days later—it was in the middle of May—Yoshiakira received further additions to his strength from Yamana, who came from the Sanindo; from Shimazu, who came out of Satsuma; and from Kono, who had crossed from Iyo. Thus the total array of Yoshiakira was very imposing, and in the early part of June he was able to deliver a most powerful attack upon Masanori and Akiyoshi. Their defence was stubborn and their losses g reat They fought back, encouraged by the Emperor, who showed himself to the troops. In a night counterattack they even succeeded in breaking into Hosokawa s formation and obliging him to retreat with speed so as to recover his balance. After some days of fierce and almost incessant fighting, the defenders settled down to withstand a close siege. They were at length exhausted. There were some desertions, and provisions were running short. They felt that they could no longer protect the Emperor, and they decided to withdraw. They left stealthily during the night of June 23, pursued by some hundred enemy horsemen as they took the road into Yamato. In the rear guard was the faithful Shijo Takasuke, a nobleman who had served the Southern Court for twenty years and more. He died in de fence of the Emperor on the way back to Anau. On that journey ( accord ing to the Entairyaku) the Emperor was inconspicuous as he rode in armour with a troop of horsemen. H e was struck once or twice by arrows from the pursuing force, but they did not pierce his coat sleeves. H e carried the Seal in a basket attached to the front of his saddle. This was not the end of the struggle for the capital, but perhaps the best opportunity for success had been lost. According to the Taiheiki, if the defenders could have held out for a few more days, they could have inflicted upon Yoshiakira a defeat from which it would have been hard to recover. This of course is only a conjecture; but it is of interest to note the report that Nitta Yoshimune left Echigo with 7,000 men, and was joined by Momonoi with 3,000. Kira and Ishido left Suruga and reached Tarui in Mino with a considerable force, and Doi and Tokuno were ready to march from the seashore, where they had landed men in 700 transport craft. These figures are significant, showing that between 10,000 and 20,000
men might have come to the aid of the defenders at Yahata. The num bers are perhaps exaggerated, but they seem more credible than the usual imaginative or careless estimates of the chroniclers. At least they indicate that the loyalist cause had attracted more and more adherents as its leaders showed their determination and the Bakufu showed signs of weakness. The near success of the loyalist army showed that the mili tary strength of the Southern Court was greater than it had ever been. After Tadayoshi had been poisoned in Kamakura, the internal con dition of the Ashikaga Bakufu had deteriorated, a number of clansmen turning against Takauji and, if not actually opposing him, at least with holding their support. Thus the antagonism between the two brothers was perpetuated after Tadayoshi’s death, and it tended to spread from the leaders of feudal society in the metropolitan area to warrior chief tains in the distant provinces. Those members of the rural gentry who joined the party of Tadayoshi were not necessarily moved by disap proval of Takau jis offences. They saw a great conflict growing and felt that they must take sides, because it was only in such clashes be tween great chieftains that they could hope to earn rewards in the shape of lands or lucrative offices. Moreover, if they did not take sides, they might find themselves punished for their neutrality. The main opposition to Takauji was continued in the form of sup port to Ashikaga Tadafuyu, who was a nephew of Tadayoshi and a natural son of Takauji, neglected and for long unrecognized by his father. Tadayoshi had treated the young man kindly and had secured for him the important post of Tandai in Nagato, with authority over the eight western provinces of the main island. This was in 1349, and thereafter, when the breach between Takauji and Tadayoshi led to bitter conflict, he took the side of his uncle. The death of Tadayoshi was a great blow to him for, quite apart from family affection, it left him without support in high places. B y 1351 he dominated northern Kyushu as well as Nagato, and had resided at Dazaifu for some time. At the end of that year he was attacked in his residency there by Isshiki Noriuji,* together with loyalist forces which had maintained a strong position in central and southern Kyushu under Prince Kanenaga. Tada fuyu was forced to escape from Kyushu and take refuge in Nagato. H e could not return to Kyoto, since Takauji and Yoshiakira were now his enemies. Not knowing where to turn, he appealed for help to some of the leading families in his jurisdiction. Among those who re sponded were first the powerful Mori clan in the province of Aki, and then other influential parties in Iwami and Izumo. W ith their aid he was able to improve his own position to such a degree that he became virtually master in the W est, but he was not yet strong enough to ven* The Isshiki family had long been supporters of the Ashikaga; Noriuji, whom Go-Daigo had appointed as Kanenaga’s adviser, was an exception. Sometime in 1352, however, he went over to the side of the Ashikaga.
ture upon an expedition against Isshiki in Kyushu. His future was there fore uncertain unless he could find a powerful ally. He soon bethought himself of the device to which his father and his uncle had already re sorted, namely an offer to submit to the Southern Court and thus to gain the collaboration of the loyalist army in resisting his own enemies. He made his request and it was granted. W ith this advantage he approached Shoni Yorihisa and other lead ers, planning to attack Isshiki, who himself had fought as a loyalist against Yorihisa not long before. The situation was confused, but that was not unusual, for at this time, as we have seen, shifts of allegiance were common. Here in Kyushu, Shoni Yorihisa, who had once been a loyal supporter of Takauji, was now ready to join the supporters of the Southern Court. Yet according to the Baishd-ron the loyalty of Yorihisa was deep and enduring. His father had committed suicide because he felt that he had failed Takauji in battle, his brothers had thrown away their lives for Takauji, and he himself had followed Takauji in cam paigns on the main island, where he had earned great praise and broad estates. In Ashikaga times the turncoat is a common figure. His feats are startling but they may be explained if not justified by the inconstancy of the great leaders, whose conduct was rarely guided by thoughts of rectitude. Their subordinates, the general run of warriors, were for the most part concerned with the private interests of their own families and not with matters of principle. They wanted rewards, and civil wars offered the best opportunity for gain, since the victors could take the land of the vanquished. Yorihisas own history is a case in point. So the loyalist cause found supporters in unexpected quarters and the loyalist leaders welcomed new volunteers without too close enquiry into their motives. A story in the Taiheiki, though perhaps not entirely truthful, illustrates well enough the common practice of the warrior families in the era with which we are concerned. It describes the con duct of a member of a leading warrior house in western Japan, the Yamana family of the province of Hold. This man had fought well in the attack on Otokoyama in June 1352 and as a reward asked for a certain manor in Wakasa. The grant was made, but Yamana was told that it was subject to the claims of the domanial lord at that time, prob ably a powerful landowner whom the Ashikaga leaders were anxious not to offend. Consequently Yamana was unable to collect any revenue from the Wakasa estate. H e appealed to Takauji’s lieutenant, Sasaki Doyo, who refused to see him. It was this neglect that made him change sides. When a warrior had a grievance of this kind, the conflict between the two Courts offered an opportunity for revenge and even a hope of recompense. This was one of the most important and common causes of the support given to the Southern Court by men who had so far fought
for the Ashikaga and the Northern Court. T o join a new leader offered no certainty of success, for the balance of forces was altered from day to day, but there was some prospect of permanent advantage for those loyal to the Southern C o u rt Moreover, not a few leading warriors dis liked the prospect of subordination to Takauji as Shogun. H e did not command the traditional allegiance which the Minamoto vassals had given to Yoritomo in 1180. The Yamana case is a good example. The family was of Seiwa Mina moto origin, with estates in Kotsuke near those of the Nitta family. Its chieftains were favoured vassals ( go-kenin ) of Yoritomo. Under the Muromachi Bakufu they rendered valuable services to Takauji, and were awarded large domains in the province of Hold. I t was from there that after their disappointment they drove Sasaki Doyo out of Izumo, got into touch with Tadafuyu, and declared themselves against Takauji. Their stand persuaded a large number, perhaps a majority, of the war rior families in the Sanin region to join the resistance to Takauji, and within a short time the western provinces in general were giving aid to Tadafuyu and thus to the Southern Court. After Go-Murakami had been driven back to Yoshino in 1342, the body of the loyalist army, still based upon Tojo in Kawachi, continued its activity under Kusunoki Masanori, while former adherents of Tadayoshi, including Kira and Ishido, gave valuable support. The capital was threatened more than once, and Tadafuyu’s success in the W est was gratifying. By early 1353 Yoshiakira was obliged to order an attack upon Tojo, but to no effect; and in the summer the converted Yamana Tolauji set out from Hold to strengthen the loyalist army. His vanguard reached the outskirts of Kyoto ( Saga) from Tam ba in July. T o cooper ate, Masanori had marched to Tennoji and captured Yahata, while rein forcements were moving north from Kii under Shijo Takatoshi, son of the faithful Takasuke. The change of front by Tadafuyu had raised the spirits of the loyalists, and encouraged them to make a great effort. From the beginning of the new year the return of the Southern Court had been expected in the capital, with mixed feelings, to be sure, be cause it was bound to make trouble for many. Excitement grew as word reached Kyoto of new alliances. Already in the middle of May there were rumours that Yoshiakira would be attacked by loyalist fac tions in the city, and the Bakufu arrested certain suspects, of whom some were executed. This did not prevent popular talk about Tada fuyu’s successes and Yamana’s intentions. In July the loyalists delivered a strong attack; Masanori moving north from Yahata and Yamana advancing from the direction of Nishiyama joined with other attacking parties, setting fire to buildings as they moved into the city. Yoshiakira managed to escape, falling back on Kaguraoka, north of the city, and then retreating to E ast Sakamoto.
Very soon Kyoto was in the hands of the loyalists, and Yamana hastened to send congratulations to Go-Murakami in Yoshino, while confiscating the property of those nobles who had sided with the North ern Court during the recent occupation of the capital by Ashikaga forces. In T o in s diary for August 1, 1353, he describes the situation as it was known to persons in his position: “The Emperor Kogon-In with Yoshiakira is said to be withdrawing to the Kanto owing to the superior strength of the attackers. They are already on the way. There will no doubt be changes. All lands of rumours are current Some say that Yoshiakira is in great difficulties, short of weapons and provisions. T o know the truth is impossible. Some say black and some say white. W hat is true and what is false there is no way of telling. The only thing to do is to trust to one’s own good fortune.” The entry shows what little knowledge the highest civil officials had of the actual situation. Tom seems to have supposed that the retired Kogon was in Kyoto, whereas he was with the other two retired Emperors in the custody of the South ern Court at Anau. After the loyalist victories of April 1352 the position of Takauji and Yoshiakira in regard to the succession to the throne had been difficult. The three retired Emperors of the Northern Court together with the Crown Prince Tadahito were confined in Anau under careful watch, and the Regalia were in the hands of Go-Murakami. After long discus sion it was decided to name as the successor of Sukd a younger brother of Tadahito, named Iyahito. H e was enthroned as the Emperor GoKogon on September 25, 1352. There was no true precedent for an enthronement without the Regalia, and the ceremony was therefore invalid.7 Yoshiakira himself seems to have had some misgivings about this irregularity, and since Go-Kogon was only fourteen years of age he suggested a kind of provisional “curtain” government by Go-Kogon s mother, the Lady Kogimon-In (formerly Fujiwara Yasuko). She was a clever woman, and she sensibly refused the offer, knowing that there were strong objections to government by a female, and cloister govern ment at that. Now in 1353, when the loyalists were once more in the capital, Yoshiakira could not afford to endanger the young sovereign, and he thought it prudent to remove the Court to a safer place than the Enryakuji, where Go-Kogon had taken refuge. H e escorted Go-Kogon and his attendants into the province of Mino, fighting off pursuers as he le ft The party halted at a place called Tarui in Mino, where Yoshiakira established the new Northern C ou rt His reverses had caused a strong reaction among Ashikaga adherents throughout the country, stimulating them to greater efforts to recover T It was said in jest on one occasion, when die difficulty of enthroning a sover eign without the Regalia was being discussed, that the Kampaku Nijo Yoshimoto might act as the Seal and Takauji as the Sword.
the ground they had lo st Takauji, having put down the last loyalist resistance in the neighbourhood of Kamakura, also decided that he must go to Yoshiakira s assistance, and Yoshialdra left Tarui to set about gaining support in the surrounding provinces with the intention of de livering a most powerful assault upon the capital. Support was begin ning to arrive from the W est. At the summons of the Bakufu Akamatsu brought troops from Harima and Bizen, reaching Hyogo on August 11. Shiba entered Settsu with troops from Shikoku. Loyalist attacks on these newcomers delivered by Masanori and Yamana were unsuccessful, and together with Ishido and Kira they were forced to retreat. On the following day Yoshiakira entered Omi with his contingent. W ith this addition the Ashikaga force simply swept the loyalists aside as it ad vanced on Kyoto. On August 24, 1353, the capital was once more in the hands of the Ashikaga, and the loyalists scattered in all directions. Takauji did not leave Kamakura until early September. He reached Omi in about ten days and arrived at Tarui on October 11. There he was awaited by the anxious Go-Kogon. The scene is described by a contemporary diarist in enthusiastic language: “It was a happy and lively occasion. For two or three days troops had been arriving inces santly. The roads were crammed with their baggage, and they were in a cheerful mood after their long march. They came in continuously, like a long ribbon or a bale of cloth being unrolled. The Dainagon [Takauji] wore a brocaded mantle over a light coat of mail, and rode a chestnut horse. H e was escorted by Yuki, Oda, Satake, and other warriors. Armour flashed in the afternoon sunlight, making a gay and lively scene. T he rear guard was led by Niki and other captains, and included innumerable warriors from the eastern provinces." There follows a eulogy of the horses ridden by Takauji and his commanders, and then a description of the approach of the procession to the house of the headman of Tarui, which was now the residence of the Emperor. The Shogun halted the column and went forward alone to the gateway, where he was met by a Court chamberlain and led into the presence. He stayed for a short audience and came out after paying homage.8 A few days later Yoshiakira arrived from Kyoto to pay his respects to Go-Kogon. Takauji and Yoshiakira, father and son, escorted the Emperor and his court to Kyoto. They arrived on October 18,1353, and from that time until the middle of the year 1354 the capital enjoyed an unaccustomed peace. Takauji was not content with occupying the city. He had earlier sent a punitive force against Yamana, whom he understandably con8 The diarist was the Kampaku Nijo Yoshimoto, who had accompanied the Northern Court on its journey, in attendance upon the Emperor. The diary, known as Kuchi^ura, gives considerable detail. Most descriptions of military occasions in this period pay great attention to the pictorial aspects of the warrior’s life, and the heroes took delight in the appearance as well as the efficacy of their armour and weapons.
sidered a traitor. Yamana had appealed to Tadafuyu for help and through Tadafuyu had received from the Southern Court a commission to punish Takauji. In March 1354 Takauji ordered Shimazu of Satsuma to attack Tadafuyu, and in the summer Yoshialdra himself proceeded to “subdue” the central provinces. But he met with powerful opposition and could make no headway against the combined forces of Tadafuyu and Yamana. Indeed, the tide was turning once again, and Yoshialdra was soon in retreat. In late 1354 Takauji, judging the situation to be desperate, fled with Go-Kogon into Omi province, where he took refuge in a monastery called Musadera. Shortly afterwards, in the first month of 1355, the army of the South, under Momonoi, and other supporters of Go-Murakami, recaptured the capital, and were joined there by Tada fuyu, Yamana, Ishido, and other warriors from the central provinces, all of whom had a grievance against the Bakufu.
1. Takauji Recaptures Kyoto I n F e b r u a r y 1355, with the arrival in Kyoto of Tadafuyu’s power ful army and the victorious forces of Yamana and other commanders, the outlook for the Southern Court was promising. But Takauji had no intention of abandoning the conflict, and at once began preparations to regain the capital. H e had been at work on strengthening the Seta bridge with pontoons and timber baulks even before Tadafuyu entered the city. W hen his preparations were complete he ordered prayers for victory to b e said at monasteries and shrines, and early in M arch he announced to the Emperor Go-Kdgon that he intended to advance upon Kyoto without delay. He set out the next day, and on M arch 5 had crossed the Seta bridge and was on his way to E ast Sakamoto, where he made camp soon after wards. H e then moved headquarters to W est Sakamoto, after learning that Yoshialdra had rallied his forces and with Akamatsu Norisuke and Hosokawa Yoriyuki had moved into Settsu to take up positions to the west of Yamazaki. Hearing of Takauji’s movements, the loyalist leaders made frantic preparations to resist Tadafuyu and Masanori took up their positions at the Tdji and at Otokoyama, while Yamana Tolauji prepared to meet the advance of Niki Yoriald, who was coming in from Tamba. On March 20 Yamana joined Masanori in a stand against Yoshiakira at a place called Kaminami, to the west of Yamazaki. The fighting was desperate here, and the losses on both sides were heavy. Yamana was obliged to retreat towards Yodo, and Yoshiakira established his force at Yamazaki. On March 22 Takauji came down along the Kamo River from Saka moto and engaged the Southern army in the city, fighting in Nishikinokoji, at Inokuma, and in the vicinity of Omiya. The struggle was desperate but indecisive. On the next day Takauji moved his base from Sakamoto to Higashiyama and thence to the Kiyomizu hill. A few days later there was more fierce fighting in the city, again without decisive result. The conflict continued into the following month. On April 20 Takauji moved to Hosokawa’s headquarters while two of Hosokawa’s generals took up positions in palaces at Shichijo-Higashi Toin and Nishi Shichijo respectively, and then challenged the defenders. After a struggle they drove Momonoi out of his position in the KaikojL Meanwhile Takauji and Yoshiakira had been busy blocking the high roads from the west into the city, and three or four days later they
advanced in force against Tadafuyu, who fought stubbornly and in flicted heavy losses upon the attackers, wounding Hosokawa Yoriyuld himself and killing several of his captains. B ut this was no more than a local success, and before long the Southern army was obliged to begin a general withdrawal, being unable to hold any ground but Yahata and in general being short of supplies. By April 25 Takauji was able to enter the Toji and Yoshiakira the Hoshoji, and the capital was once again in the hands of the Ashikaga. Kyoto was again at peace, and though the blow to the loyalist forces would seem to have been no more severe than many from which they had recovered in the past, they could no longer mount a threat to the capital. The Emperor Go-Kdgon, who had taken refuge in Omi prov ince, was now escorted back to the city. Over the next two years the former Emperors (Komyo, Kogon, and Suko) found it easy to escape from custody and return to Kyoto. At the end of hostilities in 1355 the capital was sadly damaged by year after year of fighting. A passage in the Taiheiki, which there is no reason to disbelieve, says that nearly all the royal palaces, the mansions of the nobility, and the offices of the ministers of state were destroyed by fire, only two or three buildings in ten having escaped. In some parts of the city there were wide areas in which no houses were left standing, only the barracks of the soldiery. On the outskirts of the city grass had grown over the ruins and all that could be seen was the bleached bones of the victims. Many had starved and many had drowned themselves in despair. I t was the cities and towns that suffered most in the civil wars, for the great enemy was fire. The rural areas were usually spared by the armies, who needed their crops. Thus ended a civil war in which the protagonists were father and son—Takauji and Tadafuyu. In April 1355, with the entry of Takauji into the capital, the effective opposition of the Southern Court had temporarily come to an end, although loyalist forces fought on in Kyushu under Prince Kanenaga, in Shinano under Prince Munenaga, and elsewhere. Tadafuyu at this point disappears from the scene, re tiring to the western provinces and sinking into obscurity. Takauji settled in Kyoto and spent the next three years consolidating the administrative position of the Bakufu. In M arch 1358 he was dis turbed by reports of successful and-Bakufu activities in the W estern Defence Area, and was on the point of leading an army to Kyushu when he fell ill with a malignant tumour. After a short sickness, he died in Kyoto on June 8 ,1 3 5 8 , being then in his fifty-fourth year. His son Yo shiakira was appointed to succeed him as Shogun at the end of the year. Takauji’s most gifted and resourceful opponent, Kitabatake Chikafusa, had died at Anau four years earlier, having lived to see the for tunes of the Southern Court rise and fall and rise again time after time.
H e had never lost hope of final victory. He and Takauji were the two great men of their generation, and their characters deserve some special notice here. 2. Takauji The period of civil wars under the Ashikaga Shoguns has been described as an age of turncoats, and a study of Takauji’s career gives point to that title. He began by turning against the Hojo Regent who was his overlord and the head of the great Hojo clan, to which the Ashi kaga family was closely related by marriage. He was the chief agent o f the destruction of the Hojo Regency and after that achievement he supported, or at least did not oppose, the Emperor Go-Daigo’s attempt to restore the power of the Throne; but not for long, since when it suited him he turned upon Go-Daigo and forced him to take refuge in a re mote hamlet in the hills of Yoshino. There is no doubt that Takauji was guided only by ambition and deterred by no moral scruples. This is the view of Arai Hakuseki, one of the great historians of Japan, who wrote: “Though he received re wards far in excess of the value of his services to the Crown, his pur pose had always been to promote his own interests.” Hakuseki thought, however, that certain acts of treachery and cruelty of which Takauji was accused were really the work of his brother Tadayoshi, for on the whole Takauji’s actions show him to have been of an open, easy-going temper ament. The murder of Prince Morinaga and the poisoning of the two younger princes, Tsunenaga and Narinaga, were planned by Tadayoshi without his brother’s knowledge. It is also probable that it was Tada yoshi who in 1335 prevailed upon Takauji not to obey the Emperor’s order to return from Kamakura to the capital. From that time until their falling-out Takauji left to Tadayoshi all decisions upon purely political matters, and took no part in them. Indeed, Takauji had little time for anything but military matters, for from the day when he first raised an army to the day of his death, a space of twenty-six years, the clash of arms never ceased. Such a state of affairs, says Hakuseki, was without parallel in ancient and modem times, and it was due to the character of Takauji. H e was not an up right man, and therefore he could not make others upright. He rose to the summit of the warrior society because the warriors were manifestly more capable than the nobility of governing the country. O f this the people were well aware, and they were prepared to accept any leader who could bring back the rule of the military chieftains. Hakuseki was a severe Confucian moralist, and he allowed few merits to Takauji; but as a servant of the Tokugawa Bakufu he was a believer in firm govern ment and he did not condemn Takauji as an enemy of the Throne. He said that if Takauji had firmly established the Emperor Komyo on the
throne, he would have left a good name to posterity. It was Nitta Yoshisada who was to blame for the break between the Northern and Southern Courts, for while professing to fight for the Southern Court he was in fact striving to destroy the enemy of his own clan, and Takauji had no choice but to resist. Some modern Japanese historians take a rather more favourable view of Takauji. They excuse him for his betrayal of the Hdjd and his disloyalty to Go-Daigo on the ground that as leader of the Minamoto clan he was bound to put his duty to the warriors above his allegiance to the Emperor. This is not a very convincing argument, especially as Takauji was generously treated by Go-Daigo and given rewards which others thought excessive. Takauji was aware of this weakness in his position and tried to cover it up by placing responsibility for acts of treason upon his brother Tadayoshi; but it is clear that his purpose was to revive and strengthen the Bakufu, with himself as its leader, the successor of Yoritomo. Thus his ambition easily overcame such loyalty to the Throne as he may have felt. He knew that his conduct was repre hensible, for in 1336, shortly after he had seen the Emperor Komyo en throned, he prayed for the mercy of Kannon, asking that he should not be forced to suffer in the next world for his offences in this. L ife on earth, he said, was a dream, and it was in the future life that he saw reality. But for Tadayoshi, his brother, he desired worldly success.
Takaufts vow to the Kiyomizu Kannon (holograph), dated Kemmu III, viii, 17
These professions of repentance, these bargains with the divine powers, make a disagreeable impression that is not removed by the frequent and indeed excessive works of piety by which he hoped to atone fo r his sins. H e had a special feeling for Kannon, who he said had appeared to him in a vision on his flagship at Tomo (1 3 3 6 ). H e also asserted that the Bodhisattva Jizo came to him in a dream when he was on the point of defeat and death. I t is even said that h e ordered many thousands o f small images of Jizo to be cast, intending that each one should express his compassion for the soul of one man whose death in battle he had caused. One gruesome calculation says that in all the slain numbered six hundred thousand, though this no doubt was bad arithmetic; but sixty thousand might not b e far out as an estimate of the numbers killed in battle during his campaigns. He also had prayers said for the Hdjo family, which h e had destroyed, and he repeatedly expressed deep sorrow for the suffering he had inflicted upon Go-Daigo and his supporters. Yet h e took no steps to relieve the distress or repair the damage he had caused. Although he shed tears freely for the dead, he never ceased to make war, and he was on the point of leading an army to Kyushu when he was stricken and died. I t is hard to believe that his religious sentiments were genuine, for it is clear that he was of a highly emotional and even unstable character. H e was a man of action, without great learning; but h e was also something of a dilettante, fond of poetry and sensitive to the beauties of nature. The learned Muso Kokushi, who at times gave him spiritual advice, praised his taste, spoke well of his verses, and often sat with him at poetical gatherings far into the night. Other accounts agree with Muso’s judgment that Takauji was utterly fearless in battle, without malice, open-handed; at times gay, laughing, and high-spirited, at times deep in melancholy. Today a butcher, tomorrow a penitent, he presents contradictions which cannot b e resolved, since frank contemporary statements about him are scarce. T h at he was a great figure in his country’s history cannot b e denied, but it is doubtful that he did his country good service by plunging it into decades of incessant and needless war. A modem scholar, Nakamura Naokatsu, has written a study of T a kauji portraying him as a conservative anxious to preserve the warrior society ( “buke shakai”), and this seems a reasonable view. Certainly Takauji had no such extreme views as those held by Ko no Moronao, who was completely iconoclastic and revolutionary; and it can be plaus ibly argued that Takauji, if skilfully handled, might have been per suaded to collaborate with Go-Daigo rather than to banish him. In the early years of his power, Takauji introduced no very drastic changes in the Kamakura system. If he intended to make such changes, he was careful to proceed slowly and to avoid attacking the economic
privileges of the leading nobles and the great ecclesiastical bodies. He preserved most of the machinery of the Kamakura Bakufu and at first gave to his provincial representatives, the Constables, no greater powers than those held by their predecessors. Muso Soseld was in close touch with Takauji, and apart from that direct relationship his career bears witness to the attitude of the Ashikaga brothers towards religious matters. It therefore deserves some attention here. I f Muso is correctly reported, his statements tell us more about his own character than Takauji s. In the Baishd-ron he is quoted as saying that Takauji was a greater man than Yoritomo because he combined virtue with benevolence, serving the Throne by suppressing rebellion and keeping the peace; the country ought to be grateful for such a Shogun. Muso does not say which sovereign Takauji served, but he could scarcely argue that Go-Daigo, whom Takauji served very roughly, was not the legitimate sovereign. The truth is that Muso had a weakness for the company of the great and powerful. He was, moreover, indebted to Takauji for munificent contributions to the founding of Zen monasteries, especially the Tenryuji (which later played a great part in promoting commerce with China by subsidizing the voyages of merchant ships). Another instance of the Ashikaga s regard for Buddhism was the plan of Takauji and Tadayoshi, announced in 1338, to set up in each of the sixty-six provinces a memorial stupa and a chapel or monastic building named Ankokuji1 in which prayers could be recited for the souls of the victims of the wars. This plan was suggested by the provincial chapels, called kokubunji, founded by edict in the Nara period. In the circumstances it is not surprising that Muso Soseld figures prominently in the chronicles of the fourteenth century. Like other dis tinguished Zen monks he was used by the military leaders as an adviser and as a go-between in negotiations, and he was at home among the warriors as well as at Court. H e had a high reputation for discretion and was regarded as a great scholar, but his character and his achievements seem to have been somewhat overestimated both during his lifetime and in retrospect. He was an ambitious, clever young man, and received favours from Go-Daigo and also from the Hojo Regents, in particular Takatold, who like most of his family enjoyed the company of learned Zen monks. He prided himself on his ability as a negotiator and he undoubtedly had a gift of persuasion, aided by his prestige as a scholar. Midway in his career he was rewarded by the Throne with the title of Kokushi or National Teacher. But Soseld liked to be on the winning side, and when 1 Ankoku means “a country at peace.”
Go-Daigo went into the wilderness he transferred his loyalty to the Ashikaga brothers and the Northern Court. H e served them well; and with their patronage he becam e head of the Rinzai sect and the leading Zen prelate of his day. H e was bom in 1275 and died in 1351. Some light is thrown on his career by a passage in the diary of the retired Emperor Hanazono, written in November 1325, when Go-Daigo was on the throne. Its gist, in translation, is as follows: •
Today I saw His Reverence Soho [Daito Kokushi] and die Superior of the Zenrinji [Muso Kokushi]. The Superior said that they had been received at the Palace by the Emperor Go-Daigo for the purpose of religious instruction, which he described. The Superior has of late gained a great reputation for learning, and that is why he was summoned. But from his account of the discussion it seems to have been nothing more than a commonplace talk on ele mentary points. Dear me! I t is sad to think that the sect of Dharma is fading away. It appears that the interview is to be kept confidential. The Supe rior is trusted by the leaders of the Bakufu, and the Emperor does not wish news of his conversations to reach them. This was confirmed by His Reverence Soho. But I cannot understand why the Emperor is afraid that particulars might leak o u t It seems absurd! W e are told that His M ajesty earnestly desires the Law of the Buddha to flourish, and yet he is afraid that this or that should be known about his association with a great churchman. W hy then is this man [Musd] made the Patriarch o f the Zen sect? Is this not the destruction of the great line of succession since Dharma? One cannot but grieve.
• Since Hanazono had been obliged to abdicate in favour of Go-Daigo, it might b e supposed that he was unfair to his successor. But through out his diary, although he is often cynical and usually pessimistic, he is remarkably free from prejudice. His estimate of Muso Kokushi is prob ably not far from the truth. Hanazono was not himself a convert to Zen, and perhaps he derived some satisfaction from finding fault with its dig nitaries; but he was not malicious, and he genuinely thought that the appointment of politically-minded clerics to high offices in the Church was likely to confuse believers and so to undermine the faith. 3. Chikafusa Chikafusa’s family was of Murakami Genji stock, and his ancestors, whose home was in Ise, had held appointments under the Crown for several generations. He was an aristocrat, a member of the Court no bility with no liking for the new military leaders, who were to his mind ignorant upstarts. He was beyond doubt the most impressive figure of
his age, a versatile genius who combined much learning with a gift for long-range planning, and great courage with a keen strategical insight. He certainly is one of the most praiseworthy characters in the history of his country. His association with the Court was intimate, and in 1323 he was en trusted with the post of tutor to the third son of Go-Daigo, Prince Tokinaga. The boy died in 1330 and Chikafusa entered the religious life; but he resumed his secular pursuits when Go-Daigo returned from exile in 1333, entering Court circles again and placing himself at the Emperor’s disposal. When Go-Daigo took refuge on Hiyeizan in 1336 in order to escape from Takauji, Chikafusa remained in Kyoto, but when at Takauji’s instance Go-Daigo returned to the capital, Chikafusa, who disliked and mistrusted Takauji, made his way to Ise province and there began to plan for the future of the dynasty. H e was a far-sighted man, and he saw that he would have to fight hard and long for the restoration of Go-Daigo, whom he ardently supported as the legitimate sovereign. To that cause he dedicated the whole of his adult life. When Go-Daigo escaped to Yoshino in January 1337, the issue was clear. The Southern Court must establish itself in a place easy to defend and must devote all its efforts to building up a military and political force sufficient to defeat Takauji. This called for bold and careful plan ning, and it was here that Chikafusa's remarkable talent was displayed. His strategy, his resolution, and his personal courage were such that within a few years the hunted monarch of 1337 commanded the loyalty of supporters in all parts of the country, whose combined military effort enabled them to carry on a campaign of resistance that lasted for fifty years and more than once successfully challenged the might of the Ashikaga leaders. Behind every important move made by the loyalists there can be discerned the forethought and the imagination of Chikafusa. H e believed with a fanatical devotion in the cause of Go-Daigo, and he planned for the defeat of Takauji with scrupulous care for detail yet on a grand scale. It was he who thought of using the many sons of the Emperor to serve in different parts of the country, each as a focus of loyalty to the Throne—Norinaga in the northern provinces; Munenaga in Shinano; Takanaga and Tsunenaga with Nitta in Echizen (both to lose their lives in the cause); and Kanenaga in Kyushu. Chikafusa also established a network of intelligence posts, with which he kept in touch by messengers carrying advice and encouragement. He knew what was going on everywhere. Aware that the loyalist forces could not match the armies of Takauji in numbers, he devised a strategy designed above all to promote operations at different times and in dif ferent places, so that the enemy did not know where he would strike next. These guerrilla tactics obliged his adversaries to divide their forces and thus to weaken their total effort. Meanwhile the number of ad-
herents to the loyalist cause increased, thanks to Chikafusa’s persuasion and to growing dissension within the Bakufu. H e never spared himself. He. travelled widely, visiting the distant fronts, and concerned himself especially with encouraging resistance in Mutsu and Kyushu, with a view to keeping the enemy forces engaged at a distance and thus diminishing the pressure in the Home Provinces. After the loyalist defeat of June 1338 in which his son Aldiye was killed, he decided that a new effort must be made in the North and West, and because the land route was unsafe he organized a base of supplies in Ise, at the port of Ominato, whence he could reach Hitachi by ship. Upon arriving in Hitachi, he took command of all loyalist forces in that region and established himself in strongholds where he was able to resist repeated attacks by Ashikaga forces. I t was at this time that in the in tervals of fighting he wrote the Jinno Shotoki and the Shokugen-shd, and sent them to Yoshino in circumstances that have already been described. H e struggled against mounting difficulties in H itachi year after year, still keeping in touch with other fronts, but after the death of Go-Daigo he was at last compelled to abandon his effort and return to Yoshino, where he continued to direct the policy of the Southern Court until his death in 1354. To the end he remained firm in his principles and resisted all proposals by the Bakufu based on an agreement between the two lines of succession. Quite apart from his skill and courage as a military leader, he was a gifted scholar. His Jinno Shotoki is a remarkable work, which (if one accepts his prem ise) argues the legitimacy of the Southern Court in a well-reasoned and convincing manner. I t is a fine piece of historical special pleading, and at the same time a call for political reform. He starts from the belief that Japan is the country of the gods, and that the line of divine emperors (Jinno shoto) must be preserved. He points out a few instances of departure from the true line of succession in the past, but says that these have been rectified by subsequent returns to the proper sequence. He is careful to point out that a sovereign can do wrong, citing in particular the case of Go-Toba, whose mistakes were punished in 1221 b f his own banishment and that of two other abdicated emperors. The sovereign, he says, may use force against wrongdoers, but not against persons who have committed no offence. Go-Toba erred when he resorted to force against the Hojo family, who had done no wrong and had not lost the confidence of the people. So imbued was Chikafusa with the concept of a true line of descent that he praised the Fujiwara family, who had been hereditary Regents for over three hun dred years. Chikafusa was well versed in Buddhism and believed in the doctrine of karma, which suited his ideal of continuity, of inheritance from a re mote past; but his general line of religious thought was closer to Shinto doctrine, as might be expected from the nature of his views on the
descent of the imperial house. H e was influenced by a line of thought which gave rise to the cult called Ise Shinto, according to which buddhas and boddhisattvas are the manifestations on earth of the primordial gods of Japan, rather than the national deities’ being the avatars of the Buddha.* H e was firm in his convictions, but he had a wide-ranging curiosity and a fresh mind. Like many of his contemporaries he was attracted by the new Confucianism of Chu Hsi. Some writers suggest that he had studied the abridgment by Chu Hsi of the Tzu-chih t’ungchien of Ssu-ma Kuang, especially die portions discussing the rival Courts in China. In addition to the works for which he is well known, some of his letters have been preserved. In all his writings he displays clear judg ment and a vigorous, lucid style expressive of his own decided and somewhat self-righteous character. H e was a man of remarkable dis tinction. The student interested in the growth of political ideas naturally turns to Chikafusa's works hoping to discover how political theory de veloped in Japan. But he is bound to b e disappointed, for Chikafusa deals almost exclusively with the myth or mystique of a succession of sovereigns of divine origin. He wishes to describe and preserve the purity of early doctrine, not to show a continuous stream of thought flowing through centuries from a simple legendary source. H e has little to say about the functions of the monarch, and ascribes no duties to the people beyond absolute loyalty and obedience. The subject has no rights and the sovereign is bound by no conditions, though he is expected to be just and compassionate. It is clear that from the point of view of the leaders of the warrior class, little respect was due to Chikafusa’s views. Indeed his writings were scarcely known in his day, and they had no effect except to encour age a few ardent loyalists already devoted to the Throne. Only at a much later date were they to gain great consideration; new editions printed in the seventeenth century and thereafter were to be found extremely useful by persons who wished to destroy the Tokugawa Bakufu and restore the power of the legitimate sovereign. In that sense it may be argued that Chikafusa influenced political thought in Japan, although it would be nearer the truth to say that his arguments were found useful by persons who wished to overthrow the current regime but had not yet formed a coherent political doctrine in their own minds. It was in action that they later developed their principles of government. There is little evidence to suggest that Japanese thinkers after the succession war were concerned with working out a rational theory of the state from their country’s own past. Such fundamental notions of 2 A later development of this idea turned upside down the doctrine of "honji suijaku” familiar to students of Japanese religion.
power and duty as are cited in mediaeval Japanese writings seem to be derived from Confucian teaching or Buddhist ideas, and are used empiri cally rather than systematically. The period following the struggle between the rival Courts was one of internecine warfare, with few and brief intervals of peace. Its leading figures had no thought of following an old political tradition or founding a new one. Their chief aim was to destroy the existing order, and if they had a political principle, it was a belief in naked power. Thus in the days of Ashikaga Takauji, his general Kd no Moronao had openly said: “W hat is the use of a King? W hy should he live in a Palace? And why should we bow to him? I f for some reason a King is needed, let us have one made of wood or metal, and let all the live Kings be banished.” Such views were not uncommon after the collapse of the Hojo Re gency, and iconoclasm grew more violent as the Ashikaga family gained power. After Takauji’s death the very possibility of constructive political thought ceased to exist Indeed no kind of thinking could have rational ized the political chaos for which the Ashikaga were to blame, and which can best be suggested by the words of Milton that introduce this volume. Only of the early days of the Kamakura Bakufu can it be said that government followed a clear political principle. Its leaders formulated a simple theory, which is clear from the direct language of the Joei code and the nature of their actions. They held that good government is firm government, and they believed in justice. Their social theory, if they had had one, would have postulated a rigid division of functions and a fixed pattern of classes.4 4. T he Last Phase o f Loyalist Resistance After the death of Chikafusa the Southern Court moved from Anau to Amano in the province of Kawachi, making the Kongoji its headquar ters. I t was from this base that the campaigns of 1354 and 1355 were directed. Following the loss of Kyoto in April 1355, the Court saw the futility of further military operations and for a time ceased active oppo sition. W hen Yoshialdra becam e Shogun at the end of 1358, he thus faced no immediate threat from the loyalists, although there remained centres of resistance in Shinano and in Kyushu, where Kanenaga con tinued to gain ground. Rather than carry out Takauji’s design to invade Kyushu, Yoshiakira elected to take advantage of the weakness of the Southern Court and attack Amano. He ordered his younger brother Motouji (his Deputy in the K anto) to collect a force in the eastern provinces, where he had dependable adherents. Early in 1359 this was put in hand; but it was not until nine months later that an army, under the general Hatakeyama, reached Kyoto. Yoshiakira and Hatakeyama agreed upon a plan
of campaign, and Yoshialara led a large force southward, reaching Amagasaki in January 1360, while Hatakeyama led his force into Settsu, where he clashed with the loyalist army at Shijo-Nawate. T he news of the great enemy host reached Amano, and the Court hurriedly moved from the Kongoji to the remoter Kanshinji. Shortly after reaching Settsu Hatakeyama moved into Kawachi, and Yoshialara’s vanguard camped near Mount Kongo. The prospect for the Southern Court was so dark that certain loyalists went over to the enemy. The opposing forces were now in the country over which the Hojo generals had fought against Prince Morinaga and his friends in 1332 (see pp. 1 0 -1 2 ). Kusunoki Masanori was based upon the fort at Akasaka, in liaison with other strong-points in the vicinity, and here he formed a line of defence. Shijo Takatoshi at first held Yoshialara in check. But one after another the strongholds fell under the attack of superior numbers until only Akasaka was left. W hat happened next is not clear. Masanori withdrew in June; but he was not pursued by the enemy, nor did Yoshiakira attempt to interfere with the temporary court a t Kanshinji. He and his generals returned to the capital in triumph. I t is said that before leaving the field Yoshiakira proposed an agree ment to the Southern Court. W hether or not this is true, the time was ripe for such a proposal, since the nobles supporting the Southern Court were losing hope and courage. Some of them offered to help the other side—even, according to one account, the young prince Okinaga, who proposed himself as deputy for the Shogun in Yoshino. Never before in the protracted civil war had the outlook for the loyalists been so dark. The Bakufu, however, had its own troubles. The observant Toin Kinkata, writing in the spring of 1355, describes conditions in the capital as frightful: “The bitter quarrels and jealousies among the generals are such that we might be living in the infernal regions.” After Takauji s death the situation was even worse. Men of high rank were so involved in feuds that they paid little attention to the campaign against the Southern Court. After Yoshiakira s return to Kyoto, the Bakufu general Nikki Yoshinaga moved into Ise and took sides with the loyalists fighting there, while Hatakeyama, annoyed by Yoshialdra’s conduct, returned in anger to Kamakura with his army. Yoshiakira’s position becam e in creasingly difficult. L ater in the year he tried to punish one of his in subordinate barons, Hosokawa Kiyouji, but Hosokawa escaped and went over to the Southern Court in 1361.* B y these defections and dissensions in the Bakufu, the military posi tion of the Southern Court was much improved, and its leaders once again took the offensive, encouraged by Kiyouji, who suggested an at* After fighting for the Southern Court Kiyouji left Kawachi in 1362, and went home to Shikoku, where for a time he was supreme. But Yoshiakira ordered his death, and he was killed by Hosokawa Yoriyuki, his cousin, a man who figures prominently in the early history of the Ashikaga Bakufu. This was a ruthless age.
tack upon Kyoto. Early in 1362 a considerable force advanced from Sumiyoshi in Settsu (w here Go-Murakami had established his head quarters), and Yoshiakira thought it prudent to withdraw. He escorted Go-Kogon to Hiyeizan and then to Omi. Masanori and his comrades entered Kyoto without fighting. This was the fourth time that a South ern army had entered the capital; but once more they had to with draw. W ithin a short time Yoshiakira had assembled a strong force, and at its approach Masanori and his allies withdrew southward in the di rection of Uji. They had been less than twenty days in occupation of Kyoto. Now Go-Kogon was brought back and installed in the Kitayama palace (which had been the home of the noble Saionji fam ily). Though Masanori and his friends were still unsubdued, they were not effective. They were safe in their mountain stronghold, but were not strong enough to take the offensive. In 1369 even Masanori gave up the struggle, leaving Kyushu the last stronghold of the loyalists. A review of the loyalist resistance after 1355 leads to the conclusion that it was doomed to failure. Except in Kyushu the loyalist forces were outnumbered, indifferently led, and demoralized. There was only one hope: the manifest discord within the Bakufu. It was this that encour aged the Southern Court to keep up the struggle after the death of Chikafusa, when by any unprejudiced judgment it had no prospect of en during success. In 1368 Go-Murakami died at Sumiyoshi in Settsu. He had been a good fighter in his day and had cheerfully undergone danger and hard ship as he moved from one refuge to another. One of his brothers might have succeeded him, but the survivors were in distant places, and one of his sons stepped into his place as the Emperor Chokei—an empty dignity, since he had no support. The mainstay of the resistance was Kusunoki Masanori, and he went over to the Northern Court in 1369. H e had not the reckless idealism of his father Masashige, but he had practical wisdom. H e had played his part loyally in the long struggle, but when the loyalist army failed to hold Kyoto in 1362 he began to lose hope of military success and turned his mind to a political solution of the dynastic problem. H e had already opened discussions with Sasaki Doyo in secret (1 3 6 7 ), but they came to nothing, mainly because the Southern Court behaved as if the Bakufu were suing for peace, and made such impossible conditions that Yoshiakira angrily broke off the talks. Masanori tried again, but discussions were not resumed after the death of Go-Murakami. Masanori was regarded as a traitor by some of the nobles at the Southern Court and even by his own family, but criticism did not come well from men who had not risked their lives in battle year after year. There were sound reasons for seeking an agreement. Yoshiakira died in January 1368 and was succeeded by his son Yoshimitsu, who was a minor. For a time the affairs of the Bakufu were
conducted by Hosokawa Yoriyuki, who had been marked down by Ashikaga leaders as one of the most capable men of the day. 5. T he Kyushu Campaign I t was clearly essential for the Bakufu to reassert its authority in Kyushu, where Prince Kanenaga had gained the upper hand. A Kyushu campaign was desirable not only to complete the task of suppressing the loyalists, but also to restore the prestige of the Ashikaga Shogun, which had continued to decline after Takauji’s death despite repeated efforts to restore i t By 1365 the whole of Kyushu was under K anenagas control The great families of Shoni, Otomo, and Shimazu had lost their primacy, and the deputies of the Bakufu, the Kyushu Tandai Isshila and Shiba, had been defeated in battle and shorn of their power. Kanenaga at this point was so confident of his strength that he began to think of leading an army against Kyoto. Yoshialara’s position, already weakened by the unruly behaviour of the barons in central and eastern Japan, was still further endangered by the situation in Kyushu. Shortly before his death he sent an expedition to Kyushu, but it failed to cross the straits, and its general, Shibukawa, turned back to report that Kanenaga was contemplating a journey to the Southern Court in order to plan further resistance. In the confusion following upon Yoshiakira’s death this appeared possible; but Hosokawa Yoriyuki and other leaders saw the danger, and prepared a great force to meet Kanenaga should he attempt to cross over to the mainland. The creation of this force ended the last opportunity for Kanenaga and for the loyalist cause. His military advantage in Kyushu began to d im in ish as his enemies recovered from their defeats and built up new strength, and the Bakufu soon returned to the offensive. In 1370, on the advice of Yoriyuki, who was summoned to Kyoto for consultation, the Ashikaga leaders decided to send to Kyushu as Tandai the most capable man in their service. This was Imagawa Sadayo, a distinguished soldier and a man of letters well known in poetical circles. Bom in 1325, he had spent most of his early life campaigning for Takauji. W hen the Bakufu s call came he had entered religion and was living a quiet life in Kyoto under the name of Ryoshun. H e left for his new post late in O ctober 1370. Warned by the failure of his predecessor, who had never so much as crossed the straits into Kyushu, he planned carefully. So as not to leave enemies in his rear he came to an understanding with Ouchi, the Constable of Suo, and he took similar steps in Shikoku, where he charged the Hosokawa family with the duty of keeping order. As his spearhead and for a reconnaissance in force, he sent a contingent under his son Yoshinori from Onomichi to Kyushu by sea. Yoshinori landed in the O ita district and occupied the
stronghold of Takasaki during August 1371. After attacking loyalist forces in the neighbourhood, he was attacked by Kikuchi Takemitsu, whose family was the strongest and most dependable ally of Prince Kanenaga in his struggle against the Bakufu. But Yoshinori held out and Takasaki was never recaptured. At this time Imagawa, who was still on the mainland, ordered his younger brother Tadaaki to drive into H izen and attack Dazaifu from the rear. Tadaaki met with obstacles, and could not make his way into Kyushu and across country to Hizen until the end of the year, when he reached Matsuura and was helped by local warriors. Imagawa meanwhile was riding along the western coast road, en joying the scenery and humming his favourite poems. He made a lei surely progress, and when he saw that his strategy was beginning to work out as he had planned, he left Ala and proceeded towards Buzen in Kyushu, crossing to Kokura, which is about five miles over the water from ShimonosekL H e then moved westward along the coast to Munakata and pressed on to Dazaifu. H e was thus between Yoshinori, mak ing a stand at Takasaki, and Tadaaki, placed at a point in western Hizen. This triple threat obliged Kikuchi to raise the siege of Takasaki and address himself to the defence of Dazaifu. Imagawa himself, joined by Ashikaga partisans, had fought his way from Kokura and occupied a point which was the key position in the defence of Dazaifu. T he three Ashikaga armies now enveloped Dazaifu, which fell into their hands before the end of September 1372. Kikuchi was obliged to retreat and escaped into Chikugo province, escorting Prince Kanenaga. Thanks to Imagawa’s plans and their well-timed execution, the greater part of northern Kyushu had been subdued. T he commanding position which Kanenaga had achieved by arduous work since 1361 had been lost in a few days—twelve years of effort gone! T he loyalist cause was not lost, but great strength and good fortune were needed if Ima gawa was to be checked. Kanenaga now took up a position—as a refuge and at the same time a defensive base—on a plain in the basin of the Chikugo River. Imagawa was careful not to move unless he could see a real advantage. He intended to choose his own time and place, and he addressed himself to gaining the support of the leading families in the southern part of Kyushu, inviting them to join in an attack by whose success they could profit Kikuchi divined Imagawa’s intention, and decided that he must take the offensive quickly, before Imagawa’s plans were ripe. In March 1373 Kikuchi launched a night attack in force that came near to breaking Imagawa’s defences, but in the end the loyalists were beaten off and forced to withdraw. A deadlock ensued, and for some time Imagawa’s position was not comfortable. L ater in the year, however, Kikuchi died, leaving the loyalist defence without a really tested leader, and Kikuchi’s heir Takemasa, a promising soldier, died in 1374.
At that time Imagawa had already decided to bring his full strength to bear upon Kanenaga’s force, which was sitting at Kora-san. H e suc ceeded in driving the Prince into Higo province. At this point he was circumspect, and resisted the temptation to follow the enemy into Higo and seek a decision there. He found other means of attacking the Kikuchi clan, and before long he was virtually master of the whole of Chikugo province. In 1375 Imagawa moved his base forward to a point about two and a half miles west of the Kikuchi stronghold, in the neck of the Mizushima plain, and planned to deliver a frontal attack w ith his entire force upon the main Kikuchi defences. At this time he appealed to Shimazu, Otomo, and Shoni for help. Shoni Fuyutsugu resented the appointment of a new Tandai and at first refused to come. However, when pressed by Shimazu Ujihisa he grudg ingly assented and arrived in due course at Mizushima. Imagawa seems to have suspected Shoni of treachery, and ( it is said) ordered his brother to stab him at a drinking party. Shimazu, who had persuaded Shoni to join him, was disgusted and returned to Satsuma, where he arrayed his forces in open challenge to Imagawa. I t is astonishing that men who are in most respects capable and wise enough to rise to heights of power sometimes perform such idiotic acts. Imagawa, a supposedly brilliant and sensitive man, by this blunder lost two valuable allies—Shimazu, the most powerful single chieftain in the country, and Shoni, who was a hereditary vassal of die Shogun. From the point of view of the struggling loyalists Imagawa’s error was a blessing. This wanton murder of one of their kind induced many wavering families in Chikugo to enter the struggle against Imagawa. With their help the new Kikuchi was able to attack him in October 1375 and drive him to retreat into Hizen with loyalist troops at his heels. Imagawa s triumphant advance was now checked, and he found him self on the defensive. In the words of a modem Japanese historian, “His spear was blunted.” Imagawa reported his position to the Bakufu in Kyoto and asked for help. The Bakufu sent an emissary to Suo and ordered Ouchi to assist Imagawa. This was a risky or at least not very promising move; and Imagawa felt that his position in Kyushu was deteriorating so rapidly that he could not wait for help. H e strove urgendy to get certain Kyushu warriors to join him in an attack upon the Kikuchi combination, and he implored warrior families in southern Kyushu to raise levies for his support H e saw that the relationship between the loyalists and the Shimazu chieftain Ujihisa must somehow be broken. Ujihisa resisted, although a number of warriors in the three southern provinces ( Satsuma, Hyuga, and Osumi) joined the Imagawa leaders. In September 1376 the Bakufu deprived the Shimazu leaders of their offices as Constable in Satsuma and Osumi, Imagawa being appointed to replace them. Presendy the tide tinned in favour of Imagawa, and
the Shimazu forces were gradually isolated. T h e Shimazu leaders saw that the loyalist army under Prince Kanenaga’s command was gradu ally losing strength, but they were too proud, too conscious of their position as the leading magnates in Kyushu, to go over to the Bakufu. They hesitated and did not make a definite stand, did not show their colour. The death of Shimazu Ujihisa in 1385 marked the end of this phase. His successor declared himself an ally of the Ashikaga leaders, so that the three provinces then fell into the Bakufu’s sphere. Even then, however, nothing was conceded to Imagawa. W hen he was re called to Kyoto for duty, Shimazu willingly obeyed orders from the Bakufu; but he and his kinsmen were loth to serve under a man who had put them to shame at Mizushima by ordering the murder of Shoni, their companion in arms. T o the north, the war was over by this time. In 1377 Imagawa’s forces inflicted severe punishment upon the Kikuchi family in Hizen and forced them to retreat into Higo. Imagawa pressed hard, pursued them across the Chikugo River, entered Higo, and captured Kumamoto. Ouchi en tered Chikugo province and continued the offensive against Kikuchi. T h e next year, 1378, there was a pause while both sides repaired the damage they had suffered. Then in October Imagawa delivered a joint attack upon the Kikuchi stronghold with Ouchi, the new Shoni, and Otomo. The main engagement was a battle at Takuma-hara, near Ku mamoto. It was bitterly fought. The loyalists, in high spirits despite the great numbers against them, fought desperately, and many mem bers of the Kikuchi family were killed; but in the end Imagawa was driven off and had to retreat into Chikugo. H e reorganized his forces and attacked again. Kikuchi avoided a pitched battle, and 1380 went by without any decisive action. In the spring of the following year, however, the Bakufu army gradually wore down Kikuchi s resistance, and his chief stronghold, Kumabe, fell in July 1381, to b e followed by the capture of all his remaining defences. Thus the loyalist resistance in Kyushu gradually collapsed, and with the death of Kanenaga in 1383 all hope of recovery seemed lost. Thanks largely to the stubborn fighting of Kikuchi and the adroit leadership of Kanenaga, the loyalist forces had held out against a strong army under a good general for twelve years from the time of Imagawa’s appoint ment as Tandai in 1370. There is no doubt that Kanenaga was an exceptionally capable man. Quarrels between great clans in Kyushu gave him a certain advantage in the choice of willing allies, but he must have used great skill in nego tiation. He was in a strong position at Dazaifu, where he received en voys from Ming China, and indeed he sent his own envoys to the Ming Court in 1371. His relations with Japanese pirates were useful to him, since it was in the hope of stopping Japanese piracy that the Ming Em peror sent his first envoy in 1369. Kanenaga maltreated members of this
mission, but soon saw that it would be to the advantage of the Southern Court to be on good terms with China, and ( according to Ming records) he went so far as to call himself a tributary of the Ming. By 1372, how ever, Imagawa had established himself as Tandai and driven Kanenaga out of the Dazaifu region. T he next Chinese mission arrived after this, and its traffic was with the Northern C ou rt Speculating upon the reasons for Imagawa s success, one is tempted to think that the war between the Southern Court and the Bakufu pro duced a new kind of army commander in such men as Kusunold Masashige, Kitabatake Chikafusa, and Imagawa Sadayo, and led to some advances in the art of war. The Gempei W ar of the twelfth century had been fought by generals who had no experience of handling very large numbers. At times they showed tactical skill, but they do not seem to have looked ahead and planned their battles. Most of the gen erals of the fourteenth century were no better. Nitta Yoshisada was not a wise strategist, and Takauji s generals, especially Moronao, relied upon brute force and not upon judgment. W hen things went against them they made a poor showing. Takauji had confidence and a good eye for terrain. H e knew when to seize an opening, but he was not a first-class military leader, able to see a long way ahead and make his dispositions accordingly. By comparison, Kusunold, Kitabatake, and Imagawa were careful and successful planners, and it is not a mere coincidence that all three were men of good breeding, of intellectual and aesthetic interests, and of a thoughtful nature. The characters of Kusunold and Kitabatake have already been described. I t is appropriate to say something here about Imagawa, who like them was distinguished for his strategic skill.6 6. Im agaw a Sadayo The Imagawa family was an offshoot of the Ashikaga, and held a manor at Imagawa in the province of Mikawa. Sadayo’s father was a follower of Takauji, in whose campaigns he rendered valuable service. H e was rewarded with the appointment of Constable of Suruga, and after that the family was prominent among the gentry of the eastern coastal provinces and formed connexions by marriage with families of the Court nobility. Such matches were unusual in feudal society under the Kamakura Bakufu; the relationship between military leaders and the Court in that period was friendly but not intimate. In principle at least, the Ashikaga Bakufu, like its predecessor, had discouraged close intercourse between the civilian and the military. But when the Ashi kaga Shoguns established themselves in the capital, occasions for social intercourse were naturally more frequent, especially since many of the problems with which Takauji and his successors had to deal concerned
the treatment of members of the imperial family and their circle. The very disagreement of the rival Courts multiplied the occasions for con tact. No details of Sadayo’s early life are known. H e was bom in 1325 and entered the service of Yoshiakira as a young man. He must have spent some time in the capital in the intervals of his military duties, and it is known that he studied the art of composing linked verses ( ren ga) with Nijd Yoshimoto, a man of about his own age, who later not only rose to the high offices of Chancellor and Regent but became an arbiter of taste and patron of the school of poetry known as the Nijo School. It is clear that the ruling passion in Imagawa Sadayo’s life was the study and practice of the poetic arts. W e have seen how on his way to Kyushu at the head of his army he rode along composing and chant ing stanzas in a happy mood. Few of his poems have survived, but among them (in his travel diary called M ichiyukiburi) are some of the poems inspired by the scenes through which he passed on his way to the wars. H e took a very strong line in the great poetical dispute which split the fourteenth-century literary world into two bitter factions and even had political sequels. The opposing schools were those of Reizei Tamehide and Nijo Tameyo—two lines of descent from the famous Teika, the greatest star in the poetical firmament of the thirteenth century. I t is a fascinating quarrel which we must not stop to explore and relish; but there is a certain historical interest in the conflict, for it involved persons who were not poets, and it was one of the consequences of a revolution that was taking place in most aspects of the national life. In simple terms, the issue between the two schools was between old tradition and new freedom—new license even—and thus it reflected so cial trends of the day, a mingling of classes and an impatience of prece dent. Imagawa was on the side of freedom and argued vigorously that the strict canon of the Nijo School was stifling, while the Reizei School inspired and encouraged spontaneous expression. He enjoyed teaching both the conventional uta and the renga. His own poems were not much esteemed by connoisseurs, but he fought hard in the literary arena as he did on the battlefield. He wrote essays on poetical matters, and one of his last works was a protest addressed to the Bureau of Poetry against attacks upon his own, the Reizei SchooL But he did not hesitate to attack the Nijo School himself, or to oppose Yoshimoto, despite their amiable intercourse at an earlier time. H e remained in Kyushu as Tandai until 1395, when he was recalled to answer charges brought against him by Ouchi and Otomo, his former allies in Kyushu, who said that he was guilty of conspiracy against the Shogun Yoshimitsu. Their accusation was almost certainly false, and their proposal that Imagawa be replaced as Kyushu Tandai by Shibu-
kawa Mitsuyori was obviously inspired by a desire to rehabilitate the Shibukawa family, since it was the craven conduct of Mitsuyori’s father in 1368 that had led to the appointment of Imagawa. A few years later there seem to have been better grounds for ques tioning Imagawa’s loyalty to the Shogun, one of them being the fact that Imagawa s province of Totomi did not respond to a levy made by or on behalf of the Bakufu in 1400. Presumably for this reason Yoshimitsu sent word to Kamakura ordering Imagawa s offices as Constable in Suruga and Totomi to be forfeited. It was seemingly at this point that Ryoshun (as he was then styled), feeling that he could not sit back and await assassination, endeavoured to raise opposition to the Ashikaga.45* H e was not successful, and appears to have retired to the coun try for his last years. He wrote his N an-Taiheiki 9 in 1402 and nothing is known of him after that, except that he stayed quietly in the country, with occasional visits to Kyoto presumably on poetical business only. H e died in 1420. It was remarkable that a member of the warrior class should have become a prominent figure in the literary society which had its centre at the Court. The very fact that he was accepted on terms of equality in such an exclusive group shows that a spirit of change was in the air, and a new model of warrior was coming into fashion. 4 There is evidence that Yoshhnitsu tried to get Sadayo assassinated. He wrote to Sadayo’s kinsman Yasunori hinting that Sadayo was planning treason and should be put away. “I f you could arrange some device, I should rejoice," he says in a letter preserved in the Uyesugi archives. 5 One literary work of Imagawa which is of particular interest to historians is this criticism of the Taiheiki, in which he points out certain errors in that chronicle, especially such errors of omission as a neglect to give due credit to the exploits of members of his own family. One must read between the lines of the Nan-Taiheiki, since when he wrote it he was in a dangerous position.
1. A greem ent betw een th e Northern
and Southern Courts W h e n Yoshialdra was succeeded as Shogun by his son Yoshimitsu in 1368, the Ashikaga house was well established. Yoshimitsu, then a child of nine years, was fortunate in inheriting the services of capable and loyal men as his advisers and deputies. Imagawa Sadayo was a gifted leader, and Hosokawa Yoriyuki was perhaps the ablest administrator of the day. Yoriyuki had been chosen by Yoshiakira to act as his Deputy (K anrei) and he carried out his duties faithfully, with an unyielding insistence upon high standards of conduct in his subordinates. His stem attitude towards loose behaviour aroused ill-feeling, especially among certain Zen monks and some of the leading warriors whose con duct he found cause to condemn. H e was at one time impeached by his enemies, and his pride led him to resign and return to his country estate. T h e question at issue on this occasion was the treatment of the Southern C o u rt One of the reasons which persuaded Kusunoki Masanori to go over to the Northern Court was his association with Yoriyuki, by whose character and ability he was much impressed. I t was in fact Yoriyuki s arbitrary policy (w hich included military assistance to Masanori) that offended Yoshimitsu and caused some of the warlords to turn against him. Angered by their opposition, he wished to resign but was more than once persuaded by the young Shogun to remain in office, especially during the year 1372. In 1379 Shiba and other barons pressed for his dismissal. Yoshimitsu tried to placate them, but failed; and it was then that Yoriyuki resigned, having first shaved his head and taken vows. Later Yoriyuki felt some regret for his action and tried to make amends. In 1391 he was recalled to Kyoto, where he was given his former post as Deputy and once again advised the Shogun on matters of high policy. But he died a year later, in 1392. At the time of Yoriyuki’s impeachment in 1379 the Bakufu armies in Kyushu under Imagawa’s leadership were gaining the upper hand, and even where it had been strongest the military position of the South ern Court was gradually crumbling. For years the time had been ripe for reconciliation between the two lines, for since the death of Yoshi akira in 1367 all the leading figures in the struggle had vanished from the scene, and their places had been taken by men who had no strong
feelings about the succession. But still the unequal struggle dragged on. In 1373 Go-Kameyama succeeded as Emperor at the Southern Court, and in 1383 Go-Komatsu was installed in Kyoto. I t was now nearly fifty years since Go-Daigo s line had gone into exile. Enthusiasm for the Southern Court had almost evaporated. Losses in the field had made a loyalist revival all but impossible; and indeed the very safety of GoKameyama and his courtiers at Amano was endangered by attacks from adjacent provinces led by Ashikaga generals. The Bakufu might have tackled the succession problem soon after Yoshiakira’s death, but Yoshimitsu and his advisers had more urgent problems to deal with. The long campaign in Kyushu did not end until 1383, and apart from that large undertaking Yoshimitsu had to deal with certain recalcitrant warlords, notably the arrogant Yamana family, who had made themselves the masters of eleven provinces in western Japan—one-sixth of the provinces in the whole country. They chal lenged the authority of the Ashikaga Shogun, and had to b e put down. It was not until late in 1392 that, having at last disposed of the Yamana, he could turn to discussions with the Southern Court. Details are scanty, but it appears that the Bakufu opened the nego tiations by proposing a union (gattai) between the two lines.1 The Southern Emperor, Go-Kameyama, at length gave his consent. H e undertook to return the Regalia to their proper seat and to transfer them to the Northern Emperor. This was agreed by all parties, and it was understood that in future the succession was to alternate between the senior and junior lines—Jimyo-In and Daikakuji. An important con dition was that Crown estates in the provinces should belong to the junior line, and the rich Chokodo estate to the senior line. The agree ment was concluded in Decem ber 1392. On the face of it this was a fair agreement, and it was faithfully carried out by the Southern Court. Go-Kameyama left Yoshino in D e cember and proceeded to the Daikakuji monastery (w hich gave the junior line its name and was at Saga, on the western outskirt of the c ity ), arriving there on Decem ber 16. His intention was to perform a solemn act of abdication in which the transfer of the Regalia was an integral part. Abdication was a customary practice in Japan, and this was the traditional procedure by which it was accomplished. Only by following precedent could Go-Kameyama establish the legitimacy of his own reign, and even to have dealings with the senior line was a denial of the firm stand taken by Go-Daigo, who had spurned all claims of the Northern Court. T o give way on this point must have been a 1 The terms of an agreement are set forth in a letter from Yoshimitsu to the Southern Court, dated October 29, 1392, of which a copy has been preserved in the Konoye family archives. It accepts the Southern Court’s stipulation that an act of abdication should not take place until after the transfer of the Regalia, and that thereafter the succession should alternate between the two lines.
bitter end to so many years in exile. Yet as if the Ashikaga Bakufu were doomed to continue the treachery out of which it arose, the Shogun was false to his pledge. Yoshimitsu ordered the Regalia to be surrendered, and on Decem ber 19 a small escort of courtiers car ried them through rain and by a muddy road from Saga to the Tsuchimikado palace, where the Northern Emperor Go-Komatsu was re siding. T here was no ceremonial transfer of the Regalia and there was no meeting between Go-Kameyama and Go-Komatsu, still less the ritual act of “surrendering the state” (Jokoku) which convention re quired. Nor were other conditions of the agreement kept by Yoshi mitsu. In 1412 Go-Komatsu abdicated in favour of his own son, and there was no objection from the Shogun, despite his promise of alter nate succession between the two lines. Further, the estates allotted to the Daikakuji were not available, or more accurately their revenues were difficult if not impossible to collect. There is no doubt that the Bakufu were not convinced of the claims of the Northern Court, but they wanted to keep clear of the niceties of succession, for their only concern was to install an obedient sovereign, and as practical men they considered that possession of the Regalia was the best certificate of legitimacy. Altogether the Northern Court and the Bakufu made a discreditable showing in this matter of reconcilia tion. T h e Southern Court lost everything but its dignity. After his abdication Go-Kameyama was treated coldly, even con temptuously, by the Northern Court, who said that he had no right to the title of D ajo Tenno (Suprem e Retired Em peror) since he had never been enthroned; and it was only after nearly two years’ delay that Yoshimitsu took the trouble to secure it for him. Offended by the neg lect and deceit of the Bakufu and its puppets, Go-Kameyama withdrew to Saga, where he lived a solitary life. H e seems to have offended the fourth Ashikaga Shogun, Yoshimochi, for not long after visiting the Muromachi palace he suddenly left Saga, and was reported to be wandering in a distressed condition among the hills of Yoshino. But he returned to Saga and was buried nearby in 1424. Viewed in the light of subsequent events, the struggle between the two Courts failed to decide the issue of legitimacy. It has never been settled. Arguments based on the possession of the Regalia are not decisive, nor is it possible to substantiate charges that the Regalia held by the Southern Court were counterfeit. Some modem scholars have argued that Chikafusa’s evidence is incorrect in certain particulars, and have challenged the claims of the Southern Court. This view was current in the early years of the present century, even in official circles. But it was rejected by the Household Minister in 1911 in an official statem ent I t might therefore be said that the civil war was fought in vain, and
this would be true if its real purpose was to settle the issue of legitimacy. B ut seen in its historical setting the war was a struggle for supremacy not between two Courts but between two military factions, each seek ing its own material advantage and very little else. It was revolutionary in its effect, because it destroyed the feudal hierarchy as it had been developed by the Kamakura Regents, and put in its place a new kind of military society, consisting of great barons enjoying almost full auton omy and giving only a qualified submission to the Ashikaga Shoguns. The half-century of strife destroyed or damaged many institutions, and it was naturally followed by an era of change, sometimes violent and always lively. It is therefore best to regard the years between the flight to Yoshino in 1337 and the agreement between the Courts in 1392 as a period of transition not only in the political life of the coun try but also, and notably, in its economic life. Like most wars, the war between the Courts was fought about one thing and settled some thing else; and while the fighting was going on, unperceived changes were taking place in the life of the people whose occupation was peaceful. In the foregoing chapters little has been said about the condition and behaviour of the workers on the land. There is not much direct evidence on these points, since the chronicles rarely stop to notice the peasants. But it is clear that although most farm labourers were still in a state of qualified serfdom, they were being gradually emancipated. This change was not due to any reforming spirit among the landowners, but to the practical sense of the masters, who had to go off to the wars and as a rule left their most capable workers in charge of their estates. Thus they created a new class of peasant enjoying a de gree of independence hitherto unknown. The culmination of this proc ess is described in later chapters dealing with the breakdown of the manorial system and the frequent agrarian risings that are character istic of the age of the Ashikaga Shoguns.2 2. A N ote on M ediaeval W arfare One thing which strikes the student of the period of almost continu ous war (say from 1300 to 1400) is the monotony of its military history. There are clashes of arms, pitched battles and skirmishes, victories and defeats, death and disaster, all the ingredients of a military classic; yet one encounter is very like another, and in no campaign is any great strategic talent displayed. There is no commander of genius, nothing— it would seem—to correspond with the inventive planning and the brilliant execution which in W estern literature are attributed to lead ers like Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, and to later and lesser figures as well.
I t may be that the chronicles give this impression because Japan failed to produce literary generals like Xenophon and Caesar. Whereas since antiquity commanders in W estern countries have had a habit of writing despatches or memoirs describing their own campaigns, the mediaeval accounts of battles upon which Japanese historians depend are for the most part written by monks or by scribes in the employment of great feudal houses, men without understanding of the art and sci ence of war. They even have very little idea of the numbers of men engaged in the battles which they describe. The chronicles of the Gempei W ar of 1180-85 give absurdly exag gerated accounts of the size of the armies engaged. The H eike Monogatari is a romance in which accuracy was not the writers’ aim, but the Azuma Kagami has some claim to b e treated as a historical docu ment, since it was based in part upon official records. Yet, to take a simple instance, both works give impossible numbers for the armies commanded by the Minamoto generals Yoshitsune and Noriyori when they were commissioned to destroy Yoshinaka at the end of 1183. The figures in both works are of the order of 50,000 for Noriyori and 20,000 for Yoshitsune. T o supply, bivouac, and move such numbers would have been a colossal task in twelfth-century Japan, even in favourable conditions of topography and climate, the more so because at that time most of the fighting men were mounted. In modem times a force of 1,000 mounted men is about half a cavalry brigade, which in quar ter column would extend half a mile. It is obvious that a force of ten or twenty thousand mounted men could not perform the feats attributed to Yoshitsune s force, such as riding fast over thirty miles or so of rough, hilly country and fighting a stiff action at the end of the day. There is no doubt that the strength of a force reported as 10,000 was frequently not more than 1,000 or 1,500.* It is true that in the fourteenth century conditions of transport and supply had much improved, and it was easier to move large bodies of men. B ut the numbers in the T aiheiki are no less exaggerated than those of the earlier chronicles. It is unfortunate for the study of Japa nese military history that this fundamental weakness persists through out the fourteenth century and into the fifteenth. Chapter V I of the T aiheiki describes the preparation by the Kama kura Bakufu of a great host to put down rebellion in the Home Prov inces. I t says that more than 307,000 horsemen left the eastern provinces2 2 There is an interesting confirmation of this ratio in Gyokuyd, the diary of Kanezane, the Fujiwara Regent during part of the Gempei War. He notes that one of his servants counted a Taira force as it passed through the city, and found that it numbered just over 1,000 men, although it had been publicly stated to num ber from 7,000 to 10,000. It was proceeding to assist Yoshinaka. This passage in Gyokuyd is pointed out by Major Hayashibe, co-author of a work on military history discussed below. He thinks that 3,000 would be a likely figure for the combined force of Yoshitsune and Noriyori.
in October 1332, and the vanguard reached Kyoto in about twenty days, while the rear guard was still near Hakone. At the same time many thousands of men marched towards the capital from the west, bringing the total to 800,000, or according to one version, one million. These are fantastic figures; yet the T aiheiki is a work upon which modern his torians must depend for a description of the campaigns during and after the revolt against the Hojo in 1332. There are numerous texts of this chronicle, nine of which are collated in an excellent work entitled Sanko Taiheiki. A study of the numbers of men engaged in the important battles reveals most surprising discrepancies. In the usually accepted text ( rufubon ), the number engaged in the Hojo army’s attack on Kusunoki’s stronghold at Akasaka in 1333 is given at 300,000, whereas other texts have 200,000 and 20,000. The first two figures are absurd, the third may b e correct For later fighting in this vicinity the num bers given vary from 100,000 to 10,000. The size of Takauji’s army leaving Shinomura is given as 20,000 in the standard text, and its strength on reaching Kyoto is given as 50,000, with 5,000 and 20,000 as variants. It is obvious from examples of this land that the chroniclers had very little idea of the size of armies, and that they did not distinguish between sen for 1,000 and man for 10,000. Thus, of the important battle of Kotesashi-Sekido (1333) one text says that the fighting opened with a volley of 3,000 arrows, another says 300. T he lower figure is most probable, since it was a custom to begin actions with a challenge by a flight of whistling arrows. The total Hojo force in this battle is given as 200,000 or 300,000, both unlikely, indeed impossible, figures. As the Hojd army made repeated attacks on the enemy ( Nitta Yoshisada), he was pressed back and stood on the defensive until he re ceived an unexpected reinforcement from Miura, bringing his total strength to 40,000 according to one text, 100,000 according to another. A total somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 for Nitta and his allies is not improbable, and the opposing army may have been rather larger. Another chapter of the Taiheiki, describing Nitta’s attack on Kamakura in 1333, says that he collected three divisions after crossing the Tamagawa, one of which entered the city by the “back door” ( k aram ete ); but the total strength of a division is not stated. In an other passage his force with that of his allies is given as 507,000, ob viously an error for 57,000.* I f little is known of the numbers engaged in feudal battles, it is not * The total force available to Nitta for attacks upon the Hojo may well have been greater than the force actually engaged in the capture of Kamakura. In dif ferent parts of northern and eastern Japan he could probably count upon help from many strong families, so that the number on his side, though not necessarily under his command or even available to him, may conceivably have been as high as 200,000; but even this figure is not at all likely.
surprising that there is only scanty reliable information of other lands to help historians in forming an opinion of the skill with which com manders planned and fought their campaigns. On such evidence as is available, Minatogawa may be looked upon as a well-planned battle, having regard to the terrain; but it may be that Takaujis success was due less to his strategy than to Nitta’s hasty retreat. W e know that some of Go-Daigo’s advisers were against Nitta’s plan of defence, and wished to avoid decisive action; and we know also that more than once both Nitta and Aldiye neglected Kusunold’s advice with unfortunate results. On the other hand, Takauji’s amphibious progress eastward to Minatogawa was certainly better organized than any of Nitta’s marches. Imagawa Sadayo was a seasoned warrior, thoughtful and cautious, a good organizer. Perhaps he may be regarded as the best general of his day, and it is interesting to note that he comes nearest to those W estern commanders who like to write about their campaigns. But neither he nor any of his contemporaries appears to have devised im portant changes in methods of warfare—nothing like the phalanx or the open square in infantry tactics, or a new use of cavalry. The one really important change in the armies of this period was social rather than military, the growth of a class of foot soldier, the ashigaru, used for street fighting. W e do not know what strategies and tactics occupied the minds of the warrior chieftains who presided over the great engagements. But the truth is that once the opposing generals had taken up their re spective positions, they had little control over the subsequent fighting. No doubt they had their battle plans, but there appears to have been no fixed line of command during actions, which soon developed into unregulated single combats between knights or clashes between small bands of retainers, with little or no reference to .th e tactical needs of the situation. Consequently, the highly coloured accounts of battles given in such works as the Taiheiki, though they make excellent bloodand-thunder reading and tell stirring tales of heroism and panache, leave the reader in a state of confusion which perhaps reflects the nature of the conflict better than a strict analysis. For a country with so great a warlike tradition there is surprisingly little evidence of the nature of campaigns and the course of separate actions after the days of Hachiman Taro (104 1 -1 1 0 8 ), whose exploits seem to be truthfully reported in the Mutsu W aki. There is an interest ing modem work on Japanese military history by M ajor General Y. Hayashi and M ajor Hayashibe.4 I t is a careful study, but it gives little detailed information about the strategy of the mediaeval wars, doubt less for lack of trustworthy material. The authors think that the five greatest generals in Japanese history are Yoshitsune, Kusunoki, Nobu4 Nihon Seruhi no Kenkyu (Tokyo: Kaiko-sha, 1 9 40).
naga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu. O f these only the first two belong to the middle ages, and Yoshitsune was perhaps a shrewd and bold tactician rather than a far-sighted strategist But about Kusunoki Masashige there can be no doubt. H e was a great commander. His genius is apparent even in the scanty accounts of the defensive campaign which he waged in the hills of Kawachi and Yamato, holding off great armies with a handful of men. There is a special interest in his successes, because they bring out the weakness of the conventional methods of the Bakufu commanders. He was summoned to Kasagi in O ctober 1331 by Go-Daigo, for consultation about raising troops against the Hojo commanders. He got together a small force, consisting of his own kinsmen, their retain ers, and some volunteers from the neighbouring gentry, and assembled them behind defence works at a place called Akasaka on Mount Kongo; but being untrained they were easily overcome. Kusunoki escaped, to plan in secret, biding his time. H e saw that he must develop a much stronger system of defence. In the winter of 1332 he decided to make a stand behind a fortress called Kami (U p p er) Akasaka, on higher ground than the place (Shimo Akasaka) which had been taken by the enemy a year before. This was to be the forward point of a defence system which he devised. It is described as “the front gate,” in a work called Kusunoki Kassen Chumon, which gives the order of battle and some interesting details of the fighting during repeated assaults upon Kusimold’s defences. Kami Akasaka was sturdily defended but was captured by cutting off its water supply. Now the brunt of the attack had to b e borne by the defence works at Chihaya, which had been devised by Kusunoki for that purpose. W ith a very small garrison he repulsed assaults over a period of some ten weeks, even at times vigorously counterattacking. Thus a great Hojo army was practically immobilized, and when news came of the defeat of the Rokuhara garrison the commanders Aso, Osaragi, and Nikaidd withdrew, in a state of alarm and distress. I t is worth while to describe briefly the strategy used by Kusunoki, since his success, quite apart from its immediate military value, en couraged the loyalist forces and showed Go-Daigo’s supporters that they had good prospects of keeping the field and inflicting punishment upon the enemy despite inferior numbers. T h e force which captured Kami Akasaka after six days’ hard fight ing in April 1333 had been led by Aso along the Kawachi road. At about the same time a powerful attack was delivered on Chihaya by Osaragi, approaching by the Yamato road. It is clear that Kusunold expected this and had planned accordingly. H e had not intended to hold out for long at Akasaka, which was a strong-point meant to delay Aso’s contingent. He could have built more strong-points in front of Chihaya, but he had only a small force, probably not more than 2,000
------------ - '^ ^ C h ih o y o
'/ \* Mt. Kongo
N-*--------- 7-S / Komi / r * Akosako
/ to GoJS
/ Chihaya
/ , to Furuichi
, Shlmo * * Akosako r tl Kanshlnji
T 'K ilm i Pass RyozenJI
^ rtf Kinfaiji to Sokol _____
\ \
Kusunokts defences at Chihaya
men, and he decided to depend upon the d iffic u l t terrain. His men could sally from the well-protected stronghold of Chihaya, which he had care fully fortified with rocks and felled trees. H e had taken care to have a good reserve water supply, and great boulders were placed so that they could b e dropped or rolled down upon attackers. Brushwood screens were erected as a defence against arrows. His object was to induce the attackers to fight where their numbers were not of much advantage, near the summit o f Mount Kongo, where ridges and ravines and other features were known to him but not to the enemy. This strategy was so successful that although Aso and Nagoshi and Nikaido sent help to Osaragi, the Chihaya defences were still not penetrated after weeks of bitter fighting. I f Chihaya had surrendered, it is probable that the loyalist resist ance would have collapsed, and therefore Kusunold s strategy may be regarded as one of the finest achievements in the military history of Japan. 3. T he Ashigaru W ith the growing frequency of street fighting during the war be tween the Northern and Southern Courts, when both sides attacked Kyoto repeatedly, there came certain changes in the method of warfare. The conventional battle, usually fought in open country, consisted of a large number of small encounters, often largely of single combats of mounted men (known as ikki-uchi, or one-horseman fights), and what may have started as a battle of manoeuvre often ended as an uncoordi nated group of minor engagements. During the civil war this kind of fighting tended to give way to the movement of troops in formation, but usually, it would appear, not in very large numbers.
Street fighting, however, called for special methods, since large bodies of men, especially of mounted warriors, could not safely be deployed in narrow lanes and passages. There thus developed a special kind of fighter known as ashigaru, or light foot soldier. T h e Taiheiki mentions such men as being engaged in a surprise night attack on a stronghold in Yoshino, but the ashigaru do not seem to have been gen erally used until the Onin W ar (1 4 6 7 ), when they played a murder ous p a rt According to contemporary records, both Yamana and Hosokawa made use of “picked troops called ashigaru ” who carried only one weapon—a sword, a spear, or a halberd. They would stealthily enter an enemy camp and take prisoners, or under cover of darkness they would set fire to watchtowers or other structures. They also engaged with enthusiasm in sheer looting, and fire was their favourite weapon. The great scholar and statesman Ichijd Kanera, who fled from Kyoto to Nara during the Onin W ar, later wrote a memorial on the principles of government in which he recommended the abolition of such fight ing men as the ashigaru. “These men, who have recently been used by the armies, are excessively dangerous rascals. They tear down or set fire to any place in or out of the city where they know they will not b e caught by their enemies. They do not spare either private dwell ings or monastic buildings. They search only for loot, and they are nothing but daylight robbers. They are a new evil and should b e done away with. They are a disgrace to our country.” W hat land of men becam e ashigaru is not exactly known, but some of them were probably absconding peasants, others men who took serv ice under the samurai of their own district, looking for adventure and freedom. The records of the Muromachi era are full of details about abscond ers. Thus in the Abbot Jinson’s journal a report from one of the great Kofukuji manors in Echizen shows that in the year 1460, owing to poor harvests and epidemics, 9,268 persons had died of starvation and 757 had absconded. 4. W ives and Children The chronicles of the dynastic war tell little about the family lire of the warriors, although it is known that the position of women was better in the Muromachi than in subsequent periods. W hen wives or children are mentioned, it is usually to praise their virtue or their piety. One of the most disagreeable examples of literature of this genre is to be found in the Taiheiki. I t concerns the head of Kusunold Masashige, who died on the field of battle at Minatogawa, and it runs as follows: •
The head of Kusunold was exposed in the river bed at Rokujd, and since the head of some other man had been labelled as Masashige’s
in the spring, many people said that this head too was probably a fraud. . . . B ut later Takauji sent for the head, and despatched it to M asashiges home, with a message saying: “I cannot help feeling sad when I think of how long we were associates, both in public and in private. No doubt his widow and child would like to see him again, even in death.” His lordship’s generosity was admirable indeed! At the tim e of his departure for Hyogo, Masashige not only had left all kinds of instructions, but had told [his son] Masatsura to stay be hind, saying, “I shall certainly fall in the battle that lies ahead.” Ac cordingly, his wife and son had thought from the beginning that he would never return. Still, when they beheld the head, which, though unmistakably M asashiges, was completely altered, with closed eyes and changed colour, sorrow filled their hearts and they wept uncon trollably. Masatsura was ten years old that year. After gazing at his father’s lifeless head and marking his mother’s inconsolable grief, he started toward the Buddha Hall, with his sleeve pressed to his streaming eyes. His mother, alarmed by his sudden departure, went to the Buddha Hall through a side door and saw that he was preparing to kill himself. His skirt strings were loosened to expose his belly, and in his right hand there was a drawn sword bearing the family crest; die very sword which his father had given him as a keepsake at the time of his departure for Hyogo. Masatsura’s mother ran up to him, caught hold of his arm, and spoke tearfully. “They say that Sandalwood is fragrant even in seed leaf. You are still very young, but if you are your father’s son, you ought not to be so ignorant of what is rig h t Even though your mind is that of a child, consider the m atter well. W hen the late Hogan left for Hyogo, he sent you home from the Sakurai stage. His purpose was by no means to make sure that there would b e someone to mourn for him, nor did he leave you behind so that you might kill yourself. ‘Even if my luck becomes exhausted and I lose my life on the battlefield,' he said, ‘if you hear of His Majesty’s whereabouts, you must give pay to my sur viving kinsmen and retainers, raise an army, destroy the enemies of the Crown, and restore His Majesty to the throne.’ You have been quick to forget these last words from your father, which you once repeated to m e faithfully. I f you kill yourself, you will dishonour your father’s name and fail His M ajesty the Emperor.” So she admonished him, weeping, and took away the drawn sword. Masatsura was quite unable to commit suicide. He fell down in tears from the altar and joined his laments to those of his mother.
I n a s t r i c t l y political sense, the ruling dynasty of Japan entered upon a slow decline in the age of the Fujiwara Regents, lost its claim to sovereignty in 1221, when the Kamakura Bakufu banished the Em peror Go-Toba, and thereafter retained only a shadow of authority and a bare vestige of public esteem. Go-Daigo’s attempt to exert sovereign powers, and the subsequent division into rival Courts, left the fortunes of the imperial line at their lowest ebb. It is true that the emperors of both Courts continued to perform their ancestral duties as representatives of the people in the worship of their national gods. In this capacity an emperor was still the object of reverence and to a diminished degree a focus of national loyalty. There remained, however, one respect in which the influence of the Throne was of great importance. In an age of upheaval and disorder, when power was in the hands, often the blood-stained hands, of unlettered warriors, it was the sovereign and his nobles who kept the flame of learning alive. Readers of the T ale o f Genji are apt to form the opinion that life at Court was devoted to frivolous pleasures and Palace intrigue. No doubt there were voluptuary young noblemen and scheming ministers at the Court of Go-Daigo, who lived under the shadow of the military headquarters in the capital. B ut the royal Court, steeped in tradition, always had its serious, even solemn, side, and usually frowned upon the empty-headed and the dissolute members of the aristocracy.1 It happens that the diaries of several mediaeval sovereigns and princes have been preserved. These precious documents reveal to careful study aspects of Court life which come as a surprise to the student who has expected only a dry chronicle of ceremonies, spiced with a little Palace gossip. Most interesting of these works is the diary of the Emperor Hanazono, and some account of its content will serve as a picture of Court life, while displaying the character of a remarkable man. This emperor was bom in 1297, the second son of the Emperor Fushimi. He was thus in the senior line, and succeeded Go-Nijo of the junior line in 1308. H e reigned until 1318, when he abdicated in favour of Go-Daigo. His diary covers the years from 1310 to 1332, thus including most of his own reign and fourteen years during which he was the junior retired Em 1 The Admonitions of Kujd-dono, written in the tenth century, are an expres sion of rigid moral principles by a celebrated statesman (Fujiw ara Morosuke), and such documents were not uncommon in later times.
peror. H e died in 1348 in his fifty-second year. Many of his daily entries include interesting information on political events, some of it first-hand, some of it from reports that were not always reliable. B ut still more interesting and perhaps more valuable as historical material are the passages in which he describes his own daily life, examines his own character, comments upon passing events and prominent figures, and generally presents a picture of himself as an exceptional man—a scholar, a poet, an artist, a devout Buddhist, and something of a philosopher. T h e first entries in his diary belong to the winter of 1310, when he was in his fourteenth year. The following slightly abridged translation will show their nature:
Tenth month (D ecem ber 1310) x .l. Summer clothes of Palace officers changed to winter clothes as usual. Genkimon-In [widow of Go-Fukakusa] ill. x.2. C lear sky. Linked verse. Tonight meeting to decide promotion o f monks. Presiding official, Kinkata. x.3. Tonight my new reader came for the first time. H e came to the edge of the gallery. I reclined on cross-bench and read Kobun Hongi. Genkimon-In no better. x.4. Private meeting for linked verse. Archery practice. x.5. Clear weather. Linked verse. Practice with small-bow. Genki mon-In now up. Good news. x.6. Clear. Linked verse. Small-bow practice. x.7. Rain. Private gathering for composition of poems in Chinese and for linked verse. Theme for poems: “W inter comes to the moorland.” x.9. Clear. This morning I heard of the death last night of Sakuheimon-In. She was my sister. As a sign of mourning the Five Annual Festivals [Go-Sechiye] are suspended. x.10. Clear. Today I take the first of seven daily doses of medicinal herbs. x.13. No court today. Sukena excused, and Toin Chunagon [Kin kata] in attendance. x.19. Today Festival of die star of the year. Service conducted by the Monk Eisan. x.23. D ate of Gembuku ceremony fixed. I t is to take place in the In’s palace. x.25. Owing to pollution [of sacred precincts] by death of a dog, daily worship suspended. x.28. Monk-Prince Kakunyo completes religious vows in special service. x.30. Abbot Shinju completes service of administering vows. [Names of participants follow.]
I t will b e noticed that ceremonial duties were not heavy, and that Hanazono frequently held poetry meetings in his own apartments. In the following month, however, there are several observances over which the sovereign himself must preside. For although he did not take an active part in all ceremonies, often sending deputies or messengers to act for him, there were certain great national ceremonies in which he was the intermediary between the people and the gods. Among these special occasions were the Prayer for Harvest (To sh ig o i), the Festival of the First Fruits (N iinam e), and the Festival of the Kamo shrine, which was by tradition closely connected with the Imperial House.
• Eleventh Month x i.l The calendar submitted. Presiding official Fujiw ara Ason GonChunagon. From today gifts and offerings as usual. Owing to illness of Naishi [attendant in Naishi-dokoro, the inner sanctum where the Em peror worships and the Regalia are enshrined], her place was taken by a young Court lady. Im ibi [Pure Fire] as usual. xi.2. Special service fixed for the Night Duty Room. Today Thanks giving for freedom from natural calamities. xi.7. First snow, about two inches. xi.10. Today messengers to leave for the Festival of Kasuga Shrine. They came late, and did not leave the Seiryoden until after m idnight Lustration as usual. Tonight to separate apartm ent xi.12. This morning Festival of Hirano Shrine. Lustration as usual. xi.13. Festivals of Matsuo and Umenomiya Shrines. Kamo special festival arranged. xi.14. Sacred dance and music (K agu ra) in Naishi-dokoro. I listen from Naden. xL15. Kanto sent usual gifts of gold dust and other articles. xi.16. Festivals of Sonokara-kami [worship of Korean and other for eign deities]. xi.17. Chinkonsai Festival [for pacification of spirits]. xi.18. Niinamesai [Festival of the First Fruits]. xi.19. No regular festival Ordinary court. This because of mourn ing for Sakuheimon-In. xi.21. Minor promotions. xi.22. Special festival. Inspection of Imperial Stables. xi.23. Festival of Yoshida Shrine. xi.24. Special Festival of Kamo Shrine. Usual procedure. Messenger sent was Arinaka. xi.28. The Regent brought the order of procedure for the Gembuku ceremony [of son of Go-Fushimi].
xi.29. T h e messengers carrying offerings to the Usa Shrine came to report date and time. xi.30. Tonight six sacred cars [mi/cos/ii] are to be returned to their seat in the H ie Shrine. • T he entries for the following month are similar. The last two months of the year and the first month of the new year were especially busy with public ceremonies, but throughout the year the Emperor had al most daily duties to perform within the Palace, notably his prayers in the Naishi-dokoro, where the Regalia were kept in the charge of vestals. T here were also certain symbolic governmental tasks, such as receiving reports from ministers of state and watching over the numerous Palace offices, notably the Kurodo-dokoro (Kurando-dokoro). Another obli gation, sometimes onerous, was a ceremonial visit to the three retired sovereigns, to whom he owed some family duty and, though himself the reigning Emperor, an obeisance. The sovereign led a dull and confined life. Most of his functions were of a formal nature, and he had almost nothing to do with practi cal questions of government. These were dealt with by the Bakufu, and often did not come to his knowledge until after action had been taken. I t is not surprising that most emperors in those times, after ten years or so of ceremonial duties, were glad to abdicate and live in honoured leisure. Hanazono was a young man of active and sensitive mind, who natu rally took refuge in serious studies, relieved from time to time by poetical gatherings and small drinking parties. In 1312 he records a private poetry meeting when the theme was “Peach blossoms mirrored in a stream”; a discussion of plans for rebuilding the Palace; a decision to change the era name; and details of the procedure at a Court function. There is an eclipse of the sun, which involves much consultation with astrologers and diviners; and there are frequent gatherings, private and informal, in the Emperor s own apartments, which often last until long after m idnight Sometimes there were troublesome issues, as when in September 1312 the city was alarmed by a demonstration of priests from a Nara shrine, who brought their sacred emblem as a threat and a safeguard against arrest Such occasions were frequent, and always caused the greatest anxiety in the Palace, since if the sovereign were to show any partiality, he would offend one of the great foundations, whether the Buddhist Todaiji or the Shinto shrine of Kasuga, which belonged to the Kofukuji. During the time a Shinto party was making a disturbance, the Emperor always took care to avoid any Buddhist observance, even to the point of breaking a fast which he had begun or cancelling some Buddhist ritual within the Palace.
In this dispute of 1312 a riot was feared. Fully armed guards were placed at all gates, and mounted patrols rode around the Palace area. The sacred emblem was escorted to the H ojoji, and as a sign of reverence during its presence the Emperor sat in hieratic style on a ceremonial mat in the Palace courtyard, attended by a Court officer carrying the Sword of the Regalia. This awkward dispute was resolved peacefully, and the Nara priests departed. W hen calm returned, an easy-going life could b e resumed. In Octo ber, we learn, the Lady Genldmon-In paid a private visit to Hanazono with her ladies-in-waiting. She used the private carriage of the Grand Counsellor Tamekane. This was an important occasion, for Tamekane was not only a clever statesman but also a great figure in the poetical world. The light of the moon was clear and all went well. Care was taken that the gathering should be kept strictly private, for this was on the eve of a religious festival. Hanazono was intensely interested in all forms of expression, painting as well as poetry, and he was now going through an exacting curriculum in classical literature, of which his diary shows signs. But poetry was his chief delight and means of relaxation, and thus the company of a man like Tamekane gave him much pleasure. In 1312 Tamekane completed an anthology called Gyokuyoshu, in which he included a poem by Hanazono, still a youth but older than his years. I t is explained as a Buddhist allegory, but it has a beauty of expression in its own right: Tsubame naku Nokiba no yuhi Kage kiete Yanagi ni aoki Niwa no harukaze.
The light of evening sun fades from the eaves where swallows chatter and in the garden the Spring breeze blows green through the willows.
Hanazono s father, the Emperor Fushimi, was also a good poet, and many of his poems are included in the same anthology. Poetry was one of Hanazono’s passions, and he was able to gather round him a number of eager associates. The gatherings for linked verse were in the nature of a game, in which two teams competed; but the Chinese poems and the native stanzas ( vodka) were serious literary efforts and called for skill and feeling. In the spring of 1317 a monk just returned from the Kanto reports that bad news is to be expected from Kamakura. The choice of a suc cessor to the throne has been made, and a messenger will shortly arrive. It appears that opinion in the E ast favours Prince Takaharu (later to reign as Go-Daigo) of the junior line, who is learned and wise, older than Hanazono, and generally well suited to rule. Hanazono s first com ment on this news is that despite his lack of virtue he has already been on the throne for nine years, longer than either of his two predecessors. H e is quite ready to retire at once, his only regret being that he cannot
move to the new palace just completed. H e adds: “I rejoice at the will o f Heaven. I feel no anger or envy.” Several months passed before the Bakufu made a definite decision. In the meantime we see Hanazono working hard at his studies as usual Tutors visit him regularly and he reads both Chinese classics and Bud dhist writings. A learned abbot comes to expound the Jdyuishiki-ron, a Chinese version of a formidable Indian work on an idealist philosophy; h e works at this for several days. W hen he feels that he has grasped its meaning, he turns to poetical exercises with his friends, staying up all n ig h t A few days later he learns through a secret channel that a messenger from the Kanto has brought a letter for his brother the In ( Go-Fushim i) saying that it is proposed to name as heir apparent the first son of GoNijo, to b e followed by another prince of the junior line. This contra diction of previous news infuriates Hanazono, who writes “I cannot understand this. . . . T hat the destiny of the nation should be decided by commonplace minds is most alarming. To announce a decision on a grave matter of state in this casual way is truly reprehensible. It must b e the work of ignorant rustics. O f late the manners of the Easterners have sadly deteriorated. I t looks as if they had no men of consequence there.” Hanazono’s chief objection to the alleged proposals of the Bakufu was that they amounted to a public announcement that two members of the junior line would rule in succession, thus running counter to the understanding that the two lines should alternate.* The exact date of Hanazono s abdication is not recorded. H e moved to the new palace, after all, in the spring of 1317. I t was at Nijo-Tominokoji, built on the same lines as the Kanin palace, but with fewer rooms. There is a gap from the middle of 1317 until the first month of 1318, when there is a long passage on one of the New Year ceremonies, and then nothing until the first month of 1319. Presumably Hanazono abdi cated in the first month of 1318, since Go-Daigo s accession was an nounced in the second month and his enthronement took place a few days later. B e g in n in g with the year 1319, in which Hanazono reached the age of twenty-two, the diary displays a rapidly maturing mind. H e takes his responsibilities seriously and blames himself for faults in his own conduct, going so far as to say of various disasters afflicting the country that they are due to his lack of virtue. His health at this time is poor; he is of a valetudinarian habit and suffers from fits of melancholy. In the first month of 1319 he describes certain New Year observances in detail, including card games and poetry contests between two teams of Court nobles and ladies, one led by the In’s consort and the other by 1 1 The understanding between the Bakufu and the Court was reached in the compromise of 1317, which is discussed at length in A History o f Japan to 1334, Appendix IV.
Hanazono himself. But he seems to have suffered from these festivities, for on the following day he writes: “The rain has ceased but the clouds have not dispersed. Since last night I have had a severe bout of kakke [beri-beri], and today it seems to be worse. Especially since last summer this complaint has grown worse, and the continuous treatment of the past two or three years has done me no good. The truth is that I am a sickly man, by nature of a retiring habit of mind. From early childhood I have been a solitary. Yet I have not been able to find peace, and I cannot express my sense of disappointment My spirits are weak, and there is no doubt that my life will be short In my heart I am devoted to learning and to the teachings of the Buddha, yet my efforts fall short of my desires.” H e goes on to develop this melancholy theme, complaining that he has not the strength of mind to cut himself off from the world and enter into monastic seclusion. And so he is condemned, he says, to day after day of idle and useless life. The most he can do is to express the feelings that fill his bosom. Yet this melancholy temperament does not prevent him from the exercise of an alert mind. H e is now himself a cloistered emperor, and this brings him to a new phase of life, causing an emotional strain which is perhaps some what relieved by confession in his diary. But as the passage already quoted from his diary shows, he does not regret the abdication forced upon him in 1318 to make room for Go-Daigo, because he has no real interest in most of his imperial functions. The entries for the third month of 1319 describe another of those outbreaks of violence by disorderly monks that so often alarmed the Court and harassed the Bakufu deputies in Kyoto, whose duty it was to keep the peace and to prevent the spread of insubordination of any kind. This time it was a quarrel between Miidera and Hiyeizan, on a question of rights of ordination, which were jealously preserved by cer tain foundations. T he matter was a serious one, for it aroused not only sectarian passion but also a violent greed for material advantage. The dispute ended in a tragic way, with the Hiyeizan rabble setting fire to the Miidera buildings, most of which burned to the ground. Clashes of this sort were horrifying to the devout Hanazono, who saw in them “the end of the Holy Law.” At about this time he records visits to Go-Fushimi and gives some account of his own studies, his regular discussions with learned monks and lay scholars, the books that he reads, and the pious tasks that he imposes upon himself. I t is a serious life, and though he is no longer on the throne, he does not escape ceremonial duties. Fam ily obligations also are at times exacting. In July he has to attend at the bedside of his sister-in-law, the Lady Kdgimon-In, when she is giving birth. He recites charms and whispers prayers into the left ear of the infant, saying three times: “Heaven your Father, Earth your Mother. Take these
ninety-nine pieces [coins] as signs of a long life.” As usual on such occasions the ritual is elaborate and exhausting. There are clusters of monks, diviners, and exorcists for processions, spells, petitions, and prayers. No precaution is omitted. In the following month there is a long and elaborate state visit to the Chokodo* to visit the two retired Emperors, Go-Uda and GoFushimi. T here are religious rites such as the kuge, an offering of flowers before an image of the Buddha, as part of a mass for the dead. F o r several days after this there are more elaborate ceremonies to b e performed. Then Hanazono resumes his ordinary life, which includes frequent discussions with learned monks, catechisms, and arguments on points of Buddhist doctrine. Thus the question is put: “T h e con tinuous worship of Kannon removes the Three Poisons. Is this due to an act of faith or to continued devotion?” T he answer is: "T o an act of faith. B u t devotion can produce results.” There are occasional distractions from these solemn tasks. I t is August, and the heat is g reat Hanazono and Go-Fushimi go on a pri vate excursion in search of cooling airs. Their party includes a number of Court ladies. They visit the country villa of a retired Regent, a beau tiful place, elegantly furnished and containing precious paintings and other artistic treasures. The guests first rest in a pavilion, to which their host comes to pay his respects. H e then withdraws, but he is called back, and later, after an exhibition of archery, is invited to partake of some refreshments. H e drinks several cups, and so do others, and soon there is a tipsy party. The Regent presents his favourite dancing girl, who performs several pieces. The Regent becomes drunk, and falls down, but he is at once picked up and led away. In the early fall we find Hanazono in an argument with the cloistered Go-Uda about an estate in Ise which should have been inherited by Hanazono from his father (Fushim i) but has been taken away by GoUda. Hanazono is not covetous, but he has a sense of justice. H e speaks to the M inister of the L eft and receives an evasive reply. H e does not lose his temper, but he notes in his diary that he cannot understand how Go-Uda could act in such a remarkable manner, “seeing that he is a man of great learning, familiar with the classical literature of China and Japan.” Hanazono is interested in human behaviour. He wants to find out the reason for Go-Uda’s error, not to blame him; and he charac teristically quotes Mencius on moderation. Hanazono at this time begins to find Court life burdensome, and although he has his gay moments, he is always thinking of holy orders. He is restrained by his brother, and finally he decides that he “cannot turn his back on a layman’s life.” But he is always ready to discuss religion. H e talks with a cleric about the Ikko (Single-M inded) sect » A religious establishment owning great estates which were the chief source of income for the Imperial House.
of Nembutsu, or Buddha-calling. This is a branch of the worship of Amida developed from the teaching of Shinran into an aggressive doc trine of salvation by faith. Hanazono approves of the idea of salvation by faith and regards Amida-worship as a “deep” teaching, but he feels that Ikko believers are tragically wrong when they say that the Hinayana and the Mahayana, all the open and the mystic teachings, should b e abolished. H e would rather suppress the worship of Amida than see it pursued to the exclusion of all else. For his part, he wishes to promote both the Tendai and the Shingon doctrines. His thoughts constantly revert to the misery of this life and the bliss of Paradise. One day (February 8, 1319) he writes: “This morning I dreamed that I should soon be reborn. This is my heart’s desire, and it is the third time I have had this premonition. I must now devote myself to thoughts of the after-life. I shall not tell anybody of this dream, because of the great joy it gives me.” The next day he makes a New Year’s resolution to study the Ojoyoshii, Eshin's work on the Essentials of Salvation, the gospel of the Buddha-calling sects. He must study the sutras earnestly. But the New Year festivities cannot be avoided, and for a few days he is attending evening parties, some con vivial, others devoted to music, games of chance for forfeits, or poetical contests. There is much about his studies in the diary for the years following directly upon his abdication. He sits up with his friends talking of books until far into the nigh t H e notes that whereas classical literature and the Holy Law may not prepare the mind for the task of government, they are moral exercises which form the character. H e is scrupulous in attending Buddhist services; he works hard at the scriptures, and even at codes of law. “Except for mealtimes,” he writes, “I have a book in my hand all day long. I am not quick of understanding, but I have great powers of application. I hope to arrive gradually at a knowledge of the Truth. I have not yet attained wisdom, and this is the regret of my life.” There is no doubt that he set himself very rigid standards. He is distressed by contemporary behaviour. Men in high places are “sunk in greed for pleasure.” T h e education of young persons is so poor that they learn only words and phrases that may b e useful in making rhymes or linking verses. They learn nothing of what is needed for an under standing of the scriptures, and classical learning has given way to belleslettres.* Despite his own devotion to poetry, he holds that classical learning must come first I t is clear that he is well drilled in the classics, for recondite allusions abound in his diary. In the flowering springtime of 1320 he joined the In, his brother, on an excursion to his Kitayama villa. They strolled round the garden * The word he uses is fugetsu ( “wind and moon” ) , which means elegant prose and poetry, mainly about die beauties of nature.
and examined the buildings; only a few courtiers were in attendance. T h e Prime M inister came to pay his respects. There was pleasant con versation and then a little wine. Towards sunset they boarded boats that awaited them at the bank of the Kamo River, and rode downstream on the current. There were certain important Court ladies in the first boat, others in the second, and men in the third. His M ajesty the In did not embark until after dark. Then in one boat the Omiya Dainagon played the flute accompanied by the Chamberlain of the Empress pluck ing at his lute, while die In himself struck a chord from time to time. “Now the moon shone bright, the music matched the song, the sound of waterfalls filled the ear. As the boats floated down we heard the dawn bell.” In the following month there was a great Buddhist mass at the In's palace. T h e Lady Eifukumon-In, widow of the deceased Fushimi, came in from the Kitayama villa. The mass was the culmination of one thou sand daily recitals of the invocation to Amida, and on the altar as objects of worship were a painting of Amida, three Pure Land scrolls, one thou sand miniature figures of Amida, and sutras copied by the In and by various princes and princesses. The picture is not identified, but throughout the diary there are many references to paintings which show that Hanazono had a strong liking for the graphic arts. H e had a fine taste, and to judge from sketches in the diary he was an artist of talent himself. The celebrated picture scroll known as the Tdhoku-In Utaaw ase, which contains vivid sketches of participants in a poetry contest, was among the papers kept in the Hagiwara-dono, where Hanazono lived in retirement after 1337. It bears an inscription by Suko-In, sug gesting that it was the work of Hanazono himself. H e was well ac quainted with the work of the leading Court painters. His own portrait, showing him at the age of forty-two in his monastic robes and holding a rosary, was painted by Goshin, a descendant of Takanobu, and is de scribed by a contemporary (T oin Kinkata) as an excellent likeness. Drawn with few but certain strokes, it presents the lineaments and the posture that a study of his diary leads one to exp ect The thoughtful face is sensitive; a lively mind looks out from bright eyes. The years from 1320 to 1324 show an increasing interest in religion. At the end of 1324 Hanazono sets out an imposing plan of studies, in cluding sutras and exegeses, history, and Chinese classical works and commentaries, among which the writings of Chu Hsi are mentioned. In those years the political situation in the capital was growing more and more difficult. Hanazono lived a secluded life and took no active part in politics, but he had informants who gave him news from time to time. In the first entries for 1325 the New Year Poetical Gathering is described. T he themes chosen by the Emperor were “Moonlight on Kasuga” and “Mist on the fields.” The reader was Sukeald, a courtier
close to Hanazono and the frequent companion of his leisure. A day or two later there came a message from Kamakura to say that two of GoDaigo’s supporters, Hino Suketomo and Hino Toshimoto, had been held and examined on a charge of conspiracy; and shortly there followed the news of Suketomo s sentence of banishment and Toshimoto’s release. At this time the Bakufu were trying to force the abdication of Go-Daigo. T h e course of events was watched carefully by Hanazono, since the fortunes of the senior line were at issue. Despite his growing preoccu pation with religion he kept his eyes and ears open, and made sage observations from time to time. There is a great fuss about the presen tation of a sword to the infant son of the Hojo Regent Takatoki, and Hanazono objects to the humble language used in the In's letter to Kamakura; but he fears that “this is how things are done nowadays.” Here and there the diary affords a glimpse of his practical wisdom, as when he advises his sister-in-law about her property or makes sardonic observations on the haste of claimants in lawsuits about property or succession to rush to and fro between the capital and Kamakura to plead their cases. Throughout 1325 he writes about his poor health, colds, fevers, head aches, sweats, and fits of depression. Both physicians and exorcists are summoned, but their prescriptions do no good, and he continues to complain that he has no energy for study. The Court in Kyoto is ill at ease, wondering what the next move of the Bakufu will be, but in the sequestered society of the retired em perors life continues with little change. Monks and scholars seem free to enter and leave their palaces at will, to conduct services or to discuss religious problems. Hanazono has long talks with leaders of all sects and seems to listen to them impartially, though certain aspects of Zen do not attract him and he does not think highly of all its exponents. He favours Tendai and Shingon, as he says himself, and he is deeply interested in subtleties of doctrine. H e enjoys reading Mencius without accepting all his arguments, and he is critical of the “new” Sung phi losophy. At times, however, he turns aside from his studies to take up some question of revenue from provincial manors, for even the royal family are bound to keep a sharp eye upon their landed estates in these days when Land Stewards are voracious and undisciplined. In the last entry for 1325 he laments his failure to ca n y out the plan of studies which he drew up at the beginning of the year. H e gives a short list of books to be read, and says that although he could plead frequent illness as an excuse, he is ashamed of his indolence. In the extant portions of the diary there is a gap from the end of 1325 to the autumn of 1331, the time of Go-Daigo s flight from the Palace to the stronghold of Kasagi. Hanazono’s entry for November 1, 1331, repeats an account of Go-Daigo's capture. In sympathetic language it records that when the fugitive monarch was seized by the soldiery of
Kamakura he was thinly dressed, his hair dishevelled. A day or two later he was taken in custody to the Rokuhara headquarters, and there ordered to surrender the Regalia. Hanazono refers to Go-Daigo as the “form er Emperor,” because Go-Fushimi’s son has recently been en throned as the Emperor Kogon with Bakufu support and connivance. H e quotes reports that Go-Daigo has agreed under pressure to hand over the Regalia for transmission to the young Emperor.8 W hile in custody at the Rokuhara headquarters Go-Daigo was al lowed to receive some visitors, and they reported to the Court that what the Bakufu had done was “the work of demons.” Hanazono describes the behaviour of the Bakufu as abominable and shows pity for GoDaigo s plight, in which he seems to have seen a threat to the Imperial House that transcended the quarrel between its junior and senior lines. Y et he continues to note down the trivial incidents of daily life, the minutiae of ceremonial, the calls paid by Court officials and holy men, and such family matters as repairs to a palace, visits to relatives, who rode in which carriage, and where they w en t At the beginning of 1332 there is an elaborate account of the New Year ceremonies and of a grand state procession by the Emperor GoFushimi, now the active retired Emperor, since his son, though not yet enthroned, has gone through the accession ceremony. Early in April Hanazono notes briefly that Go-Daigo has left on his long journey into exile; he will reach Izumo province in about seven days, and then embark for Oki. Towards the end of this month Hanazono records the death of the “Dainagon Nyudo” (Grand Counsellor in Holy O rders), that is to say, the poet Kyogoku Tamekane. T he biography of Tamekane is of special interest, for it shows the link between poetry and politics which is a traditional feature of Court life in Japan. I t is always the Court that leads the way in the encourage ment of poets, in the compilation of anthologies, and in the establish ment of a canon of verse; and because poetry is of such importance, it is almost inevitable that quarrels between schools of poetry should be reflected in political strife. Tam ekane (1254-1332) led the innovating Kyogoku-Reizei School, and was opposed by Nijo Tam euji, leader of the conservative Nijo School. Both were descendants of the famous poet Teika. Their dis agreement was principally a matter of sentiment, since Tam euji did not like the “new” poetry (w hich grew under the influence of Zen monks steeped in Sung philosophy). 8 On November 4 Hanazono writes: “At dawn today the former Emperor entered the quarters of Hoj5 Tokimasu [the southern Kyoto Tandai]. He was in a procession, accompanied by some Court nobles. He was carried in a palanquin heavily guarded and escorted by several thousand mounted warriors. They had travelled by night, and the flames of the torches lit up the scene as if it were mid day. Today His Majesty is to hand over the Regalia.”
As a boy Hanazono much admired Tamekane, and both he and his brother Go-Fushimi were impressed by the poet’s great gifts and wide learning. But as he grew older, Hanazono noted the flaws in Tamekane’s character that inclined him to a dangerous course of intrigue. During the reign of the Emperor Fushimi, Tamekane had begun to dabble in politics and had been denounced to the Bakufu, who obliged him to retire and live in seclusion. But he was again denounced and was banished to Sado. After some years of exile he returned to the capital, where he was again involved in conspiracy. In 1312 he completed his well-known anthology, Gyokuyoshu, and in 1313 he was banished once more, this time to the province of Tosa. In the years after Go-Daigo came to the throne he continued to intrigue on behalf of the senior line, and thereby incurred the resentment of Saionji Sanekane, his onetime friend and patron, a most powerful nobleman who was in close touch with Kamakura and pressed the claims of the junior line. Tamekane’s later exile appears, from a note in Hanazono’s diary, to have followed upon his denunciation by Saionji. I t is clear that Tamekane, though a sensitive and gifted poet and a good scholar, had a disagreeable side to his character and gave offence to many of his associates. H e is described as jealous and intolerant; and it must be said that from very early times in the disputes between schools of poetry acrimony was the rule and sharp practice not the exception. Tamekane, being much admired by the Emperor Fushimi—himself a poet of talent—was trusted by the senior line, and when Fushimi retired (1 2 9 8 ) his position as political adviser was very strong. There can be hardly any doubt that he was deeply involved in anti-Bakufu movements. Yet on the whole he was leniently treated by the Regents at Kamakura. The junior line regarded him as a dangerous adversary and warmly supported the opposing school of poetry, the Nijo School. The long-drawn-out conflict between the two schools of poetry was as bitter as the dynastic quarrel. That the two were so closely related testifies to the importance of the Court in the intellectual life of the nation, as patron and protector of literature and the arts. Some of Hana zono’s observations in his diary suggest that he felt poetry and religion to be of the same essence. Not much is known of Hanazono’s life in the years after the last extant entries in his diary. In the spring of 1333 he and Go-Fushimi were taken for safety to Rokuhara by the Hojo Tandai, who was then under attack from Go-Daigo’s party. They then moved to a remote monastery in Mino province ( Ibukiyam a) and returned to Kyoto when conditions were less unsettled. Hanazono took the tonsure in 1337 and lived in seclusion at his country' house (Hagiwara-dono) until his death in 1348. Hanazono took his royal duties very seriously and set a high standard of conduct for the sovereign and his Court. He wrote a Paper of Advice
to the Crown Prince (G o-D aigos h e ir), warning him against a super ficial belief in fashionable philosophies, which might lead to neglect of the classical ideals of probity and piety.* H e was not antagonistic to the “new” Sung Confucianism, but deplored its indiscriminate acceptance. H e was not opposed to Go-Daigo’s views, thinking them based on true learning, but he feared for the morals of the Court if loose thinking were to becom e the rule. During the war between the Courts life in the capital was often disturbed, and there were times when the Northern Emperor had to leave the city. But there is ample evidence that despite such interrup tions members of the royal family and the leading Court nobles con tinued to apply themselves to learned or artistic pursuits. Some of them lived quietly in country retreats, where they had abundant leisure for classical studies or poetry or painting. Two important anthologies of verse were prepared in the second half of the century, one by the Regent N ijo Yoshimoto in 1356 and one by Go-Daigo s son Prince Munenaga in 1381. The diary of Prince Sadashige (later Go-Sukd-In), which covers events of the fifteenth century, shows clearly that the writer was a man of taste who had the advantage of being brought up in a society devoted to literature and the arts. Surveying the history of the fourteenth century, one cannot but con clude that, in an age of incessant warfare, the fine spirit of Japanese culture was in danger. I t was saved from destruction principally be cause the high tradition of art and letters was preserved by the aristo cratic society, and so provided a foundation upon which the culture of the Muromachi era could b e b u ilt There was one other stronghold of learning and civil virtue, the Buddhist Church, but there can be no doubt that the literary and artistic accomplishments of the Buddhist clergy depended in great part on ma terial and moral support from the Throne. By the end of the fourteenth century the Imperial House had lost most of its mystic or magical authority, and its actual political power had almost vanished. But authority takes many forms, and in a society in which refinement of manners and morals commanded widespread respect as an ideal if not a rule, the sovereign and his Court may be said to have retained a very important measure of supremacy. • This document is called the Kai-Taishi sho.
1. T he Throne Humiliated W i t h t h e u n i o n of the two imperial lines Japanese political his tory enters upon a new epoch. The prestige of the Throne, already waning after Go-Daigo’s exile, had been maintained for a while by loyalist successes, but it could not withstand the domination of the Ashikaga leaders once the loyalist opposition had collapsed. Go-Daigo’s administrative failures had served only to embitter many warriors, and in time their disappointment turned into positive antagonism. Indeed the aim of most of the warriors who owed allegiance to Takauji and his successors was not restoration but the destruction of the existing order. They believed only in naked power, and their attitude was well if crudely expressed by the words of Kd no Moronao: “W hat is the use of a King? . . . And why should we bow to him? If for some reason a King is needed, let us have one made of wood or metal, and let all the live Kings b e banished.” This was an extreme expression of a common feeling, as can be seen from the fre quent accounts in the Taiheiki of brawls and clashes between warriors flushed with success and Court officers trying to keep order. Best known of these is the story of a warrior named Doki. He behaved disrespectfully towards the In, the cloistered Emperor, whom he encountered passing with his retinue along a city street. Upon being rebuked for his insolence by a Court attendant, he shouted in drunken folly: “W hat is this In you talk about? I f it is an Inu [a dog] I ’ll shoot it!” He and his men then charged up to the In’s carriage and shot arrows at i t In the ensuing fracas the harness was cut and the oxen ran away. The grooms were helpless, and the In stood there as if in a dream, unable to repress his tears when a courtier asked whether he was hurt. Doki’s conduct was condemned by Takauji and Tadayoshi, but as a breach of discipline rather than an offence against the person of the cloistered sovereign. H e was arrested and in due course executed, because the Shogun could not afford to tolerate the excesses of unruly vassals. By 1368 the Bakufu no longer pretended to govern in the name of the sovereign. Takauji had made a cynical pretence of loyalty, but Yoshimitsu, as soon as he felt firmly established, worked steadily to reduce the Throne to impotence. In the view of some historians he even planned to found a new imperial dynasty of his own. The evidence for this reading of Yoshimitsu s conduct is strong, though not entirely con-
Chronology of the Period of Ashikaga Supremacy 1368
Ashikaga Yoshim itsu succeeds as Shogun. M ing dynasty founded in C h ina
1369 1378 1392 1394
F irs t m ission from M ing C hina arrives in Kyushu
1397 1399 1401 1402 1405 1408 1409 1411 1417 1419 1420 1422 1425
Yoshim itsu builds Kinkaku in Kitayam a
F ir s t large-scale peasant uprisings in H om e Provinces. Yoshim ochi dies
A shikaga Yoshinori succeeds as Shogun. T am b a
1432 1438 1439 1441
Yoshinori resum es licensed trade w ith C hina
Yoshikatsu dies. Ashikaga Yoshinari (la ter known as Yoshim asa) succeeds. V iolent agrarian riots in Yam ashiro. Kyoto attacked by rioters
1449 1467
Bakufu resum es licensed voyages to C hina
Yoshim itsu builds th e H ana no Gosho in M urom achi U nion o f th e N orthern and Southern Courts Y oshim itsu b e c o m e s Shogun
C hancellor.
A shikaga Yoshim ochi nam ed
O u ch i Yoshihiro rebels against Yoshim itsu Y oshim itsu proposes renew al o f relations w ith C hina Y oshim itsu suppresses piracy a t requ est o f C hinese governm ent L icen sed trade w ith M ing C hina begins Yoshim itsu dies. Yoshim ochi assumes pow er A shikaga M ochiu ji becom es K anto Kubo Yoshim ochi breaks off relations w ith C hina M ochiu ji puts down rebellion o f Uyesugi Zenshu K orean attack on Tsushim a Serious fam ine w ith great loss o f life A shikaga Yoshikazu succeeds as Shogun Y oshim ochi resum es office upon Yoshikazu’s death. A great fam ine and plague
Risings in H arim a and
M ochiu ji revolts M ochiu ji com m its suicide. Collapse o f th e pow er o f th e K anto Kubo Yoshinori m urdered by A kam atsu, who in tu rn is defeated and killed b y Yam ana. A shikaga Yoshikatsu becom es Shogun
Onin W a r begins
vincing. He did his best to break the power of the Court nobles by heaping indignities upon them. He would order them to perform almost menial functions, and at times he obliged the highest officers of state to take part in his ceremonies and processions as if they belonged to his own retinue. B y threats or by bribes he kept them in the palm of his hand, and when he went on a pilgrimage his train included so many nobles of high ancestry that it looked like an imperial progress. H e was on friendly terms with the Emperor Go-Kogon, whom he treated with familiarity. 2. T he Structure o f Government under Yoshimitsu The structure of the government over which Yoshimitsu presided had been developed by the loyal and capable Hosokawa Yoriyuld during the minority of Yoshimitsu in the years from 1368 to 1374. Thanks to Yoriyuki’s experience and integrity, government under his guidance was stem and just, and unruly vassals were subjected to a discipline not unlike that of the Hojo Regency in its prime. This was the first time since the fall of the Hojo that law was enforced and order maintained, although many barons chafed under its restraints. It may well be asked why necessary reforms had been so long delayed, since Takauji had become Shogun some thirty years before and had exercised almost absolute power. The truth is that Takauji and his successor, Yoshiakira, were warriors, not statesmen. Both spent their lives campaigning and were often absent from the capital; indeed, they were more than once ejected from Kyoto by the forces of the Southern Court. Further, it is clear that Takauji had no interest in constructing a new system of feudal government, but was content to leave political problems to be solved by his brother Tadayoshi or other subordinates, who turned out to be unreliable. Thus the early Ashikaga system, unlike the Hojo system, lacked a strong central administration able to devise and direct policy at the highest leveL There was no person or organ fitted to control the great barons as the leaders of the Kamakura Bakufu had done in the previous century. Towards the end of 1336 Takauji established his Bakufu in Kyoto and issued the Kemmu Shildmoku. The Kemmu Shilamoku was sup posed to be a kind of political charter of the Ashikaga Bakufu, but it was in fact little more than a collection of moral platitudes drawn up by civil servants of the old Kamakura regime. It made no change in the laws enacted by the Hojo Regents, and the Joei Shikimoku (1232) with its supplements continued, if only in theory, to guide the administrative and legislative acts of the Ashikaga Shoguns until the accession of Yo shimitsu. T he Ashikaga Bakufu took over, with little change, the offices and councils of the Kamakura government, the Monchujo, the Mando-
koro, the Samurai-dokoro, the Hyojoshu, and the Hikitsukeshu, and the working of this apparatus remained in the hands of the subordinates who had controlled it under the Hojo regime.1 B ut although these organs continued under the Ashikaga Bakufu, they were less important than in Kamakura times, because the Shogun and his high officers were inclined to make summary decisions. The Monchujo, for instance, lost its judicial powers to the Samurai-dokoro, which was also charged with protecting the Bakufu, keeping order in the city, and administering the province of Yamashiro. The head of the Samurai-dokoro in Kyoto was an important functionary, responsible for public safety. After Hosokawa Yoriyula becam e responsible for the Shogun’s gov ernment, he was guided by the spirit of the Kemmu Shildmolcu. It was a rather puritanical document, inveighing against what in current par lance was called basara, meaning addiction to what was smart and upto-date. A hint of Yoriyuki’s character can b e caught in an edict issued in 1368, the year of Yoshimitsu’s accession. It forbids, among other things, the exchange of New Year’s gifts, the wearing of certain kinds of dress and ornaments, and the use of expensive sword hilts by warriors. I t was mainly on such points as these that the adult Yoshimitsu, who did not care for frugality, was to take issue with Yoriyuki. Yoriyuki’s purpose was to strengthen the Shogun’s government, and his chief concern was to prevent both rivalry and combination among the great warlords, since either was likely to endanger the Bakufu. In 1368 the most powerful of these warlords were three generals who had won victories for Takauji and Yoshiakira—Shiba, Hatakeyama, and Yori yuki himself. Yoriyuki had been chosen in 1367 by a council of his peers to act as Deputy* #for the ailing Shogun Yoshiakira, who on his deathbed en trusted Yoshimitsu to his care. Yoriyuki took steps to secure the loyalty of his two ambitious colleagues by proposing that the post of Deputy for the Shogun should be held in turn by members of their families. They were to bear the title o f Kanrei ( which took the place of Shitsuji) and were known as the Three Kanrei (San K an ), though it must be understood that only one at a time could hold the office. Yoriyuki held it first, for eleven years (1 3 6 8 -7 9 ), and was succeeded by Shiba Yoshimasa, who was followed by Hatakeyama Motokuni in 1398. The order 1 In the Kamakura system the Mandokoro was the highest administrative organ, and the Monchujo, the Sh6gun's Court, was the highest judicial authority. The Hy6joshu were the members of the deliberative assembly, and the Hikitsukeshu were coadjutors to the Hyojoshu. The Samurai-dokoro, first charged with the dis cipline of the military class, assumed new functions under the Ashikaga Bakufu, including the protection of the capital For details of the origin of these bodies, see A History of Japan to 1334, chap, xvi, "T he Feudal State.” * An office which was founded in 1336 when Takauji appointed Ko no Moronao as his representative in Kyoto, with the title Shitsuji (Steward or Deputy).
of alternation among the three families was thereafter not strictly fol lowed, but it continued in principle for a century. Yoriyuki’s position was much strengthened by this arrangement. H e followed his first sumptuary edict by a program of legislation designed to assert the authority of the central government and to bring under control the warriors who were disturbing the country by their depreda tions. The laws which he promulgated were designed to protect the legitimate property rights of the Throne, of religious establishments, and of hereditary landowners. These measures were needed not only to protect the landowners (who were subject to illicit or excessive taxation imposed by the Constables as well as to the actual loss of land and revenues) but also to strengthen the authority of the Bakufu, which was being challenged by provincial warriors who assumed and forcibly exercised rights in property and powers of jurisdiction to which they had no valid claim. Before Yoriyuki took office, Ko no Moronao and men of his stamp had been arbitrarily settling claims and issuing orders in the name of the Shogun, and had thereby given rise to a series of disputes about land amounting in some provinces to complete rev o lt Yoriyuki en deavoured to see that the claims presented before the court of claims were given cognizance, and he cancelled most of Moronao's orders. At the same time he relieved the Constables of certain onerous obliga tions imposed upon them by Takauji and Tadayoshi, reducing the an nual levy of the Bakufu from five per cent to one per cent of their rev enues. He also tried to improve the behaviour of certain monks of the Zen sect who, under the protection of Takauji and Tadayoshi, had be come lax and unseemly. In the execution of his policies Yoriyuki was at pains to consult and use the organs which had survived from the Hojo administration. The hand-to-mouth administration of Takauji and Yoshiakira, which they regarded as a family affair, gave place under Yoriyuki’s guidance to a well-organized and effective central government But despite his earnest efforts to improve and strengthen the Sho gun’s government, Yoriyuki was not able to complete his work of re form, for his successes aroused the antagonism of powerful warriors, who resented his assumption of power and his strict judgments. The warriors pressed for his dismissal, and in 1379 Yoshimitsu, who feared that these great barons would revolt, forced Yoriyuki to resign. Thus Yoriyuki may be said to have failed; but the central organization which he had created continued to function to the advantage of the Bakufu.
(a) T he Kanto Kanrei The habit of appointing deputies (daikan) seems to have grown under the Ashikaga Shogunate. The Kyoto Kanrei were within certain
It should b e noted that this diagram is schematic and does not represent the actual consti tution o f the Bakufu at any given time. The staff of each of the offices and councils shown in the diagram consisted of functionaries called bugyd or commissioners, as for instance Onsho Bugyd, Commissioner for Awards; Fushin Bugyd, Commissioner o f Works; Shaft Bugyd, Commissioner *or Monasteries and Shrines.
limits deputies of the Shogun, and most offices had regular deputies. A Shugo-dai, for example, was a Deputy Constable, and the head of the Samurai-dokoro himself had deputies styled Shoshi-dai, a title which continued in succeeding centuries and was borne by the Tokugawa Shogun’s representative in Kyoto when the Bakufu was again established in the East. In some offices there were two or more deputies; there were normally four Shoshi-dai. In the Muromachi era the deputy tended everywhere to displace the principal, and this in turn brought about far-reaching changes in the constitution of feudal society. After Yoriyuki’s dismissal the Kyoto Kanrei held an advisory and executive position, and no longer acted as the Shogun’s Deputy. H e did not make policy, but only carried out the Shogun’s orders, with the col laboration of the various organs and councils that formed the central government. In contrast to this limitation of powers, the Deputy ap pointed by the Shogun to reside in Kamakura and govern the eastern provinces was a quasi-independent ruler, with authority similar to that of the governor of a British dependency. The development of this office throws an interesting light on condi tions in eastern Japan during the fourteenth century and after. In 1335, soon after the destruction of the Hojo, Takauji had thought of estab lishing himself as Shogun in Kamakura. But events forced him to re turn to the Home Provinces early in 1336, and he established his Bakufu in Kyoto at the end of the year. On leaving Kamakura he appointed his eight-year-old son, Yoshialdra, to represent him (under a guardian) as his Deputy. Yoshiakira was succeeded by Shiba Yoshimasa, and then by Yoshiakira’s younger brother Motouji, who as Kanto Kanrei held the eastern provinces for the Shogun from 1349 to 1367. Since Motouji was a child in 1349, the head of the Uyesugi family, then the most powerful baron in the East, was chosen to assist him as Deputy (Shitsu ji). Motouji was followed in hereditary succession by Ujimitsu (1 3 6 7 9 8 ), Mitsukane (1 3 9 8-1409), and M ochiuji (1 4 0 9 -3 9 ). The office which these men held was of great importance, since it was especially in the eastern provinces that discipline must be preserved in order to curb the strong aggressive spirit of the Kanto warriors. T he Shogun s representa tive in the East had powers so extensive that his office was known as Kamakura-Fu or Kanto-Fu, terms equivalent to Kamakura Government; and his authority reached over a wide area comprising not only the eight Kanto provinces but also Kai and Izu, to which the northern regions of Mutsu and Dewa were added in 1392. L ate in the fourteenth century the titular head of this government was given or assumed the style of Kanto Kubd. This in itself was an assertion of equality to the Shogun, for Kubd (a term of Chinese origin used to denote the ruler) was a piece of Court language adopted by Takauji as an honorific title for himself and his successors. The Kanto
K ubo was at times called the Kanto Shogun, and like the Shogun in Kyoto he needed the assistance of a Deputy. This post was held by successive members of the Uyesugi family, who bore the title Kantd Kanrei. As the Deputy of the Kanto Kubo, the Kanrei carried out the government’s policy in detail by means of an official organization almost identical with that of the central government. I t included delibera tive bodies such as the Hikitsukeshu and executive bodies such as the Samurai-dokoro. The Kanto government caused trouble and anxiety to the Bakufu in Kyoto, because its successive leaders showed an attitude of independ ence so aggressive that it amounted to a constant threat of disloyalty. In 1399 Mitsukane was on the point of taking sides with Ouchi Yoshihiro against Yoshimitsu, and some thirty years later the Bakufu had to send an expedition to Kamakura to punish Mochiuji for insubordination. Power in the Kanto was then seized by Uyesugi Norizane, and the office of Kanto Kubo came to an end in 1439 except as an empty title. But soon the Uyesugi family split into two factions contending for the post o f Kanrei, and this also becam e an empty office, leaving the reality of power in the Kanto to be seized by a strong claimant from outside its borders.
(b) T he W estern Provinces In western Japan there were the Kyushu Tandai, provincial officers with limited powers, first appointed by Takauji in 1336. After Imagawa Sadayo's long term of service the post dwindled in importance, and by 1400 it was little more than a name. It is important to understand that neither in Kyushu nor in the western provinces of the main island was there any true loyalty to the Ashikaga Shoguns. No Constables were appointed to those two regions without prior consultation with local magnates. In Kyushu the great barons ( Shimazu in particular), though not positively hostile, held aloof; and even after Imagawa’s successful campaign of the 1370’s the Bakufu seems to have chosen to regard Kyushu as outside the range of its effective dominance.3 3. T he Enem ies o f the Bakufu There were sporadic risings against Yoshimitsu after 1368, but he was able to defeat his two most powerful enemies, and his later years (1400-1408) were peaceful enough. Once the Yamana family had been dealt with, his only dangerous rival was Ouchi Yoshihiro (135 6 -1 4 0 0 ), Constable of several provinces in western Japan. There is a special in terest in Yoshimitsu’s campaign against the Ouchi leader, political in terest rather than military, for Yoshihiro’s strength depended partly upon his influence over other western warlords and partly upon his close links
with pirate chieftains in the Inland Sea, some of whom were engaged in freebooting in Korean and Chinese waters on his account T he immediate cause of Yoshihiro’s revolt was his anger at being ordered to contribute to the cost of building the Shogun’s Kitayama villa; but he had always been intractable. H e had been preparing to attack Yoshimitsu for some years past, and his plan was carefully laid. Before making a direct assault on the capital, he intended to defeat Yoshimitsu in the field. He had the good will of Otomo, and before moving east ward in 1399 he saw to it that the Constables of Aid, Bizen, Nagato, and Suo ( the most westerly provinces) were alert to protect his rear. As he was not confident that he could match Yoshimitsu in numbers, he sought and obtained further reinforcements from certain discontented warriors in the Home Provinces. He even contrived to get a promise of support from Ashikaga Mitsukane, the Kanrei at Kamakura. Having completed these precautions, he withdrew to the town of Sakai, which he proposed to make his base pending an attack upon the capital. Thanks to the rapid growth of trade in the fourteenth century, Sakai had become a thriving commercial centre and a port rivalling Hyogo in its traffic with Ming China and with other ports in Japan. It was an almost independent city. Early in November 1399 Yoshihiro installed himself there, building a number of turrets ( yagura) as defences against attack across the Izumi plain and sinking wells to provide against siege. On the seaward side he depended upon a force of pirates, with whose help he expected to keep contact with supporters in Shikoku and Kii. Yoshimitsu heard of all these preparations and decided not to risk an immediate attack on Yoshihiro. H e sent his favourite Zen adviser, Zekkai, to persuade Yoshihiro to come to terms, but Yoshihiro was obdu rate. Instead of giving way he took a firmer line than ever and produced a long list of his grievances. Zekkai therefore was obliged to return empty-handed, and Yoshimitsu saw that he must attack at once. He took command of the three divisions under the three Kyoto Kanrei (Hosokawa, Shiba, and Hatakeyam a). From his base at the Toji, he launched frontal pushes against the three landward quarters of Sakai, while on the seaward side pirates from Shikoku in the pay of the Bakufu sought to cut the line of communication from the western provinces. A general advance was ordered but was checked by the strong defence works that Yoshihiro had put up. For some weeks the fighting was in decisive, but in the middle of January (1 400) the Bakufu troops, taking advantage of a north wind, were able to set fire to the town. The flames spread, and most of the warehouses and the merchants’ quarters were destroyed. Yoshihiro's central strong-point presently caught fire, and soon after that assaults from every side broke down the defences and crushed the rebel army. Yoshihiro killed himself on the field of battle. Yoshihiro received no help from Mitsukane, who had not moved far
from Kamakura and was able to assume an air of innocence which did not deceive Yoshimitsu, but at least spared him from a clash with the Bakufu. This battle is important in political history because it was the prelude to a decade or more of peace and for a time established the position of the Ashikaga Shoguns. It is also of some military interest, since it marked the first complete investment of a large town which was not a military post,* and because pirates were used in the seaward approaches. Early in 1400 Mitsukane swore fidelity to Yoshimitsu, and relations between Kyoto and Kamakura remained friendly until Mitsukane’s death in 1409. H e was succeeded by a violent and irrational man, Ashikaga Mochiuji, who was on exceedingly bad terms with the Bakufu. In 1415 Mochiuji rebuked his chief adviser, Uyesugi Ujinori, for rash conduct, and goaded him into resignation. Ujinori (who is usually known by his religious name of Zenshu) responded by organizing a revolt against M ochiuji and had some temporary success, thanks to aid which he received from nearly half the chieftains in the eastern and northern provinces. H e captured Kamakura, forcing Mochiuji to flee to the hills and appeal for more support. The Bakufu, though sympathetic to Zenshu, could not tolerate a rebellion against his overlord and were obliged to side with Mochiuji. The fighting continued for some time, but aid sent by the Bakufu to M ochiuji in early 1417 finally turned the tide. Zenshu and his close companions, hard pressed on all sides, made their way through a snow storm to the Tsurugaoka Hachiman and there committed suicide. Mochiuji returned to his post and his plots a few days after Zenshu’s death. B ut Zenshu s revolt had put the Bakufu more on the alert than ever. Yoshimochi kept a stem eye on Mochiuji and as much as told him that he was in a state of war. During Yoshimochi s lifetime these uneasy relations continued, though there was no open breach. When Yoshimochi died without a natural heir in 1428, however, Mochiuji aspired to succeed him. H e had no friends and no attention was paid to his claim, but he sulked and threatened when Yoshinori was chosen. One of Yoshinori’s first acts as Shogun was to exert strong pressure on Mochiuji, who resisted stubbornly for several years until a huge Bakufu force was sent against him and crushed his army. I t is useful to recall here that Yoshimitsu’s defeat of Ouchi Yoshihiro at Sakai did not put an end to revolts by powerful families against the rule of the Ashikaga. There were sporadic risings against them led by members of families that had fought for the Southern Court—Nitta and D ate in the north, Kitabatake in Ise, and others in or near the Home * I t is true that Kamakura was attacked from all sides in 1333, but there was no prolonged siege. Kyoto was also attacked more than once, but it was never closely invested, since die key positions were at some distance from the city itself, at such points as Yamazald, Otokoyama, Uji, and Seta.
Provinces. These were either suppressed by force or ended by negoti ation during the years from about 1413 to 1415, while Yoshimochi was in power. Trouble with Kamakura was frequent and caused anxiety in Kyoto throughout the Muromachi period. 4. T he Extravagance o f Yoshimitsu The ostentation and the lavish expenditure of Yoshimitsu outshone even the display of two illustrious spendthrifts who had preceded him— Michinaga (966-1027) and Kiyomori (1 1 1 8-1181). The sums he de voted to building were immense. His first great venture was the resi dence he built for himself in the Muromachi quarter of Kyoto in 1378. This was known as Hana no Gosho, or the Palace of Flowers, from the beauty of its gardens, and strictly speaking the name Muromachi Bakufu dates from that time. After the Palace of Flowers came his splendid monastic villa, the Kitayama Rokuonji. There in 1398 he erected the celebrated Kinkaku or Golden Pavilion, which he used as a retreat after his retirement. The cost of his buildings at Kitayama (including the Kinkaku) was met in part by contributions from Constables and Land Stewards throughout the country. I t is said to have exceeded one mil lion kan.* Although the Kitayama palace was the most costly of Yoshimitsus undertakings, there was no end to his building of holy edifices and his contributions to pious undertakings. His very munificence suggests that his motive, when it was not merely an inordinate pride, was a desire to assuage his own feelings of guilt. In this he followed his grandfather Takauji, who in a similar way professed repentance for his sins against the Emperor Go-Daigo by building the Tenryuji. Another costly form of religious exercise in which Yoshimitsu indulged was pilgrimage to holy places, usually accompanied by lavish gifts. One of his earliest pilgrimages was to the Great Shrine of the Sun Goddess at Ise. This was an impressive affair, a procession on a grand scale with great nobles and generals. Its purpose was to conciliate the gentry and the shrine wardens of Yamato and Ise, provinces from which the Southern Court had drawn most of its support and in which Chikafusa was a beloved name. Yoshimitsu also visited Hiyeizan repeatedly between 1393 and 1396, always in great state and carrying handsome presents. He impressed tile Chief Abbot and the leading monks, and his generous expenditure of charm and gold made relations between the Bakufu and the Enryakuji harmonious for the first time in many years. H e paid similar visits to the Kofukuji and the Todaiji at Nara, and to important shrines. H e ♦ T h e fain was roughly equal in value to one koku (five bushels) of rice, the average annual consumption of one person. The usual form of the kan in cash was a string of one thousand small copper coins.
was indefatigable in his policy of showing favour to the religious estab lishments. Yoshimitsu s attitude towards the Church raises an interesting point in the history of religion in Japan. The Shinto cult was the state religion in the limited sense that it included certain traditional observances im portant in the national life—great rituals such as the Prayer for Harvest and the Thanksgiving, in which the sovereign addressed the deities in the name of the people. Buddhism, on the other hand, though not a state religion, was the professed faith of most members of the ruling class, and Buddhist rites were performed in the Palace. Moreover, the state had control over certain institutional features of Buddhism, since the conduct of monks and nuns was regulated by the Taiho codes of 702 and the Throne could grant or withhold the fundamental right of ordination. I t would thus seem that the religious leaders of the country could not directly participate in civil government This is true, but in practice the influence of the great religious bodies was an important factor in political life. From early times the emperor and his great ministers had been reluctant to risk offending religious leaders, partly out of super stitious fear of the unseen powers and partly because the monks and shrine wardens could take advantage of their immunities and by a kind of blackmail prevent the civil government from acting contrary to their wishes. In short, the religious bodies could not initiate political action, bu t they could prevent or delay it by practices corresponding to threats o f excommunication. They could, in other words, bring administration to a standstill by menaces and even on occasion by acts of violence. Obviously a determined government could have put an end to this situation at any time by a display of force, but the sovereign and his nobles were always averse to bloodshed and anxious to temporize and negotiate. I t was only to superior armed force that these rebellious churchmen would submit, and the military leaders were reluctant to use their strength. Their own interests were not as a rule affected, and at times they probably enjoyed the embarrassment of the nobles. Thus for sev eral centuries both the Bakufu and the Court had usually abstained from strong measures against the clergy, and consequently the influence of the Church was substantial in all but matters of the gravest impor tance. I t was, however, generally negative rather than positive. T he leaders of the warrior society had always been scrupulous in their worship of Gods and Buddhas. Yoritomo was careful to bestow favours upon the shrine of his clan deity Hachiman, but he also sought to gain the friendship of the Nara sects of Buddhism by such pious works as the restoration of the Todaiji. The Hojo Regents gave handsome re wards to shrines and monasteries after the defeat of the Mongols. They were strongly influenced by the discipline of Zen Buddhism and were generous patrons of the s e c t B ut none of them came near to the reck
less expenditure of Takauji, let alone of Yoshimitsu, who taxed the prov inces heavily and levied tolls upon trade so as to furnish the great sums which h e squandered. Even this was not enough, and we shall see that he was forced to look abroad for further sources of revenue. Although most of the numerous sects of Buddhism in Japan were tolerant to the point of indifference in matters of doctrine, they were very jealous of their rights, and would fight hard on a point of privilege. I t was therefore not an easy matter for the Ashikaga Bakufu to control them, especially when it was harassed by rebellious vassals and unruly generals. Thus Takauji angered the monks of the Tendai sect in 1345 when he proposed to escort the Emperor Komyo to a grand dedication service at the Tenryuji, a Zen monastery, upon its completion. The Tendai monks protested violently and Takauji gave way. H e was inti mate with the great Zen prelates, but like several of his predecessors he was reluctant to come into open conflict with the militant swarm of the Enryakuji. Go-Daigo s advisers were not slow to take advantage of this rift in ecclesiastical unity. In their struggle with Takauji they saw an advan tage in friendship with the older sects, which were in general hostile to the claims of Zen. Throughout the half-century of the succession war, the Southern Court was careful to seek the aid or at least the good will of Tendai and Shingon monasteries and of the earlier Nara foundations. Yoshimitsu, although careful to conciliate the older sects, was under the influence of the leading Zen prelates of his time, and it was at their instigation that he built the Shokokuji, an enterprise begun in 1382 and not completed until 1392. His connexion with the Toji is well displayed by the prayer (said to be in his own handwriting) which he addressed to that monastery in Decem ber 1398, promising to add a valuable estate to its holdings if the rebel (O u chi) were quickly destroyed. T he Toji, it will b e recalled, had a special relation to the Court; and it had at times served as Takauji’s headquarters during attacks upon the capital by the forces of the Southern C ou rt Yoshimitsu s expenditures naturally affected the shaping of his do mestic policy, and, as we shall see, his foreign policy was governed largely by his financial needs. In considering his domestic policy, it is important to recognize that he was not an upstart provincial magnate. H e was by birth and upbringing a Kyoto man, with something of the true Kyoto elegance, at ease in Court circles and learned in points of ceremonial. H e was at home in the company of artists and poets. In his maturity he bore the mark of success, for he had subdued his most dan gerous enemies and his will was supreme. After the union of the two Courts, he allowed the administration which Yoriyuld had developed to become lax in some respects, and devoted himself to the satisfaction of his private ambition and his very catholic taste. B ut the administrative machine was well devised, and worked well enough without his close supervision. It should be remembered, too, that the period of his greatest
extravagance came rather late in his career, when the country was freed from strife by the union of the Courts. The new society was gay and expansive, and it was not unnatural that its leader should indulge his own lively propensities. There is another aspect of the Ashilcaga dominance which should not be overlooked. The Ashikaga family was proud of its ancestry. Its senior members were of great distinction and commanded respect in the warrior society as heirs to the leadership of the Minamoto clan, which the Hojo Regents had for a time usurped. This in itself qualified Takauji for the highest military office; but he and his successors could also count upon the powerful support of Ashikaga collaterals of con siderable strength and importance. The list is impressive. In the chron icles of civil war, among the names which occur most frequently are: Hatakeyama, Isshiki, Momonoi, Kira, Imagawa, Shiba, Shibukawa, Ishido, Nikki, Uyeno, and Hosokawa. All these families were descendants of Ashikaga Yoshikuni, founder of the Ashikaga line. In the Muromachi era they usually, though not invariably, supported the Ashikaga Shoguns, and their leaders com monly held the most important offices in the Bakufu. Another powerful ally was the Uyesugi family, related to the Ashikaga by marriage, who played a prominent part in the eastern provinces. Most of the important Ashikaga kinsmen were appointed Constable of one or more provinces, for the purpose of spreading the authority of the Ashikaga Bakufu throughout the country. The list is interesting: Shiba Yoshishige Shiba Yoshitane Hatakeyama family Isshiki Akinori Isshiki Mitsunori Hosokawa Yoriyuld Hosokawa Yoshiyuki Hosokawa Mitsumoto Yamana family8 (three branches)
Echizen, Shinano, Owari Kaga Yamashiro, Kii, Kawachi, Etchu, Noto Wakasa, Mikawa Tango Settsu, Sanuki, Tosa Tamba Bitchu Tajima, Aki, Bingo, Hold, Iwami
There were a dozen of these appointments as against six of “outside” families, such as Akamatsu, Kyogoku, and Ouchi. In the long run these appointments did not result in the Ashikaga solidarity which Takauji and his successors had hoped for. Ambition was too strong and the Shoguns were, in a military and also a financial sense, too weak. I t will b e noticed that the above list does not include the eastern 8 The Yamana family were not related to the Ashikaga, but they gave allegiance to Takauji and were rewarded with the province of Hoki; at one time they governed eleven provinces, although not with the consent of the Ashikaga.
provinces and Kyushu. The only Constables in these regions were those originally appointed by the Kamakura Bakufu. As a general rule further appointments at Kamakura could not b e made by the Muromachi Bakufu without the consent of the Governor of the eastern provinces. In Kyushu the Muromachi Bakufu took the line of least resistance and left such families as Shimazu undisturbed as hereditary constables. In 1404 Yoshimitsu confirmed Shimazu as Constable of Hyuga and Osumi, and in 1425 Yoshimochi confirmed Shimazu as Constable of Satsuma. The importance of the Uyesugi family needs some explanation. Its founder was of Fujiwara descent, a nobleman named Kajuji Shigefusa, who accompanied Prince Munetaka to Kamakura on his appointment as Shogun in 1252. The Kajuji family took the name of Uyesugi on acquiring estates at a place of that name in Tamba, but they settled in the East. Their (abbreviated) pedigree is as follows: K aju ji Shigefusa
Kiyo-ko (T a k a u ji’s m other)
Noriald (Y am anouchi b ran ch )
N orifusa
N orifuji (In ukak e b ra n ch )
Aldsada (O gigayatsu b ra n ch )
N orizane
I t will b e seen that Takauji's mother was a member of the Uyesugi family. Takauji was bom in Tamba. 5. Yoshimitsu s Relations with the Throne I f we may believe contemporary diaries and notebooks, Yoshimitsu was not only a King Maker, but took especial pleasure in assuming and exercising kingly powers himself. His term of office lasted from 1368 to his death in 1408, and during that period the reigning Emperors were Go-Kogon (1352-70), Go-Enyu (1371-82), and Go-Komatsu (1383-1411). W hen Yoshimitsu became Shogun there was a split in the Northern Court, and it was the support of Yoshimitsu’s tutor Hosokawa Yoriyuki that gave the throne to Go-Enyu. Yoshimitsu could thereafter feel no great respect for the throne, since its occupant was his puppet. B ut in his private intercourse he was on familiar terms with Go-Enyu, whom he treated almost as a family friend. He used to step into the Palace as if he were at home there, and he would sit drinking with His Majesty
in a most easy-going way. On the surface, relations were close and warm between them; but from the gossip of the day ( as it is purveyed in writ in g) it seems that there was a quarrel in 1381 and again in 1382 after G o-Enyus abdication. Scandalous tales were told of the Shoguns re lations with Palace ladies, including even the favourite of Go-Enyu himself. In 1383 Go-Komatsu succeeded, a child of six who was grow ing up as Yoshimitsu approached the summit of his power and his pride. Yoshimitsu seems to have treated Go-Komatsu with affable kindness, and he was also on familiar if not friendly terms with Go-Kameyama, d ie cloistered Emperor of the Southern Court, who had retired with dignity when the two lines were joined in one. T he two ciphers o f Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
Obviously at this time Yoshimitsu completely dominated the sover eign and his Court. H e stood at the head of the warriors, and at the same time as Chancellor (D ajo D aijin ) he was the highest civil officer in the realm. H e even symbolized this dual authority by using two ciphers, one military, one civil. There were no more peaks for him to climb, and late in 1394 (when he was approaching his fortieth year, which in those days was regarded as clim acteric), he retired and entered the religious life,4 resigning the office of Shogun in favour of his son Yoshimochi, then in his ninth year. H e retained the office of Chancellor o f the Realm, however, and from his retreat in the Golden Pavilion he continued to keep an eye on current affairs, to direct high policy, and to plan the future of his descendants. H e had eight sons and five daughters, for all of whom he made ample provision. H e saw to it that they were appointed to the highest posts, mostly as Prince-Abbots ( M onzeki), or Lady Abbesses in nunneries usu ally governed by princesses of royal blood. There were two exceptions. His second son, Yoshimochi, was named to succeed him as Shogun, and for Yoshitsugu, his third and favourite son, he seems to have had even greater ambitions. There is no direct evidence of his intention here, but it is clear that he secured the services of two most influential noble-• • After Yoshimitsu had been received into the order of monks, his head being shaved as he sat before a picture of Musd Kokushi, he obliged a number of eminent nobles and generals to go through the same ritual, and some of these were shorn by Yoshimitsu himself.
men to further his designs. These were Nijd Yoshimoto, who had served Takauji and Yoshialara, and the head of the Konoye family, Michitsugu. T he exact nature of their intrigues is not known for certain, but they were without doubt called upon to obtain special treatment for all his children, and they were most handsomely rewarded. W hen the Empress Tsuyomon-In, the widow of Go-Enyu, died in January 1407, Yoshimitsu somehow induced the Court to appoint his own wife to succeed her as Empress Dowager. By this ingenious stroke, suggested no doubt by Yoshimoto, the Shogun’s family was linked with the imperial family. No objection was openly raised to this startling change; Yoshimitsu was now on the level of the Throne.7 In 1408, when the Emperor Go-Komatsu paid a state visit to Yoshi mitsu in his Kitayama palace, Yoshimitsu’s seat was equal and opposite to that of His Majesty, and the young Yoshitsugu, because of his family connexion, was placed higher than the Regent. H e was treated as if he were a prince of the blood royal. His coming-of-age ceremony (G em buku) was performed in the presence of the sovereign in the Seiryoden, the great ceremonial hall of the Palace. W hether in fact Yoshimitsu ex pected his favourite son to occupy the throne cannot b e told, for a day after the ceremony the boy was taken ill, and he died a few days later, on June 1,1408. Yoshimitsu's entertainment of the Emperor at his Kitayama villa was a fitting end to his career as a patron of the arts and an illustrious spend thrift.8 I t began at the height of spring and lasted for twenty days. There were banquets, music, and stage plays ( including performances of No, at that time little known outside a narrow circle). There were poetry contests, games of football, and archery matches. Lavish gifts of paint ings, rich brocades and embroideries, and other precious things were offered to His M ajesty and the lords and ladies in waiting. W hole nights were passed in drinking and versifying, or in enjoying the com pany of entertainers of all kinds. W hen the festivities ended and the Emperor was escorted bade to the Palace, Yoshimitsu set out on a pilgrimage to the Great Shrine at Ise. H e died very soon after his return, in the summer of 1408 at the age of fifty, and Yoshimochi slipped into his place. His funeral was attended by several thousand monks. 6. T he Influence o f Zen Buddhists In the development o f friendly intercourse with China an important part was played by Zen monks, and indeed the influence of Zen teachers 1 1 Zen monks sometimes referred to him as Rokuon Tenn6, and in the Rokuonji there was a memorial tablet (iihai) inscribed with that imperial title. Rokuon means a deer-park, and refers to the deer-park where the Buddha preached his first great sermon. * It is described at length in Kitayama Miyttki as an event of great importance.
on the ruling class in both countries was in some directions very great. Japanese monks who had studied in China were able to give to Yoshimitsu a useful picture of conditions there, especially in the eventful years following closely upon the founding of the Ming dynasty, and some had the ear of the Shogun on domestic matters as well. But although in general terms it may be correct to say that Yoshimitsu con sulted Zen prelates on certain points of policy, it is by no means certain that he was guided by them in decisions of importance. T h e point is of special interest in the political history of Japan, since any estimate of the influence of Buddhism on Japanese life ought to take into account the degree to which the rulers of the country were guided by its reli gious leaders. The respect for religion displayed by many feudal magnates cannot b e explained as a mere political device to enlist the support of powerful ecclesiastics. Yoshimitsu and most of the leading warriors of his day wished to be regarded not as upstarts but as well-bred and cultivated gentlemen. Many of them were genuinely interested in the arts, and some, like Yoshimitsu himself, made an effort to understand Zen teach ing for its own sake. Historically the military class in Japan had inclined to a belief that there was a science of government which could be mas tered if the right teacher could be found. I t was this tradition, no doubt, which led men like Yoshimitsu to associate closely with Zen monks, learned men of high character who could not only explain the Buddhist arcana but also discourse upon the latest Confucian doctrine in political philosophy. The Hojo Regents had been ardent patrons of Zen teachers in the thirteenth century and had perhaps been influenced by them in their private lives. Hojo Tokiyori was particularly devout. Later, the renewal of relations with China at a time when Zen Buddhism was prospering in that country had stimulated its growth in Japan. Partly because their monasteries were aloof from the quarrels of the other sects, and partly because they were men of talent and learning, the great Zen clerics gained the respect of the leaders of feudal society, who consulted them on points of literary and artistic taste and at times on questions of domestic policy. Muso Kokushi, as we have seen, was used as a gobetween in negotiations with the Southern Court, and may have offered useful advice on matters of procedure. But there is nothing to show that he was asked for advice on major issues. On the contrary, he seems to have been very cautious, and reluctant to take sides. H e was followed by two of his disciples, both highly esteemed as scholars, Zekkai and Gido. They were poets, men of feeling, steeped in Chinese literature, but they do not appear to have had any particular interest in political questions. They are remembered chiefly as models o f piety and ornaments of the school of Gozan Bungaku, or literature of
the Five Monasteries (G o zan )#—Zekkai for his poetry and Gido for his learning. The exponents of the wordless doctrine contrived to fill hun dreds of volumes with their works in prose and verse on both religious and secular themes. One might say that with but few exceptions, higher learning in the Muromachi era was a monopoly of the Zen monks, espe cially since they did not fail to combine their bookless meditations with careful study of the Sung Confucians. Some Zen scholars were men of acute perception in worldly matters, and a number of such men found their way into the service of Yoshimitsu, who had literary tastes and was disposed to use a learned cleric rather than an official as an intermediary in some of his negotiations. Thus Zekkai, after he returned from a sojourn in China in 1376, was installed by Yoshimitsu in the Rokuon-In of the Shokokuji, where he was close at hand for consultation. He was called upon to draft state papers, and of course he was useful in entertaining Chinese visitors, monks from the Ming Court. It is not likely that these men made policy, even if they helped to carry it out; their functions would best be de scribed as diplomatic. Something of this sort is true also of Gido, incum bent of the Enkakuji at Kamakura until he was sent for by Yoshimitsu, who gave him important benefices and took pleasure in his company. One useful illustration of the services rendered by Zen monks to the Shogun is the despatch of Zekkai to Ouchi Yoshihiro’s camp (in 1399) in an attempt to persuade him to come to terms. It did not succeed, but Yoshihiro in his turn used Zekkai as a go-between to state his grievances against the Bakufu. Between quick-tempered fighting men an ecclesi astical dignitary made a useful lightning conductor. The diaries and memoirs of Gido and Zekkai and their colleagues provide valuable “inside” information on the political history of their times. These men certainly knew what was going on in Court and camp; and yet if there was a monk upon whose political judgment Yoshimitsu depended, it was not a Zen master but a remarkable cleric known as Manzai Jugo. Bom in 1378, the son of a Court official of high rank • In point of date the senior Zen monasteries were those founded under Hojo patronage in Kamakura—Kenchdji, Enkakuji, Jdchiji. Later there was a similar group in Kyoto, where the Nanzenji was, so to speak, the Zen cathedral; in 1345 Takauji added his Tenryuji. Yoshimitsu took a particular interest in these mon asteries as well as a number of lesser Zen monasteries in both cities, and rearranged them for hierarchical purposes several times. The order finally reached was: Nanzenji (the presiding foundation) KAM AKURA
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Kenchoji Enkakuji Jufukuji Jdchiji Jomyoji
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Tenryuji Shokokuji Kenninji Tofukuji Manjuji
named Imanokoji, he was made Abbot of Kyoto’s ancient Shingon mon astery the Daigoji in 1395, and by 1425 he had reached the highest eccle siastical dignity. He becam e extremely rich, acquiring estates in twenty provinces. His advice was constantly sought by Yoshimitsu, who was his uncle, and in time by Yoshimochi. H e has been described as the Black-robed Prime Minister. T o question the position of Zen monks as political advisers is not to deny their influence as a class. They undoubtedly did an inestimable service to their country in tending the light of learning in an age of dis order. There is much to b e said against some of the pretensions of Zen in the history of Japanese thought, but the attempt of Zen scholars in Japan as in China to harmonize Zen principles with the Confucianism o f Sung thinkers is a sign of vitality in sharp contrast to the sleepy con tentment of some of the older sects of Buddhism. In China after the expulsion of the Mongols there was a revival of learning under the first Ming Emperors, who claimed to be leading a restoration of true Chinese culture. As a natural part of that movement, the works of the Sung philosopher Chu Hsi (1130-1200) were estab lished as the orthodox interpretations of the Confucian classics. W ith Confucianism thus in the ascendant it was scarcely possible to grant any special favours to Buddhism, and indeed Tai-tsu, the first Ming Emperor, thought it necessary to admonish the clergy and generally to control them.10 T h e third Emperor, Ch’eng Tsu (1403-24, the Yung-lo e ra ), was friendly to Buddhism, but he set limits to the number of ordi nations and on political grounds favoured other sects than Zen. Although Zen Buddhism flourished in M ing China irrespective of official control or support, and the Zen doctors proved their worth in many fields of learning, they never achieved the position of their fellows in Japan, nor was that to be expected, since they could not hope to rival the leading Confucian officials or the eunuchs who were near the Throne. Nearly all Zen monks in China were versed in Confucian philosophy, and there was among them a strong feeling for uniting the two systems o f thought The Japanese Zen monks who flocked to China when inter course between the two countries was resumed in the late fourteenth century came under the influence of this school, and on their return to Japan they spread its views widely. Their message was well received, and it had some effect upon Yoshimitsu himself, for he studied certain xo Originally a Buddhist monk, Chu Yiian-chang took the name Ming Tai-tsu as leader of a rebellion against the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty. He is usually referred to as the Hung-wu Emperor, or Hung-wu, after the era name given to his reign. Having been a monk, Hung-wu was familiar with the problems of monastic life. He employed Buddhists as teachers, but he thought it prudent to establish a regis try of monks as a means of supervising their activities and promoting discipline among them. Yoshimitsu, following the Ming example, set up a Registry of Monks (S6roku-shi) under the direction of his favourite, the Zen master My6ch6 (D aito Kokushi).
Chinese classics under Gido, thereby (according to Gido’s journal) hoping to learn how to govern a country and keep it at peace. I t is not likely that his researches bore much fruit, but he certainly helped to promote learning in his day, and he may b e regarded as a patron who inspired some of the literature of the Five Monasteries. It is probable that such benefactions were not all to the taste of Gido, who frequently said to the monks under his charge: “There is too much learning and too little practice [ zazen ] in our sect.” An account of Yoshimitsu s patronage of learning and the arts would not be complete without some mention of his interest in theatrical per formances. H e was reproved by one of his advisers for his addiction to watching the dances called sangaku, sarugaku, or sarugo, a form of entertainment which had been popular for a long time and had been enjoyed by Takauji.11 There are passages in contemporary diaries alleg ing that Yoshimitsu's taste for the dances arose from his liking for the young boys who performed them, and this may well be true, for there seems to be a subtle relationship between aesthetics and sexual prefer ences. But it is certain that his ardent patronage of such spectacles and his association with some of the youthful monks or novices who took part in ritual dances at the great monasteries encouraged the growth from these origins of the No theatre. H e liked to hear prayers and sutras recited, and was not in agree ment with the usual Zen practice of silent worship. On one occasion he ordered some Zen monks to open their mouths wide and to recite their scriptures in a loud clear voice. Perhaps this taste for the spoken word was one of his reasons for encouraging the No plays. I t was no doubt thanks to his support that the actor Kwanami (1 3 3 3 -8 4 ) and his son Zeami (1363-1444) were able to develop the perfected No from its early elements, sangaku and dengaku. W hatever may b e thought of Yoshimitsu’s record as a statesman, it must be agreed that by his interest and his bounty he helped to create an aesthetic tradition which was to make a deep impression upon Japa nese culture after the middle ages. 7. G ido and Yoshimitsu Although it is difficult to point to an instance in which even the most venerated of Zen masters directly influenced the political decisions of the Shogun and his high officers, there is no doubt that certain distin guished Zen prelates by their piety and learning made a strong impres 11 The Taiheiki (cap. 2 7 ) in a celebrated passage describes a great open-air performance of “Dengaku-Nd” in 1349. It was attended by all the great personages of the day, including Takauji. There were thousands of spectators. It ended in a tragedy when part of the staging collapsed. “Dengaku” is thought to be the arche type of the No performances.
sion upon the minds of some of the leading warriors. Muso Kokushi, as we have seen, was a gifted but somewhat worldly churchman, apt to give palatable advice to those in power; but Gido was a man of a different stamp, for he combined great wisdom with deep religious feeling and true goodness of h eart His journal is a valuable historical document, for besides providing a detailed account of the daily life of an eminent member of the Zen s e c t it shows him in close and frequent intercourse with Yoshimitsu and the principal feudal magnates of his time. His conversations with Yoshimitsu, which are recorded briefly but concisely, help towards an understanding of Yoshimitsu’s somewhat enigmatic character. For that reason, and because the journal portrays interesting scenes of life in the Zen monasteries of the late fourteenth century, the following descrip tion has been put together from relevant entries. Gido was born in 1324, was ordained in 1339, and becoming a disciple o f Muso Kokushi, rose rapidly in the Zen hierarchy of Kamakura, where he was on terms of intimacy with the Kanrei Motouji and his successor Ujimitsu. These men respected him for his learning as well as his piety, and in his discourses he always insisted that since knowledge is essen tial to the man who would govern wisely, they must not let a day go by without study. H e was from time to time consulted upon moral ques tions and always gave firm, straightforward replies. A leading warrior (Uyesugi Tom ofusa) fresh from the battlefield said to him one day that it had been necessary "for the sake of the country” to kill a large number of rebels, and asked whose was the guilt. Gido replied that the men who used soldiers were the guilty ones. The warrior chiefs hoped that religious observances would purge their offences, but Gido always insisted that right behaviour was more important than prayers and vows and offerings. I t seems that at that time a number of warriors felt scruples at least about killing prisoners, if not about slaughter on the battlefield, and perhaps such men were tired of the unending warfare o f the era in which they lived; but to a true Buddhist to take life was a grievous sin in any circumstances whatever, and could not be condoned. Yet, however sharp his rebukes, he was both admired and loved by the people of Kamakura. As incumbent of the Enkakuji he held the highest ecclesiastical place in Kamakura, where the tradition of Zen in Japan had been founded more than a century earlier. But after twenty years in the E ast he was obliged to quit a situation in which he was altogether con tent In March 1380 a monk brought him letters from important persons in Kyoto, announcing that he had been appointed to one of the five Zen monasteries in Kyoto, the Kenninji, as of the begin ning of the year. He said nothing of all this, and when asked by high officers in Kamakura whether such an appointment had been made, he said that he had received no order and that he intended to remain where he was. But the next day a courier came from the capital, bearing the
paper of appointment. H e was pressed to hold firm by his friends in Kamakura, and declared that he would go to Kyoto only to announce his refusal. When he left he was seen off by a great crowd, which included Ujimitsu himself. They gave him parting presents, and many of them w ere in tears. W hen he reached Kyoto, his protests were overruled by the Chief Registrar of Monks. His installation took place without delay, and it was attended by Yoshimitsu himself, before a congregation which overflowed into the courtyard. Soon after this he was escorted to the Muromachi palace, where Yoshimitsu came forward to meet him and accompanied him to the entrance when he l e ft From that time for more than eight years Gido was constantly in close touch with the Shogun, giving him guidance and instruction and pleasing him with entertaining talk. When Gido came to Kyoto from Kamakura, Yoshimitsu was a young man still at an impressionable age, and he was only thirty years old when Gido died in 1388. In large part the call to Kyoto was due to Yoshimitsu's jealousy; he knew Gido by reputation and could not bear the thought that his deputy in Kamakura had the privilege of Gido s presence there.1* H e soon perceived the true worth of his new adviser, however, and saw that the relationship between them was something to be prized. Gido, for his part, had a strong sense of duty and a missionary zeal. He first instructed Yoshimitsu on points of Confucian doctrine, and then, by awakening his interest, gradually led him on to familiarity with cardinal points of Buddhist doctrine. Yoshimitsu asked why his Con fucian teachers had given him explanations of Mencius that differed one from another, and Gido showed him that in recent years there had developed two schools, one the old and one the new, the latter being based upon the interpretations of Chu Hsi and his disciples. Gido added that since Sung times most Confucianists identified themselves with certain aspects of Zen teaching. In general Gido incessantly urged upon Yoshimitsu the importance of study as a path to knowledge, to under standing, and ultimately to the wisdom which is essential for good gov ernment. In his judgment the visible decline in both religious and secu lar morality during the civil war was due to the decline of pure learning. Gido’s general line was to show that Confucian teaching could not contain Buddhism but Buddhism could contain Confucianism. From about 1382 Gido seems to have persuaded Yoshimitsu to transfer his belief to Buddhism. The journal after this date contains hardly any reference to Confucianism, while it shows that Yoshimitsu, who was by no means an ignorant man, began to enter into the spirit of Buddhism more deeply than before. H e was led gently but firmly into the realm 12 He also stood in need of a companion in whom he could confide, for he had dismissed Hosokawa Yoriyuki a year or two before sending for Gido.
of Zen. O ne day, after a memorial service for Yoshialdra, Gido sat and conversed with Yoshimitsu in a little pavilion. Yoshimitsu asked ques tions about the day-to-day life of Motouji, the late Kanto Kanrei. W as it true that M otouji had asked for instruction in Zen? Gido replied that M otouji was not adept. H e could not concentrate his mind and dismiss irrelevant thoughts. H e had asked his preceptor for advice and had been further instructed in the stages of comprehension. Yoshimitsu said that he himself was still not clear about zazen, the sessions of concen tration which are the essence of Zen discipline, and Gido endeavoured to explain the true nature of this discipline. There was much discussion about right and wrong, and Yoshimitsu asked whether to take life was a great sin or n o t Gido replied that the sin was g re a t that it was a “deep” offence. They who killed would not long survive in this life, and in the next would fall to a lower plane. Y o sh im itsu then asked about putting a layman to death for an offence against the law. Gido said that in his opinion Buddhism did not distin guish between layman and monk in the application of its commands and penalties, but he would have to consult the disciplinary code ( ritsu). Yoshimitsu again asked about the preparation required for zazen, and Gido replied that first the mind must be emptied of all notions of good and evil. To think of those matters is to discriminate between this and that, and to discriminate is a source of error (because it conceals the comprehensive tru th). Yoshimitsu went on to ask about the Pure Land sect s concentration on the name of the Buddha, and Gido replied that this was discrimination. There is no division between Pure Land and Not Pure Land, for the Buddha-world is of one essence, he said. At this point Gido took leave, and Yoshimitsu sent after him mes sengers carrying gifts—cushions, paper, a pair of pictures of monkeys by the great Chinese painter Mu-hsi (M okkei), and various perfumes and incenses. Gido liked to encourage Yoshimitsu to talk about religion and liter ature. H e spoke of the great libraries of Chinese classics and the great collections of the sutras, recalled the number of volumes in the Tripitaka, and told how, just after a new edition of the G enko Shakusho had been struck off, the wood blocks were destroyed by fire. Listening to such talk about the scholarly life, Yoshimitsu said one day that he envied the monks, since they lived to a great age. Shiba Yoshimasa, who was present, said that there was once in China a monk known as Chao-shu, who lived until he was a hundred and twelve years old. He was so respected that it was thought too familiar to mention him by name, and that was why he was called Chao-shu, after his native place. On one occasion Yoshimitsu discussed the government of the country and spoke of the return of power to the Throne. Later, in private in his own apartments, he spoke confidentially to Gido and another Zen monk whom he trusted. He went so far as to say that if perchance trouble
should come—he meant a rebellion—he would take the line which th e venerable Dogen had recommended to Hdjb Tokiyori, namely to quit public life and devote himself to solitary meditation. I t is extremely unlikely that he would have abandoned all ambition, but his words show that he had given some thought to the legitimacy of his position. It may b e that at that date (1 382) he was not confident of overcoming the loyalist armies then in the field against the Northern Court. But it is best not to take his talk at face value. Perhaps that was how he felt in the presence of Gido, but after G idos death Yoshimitsu treated the Throne with very scant respect Gido continued to instruct Yoshimitsu, who was now a firm believer and spent hours in frequent sessions of zazen. But Gid5 soon yearned to return to Kamakura, which was his spiritual home and, as he believed, the true centre of his sect. Pleading old age and poor health, he asked Yoshimitsu to release him, but was told that although he might go to a hot spring for a cure and stay there as long as he liked, he must not resign. Gido then asked the Kanrei Shiba Yoshimasa to plead for him, but Yoshimasa said that the Shogun, although good-humoured on this point, would not change his mind. Giving up all thought of Kamakura and seeking only to avoid the arduous routine of a great city monastery, Gido secretly took refuge in a little hermitage on an island in the U ji River. H e was followed by a messenger urging him to return, but he escaped in a woman's palanquin. Again he was followed and pressed to return, but he found his way to another retreat. There he was traced, and a letter in the hand of Yoshi mitsu was brought to him. H e was ordered to return, and went straight to Yoshimitsu s palace, where he was received in the private apartments. Yoshimitsu treated him with deference, and said that he could go to the Tojiji, which was an Ashikaga foundation, and stay there without any duties. He then escorted Gido respectfully to the door. Gido repeat edly asked to be relieved, but Yoshimitsu was stubborn. He said that he needed Gido, and that Gido must not try to leave. In 1382 Yoshimitsu learned that the Kanto Kubo, Ujimitsu, had se lected Gido to become the Chief Abbot of the Enkakuji, the highest ecclesiastical office in Kamakura. Yoshimitsu was furious, and Gido, though he felt that he ought to be appointed, felt obliged to placate Yoshimitsu, saying that if he were invited he would go and hide in a forest. But he was growing visibly infirm, and one day when visiting the monastery Yoshimitsu saw this clearly and told Gido that if he felt he must resign, his resignation would be accepted. But he must first choose a successor. Finally a choice was made, and in the fall of 1384 Gido left the Tojiji with the Shogun’s consent. H e entered a quiet re treat and sent his thanks to Yoshimitsu in a verse saying that his kind ness was like the ocean. Now he was free to enjoy the peace of autumn days and to fall asleep listening to the quiet rain.
L ater Yoshimitsu found means of appointing Gido to the Nanzenji, the highest office of Buddhism in the land. Gido at first demurred and asked for a delay of one year. T he next year, 1385, he was obliged to ac cept the appointment, but the ritual of induction had to be postponed b e cause Yoshimitsu had a fever. At last in April 1386 Yoshimitsu went to the Nanzenji, accompanied by high officers of state and a great number of distinguished monks. There was a linked-verse party at which both Chinese and Japanese styles were used. T he atmosphere was cheerful and the Shogun was in a good humour, much enjoying Gido's company. H e noticed that Gido’s girdle was old and torn, and insisted on taking it and giving his own in exchange. There was much laughter and applause. W hen Gido called to thank the Shogun the next day, he was asked what girdle he was wearing, and both took pleasure in the je s t Since the Nanzenji was now recognized throughout the country as standing above all other Zen monasteries wherever situated, Gido thought that he was too infirm for such great responsibility. He tried to resign, but all the monks and all the lay workers combined to pre vent him. They poured into the great hall to stop any ceremony from taking place, and they would not allow the drum to b e beaten to sum mon worshippers. Gido did at length leave the Nanzenji, only to be raised by the Bakufu to a special rank which placed him above all other Zen clerics in the country. In M arch 1388 he went to the hot springs at Arima, ostensibly for a cure but in fact to complete without interruption the revision of an anthology of Zen writings which he had put together many years before. Feeling that his end was near, he made suitable preparations, entrusting his manuscript to Zekkai, telling a physician sent by the Shogun that he was beyond m edical aid, and giving instructions for his own sepulture. H e returned to the capital after a month in Arima. Growing weaker day by day, he told his weeping friends that he was ready for death. B y the beginning of the fourth month (M ay ) he was sinking fast. On the fourth day (M ay 10) he asked what the hour was. The monk by his bedside answered that the Zen session of the midnight watch had just ended and the bell was now ringing for the dawn watch. Gido sat up straight in bed and at that moment expired.
FOREIGN RELATIONS UNDER YOSHIMITSU AND Y O S H I M O C H I 1. Trade with China under Yoshimitsu D i p l o m a t i c intercourse between Japan and China had ceased at the time of the Mongol invasions, but private trading was quickly resumed at the end of hostilities. During the thirteenth century there had been fairly frequent voyages between the two countries. The ships carried as passengers many monks going to China for study and some coming from China to Japan to teach in Japanese monasteries. Early in the fourteenth century private trade was continued by western barons, but the Kamakura government was too absorbed by domestic problems to pay special attention to foreign affairs. When Takauji was well established as Shogun, however, he had reason to encourage trade with China. At the instance of Muso Kokushi he had founded the Tenryuji monastery for the repose of the soul of Go-Daigo, but the building was stopped for lack of funds, and it was to earn money abroad that on Takauji’s orders a vessel chartered by Hakata merchants carried a valuable cargo to China in 1342 and came back with a great sum in cash. The vessel was known as the Tenryujibune, and its voyage opened new trade relations with China of a quasiofficial nature. The early years of Yoshimitsu’s rule were the years in which the Hung-wu Emperor, founder of the Ming dynasty, expelled the Mongols and consolidated his power. In order to increase the renown of his dynasty, he worked hard to make adjacent countries declare themselves tributary states. F o r that purpose he sent three missions to Japan, but they were detained by Prince Kanenaga at the Kyushu D efence Head quarters and sent back to China. Hung-wu’s purpose was to induce Japan to enter the Chinese empire as a tributary state so that he might bring under control the Japanese pirates who were ravaging his coasts. But the Japanese, despite their respect for Chinese culture, had a fierce national pride, stiffened by their defeat of the Mongols. They were not likely to submit to Chinese pres sure. Moreover, during Hung-wu’s reign Japan was split by civil war, and there was no ruler who could speak for the whole country. Even after 1392, when the two Courts were united, not all the great barons had submitted to Ashikaga rule; and before the agreement between the two Courts was reached, the Chinese government was in correspondence with Prince Kanenaga, the loyalist commander-in-chief for western Japan, supposing him to be the King.
The relation between the M ing Court and Kanenaga had an inauspi cious beginning, for Kanenaga arrested the leader (Yang Tsai by nam e) of a Chinese mission which arrived in Kyushu in 1369.1 The Ming Em peror, however, kept his temper and sent another mission to Japan in 1370, with a message pointing out the advantages of peaceful intercourse and the perils of offending the Chinese empire by piratical behaviour. This despatch was admonitory rather than threatening in tone, and it was followed some months later by an almost conciliatory message brought b y Yang Tsai. This time Kanenaga saw some advantage in friendly relations, and he sent a return mission in 1371. I t was composed of Buddhist monks who took with them letters, gifts, and a number of Chinese who had been captured by Japanese pirates near Ningpo. The mission was well received in China, and Hung-wu responded with a mission of Chinese monks, whose leaders were of high ecclesiastical rank. They were given a magnificent send-off in a ceremony conducted by prelates of several sects, whose followers numbered one thousand. These facts testify to the strength of the Chinese government’s desire to reach an agreement with Japan for the suppression of piracy. Chinese pirates were doing perhaps as much harm as the Japanese since they had nests all along the China coast, and there were also many Chinese among the crews of Japanese ships. Hung-wu’s fourth mission reached Kyushu in 1372, to find that Prince Kanenaga was no longer in power there. He had escaped from Dazaifu, which was invested by Imagawa Sadayo s armies, and had taken refuge farther south. Upon discovering the true state of affairs, the leader of the Chinese mission—he was an abbot named Tsu-shan—saw that he must get into touch with the actual rulers of Japan. This he did, making his way to Kyoto, where he stayed until the summer of 1374.* The Ming Emperor was not convinced by Tsu-shan’s reports, and for the next few years the Chinese continued to address their communi cations to Kanenaga, styling him King of Japan. Among them was a letter of 1376 which contained some threatening language, pointing out that it would be easy to invade Japan from China and that therefore Japan should take care not to give offence. This language caused anger in Kyushu and for three years or more no mission left for China. A letter to the Ming Emperor, possibly from Kanenaga or his deputy and despatched probably in 1381, took a very firm and challenging line, almost daring the Chinese to attempt an inva sion and suggesting that they might get an unpleasant surprise if they did. B ut the letter ended on a friendly note, said that a peaceful settle 1 I f the Japanese at this time had any idea of diplomatic immunity, it was of a rudimentary kind. They had executed several ambassadors from China before the Mongol attacks, and Kanenaga, although only detaining Yang Tsai for some months, executed several members of his staff. * He was presumably not a Zen monk, since he approached the Tendai Zasu, the Chief Abbot of the Tendai monastery on Hiyeizan.
ment was best, and announced the despatch of an envoy. After this several Japanese missions visited the Chinese C o u rt I t is not certain whether they were sent by the Ashikaga Bakufu or were emissaries of powerful warlords in western Japan. Kanenaga’s chief supporters, the Kikuchi family, were in touch with China, and so were the Shimazu and Ouchi families. But in 1386 the Hung-wu Emperor refused to receive a Japanese en voy, and there was a break in the relations between the two countries. The Ming Emperor was obliged to devise some means of preventing piracy, and he turned to defensive measures. The movement of Chinese ships was restricted, and Chinese subjects were forbidden to go abroad. I t was also planned to withdraw persons living on the coast to places a given distance inland, where they would be out of range of sudden raids. But very soon two forces began working for a resumption of inter course between China and Japan. The first was the policy of Yoshimitsu, who after subduing Ouchi Yoshihiro in 1400 was master of the whole country and favoured amicable relations with China and the expansion of trade. T he second was the desire of the Buddhist leaders on both sides to revive the free intercourse which they had hitherto enjoyed to the advantage of their faith. An unfruitful approach was made by Yoshi mitsu not long after the union of the two Courts in Japan in 1392, but in 1401 an embassy arrived from Japan at the Ming Court carrying pres ents and a request for the renewal of relations. The letter—it was a memorial rather than a proposal—was couched in a very humble lan guage and evidently gave pleasure in Peking. I t was carried by a monk called So-a (possibly So-ami, an adviser much trusted by Yoshimitsu) and with him was a merchant named Koetomi (K oizum i). I t changed the policy of the Chinese government, which seems to have been relent ing somewhat after 1392, and certain Chinese monks were ordered to accompany the Japanese mission on its return to Japan. No doubt the accession of the second Ming Emperor in 1399 made a change of policy easier. Yoshimitsu may have taken steps to suppress piracy before the des patch of the 1401 mission or at least have shown readiness to take action, but his first recorded action was an order ( Mikydjo) of 1402, sent to the Constables of the western provinces, instructing them to inflict drastic punishment upon the raiders. The envoys of 1401 were well received by the Ming Emperor and a return visit was paid by two Chinese ambassadors. Their ship reached Hyogo on August 29, 1402, and was met by Yoshimitsu. They were lodged in the Hojuji and hospitably entertained. Thenceforward inter course between the two countries continued on an amicable footing and without interruption until 1411. In 1404, when the Ming envoys returned to China, they were escorted by a monk, Myoshitsu, sent by Yoshimitsu. He went back to Japan with two new Ming envoys, who carried gifts and a letter from their Emperor
to Yoshimitsu. This was early in 1405, and the Yung-Io Emperor was on the throne. Several more missions were exchanged and met with a friendly reception. Yoshimitsu having taken action to punish the sea raiders, the Ming Emperor sent him a letter of thanks together with a large quantity of silver and copper coin and precious silks. Yoshimitsu’s action against the pirates had been successful, and for some time their raids were suppressed. In the course of these diplomatic exchanges, the Ming Court sent a special ambassador carrying a seal and a letter addressed to Yoshimitsu. This was the mission which reached Japan in 1405; and according to Chinese records it brought also a crown and robes of state. There can b e no doubt that by these acts the Emperor of China appointed Yoshi mitsu a tributary sovereign. The letter was addressed to “Minamoto Michiyoshi [sic], King of Japan.” T he seal was of solid gold, so heavy that it “could scarcely be lifted in two hands.” It bore the same inscrip tion. Chinese sovereigns were in principle always willing to accept tribute from countries which recognized Chinese sovereignty, and it was their custom to make generous presents in return. I t was on this basis that a trade agreement was negotiated shortly after the arrival of Yung-lo’s letter. The agreement allowed Japan to send periodical missions to China under a license system which gave a monopoly to the Ashikaga Bakufu and ensured that no other party in Japan could engage in licit trade with China. T he missions were to be identified by tallies issued by the Chi nese authorities, the whole arrangement being officially regarded as regulating the transport of tribute to China and return gifts to Japan. I t provided for only one tribute-bearing voyage every ten years, but no attention was paid to this rule. Similarly there were conditions limiting the number of ships, the crews and passengers carried, and the nature of the cargoes, but it is clear that so long as both parties desired the agreement to continue in force, it worked quite smoothly without strict observance of its terms. T h e Japanese agreed to suppress piracy, and the Chinese in return not only permitted but even facilitated trade. Yoshimitsu’s measures to deal with the pirates were severe. He ordered them attacked in their bases and in their advance posts on the islands of lid and Tsushima. Those who were caught were given no mercy. According to a credible account, one of the first missions under the new trade agreement presented a number of captives to the Emperor of China. His M ajesty politely returned them to the Japanese leaders, who had them boiled alive.* The success of Yoshimitsu’s measures was acknowledged by Yung-lo in a rescript at the beginning of 1406. * A Chinese account of 1402 reported that the copper cauldron used for this excruciating punishment had been preserved in situ.
On the Chinese side, care was taken to treat the members of the Japanese embassies with consideration, and special lodgings were built for them in coastal towns. The terms of trade were very favourable to Japan. E ach Japanese mission carried a number of articles described as tribute and accepted as such by the Chinese authorities. These were not treated as merchandise, but the Ming Court sent gifts of equal or greater value in return. The tribute varied little from mission to mission, consisting mostly of horses, swords, armour, ink slabs in ornamental cases, and quantities of sulphur. The return gifts were impressive. They were for the Shogun and his officers and usually included silver, copper coins, brocades, fine silks, jade ornaments, pearls, incense, scented woods, and fine furniture. The so-called supplementary articles carried to China by the Japa nese were the real substance of the trade. They were sold to Chinese buyers by merchants and also by officials who travelled in the ships. The most important item was sulphur, the remainder consisting of the products of Japanese craftsmanship, such as swords, lacquer chests, bronze vessels, and fans. These were purchased by Chinese merchants and private persons, payment being either in kind or in copper coin. Certain Chinese goods, especially silk fabrics, books, drugs, and porce lain, brought an especially good profit when sold in Japan, as much as two or three hundred per c e n t The expansion of internal trade in Japan had increased the need for currency to a point far above the country’s mintage capacity. As a result, Chinese copper coins gradually became an accepted circulating medium, to the point that prices were sometimes expressed in terms of Chinese currency, which was often stipulated in contracts. Thus the importation of Chinese coins was an important feature in the national economy. It throws an interesting fight on monetary conditions in both countries. The Chinese had begun to use silver for tax payments in the Yuan era; under the Ming rulers the silver note was the standard cur rency, and copper coins were only subsidiary. In Japan the government was mistrusted by the rising merchant class, and the mint was techni cally backward, so that Chinese copper coins were particularly welcome at a time when their use in China had diminished. In the last years of the official trade, the Japanese need for copper coin seems to have been satisfied, and its place was taken by raw silk and silk textiles of the highest quality. During Yoshimitsu s lifetime the relations between Japan and China remained harmonious. Yung-lo, a wise ruler, was impressed by the efforts of Yoshimitsu to meet his wishes and was touched by a report that Yoshimitsu had seen his father the Hung-wu Emperor in a dream. H e sent a high official and an important eunuch to Japan in 1406, with lavish presents for the Shogun and a remarkable rescript praising the
virtue and wisdom of Yoshimitsu in most flowery language. I t prophe sied undying fam e for him and his descendants. W hen this mission arrived in Hyogo, Yoshimitsu himself went to m eet it and escorted the Chinese leader to Kyoto, where he was enter tained at a ceremony in which the gifts of Yung-lo were displayed. They were so lavish and magnificent that the Japanese were struck with amazement. A later Chinese rescript (1 4 0 7 ) was almost ecstatic in its praise of Yoshimitsu. In response he sent a great tribute-bearing mission to China in 1408. His chosen emissary, the monk Keimi, was a good diplomat, for he asked Yung-lo (in the name of Yoshimitsu) for copies of two books written by Yung-lo’s Empress. H e received one hundred copies of each. W hether Yoshimitsu s prime motive in promoting intercourse with M ing China was a desire for the profits of trade or an insatiate ambition is a disputed question. Chinese maritime trade as well as Chinese pres tige suffered from the Japanese raids, and Yoshimitsu or his advisers would not be slow to take advantage of this situation to improve their own position. I t is also possible to argue that to be saluted as King of Japan by the greater Emperor of China seemed to Yoshimitsu a step towards the throne of his own country. W e know that he enjoyed impressive titles and plenty of money, that he liked to wear Chinese dress even at court, and that h e professed to see the Emperor of China in his dreams. B ut there is no real evidence that he wished to succeed to the throne of Japan. I t is quite likely that his expansive nature led him on to step after step of grandeur with no specific design in mind other than a general idea of increasing his own stature at the expense of the Throne. One thing is quite clear. The Bakufu’s treasury was almost empty, and both the Bakufu and the Shogun were in such difficulties that they would sink their pride for a handsome cash revenue from trade. Later in the fifteenth century (ca. 1470-85) the Japanese government three times asked the Chinese government for a gift of money; but Yoshimitsu did not resort to such desperate appeals. The submissive language of his memorials to the Ming Emperor must have pleased the Chinese, but in all likelihood he had learned from monks and traders thirsty for re newed intercourse that the way to get concessions from Chinese digni taries was to pour out supplications and flattery. As for wearing Chinese dress and lighting incense before an imperial rescript from China, it was the kind of theatrical performance that Yoshi mitsu enjoyed. The lavish use of honorific words and gestures was famil iar to anybody who attended the court of Japan, and such a sentence as “In fear and dread, and kneeling again and again, I respectfully state as follows” would not ring false in a Kyoto palace. The letter carried by the Japanese mission of 1401 was accompanied by gifts of gold, horses, fine paper, fans, screens, armour, swords, ink slabs, and a number of
Chinese, doubtless captives of the pirates. Its language was very humble. T he Chinese reply addressed to Yoshimitsu was friendly. Its preamble says “Japan has always been called a country of poems and books'—a charming compliment. Yoshimitsu has been accused of treason because the reply to the Ming rescript was signed by him as King ( 3E) of Japan; but it does not follow from this humble style that he regarded himself as a tributary. He knew his treasury was empty, and he probably thought that a little polite fiction was a fair price to pay for the benefits of peaceful trade. The real historical interest here lies not so much in the rise of Yoshi mitsu as in the decline of the Ruling House despite its long tradition of supreme, indeed divine, authority. In all the negotiations between the two countries there is no mention of the Emperor of Japan. Yoshimitsu died in the summer of 1408, but news of his death did not reach the Chinese Court until the end of the year. The Ming Em peror sent a special envoy to Japan on this occasion, carrying funeral eulogies and a letter of sympathy to Yoshimochi. T he eulogies, com posed in impressive language, were addressed to the deceased Shogun, and notified him that special persons would be despatched to Japan to perform rites for the consolation of his spirit in the nether world. Yunglo appears to have been genuinely grieved, and at the same time doubt ful whether Yoshimochi would be as amenable as his father. In a later letter he urged Yoshimochi to follow his father's example and track down the pirates.2 2. Relations with China after 1408 The envoy sent by Yung-lo to perform the special obsequies for Yoshimitsu was an important eunuch named Chou Ch’uan, who was also charged with appointing Yoshimochi as the new King of Japan. Yoshimochi, following his father’s example, went to Hyogo to meet the envoy as he came ashore. Chou stayed for four months in Japan, and returned with his suite in Japanese ships. In 1410 another Japanese mission reached the Chinese Court to express thanks for the Ming Em peror's gifts and his confirmation of Yoshimochi as the successor of Yoshimitsu. I t seemed that Yoshimochi had accepted Chinese suze rainty; but if he had, he soon found reason to change his mind. In 1411 he refused to receive an envoy from China who (according to Ming records) carried a friendly letter and a gift of money from Yung-lo. I t is not clear why Yoshimochi took this line. His own explanation was that Yoshimitsu, after being attacked by the disease which was to prove fatal, had vowed never again to offend the national deities by receiving envoys from a foreign country. This is the version given in a reliable work called Z enrin Kokuho-ki, a collection of diplomatic docu ments exchanged with China from 1118 to 1486. But there may be
another and perhaps a deeper reason for Yoshimochi’s attitude. Some modem Japanese historians suggest that he felt a deep resentment against his father for neglecting him in childhood, and that in his adult life he tried to banish the memory of Yoshimitsu. There is good support for this view. Yoshimochi would not live in the Kitayama palace, and he had several of the Kitayama buildings removed or destroyed, though he spared the Kinkaku. H e opposed a high posthumous rank for his father and—most powerful motive of all—he hated his half-brother Yoshitsugu, the much-beloved child of Yoshimitsu by his favourite, Kasuga no Tsubone. Yoshimochi had Yoshitsugu assassinated in 1418 and was said to have been tortured by Yoshitsugu’s vengeful ghost thereafter. F o r six years after the refusal of 1411 there was no official inter course between the two countries. Yung-lo was patient, and in 1417 he sent a message which, though rebuking Yoshimochi, left the way open for a renewal of good relations. But there was no response from the Shogun, and at the end of 1418 Yung-lo sent another rescript, harsher than the last in tone, but still not closing the door. I t is a remarkable document, worth some brief notice as evidence of a lack of mutual un derstanding between the two peoples. I t is long and diffuse, here sub lime and there ridiculous. Yung-lo is at pains to warn the Japanese that the Chinese armed forces are not like the Mongol invaders, who had been good at riding and shooting but not at seamanship. There was some truth in this, for the decades between 1400 and 1430 were the times of the great Ming voyages, which reached as far as the coast of Africa. B u t to point out to the head of a military government that the King of Korea was a sagacious monarch because he obeyed orders from China was not at all a convincing argum ent Yoshimochi’s reply was prompt. H e brushed aside Yung-lo’s com plaints and stated firmly that in view of his father’s deathbed wish he would not receive any more missions from the Ming Court, and desired the envoys then in Japan to sail away. Accordingly, official intercourse between the two countries again came to an end in 1419, though there is good reason to believe that the Shimazu family in southern Kyushu continued to trade privately with China. Yoshimochi’s firm attitude caused some anxiety in Kyoto, where it was rumoured that the Chinese were about to attack Japan. A passage in the diary of Manzai, the Shogun’s adviser, under the date of August 26,1419, reads as follows: “While I was at the Shogun’s palace, in the middle of our talk a courier came with a despatch from the Kyushu Tandai Shorn. He reports an attack of five hundred Mongol ships on Tsushima. Seven hundred men were hurried to meet the attack, and after severe fighting they destroyed the invading force, taking only a few prisoners alive. These were mostly Korean vessels, but the report warns that 20,000 Chinese ships are shortly to attack the coast of Japan.” There was no basis for these rumours, and the story of five hundred
Mongol ships at Tsushima was evidently an exaggerated version of an attack by Koreans upon a Japanese pirate base. Certainly it was a false alarm, as were occasional rumours of Chinese warships approaching the port of Hydgo. The next Chinese vessel to visit Japan after relations were severed was a peaceful merchantman, for the Chinese government proposed a resumption of trade several years after 1419. In 1425 the great Ming Emperor Hsiian-te came to the throne. By that time Yoshimochi had entered religion, his son Yoshikazu having taken over his functions in 1423. Yoshikazu was then a youth of about fifteen, but his authority was brief and his policy unknown, since he drank himself to death in two years. In this he was only following his father’s example, for the heavy drinking bouts of Yoshimochi with his companions Hatakeyama, Yamana, and Shiba are frequently noted in Manzai’s diary.* Yoshikazu’s death in 1425 obliged Yoshimochi to resume office, but it is doubtful whether he was then capable of sustained mental effort H e probably paid little attention to the question of relations with China. After a short illness he died in 1428, at the age of forty-two, and was succeeded as Shogun by a younger brother named Yoshinori. No response to the Chinese overtures of the 1420’s was made by Japan, but the Chinese were persistent. In 1432 the Hsiian-te Emperor sent a rescript through the King of the Luchu Islands, inviting the “King of Japan” to follow the example of Yoshimitsu and send envoys to the Ming Court. H e promised generous treatment, using the words “good fortune without end.” Yoshinori had no religious or political scruples and responded promptly by sending an embassy headed by a Tenryuji abbot named Doen. There were three vessels, one from the Bakufu, one from a group of warlords, and one from the Shokokuji, a Zen monastery founded by Yoshimitsu. The official envoys carried a friendly response to Hsiian-te s proposals and were handsomely treated when they reached China. In June 1434 a return mission arrived from China. It was on a grand scale, consisting of five ships bearing as ambassadors high officials who had been charged to express Hsiian-te’s earnest hope for friendly rela tions. They brought handsome gifts and made an imposing progress * Indeed, intemperate habits must have been common at this time among the Bakufu leaders and even among officers on duty. The following extracts from Manzai are pertinent 1419, viii, 2 2 -2 3 : “There was a great display of dancing in the Sento Palace, before the Emperor and the cloistered Emperor. Muromachi Dono [Yoshimochi] was present. He entered the In's palace to change his costume. When he came out he was very drunk.” 1423, i, 7 : “On the fifth the younger brother of General Akamatsu died. On the previous day he was riding as an escort to the Kanrei’s mansion when, being very drunk, he fell from his horse and was kicked in the head and other vital places.” Yoshimochi seems to have been restless and erratic even when he was not inebri ated. He went from one shrine or monastery to another, attending religious services, watching dancers and mimes, then going into retreat
through the streets of Kyoto to the Muromachi palace of the Shogun. Yoshinori treated them well, though not with the submissive respect shown by Yoshimitsu. Among questions discussed was the suppression of pirates, who were still ravaging the coasts of China. Some modifica tion of the relations between the two countries was proposed, but its nature is not known, apart from the fact that official trade was resinned. I t is clear, however, that the Japanese wanted concessions which the Chinese were not prepared to grant. W e may here anticipate the subsequent course of relations between the two countries by saying that trade continued and the volume of Japanese exports increased until 1453, when it began to decline. The persistent reluctance of Chinese officials to meet the wishes of Japan after 1435 (th e year of Hsuan-te’s death) may have been due in part to annoyance caused by the behaviour of some members of the Japanese missions. They were forever quarrelling and fighting, and from time to time the Chinese authorities had to complain that Chinese subjects had been wounded or their property damaged. But what most influ enced the Chinese government was Japan’s insistence upon sending goods for sale to China in increasing quantities. China was not depend ent upon foreign trade, whereas it was very important to Japan; more over, the prevailing Confucianism of the time was hostile to all forms of commerce. The mission of 1435 carried excessive amounts of copper and sulphur, for which the Chinese refused to pay the quoted price. After much haggling the Japanese envoys left Peking under pressure from the Chinese Court, and the ships, having disposed of their cargoes, sailed for home. There were nine vessels in all, four from the Tenryuji and other monasteries, two from the Ise family (favourites of the Sho gun), one from the Kyushu Tandai, and one each from two western daimyos, Otomo and Ouchi. Thereafter, when the Ming government was faced with trouble on China's northern borders and Japan was afflicted by internal strife, official intercourse between the two countries diminished. After about 1450 the Bakufu lost interest in the China trade, but ships continued to b e sent by certain monasteries and by the four lead ing daimyos, Shimazu, Otomo, Ouchi, and Hosokawa, the arrangements being put into the hands of merchants at Hakata, Hyogo, Sakai, and other seaports. After the Onin W ar (1 4 6 7 -7 7 ), in which control of the Bakufu was grasped by Hosokawa Katsumoto, there was great rivalry between the Hosokawa and Ouchi families, which spread from politics into the field of foreign trade. It became so acute that in 1523 a clash took place at Ningpo, where a ship from each party had arrived to un load. Ouchi’s men left after pillaging the neighbouring countryside in revenge for some preference given by the Chinese officials to Hosokawa’s vessel. The Ming government thereupon closed Ningpo to Japanese
trade. A few years later Ouchi was permitted to send a ship, but the trade was dying, and it came to an end in 1548. 3. Japan ese Pirates Pirates are mentioned in Japanese records from early times. In the year 934 a celebrated Japanese poet, Ki no Tsurayuki, returned to Kyoto from his post as Governor of the province of Tosa. Describing in his diary his voyage along and across the Inland Sea, he refers to the pre cautions taken by the shipmaster to avoid pirate craft. Any modem traveller who has taken passage in a coasting vessel in these waters will have noticed the many inlets and channels where pirates could lie con cealed in wait for victims. T he Japanese pirates of whom the Chinese complained were prin cipally those freebooters whose land bordered on the Inland Sea or the shores of Kyushu. There were families like the Kotsuna, who made no fine distinction between piracy and legitimate trade, and most of the western warlords had an interest in seaborne traffic. T he Taira clan in general and Kiyomori’s branch in particular had received much of their strength from that source, and after their defeat in 1185 the central gov ernment never had a firm hold on the warrior families whose property ran down to the shore. T h e men who with their small craft had attacked the Mongol invad ers or had transported troops along the Inland Sea to Kyushu found their occupation gone at the end of the war with thfc Mongols; and since they were stingily treated by the Kamakura Bakufu, they could argue that they were driven to buccaneering. Their numbers increased, and they played an important part during the struggle between the two Courts, when they were organized under a kind of admiral named Murakami Yoshihiro, whose base was in the Iyo channel As we have seen, they gave valuable assistance to commanders of Go-Daigo’s armies, espe cially to Prince Kanenaga in Kyushu. Those pirates who were not parti sans in the civil war engaged in unlicensed trade, in kidnapping, and in other forms of robbery on the coasts of Korea and the Shantung Pen insula. They were feared in both China and Korea, and w ere known as the Wako, the Japanese pirates. There is no doubt that both China and Korea suffered greatly from the depredations of the Wako, and that the Hung-wu Emperor spoke truly when he said that pirates were among his greatest troubles. The fault was partly that of the Chinese, for they were opposed to foreign commerce, whereas the Japanese authorities would have been glad to promote legitimate trade. But there were also reasons why the Bakufu was reluctant to go to extremes in suppressing piracy. I t was not en tirely convinced of the peaceful intentions of China, and looked upon the pirate chiefs probably as Queen Elizabeth looked upon Sir Francis
Drake—as a freebooter or a naval captain according to circumstances. Moreover, action against the pirates depended upon the Bakufu s control over the western warlords, and before 1400 Yoshimitsu was not yet firmly established in power. W ith the defeat of Ouchi, however, Yoshimitsu was able to take positive action, and his order sent to the western Constables in 1402 was couched in very strong terms. They were to take immediate steps not only against pirates caught in the act but against mere suspects as well. The Yung-lo Emperor’s letter of gratitude of 1406 was a measure of their success. Yet even these determined measures did not succeed in stopping piracy altogether. It was too interesting and too profitable a profession to be given up by families who had followed it for gener ations. 4. Trade with K orea Throughout the Muromachi era the Kyushu Tandai and the leading western daimyos had kept in communication with Korea by annual or more frequent voyages. During this period Japanese pirates were active along the Korean coast, and in 1375 Yoshimitsu was pressed by the Korean government to deal with them; but he was not at that time strong enough to give orders to the more powerful western chieftains and therefore took no action. The King of Korea (Koryo; in Japanese, Korai) pressed him time after time, but to no avail. The damage done by the pirates was so serious that the King had to take defensive meas ures on a large scale. His efforts had some success, but were not fol lowed up. Internal troubles in his kingdom ended in the fall of his dynasty. In 1392, when peaceful conditions were restored under a new dynas ty, in Korea—now named Chosen—friendly intercourse with Japan was resumed, and trade relations improved to such a point that a number of Japanese emigrated to southern Korea (through Pusan) and carried on business there. But the Japanese pirates continued to raid Korean ports, sacking towns and emptying granaries, wreaking such havoc that the King made continuous protests. T o these Yoshimitsu, through the powerful western baron Ouchi Yoshihiro, gave an astonishing reply. H e said that he would deal with the Japanese pirates, but by way of payment in advance he wished for a copy of the new Korean blockprinted Chinese version of the Tripitaka.® Tim e after time, whenever a mission went from Japan to Korea, the request was repeated; and not only by the Sh6gun, for in 1409 the Kanrei Shiba Yoshimasa wrote asking for a gift to celebrate the foundation of a small chapel which he had built. The gift he desired was the complete 8 8 The Tripitaka ( Three Baskets) is the canon o f Buddhist literature, completed in 250 b . c . It has three divisions, and its name arose because the palm leaves o n which the text was written were kept i n baskets.
edition of the Tripitaka in seven thousand volumes. Later Yoshimitsu’s successor Yoshimochi was to repeat this request, and at last in 1423 the books arrived, with a prayer for the return of Koreans who had been captured by Japanese corsairs. These unfortunates were traced and sent home. W hen further requests for the edition were made by Japan, the Koreans said that there were no copies to spare, and for a time inter course was broken off. But it was resinned under Yoshimochi and pres ents were exchanged. It should be added that the Koreans themselves were not innocent of piracy, nor were the Chinese. Indeed it has been said that more than half the crews and many of the vessels of the so-called W ako were Chi nese or Korean. The island of Tsushima, which had been Japanese territory for cen turies, was a favourite base for pirates, being especially convenient for attacks on the Korean coast or on ships in coastal waters. The head of the So family was hereditary Constable of Tsushima, and the holders of this office usually tried to keep relations between Japan and Korea on a friendly footing. According to Korean annals, the Constable So who had been smoothing out difficulties in trade relations for some time before 1418 died in that year and was succeeded by his son, who was only a child. Thereafter, it appears, the affairs of the island were managed for a time by a pirate chieftain named W ada Saemon Taro, much to the alarm of the King of Korea. Very soon large pirate craft were seen frequently off the Korean coast, and although most of these were on their way to the Shantung Peninsula, others were stealing sup plies of food from Korean granaries. The Korean authorities were on the alert, and the King devised a plan by which in the absence of the Japanese pirates during one of their raids on the China coast, a fullscale attack should be delivered on Tsushima. He overcame the timid objections of his ministers and issued a decla ration of war in the summer o f 1419. According to Korean records over 200 ships carrying 17,000 men set sail on July 17 and anchored next day in shallow water off the shore of Tsushima at a point called Ozaki. They had with them provisions for sixty-five days, and So (or his advisers), aware that they meant to land, made careful preparations for defence. The Koreans put ashore a large force on July 19, which So cleverly am bushed and defeated. So then made a friendly truce with the invaders, who withdrew a few days later. The story of this affair as it reached Kyoto was incorrect in almost every particular and caused great alarm. T he Koreans’ demonstrations of anger seem to have had more effect than their military effort, for after this incident Japanese pirates confined their depredations to the coast of China. Relations between Japan and Korea were soon resumed in comparative harmony, and trade flourished. The chief articles of trade were pottery, cotton thread, and textiles
from Korea, and sulphur and copper from Japan. Japan was relatively late among the countries of eastern Asia in cultivating and using cotton, the usual dress material other than silk being coarse or fine linen. The Koreans learned the use of cotton from China and were growing and weaving it before 1400. One reason why the Bakufu and the western daimyos wished to pro mote trade with Korea was their desire to obtain copper coins. Both Chinese coins and coins minted in Korea circulated there. Japanese efforts to take them out of the country embarrassed the Korean govern ment, who placed an embargo on their export B ut despite this restric tion the flow of coins from Korea to Japan seems to have continued throughout the fifteenth century. 5. Trade with the Luchu Islands Among exports from Japan to Korea were certain tropical products brought to Hakata from die Luchu ( Ryukyu) Islands. T h e trade of the Luchu Islands with Japan is of peculiar interest. In the fourteenth cen tury, Hakata in Kyushu was an important entrepfit in E ast Asian trade. I t was frequently visited by ships from Ming China and from Korea. According to Chinese records Luchuan ships often called there and also at Bonotsu, a port in Shimazu territory. From this time the connexion between Satsuma and the Islands was especially close. Japanese ships frequently entered Luchu ports (principally N aha), where they purchased for sale in Korea and China articles from southern countries—Indonesia and Malaya. T he triangular trade began shortly before the fall of Korai. The voyages of the Luchuan craft were quite remarkable, for they reached as far as Siam, Burma, Sumatra, and Java. Every year the Luchu traders would collect Chinese porcelain and silk and Japanese swords, fans, and sulphur, and exchange them for tropical products, such as the spices and perfumes of Indonesia. They made use of the monsoons, and in order to find favourable winds the ships went by way of the Fukien coast to M alacca and thence to their several des tinations across the seas east and west of Malaya. The islands were unified under a king in the early years of the fif teenth century. He sent envoys to Ming China and also approached the Bakufu through the Shimazu leader at Bdnotsu.
1. Increased Production A T T H E D E A T H o f the Shogun Yoshimochi in 1428, the Ashikaga Bakufu had been in existence for close to a century, and during that time hardly a year had passed without some episode of violence. T h e armed conflict between the two Courts had lasted for fifty years, and when that issue was resolved, the Ashikaga leaders had to deal with insubor dinate warlords from one end of the country to the other. I t might be supposed that the national economy would suffer from the plague of armies and the depredations of greedy barons. But medi aeval warfare was not in fact especially deadly or destructive. The damage done by warfare to the true economic foundation of the country, its rice fields and its forests, was almost negligible. The industrious culti vators were usually unhurt, though from time to time they were incon venienced by being conscripted for war service. Even the country’s total loss in manpower was not serious, for death in battle was not so common as the military romances would have us believe, and few civil ians were killed. Indeed the civil wars in some respects served to stimulate and not to reduce economic activity. There were campaigns in almost every province, and armies moved for long distances, thus creating a need for the services of local entrepreneurs in the procurement, storage, and transport of supplies and the improvement of communications. There is no evidence, moreover, that the total product of agriculture and industry declined during the civil wars. On the contrary, it seems to have increased; and there is no doubt that the renewal of traffic with China gave a stimulus to commerce in general, partly because it opened a new market for Japanese goods, but also because it created a plentiful supply of copper coins, which facilitated all kinds of transactions in domestic trade. There can be no doubt that the economy of Japan at the simple level of the early days of the Kamakura Bakufu could not have sustained the almost continuous wars that began with the defeat of the Hojo in 1333. There is, it is true, no statistical basis for assuming a great increase in production during the thirteenth century, but it is only on this assump tion that we can account for the nature and scale of the succession wars. There are doubts about the exact numbers of the contending armies, but it is certain that very large bodies of men were supplied with food and arms as they moved often hundreds of miles along and across the whole country. T he wars of succession could not have been fought on
the reckless scale they were had there not been a flourishing economy upon which the generals of the two Courts could depend. T he factors affecting the growth of the economy in the hundred years before 1333 are complex, and need not be discussed in detail here. It is enough to say that the years of peace after the Gempei W ar (1 185) saw a steady increase in the total product of agriculture and an advance in the manufacture and use of farm implements. These trends h id their roots in certain social changes that were transforming the rural areas and gradually undermining the foundations of the Kamakura Bakufu. Social developments will be considered in the next chapter, but it is important to notice here the gradual change in the system of inheritance. In the early Kamakura period it was customary for a father to bequeath his whole estate to one of his sons, thus providing the Bakufu with direct vassals and preserving the family in its accustomed position in the com plex land-ownership system that was the foundation of mediaeval feu dalism in Japan. B ut gradually the practice of sole inheritance ( sory o)x was abandoned, and estates came to be divided more or less equally among the sons of the family, with the result that after a generation or so the area of a single holding fell sharply.* I t is difficult to express the rate of diminution in averages, but it would not b e unusual for a total family holding of 100 cho (250 acres) to fall within a generation to five individual holdings of 20 cho. The decrease in the size of individual holdings, as one might expect, brought about an increase in the productivity of the land. From midway in the Kamakura period the small landholders devoted their energy to increasing the yield of their farms, and as the new inheritance system gained acceptance they were of necessity emulated by the sons of large landholders. Seeking die maximum yield from every cho, they imposed 1 The word sdryd, often used loosely to mean "eldest son," strictly speaking means “the whole estate.” 2 This is well illustrated in the history of the Ono manor in the province of Bungo. This fief was granted to Otomo, Constable of Bungo and Buzen, in 1240. Its area was 307 cho, or about 750 acres. When Otomo died, his widow inherited the whole estate, which she held for seventeen years. On her death it was divided among her sons, except for a portion which Ono (d ie original owner) was allowed to retain for life. In the third generation the whole area had been divided into ten portions held by ten different legatees, their respective areas being 3, 3 3 ,3 6 , 35, 25, 76, 89, 22, 5, and 3 cho. Details will be found in Maki Kenji, Nihon HOkenseido
SeirUstishi. Similar evidence is furnished by analysis of the history of a monastic sh6 over a longer period. In 1189 it was composed of 90 portions held by different persons, while in 1343 there were 149 holders of portions in the same area. The change in the size of the holdings is indicated by the record that in 1189 there were 7 holdings over 10 ch6 and 29 holdings under 1/2 cho, while in 1343 there were 96 holdings under 1/2 ch8 and only one over 10 ch6. Full particulars are in Nagahara, Nihon
HOken Shakai Ron. On the general question of succession and inheritance there is a very clear exposition in Joiion des Longrais, L ’E s t e t V O u est (Tokyo: Maison Franco-Japonaise, 1959).
strict discipline upon their workers as they passed from extensive to intensive farming, and even, in some areas, to double-cropping. As the total product of agriculture and manufacturing increased, there was in many commodities an excess over the producers' needs, which encouraged the development of market places and shops, and ultimately led to an all-round increase in facilities for the exchange of goods. Such an increase in the number of transactions could scarcely have taken place without the aid of a circulating medium to hasten the passage from barter to purchase; and conversely, of course, the availa bility of cash multiplied the number of transactions. This kind of devel opment, though immediately profitable to individuals, had the effect of raising the standard of living and causing the less efficient cultivators to contract debts, a process accelerated by the rapidly expanding circula tion of metallic currency and a consequent rise in prices in terms of coins. A related factor in the growth of the economy was the improved posi tion of the peasants, who in several areas, particularly in the Home Prov inces, had acquired virtually complete freedom. There by the late four teenth century the peasants constituted an important class of small farmers who found it to their advantage to form associations in their villages, and also to combine with similar bodies in other villages so as to further their interests by joint action. Their freedom gave them an incentive to improve their position, and those who lived near a town or a great city like Kyoto or Nara found it profitable to sell their pro duce for cash. They had a ready market for their rice and vegetables, and also for articles of handicraft made in their spare time. This traffic encouraged them to increase production, and the desire for greater and more diversified crops resulted in a steady improvement in agricultural methods. Special attention was naturally paid to inten sive cultivation of rice, the staple food crop. Efforts were made to avoid an imbalanced distribution of labour at crucial times, care being taken in the selection of seeds so as to spread the period of growth and ripen ing. Early, middle, and late crops were cultivated in part because of local conditions of climate, but no doubt also for the purpose of reduc ing the risk of total loss by storm or other misfortunes. In the collection of seed rice, grades of quality were carefully distinguished. In the thirteenth century a strain of rice from Indo-China ( Cham pa) was introduced by way of China. I t was appreciated by growers because of its early ripening and its resistance to cold and to pests, and by the end of the fourteenth century it was widely grown in the western prov inces. According to the records of the Daigoji manors in Sanuki and Harima, about one-third of their tax rice was of this strain. I t was a low-grade rice in colour and flavour, but it was consumed in quantity by the poorer classes. The cultivation of barley was taken up with energy in the thirteenth century, and the total crop increased rapidly. T he Kamakura Bakufu
encouraged double-cropping, ordering farmers to plant barley in rice fields after the rice harvest. Early in the Muromachi period visitors from Korea were impressed by the rotation of crops (rice-barley-bu ck w heat) in the fertile area near Amagasaki. Vegetables were grown in variety, and tea becam e an important article of commerce. Tea estates were common in the neighbourhood of U ji, where Yoshimitsu ordered the tea bush to b e planted. Other crops grown by the farmers where conditions were suitable were hemp, mulberry leaves for silkworms, vegetable dyestuffs (particularly indi go) , lacquer, and sesame for lamp oil. Fresh fruits were not an ordinary article of diet, but the new Muro m achi society had a taste for luxuries. This encouraged the supply of melons and persimmons of improved varieties, and also of fresh vege tables grown in market gardens for sale in the city. In general, however, preserved fruits and sweetmeats were most appreciated—pickled plums, dried persimmons, and later flavoured jellies, such as sato-yokan. Sugar was scarce. It had been imported in small quantities from China and the Luchu (Ryukyu) Islands in the twelfth century, and on a larger scale after the opening of trade relations with Ming China, but it was still highly prized as a luxury at the end of the fifteenth century. 2. M oney Econom y The use of metallic currency goes back a long way in Japanese his tory, but the most rapid increase in its circulation took place from die end of the twelfth century. One of the first clear mentions of the growth of monetary transactions is a passage in the Hyakurensho under the date 1179, which says: “There is a strange sickness going round the country nowadays. It is called the money disease.” In conservative Court circles the use of coins was thought (not without some reason) to upset the price of commodities, and even so grave a statesman as Kujo Kanezane, writing in the 1180 s, said that the decay of government at this time was due entirely to these coins. But no order, whether of the Court or the Bakufu, could be enforced against the use of Chinese copper cash, which were being freely imported and becam e legal tender in 1226, when cer tain lands of barter were prohibited. Thereafter their use increased rapidly. B y 1261, when the Kama kura Bakufu was in its prime, we find the Regent sending gold to China for the purchase of copper coins, and before long they were legal tender for the payment of taxes as well as in ordinary private transactions. By 1300 there was perhaps ten times as much metal currency in circu lation as there had been a century earlier. This increase can be correlated to the growth of market places and market towns, for there can b e little doubt that the function of markets became more and more important, and more essential to the total econ omy, as cash transactions becam e usual. In addition, the use of metallic
currency was of great advantage to producers who had hitherto been obliged to send their goods, whether farm produce or manufactures, for long distances by road as tax or tribute, or as payments to a landlord. As we have seen, trade with China was severely curtailed during the reign of the Mongol dynasty, with the result that the amount of currency available failed to keep pace with the growth of the economy. These circumstances explain the massive imports of copper coins from China dining the years when Yoshimitsu and his successors were in treaty relations with the Ming government and trade between the two coun tries was flourishing. An interesting feature of the circulation of copper coins in the fif teenth century is the official recognition of “bad” coins. The relative values of “good,” “medium,” and “bad” coins were established by regu lations on erizeni or the classification of coins. The “bad” coins were usually counterfeits made in Japan. 3. T he Growth o f Towns The great cities of Japan in the middle ages—Kyoto, Nara, and Kama kura—were originally planned and built as either political or religious centres, although their position was decided principally on economic grounds, such as the proximity of fertile land, the supply of good water, and the ease of communication by road and river. Many of the great cities of present-day Japan grew up in a very different manner, begin ning as temporary trading-posts or way stations and growing into mar kets and then market towns as economic pressures and opportunities increased. Few such towns attained any great size until the fourteenth century. W hat population would justify describing a group of dwellings and other buildings as a town must be a matter of arbitrary choice. Perhaps a concentration in one locality of about two hundred houses, with a population on the order of one thousand, might be regarded as a small town in the fourteenth century. The following account should be read in the light of this assumption. Most large manors in the Kamakura period had within their boun daries or at their gates a market place ( often with permanent buildings of a simple kind), and similar settlements commonly grew up outside or just within the gates of monasteries and shrines, many of which owned and managed rich estates. Here buyers and sellers would gather on fixed days of the month, generally at intervals of ten days. Thus the Two-Day Market ( futsuka-ichi) was not a market lasting for two days, but one held on the 2d, 12th, and 22d days of the month. The fact that more frequent market days were unusual until the mid-fourteenth cen tury is an indication of the still quite limited needs of the time. So long as the economy remained simple, the great estates were selfsupporting in food, implements, and other supplies, except for salt, dried
fish, and certain metals. But as the variety as well as the quantity of products increased and the need for markets becam e greater, these mar ket places grew rapidly in number and size. By about 1350 they were spread in a network over the whole country, with the greatest concen tration in the Home Provinces, where the population was dense and the soil fertile. Markets grew up in a great variety of locations, not only near centres of production but also at key points on roads and water ways. During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, as the rural economy developed and the growing use of currency facilitated the sale of pro duce near the farms, the number of market days rose from three to six each month. Thus traders were encouraged to establish permanent stores in the market place, and to build small houses for themselves in the vicinity. Itinerant vendors also appeared at the market places, bring ing merchandise from other provinces—lightweight goods such as cloth carried in bundles on their own backs, heavy goods such as salt or iron tools loaded upon the back of a horse or an ox. These small centres grad ually became large villages or modest towns, an evolution revealed by the names of several modem towns, such as Yokkaichi, which began as a market place open on the “four” days of the month (th e 4th, 14th, and 24th). B y the end of the fifteenth century many of these towns, some of them no longer small, were trafficking in large amounts of goods in great variety. There is useful information on these mediaeval markets in a some what surprising source: the drai-mono, or correspondence manuals, which were used as textbooks for the education of young persons either at home or in monasteries. One of the most interesting of these is the Teikin Orai, attributed to a Zen monk named Gen-ye who flourished in the middle of the fourteenth century. It is in the form of letters giving useful information about current affairs and institutions. One letter gives a list of the special products from all parts of the country which were on sale at the leading markets. It shows a great variety, including besides agricultural produce a wide range of manufactured goods, such as textiles, plain and dyed; paper; straw mats and reed blinds; pans, pots, and kettles; needles; spades and hoes; cutlery; lacquer goods; and a number of articles made by farm workers in their spare time. Another letter gives an imposing list of skilled artisans—early evi dence of the great tradition of craftsmanship in Japan. I t includes work ers in silver, copper, and iron; dyers; damask weavers; potters; lacquer makers; artists in lacquer; bowyers and fletchers; painters and sculptors; calligraphers; and makers of rouge, face powder, and other cosmetics, including eyebrow pencils, a specialty of the Ninnaji monastery. The development of these crafts (no longer the work of half-free servants in a manor) naturally produced a new class of independent artisans, men who welcomed the chance to exercise their calling where
Drawing of a bowyer, after an illustration in " Shichijuichl-ban Uta-awasea picture scroll portraying a poetry contest of seventy-one matches between competitors of different trades and professions
they could be sure of a supply of materials and tools, and also of a mar ket for their product. Their needs to some extent determined the loca tions of towns, and conversely they were attracted to towns from the rural areas. But what chiefly decided the situation of towns, particularly in the earlier period, was the number of buyers who lived in the vicinity or who passed through on some frequented route. O f such positions, those near or within the precincts of an important monastery or shrine and those at relay stations on a well-travelled highroad were the most fav ourable. The permanent market at the gateway of a powerful religious body could depend upon the protection of that body as well as upon the custom of its members and the crowd of pilgrims and worshippers by whom it was visited. Consequently the first towns were those known as monzen-machi ( m achi meaning a group of houses and monzen meaning “before the gates”), which usually consisted of a row of shops and stalls on either side of the approach to a monastery, together with lodging houses for pilgrims. Thus Sakamoto and Otsu, places through which travellers
must pass on the way to the Enryakuji or Miidera, becam e important towns from relatively early times;* and before reaching the G reat Shrine a t Ise worshippers usually stopped at Uji-Yamada, where they could find lodgings and make purchases, if only of local products or guides to the sacred places. Other settlements began as stopping places on lines of communica tion by land and sea. T he highroads leading east and west from the capital came into use soon after the foundation of Kyoto, but apart from officials and couriers, travellers by road were not numerous. T he Gempei W ar brought about more frequent movement along those highroads, bu t it was not until the Muromachi era that private travel by individuals becam e common. W hile the manorial system remained in force, the workers in the manors had no freedom to leave their boundaries; nor had they much reason to leave, since each manor was practically selfsufficient and there was not much transport of goods along the roads, except when tax-goods were carried to a seat of local government. But as we shall see, the farm workers were gradually emancipated in the Muromachi era, with the result that more and more men were free to travel long distances, whether for purposes of trade or on pil grimages. Thus a need for lodgings arose, and facilities for travellers on foot or on horseback were provided at intervals along the main high roads, usually at the relay stations where officials and couriers had for merly stopped. These stopping places grew into large villages or small towns as traffic along the roads increased, so that a traveller might count upon lodging at an inn, or hiring a horse, or selling his goods if he was a pedlar. The development of such townships—they were called shuktiba-m achi, or post towns—was rather late in the Muromachi era. Much earlier in developing were the mxnato-machi, or harbour towns, which offered facilities for travel and transport by water. These were places from which goods from inland points could b e shipped in bulk. During the Kamakura and Muromachi periods large quantities could only with difficulty be handled by road, since horse-drawn ve hicles were very slow to develop and the load that a single horse or ox could carry was sm all Most large inland centres of population had their own port towns. Kyoto had Yodo, Nara had Kizu, the province of Ise had Ominato, and Hyogo and Sakai served the Home Provinces in general as ports for ocean-going vessels as well as for vessels plying along the Inland Sea. Most of these port towns were equipped with warehouses and with apparatus for ship repairs and for handling cargo, together with lodg ings for seamen. In such ports there were usually wholesale dealers and transport agents doing business on a large scale. According to some deeuments, Yodo before 1500 had one thousand buildings and therefore * Otsu was said to have lost 2,800 houses by fire during the Gempei War, a doubtful figure, but one that nonetheless suggests a town of considerable importance.
a population of the order of five thousand. Sakai, the most important of the port towns which becam e prominent during the Muromachi period, deserves a separate notice. Sakai is situated at the head of the Inland Sea near the Yamato River and close to the boundary ( sakai ) of the three provinces of Izumi, Kawachi, and Settsu. It is first mentioned about 1320 as part of an imperial manor which produced salt for sale, and it was known to Kyoto nobles for its hot salt-water baths. I t was closely connected with the Sumiyoshi shrine, a few miles distant, and it was a base for fishing vessels which supplied the Kasuga shrine near Nara. It was also a stopping place for pilgrims on the way by sea to Kumano, and since from 1400 or there abouts the peasants were free to travel between planting and harvest, they no doubt contributed to the prosperity of the port. Owing to its convenient situation, Sakai becam e a useful base for army supplies during the war between the Courts. W hen Go-Daigo moved to Yoshino, Sakai was a valuable link in his chain of communi cation with loyalists in Shikoku and Kyushu, and also with the Kumano pirates who sided with the Southern Court. The Kusunoki family had a certain indirect control over Sakai, and Kusunoki Masashige obtained information from his agents there about the enemy’s movements. Early in the war the town was captured by the Northern army. Loyalist forces attempted to recapture it in 1338, but with no success. After some vicis situdes the town fell into the hands of Ashikaga vassals, among them Yamana; but its closest connexion was with the Ouchi family, thanks to whose good management it prospered as a seaport and a trading centre. I t was almost completely destroyed by fire when Yoshimitsu’s army attacked it in 1399; it was then said to have lost 10,000 houses of citi zens in addition to warehouses and other buildings. This is certainly an exaggerated figure, but the loss was undoubtedly very great in relation to the total number of buildings. T he town was rebuilt soon after 1400, and it prospered; but its height of importance was not reached until after the Onin W ar, when it flourished in both domestic and foreign trade and was granted certain special privileges. 4. W holesale T rade B y a natural transition the establishment of markets led to trade in bulk. H ere the use of metallic currency played an important part, for in the absence of a circulating medium great quantities of produce had of necessity to b e transported by road or river from the farms to the often far-distant home of the landlord. But when the crop could be sold locally the landlord could receive his revenue in cash, while the estate would sent its produce to nearby markets for sale to mer chants dealing, often on a speculative basis, in large quantities which they could sell at places of their choice. In this way an important wholesale trade developed in certain com
modifies, principally in grains, of which the most important was rice. B y the fifteenth century special wholesale markets had developed, and a small but powerful class of wholesale dealers had obtained a virtual monopoly of the purchase and sale of the major commodifies. W ith the decline of the great manors the volume of agricultural tax-produce transported to the towns, where the landlords usually resided, had fallen so low that it was not sufficient to m eet the demands of the townspeople, who were at this time (particularly in the Home Prov inces ) increasing rapidly in numbers. The amount of grain harvested near Kyoto was very small in relation to the city’s needs, and conse quently the citizens becam e dependent for their supplies upon whole sale grain merchants who bought up crops in more distant areas. The rice dealers were particularly well organized. Their business grew rapidly as the population of Kyoto increased, until it became necessary to form a central rice m arket I t is not clear when this was founded, but it must have been about 1400. I t had a monopoly, and no rice could be stored or sold wholesale elsewhere in the city. I t also fixed the price of rice by a kind of auction, and this no doubt affected rice quotations in other parts of the country. The rice dealers took full advantage of their position to hold the citizens at ransom. A most interesting account of their activities is recorded in the journal of the retired Em peror Go-Sukd-In. In Kyoto in 1431, he relates, certain wholesale dealers withheld rice from the market for a rise in price, thereby causing great distress to the citizens. They were ordered by the Bakufu to supply rice on reasonable terms, but after a display of obedience for one day they refused to make any sale whatever, and even went so far as to hold up cargoes that were on their way to the city. The Bakufu, alarmed by reports of starvation on the outskirts of Kyoto, ordered the ringleaders to b e arrested and put to the question by the Samurai-dokoro. They denied the charges against them and were subjected to the ordeal of boiling water; their hands showed scalds or bum s, and this was held to prove their guilt. T he Deputy Governor ( Shoshi-dai) of the Samurai-dokoro was ordered to punish them, but did nothing because he was in league with the culprits. Encouraged by this example of corruption in high places, the rice dealers behaved more and more outrageously. The Samurai-dokoro still took bribes from them despite severe reprimands, and even the Shogun Yoshimasa’s wife was party to their schemes. This lady, Hino Tomi-ko, even built a fireproof store for pledges in her own moneylending business, and gambled on the rice market. So lax was the discipline of the Bakufu at this time ( especially after the death of Yoshinori in 1441 and under the faineant rule of Yoshimasa from 1449) that its orders were often derided by men who under a sterner rule would have been put to death for their offences. F o r ex
ample, at one time more than sixty palanquin-bearers took advantage of their immunity as Palace servants to control the distribution of rice by means of their hold on transport and their membership in the guild of rice dealers.* The hold of the rice dealers on Kyoto’s food supply was indeed complete, for not only did they exercise a monopoly of sale, but by posting their guards at the main points of entry, such as Sakamoto and Otsu, they could completely control the flow of rice into the city. W hen the rice was admitted, it was carried by transport workers, such as carters ( shashaku ) and teamsters ( bash aku ). F o r some time there was no clear distinction between dealers and carriers, though specialization came about later. An example of this dual function is recorded in GoSuko’s journal for the year 1418, where he states that “several thousand” teamsters from Otsu have poured into the precincts of the Gion shrine and done great damage, threatening to set fire to the buildings if their complaints are not heard. A strong force of police was sent by the Samurai-dokoro, and arrests were made. Spectators gathered “like clouds and mist” to watch the goings-on, which were very exciting. T he cause of the fracas was a dispute about die price of rice, and these teamsters seem to have been at once the purveyors and the carriers of rice from the province of Omi.8 These details of the Kyoto rice trade suffice to show that the mer cantile organization of the capital was well advanced, at least from the point of view of the sellers, in the early years of the fifteenth century. I t was at about this time that merchants first began to make a sharp distinc tion between retail and wholesale trading. This distinction is of social as well as economic interest, since it reveals the development of a new social class—the wholesale merchant, usually a man of low degree but able to stand up against the official class by reason of his control over the supply of necessities. One of the most interesting examples of the evolution of a mercan tile function parallel with a growth in the volume and complexity of domestic trade is to b e seen in the history of the tonya ( toiy a), a kind of wholesale broker or commission ag en t T he first mention of such a function seems to b e as early as 1175, when a "toi-otoko” is described as providing a boat to take certain Court officials down the Yodo River * T he position of these palanquin-bearers ( kago-kakl) is one of the curiosities of the economic history of these days. They were by trade rice dealers, but along with other traders they also belonged to one of the four companies of palanquinbearers serving the Palace. This was an honourable position, and its holders were free from arrest because they were servants of the Imperial Household. 8 Evidently at this time the citizens of Kyoto depended for their rice upon sup plies from the fertile plains of Omi. Such supplies continued to reach Kyoto with regularity, but in the course of the Onin W ar, which laid both town and country waste between 1467 and 1480, the great daimyos and many citizens left and the streets were deserted. The rice dealers then found themselves in distress, and they were obliged to sell their stocks at "throw-away prices.”
from Katsura to the Iwashimizu shrine. H ere he appears not as a worker belonging to a manor but as an agent employed by one or more manors near Katsura to act for them in matters outside their boundaries, such as arranging the transport of persons and goods by water. In later documents such agents are mentioned as being able to furnish four or five boats for ferrying passengers or goods or for fishing. From such beginnings there developed the tonya, an important intermediary in the wholesale trade, whether as a transport agent, a warehouse-keeper, or a large-scale purveyor of merchandise. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the tonya played an extremely im portant part in Japanese commerce. I t is interesting to note that his ancestor was the outside agent of a manor. In the Muromachi period the most important wholesale merchants apart from rice dealers were the dealers in cattle and horses and the dealers in marine products, notably fish and salt; and in the rapidly developing money economy, an essential function was performed by pawnbrokers or brewers acting as moneylenders, and in some cases as bankers issuing bills of exchange against payment in copper coin. 5. Trade Guilds Trade guilds in mediaeval Japan are thought to derive from an early form of association known as the za. T h e word za means a seat, and doubtless signified a place reserved at ceremonies or at a market for a group of persons having the same interest There are early notices of za composed of lay persons performing some voluntary service for a monastery or a shrine or for other manorial lords, and receiving some kind of favour in return. These social groups tended to develop into occupational groups, and soon (in the twelfth century, if not earlier) we learn of za of mimes, dancers, musicians, and other entertainers, usually in some way connected with a religious institution or a powerful patron. T he custom has persisted, and to this day a company of actors has a za (e.g., Kabuld-za), and the five schools of No players are also called za. Painters, sculptors, and skilled craftsmen of various kinds formed za of a slightly different kind, which might be described as professional societies. A connexion with some powerful body was important to traders as well as to entertainers and artists because of the protection it afforded, and at the same time a connexion with traders was useful to the pro tecting party as a source of income. Even where there was no za, there was often another kind of relation between Trade and the Church, for traders found it both convenient and prudent to form themselves into closed groups under the patronage of an institution or of a person of high rank. Thus the yeast-brewers in Kyoto were parishioners of the Kitano shrine, the oil merchants depended upon the great Iwashimizu Hachiman, and the pawnbrokers, a very active and influential body,
had as their patron the powerful Tendai monastery on Hiyeizan. This link was very valuable, since when necessary a band of armed monks or priests could descend upon the capital to threaten the Court or the Bakufu on behalf of their clients. Other Kyoto guilds placed themselves under the protection of noble families, the papermakers under the Bojo, the goldleaf-makers under the Konoye, and perhaps most surprising of all, die fishmongers under the Saionji, at that time the most influential of the noble houses. In return for its services the Saionji family received two-thirds of the income of the Kyoto fish market. This was its largest single source of income after the revenue from its manors began to decrease. It was so important that the Saionji and the Sanjonishi, two noble houses, quarrelled over the appointment of an overseer in the fish market. It is evidence of the rapid growth of commercial activity in the Muromachi era that by the fifteenth century the mercantile za were organized primarily by market rather than by commodity; a za was simply a group of traders in a given locality. In the Home Provinces, where economic development was most rapid, there were well-estab lished za, in both town and country, of traders dealing in rice, textiles, iron, bamboo, and many other necessities. In the big cities, by contrast, notably in Kyoto, specialization by commodity was still common prac tice. Each trade tended to be concentrated in a special quarter; fish mongers, oil merchants, and timber merchants, for instance, all had their own separate za. Some vestiges of this practice survive in modem place names, such as Zaimokuza (tim ber m erchants) in Kamakura, and Ginza (silver merchants) in Tokyo. In their earlier forms these bodies were not independent, being sub ordinate to the monastery, shrine, or manor which they served; but before long both workers and traders began to form quasi-independent za not only for protection but actually for the furtherance of their inter ests. T he rigid class structure of the Kamakura period was at this time breaking down, and the members of the za soon found that by joint action they could in some degree influence prices and resist the exactions of landlords and officials. The rural za were of great importance, since they handled important foodstuffs, primary products such as oil seeds, bamboo, and timber, and raw materials of industry in general T he members of these associations were generally well-to-do peasant farmers who combined to sell their crops in bulk on the market; occasionally outside brokers would b e admitted to their za. T o be the head of such a za was to occupy a social position of some importance, comparable to that of a small landowner. Since the main object of a za was to preserve and increase die profits of its members, it was bound to have a monopolistic character, and to strive to maintain its monopoly against the competition of outsiders.
Most of the monopolies applied only to retail sales, but in certain cases a za would make wholesale purchases of raw materials for the benefit of its members, and would prevent competitors from obtaining such mate rials within a certain area. A good example of this is the za of salt dealers in Yamato province, which was divided into three subsidiary za, of wholesalers, retailers, and pedlars. Although by the fourteenth century the za were no longer under the orders of a manorial lord, they could not be permanently effective without protection, and arrangements on a simple cash basis (as b e tween the Saionji and the Kyoto fishmongers) were commonly made. B y the mid-fifteenth century, however, some of the za had made power ful enemies by abusing their privileges, and others had lost their pro tectors as a result of political reverses. Ultimately the za as an institu tion was challenged and forced to give way to other forms of mercantile organization which did not obstruct the free flow of trade. The za has been compared to the merchant guild of mediaeval Europe, but the resemblance is in the opinion of some specialists only superficial The za enjoyed certain tax exemptions, and za in different provinces kept in touch with one another, but there was nothing like a Hanseatic League. During the fifteenth century the political tendency in Japan was distinctly separatist, and the great warlords did not favour freedom of communication and trade between different spheres of influ ence. T h e za as guilds were not powerful except in making life uncom fortable for consumers and thereby causing trouble for the authorities, and it is doubtful whether in the long run they contributed as much to the growth of the economy as free competition would have done. To die general historian their chief interest lies in their promotion of a new social outlook. Their members were the forerunners of the important and numerous class of townsmen or chonin ( BJ A ), which formed the mass of the population of the cities and towns in the eighteenth century and altered the complexion of feudal life.
Y O S H I M O C H I ’S S U C C E S S O R S
1. Yoshinori W h e n Yoshimochi, on the death of Yoshikazu in 1425, was faced with the problem of choosing a successor, he had to decide among four sons of Yoshimitsu, all of whom were in holy orders. H e delayed decision, however, saying that whatever choice he might make would be upset by the Constables—an interesting admission of the power of those offi cers. He recommended drawing lots, and after his death in 1428 the chief men in the Bakufu followed his advice in the hope of preventing succession quarrels. The choice fell upon Yoshinori, the sixth son of Yoshimitsu, a man of thirty-five then Chief Abbot of the Tendai sect (Daisojo, Tendai Zasu). Fortune here seemed to favour the house of Ashikaga, for Yoshinori proved to be a man of strong character and firm decision, intent upon restoring the authority of the Bakufu. He revised the procedure for the settlement of lawsuits, issued new regulations concerning Acts of Grace ( tokusei), and took a firm line with the monks of Hiyeizan and Nara, obliging them to cease their violent bickering. H e even went so far as to chasten the impudent priests of the Iwashimizu Hachiman, a shrine which the Ashikaga family held in special reverence. Unlike his predecessors, who had inclined to conciliatory methods, Yoshinori chose to deal with the insubordination of powerful warlords by a determined policy of repression. This inevitably led to open con flict. The first to offer resistance to his measures was Yoshimochi’s adopted son Mochiuji, the Deputy Shogun at Kamakura (Kanto K ubo). In part because he himself had hopes of succeeding Yoshimochi as Shogun, Mochiuji hated the “unfrocked monk” Yoshinori1 and refused to defer to the Bakufu, against all precedent claiming rights to succession for his own son. In 1430 the powerful Kanto Kanrei, Uyesugi Norizane, rebuked Mochiuji (who had been making himself a nuisance in Kyoto) and advised him to return to his duty in the Kant6. But Mochiuji re sponded by sending a force to attack Uyesugi, and it becam e necessary for the Shogun to take a hand in reducing the power of the Kanto Kubo, for the preservation of the Kyoto Bakufu was at stake. This was in 1432. Yoshinori, having obtained a commission to “punish” the rebel, ordered his generals Shiba and Imagawa, with other military leaders, to proceed with a large army to join forces with the northern provinces (O shu) 1 “Unfrocked monk” is a free translation of genzoku, meaning a monk’s return to lay life.
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and to prepare an attack upon Kamakura. In O ctober Yoshinori himself le ft Kyoto under pretence of an excursion to view the autumnal beauties of the country around Mount Fu ji, but in fact for the purpose of inspect ing conditions in the eastern provinces and as a demonstration in force. B u t no hostilities took place at this time. In the following years Yoshinori was occupied with other matters and an uneasy peace was maintained, but in 1438 Norizane was again attacked by Mochiuji and complained to the Shogun. Yoshinori sent a numerous host to the east in two portions, one by the coast road and the other by the mountain road. In the autumn of 1439 Kamakura was sub dued with ease, and before the end of the year Mochiuji's committed sui cide (N orizanehad asked the Shogun to spare M ochiuji’s life, but Yoshi nori was adam ant). Thus the power of the Kanto Kubo was brought to an end, and thereafter the ruling family in the eastern provinces was the Uyesugi dan. Having thus established the Shogun’s authority in the East, Yoshinori now turned his attention to the most powerful barons in the W e st H e succeeded in mastering both Ouchi and Otomo, who had shown signs of rebellion, b y setting one against the other and so reducing their offensive strength. Similarly he disposed of his opponents in Yamato province, adherents to the cause of the former Southern Court who were headed by Yoshiaki, Yoshinori’s younger brother, and induded members of the Doki family. H e then made a special effort to restore order among the Court nobles and to promote good behaviour. His efforts met with some success, but he earned the enmity of those who stood to lose by his drastic reforms, for he was utterly without ta c t Yoshinori was a man of strong but very disagreeable character. He had something of the heroic stature of his great-grandfather and his father (Takau ji and Yoshim itsu), but lacked their open tem peram ent Although he was a monk when he becam e Shdgun, he displayed no signs of piety. W hen interviewing his officials in the first few weeks after his appointm ent he would wrap a kerchief round his head to conceal his tonsure. He had a strong feeling for rank and ceremonial and took a lively interest in Court affairs. In this he was no different from his prede cessors, for unlike the great Yoritomo, who forbade the vassals to visit the capital or to associate with courtiers, the Ashikaga Shoguns were all on intimate terms with the sovereign and frequent visitors at the royal palaces. Yoshinori seems to have derived much pleasure from pomp and circumstance. An account of his attendance at Court in 1432 shows that he had a retinue of the highest nobility, with a number of lesser officers of state and an escort of Imperial Bodyguards. He liked moving about H e went to Hyogo to see vessels in the China trade, and thence passed along the coast to visit Suma and Akashi, places famous for their beauty. T he ships for China were three in number, one sent by die Bakufu, one by the Shokokuji monastery, and one by a group of daimyo.
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Yoshinori was particularly interested in the internal discipline of the Court and the morals of the nobility. H e took a most puritanical line with lords and ladies whose behaviour he deemed improper, punishing their venial offences with unpardonable severity, for he had in his na ture a dark strain of cruelty. On one occasion (according to the journal of Go-Suko-In), he learned that a Court noble had seduced a young lady-in-waiting at the In’s palace. W ithout waiting to make inquiries, he had the pair very severely punished. (T h e tale proved to be false.) On another occasion, when a lady-in-waiting in his own palace made a mistake in conveying a message, he beat her, made her cut off her hair, and sent her to enter a nunnery. A long list of such brutalities might b e recited. Yoshinori’s intentions may have been good, but his temper was erratic and ungovernable and drove him to excesses. According to Go-Sukd-In, “H e governed by ter ror.” Some sixty persons in all are said to have been killed by his order, including the highest imperial official in the land, the Kampaku Konoye, as well as Court nobles, monks, and priests. Scores of responsible offi cials who had in some way displeased him were put under house arrest for indefinite periods, others were banished, and still others were de prived of their estates and condemned to a life of poverty, even of squalor. Ruthless though the age was, his ruthlessness offended almost every rank of society. I t is not surprising that Yoshinori made many enemies, nor that he was ultimately killed by one of them. He had reversed the policy of his predecessors, whose general aim was to b e on good terms with the Court and to conciliate the great warrior houses. One of his generals, Akamatsu Mitsusuke, a powerful man in Harima province, had reason to sus pect Yoshinori of planning to deprive him of portions of his fief. In 1441 he invited Yoshinori to a banquet in Kyoto, ostensibly to celebrate the pacification of the Kanto in 1439, and murdered him there in circum stances of revolting barbarity. The Kanrei Hosokawa Mochiyuki felt that this treachery must be punished in a spectacular way. H e consulted Hatakeyama and other Bakufu colleagues, who decided that the Yamana family should be charged with the task. In the fall of 1441 the Akamatsu stronghold at Shirohata was captured, and Mitsusuke and most of his kinsmen were killed. The Yamana family, which had been much reduced in strength by Yoshimitsu, was allowed to keep all of the domains of Akamatsu, and now found itself in control of seven provinces.2 2. T he Kanto Warriors When Takauji’s son Motouji was appointed by his father to the new post of Governor of the Kanto (Kanto K anrei), he said of the warriors of that region: “If once these fellows are allowed to disobey, there will
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never be a quiet day in the E a s t ” The experience of his successors, especially Mochiuji, proved this to be a wise observation. Moreover, in the behaviour of these warriors from about the time of Zenshu’s rising (see Chapter I X ) , there can b e detected trends which, beginning as a regional movement, were ultimately to work a revolutionary change in the political and economic life of the whole country. W hen Uyesugi Zenshu took his own life in 1417, the rebellion he began was not ended. H e had been joined by a great number of war riors less for the sake of his quarrel with Mochiuji than for their own purposes. These warriors were almost exclusively small landowners and tenants, a class whose numbers had over several generations grown as the number of small holdings multiplied. They were all seeking to im prove their positions, either by obtaining more land or by reducing their payments of tax; and they were ready to join a movement such as Zenshus if it offered hope of such benefits. After Zenshu s defeat, Mochiuji, far from seeking to alleviate the conditions that had given rise to the rebellion, endeavoured to destroy the families which had opposed him. W ithout consulting the Bakufu he attacked rural gentry in Musashi, the Oda family in Hitachi, the Takeda of Kai, and other long-established houses. T h e result was fierce antagonism towards the Kanto Governor among the provincial magnates, and grounds for anxiety in the Bakufu, which wanted above all things peace in the Kanto. In 1423 the Bakufu planned an expedition to punish M ochiu ji In 1424 he forestalled this action by swearing obedience, yet he continued to persecute the followers of Zenshu and to bicker inces santly with the Bakufu. I t becam e increasingly clear that the Kanto magnates could depend neither upon the Governor for fair treatment nor upon the Bakufu for firm action, and hostile opinion grew through out the eastern provinces. T he magnates began to develop their own military strength, and although during Yoshimochi’s lifetime they kept quiet, they were prepared if need be to disobey the Bakufu. They had in common a desire for independence, and in every village now the local gentry and the small farmers were saving their strength for action. Much could b e written about the activities of these warriors through out the eastern provinces, but the story would b e similar to that of the fertile area west of the Tamagawa in southern Musashi. This area con tained a number of rich manors belonging to Kyoto monasteries and other wealthy foundations, to which an annual tax had to be paid by the warriors. As holdings grew smaller, the tax came to seem more and more onerous, and Zenshu's revolt offered a fine opportunity to get rid of this burden.* On the other side, the warriors in the Tamagawa basin who had 3 3 T he memory of those younger sons who fought to increase their holdings and to gain freedom from tax is preserved in many place names in southern Musashi, such as Rokugo, Shioya, Maruko, Asagaya, Itakura, Umeda, Ishihama, Ushijima, KanasugL Kobinata—all in the vicinity of Tokyo.
helped Mochiuji against Zenshu were as a reward excused from paying certain taxes for a period of five years. This remission they interpreted in a very broad sense, and when the five years came to an end they extended it indefinitely. Similar action seems to have been taken in other parts of the Kanto, and most of the Kanto shoen belonging to domanial lords in Kyoto and Nara were in this way dissolved. The careful Manzai noted in his diary at this time: “The wicked behaviour of the Kanto warriors in these days is outrageous. They have been con fiscating estates belonging to the Ashikaga family as well as those of Kyoto landlords; and now not one is l e ft ” A student raising his nose from feudal documents and reflecting at large upon Japanese history cannot avoid the conclusion that the eight eastern provinces have had the strongest influence in shaping its course. It was the Kamakura government that broke down the institutions of the Heian age and dictated to the imperial government in Kyoto through a handful of resident officers. I t was a feudal house of Kanto origin that ruled the country during the Ashikaga regime, and it was in the Kanto village of Yedo (later Tokyo) that the Tokugawa government estab lished its headquarters in the seventeenth century. The reasons for the dominant character of the eastern provinces are not entirely clear. The Kanto had a strategic advantage over the Home Provinces as a seat of government, for Kamakura and Yedo were easier to defend than Kyoto, which is open to attack from all sides. Both Kyoto and Yedo were situated in fertile plains, but the Kanto plain is ten times as great in area as the Kinai plain, and could thus support a greater population. The Kanto has a more stimulating climate than the Home Provinces. Moreover, in the middle ages Kamakura was not so strongly influenced by ancient and conservative tradition as Kyoto and Nara, where both the Court and the monasteries of the older Buddhist sects were unfavourable to change. Whatever the reasons, the facts are that conditions of life in the eastern provinces bred men of vigorous and self-reliant character—hard workers, good soldiers, but not easy to manage. Their stubborn nature was perhaps one of the most important single factors in shaping the new feudal society that was to emerge from the civil wars of the six teenth century. This is not to say that men from other parts of Japan were inferior in quality, but to draw attention to the regional differences of character and customs which are an important feature in the national history, just as the differences between, let us say, Yorkshire and Kent are of impor tance in the political as well as the social history of England. In mediaeval Japan the western provinces were remote from the centre of government, whereas the eastern provinces, though geographi cally not much closer, were more intimately connected with the capital by tradition, the Throne having depended since 1185 upon the military
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strength of the Kamakura Shoguns. Indeed, the Ashikaga Bakufu had no qualms about leaving Kyushu to itself after Imagawa’s long cam paign. The Kantd, on the other hand, could be ignored only at the Bakufu s peril, for the road between Kamakura and Kyoto was well trodden, and often by the feet of armed men intent on spoils of war. A study of the relations between Kyoto and Kamakura in the fifteenth century shows that the Shogun and his high officers were at pains to conciliate their unruly representatives in the E a s t A curious sidelight on the attitude of the Bakufu is furnished by the custom of ordering a monastery, usually the important Toji, to offer prayers for peace in the eastern provinces. The time chosen was usually shortly after the arrival o f the annual quota of tax ( zatsuzei) from Kamakura. Such prayers are recorded ( for example) in the T o ji records for several days in succession during the tenth month of 1437, the year before Yoshinori s punitive ex pedition against Mochiuji. A cursory study of the mediaeval history of the Kanto may give the impression that it was peopled solely by fierce warriors, whose only in terest was in making war, whereas in truth the eastern provinces had a tradition of respect for learning going back to the early days of Kama kura. T h e Hojo Regents encouraged literature and the fine arts, and Kamakura throughout mediaeval times was the home of many learned monks. Most of the great families promoted classical studies. The library called Kanazawa Bunko, founded by Hojo Sanetoki (1 2 2 5 -7 6 ), contained a great number of books ( including Sung editions of Chinese works) and many manuscripts. The Ashikaga College was famous in its day, and though it declined it was revived and its library replenished by Uyesugi Norizane, who had a high reputation for wisdom and learn ing, and was in close touch with literary circles in Kyoto. In general, the rivalries of the great chieftains in the Kantd as elsewhere were not confined to the battlefield; they competed as well for the services of scholars. 3. T he Constable-D aim yo The balance of power which Yoshimitsu had with difficulty achieved and Yoshinori had barely maintained proved dangerously unstable. Takauji’s successors (Yoshialdra, Yoshimitsu, and Yoshimochi) had tried to maintain the primacy of the Bakufu over the great vassals by the use of armed strength. But by making war throughout the country for decade after decade they had let loose forces which they could not control, and at the time of Yoshinori s death a period of anarchy was impending. Now a Yamana could swagger and bully in the capital and nobody could check him. T he chief agents of the collapse of the authority of the Ashikaga Shoguns were the Constables (Shugo) whom Takauji and his successors had appointed following the precedent of Kamakura. In most prov
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inces, it will be recalled, trustworthy kinsmen or supporters of the Ashikaga family were given appointments as Constable. T h e distribution of these posts has already been described (see Chapter I X ) ; a more im portant matter was the powers which were granted to them or which they later arrogated. T he first appointment of Constables by the Kamakura Bakufu had limited their functions to the mobilization of troops, the suppression of revolt, and the control of vassals; but under the Hojo regime their pow ers had been extended, and duuring the dynastic war the Constables appointed by the Ashikaga Shoguns were necessarily called upon to exercise an even wider authority. They began to interfere in lawsuits concerning land, and would evict tenants or install successful plaintiffs according to their own judgm ent In the disorder of the time their legiti mate and their assumed powers in combination gave them increasing military strength as well as civil authority. Owing largely to the increasing number of small landowners known as kokujin or ji-samtirai, and to the growing self-confidence of a new class of independent small cultivators, the manorial rights of the great landowners were in constant danger. B y about 1400 no great manorial lord could keep order in his estates without the support of the Con stable, and the Constables soon began to take advantage of this position to confiscate choice land for themselves. T he most striking example of such arbitrary conduct is the fate of the extensive Chokodo domains, twenty-three rich manors in different parts of the country, which had long been a source of dispute between the senior and junior imperial lines. A record of the early years of the fifteenth century shows how they had been dealt with during the years of Ashikaga supremacy. Of the twenty-three manors, eleven had been confiscated, and one partially confiscated, by Constables and their subordinates; two had been forcibly taken by local warriors; and four had passed into the hands of other owners, probably under pressure. Only five remained in the ownership of the Imperial House. Another vivid account of the depredations of Constables and pro vincial warriors of lower rank is provided in the journal kept by the Chief Abbot of the Daijd-In of the Kofukuji, the most influential and wealthy of the Nara monasteries. Reduced to its simplest terms, the story is as follows. In Echizen the Kofukuji had a number of rich manors, notably die Kawaguchi-sho, the Tsuboye-sho, and the lands adjacent, with a total area of some 1,300 cho (about 3,100 acres). In Kamakura times these lands had been immune from tax and also from the entry of public offi cials. B y about 1300 this great estate, which had been well managed and developed, was extremely valuable to its monastic owners. I t was also very tempting to neighbouring landowners. One of these, soon after Go-Daigo s return from exile, seized part of the Tsuboye-sho,
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bu t on complaint to the court of claims, which had recently been set up, an order was issued to eject the intruder. In the following year (1335) certain local officials, declaring themselves to be deputies of the Con stable of Echizen, appeared with a body of armed men and forcibly en tered the Kawaguchi-sho, where they seized money and other property. T hat such conduct was not unusual at this time is clear from many similar reports in the records of several manors, although after about 1340, when the influence of the Southern Court was strong in Echizen, the Nitta commanders gave some protection to the Kofukuji property. After N itta Yoshimune’s defeat, however, the Bakufu was dominant again in the province, and incursions into the manors were so frequent that an incumbent in Nara complained of a real shortage of supplies “due to the confiscation of our property.” In 1363 Shiba Takatsune, then Constable of Echizen and one of the most important officers of the Ashikaga government, seized the whole of the Kawaguchi-sho and gave it to a vassal. The Kofukuji, unable to use force, resorted to the device of blackmailing the Court. There was a combined mass meeting of the Nara soldier-monks, who escorted the sacred emblem of Kasuga to Kyoto and left it in front of Takatsune’s mansion. As a result of this demonstration, the manor was restored to the monastery. But very soon the warriors grew stronger and bolder, constantly quarrelling over the two manors. They finally adopted the device of shugo-uke, a contract by which the Constable undertook to accept in full payment of the tax due the Bakufu an agreed amount of rice, retaining for himself, as a kind of commission, the balance above the amount actually due. This arrangement was at first regarded as a con venience by some manorial lords, but before long the Constable was taking far more than the tax due and converting the difference to his own use. A classic example of the abuse of shugo-uke is the case of Yamana Tsunehisa, Constable of Bingo, who in 1402 received for tax from a monastic sho in his province 18,000 koku of rice and paid out only 10,000. While the Const rbles were thus appropriating the revenue of manors on a large scale, the property of landlords was subject to a number of smaller inclusions and often to plain theft of land ( and sometimes of standing crops) by local small landowners of the myoshu type. T he inci dent of 1335 mentioned above was of this nature, and similar cases grew frequent through the fourteenth century. Furthermore, with the gradual emancipation of farm workers, the owners of estates were obliged to make concessions to deputations of farmers who would visit them and press for the remission or reduction of taxes. Such deputations were common, especially late in the Muromachi period. Their memorials were generally well argued, as is clear from documents of about 1460, when the tansen (a tax on arable land) was proving burdensome. The memorial was usually signed ( sometimes
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as a round robin) by the Sobyakusho, that is, by an elected body repre senting all the farm workers of an estate or a district. The peasants were obviously well organized and prepared to resist, by force if necessary, objectionable orders from officers of a manor. As early as 1414 the journal of the Daijo-In records a visit from the officers of the Ukesho, the office responsible for collecting the rice due under the contract of the Constable. These were almost all deputies for important warriors, two for each of the ten separate farm areas which made up the Kawaguchi-sho. There was, however, one exception, the Mizoye farm group, which sent no representative since it had already been confiscated by a Deputy Constable. I t is clear from this record that the monastery could not count upon supplies from this source. Nor was the position any more favourable in the remainder of this great estate. By the end of the Onin W ar (1477) practically all the lucrative offices of the sho were held by a Deputy or by influential land holders of the neighbourhood, among whom there figures an especially voracious general named Asakura, a vassal of the Shiba family with a great capacity for swallowing estates. Among the properties which he or his family confiscated were those of the retired statesman Ichijo Kanera. I t may well be imagined that by the end of the fifteenth century very little revenue reached the Kofukuji from its lands in Echizen. As a pendent to the foregoing tale of depredations suffered by a great monastic sho at the hands of warriors it seems pertinent to give some details of the source from which it is drawn. One of the most copious fountains of information for students of mediaeval history is the journal known as Daijo-In Jisha Zojiki, a daily recording of miscel laneous items concerning the complex of ecclesiastical offices forming the Daijo-In of the celebrated Kofukuji. This journal was kept by suc cessive incumbents, the most prominent being the Chief Abbot Jinson, who recorded the events of some forty-five years, from 1458 to about 1503, a year or two before his death. I t is nearly all in his own handwriting and contains detailed entries for almost every day during that long period, which included the prel ude of the Onin W ar, its duration, and its sequels, subjects treated in the next chapter. Jinson’s high rank and his family connexions gave him a great advantage in obtaining information and learning the gossip of official quarters. He was a son of the retired Kampaku, Ichijo Kanera, an aristocrat celebrated as a statesman, a scholar, and a man of con siderable wealth. Kanera had made handsome contributions to the Kofukuji while he was in office and had no difficulty in securing prefer ment for his son, who entered the religious life at the age of twelve. During the Onin W ar Kanera took refuge in Nara,* and so did many * Kanera later returned to Kyoto, where he became the Shogun Yoshimasa’s adviser and at Yoshimasa’s request wrote a memorial on the principles of government.
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other Court nobles. They kept in close touch with the capital by mes sengers passing to and fro with news. Consequently Jinson s record of facts is detailed and generally seems accurate. But his r u n n in g commen tary is not so reliable. H e was evidently a man of an extremely auto cratic and conservative temperament, and his observations on current events are of a land to b e expected from a Church dignitary of noble birth living a comfortable and sheltered life. He shows very little under standing of what is going on in the world outside and is free with such expressions as “dreadful behaviour,” to b e visited by “divine punish ment,” and “wicked men” who are nothing but “beasts.” Yet his patient pen has left a fascinating picture of conditions in the metropolitan region during a critical period of disturbance. H e was able to move about in the country between Nara and the capital. He had an enquiring mind, and he took a serious interest in the economic affairs of the monastery. H e seems to have been a good businessman, and he was without doubt a severe landlord, ruthless in his dealings with the peasants. H e was in close touch by messenger with the Kofukuji manors in Kaga and Echizen. In his latter years his messengers brought him little but bad news, news of the dreadful behaviour of wicked men who were seizing Church lands on a grand scale, wicked men who would be visited by divine punishment, he doubtless thought as he mumbled his prayers. 4. Rural Society The history of the latter half of the fifteenth century consists of such confused and melancholy details that there is a temptation to dismiss it with a statement of its major disasters. But to do so would be to give a wrong impression of the problems by which the Ashikaga Bakufu was faced. Since the middle of the Kamakura regime great and far-reaching changes had by degrees taken place in the social and economic life of the country. These had not been understood by the Ashikaga leaders, who supposed they could still solve their problems by the traditional methods of a feudal dictatorship, namely the issue of orders and the use of force. W e have seen that in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the Japanese economy grew rapidly, and its growth was in part linked with social changes that had slowly begun to undermine the manorial sys tem upon which the power of the Bakufu rested. It is appropriate to examine these changes more closely, for they resulted in the social dislocations of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and ultimately hastened the collapse of the Ashikaga Bakufu. After the Gempei War, when the Kamakura Bakufu was at its strong est and most efficient, the successful warriors settled down to peaceful life on their estates. They had faith in the justice of the Bakufu. Indeed, for a short time after its foundation the warrior society over which the
Bakufu presided was of a remarkably equalitarian character. The great vassals (go-kenin,), as stewards of prosperous manors, were in effect all landholders in a favoured situation, enjoying the protection of the state in return for their allegiance. But this Arcadia was not to last. The Mongol invasions at the end of the thirteenth century placed an increasing strain upon the finances of the Bakufu and involved the most loyal vassals in backbreaking ex penditures. The Kamakura Bakufu tried remedies of many lands, but with poor success; by about 1325 its authority was at such a low ebb that it was on the verge of collapse, and its foundation, the once solid society of direct vassals, was disintegrating. Under Takauji the place of the go-kenin was taken by the prominent warriors whom he appointed Constables. As we have seen, these men gradually acquired de facto ownership of land once constituting the manors from which the go-kenin had received their revenue. This kind of confiscation was accomplished by various pretences;4 and its effect in the long run was to destroy the manorial system and to make the Constables into territorial lords who were in practice autonomous, though they might in some circumstances profess allegiance to the Ashikaga Shogun of the day. The Constables were the forerunners of the great territorial lords who formed the mature feudal society of the seventeenth century; by the fifteenth century there were a score or so of these great lords, who are known as daimyo, a name which reveals their historic connexion with the ownership of land.56 The disintegration of the old warrior society and the rise of families loyal to their own interests rather than to the Bakufu was hastened by the war between the Courts, when, as we have seen, a warrior’s loyalty to his overlord was weakened to such a degree that the turncoat becam e a common phenomenon. At the same time the gradual abandonment of the custom by which one son inherited the whole estate was encourag ing the growth of a new class of rural landowner engaged in intensive and diversified agriculture on a relatively small area of land. These were men of warrior descent known as ji-samurai or kokujin, terms which 4 The methods by which the shoen system was destroyed are important for the study of feudal land tenure, but the subject is far too complex for treatment here. I t can be argued that quite apart from its political destruction, the shoen was bound to disappear as an economic institution when it could no longer be self-sufficient. As the total economy of the country grew in size and variety, the sh6en could not supply all its own needs and therefore began to depend upon other organs for its mainte nance. 6 The term myfiden (Name-field) was used to describe farm land in the full ownership of an individual as distinct from such qualified possession as the occupa tion of land in return for rent or services. It was usual to describe the owners of such property by reference to the size of their estates. A small proprietor was called shomyd, a large proprietor was a daimyo. A generic term for these owners was mydshu (Nam e-master), but it came to be especially applied to small cultivators, usually emancipated peasants, farming their own land.
might be translated as “local gentry” or “yeoman fanners.” They were bound by no loyalty to a great lord, but were men with a strong feeling of independence and of attachment to their native places. As we shall see, the kokujin played an important role in the agrarian risings of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and they were often joined by farmers of humbler origin. Since the early middle ages there had been at work a gradual process of emancipation, resulting in the formation of a class of fanners who enjoyed some degree of personal independence and rights in land approximating to ownership or at least permanent tenancy. These peasants fall into various categories, differ ing in the size of their holdings or the amount of the crop which they could retain. I t should be understood, however, that the emancipation of peasants as well as being gradual was also partial, and in the long run only tem porary. Throughout Japanese history the peasant has been alternately freed and oppressed; and perhaps the most oppressive phase of all was the phase that followed the emancipation of the fifteenth century. I t may be pertinent here to make some observations on the question of serfdom in Japan. In theory—that is to say, from the strictly legal point of view—the agricultural worker in Japan was never as such in a state of serfdom, never bought or sold or moved about like a chattel. In the Nara and Heian periods there were household slaves, and some of these may have been put to farm work. But the true peasant was not a slave, and the general trend even in these periods was towards emancipation. In the ninth and tenth centim es the burden of taxation and the gen eral insecurity of life induced many peasants to “commend” themselves and their little plots to a landlord, thus diminishing their freedom; but they did thereby escape tax and paid relatively small dues in kind or in labour to the landlord. In Kamakura times, in the first phase of feudalism in Japan, the peasant was in some ways freer than the war rior-farmer, who could be severely punished by his feudal superiors for slight breaches of law. The Joei Shikimoku recognizes the right of the humblest peasant to remain on the land which he occupies or to leave it at will. The old slavery had completely vanished by about 1200, ex cept for a few domestic servants, usually females. By the fifteenth century, with the collapse of the shoen, the liberty of the peasant was diminished to what in practice the warrior allowed him. But in effect this was often considerable, and the emancipated peasant who tilled his own land formed a class that was capable in a crisis of standing up for itself, and if competently led, of challenging the military class with some success. Moreover, the growth of produc tion and trade gave new opportunities to peasants, who could leave the land and set up as traders and artisans.
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5. Agrarian Risings The difficulties which harassed the Ashikaga Bakufu are well illus trated by the frequency of agrarian risings beyond the central govern ment’s control. These and similar violent expressions of discontent are important features in the economic history of Japan, but they had politi cal overtones as well. W e have seen that among the new classes which had appeared in the course of the thirteenth century, one of the most important was the class of small landowners known as ji-samurai or kokujin. These men resented the interference of representatives of the Ashikaga govern ment, the Constables and other officers appointed to the provinces by the Shogun. They came from good warrior families, long established in their own districts, and they were determined to protect their interests, both economic and social, against newcomers. Accordingly, they formed leagues ( ik k i ) for mutual defence, a natural precaution during a period when disorder was destroying the system of rights and duties to which they belonged.® The central government could no longer give them the protection it had afforded to their ancestors. They had to act for them selves. The word ikki strictly speaking means a league, but was extended to describe the activity of a league, usually by way of revolt. The fre quent risings which took place as a protest against the government of the Ashikaga Shoguns, especially after the relatively stable rule of Yoshimitsu, are accordingly described by such terms as Shirahata-Ikld, or “W hite Flag Uprising,” and Mikazuld-Ikld, or “Crescent Uprising.” It was when the Constables and their Deputies tried to impose their control upon a whole province that native-born landowners rose in revolt, and it was because of their wide range that the risings were called Kuni-Ikld (th e word kuni here means province). The most important and determined of such risings took place late in the fifteenth century, but there were quite serious revolts of this type in the midst of the war between the Courts. In 1351 the kokujin of Wakasa prov ince ejected a Deputy Constable, and in 1353 they attacked and drove out the warlord Yamana Tokiuji, who had been appointed Constable. The kokujin were extremely stubborn, and according to the records of the time in the course of thirty years there were fifteen changes of Con stable in Wakasa because the kokujin made the post untenable. Similar risings took place in Etchu (1369 and 1377), in Shinano 6 6 Similarly, supporters of the Southern Court formed leagues to resist the Baku fu. In accounts of the battles fought by Nitta Yoshimune and other leaders of the Nitta clan, the members of the league are identified by their colours. In a battle at Kotesashi in the spring of 1352, for example, the Kodama-Ikki wore an emblem with the design of a fan, the Taira-Ikki were dressed in red from head to foot, and other Ikki had such emblems on their banners or their helmets as a crescent moon, a flower, a spade, and a vermilion ( hen i) lozenge.
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(1 3 8 4 -8 6 ), and at intervals again in W akasa (1 3 6 6 -6 9 ). Some of these were suppressed by force, others by compromise, or even by appointing one of the rural notables to the post of Deputy Constable. On the whole the Constables in this early period were not strong enough to force the issue, and the Ashikaga Bakufu did not reach its maximum power until the close of the fourteenth century. There are records of peasants in armour taking part in some of these movements, and even before the war between the Courts true agrarian risings are recorded at intervals; but they were poorly organized and sporadic. However, they do indicate that by the end of the Kamakura regime peasants were already striving to improve their condition by concerted option, and were gaining some success. By the fifteenth cen tury such risings had attained a higher state of organization and the peasants appear to have played a more prominent part. These risings are known as Tsuchi-Ikld. Some were plain revolts against the injustice of landlords, others were attacks upon moneylenders in neighbouring towns; but all were in essence agrarian movements stimulated by the growth of a new class of peasant farm er struggling for independence. The first example of such a rising is thought to b e one which took place in 1428 in the province of Omi, led by peasant cultivators in forcible protest against certain financial edicts by which they were injured.1 In 1441 the farmers rose against the landlords in country dis tricts not far from the capital—Miidera, Toba, Fushimi, Saga, Ninnaji, and Kamo. These were not aimless demonstrations but attacks in force against persons and places. T he 1441 rising was joined by farmers from many points in the environs of Kyoto. They seized and occupied houses in the western part of the city (N ishi-H achijo), and in one instance a force of from two to three thousand men occupied important mona steries at Kitano and Uzumasa. Such risings continued at intervals of two or three years until the end of the fifteenth century, chiefly in Yamashiro province but &lso in the Nara district. Some were put down b y force and the leaders executed, but on the whole the feudal leaders failed to stem the movement. The rising of 1428, which is thought to be the first large-scale appeal to force by a rural population, started as a rising of teamsters ( bashaku) in Omi province. It soon spread to the capital, and thence to Nara, as well as to Ise, Kawachi, Izumi, and other provinces. T h e mob broke into the premises of moneylenders, chiefly sake-brewers and pawnbrokers, even into monastery buildings, destroying evidence of debt and seizing pledges. By about 1430 riots against the policy of the Bakufu had be come almost endemic in some regions. Aggrieved parties called for 1 O f this disturbance the journal of the D aij6-In says: "This is the first time since the creation of Japan that the country people have revolted.” The statement is not quite correct, since there were some sporadic risings during the war between the Courts; but they were on a small scale.
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edicts favourable to themselves, smashed the property of their creditors, seized the articles which they had pledged, and forced creditors to re turn their written acknowledgments of d e b t Scholars are not all in agreement on certain points, such as the con stitution of these ikla and the status of their various members. Subject to this reservation the following account of a series of agrarian risings in Yamashiro may serve as a general description of the Tsuchi-Ikki, or as it is sometimes called, the Do-Ikla.8 A few miles to the west of Kyoto, on fertile soil along the banks of the Katsura River, there were a number of prosperous manors belonging to great nobles and religious institutions, as well as smaller properties owned by men of the kokujin class. The peasants by whom all this land was cultivated were united by a common interest, the fair distribution of w ater from the river for the irrigation of their fields. This work had formerly been carried out by the stewards of the manors, but through out the fourteenth century there had been in progress a gradual but steady emancipation of farm workers, accompanied by a development of rural organization in the village ( m ura ) and the district (g o ), which in the early fifteenth century reached a measure of self-governm ent These peasants had thus developed a feeling of confidence, a strong sense of unity, and a habit of cooperation which was naturally expressed in the joint control and management of their water supplies. Because their villages were not far from the capital city, they were also in touch with townspeople whom they would meet when they took their pro duce to m arket They no doubt discussed their grievances and the shortcomings of the Bakufu officials with their customers, and learned from them something about metropolitan life. Yamashiro was the most advanced province in the country and it is not surprising that its peasants were sophisticated. There were fre quent risings by peasants from the Nishioka district, very close to the city, from 1440 until 1466, just before the Onin W ar began. They en tered the capital in force time after time, and on at least one occasion they were joined by city workers, including members of the stablekeepers’ corporation. There is excellent evidence for the dates and the general nature of these uprisings, but what is not clear is the usual composition of the ikki. No doubt most of the leaders were m id d lin g landowners of the kokujin or ji-samurai type, but it is not certain whether any of the emancipated peasants now cultivating their own small plots of land took part in the planning and direction of the movements at this time. They and the kokujin had the same object, namely to be relieved from the exactions of 8 I t is interesting to note that in the documents describing the agrarian risings the word do-ildd is used as an alternative for tsuchi-ildd, and seems to express a contemptuous attitude towards the domin or "soil-people,” as if they were thought of as aborigines by men of a superior race.
a corrupt provincial government. The kokujin were determined to re sist by force the efforts of Constables and Deputies to confiscate their land or to break their backs by heavy taxation, and many peasants were ready to take arms and follow them. One of the difficulties here is the interpretation of the term myoshu. I t means the owner of land in his own name, but it might apply to an emancipated peasant enjoying the freehold of an acre or so, or to a great proprietor. Persons styled myoshu seem to have taken a leading part in some risings (both Kuni-Ikld and T su chi-Ikla), but it is doubtful whether they were free peasants. 6. Yoshimasa Yoshinori was succeeded by his first son, Yoshikatsu, a sickly boy, who died in 1443 at the age of ten only a few months after the Court granted him the office of Shogun. I t was urgent to appoint a new Sho gun, and at a meeting of the leading generals summoned by the Kyoto Kanrei Hatakeyama, the boy's younger brother Mitora (b o m 1435) was chosen. H e was subsequently given the name Yoshishige by the Em peror Go-Hanazono, and in 1449 he was formally appointed Sei-i TaiShogun and renamed Yoshimasa. At the beginning of his term of office the Bakufu generals collaborated to maintain peace and order. But Yoshimasa was not interested in affairs of state, and within a few years the government of the Bakufu had grown so relaxed in strength and vigilance that it invited rather than resisted the disasters by which it was to b e overwhelmed. It would be unjust to ascribe the weakness of the Bakufu only to the misgovemment of Yoshimasa. It was a progressive disease of long stand ing which even a wise and determined ruler could not have arrested. Perhaps the most notable error of his advisers was their constant resort to the Acts of Grace, which w ere intended to protect the vassals against economic distress. The early Acts of Grace, belonging to the pre-feudal period, were called tokusei or jinsei, meaning virtuous or humane gov ernment; they were forms of amnesty in times of famine or plague, and not a part of financial policy, as they later became. The later history of these edicts, beginning with the Act of Grace issued by the Kamakura Bakufu in 1297, is a history of economic blunders. By the Act of 1297 personal loans were cancelled, sales of land voided, and the position of creditors undermined. The result of this measure was an economic panic, for the suppliers of goods and credit to the military families, their principal clients, at once refused all further transactions, and stood firm. The Bakufu was helpless, for it dared not permit a breakdown of domestic trade, and accordingly withdrew the offensive edict in 1298. The Muromachi government did not learn a lesson from this ex ample, but under pressure resorted to hopeless conjuring tricks of the very kind that had failed in Kamakura. Beginning in 1441 a stream of
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these tokusei edicts were issued,® but with no effect other than to do harm to the national economy, to throw markets into distress, and to bring trade almost to a standstill. The futility of trying to protect the warriors by such measures was already amply demonstrated by the reception given the moratorium declared in 1441, the first tokusei issued by the Muromachi Bakufu. The country people (as we have seen) at once rose in revolt and their riots extended into adjacent provinces, to points close to Kyoto and Nara, under the nose of the Shogun. They destroyed evidence of borrowing, seized pledges, and tendered small sums in full payment of their debts. The Bakufu offered a compromise in respect of the rioters’ debts, but this was not accepted. The rioters insisted upon a general act applying to all classes of debts and debtors and not to warriors only—a tokusei in reverse. In October 1441 the Bakufu capitulated and issued new edicts in terms acceptable to the rioters. One of their clauses (confirming a long-established custom) provided that land occupied by one tenant for twenty years should become the property of the taxpayer, thus rec ognizing the ownership of land by small tenant farmers.910 But violent demonstrations continued. One of the first of these riots to do serious damage in the capital took place in the summer of 1447. I t began in a manor belonging to the great Toji monastery, but the rioters in their anger streamed into the city, passing down the wide avenues and setting fire to buildings on the way. They forced an entry into the courtyard of the Toji, where they killed two servants, and then broke into the main hall, where they killed two more persons. They were at length checked by a troop of soldiers hastily summoned to the scene. Similar riots took place in or near Kyoto and Nara at intervals until 1456, when the Bakufu proclaimed a policy which was favourable to landowners who had pledged their property and to debtors who had borrowed cash, the latter being freed by the payment of one-tenth of the debt. B ut it did not offer much relief to the aggrieved peasants, some of whom preferred riot and plunder to new rules. In 1457 there was a demonstration in force by farm workers from the environs of Kyoto, who marched through the city beating drums and gongs, and shouting for a new tokusei order. They would not disperse until, at the order of the Bakufu, some of their ringleaders were killed by sol diers. One of the worst riots took place in 1461. The rioters attacked the shops of moneylenders, hoping to destroy evidence of debt, but they also pillaged and burned houses throughout the city. It was some weeks before the generals could subdue them. Yoshimasa’s failures in administration were accompanied by natural 9 Yoshimasa is said to have issued thirteen in all. 10 The word “occupied” is used here as an equivalent of chlgyd, which is loosely regarded as meaning the possession of land in fee.
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disasters which harmed not only fanners but the country at large. In the year 1457 and during the following decade storms laid waste the rice fields, and the ensuing famine was followed by epidemic sickness. T h e deaths from starvation and sickness are said to have numbered over 80,000 in two months in the capital, the Kamo River being clogged with stinking corpses. During these calamities the Bakufu does not appear to have taken any measures of relief, beyond arranging the distribution of food at one or two monasteries. Altogether the Bakufu proved incom petent in administration, and Yoshimasa’s government was exception ally bad, being both extravagant and corrupt No attempt was made to apply the injunctions of the Kemmu Shildmoku, which was the basic law of the Ashikaga government. Monks and Court ladies interfered in matters of policy and they were relied upon by warrior chiefs who wanted to get the Shogun’s ear. I t is hard to say what influence was exercised by the monks or the women, but there is no good evidence that they had a say in vital political decisions, and as go-betweens they doubtless exercised influence in personal matters. Yoshimasa himself was much subject to feminine influence, espe cially that of his favourite mistresses. His wife Tomi-ko, clever and unscrupulous, was a power at the Shogun’s Court. These women, as well as certain monks, no doubt intrigued in personal questions of title and office, but national policy, in so far as it was subject to planning, was probably determined by the Kanrei in consultation. Indeed it can hardly be said that there was a national policy once the Bakufu found itself unable to coerce the more powerful warlords. T he only question of policy that arose was W ar or Not W ar? T he answer was usually W ar, and not of the Shogun’s choosing. Some Japanese his torians speak of feminine intrigues as an important cause of the sense less and cruel civil wars of Onin and Bummei, but it is doubtful whether cause and effect can b e so clearly traced. To follow the history of de terioration in government from the decline of the Hojo is to gain a strong impression of gradual and inevitable decline, a tragic sequence that had to run its course, because a military society is bound to seek military solu tions of its problems. T hat is its curse. Apart from his neglect of public duty the behaviour of Yoshimasa offers an interesting and even attractive field of enquiry. His extrava gance alone was something to wonder at, and his aesthetic ventures command a certain respect. Yoshimasa is said to have modelled his behaviour on that of Yoshimitsu, whom he admired. One of his most costly undertakings was the building of a new Muromachi palace in 1458, work which was con tinued during the famine year of 1461. H e was blamed for this expen diture at a time when people were starving, and work was suspended, it is said, because of a satirical poem by the Emperor Go-Hanazono, who was a benevolent sovereign. But it is doubtful whether His M ajesty’s
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rebuke was justified, since there is something to be said for expenditure on public works in times of depression. Nothing that the Bakufu could do would increase the supply of food that year, or for that matter im prove its distribution, since the Constables and other territorial lords could scarcely have been persuaded to ship grain to neighbouring re gions, even if they had a surplus. Another expensive undertaking was the building of the Takakura mansion for the Shogun's mother, which vied with the Muromachi pal ace in the beauty of its gardens. Yoshimasa also spent great sums on monasteries and shrines, for buildings and rich gifts. He made most costly pilgrimages, proceeding with a great retinue to Kasuga, Ise, and other holy places. He also patronized and subsidized performances of sangaku, such as the Tadasu-gawara No plays of 1464, which are de scribed in detail in a contemporary record.11 I t is said that Yoshimasa’s lavish expenditures emptied the Bakufu treasury and obliged the Shogun to borrow from the rich Zen mona steries. I t is also suggested that these things combined to produce an inflammable condition, and “it wanted only a spark to produce a great forest fire.” But such interpretations are too simple to account for the bitter civil strife of the ensuing years. It is nearer the mark to say that the warrior class was not yet sick of bloodshed. The great chieftains were preparing for conflict by strengthening their own defences and setting up barriers at points of entry into their domains, hoping thus to insulate themselves against spies and sudden attacks. The multiplica tion of barriers throughout the country, checking the movement of goods and travellers, is vivid evidence of a trend in sharp opposition to the unity which it was the Shoguns duty to encourage and protect. The barrier is mentioned in early Japanese history in its use for such purposes as inspection of travellers by police or military guards on the lookout for fugitives. ( One of the most celebrated of Japanese legends is the story of Yoshitsune, challenged at a barrier by Yoritomo’s officers and saved by the quick wit of his henchman Benkei.) But as the country was settled and unified under the rule of Kamakura many of these bar riers were abolished. I t was not until the later middle ages that the great landowners—warriors, noblemen, religious foundations—took to erecting barriers on the borders of their territory, and these were used less for protection than for purposes of revenue. Heavy tolls were levied on passengers and goods, a device which proved to be so fruitful that the Muromachi Shoguns forbade private barriers and set up a national 11 Tadasu-gawara Kanfin-Sangaku Ki. An earlier occasion is recorded in an account of a great Court performance of Dengaku-Nd in 1445. The performance of 1464 was a state occasion of the highest order. I t was directed by the Kanze Tayu Matasaburd and attended by Yoshimasa and his great captains, who were seated in a strict order of precedence. It continued for a week, with severs! plays on each alternate day.
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system under which official barriers were erected in each province and transit taxes were imposed as part of the revenue of the Bakufu. The injunction against private barriers had no effect, for they were set up in indreasing numbers. The tolls exacted were so heavy and so frequent that trade suffered and prices rose. One record states that sometimes a trader would have to pay toll at ten places on a journey of ten miles, and cites the case of a messenger, sent from Nara to a point in Mino province, who had to pay a small toll at each of twenty-nine private barriers. It is no wonder that smashing barriers was one of the ways in which rioters protested against the burdens imposed upon the growing class of small traders; and the fact that the Bakufu could not enforce its own prohibitions is ample evidence of its progressive decline. Of all the administrative blunders of the Bakufu under Yoshimitsu’s successors, and particularly under Yoshimasa, probably the most dis astrous was the heavy burden of taxation imposed upon small farmers and tradespeople. The tansen, a tax on arable land, began as a special non-recurrent levy in 1371, when all Constables and Stewards were ordered to collect it to provide funds for the accession ceremony of Go-Enyu. It was never abolished, and by Yoshimasa’s time it was col lected more than once a year.12* To this were added a great variety of taxes on trade and traders—taxes on buildings, on retail shops, on ware houses, on brewers, rice dealers, and sake d r ie r s —repeated sometimes in the course of a year. The wholesalers could pass the burden to their customers, but the small men were ruined. It is not surprising that many of them left their homes and enlisted in the armies of the war lords, thus swelling the forces which challenged the authority of the Bakufu. As Murdoch observes in his vigorous chapter on Ashikaga feudalism, the effect of war upon the peasant was not serious, since he had so little to lose. W hat he most dreaded was the tax-gatherer and the debt-col lector, both of whom could be avoided if he took to military service. I t was no doubt in part the enlistment of such men that changed the character of warfare in the fifteenth century by increasing the number of foot soldiers. 7. T he Finances o f the Muromachi Bakufu Chroniclers writing at the time of the Onin W ar (14 6 7 -7 7 ) are apt to ascribe the decline of the Muromachi Bakufu to the immoral charac ter of the rulers, especially the corrupt advisers of Yoshimasa. But it would be nearer the truth to say that the hand-to-mouth financing to 12 The ledger of a monastery in Owari shows the payment of tansen for the provision of furnishings to be used at an accession ceremony in 1428. The rate was 50 mon per tan of area. The tan was one-tenth of a cho (about one quarter-acre); thus the amount paid on an area of 4 0 cho was 20,000 mon—about the price of ten bushels of rice.
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which Yoshimasa resorted afforded endless opportunities for bribery and related evils. The real weakness of the Muromachi Bakufu was one which no government, however capable and honest, can long survive, to wit, a lack of fiscal resources. One of the causes of the collapse of the Kamakura Bakufu was the drain on its finances caused by the Mongol invasions, from which it never fully recovered. But before that disaster it had maintained its fiscal independence for more than a century. The Muromachi govern ment, on the other hand, was not so firmly based. It had been in finan cial difficulties since its foundation. W hen Takauji assumed leadership in 1336 he had no revenue to meet military expenditure and was obliged to raise funds by an emergency measure. This was the introduction of a system of collection called hanzei (half-paym ent), which was of the same general character as the hydro-mai (commissariat levy) collected by Yoritomo’s Constables. For reasons of expediency, Takauji author ized the Constables in a few provinces to retain half the revenue due from manorial estates. This was meant to be an emergency measure, but it was never discontinued, and indeed it was soon extended to most provinces. I t bore very hard upon the owners of estates. Moreover, it was abused by the Deputy Constables ( Shugo-daikan) who would seize and retain property under the pretence of collecting hanzei. By about 1400, if not sooner, the Bakufu was gaining little or no revenue from this source. In theory the Constables appointed by the Bakufu remitted to Kyoto a proportion of the taxes which they collected from estates in their jur isdiction; but in practice this source of income was irregular. By the middle of the fifteenth century it had almost dried up, and the govern ment was therefore obliged to resort to new forms of direct taxation. It was able to turn to a rising mercantile class for funds, and one of the most fruitful sources was a tax upon rich moneylenders, most of whom resided in the metropolitan area. These levies were made at regular and also irregular intervals, to meet the frequent deficits of the Shogun's treasury. According to one document, whereas Yoshimitsu levied this kurayaku 18 four times a year, Yoshimasa did not stop at eight times a month. Such taxes were naturally resented, especially when they seemed merely to pay for the luxurious tastes of great men. In short, until about 1400 such special taxes as tansen and a propor tion of tax due from Constables appointed by the Shogun were duly remitted to the capital. But the forces of greed and protest proved stronger than the Bakufu, and by the middle of the fifteenth century the provincial landholders, from the Constables down to the small rural gentry, had forcibly confiscated so many manors from which revenue 18 Kurayaku refers to the kura or storehouse in which moneylenders kept their pledges. The tax, however, was not levied upon the storehouse or its contents, but upon the combined wealth of the moneylender.
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had hitherto been derived that very little tax reached the Shoguns treas ury. W riting just before the New Year of 1478, at a season when rejoic ing is the rule, the Abbot Jinson paints a bleak picture: “There is nothing in the whole Em pire to be glad about. . . . T he provinces [here fol lows a list] have paid no taxes since the outbreak of Onin, and the prov inces which should obey all orders of the Bakufu14 pay no attention whatever to the commands of the Shogun. T h e Constables say that they will obey, but their deputies say that they can do nothing. . . . The whole country is in a state of disobedience.” To round off this account of the fiscal troubles of the Ashikaga gov ernment, the even more miserable state of the imperial treasury needs some notice. According to the official soothsayers, 1440 was to b e a crucial year, full of difficulty and disorder. At that time the discipline of the Imperial Bodyguards was so lax that robbers entered the inner most private apartments of the Palace, and at another time thieves even found their way into the Naishi-dokoro, the holy of holies where the sacred treasures were kept, and stole the bell and some garments. Bands of robbers roamed the streets by daylight and even boldly ventured into quarters which soldiers were supposed to dominate. The royal Court was so poverty-stricken that it could not find funds for the upkeep of the Great Shrine at Ise, the holiest place in the land. Even the local festivals of such important shrines as Kamo had to be given up for lack of money. Repairs to the Hachiman shrine, important to both the Throne and the Shogun, could not be undertaken because neither had any money to spare. At last, so the story goes, a fund was raised by selling the Shogun’s armour; but this tale is probably more picturesque than truthful. Seen in their political aspects many of the economic and social devel opments of the Muromachi period appear as examples of the failure of the administrative organs of the Bakufu. T he abortive Acts of Grace, the agrarian risings, the smashing of toll-barriers, all seem to testify to the political incompetence of the governing class. There is some truth in this reading of events, for it is clear that the Bakufu did not understand the nature of the social and economic changes that were taking place, but even if they had made wiser decisions there was little that they could do. T he country was alive with energy in a phase of expansion which could not be checked. 14 Harima, Bizen, Bingo, Bitchu, Mimasaka, Ise, Iga, and the whole of Shikoku. These provinces were within easy reach of the capital and practically under direct Bakufu control.
1. Its Origins T h e o n i n w a r , which lasted for eleven years—from 1467 through 1477—was the most dreadful conflict in the sanguinary history of the middle ages. Its origins are complex, and it is idle to attempt to trace them to specific actions and events. The war arose immediately from a quarrel between angry warlords, but this was only a spark which set fire to a mass of inflammable material. For its true causes we must look to the general condition and temper of society in the Muromachi age. The century following the collapse of the Kamakura government had shown a great vitality and an expansive spirit of change. The bonds of tradition were loosened; new energies were released, new classes formed, new wealth created. A fierce competition for power and possessions re placed the acceptance of feudal discipline. To the student following these trends, change is visible at every social level. Peasants revolt, trade guilds defy the law, tenants oust their landlords, small shopkeepers make fortunes, and provincial warriors seize the power of the Shogun’s Deputies. Violent succession quarrels break out in warrior families, and the authority of the Bakufu declines until it almost vanishes after the death of Yoshinori in 1441. No doubt a contributory cause of trouble was the addiction of the Shoguns great officers to metropolitan life; for while they were com peting for influence at the capital, the leading families in the provinces were building up their resources and growing more and more inde pendent of the Bakufu. They formed leagues and alliances designed to resist pressure from the leaders at the centre, particularly the families of Hosokawa, Shiba, and Hatakeyama, and their prospects were the brighter for the incompetence of Yoshimasa, who cared for none of these things. There was a split in the Hatakeyama family about 1450, and the Shiba family was torn by dissension when a vassal objected to the suc cession of an adopted son. Such quarrels commonly arose not between members of the family but between third parties, for very often the real antagonism was not between the potential heirs but between their re spective vassals or other subordinates. Succession disputes continued down the scale of rank to families of only moderate importance, until nearly every province had its rivalries. I t wanted only a clash of arms between two great houses to start a general conflagration. No doubt the faltering government of Yoshimasa contributed to an accumulation of disorders which could b e swept away only by a strong revolutionary
Chronology of the Onin War and the Age of the Country at War 1443
A shikaga Yoshim asa becom es Shogun
H osokaw a Katsum oto becom es Kyoto K anrei
A shikaga Sh igeu ji assumes office in th e Kanto
O ta D okan builds Yedo castle. Ashikaga M asam oto sent to govern the K anto
Yoshim asa builds a new M urom achi palace
Yoshim i assists his b rother Yoshim asa in pu blic office
Tom i-ko gives birth to Ashikaga Yoshihisa
Y am ana Sozen and Hosokaw a Katsum oto g ather troops near Kyoto
O u tbreak o f th e O nin W ar. Y am ana is declared a rebel. In N ovem ber th e Shokokuji is destroyed
Yoshim i goes over to Yam ana’s side
Yoshim asa nam es Yoshihisa his heir
Ikko sect gains strength in th e N orth. Asakura becom es C onstable of E ch iz en
Yam ana and Hosokawa die. Yoshim asa retires
O u ch i leaves Kyoto. E n d of th e O nin W a r
Agrarian risings in Yam ashiro
Yoshihisa dies
Yoshim asa dies. Ashikaga Yoshitane becom es Shogun
H ojo Soun becom es m aster o f Izu
Y oshitane abdicates
H osokaw a M asam oto becom es Kyoto K anrei
H ojo Soun captures Odawara
O u clii restores Yoshitane
Official trad e w ith C hina is tem porarily suspended
D iscovery o f silver in Iw am i
Arrival o f Portuguese castaw ays a t T anegashim a. Introduction o f fire arm s. H ojo U jiyasu defeats th e U yesugi forces a t Kaw agoye
Jap an ese pirates begin large-scale raids on C hina
L a s t official trade voyage to M ing China
F ran cis X avier lands a t Kagoshim a
D e fe a t o f O uchi by Suye H arukata
M ori succeeds to O uchi lands and pow er
U yesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen m eet a t Kaw anakajim a
V ictory o f O da N obunaga at Okehazam a
movement; and it is as such a movement that the Onin W ar, with all its horrors, can be best explained. Its immediate result was only more con fusion and more misery, but it was a necessary step towards the restora tion of firm and resolute government. 2. T he First Year o f Onin The quarrels between factions within the Kanrei families of Hatakeyama and Shiba spread as the several antagonists came to b e sup ported or opposed by other warlords. Both conflicts were indecisive, however, and none of the claimants proved to be a forceful leader; more over, since the two houses were of course weakened in a military sense, their influence rapidly declined. By about 1450 the two most powerful warriors in the country were the chieftains of the Hosokawa and Yamana families. Hosokawa Katsumoto was a gifted man, an exceptionally able ad ministrator who kept his domains in good order and his vassals con tented. H e remained firm and aloof while his colleagues and his adver saries were creating disorder. H e had something of the character of his ancestor Yoriyuki, the statesman upon whom the Shogun Yoshimitsu had most depended. Hosokawa’s father-in-law, Yamana Sozen, was a warrior chieftain of a different stamp. His clan had suffered from imprudent leaders in the past, and although its position had improved with the defeat of Akamatsu, Yamana was ambitious and wanted nothing less than to raise his family to the’ sum m it H e was a turbulent man, becoming almost apo plectic in his rages. Known by his scarlet complexion, he was called Aka-nyudo, the Red Monk (fo r he had entered religion in his later years). Yamana envied and distrusted Hosokawa, whose family held the position of Kanrei and had long enjoyed the confidence and favour of the Shoguns, and resolved upon his destruction. H e could not easily find a legitimate cause of quarrel with Hosokawa, who was a skilful and wary antagonist, and he did not want to precipitate an open showdown until he was sure of his strength. H e therefore marked time by intervening in the succession disputes of other families—and not always on the same side, since his purpose was not to bring peace but to seek allies for an attack upon Hosokawa. His advances and withdrawals need not b e described in detail, since they were the customary procedures of what we may call feudal power politics. The political situation was complicated in 1464 by the problem of deciding upon a successor to the Shogun, who was tired of the cares of office, which interfered with his pleasures. In historical studies of the political events that led to the outbreak of the Onin W ar, part of the blame is usually laid upon Yoshimasa. It is true that he was little inter
ested in the duties of his office and made frequent blunders when called upon for decisions, but it is very doubtful whether even the most heroic efforts on his part could have stemmed the tide of events. Although Yoshimasa found his official responsibilities irksome, he did not at first neglect them. H e did not like Hosokawa Katsumoto, but he recognized his talents and in some matters depended upon his advice. Yet the problems before him were very often unsolvable, and his mind was more naturally drawn to other matters. H e was inclined to vacillate after hearing the views of his adviser Ise Sadachika, of his favourite ladies, and most decided of all, of his wife Tomi-ko. Thus by 1464 ( after fifteen years in office) he was preparing to resign, though he was only thirty. \ The question of succession was naturally of great importance to Hosokawa, who favoured Yoshimi, a younger brother of Yoshimasa and at that time an abbot in a Jodo monastery. Yoshimi did not wish to leave the religious life, but at the end of 1464 he was persuaded to join his brother and assist him, it being understood that he would in due time succeed to the Sh5gun’s office. A year later the Shoguns wife Tomi-ko gave birth to a son, Yoshihisa, which made Yoshimi’s position very awkward. However, he remained as Yoshimasa’s Deputy and car ried out his instructions, relying in general upon advice given to him by Hosokawa. Tomi-ko was understandably very angry, and sought Yamana s sup port for the claim of her infant son. The conflict between Yamana and Hosokawa thus assumed a different character. On the one side was the Shogun, supported by Yoshimi and defended by Hosokawa; on the other side was Tomi-ko with her son, supported by Yamana. The issue was now a succession dispute of a high order, not among vassals but between claimants to the Shoguns office. By the end of 1466 Yamana, having increased his support greatly by his political manoeuvres, was feeling strong enough to challenge Hoso kawa openly. According to such works as the Onin-ki, which are not entirely credible but probably represent the general situation accurately enough, the forces commanded by the two generals were approximately as follows, omitting the speculative figures of possible contributions by uncertain allies: Hosokawa
K atsu m o to ......... ......... 60,000 C o lla te ra ls......... ......... 20,000 Allies .................. ......... 5,000
Sozen .................. ......... 30,000 C o lla te ra ls......... ......... 11,000 Allies .................. ......... 39,000
T h e antagonists were closely matched, but the advantage lay with Hoso kawa, whose troops were more dependable, as well as more numerous, than Yamana’s.
Early in the first year of Onin (1 4 6 7 ) Yamana, after consulting his kinsmen and allies, approached Yoshimasa and complained that Hosokawa had interfered in a dispute between two candidates from the Hatakeyama family for the office of Kanrei. (T h e two were Hatakeyama Yoshinari and Hatakeyama Masanaga, each of whom Yamana had favoured as it suited his own purpose.) Yamana asked leave to punish Hosokawa for insubordination, but the Shogun only reprimanded Hosokawa for his action. That evening Yamana (then living in Yoshimi’s mansion) as a move against Hosokawa conducted Yoshimi to the B akufu headquarters, which he took measures to defend. At this time Hoso kawa was already looking around for suitable houses to use as head quarters or defence points should hostilities commence. Both leaders mobilized their forces. It was clear that the capital was to be the battle field. Yoshimasa saw that if open war broke out in the capital, the war would spread throughout the provinces, and he ordered the protago nists not to interfere any further in the current dispute within the H ata keyama family, but to let the Hatakeyama rivals fight it out between themselves. He warned Yamana and Hosokawa that whichever of them was first to fight in the capital would be declared a rebel. Thus although both generals had brought a large number of troops to the vicinity of the capital, neither side dared to make the first move and their armies stood immobile. W eak as he was, the Shogun still had a powerful weapon to hand in the formal power to assign the responsi bility for rebellion and ask the Emperor for a commission to chastise the rebels. No warlord could afford to be declared a rebel, since the very declaration would alienate his allies and give his rivals just cause for attacking him and confiscating his property. Tension grew in the capital as time went by. I t is interesting to follow the daily events as they are recorded in diaries and other con temporary documents. There are letters from eyewitnesses and journals kept in the great monasteries to which news was constantly sent, and these sources all convey the feeling of strain and fearful anticipation that must have possessed all the citizens. In the first month of 1467, we learn from these sources, the usual New Year celebrations took place. On the eleventh day there was a national prayer for peace at the Great Shrine of Ise. On the thirteenth day there was the regular poetry gathering at the Shoguns palace. Then follow reports of the political manoeuvres of Yamana and Hosokawa recounted above. The outlook darkened, but still there was no open breach or clash. In February Hosokawa learned that the great western daimyo Ouchi, with 20,000 men, was about to move in support of Ya mana. In March Yamana and his generals went to pay their respects to the Shogun and his brother Yoshimi. The Hosokawa party did not attend,
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being occupied with warlike preparations. At the end of the month the mansion of a Hosokawa officer was destroyed by fire. T he crisis was imminent. In April tax-rice being conveyed to the capital by Yamana soldiers was seized by Hosokawa men in the province of Tamba. There were frequent fires on the outskirts of the city, and in Omi, Owari, and Echizen. Those who could leave the city departed, and the guard at the Im perial Palace was doubled. Now Yamana and Hosokawa both began to assemble forces in the city itself, Yamana to the west of Muromachi and Hosokawa to the east. Rumours of coming disasters flew about, and the populace was in a state of great alarm. W riting on the seventeenth day, a Court noble says: ‘I t is reported that there will be desperate happenings tonight. The young princesses are being taken for safety to the outer suburbs, south of the city.” Finally, at the end of May, Hosokawa troops attacked the mansion of Isshiki, one of Yamana’s generals. Fighting continued for several days, with many killed or wounded on both sides, and meanwhile a number of buildings—monasteries, shrines, and dwelling houses—were destroyed by fire, some burned by the soldiers, others by marauding robbers in search of lo o t Such was the state of affairs early in the month of June. Yoshimasa sent word in vain to both commanders, ordering them to arrange a truce. By the end of June, if not sooner, thousands of acres had been swept by flames and the fighting was almost incessant. In the first hostilities there had been little room for any but close hand-to-hand fighting at the barri cades, but as buildings were destroyed by fire more open tactics became possible in the wide avenues and in spaces cleared of debris. Street fighting of the bitterest kind ensued. Trenches were dug by both sides, notably in the wide avenue Ichijo on the northern edge of the city. Although Yoshimasa had warned the adversaries that the first to fight in the capital would be declared a rebel, and although Hosokawa s forces were apparently the first to attack, Hosokawa succeeded in induc ing the Sh5gun to attach the stigma of rebellion to Yamana. Early in July Yoshimasa ordered his brother Yoshimi to chastise the rebel, and appointed Hosokawa as his commanding general. Hosokawa was given a flag symbolizing his position, but the Shogun refused to procure him the usual commission from the Throne. This gave a certain moral advantage to Hosokawa, and some of Ya mana s supporters deserted; but more effective in the long run was the work of Hosokawas emissaries in the provinces from which Yamana and Ouchi and Shiba drew their strength, for they were able to stimu late such disorders that both Yamana and Ouchi had to send troops back to protect their interests in their own provinces. Yamana, feeling that his position was weakening, sent to Harima province for more troops, which reached Tam ba by forced marches early in July, from
there fighting their way to the environs of Kyoto. Heavy fighting con tinued throughout July, together with much incendiarism and looting by undisciplined troops. According to a usually reliable journal, several hundred large buildings were destroyed, and destruction continued day after day. Thousands of small houses also went up in flames, leaving nothing but ashes, so that a once populous area “looked like a lonely moor.” The centre of the fighting in the city was a small space where move ment was restricted. Hosokawa’s force (called the Eastern Army) held a small area containing the Bakufu buildings, the Jissd-In, the great Zen monastery Shokokuji, and Hosokawa’s own mansion. Yamana’s forces (th e W estern Army) held an area to the south and west of this; their front line of defence ran east from Itsutsuji-Omiya, and their main en campment was at the place today known as Nishijin.1 Hosokawa had little room for manoeuvre; his forces were pressed into a com er at the north of the city, and his communications to the south and east were cut off by Yamana and Shiba. B y early September Yamana’s reinforcements had arrived, and Hosokawa learned that in addition to these Ouchi Masahiro with 20,000 men had swept aside all opposition and reached Arima in Settsu. Hosokawa’s efforts to stop Ouchi south of the city failed, and Ouchi’s army passed along the road from Yamazala and joined Yamana’s army at Kitano. The composition of Ouchi’s army is worth noting. I t arrived at Hyogo in the latter part of August, partly by land and partly by sea. Ouchi was in the van with 500 boats, and the total number of boats is given as 2,000, carrying troops from Suo, Nagato, and Kyushu. They were escorted by pirates named Nogami, Kurahashi, Kure, and Kokuya. The land party was composed mainly of contingents brought by their captains from Iwami province. T he Onin-ki says that when Ouchi arrived, Yamana felt like a dragon refreshed by water or a tiger sn iffin g the breeze. Bolstered by these reinforcements, Yamana decided to cut all Hoso kawa’s lines of communication, and for that purpose he planned first to attack the Eastern forces in the vicinity of the Imperial Palace. At about this time Hosokawa decided to purge the Shogun’s Court of per sons sympathetic to the cause of Tomi-ko and Yamana; but he had to proceed with caution. In September 1467 he surrounded the Muromachi-dono (H ana no Gosho) and demanded the expulsion of twelve offenders known to b e in league with Yamana. But since it would have been a breach of loyalty for him to attack the Shogun’s residence, the attempt came to nothing. Hosokawa, however, had heard that Yamana planned to attack the Emperor’s Palace and seize the persons of the 1 It means the Western Camp, and has given its name to a well-known weave
of silk, Nishijin-ori.
Kyoto at the time o f the Onin War The diagram shows the northern part o f the city in the mid-fifteenth century, and the principal M AM oaiiuJM
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sovereign and the abdicated Emperor, action which he forestalled by sending a trusted commander to escort them to the Bakufu. Their M aj esties were carried as far as the entrance, whore they w ept to find that they could not enter because the twelve offenders had barred the gate. They were admitted late that night, after the twelve had escaped by a back door. L ate in September Yamana attacked the Sambd-In, a monastic build ing adjacent to the Imperial Palace, which at that time was situated at Tsuchimikado-Madenokoji, in the northeastern part of the city. T he attacking force numbered some 50,000 men. T he Sambo-In and several adjacent buildings were destroyed by fire, and other strategic points, including the Imperial Palace, were seized. The outlook for the Eastern Army was poor, and Hosokawa’s beleaguered generals sent for rein forcements from their several provinces. H elp came from the Akamatsu family in Settsu and Tam ba. T h e Akamatsu troops were harassed by the W estern Army, bu t made their way to a point in Yamashina and thence to the neighbourhood of the Nanzenji, where they beat off poorly timed attacks by several separate forces sent by Yamana and Ouchi and routed the attackers. Soon after wards they arrived at Hosokawa’s headquarters in the city. Yamana’s position nonetheless continued to improve. All Hosokawa’s outlying defence works had been captured by early October, and all that was left him was a crowded space containing the Shokokuji, d ie Bakufu buildings, and his own mansion. H e tried to counterattack, but the wide spaces cleared by the earlier fighting gave an attacking force the advan tage against a cramped defence. The most vulnerable of Hosokawa’s positions was the Shdkokuji, and Yamana's leading generals decided to storm the monastery on November 1. They bribed a monk to start a fire, and as the smoke rose to the sky the attackers leapt forward. T h e mon astery was taken, and the defenders were forced to fall back along Ichijo. As it turned out, however, the force of the W estern Army was spent. Fighting went on from dawn to sunset, until both armies withdrew exhausted, leaving the streets choked with corpses. T h e chronicles of the time paint a dreadful picture of the carnage. Ouchi collected eight cartloads of heads, but there were many more, and these he threw into trenches. The Shokokuji was adjacent to the Shogun’s palace, and the Shdgun’s ladies, fearing fire or rape, asked to b e moved to safety. B ut Yoshimasa, so the story goes, remained calm and began a drinking party with his favourite companions. A fter five months of incessant fighting, burning, and looting, the condition of the once beautiful city was appalling. At the end of 1467 it was described by a Bakufu official in the following words: “T h e flow ery capital that we thought would last forever to our surprise is to b e
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come the lair of wolves and foxes. In the past there have been rebellions and disasters, but in this first year of Onin the laws of gods and kings have been broken and all the sects are perishing.” H e composed a short poem which may be rendered, though without the elegance of the origi nal: “Now the city that you knew has become an empty moor, from which the evening skylark rises while your tears fall.”* 3. L ater Hostilities After the destruction of the Shokokuji in November, one of Hoso kawa s generals recaptured the acres of cinders that had once been that imposing monastery. Yamana made no effort to regain the site, and the two spent adversaries faced one another without action for the rest of the year. Both reckoned on a long-drawn-out war of position, in which it seemed that Yamana had the advantage, because Hosokawa com manded only one out of the seven entrances into the city.* Hosokawa ordered an attack on the first day of the New Year, an unconventional move which took Yamana and his roistering troops com pletely by surprise. After some sharp fighting, however, the attackers withdrew. Following this encounter there was little activity until April, when a raiding party from the Hosokawa forces tried to cut the W estern Army’s supply line. In the city also there was a sanguinary clash at this time, but thereafter the fighting seems almost to have ceased. Apart from the sallies and excursions of adventurous young officers, the two armies now remained glaring at one another month after month. They glared at one another over a mass of protective works, for both sides wished to stand on the defensive and accordingly raised barri cades and dug trenches. The records say that the central trench between the two parties was ten feet deep and twenty feet wide. T he Eastern Army brought in some artificers to construct machines for flinging wood or stone missiles at the enemy. T o relieve the tedium many officers on both sides indulged in such elegant and peaceful pastimes as composing poems, dressing in fanciful costumes of bright silk and even taking a hand at Chinese prosody. It was as if the Viscount Wellington's sub2 Nare ya shiru/Miyako wa nobe no/Yu-hibari/Agaru wo mite mo/Ochiru namida wa. 8 These seven entries were as follows: EN T R Y
Toji guchi Gojd guchi Shijo-Omiya guchi Takeda guchi Sanjd-bashi guchi Ohara guchi Kiyokura guchi
Settsu road Tdkaidd (Eastern Highroad) Saikaidd (W estern Highroad) Kiiroad (South) Eastern road to Omi Northern highroad to Wakasa Sanindd (W estern mountain road to Tamba)
It was only the last of these that Hosokawa could use.
altems were to have acted a piece from Shakespeare and done a little Latin verse while waiting at Torres Vedras. Thus week after week passed, enlivened only by an occasional sortie. There was some heavier fighting in September, chiefly on the eastern borders of the city; but the year drew to a close without any battle on a large scale, though destruction continued as long as the armies were in contact. Among the victims of this phase of desultory warfare were several important monasteries (including the Tenryuji) and the man sion of the Kiyowara family, with all its store of books and documents handed down by previous generations of scholars. After 1468 there was no significant military activity except in the provinces. In Kyoto the activity of both Hosokawa and Yamana was mainly political. I t centered upon the succession dispute, though both parties had to keep a sharp eye on events in other parts of Japan. Yoshimi s claim was sound enough, but he had no real supporters, being little more than a counter in the game between Yamana and Hosokawa. Yoshimi was in a difficult position, and after various adventures (w hich need not be described here) soon he found himself one of Yamana’s leading generals. This led to an anomalous situation charac teristic of an age of broken promises and capricious loyalties. The Sho gun was now able to name the four-year-old Yoshihisa, Tomi-ko s son, as his heir, and this he did early in 1469. Thus the Onin W ar, which had begun as a partisan struggle between Yamana and Hosokawa, now be came a war between Yoshimasa and his brother. The Shogun duly in duced the Emperor Go-Tsuchimikado to strip Yoshimi of his Court ranks and declare him a rebel. On the whole the Imperial House was not seriously involved in the events of the Onin W ar, but in 1471—a remarkable development—there was a revival of the war between the Northern and Southern Courts, or a parody of that war, when Yamana thought to bolster his cause by set ting up a Southern Pretender, who, dressed as a woman, arrived in a palanquin at Yamana’s camp. This move was not pleasing to Yoshimi, who had not abandoned his allegiance to the reigning Emperor, and nothing came of it. The Pretender soon disappeared and was not heard of again except by rumour. By the end of 1472 some generals on both sides had left for their own territories to put down insurrections brewed in their absence. Most of those who remained in Kyoto among the ruins were tired of the perpetual clash of arms, and as the months and years dragged on, both Yamana and Hosokawa began to wish for peace. But feeling still ran high among the lesser generals, and a truce was impossible. The weary Hosokawa proposed to enter holy orders and live in retirement, while Yamana, already ordained, said that he would take his own life. These dramatic measures proved unnecessary, however, for in 1473 both men died, Yamana at the age of seventy, Hosokawa at forty-three.
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After die death of the two leaders the armies diminished rapidly in strength until Yoshimasa began to fear that if the Eastern Army should grow weaker, he himself might be in danger from Ouchi and his associ ates. H e sent out an order ( M ikyojo) to all provinces, calling upon them to keep the peace. I t was, of course, especially directed against O uchi T h e two armies now began pourparlers, and although no final agreement was reached, they arrived at a partial understanding upon which a num ber of generals submitted to Yoshimasa. Ouchi, however, persisted in the view that he could not surrender until Yoshimasa and Yoshimi had come to terms on the succession. H e even rejected a direct order from the Shogun to lay down his arms, though it was accompanied by a promise o f generous treatment. There was still sporadic fighting in and near Kyoto, and also in Yamato, where the peace of the Kasuga shrine was broken by a desperate struggle between Ouchi and Hatakeyama Masanaga in 1475. W hile the war dragged on in this way, increasing numbers of W est ern Army commanders submitted to the Shogun, because they wanted to return to their domains. Finally, Ouchi himself changed his mind, submitted to Yoshimasa, and marched his army home, leaving his base in Kyoto on D ecem ber 1 7 ,1477. O nce he had left, there was nothing for the remaining forces to do but disperse. Yamana’s men had already marched out the night before. A diary of the period has this to say of their departure: “Several places in the enemy’s position were destroyed by fire. T h e N ijo palace was binned down. This was the work of the ashigaru.” So the last act of the Yamana men was one of wanton de struction. Even now peace had not come to the ravaged country, for there was still bitter warfare in the Kanto, where Ashikaga warriors fought against Uyesugi rivals for the office of Shogun’s Deputy in the eastern provinces; and at the other end of the empire there were fierce battles among the great families of Kyushu. Indeed it would have been difficult to find a province where there was no convulsion, unless it were perhaps the Shikoku domains of the Hosokawa family. The history of this cruel war of Onin gives an impression of utter futility. The purposes for which it was fought were never clearly de fined, and certainly they were not achieved, except in so far as Hoso kawa at the cost of fearful destruction proved superior in statecraft to his clumsy enemy. Looking at the political scene against its background of flames and smoke one seems to see its actors as unfortunate creatures demented by their own ambitions. There are no heroic figures that com pel the imagination, for Yamana is a mere bandit and Hosokawa, with greater advantage of upbringing, is disagreeably shrewd and calculating and no less ruthless than his rival. Among the really interesting figures are those blemished characters of a secondary order whose offences seem almost venial in an age of robbery of gigantic dimensions—Tomi-
ko, the Shogun’s consort, avaricious and cunning but well-bred and courageous; Ise Sadachika and Hino Katsualdra, his corrupt advisers; and a bevy of mistresses skilled in intrigue, delation, and embezzlem ent B ut most enigmatic of all is the Shogun himself. 4. Higashiyama Yoshimasa is often condemned for neglecting his duties and devot ing himself to a life of pleasure. There are grounds for this charge, but his behaviour cannot be explained in such simple terms. H e inherited a much more difficult task than his predecessors, because social and political disintegration had proceeded fast since the days of Yoshimitsu. W hether he liked it or n o t he was obliged by the urgency of the times to make some decisions, to give some orders, and to form some opinions on policy. In his first years of office he seems to have made an effort to govern, but he was very young and he received poor advice from those whose duty it was to guide him. I t is true that he vacillated and made frequent blunders, but it is doubtful whether a wiser man could have done better. The tide of events was flowing too strongly against him. B y the time of his suc cession the subversive movement which already faced the Bakufu had spread to every class, from the arrogant warlord to the poor labouring man. T he very fact that even with the power of Hosokawa behind him Yoshimasa was unable to control Yamana is evidence that the warlords were uncontrollable. I t was not Yoshimasa but the whole military soci ety that was to blame for the senseless destruction of the Onin W ar, and it is in the fight of those circumstances that his conduct seems repre hensible. A clever, many-sided man, Yoshimasa would have made an excellent leader in a peaceful era of renaissance of the arts, but he was not the man to pull together a society rapidly falling to pieces. He saw death and disaster all around and sought distraction. Being of a sensi tive character, he naturally preferred feminine society to the company of certain military leaders, whose loud voices and fierce opinions must often have offended his taste. Unfortunately his choice of favourites was far from impeccable, and he allowed them to dabble in affairs of state, which in practice meant to take bribes and accept commissions from petitioners. There were several of these ladies, but none was so skilled in shady finance as his wife Tomi-ko, who in collaboration with her elder brother Hino Katsualdra made a great fortune by illicit methods. Katsualdra, one of Yoshimasa’s advisers, was himself a master of peculation, who said openly that no claimant need approach him without a cash pay ment in advance.4 But his sister was even more determined in her pur-* * The source is the miscellany ( Zdjiki) of the Daij'6-In branch of the Kfifukuji at Nara; and the issue was a commonplace suit concerning Church property.
suit of gain. H er dealings on the rice market and her moneylending activities have already been noted. One of her more ingenious prac tices was to appropriate taxes which she illegally levied at the seven entrances to the capital, falsely declaring that they were for the repair of the Imperial Palace. B ut it is only fair to say of Tomi-ko that Yoshimasa must have been a very difficult husband, and that her unhappy domestic life explains if it does not excuse her conduct Other advisers of Yoshimasa, if less avaricious, were no more trust worthy. Ise Sadachika was in his confidence and had some influence on his actions, but he was disliked by the warrior chieftains and was driven out of Kyoto before the war began, only to make his way back some time later and to resume his service to the Shogun. If Yoshimasa s wife and his favourites were remarkable for their incomes, he was unrivalled in his expenditure. His extravagance was notorious, and it may perhaps b e explained by his despair. He wanted to escape from his own failures in private and public life. His world was falling in ruins around him. H e thought of entering a monastery, and he studied under Zen teachers in the hope of finding serenity; but he ended by devoting all his mind and spirit to aesthetic pursuits, always seeking freedom from the despondence which had become his habit. In 1473 he retired from office, naming Yoshihisa as his successor. Thus the man who failed as the leader of a military society found some contentment as a patron of the arts and a connoisseur inspiring new movements in acting, dancing, painting, architecture, and the gen eral practice o f aesthetic refinements. H e showed that in a strong reac tion against barbarity, the arts may flourish in times of war. The dark ages have their bright side, and to set against the Onin W ar there is constructive activity displayed in many fields of endeavour during the Muromachi era. Not least of these in importance is the work of artists encouraged by Yoshimasa from his retreat at the base of Higashiyama, a hill on the northeastern fringe of the city. This is not the place for a discussion of Muromachi aesthetics, but it is useful to relate here some of the events in the years when Yoshimasa was indulging his taste for splendid ceremonies, fine buildings, theatri cal performances, the plastic arts, and connoisseurship in general.® A new Muromachi palace was built in 1458, and so was the Takakura palace of his mother; and one of his most elaborate No entertainments was given in 1464, before the Onin W ar. After the war he devoted much attention to building and restoring, but his most celebrated structure was the Silver Pavilion (G inkaku ), part of his Higashiyama villa. I t is of peculiar interest because, although it was no doubt influenced by the Golden Pavilion (Kinkaku) of Yoshimitsu, it expresses the difference 8 8 For further details on the arts of this period the reader is referred to Chapter X V III of the author’s "Short Cultural History” of Japan, revised edition, London, 1952.
Drawing of dengaku ( l e f t ) and sarugaku ( r ig h t ) dancers, after an illustration in “Shichijuichi-ban Uta-awase”
between the aesthetic standards of the two periods—one a parade of bright gold, the other a delicate understatement in gray, black, and white. The villa was completed in 1493, three years after Yoshimasa s death. I t is doubtful whether any silver foil was applied, though its use had been intended. I t was here in the Ginkaku that Yoshimasa practised the tea cere mony (which he raised to the rank of a fine art) and entertained his favourites, who were no longer the unscrupulous money-grubbers of a former time but artists, poets, playwrights, and men of taste with whom he discussed the Sung paintings and porcelain which he had assembled there at great cost. Today a “Higashiyama piece” is the greatest of treasures. Associated with those years, moreover (th e last two or three decades of the fifteenth century), are the names of many celebrated Japanese masters. Zeami, the real founder of the Nd, had died in 1443, but Noami, Geiami, Soami, Kanze, and the incomparable painter Sesshu belong to those years. The aesthetic movement of which Yoshimasa was the leader was not confined to the ruling class. Rich merchants of Kyoto and Sakai contributed to it by their purchases of rare works of art and their gen eral pursuit of refinement in taste. Great barons, who had once fought for provinces, now competed also for small pieces of porcelain. In some respects Yoshimasa was the most remarkable of mediaeval Japanese rulers, for it was a rare achievement to create and govern an aesthetic society important not only in his own country’s history but also in the general history of taste. I t may be objected that he did not create this society, but certainly it was he who called it into being by his strong inclinations. In the Japan of his day the artists, playwrights, actors, dancers, and musicians whom he favoured could not so fully have exercised their talents and gained such public esteem without the
patronage and the lavish support by which he encouraged them. As a ruler he was a mere puppet, yet in the world of art or letters he was no mere dilettante, but a man of exceptionally firm and penetrating judgm ent In this sphere he showed himself able to originate and com mand. H e gave a conscious and positive direction to the aesthetic life of his time. And despite his political shortcomings Yoshimasa was capable of strong leadership when he chose, and he was not without constructive powers. B y his time it was no longer possible for a Shogun to exercise political authority, since the country was in a turmoil of revolt; but he did what was open to him with great distinction. It is sometimes said that the masterpieces of Higashiyama were cre ated under the inspiration of Zen Buddhism. This is a dubious state ment, which should not be accepted without clear definitions of inspira tion and Zen. In so far as Zen inculcates “direct pointing to the soul of man” it must b e hostile to what is false, pretentious, confused, obscure, or roundabout. But so is any rational canon of taste in the arts as well as in the life of the individual. W e need not turn to metaphysics for an explanation of pure creative instinct at work. Yoshimasa s own religious beliefs were very catholic. H e was inter ested in the mystic sects, and he also liked the company of Zen monks, who, in his time, were usually more active in literature than in religious thought. But his later life was governed by the Nembutsu teaching, and he was intimate with a powerful monk from Kurodani, one Shinsei, who intoned the Nembutsu at his deathbed.
1. H osokaw a and the Ashikaga Shoguns A m o n g the most significant features of the years following the Onin W ar was the complete breakdown of the Ashikaga Bakufu. Yoshimasa died in 1490, and the government of the country, such government as there was, fell into the hands of the Hosokawa family. The Shoguns who followed Yoshimasa were mere puppets, except for Yoshihisa, who (having the courage of his mother Tom i-ko) made a gallant attempt to check the disloyal ambition of some of the leading warriors but died on a battlefield in 1489 before he could carry out his design. His successor Yoshitane (Yoshimi’s son) was made Shogun in 1490, but he did not remain long in office. In 1493 he fled from Kyoto in fear of the Kanrei Hosokawa Katsumoto, who then set up another nephew of Yoshimasa, named Yoshizumi. Hosokawa Masamoto, Katsumoto’s son, becam e Kanrei in 1494. Yoshitane ventured back to Kyoto in 1499, making the Enryakuji his headquarters; but he was put to flight by Hosokawa, whose troops destroyed many buildings of the monastery. In tinre Yoshitane made his way to Ouchi’s capital at Yamaguchi. Ouchi Yoshiold took up his cause, assembled an army, and marched on the capital. In 1507 Masamoto was assassinated in Kyoto; the following year Yoshizumi fled and Yoshitane was restored to office. From these examples it will be seen that the warlords were using the Shoguns as puppets, much as Shoguns had used the Emperors in the past; for the present war was not a war of succession between claim ants to the Shoguns office, but a scarcely concealed struggle between claimants to the more important office of Kanrei. After Masamoto s death this war was fought chiefly between his adopted sons Takakuni and Sumimoto. Here the situation becam e fantastic, if not farcical, since Sumimoto was also a puppet, manipulated by a Hosokawa vassal named Miyoshi. Thus we have a picture of a puppet claimant to an office which mani pulates a puppet Shogun. It is an excellent illustration of the so-called causes of the wars of this period, which were not causes at all but merely pretences or flimsy excuses for making war. Ouchi remained in the capital until 1518, protecting the Shogun Yoshitane against Miyoshi and his fellow conspirators. In this era of reprehensible conduct Ouchi stands out as a generous figure. He gave financial aid to the Shogun and to the Emperor, both of whom were in
a wretched condition, and there is no doubt that his presence in Kyoto was a contribution to peace and good order. B ut he had to leave to see to his own affairs in Yamaguchi, and with his departure trouble at once broke out again in and around the capital. Between 1490 and 1550 Shoguns were appointed or deposed princi pally at the will of the Hosokawa family. The successive puppets, b e ginning with the tenth Ashikago Shogun, were as follows: Y o sh ita n e ...........appointed 1490, abdicated 1493 Yoshizumi ......... appointed 1493, abdicated 1508 Y o sh ita n e ...........returned 1508, abdicated 1521 Yoshiharu ......... appointed 1521, abdicated 1545 Y o s h ite ru ...........appointed 1545, murdered 1565 Y oshih id e........... appointed 1565, died 1568 Y o s h ia k i............. appointed 1568, deposed 1573 T he Hosokawa family lost their position to their former vassals in 1558 with the defeat of the last Kanrei, Hosokawa Harumoto, at the hands of Miyoshi and Matsunaga, both of whom owed a debt of loyalty to the Hosokawa clan. These two families were nuisances in Yamashiro and adjacent provinces for a further decade or more, and were then sup pressed by supporters of the Shogun Yoshiaki. T h e collapse of the Hoso kawa family and the later Ashikaga Shoguns is not of great interest in itself, but it serves to illustrate the main features of the political history of the period known as Sengoku Jidai, the Age of the Country at W ar, which followed closely upon the Onin W ar and lasted for die better part of a century.1 In that period only a few of the once prominent feudal houses sur vived. New men rose to power, new rivalries developed. T h e pattern is furnished by the case of Miyoshi, mentioned above. Miyoshi was a vassal of Hosokawa, whose authority he usurped; and Miyoshi was in turn ousted by his c wn retainer Matsunaga. Changes of this kind were taking place all over the country before the close of the fifteenth cen tury, and in the sixteenth century they continued on a grand scale. Perhaps the most remarkable of these struggles is that in which the Ouchi family was destroyed by one vassal and avenged by another. Ouchi, thriving on seaborne trade, kept a kingly state in western Japan (holding in a firm grasp Suo, Nagato, Buzen, Bungo, and Chikuzen). But in 1551, Yoshioki s son Yoshitaka, then the chieftain and a man of high character, was attacked and destroyed by a vassal named Suye Harukata. Another and a senior vassal, Mori Motonari, was more loyal 1 “The Age of the Country at W ar” is a convenient but not exact translation of Sengoku Jidai, which is a term from Chinese history designating the age of the "warring states," which lasted for some two hundred years before China was unified under Ch’in Shih Huang-ti in 221 b .c . The conflict in Japan was not between states or even between provinces, but between individual warlords.
to his liege lord. H e made his preparations and in 1554 began hostilities against Harukata, whom he overcame in one of the most theatrical battles in the history of Japan. I t was fought on and around the lovely island of Itsukushima, which according to tradition neither birth nor death was allowed to pollute. In the season of autumnal gales Harukata, thinking himself safe on the island, was tricked by a surprise attack from the mainland delivered at night in a blinding rainstorm. Pirate vessels on both sides took part in the encounter, and fought in the offing. Harukata fled with the rem nants of his force, decimated by Mori's attack and further reduced by drowning as the fugitives struggled to reach the boats with which the water was littered. Harukata could not escape, and committed suicide with some of his officers. Motonari thus established the power of the Mori family as successors to Ouchi, and they continued supreme in the western provinces for three hundred years. I t is difficult to distinguish any single important reason for the out break of the civil wars which as they spread engulfed the whole country during the sixteenth century. Some Japanese historians have found a clue in the phrase “gekokujo” (roughly “the low oppress the high”), which was current parlance from the time of the so-called Kemmu Restoration (1 3 3 4 -3 6 ), when the streets of the capital were thronged with discontented warriors seeking reward for their services. This is a useful cliche, giving a quick view of a disturbed social order in which things look upside down to a conservative eye; but it does not explain the phenomenon which it describes. “Gekokujo” has even been interpreted as an expression of demo cratic ideas, but the changes that took place after the rise of the Ashikaga Shoguns can scarcely be described as a social revolution. W hat took place was the emergence of new classes, together with the exercise of new powers by certain members of existing classes. The process is clearly discernible at different levels, notably: ( a ) in the emancipation of a number of agricultural workers, who becam e independent farmers on a small scale; ( b ) in the rise of an influential class of traders and moneylenders; ( c ) in the growing strength of independent local warriors (ji-sam urai), who formed associations to resist the depredations of Constables and other rural magnates; and (d ) in the seizure of power in both national and provincial government by former vassals or re tainers of the leading warrior houses. These were important and sometimes violent changes, but to de scribe them as democratic movements is to debase the currency of political terms. It is true that most of the frequent risings of the fifteenth century were expressions of popular discontent in which peasants took part, but they were usually led by small local landowners, and they called for the removal of specific grounds of complaint. They were not
inspired by any general political aim, although at times they may have developed a political character.
2. T he Yamashiro Rising o f 1485 In a previous chapter a series of agrarian risings in Yamashiro prov ince has been described. These were forcible protests by peasants and small landowners against oppressive acts of the Constable or his officers. During the twenty-five years before the Onin W ar they had revolted with some success. After the outbreak of war in 1467 they managed with difficulty to keep their fields in cultivation; and when hostilities in the city came to an end, they looked forward to a real return of peaceful life. They were to b e disappointed, however, for the feuds and rivalries of the Onin W ar spilled over into other parts of the country, while the unrepentant Bakufu, or at least its financial officers and the grasping Tomi-ko, resumed their oppressive taxation. In 1479 they imposed a levy on all provinces for the repair of the Imperial Palace; and in 1482 Tomi-ko proposed to restore the barriers and collect octroi, taxes on produce, at the entrances to the city. But when the YamashiroIkki threatened reprisals, the project was withdrawn. It will be seen that the peasants had by this time developed a strong feeling of unity. W e need not attempt to trace its growth in detail, but we should note that along with the improved position of the peasantry there came a certain degree of organization in villages or other rural communities, and also of joint action by such communities. In fifteenthcentury documents, such as petitions or protests or agreements, the terms soson ( “all the villages”) and sobyakusho ( “all the peasants”) occur frequently. Here the prefix so2 signifies that the peasants and the villages are united, and that the document speaks for all of them. After the Onin W ar there developed in southern Yamashiro a con tinuous strife between warriors who were or who claimed to be parti sans of one of the two branches of the great Hatakeyama family, led respectively by Masanaga and Yoshinari, whose feud had been one of the causes, or at least the preludes, of the Onin W ar. The campaign was not on a large scale, the numbers engaged being of the order of ten thousand at most; but the fighting was widespread and conducted with no regard for the life or property of the inhabitants. Dwelling houses and monastic buildings were destroyed by fire, and much damage was done by ashigaru temporarily employed. In some places peasants were dragged off to serve as porters, or were made to pay large sums to escape from forced labour. B ut at length the peasants formed their own force, under command of capable local warriors, and it looked as if the Hatakeyama partisans on both sides would be obliged to with draw. Their prospects were so poor that they were drawn together;* * It occurs in many other terms, such as s6ryd, the whole estate, sdkoku, the whole province.
a certain Tsubai, one of the leaders on the Masanaga side, actually applied to the Chief Abbot Jinson in the Kofukuji for a post in a manor belonging to Yoshinari s side. The peasants in southern Yamashiro had already done great harm to both groups of partisans by forcibly depriving them of supplies. Now they took the offensive. Towards the end of the year 1485 the peasants and their leaders, the experienced kokujin, m et in council and agreed to make the following demands: (1 J both Hatakeyama armies were to leave Yamashiro province; ( 2 ) all estates theretofore illegally possessed by warriors w ere to be returned to their owners; ( 3 ) all barriers w erolo be withdrawn. Both Hatakeyama forces began to move away loss than a week after this ultimatum. Some of their commanders took refuge in another province, and Tsubai committed suicide. Early in 1486 thirty-six leaders of the Yamashiro-Ikki m et in council at the celebrated Byodo-In of Uji, the scene of many historic events since its beginning as a Fujiwara villa. There they elected a provisional government of the province, to b e administered by officers in monthly rotation. This was a triumphal moment for warriors and peasants, proving the value of their determination to resist oppressive treatment. It should be understood, however, that although the peasants benefited from the new arrangement, the local gentry were still in command. They had chosen to combine with the peasants in revolt, but they had served their own private purposes also, since this new combination protected them against Constables and Deputy Constables. The provisional government was not a mere temporary arrangement. It lasted for eight years. Its officers met regularly to administer the laws and regulations which the council at the Byodo-In had approved; but after those years of self-government the Constables and their officers began to resume their old habits, often with the collaboration of kokujin, who accepted appointments as overseers or even as daikan.3 3. T he Capital in Ruins By the end of the Onin W ar the capital had suffered such destruc tion of life and property that its inhabitants may well have been sunk in despair, especially since war and rioting continued in the Home Provinces, and Kyoto was now at the centre of a storm affecting the whole country. After the armies withdrew in 1477 the city was for a time in the hands of marauders, and the police functions of the Bakufu were most inadequately performed by the Shoshi-dai, the deputies of the Samurai-dokoro. So weak were they that the rioters, many of them members of the numerous ikki, established themselves in great monas teries or shrines like the Toji or Gion, and could not b e ejected. Once installed, the ikki leaders would ring the warning bells day and night, hoping to terrify the rich citizens. Those who suffered most were not the nobles, but the pawnbrokers and the sake dealers. Private house-
holders who feared attack would try to bribe the rioters by gifts of food and drink; others would put up a fence of bamboo or wood, and fight until they were vanquished. T h e raids were not furtive affairs but day light robberies; if they lasted into the night they were lit up by flares. They generally ended in fires. M ost of the conflagrations in the city at this time were due to deliberate incendiarism, not only by the ilda riot ers bu t by small bands of hardened criminals who murdered as well as robbed. Soon the tumult and lawlessness of the city spread to the suburbs and along the main roads leading to Otsu and Yamazaki. Yet the citizens rose above these appalling conditions, and even managed to find some recreation. They went on excursions to the countryside, or attended performances of sangaku, or made pilgrimages to Kamo or Gion. They faced the task of repair with courage, and hastened to cover the scorched earth with new buildings, including a new Tsuchimikado palace and new headquarters for the Shogun. ( Evi dently the taxes which made this work possible came in from the prov inces, though no doubt in much reduced quantities.) Before long the city had resumed its usual busy life. The great avenues (Sanjo and Shijo) were once more lined with shops, and travellers appeared in large numbers. The truth is that the inhabitants had becom e used to danger and knew how to enjoy the present without too much thought of the future. Their acceptance of disaster was not a sign of apathy, for they continued to develop the city’s municipal administration, which had been in an early stage before the Onin W ar. After the war the Bakufu was in effective if not helpless, and it was thanks to the organized efforts of the people, led by merchants and shopkeepers, that the city’s Upper and Lower Quarters (Kami-kyo and Shimo-kyo) rose again from deso lation. A similar form of self-government was growing in other cities and struggling against the destructive forces by which the citizens were so often threatened. This power of recuperation is displayed throughout Japanese history and testifies to the courage and endurance of the people. I t may be added that a society which depends upon wood rather than stone suffers much destruction by fire, but it is a loss that can be repaired in a short time. T h e Court nobles at this time suffered great hardship and loss; it is true, for many of the lesser nobles took refuge in the country and were unable to return since their property was destroyed. But the great families somehow managed to continue their usual way of life, with difficulty at times but still without great change. This is the impression given by the diary of Sanjdnishi Sanetaka, which covers the years from 1474 to 1533, four years before his death. Sanetaka saw great changes, but they came slowly at first. Although he had to be content with a reduced and irregular income from his estate, he experienced none of
the distress which afflicted the poorer, salaried Court officials. H e man aged his affairs with skill and found new sources of revenue. T he lead ing nobles, while no doubt secretly despising the warriors, were clever enough to make use of those who had social ambitions. In 1530 we find Sanetaka making a present to a person whom he had contrived (with help from his military friends) to get appointed as manager of one of the Sanjonishi manors. He was a man of considerable learning and was much respected for his talents both at Court and in the Shogun’s palace. H e was often invited by the Shogun to discuss literature, and he was asked to copy or read or expound written works in great variety—especially antholo gies of verse and such illustrated scrolls as the Ishiyam adera Engi Emeriti. H e was also consulted by the Emperor on the purchase of rare books, and modern Japanese historians owe him a debt of gratitude for saving a complete copy of the Entairyaku, which its poverty-stricken owner was on the point of breaking up. No doubt Sanetaka was more fortunate than most of his peers, but his diary shows that Court society had not collapsed as a sequel of the Onin W ar, and that the Court, while short of funds, was not destitute (as is sometimes suggested). The ceremonial functions of the Emperor were reduced, but he continued traditional observances at shrines and monasteries as well as ordinary ritual within the Palace, including the conferment of ranks and titles. Ceremonies in which all the nobles took part were very rare, and fewer than a hundred were qualified to attend, so that no costly splendours were required except for some special occasion like a coronation, when the Bakufu usually contributed by raising funds from special taxes. Although shorn of its wealth, the Court was still held in respect by the great daimyos. Ouchi Masahiro, growing rich on foreign trade, tried to copy Kyoto culture in his domain, and was in close touch with the capital. And when Ouchi Yoshioki brought the refugee Shogun back to Kyoto in 1508, he was proud to be rewarded with the fourth rank at Court. Sanetaka’s diary gives evidence of the gradual disintegration of the shoen. I t describes in detail the efforts which he was obliged to make in order to obtain revenue from his estates. I t is true that he was in a stronger position than other landlords owing to his cordial relations with the Bakufu; but he had to use all his influence to obtain an adequate income, and towards the end of his career—say by about 1530—his total receipts from the manors of the Sanjonishi family were at such a low point that even small sums are mentioned gleefully in his journal. He was particularly glad to supplement his income by such a perquisite as a royalty on sales of karamushi, a kind of ramie or China grass grown in Yamashiro province. W hile receipts were dwindling, claims were increasing. An early
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example is an order of 1485 from the Bakufu to furnish labour for the building of Yoshimasa's Higashiyama villas. Sanetaka, after consulting the Saionji family (who were joint owners of the manor in question), agreed to send 110 labourers. This was a great drain on the resources of the manor, though still not an intolerable burden. But fifty years later the whole system of shoen was on the point of collapse. 4. T he Provinces after the Onin W ar During the Onin W ar, while the western warlords were spending their strength in Kyoto they were losing control of their own domains, partly because of conspiracies by subordinates whom they had left in charge and partly because Hosokawa had sent emissaries to stir up trouble, especially in the territories of Yamana, Ouchi, and Shiba, his most dangerous rivals. These attempts to foment rebellion show that Hosokawa was well aware of the general trend of feeling in the prov inces. H e no doubt felt impatient at being obliged to stay under siege in Kyoto while important events were taking place elsewhere. It is true that the Onin W ar was an exceptionally bloody struggle, but its importance is perhaps overestimated in most historical accounts, probably because it was full of dramatic episodes, was fought in the capital city, and involved the persons of the imperial family and the Shogun’s household. I t was otherwise not exceptional, for like all the wars of the fifteenth century it was a conflict between two great warrior houses and no strictly national issue was at stake. But very soon the aggregate of these so-to-speak private wars became a single war in which the whole country was involved for a century or more. T he first signs of this disastrous sequence are visible after Hosokawa’s attempt to make trouble in western Japan. The arrival of Ouchi Masahiro’s army in Kyoto in 1468 had been a severe blow to Hosokawa, who felt it urgently necessary to stimulate disloyalty in the W est in Ouchi’s absence. This was not an easy matter, but fortunately for Hoso kawa some of Ouchi’s subordinates had already taken advantage of their overlord’s absence to plot against him with certain Kyushu chieftains whom he had in the past defeated. The Bakufu, under pressure from Hosokawa of course, ordered Shimazu to combine with other leaders against Ouchi, promising them his lands should they be successful. These plans did not succeed, but no doubt the dissension within Ouchi’s circle and the generally uneasy situation in the western provinces took some of the strain off the Eastern Army in Kyoto. This kind of stroke and counterstroke spread over the whole country, involving almost all the leading warrior families. To relate in their complexity the full story of their quarrels and their battles, their shifts of allegiance or alliance, would be to encumber this narrative with confusing detail. Here it is enough to mention only the names of the successful antagonists and the areas of their strife. It should be under-
stood that there was no direct connexion between the Onin W ar and the wars waged in western Japan and the Kanto. Some of these had broken out before Onin, others lasted longer, but of course the Onin W ar had an indirect influence upon their timing and their extent 5. W ar in the Kanto It will be recalled that the office of Governor of the Kanto (K anto K ubo) was brought to an end in 1439 by the defeat and death of Ashikaga Mochiuji. The great Uyesugi family (closely related by marriage to the Ashikaga) took charge of affairs in Kamakura until 1449, when Ashikaga Shigeuji was appointed Kanrei. This Shigeuji showed signs of disloyalty, and arranged for the murder of the Uyesugi who was his Deputy. The whole Uyesugi family arose in anger at this treachery, and drove Shigeuji out of Kamakura. After some years of fighting they asked Kyoto to send a successor to Shigeuji. This was agreed, and in 1459 the Shogun Yoshimasa sent his own younger brother Masatomo to Kamakura. But the supporters of Shigeuji would not allow Masatomo to take up his post, and consequently there were now two deputies of the Shogun in the East. In this absurd situation, where neither claimant was able to exercise his powers, Shigeuji established himself at a small place called Koga in Shimotsuke, while Masatomo settled with his retinue at Horigoye in Izu. T he two men were known respectively as the Koga Kubo and the Horigoye Kubo. They played no part in administration, and they are mentioned here only because in the factional strife which darkened the ensuing years the leaders found it convenient to claim that they were fighting in the cause of a representative of die Ashikaga Shogun. T he government of the Kanto was now once again in the hands of the Uyesugi family, who were extremely powerful. As they increased they split into three main branches, Inukake, Yamanouchi, and Ogiga yatsu, named after the localities in which they resided. The result of this division was an internecine war which continued for some twenty-five years, and came to a stop, or rather a pause, at the end of the Onin W ar, in 1477. There is no need to study this conflict in its sanguinary detail, but one episode deserves attention because it reveals the fundamental weak ness of these great warrior families as they becam e swollen with pride and doomed by ambition. T he Uyesugi of the Yamanouchi branch occupied the stronghold of Kawagoye in Musashi, and the Ogigayatsu branch stood against them in the castle of Shirai in Shimosa. The Ogigayatsu forces were inferior in numbers, but thanks to the efforts of a vassal, their strength was in creased not only in numbers but by the use of a new fortified place. T he vassal was O ta Ddkan, and the fortified place was the castle which he had built at Yedo.
Dokan was a remarkable man. He was a good general with a quick eye for terrain. H e saw that the fortress at Kawagoye was not enough protection along the line of the Tonegawa, and decided that another place should b e fortified to complement i t This was done in 1456-57 and was a remarkable achievem ent The new castle consisted of triple circular galleries, the whole enclosed within great stone walls, rising to a height of one hundred and fifty fe e t I t was surrounded by a deep m oat Dokan’s own residence was in the centre, and included apart ments furnished in excellent taste, where he held poetry meetings or gave other elegant entertainments, for in addition to his merits as a general he had a fine literary judgment. It might b e supposed that Sadamasa and other Ogigayatsu leaders would b e grateful to this loyal man, but in those days murder was a favourite solution of all problems. Sadamasa killed Dokan because of a false rumour retailed to him by a rival. This outrage was committed in 1485, after years of valiant service rendered by Dokan to his lieges. It would seem as if the incessant strife of those days was the work of barbarous chieftains, bent only on slaughter. Yet the Uyesugi leaders, though belonging to a warlike house, were by no means ignorant men. In their family tradition there was a respect for learning, displayed in particular by Uyesugi Norizane, who was Deputy for the Kanto Kanrei in 1440. H e had the proper qualities of a statesman and endeavoured to preserve good feeling between Kyoto and Kamakura; he had scholarly tastes, as we know, and contributed to a revival of the Ashikaga College, furnishing its library with books. His contemporaries spoke of his ability with high respect. I t may be added here that even the brutal Uyesugi Sadamasa had an amiable side to his character. H e found that his son Tomonaga had no desire to succeed him but preferred an easy life of pleasure to the anxieties of leadership. Fearing for the future of his family in an age when the chief occupation of men was to make war, Sadamasa drew up a paper of instructions setting forth his idea of the duties of a warrior. I t was a serious, thoughtful document, and was deemed so appropriate to the times that its text was later used as a copybook by children learn ing to write. In Sadamasa's time, and indeed from soon after the close of the Onin W ar in 1477, few parts of the eastern provinces were at peace. The Uyesugi factions, reduced to two by the death of the Inukake chief tain, resumed hostilities and were fighting hard by 1488, though without decisive results. Large numbers of men were involved, and after a pause the struggle was resumed on a great scale a few years later, at the turn of the century. B y 1500 the Ogigayatsu branch was declining in strength, but it continued to struggle until 1505. In that year it was at last defeated by the Yamanouchi forces, thanks to help sent from Echigo by an Uye-
sugi kinsman named Fusayoshi, who was Constable of that province. The Echigo forces were led by a warrior in Fusayoshi’s service as Deputy Constable, one Nagao Tamekage, who now found in his hands the future of the Uyesugi house in Kamakura. Tamekage was a soldier of fortune, a nariagari-mono or “upstart,” as such men were called by their upperclass contemporaries. Upstarts were not uncommon in this era, for almost every great feudal house was plagued by succession quarrels, often instigated and planned by subordinates who sought to improve their own condition. Tam ekages career is of general as well as par ticular interest, because he is representative of a new type of warrior destined to replace the Constables and other high officers who owed their positions to the Ashikaga family, or even to the Kamakura Shoguns. Tamekage quarrelled with Fusayoshi and took arms against him in 1507, having by then acquired a large following. Fusayoshi was de feated and killed. H e was succeeded as Constable of Echigo by Uye sugi Aldsada, and Tamekage’s appointment as his Deputy (Shugo-dai) was approved by the Bakufu. Tamekage soon felt strong enough to challenge Aldsada, whom he defeated in battle in Echigo in 1510. In this struggle he had the advantage of help from another warrior, one Hojo Soun, a newcomer who was already a power in the Kanto and was to become its master within a few years. Fortunately for Tamekage it happened that his interests were parallel with those of Soun, so that Soun willingly engaged enemies who might otherwise have turned to attack Tamekage. Before long Tamekage had reduced the Uyesugi in the Kanto to a subjection which led to the ultimate collapse of this powerful house. Sdun was a man of much greater ability and much wider ambitions than Nagao Tamekage. His origin is so obscure that even his name and birthplace are not known for certain. H e is thought to have been born in Ise and to have arrived in Suruga about 1475, when he took service with Imagawa, Constable of that province. H e was known then as Ise Shinkuro, presumably a mere cognomen. He gained favour by helping to suppress a rising in Imagawa s territory, and thereafter he made prog ress as an independent leader, being joined by a number of warriors whom his character and military skill had attracted. Having far-reaching designs, he kept an eye on the province of Izu; and he carefully watched the sequence of events at Horigoye, where the Kanto Kubo Ashikaga Masatomo had been installed in his empty office. Masatomo died in 1491 and was succeeded by his son, known by his childhood name as Chachamaru. This appointment led to dissension and to armed clashes which provided Sdun with the excuse for inter vention that he required. H e had a sufficient force ready for action, and he stormed in to capture Horigoye not long after Masatomo’s death. The boy Chachamaru was confined in a small room by his stepmother, but he broke out and killed her before committing suicide himself.
Now Ise Shinkuro was master of the whole province of Izu. At this point he took the surname of Hojo, thereby associating himself with the Hojo Regents, who belonged to Izu and were of Taira origin. His pur pose was to suggest that he was destined to displace the Ashikaga, as the H ojo had displaced the Minamoto Shoguns, thus reviving Taira rule. F o r a given name he adopted the Buddhist appellation of Soun or Sozui, and in the history of the early sixteenth century he is known as Hojo Soun. Now well on the way to further success, he built a stronghold at Nirayama in Izu and studied the situation in other provinces. A refer ence to the above map will show that to protect his position in Izu he needed to hold the strategic position of Odawara, a post town (shukuba-machi) on the high road, giving access from the west by the Hakone Pass and from the east by the coast road passing through or near Kamakura. At that time the castle at Odawara was held by one Omori, a youth who had just succeeded his father. Soun made friends with him, and one day asked for permission to enter the Omori domain on a deer hunt. Permission was granted, and Soun disguised his men
as hunters. The hunt turned into a massacre and the castle was captured. By this treachery, of a kind then regarded as a legitimate stratagem, Soun becam e master of Izu and of the southern portion of Sagami. T o complete his design he now had to extend his influence eastward in the direction of Yedo Bay and northward into Musashi to points where he could defend himself against invasion from the north. This he accom plished in a series of battles and sieges lasting over twenty years. He occupied Odawara in 1494, and by 1516 he was virtual master of all Sagami. Nagao Tamekage’s attacks upon the Uyesugi faction were of assistance to Soun, enabling him to complete his conquest of Sagami in 1518. Soun died at his Nirayama stronghold in 1519, but his son Ujitsuna carried on his work. In 1524 Ujitsuna led a large army into Musashi and attacked the castle at Yedo. At this time the two branches of the Uyesugi, if they had combined, might have checked or stopped his progress. But they were at odds again, and when this news came to Ujitsuna, he hurried into Musashi and defeated one army at Takanawa and another in Yedo castle. He was now in a strong position in Mu sashi, but in order to secure it he was obliged to hold die line from Yedo along the Sumida River. For this purpose he had to anchor his defence at the stronghold of Kawagoye, which commanded the road from Echigo and at the same time stood in the way of an enemy approaching from the north. Such an attacking force would of necessity b e slowed down by crossing the Sumida and Yedo rivers, and would be then in danger of sudden assaults from Kawagoye. In 1539 Ujitsuna defeated and killed the Koga Kubo ( Yoshiald), and forced the submission of the Satomi clan in Awa province, thus carrying Soun’s design an important stage towards completion. But his success at Kawagoye was not decisive. Tim e after time the Uyesugi made des perate efforts to regain the fort, and although Ujitsuna pressed them hard, both branches held out stubbornly against his superior forces. Ujitsuna died in 1541 and was succeeded by Ujiyasu, a man of his grandfather’s stamp, who turned his energies to completing Soun s plan, the domination of the Kantd. At this late hour the two Uyesugi factions saw that they must unite in order to survive. They decided to support the cause of the Koga Kubd and thus to unify Musashi; they failed, though not for want of desperate corn-age. They joined in an attack on Kawagoye in 1542, and they were assisted by troops from Koga. Ujiyasu promptly sent a great reinforcement to attack the enemy outside Kawagoye, while the defenders of the fortress sallied out at night to join the battle. The result was a complete defeat of the Uyesugi forces and the Koga contingent. This successful engage ment fought in the darkness is celebrated in the military annals of Japan. From that date the Go-Hojo (L a ter H 5jo) as they were called, went on to further triumphs, beginning with the destruction of the Uyesugi family. By 1560 most of U jiyasus enemies had been crushed or dis
persed and he was joined by most of the influential warriors in other eastern provinces. T h e Uyesugi branches and the Koga Kubo were destroyed or had vanished. Only Uyesugi Norimasa remained, and he escaped to Echigo, where he put himself under the protection of Nagao Terutora, a son of that Nagao Tamekage whom Soun had assisted in 1510. Terutora ac cepted Norimasa s surrender, and had himself adopted as Norimasa s heir, taking the name of Uyesugi Kenshin and (though remaining in E ch ig o ) claiming to be the legitimate Kant5 Kanrei. His name is famous in military history, especially for his repeated conflicts with another bellicose figure, Takeda Shingen of the neighbouring province of Kai. These two seem to have enjoyed meeting in battle. They are said to have fought several times at Kawanakajima, a place well suited for tac tical experiment, lying in a triangle at the confluence of the Saigawa and the sinuous Chikumagawa in Shinano. Two such encounters (1555 and 1564) are recorded in detail, and there may have been others. Kenshin also caused trouble to the Hojo by raids upon territory which they were peacefully occupying. His first attempt was in 1560, when he crossed the Mikuni-Toge (Three-Province Pass) and after following the course of the Tonegawa, turned off at Umayabashi (th e modem Mayebashi) to deliver a sudden attack in the neighbourhood of Odawara. Having no rear guard, he could not follow up these attacks, which did little more than oblige the H oj6 commanders to take special precautions. H e was joined in Kotsuke by former Uyesugi followers, but to no useful end. W hile he was occupied by this adventure, Takeda Shingen took advantage of his absence to attack enemies in Kotsuke and Musashi. News of this activity stimulated Kenshin to make a second attempt, in 1561; but he did not get far beyond Umayabashi and turned back. These details of Kenshin s raids are of no great interest in themselves, since they were poorly conceived and not well executed; but they throw light on the strategic principles followed by Soun and his successors. Ujiyasu retaliated by attacking those friends of Kenshin who were near, and making friendly approaches to Kenshin s enemies who were distant. Thus he dealt severe punishment to the Satake family in Hitachi and took special steps to cause trouble in Kenshin’s own province of Echigo and in adjacent regions. As part of this policy he proffered help to the Ikko ( Single-minded) sect of Buddhists, who were then firmly estab lished in the province of Kaga, which lies between Echizen and Kenshin's own province of Echigo. Letters addressed to the temple of the sect in Kaga (th e H onseiji), written at Ujiyasu’s instance in 1561 and 1562 by the then Kubo, have been preserved and show that his policy had been most carefully thought out, and that he had a good under standing of the political influence of the sectarians. He suggested that they should consult their brethren in other districts and devise ways of attacking Kenshin and so extending their own sphere.
The development of the Ikko sect is one of the most remarkable phenomena in the history of religion in Japan. I t derived from the Amidist teaching—the Nembutsu or Buddha-calling—of the great evan gelist Shinran (1 1 7 3-1262), and it had been developed on congrega tional and anti-monastic if not anti-clerical lines by his apostolic succes sor in the eighth generation, the extremely gifted Rennyo (1 4 1 5 -9 9 ). Rennyo’s unorthodox views, expressed in words and deeds while he was Abbot of the Kyoto Honganji, the cathedral of the sect, had so enraged the monks of the Enryakuji that in 1465 they burned down his house. His life was in danger and he barely escaped into the country, where he travelled and preached for some years with astonishing suc cess. In 1471 he settled at a place called Yoshizaki and built a church which was soon continually thronged by converts, mostly but not all of a simple peasant class. The sect, which was self-governing, grew and flourished to such a point that its influence spread through the northern provinces, particularly in Echizen and the adjoining Kaga. Its believers resented any interference by the civil or military authorities and were quick to resort to force against attempts to control them. In Kaga they rose (about 1486) and drove out the hereditary Constable, one Togashi, thus becoming de facto rulers of the whole province. They were so strong that Togashi implored the Bakufu to suppress them, and appro priate orders were issued. But they defeated a force sent against them by the powerful Asakura of Echizen—a hard nut to crack. Togashi escaped, but he committed suicide in Etchu. T h e Ikko pas tors continued to rule Kaga until 1576, when they were ejected by the leaders of a new warrior society. 6. Provincial Autonomies The foregoing descriptions of almost ceaseless warfare may have given the impression that by the close of the fifteenth century the whole country had lapsed into a chaotic state in which there was no room for progress in the civil arts. B ut such a dark picture would b e far from the truth. To b e sure, there was much destruction of property and some loss of life in battle, though perhaps less than is usually supposed, for plagues and famines were much more deadly than mediaeval weap ons. But there was much advance as well. The armies had to be fed, and the landowners great and small, though they may have taken to town life, still belonged to an agrarian society and knew the importance of agriculture. Indeed, in a general way it is fair to say that members of the military class, from the barons holding a province or more down to the owner of a few score acres, began at the time of the greatest disturbance to see that their prospects of taking and holding more territory were far less favourable than their opportunity to increase the yield of their lands by better farming and the promotion of industry. Moreover, the landowners who had freed
themselves from the control of the Bakufu soon found that if they wished to keep their independence, they must pay serious attention to organ izing their human and material resources. They had to perfect the ad ministration of their domains, to regulate the life of their people, and above all to foster improvement in agricultural and industrial methods. This was done in some places with remarkable success, though not always to the benefit of the peasantry. As we have seen, a number of new families rose to prominence. Their origins were various, but most of them began as vassals of the great houses, or as small landowners—members of the rural gentry— who had singly or in combination brought others into their orbit. Some reached their position from a similar starting point by being appointed Constable of a province or provinces as a reward or a bribe by the Ashikaga Shoguns of the day. In effect, the last years of the fifteenth century and the early part of the sixteenth saw a redistribution of power throughout the country. There were now a score or so of warlords of the first rank, independent rulers of territory comprising one or more provinces. There were two or three hundred of less importance, whose land was not of great extent but who were efficient enough to be valuable friends or dangerous ene mies in times of trouble. Most of them were in some degree subordinate to the great territorial lords, the daimyos. It is not possible to give an exact picture of the distribution of power after the Onin W ar, since changes were violent and frequent and it was many years before stability was reached. But for a time after 1500 the position of the prominent warlords was roughly as follows: Northern provinces: Yuki, Nambu, Date, Ashina Eastern provinces: Hojo, Satomi Eastern seaboard: Imagawa Northwestern provinces: Uyesugi, Takeda, Asakura, Saito Home Provinces: Hosokawa Shikoku: Chosokabe Western provinces: Ouchi, Mori, Amako, Yamana, Ulata Kyushu: Ryuzoji, Arima, Omura, Otomo, Shimazu There were a number of minor warrior families as well, but here the changes were so rapid that it is hardly possible to keep track of them. At a bold guess their number in the year 1500 was less than three hun dred. W hen the position was stabilized in the seventeenth century, there were about one hundred daimyos with a revenue of upwards of 50,000 koku per annum, and the records show that in 1614 there were altogether fewer than two hundred daimyos with a revenue of 10,000 koku or more.* * This figure is reached by a computation based upon DaimyO Ichiran, in Doku~ th i Biyd.
1. Asakura T oshikage political history of the age of the Muromachi Shoguns, the most striking feature is the rise of a new governing class composed of warriors of modest origin who by force or threat ejected the high pro vincial officers appointed by the Bakufu, confiscated public and private property on a large scale, and becam e independent rulers of wide areas, often a whole province, sometimes more. Their rise is an aspect of the concurrent decline of established civil authority. T o make clear the steps by which this far-reaching change was brought about, an account of the career of one of these successful rebels will serve better than a description of their class in general terms. The most convenient example is that of Asakura Toshikage (1 4 2 8 -8 1 ), whose activities in Echizen may be taken as typical, uncomplicated by such extraneous issues as events in the capital and in neighbouring prov inces, and amply documented. Asakura belonged to a family who were hereditary vassals of the important house of Shiba. As a youth he attracted attention by his in telligence and his military skill, and in 1453, when a feud broke into violence between two branches of the Shiba clan in Echizen, he was charged by the Bakufu to settle it, by force if necessary. This required some years of fighting in support of the claim of Shiba Yoshikado.1 At length, in 1459, Yoshikado was agreed upon as the new Shiba chieftain, and Asakura assumed the function of Deputy Constable. In this position he gained considerable wealth by eating into the rich manors within his territory, notably those which belonged to the Kofukuji monastery of Nara. In 1466 he attacked the Echizen property of Ichijo Kanera, the last estate left to that distinguished nobleman, but the peasants on the estate drove out Asakura's men, knowing that they would get better treatment from a nobleman than from a warrior. The outbreak of the Onin W ar gave Asakura excellent opportunities for adding to his wealth, since both the Eastern and the W estern armies wished him to join them and he therefore had little fear of rebuke, still less of punishment. In 1471, when the war was still at its height, he declared that he had cut his ties of loyalty to the Shiba family and henceforth would serve only the Shogun. Thereupon he joined the Eastern Army and served as Yoshimasa s commander in Echizen. Be- i In
i Yoshikado was later (1 4 6 7 ) to become the Kyoto Kanrel, but he lost the office about a year after his appointment
fore this a prominent churchman had observed of such behaviour: “This kind of thing has become the rule among warriors. Everything they do nowadays is something that common sense could not have foreseen* At the end of 1471 Asakura assumed the office of Constable of Echizen and announced that he meant to confiscate all the manors in that province. H e moved to a new castle, wore Court dress, and behaved as if he were a great noble. His behaviour so offended the local war riors that they rose against him. This gave some satisfaction to the former lords of the manors, but had no effect upon Asakura. In 1472 he was attacked by the K ai family (also vassals of Shiba). The struggle between the two armies was bitter and protracted, but towards the end of 1472 Asakura brought his full strength against the K ai forces and routed them. Some of the K ai commanders killed themselves, others fled into Kaga, and Asakura becam e master of all Echizen. The scale of the campaign was relatively small, the strength of Asakura's main body being recorded as not more than 7,000 men (probably a correct figure, since the province was not thickly populated). Having disposed of his chief enemy, Asakura was now Constable in fact as well as in name. H e need no longer cut slices from the estates of rich monasteries or noblemen; he could swallow them whole. Soon after his victory he ordered manorial lords to pay him half their revenue ( under the hanzei system ) for the support of his military establishments, and he seized the property of the K ai family for distribution among his followers. Petitions and claims by injured landowners poured into the courts at Kyoto, but the Bakufu was helpless. Asakura pursued his policy of robbery undisturbed. In Echizen the warrior was now the master, and the lord of the manor was at his command. As we have seen in Chapter XH , that was the pattern of land tenure which pre vailed in the last decades of the fifteenth century. In its national setting the history of the Asakura family in Echizen explains the breakdown of the shoen in a most vivid fashion; and it traces the steps by which a new governing class was formed, as the Constables duly appointed by the Bakufu were replaced by self-made men taking advantage of the failure of central authority, the process culminating shortly after the end of the Onin W ar. It should be recalled that the Shiba family was one of the most important warrior houses in Japan. I t was in high favour when Takauji formed the Ashikaga Bakufu. Shiba Takatsune had followed Takauji to war, and his son Shiba Yoshimasa was the first Deputy (K anrei) ap pointed in Kyoto. Yoshimasa was also made Constable of half a dozen provinces, and one of his successors was Constable of Owari and Totomi as well; but Echizen was the real headquarters of the Shiba family. The family’s domains were so widespread that Shiba vassals were naturally entrusted with important offices in all their provinces, and held the post of Deputy Constable in some. At the outbreak of the Onin W ar
the family’s leading vassals were Kai and Asalcura in Echizen, and Oda in Owari. Asalcura continued his depredations without serious opposition until 1479, when the Shiba family felt obliged to force the issue. A decisive battle took place in the neighbourhood of the Kofukuji farms, and the Shiba and Kai forces, supplemented by peasants conscripted from the fields, fought back vigorously but were once again defeated. Hostilities continued until 1481, by which time all the Kai men had been driven out of Echizen. During those days of victory Asakura died, and was succeeded by his son. There followed an astonishing settlement of the rebellion of Asakura. The Shiba chieftain surrendered but formally maintained his position as Asakura’s overlord. In 1483 an agreement was reached by which the new Asakura was recognized as Deputy Constable of Echizen, Kai as Deputy Constable of Totomi, and Oda as Deputy Constable of Owari, while Shiba Yoshikado was recognized as overlord of all three Deputies. In fact, however, all but a small portion of the Shiba property was shared by Asakura, Kai, and Oda. The Shiba family lost its prominence, and the three vassals were left to play important parts in the new era. 2. H ouse Law s and Civil Administration W hen Asakura s position in Echizen was assured, his thoughts natu rally turned to the future, and he laid down rules for his descendants to follow, so as to preserve their inheritance. These have been trans mitted to posterity in a document known as the Injunction of Seventeen Articles ( T oshikage Jushichikajd), which may have been compiled after his death but undoubtedly followed his wishes. I t is an extremely interesting document, for it not only reveals the sentiments of Asakura but is characteristic of the behaviour of a suc cessful rebel who, having reached a high position by flagrant defiance of the law, announces strict rules of public and private behaviour that his successors are to obey. It should b e added that however reprehen sible the conduct of Asakura and his kindred may have been, they must b e credited with an energy and a determination of which the older families of Constables seemed no longer capable. T h e Injunction of Seventeen Articles belongs to a class of literature called Kaho or House Laws, which set forth rules of conduct for mem bers of a family in the administration of its domains. The Articles are worth translating in full as an expression of ideas current among the new warlords. They are as follows: • 1. In the Asakura family special appointments will not be given to elders. Advisers shall be chosen for their ability and their loyalty. 2. Even retainers who have served the Asakura family for genera
tions are not to be given administrative posts unless they are capable. 3. Though the world may b e at peace, intelligence agents should be maintained in other provinces, near or distant, to study conditions there. 4. Swords or daggers of famous warriors ought not to be coveted. A sword worth ten thousand pieces can be overcome by one hundred spears worth only one hundred pieces. 5. Actors of the Komparu, Kanze, Hosho, and Kita schools of No must not be frequently brought from Kyoto for performances. The money needed for such a purpose should be spent on the training of clever young dancers of the district for its permanent benefit. 6. Performances are not to be given in the castle at n igh t 7. Valuable horses and falcons shall not be ordered from the places where they are bred on the pretence that they are needed for the training of officers. This ban does not apply to unsolicited gifts from other prov inces, but after three years such gifts should be passed on to some other family. T o keep them is to bring sorrow. 8. W hen wearing ceremonial dress at the New Year, members of the Asakura family should confine themselves to nunoko [? wadded cotton], and this should bear their crest. I f they wear costly garments, no samurai in the country will feel that he can attend upon his superiors without dressing up. T he result will be that samurai will absent them selves from their duties for long periods on a plea of illness; and in the end they will be of little service to the Asakura house. 9. On the choice of servants. Cleverness is less important than other qualities in a servant. Honesty is im portant Even a lazy fellow makes a good servant or messenger if he is of especially good appearance. B u t do not employ one who has neither good character nor good looks. 10. D o not treat as servants people who are not your servants. 11. D o not entrust confidential papers to a samurai from another province, unless it is unavoidable. 12. Do not allow other families to persuade persons with a special talent to leave your service, whether monks or laymen. 13. In preparing for battle, do not waste time selecting an auspicious day or a correct direction. 14. Three times a year you should send honest and capable persons on a tour of inspection throughout the province. They should listen to the views of people of all classes and remedy errors in government. One of you [sons] ought sometimes to take on this duty, wearing a light disguise. 15. No castle or stronghold other than that of the ruler is to be built in the province. All important people must reside in Ichijogatani [the castle town], and their estates are to be managed by bailiffs or servants. 16. W hen passing in front of monasteries, shrines, or dwelling houses, rein in your horse. If the place is pretty, praise i t If it is in poor condition, express your sympathy. This will have a good effect
17. W hen judging lawsuits be completely impartial. I f any wrongful act by an official comes to your notice, punish it severely.
These regulations speak for themselves. They show that the new barons had begun to understand that to develop their territory by good, firm government was more profitable than to expand it at a great cost of life and treasure. Unfortunately for them they usually went to ex tremes of protection in their desire for self-sufficiency, and thus created tensions which led to further conflicts. Something of this kind is true of many of the new rulers, the Niwaka Daimyd or Sudden Lords, as they were called by Kyoto cynics. In their efforts to enforce their laws, their treatment of offenders was generally harsh and at times unspeakably cru e l But the public works which they promoted were of benefit to the people at large. Thus in 1537 one of Asakura’s successors introduced an irrigation system by which water was carried by channels to groups of ten villages, for further distribution by them. Other important works of this kind were the stone embank ments built for flood control of the tributaries of the Fujikaw a by Takeda Shingen about 1545, and similar works along the course of the Tonegawa, put in hand by the Hojo family to regulate its flow through the Musashi plain. I t may be added that Asakura Toshikage himself, for all his coarse brutality, had some literary and artistic leanings, and hoped to establish a centre of culture in his domains. The ruins of his castle at Ichijogatani indicate that he had handsome apartments, a library, and an elegant garden in correct Muromachi style. Similarly, the exploits of Hojo Soun and his sons were not confined to battle and plunder. Soun was impressed with the importance of good governm ent When he took the castle at Nirayama in Izu after his suc cessful occupation of Odawara in 1491 ( a few years later than Asakuras successes in E ch izen ), he at once turned his attention to questions of civil administration. The H ojo G odatki, a history of his family, says that he regarded the people as his children. This was a relationship postulated in classical treatises on government, and we need not suppose that Soun took it seriously. But no doubt he recognized that it would be prudent to treat the people with consideration. He is said to have issued from Nirayama a notice to farmers saying that he would reduce the amount of tax payable by them from five-tenths to four-tenths of the total crop. This ratio was known as “shiko rokumin,” or “four to the Prince and six to the People,” and was regarded as generous at that time. Soun also undertook not to impose special levies, such as tansen ( land ta x ), yazeni ( “arrow-money,” or war ta x ), and kurayaku (pawnshop ta x ). But this relief did not last long. The cost of war was high and the
H ojo were surrounded by enemies. By the time of Ujitsuna, if not sooner, there were to be many changes. New taxes and surtaxes were imposed, and it seems that many peasants absconded, for in 1550 it was announced that peasants who had left without paying taxes would not be obliged to pay arrears if they came back, but must pay regularly thereafter. Other measures show that an attempt was made by the Hojo to improve the treatment of workers, and on the whole the family's adminis tration was lenient by the standard of the time; but life was hard for labouring men, and most of the concessions made benefitted only skilled workers, like stonemasons or shipwrights. However, farmers without special skills who assisted in the opening up of new land in the Musashi plain were encouraged by exemption from taxes and other duties. The House Laws, as may be inferred from the Asakura articles, are valuable sources of knowledge bearing upon the character of individual rulers and their outlook as a class. Among the best known of these documents are: Jinkaishu Koshu Hatto Ouchi-ke Kabegaki Soun no Nijuichikajo Yuki-shi Hatto Imagawa Kanamokuroku
T he code of the D ate family T he laws of the Takeda family T he “wall-writings’’ of the Ouchi family The twenty-one articles of Hojo Soun The laws of the Yuld family T he Kana Index of d ie Imagawa
O f these the Ouchi wall-writings, which contain some articles dated 1440, are probably the earliest. D ie contents of these documents vary from simple rules of personal behaviour to a detailed criminal code. Most of them have two features in common: first, a strict concern for the protection and the survival o f the family and its domain, and second, most severe penalties for offences, however slight, which might lead to the advantage of a rival house. The codes are interesting in many respects, in particular because they were attempts by successful men to replace the now obsolete Joei Formulary and its supplements by rules that were better suited to the new order. T he codes are written in simple language, in contrast to the Joei Formulary, which could not be understood without some knowledge of legal terms. The Imagawa and Yuld laws are written in kana, and the Yuld laws are in local dialect for easy understanding by the country people. The codes are not statements of principle, concerned with rights as well as duties, but positive disciplinary rules which must be obeyed under penalty. Thus the Koshu Hatto of the Takeda family contains the rule that both parties to a quarrel leading to violence shall be punished “irrespective of the rights and wrongs” of the case ( “zehi ni oyobazu”). The punishment might be death. The purpose of this rule was doubtless
to maintain order within the ruler's domain, since constant internal feuds would lead to a loss of military efficiency; but it is doubtful whether it ever prevented high-spirited warriors from drawing their swords in private brawls. Another feature of these House Laws was the doctrine of joint re sponsibility ( en za ), according to which the guilt of an offender was shared by his family or by his servants. This was an old principle, applied in the early codes only to such crimes as high treason; but in the late fifteenth century it was extended to more offences and applied to more people. In such cases as failure to pay tax or to apprehend evildoers, a whole village might b e punished for the fault of one peasant. T he severity of the law was matched by the cruelty of the punish ments which it decreed. Their very descriptions evoke a shudder. Quite apart from the specific barbarities, in general the new laws show a sad decline from the standards of the Kamakura codes, which had their severity tempered by a certain liberal quality. Despite these oppressive laws, however, self-interest dictated to the new rulers a degree of moderation in their treatment of the most im portant producers under their control. T he benefits accorded to peasants and skilled artisans by the L ater Hojo have already been pointed out, and they were emulated by other daimyos. Soun and his heirs were men who understood what makes for profitable administration; but in a gen eral way the new territorial lords, even the most backward, soon found that in the competitive society of their day they could not increase the harvest of their farms or the output of manufactured goods unless they gave some thought to the condition of their workers—the mass of peasants and the smaller but no less important body of artisans and craftsmen. 2. Peasant Protection One of the tasks that occupied the attention of the new class of daimyos was the destruction of the long chain of privileges and claims separating the manorial lord and the producers. W hen all who profited from the land were satisfied—the landlord, the steward, the officers of the sho, the managers, the tenants, and the unavoidable tax c o lle cto rlittle was left for the man who tilled the soil. I t was necessary to sweep away this complex of rights and duties, but that was not easily done, since there is nothing more stubborn than ancient privilege. Even when the shoen was abolished, it was survived by abuses which it had created, and special efforts were needed to protect the peasant Thus, for in stance, in 1587 a daimyo in Wakasa was obliged to issue an order which said: “The headmen and the former shden officials in the villages are not to employ the ordinary peasants upon private work, even for a short period.” Such orders were common, and in some domains, in particular those of the Hojo family, peasants were allowed to bring petitions or suits against offending parties.
Further measures which gave relief to peasants were the unifying of the rate of tax upon farm products—the usual rate being half the crop—and the abolition of onerous surtaxes. These measures were not dictated by sympathy but by a desire for efficiency. Other measures show that it was thought important to take special steps to keep the peasant on the land; one common measure was an agreement among neighbouring daimyos to surrender fugitive peasants. Peasants abscond ed then, as always, when they were ill-treated by bailiffs or when they got into debt because of illness, or a poor harvest, or the destruction of their crops by raiders in wartime. W ar damage was common in those years. For example, in 1479 the whole of the Hosorogi manor in Echizen was destroyed by flames during a battle. In the following year half the ripening crops of the Tsuboye manor were trampled by troops of K ai fighting against Asakura. Two months later one thousand con scripted peasants were forced into the battle area and lost their lives. These were exceptional disasters, but lesser troubles constantly afflicted the peasants. Among the corv£es imposed upon peasants was military service. This was rarely systematic, since at most times they could not be spared from the farms; but they were mobilized as soldiers in emergency. The practice was not at all common until the end of the fifteenth century, by which time the substitution of infantry fighting for the old-fashioned conflicts of mounted warriors was transforming the art of warfare. An early example is the use of armed peasants in the decade 1501-10, during Uyesugi Sadazane’s campaigns in Echigo. By about 1570 we find Uyesugi Kenshin telling peasants in his domain to report for military service wearing armour and carrying weapons in company formation, each company with a banner. The form of the summons was a request rather than an order, and a reward was promised to those who complied. But the practice developed, and later in the century peasants were regu larly conscripted for military service as combatants or transport workers. As early as 1577 Takeda of Kai issued a mobilization order to all men between fifteen and sixty years of age, of all classes. An important change took place in rural life as the new barons established themselves in their fortified castles. They grew more and more averse to letting their more important vassals and followers re side on their own estates, where they might plot mischief. Consequently they obliged such important people to reside near the castle, leaving their estates to be managed by stewards. This action resulted in the growth of castle towns ( joka-m achi) and the separation of the warrior from the farmer. Hitherto there had been no clear distinction between the two classes, since a warrior might be a farmer living on his own land. But now the professional soldier lived an urban life, and rural society developed on new lines, with an elaborate organization of village life and marked social distinctions between the headman and the plain cultivator.
The affairs of a village or a group of villages were managed by a kind of council in which a strict order of precedence was maintained. T he senior members were called otona, or elders. They were carefully selected by the council members from among men with certain qualifica tions of family origin, age, and property. On appointment they went through a ceremony, and usually an honorific affix was added to their names ( such as Tayu or Emon or Chobei). A typical petition, addressed by a village to the landlord of an estate in 1542, is signed by two elders (oto n a), two men of middle age and status ( chu-otona ) , and two young men ( w aka-shu ), thus representing all classes. I t would seem that the elders must have been free peasants of the status of myoshu at le a st Village meetings ( yoriai ) were frequ en t and those who failed to at tend when summoned were fined. Such well-organized councils were more common in the Home Prov inces than in distant parts of the country, and so, of course, were most other evidences of sophistication. But not all places at a distance from die capital were backward. There was little hint of provincialism in the principal towns in the domains of powerful daimyos. Otomo’s castle town at Funai in Bungo had fine buildings, busy streets, and thriving markets, and is said to have had a population of 8,000 in the late six teenth century. Similarly the castle town of the Ouchi family at Yamaguchi in Suo was an important centre of culture, built in imitation of Kyoto, and a favourite place among travelling noblemen, many of whom, being indigent, were happy to b e entertained for long periods b y rich warlords. 4. Industrial Growth One of the chief concerns of *he new barons was the development of industries, and among these the most important was mining. Old mines were developed, improved, and enlarged, and prospecting discovered new ones. T he most important at this time w ere gold and silver mines, since the daimyos could convert their product directly into currency for military and other expenditure. Mining methods were rudimentary until about 1530, when the discovery of silver in Iwami led one of the Hakata merchants—they were noted for their enterprise—to bring skilled men from China and Korea to supervise an improved smelting process. L ater (1 542) a richer deposit was found at Ikuno in Tajim a. Apart from profits in foreign trade, a principal source of the wealth of the Mori family was the Omori silver mine, which fell into their hands during a campaign in Iwami province in 1556. Gold mining and refining also made good progress, and the daimyo whose territory included gold mines was especially fortunate. The technique of deep mining made rapid advances, and we begin to hear of skilled miners used as sappers during the siege of a castle. In this way, too, as well as by the arming of peasants and the introduction of muskets (see p. 26 3 ), the art of war had advanced in the two centuries since
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A page from the first extant Japanese book
printed from moveable type
the struggle between the two Courts. Now there were stone walls a hundred feet high and trained men to undermine them. Other kinds of mining made little progress during the sixteenth century, no doubt because the leaders of the country were intent upon war and upon production for warlike purposes. Iron ore is scarce in Japan, but there was a sufficient supply of easily worked iron sand, so that there is nothing new to record in the production of iron and steel materials, except perhaps for some advances in the manufacture of cutting tools other than swords. Weaving, paper-making, block printing, and similar crafts were al ready well advanced, and made no special progress, apart from some fine editions of books, known as Gozan-ban, produced by Zen monks.* I t was not until a degree of peace had been achieved that any notable technical advances were made. The new barons did, it is true, encourage and control the skilled artisans in their domains, especially those who made a direct contribu tion to military strength. As Soun treated shipwrights with care, so did most rulers accord favourable treatment to such workers as the iron moulders, who, as well as making pots and kettles, could furnish parts for muskets. 5. Communications, Travel, and Transport W ith the development of production in agriculture and industry there naturally arose a need for improved communications within the domains of each daimyo and, granted certain precautions, between one province and another. In eastern and northern Japan, where waterways were scarce, such new barons as Hojo, Takeda, and Uyesugi paid special attention to the maintenance of roads, and established systems of fast couriers and post stations (shukuba) where travellers were lodged and furnished with horses or other means of transport. B y the beginning of the sixteenth century these facilities were well developed. They were devised with wartime requirements in view, but they served the purpose of private travellers, especially merchants in pursuit of their trade. Travel was unsafe by land or water in many regions, and merchants usually travelled in company. In addition, passage from one domain to another was often difficult, because fear of spies dictated the examina tion of all travellers at barriers. The post system—the supply of horses 2 The standard of block printing was generally high, thanks in the first place to the need of the Buddhists for copies of the Chinese translation of the sutras and later, under the Ashikaga regime, to a growing enthusiasm for Chinese classical studies. The Jesuits had a small printing press in Kyushu in 1590, but the first extant work printed by Japanese from movable type is an edition of the Analects made in 1598 at the command of the Emperor Go-Yozei. Movable type had been used in Korea from about 1400, and it is probable that the Japanese were impressed by its ad vantages during the invasions of Korea in 1592-97. Movable type, however, proved unsuitable for popular works in Japan, which needed a running script, and by about 1640 block printing was resumed for all purposes.
and the carriage of goods—was controlled by the daimyo through whose territory the traveller passed, and in many domains horses could not be hired without a voucher issued by the daimyo and presented to officials at each stage. The tolls levied on passengers and goods were at one time extremely onerous, in frequency rather than in am ount Records state that about 1450 there were over six hundred octroi posts (probably including ferries) along the Yodo River in a distance of twenty-five miles. On the road taken by pilgrims to Ise there were sixty barriers in the ten miles from Kuwana to the shrine. I t is true that the toll was very small, like Charon’s obol, but the annoyance to travellers was g reat Despite these hardships and restrictions travel by road increased rapidly in the sixteenth century. One of the sights that struck foreign visitors to Japan, beginning with the Jesuit missionaries, was the great flow of traffic on the highroads. I t was mostly pedestrian traffic. The main road from Kyoto to the eastern provinces (the Tokaido) was crowded with people o f all classes and callings, officials, merchants, soldiers, couriers, pedlars, countrymen leading strings of pack horses, and (as the peasants gained freedom of movement) pilgrims by the hundred or even the thousand. Some of the pilgrimages took them to distant places, such as Ise or Kumano or provinces farther west; and (rather later) they would clim b to the summit of Mount Fu ji, wearing white pilgrims’ robes and reciting a prayer as they toiled up the steep path. The express courier service from Kamakura to Kyoto took seven days —or only four in special emergencies—as compared with ten to fourteen days in the twelfth century. Throughout the middle ages coasting trade flourished, especially in sheltered waters such as the Inland Sea. Most of the Constables took positive steps to encourage this traffic, since few of the central and west ern provinces were without direct access to the sea. Larger vessels were built with greater carrying capacity; and a “sengoku-bune,” a vessel carrying 1,000 koku (5,000 bushels) of rice or other such cargo, was a common sight in busy harbours. Coasting trade in the Japan Sea was more difficult, owing to the stormy weather and the shortage of safe harbours; but during the fifteenth century this kind of trade increased as harbours were improved at such places as Obama, Mikuni, Sakata, Tsuruga, and Naoyetsu. I t was not until after the end of the Muromachi era that the voyage from these ports westward, then south about Choshu (N agato) and through the Straits of Shimonoseld into the Inland Sea, was regularly made.
SEABORNE TRADE 1. D evelopm ents in the W estern Provinces T r a d i t i o n a l l y Kyushu in particular and the extreme west of the main island in general were regarded as somewhat remote from the main field of political activity, which for obvious historical reasons stretched from the Home Provinces eastward to Kamakura. But during the flourishing period of the Muromachi Bakufu the western daimyos becam e extremely active and showed a strong spirit of independence. In the course of the fifteenth century, while men like Asakura, Hojo, Takeda, and Uyesugi were consolidating and extending their baronies in the East, a similar process was going on in the W est, with the result that regional differences in political organization between E ast and W est all but disappeared. B y about 1500 the most powerful of the western barons—Shimazu, Otomo, and Ouchi—were beginning to play an important part in the national scene. Ouchi, for instance, gave shelter in Yamaguchi to the fugitive Shogun in 1500 and later (1508) restored him to office. Naturally there was a frequent conflict of interest between eastern and western potentates, and one of the puzzles of Japanese political history is the contradiction—or the seeming contradiction—between the fierce rivalries among warlords in the fifteenth century and the search for some kind of national unity which is a peculiar feature of the six teenth. The warlords of the early period aimed at extending and pro tecting their domains, but the later military leaders wished to dominate the whole country. Some modem historians are at a loss to explain this anomaly; but apart from a natural desire to restore a central (m ilitary) government which had lasted for centuries, there was a social reason which, though perhaps not cogent, is worth taking into account. W ith the growth of their military power most of the successful war lords developed an interest in learning, and invited to their castles dis tinguished scholars, learned clerics, and poets and painters of high repute. These warlike men were anxious to promote the arts of peace, and we need not question their motives. They wanted to keep up with their rivals, but also they felt a respect for learning which is traditional in most Asian countries. This community of taste brought about a cer tain cultural unity. Thence it was a long way to political unity, but first steps are important though they may falter. It might be said that the craze for linked verses formed a tie between enemies; and this is not astonishing if one bears in mind the part played by poets and poetasters in the national life.
The arts flourished in the W est as well as the East, to the extent that Yamaguchi rivalled Sumpu, the capital of Suruga, as a stronghold of poetry. Many successful warriors in western Japan turned their minds to aesthetic matters, and even descended to antiquarian studies. They sought and enjoyed the company of Court nobles, who stood for the traditional culture of Japan. They bought valuable books, and some were such ardent collectors that they might at times be bribed by gifts of incunabula (o r the Oriental equivalent) to allow to needy courtiers some revenue from their confiscated estates. There can have been few castles in the country without some pre cious manuscripts or pictures, or at least the services of resident scholars and artists. Interest in the fine arts, particularly in painting, had been limited in the past to Court circles and to monastic society, but in the Muromachi age, partly because of Yoshimasa s example, the taste for pictures grew rapidly among the barons, who invited great artists to visit their domains. The Ouchi family in particular was able to be very lavish, having rich lands and deriving great profit from trade with China. The best example of the Ouchi family's interest in painting is the invitation of Ouchi Masahiro to the great painter Sesshu to come to Yamaguchi, where the celebrated Long Scroll (C hokan) was painted in 1486. I t was one of the beneficial results of the Onin W ar that men of letters and artists took refuge in country places. Kyoto was no longer the predominant cultural metropolis, and the Gozan school of literature had lost its leadership. I t is true that when Yoshimasa was Shogun metropolitan influence was still strong, but it was no longer exclusive. One of the finest painters of the time was Sesson (ca. 1504-89), a gifted follower of Sesshu. H e never even saw the capital, but spent his active life in the province of H itachi, sometimes visiting other domains, such as those of the Ashina family in remote Aizu. His chief work seems to strike a native note in contrast to the masterpieces of Sesshu, in which a Chinese flavour can be detected—a flavour, the best authorities tell us, not of the M ing paintings which he saw in China but of the earlier Sung paintings which he had studied in Japan. I t is an interesting foot note to the history of relations between the two countries that Sesshu did not think highly of the work of his Chinese contemporaries. So much for the plastic arts. The theatre was in its early stages of development, but the dengaku and other plays were frequently per formed in the castles of the warlords, as well as at the courts of Yoshi masa and his successors. Asakura’s reference to the various schools of No has already been cited, and other barons displayed an interest in this new dramatic form. Ouchi invited a company of the Kanze school to perform at Yamaguchi, and players of the Komparu school went to the island of Tsushima at the Constable So’s request in or about the year 1550. In the light of these facts it may be suggested that the rapid decline
of central government from about 1500 served to promote the idea of a national culture shared by all and not belonging exclusively to the capital city. This sentiment did not of course dictate political action, but it did at least counteract in some degree the separatist trends dis played by the new barons. And at the same time it stimulated new local cultures, as when a new school of Confucian studies was developed in Tosa. The growth of travel by road doubtless served also to moderate the intense localism which has always been a feature o f Japanese life. Among the travellers were the rengashi, the professors of linked verse, who went from province to province much as the mediaeval troubadours called at one castle after another in France. At times, no doubt, they also acted as spies and gave the warlords news from other territories. 2. T he Arrival o f the Portuguese W hile the Hosokawa family were losing their hold in the Home Provinces, and while Hojo, Asakura, Takeda, and Uyesugi were consoli dating their strength in the East, three great warlords whom we have just noticed were developing their resources in the W e st These were Shimazu and Otomo in Kyushu and Ouchi on the mainland. They were rivals, but they were not at war with one another. Ouchi was to be re placed by a vassal, Mori Motonari, in 1554, but the balance of power remained unchanged. The three great baronies formed a relatively stable centre of power in western Japan. T he utter collapse of the Bakufu, which may b e placed at about mid-century, created a situation calling for some unifying force if the whole country was not to be divided into two or more autonomous regions, or to crumble into anarchy. Such a unifying force was already taking form, but before its full development a new figure, or rather two new figures, intruded upon the national scene—the Portuguese trader and the Portuguese missionary. The importance of these new elements in Japanese history tends to b e exaggerated by W estern writers. Naturally the arrival of Europeans in Japan is of peculiar interest to W estern readers, and it has many dra matic aspects; but in the long chronicle of Japanese history it is a sec ondary episode. T he first Europeans to land in Japan were three Portuguese who reached the small island of Tanegashima off the shore of southern Kyu shu in (o r about) 1542, when a Chinese junk in which they had taken passage was blown off its course in a typhoon. The muskets which they carried caused excitement among the rescuers, and for a long time after this event the Japanese name for such firearms was Tanegashima. The weapons were soon copied in considerable numbers, but it would be a mistake to suppose that the use of firearms at once brought about a
great change in methods of warfare in Japan. F o r although they were used in the major battles of the sixteenth century, they remained in scarce supply for a century or more, and they did not displace tradi tional weapons—the sword, the bow, and the spear—until an even later date.1 A more important sequel to the landing of these castaways was the arrival of Portuguese merchant ships soon after the castaways returned to China and told their compatriots about their discovery of Japan. The first of these ships entered Kyushu harbours a year or two later. From the point o f view o f the great Kyushu barons its appearance was oppor tune, for in addition to being intensely curious about the Portuguese and their wares, they saw foreign trade as a source of the wealth they needed to maintain their military strength. T he foreign merchants thus arrived in Japan at the right places and at the right time. Soon the barons were competing for the Portuguese trade. The first ships brought missionaries as well as traders, and when the barons observed that the Portuguese traders treated the missionaries with great respect, they were inclined to accord favourable treatment to them as well. Thus when the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier landed at Kagoshima in 1549 he was well received by the lord of Satsuma. His further travels—he remained in Japan for more than two years—took him to the port of Hirado, where a Portuguese merchantman had arrived to the great satisfaction of Matsuura, the daimyo. Thence he set out on foot to the Ouchi castle town of Yamaguchi, which, as we have seen, was a thriving home of art and letters; and ultimately, after a painful journey by land in severe weather, he reached the capital, where he found the city in an unproar, the Shogun absent, and (h e was told) the Emperor living in obscurity. Seeing no prospect of making converts alone in Kyoto, he returned to Yamaguchi. From there he was invited to Funai by the powerful Otomo Sorin of Bungo, whom he described as a King; and when he went back to Goa in 1552 he took with him a mis sion from Otomo to the Portuguese Governor of the Indies. Otomo was especially anxious to attract merchant vessels that could bring valuable cargoes and sail the seas without fear of pirates. At that time (15 5 2 -5 3 ) Portuguese ships were frequently calling at harbours in Kyushu. The Jesuit fathers who went to Japan after Xavier’s return to Goa numbered only six by 1560 ( although a decade later there were some tw enty). In the two years following their arrival in Japan (about 1555) they made good progress. Most of their early converts were poor peasants in western Japan, where life was harder than in the more advanced Home Provinces, and the consolations of religion more needed. 1 T he introduction of firearms did, however, oblige commanders to change their tactics when attacking a force which included a large number of musketeers; and this state of affairs greatly speeded up the tendency to make less use of mounted men and more use of infantry, so that within a generation or so the use of mounted men had been virtually abandoned.
They had especial success in Bungo, where Otomo was well disposed towards them. They were less successful in Yamaguchi. X aviers re ception there had been not unfriendly; Ouchi had been impressed by his dignity as well as pleased by his gifts. But he had met with some opposition from certain members of the militant Hokke (L otu s) sect, whose manners were bad, and also from some members of the Zen sect, who argued against him but were more polite. The course of events in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries thus brought the western clans into a closer relation with the rest of the country than heretofore. Flourishing trade with China, increased mari time activity, closer contact with Kyoto dining and after Onin, and now the introduction of foreign visitors with new ideas and new weapons, seem to have given to the territories of Shimazu, Otomo, Ouchi, and the lesser western daimyos an initiative which they had not so far enjoyed, and to have launched them on the full stream of national life. 3. Piracy and Foreign Trade Like the practice of piracy, the term W ako used by the Chinese to denote Japanese sea raiders is of respectable antiquity. Its first recorded use is on a stone monument erected in northern Korea to celebrate the exploits of a king who ruled there for some decades after a .d . 391. It states clearly that “W ako” ( “Japanese robbers”) crossed the sea and were defeated by him in the year 404. This raid was probably a legiti mate act of war by the standards of the time; but during the middle ages true piracy in Japanese waters and overseas was common. I t can often be related to a shortage of food in the pirates’ own country, and some times it was due to the seclusion policy of Korea or China, whose gov ernments thought that foreign trade was unprofitable and even danger ous. Jap ans economy, by contrast, after the Mongol invasions at the end of the thirteenth century, could not develop without foreign trade, and the desire of the Japanese for “free trade,” licit or illicit, was there fore strong. Piratical ventures were abetted by the geography of Japan, which was extremely favourable to them. The Inland Sea and parts of the coast of Kyushu provided scores of lurking places from which robbers could emerge and take their victims by surprise, and the Straits of Shimonosela gave fairly quick access to islands within easy reach of the Korean coast. During the war between the Courts many pirate leaders were engaged at home, but some of them, as we have seen, kept up their raids along the coast of China until the Shogun Yoshimitsu was asked by the Chinese government to suppress them. So long as the authority of the Bakufu extended to the western prov inces, the warrior families whose estates bordered on the sea kept to
legitim ate trade and at the same time regarded themselves as naval com manders, even adopting the style of Admiral. W hile the country re mained at peace they behaved on the whole correctly, and some were even praised by the Korean C ou rt Thanks largely to the enterprise of Japanese merchants, Japanese maritime trade grew rather rapidly in the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, and the licensed trade with China brought great profit to the merchants and to the whole country. Authorized trade with the Ming Court continued fairly smoothly from 1405 to 1523, although it fell off in volume after 1453, when both governments found themselves in creasingly occupied with internal strife. In 1523 a violent brawl at Ningpo, in which the Ouchi contingent committed crimes against the persons and property of Chinese officials,2 caused the Chinese govern m ent to declare that the agreement with Japan must b e terminated. Under pressure from Japan they relented; but by then the licensed trade was so unprofitable and so hampered by restrictions that the Japanese government had little desire to continue it and the Chinese authorities were eager to bring it to an end. Missions were exchanged sporadically until 1548, when for the last time the Chinese allowed some members of the Japanese trade mission then waiting at Ningpo to go to Peking and pay their respects to the Throne. Consequently unlicensed trade grew in volume, sometimes with the connivance of Chinese officials, but generally by the piracy of Japanese adventurers, the Wako. W ith the downfall of the Ouchi family in 1551 there was no longer any force to control their activities, and moreover by this time most of the western daimyos were glad to protect the pirates, upon whom they relied for gratifying income. Pirate attacks upon points on the southern coast of China had been renewed as early as 1522, but these were exceptional. Piracy in Chinese waters began in earnest from about 1545, and Chinese chronicles show almost continuous yearly raids from 1545 to 1563. T he incidence of these attacks varied according to prevailing winds, but few parts of the littoral escaped. A list of the provinces attacked during that period shows that Chekiang was attacked every year, Chihli :ind Fukien almost every year, and Kwangtung most years after 1550. Shantung was attacked only rarely; the trend was southward, from Hupeh and Honan to Fukien and Kwangtung. I t is interesting to note that the places where the Wako landed in the Hang chow Bay region were those where Japanese forces landed in 1937— Woosung and Shanghai, for example, though Shanghai in 1550 was a mere village on a creek. Some expeditions made their way to Nanking, where on one occa sion a raid was successfully carried out, even though the city was well defended and its twelve gates firmly sh u t There is some question about the numbers and the composition of these pirate forces. Figures from 2 The incident is described in Chapter X.
a few score to a few thousand are mentioned. Some Chinese records refer to the reinforcement of a pirate band by four thousand men, and on one occasion to the capture and execution of two thousand prisoners. There seems to have been no continuing coordination between separate bodies of men. As to the ground they covered going south from Honan, they are known to have been active in Ningpo, Foochow, Amoy, and lastly Bias Bay, which was still a nest of Chinese pirates in the twentieth century. Throughout the sixteenth century the Ming authorities continued to enforce, though not efficiently, the rule of the first Ming Emperor, who decreed that “not an inch of plank” should go down to the sea. I t had been a measure to end piracy, seemingly on the principle that if there were no foreign trade and no flourishing seaport towns there would be nothing for the pirates to attack. The result of this absurd policy was to deprive dwellers on the seacoast of their usual means of livelihood as boatmen or fishermen, and thus to drive them to serve in pirate ships. Consequently at the time when the activity of the so-called Wako was at its height, say from 1550 to 1560, the crews of the pirate craft were for the most part not Japanese but these distressed Chinese. Reliable Chinese records indicate that the rank and file of the pirate bands consisted of Chinese and Japanese in the proportion of ten to one, or as some said ten to three. I t is probable that the Japanese were the leaders and navigators of the ships, while the crews included fishermen and mariners deprived of employment by the Ming edicts against both coastal trade and foreign voyages. The remainder were no doubt the usual desperadoes of seaport towns. According to some accounts Chi nese members of a pirate crew would cut off their pigtails, shave their heads, and pose as Wako. The Portuguese had captured M alacca in 1511, and were well es tablished there by 1550, when the Japanese free-traders were making their way southwards from Kwangtung. Enterprising Japanese captains cooperated with Portuguese merchants and persuaded them to visit Canton for the sale and purchase of merchandise, and subsequently the Portuguese invited the Japanese to continue with them in this kind of traffic. Ultimately Chinese merchants also joined in these arrangements, and by about 1560 the former piracy was gradually turning into an almost legitimate trade. Before long Japanese vessels were making their way to other ports, on commercial voyages that sometimes bordered on piracy, and by the end of the century there were few harbours in southeast Asia, Indonesia, and the Philippine Islands that they had not visited. The merchants in both Japan and China were anxious for a resump tion of normal, private trade relations with China after 1523, although some of the Japanese no doubt profited indirectly from the gains of the Wako. The Chinese merchants had long been in principle prohibited from engaging directly in foreign trade. However, as the Ming govern
m ent grew weaker they began to defy the prohibitions and engaged in direct commerce with Japanese merchants not long after 1540. Their ships entered ports in Kyushu and in other parts of Japan; the usual cargo was silk textiles and raw silk, and the ships carried as passengers Chinese merchants, some of whom settled as residents in Hakata, Hirado, Funai, and ports in Satsuma, where they formed partnerships with Japanese merchants. In Funai and other ports there was a quarter known as Tojin-machi, or Chinatown. Chief among these Chinese merchants was one Ochoku (W ang C h ih ), whose interesting career might b e taken as an epitome of the profits and risks of seaborne trade in his day. In 1544 he was a member of a group of Chinese pirates, and it was as a pirate chief that he was regarded by the Ming authorities. H e crossed over to Japan in 1545 and invited merchants there to join him in illicit trade. This was not piracy but smuggling on a large scale, in which Japanese merchants were to exchange goods with Chinese merchants at a rendezvous on certain small islands off the Chinese co a st Trade of this kind gradually took the place of piracy, and through it W ang Chih grew more and more influential. H e was established at Hirado before 1555, and from there he directed the activities of his followers. Another version of his activities, brought back from Korea by a Japanese traveller at about this time, said that W ang Chih was still a pirate chief, who from his headquarters in Hirado instructed his two thousand followers to make raids on Chinese territory in his ships, which carried about three hun dred men each. Japanese merchants from Hakata and other ports also braved the Chinese embargo, somehow avoiding the attention of Ming officials and carrying on an illicit trade at hidden bases in Chekiang, Fukien, and Kwangtung. Such simple smuggling could not compete with down right piracy. Yet all was not well with the pirates, for a truly dangerous competitor had now appeared. This was the Portuguese trader, whose ships were armed Jind could not safely be attacked. In fact these new arrivals could behave as pirates themselves when they chose. In their first days in southeast Asia, when Albuquerque had con quered M alacca in 1511, the Portuguese behaved with circumspection and were on good terms with the masters of junks lying in the roadstead. These were Chinese, but presently another vessel or vessels arrived, manned by people whom the Portuguese called “Guores.” I t has not been established who they were. They may have been Japanese or Koreans from Korai; but probably they were from the Luchu (Ryukyu) Islands, since it is known that Luchuan ships frequently visited M alacca, Patani, and other tropical ports in the fifteenth century, if not earlier. The Wako, it is true, occasionally reached as far south as Patani, but this was later in the century, after their raids had carried them along the China coast to Hainan and beyond, about 1550. In 1519, while Japan was still carrying on licensed trade with China,
a Portuguese commander had behaved so atrociously near Canton that the Ming government put a ban on Portuguese traders which lasted for more than thirty years. They were thus obliged to turn their attention to the illicit trade which was carried on in the hidden bases mentioned above. It is curious that the Portuguese records do not mention any meeting with Japanese, since from time to time they must have been together in harbour; but perhaps at that time the Portuguese did not distinguish between Chinese and Japanese and Luchuan vessels. I t is also curious that, although they were so anxious for trade openings, they did not reach Japan until 1542, and then only by accident. Prob ably they needed a safe base farther north than Malacca, and this they did not obtain until 1550, when they reached an understanding with the Chinese and could make use of Chinese ports. After they had seized Macao in 1557 the Portuguese chose to act as carriers and brokers in the trade between China and Japan. At that time the most profitable trade was the exchange of silver from Japanese mines for Chinese com modities. The export of silver brought advantage to the Japanese mer chants engaged in foreign trade, since it attracted both Chinese and Portuguese ships to Japanese ports; and, as we have seen, the pos session of a good silver mine was a most valuable asset to any daimyo in Japan. The depredations of the robber bands were so great that the Ming government was obliged to make a great effort to suppress them. In 1555 a mission was sent to ask the Bakufu to take action and to send home the Chinese merchants then settled in Japan. The envoys met Wang Chih in the Goto Islands, and he told them that the Bakufu was too weak to take effective steps. The best way to deal with piracy, he said, was to approach the Japanese daimyos under whose protection the pirates carried on their trade. H e offered to help if the Ming gov ernment would grant him a pardon, and it seems that the envoys agreed; but when he returned to China in 1559 he was executed. Meanwhile the W ako were more than ever active. According to Korean records, a fleet of seventy pirate craft attacked Quelpart Island and adjacent parts of the Korean peninsula in 1555. At about the same time it was reported that frequent raids on the coast of Korea were made by ships manned not by Japanese but by Chinese; and a pirate vessel captured in the Yellow Sea in 1559 was said to have carried a crew of over two hundred men, all Chinese. But by about 1560 the efforts of the Ming government to suppress piracy were showing some signs of success. W ise officials had for long past advised the Chinese government that the true cause of piracy was the prohibition of legitimate trade. Now piracy in Chinese waters began to diminish not because of repressive measures but thanks to a relaxation of the former policy of seclusion. The embargo on foreign trade was withdrawn and Chinese merchant ships put to sea again, on voyages in southern waters to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaya, and
beyond. They carried in addition to their cargoes great numbers of Chinese emigrants, the ancestors of the great overseas Chinese com munities of modem times. The prohibition of trade with Japan was not specifically withdrawn, but Sino-Japanese trade flourished, thanks largely to the efforts of the merchants of Sakai and Hakata. Piracy con tinued in some areas, for pirate ships reached as far as Luzon in the Philippines and points in southern China; but they were smugglers rather than corsairs, and simply to break rules about commerce was not thought of as real piracy. I t may be asked what was the booty sought by the Japanese pirates in China and Korea. Granaries, particularly in Korea, were often attacked, and large quantities of rice and other grains were seized. In China the W ako sought any kind of property which was easy to transport—silk textiles, for example, and copper cash. In all their suc cessful raids the W ako took a great number of captives, and these un fortunates were sold as slaves. For despite the gradual emancipation o f the Japanese peasant, slavery had not been entirely abolished, and the sale of human beings, though illegal, continued throughout the Muromachi period. Students of No plays will recall that the theme of the piece called Tosen or Karafune is the tragic life of a Chinese cap tured at Ningpo and sold in Japan as a slave, and the sale of men, women, and children is the subject of the plays Sumidagawa and Sakuragawa. Much of the diplomatic correspondence between Japan and Korea at this time deals with the repatriation of captives or fugitives held in either country. 4. Seaport Towns Among the merchants prominent in foreign trade we have already noticed Koetomi (K oizum i), the Hakata merchant who advised Yoshimitsu that trade with China would solve his financial difficulties. The first phase of the licensed trade with the Ming, lasting from 1405 to 1419, was financed principally by the Bakufu; but in the next phase, from 1432 to 1548, the eleven official voyages from Japan were under taken mainly by great monasteries and leading daimyos. They were the principals, but the arrangements for chartering, collecting freight, loading, and so forth, were in the hands of experienced merchants from Hakata and other seaports. Traders also took part in the voyages; sometimes as many as one hundred took passage, each with a prescribed quantity of merchandise for sale. Hyogo being the usual port of departure, traders from its vicinity were predominant during the early period, but presently traffic shifted to the port of Sakai. After about 1500, Sakai merchants financed and organized most of the voyages originating in the Home Provinces. Their method of financing voyages was by contract. They paid an agreed sum to shippers, recouping themselves by taking the profit made
by sale in China. Thus in 1493 three vessels left Sakai, and on each ship Sakai merchants had put goods worth 10,000 kan, which sold in China for 30,000 kan or more, making the gross profit on the voyage about 60,000 kan. It may well be supposed that Sakai prospered as a seaport, and indeed its history is an epitome of the development of Jap an s foreign trade and also of a class of rich and influential merchants. The growth of Sakai is of interest in the political as well as the economic history of Japan; it shows very clearly the development of a class of well-to-do chonin, or townspeople, and of merchants of great wealth enjoying an unusual degree of independence. Its early growth has already been touched upon (in Chapter X I ) , and we may now take up the story at the point where its condition was affected by the Onin War. Early in the days of the Muromachi era Hyogo had been under direct Bakufu control, and at the time of Yoshimitsu’s death it was still a thriving port, looking back to its importance in the time of Kiyomori, who had thought of establishing the capital there in 1180. The reasons for the decline of Hyogo in the fifteenth century are not entirely clear, but it was no doubt due to causes which favoured the rise of Sakai. Among these was the Onin W ar, when Hyogo was under the protection of Ouchi and Hosokawa found it convenient to use Sakai for his con nexions with the Home Provinces, in particular Yamato, where the great monasteries of Nara were situated. After the war the powerful Hoso kawa family continued to favour Sakai as a port for Kyoto, on the ground that vessels sailing thence for China could go south about Shikoku and Kyushu and so avoid the attentions of Inland Sea pirates, many of whom were in league with the erratic Ouchi. Another advantage enjoyed by Sakai was the presence of refugees who had fled from Kyoto during the worst of the battles. These were for the most part skilled artisans in various trades, and other persons accustomed to town life who could contribute to the prosperity of Sakai. They seem to have succeeded in such a degree that (according to the Chief Abbot Jinson) one summer day in 1481 a group of gaily dressed women claiming to be attendants of the God of W ealth entered Kyoto from Sakai; in response some fifty persons from Kyoto, claiming to be Gods of Poverty, set forth for Sakai wearing comic headdresses in the shape of birds. This may be a piece of fiction, but it surely echoes a feeling that if the citizens of Sakai were doing well, the citizens of Kyoto, though poor, were in good spirits and rebuilding their lives. Sakai had one other advantage over Hyogo: its position with re lation to Yamato, Kawachi, Settsu, and Yamashiro favoured traffic to many inland points, in particular to Nara. In fact, its progress as a harbour was due in part to its position as a natural point of distribution by land as well as arrival by sea. Rice and other tax goods from places along the Inland Sea destined for the Nara monasteries, or Koyasan, or
even for Kyoto monasteries, could be carried to its destination by an easier route than the approach from Hyogo by way of Yodo and the Kizu River. Moreover, in Sakai there were ample facilities for convert ing goods into cash on favourable terms (a commission of 1 per cen t), thus saving the merchant the cost of further transport by land. Facilities for the remittance of money by kaw ase, or bills of exchange, were avail able at Sakai and also at Hyogo; but Sakai was on the whole more convenient to the traveller, especially at times when the country inland from Hyogo towards the capital was disturbed by warriors, farmers in revolt, or plain bandits. One interesting example of the function of the Sakai exchange brok ers is their connexion with the Ikko sectarians established in Kaga. The contributions of the believers to their cathedral in the Home Provinces, the Ishiyama Honganji, were immense, and they were all handled by the Sakai brokers, who were in close touch with the Honganji. The total of such remittances is not known, but we do know from the records of a Sakai broker that one year’s contribution from a single small com munity in Kaga amounted to over 100 kan in 1536. Such commercial facilities improved the position of Sakai as a seaport, and ships arrived in increasing numbers as the country strove, with indifferent success, to return to peaceful life. The activities of Sakai merchants in overseas trade have already been mentioned in connexion with the licensed voyages to Ming China. They also engaged in coastal traffic along the Inland Sea, despite the risk of capture by pirates; in fact, they appear to have insured them selves against that risk by payments to the pirate chief, whose name was Murakami and who collected such tribute from most vessels in those waters. Evidently Murakami’s protection was effective, and he was under Ouchi’s ultimate control. The use of the southern route for voyages to China brought Sakai merchants into touch with southern Kyushu at the Satsuma ports of Bonotsu and Tanegashima, and with southern Tosa at Urado, promot ing new activity there. But it was a longer and more dangerous route, so that in the long run the route by way of the Inland Sea and the Straits of Shimonoseki was to be preferred. Towards the last years of the licensed voyages, when the Ouchi family were prominent in the trade, ships from Sakai commonly sailed to China by the Inland Sea route, and the Sakai merchants at last broke the Ouchi monopoly. By 1549, a year after the last official voyage, Sakai merchants were organizing voy ages to southern China which partook of the nature of smuggling if not of piracy; but as we have seen, piracy on the high seas began to diminish from about 1560, and legitimate traffic took its place. This is not to say that piracy in home waters came to an end, for in 1581 the Jesuit Valignano, travelling by ship from Bungo to Sakai, was pursued by a pirate ship and barely escaped.
1. Oda N obunaga n p r e c e d i n g chapters it has been shown that although the two centuries ending about 1540 were marked by almost continuous civil war, the national effort was by no means directed wholly to the support of armies in the field. On the contrary, the needs of the contending parties stimulated rather than hindered economic progress in almost every sphere of peaceful endeavour—in agriculture, in industry, and in trade. Domestic commerce expanded as merchants travelled freely; and the increased circulation of goods diminished the isolation of small rural communities. Cities, towns, large villages, sprang up to meet new needs, and some of them were strong enough to resist the pressure of powerful barons. The growth of trade and the accumulation of wealth by merchants did not, it is true, reduce the importance of the leading daimyos, but they began to moderate their ideals of self-sufficiency and to understand that they were members of a society composed of inter dependent parts. The more enlightened among the daimyos saw the folly of making war merely for expansion of their territory. But the spirit of rivalry was not extinguished, and now that the Bakufu was as good as extinct some unifying overlordship was urgently needed to keep them in order. A process of building up a central authority must soon begin, and its first, possibly its most difficult, phase was undertaken by a small territorial chieftain named Oda Nobunaga. His task was to destroy or reduce the autonomy of the leading warlords, whose number had been reduced to about twenty at the end of the Onin War. I t may well be asked how it came about that this burden was carried by a minor chieftain, a mere youth, when in most parts of the country there were powerful barons who could have crushed him with ease. This is an interesting problem which deserves some study in its bearing upon the political tradition of Japan. Nobunaga of course was not alone in his ambition to bring the country under one rule. Most of the great barons had visions of na tional hegemony, and the journeys to the Court of warlords like Uyesugi, Hojo, and Takeda were inspired by a hope of receiving an imperial commission to chastise their rivals. That was the way to gain friends and destroy enemies—the royal road, it might be said—for in spite of all the vicissitudes suffered by the sovereign in those days, authority from the Throne was essential to an aspiring leader.
Chronology of Nobunagas Rule 1559 1560 1564 1565 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1573 1574 1575 1576 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582
Oda N obunaga becom es m aster of O w ari. F a th e r V ilela arrives in Kyoto Nobunaga defeats Im agaw a a t O kehazam a Arrival of F a th e r F ro is in Kyoto M urder o f Ashikaga Yoshiteru. leave
T h e E m p ero r orders th e Jesuits to
N obunaga reduces th e stronghold a t Inabayam a N obunaga enters Kyoto. A shikaga Yoshiald is nam ed Shogun. Cur rency regulations issued W ork begins on th e N ijo castle. N obunaga licenses F ro is to preach Ikko soldier-m onks d efeat N o b u n agas troops n ear Kyoto T h e Enryakuji is destroyed T aked a Shingen dies. Yoshiaki is deposed N obunaga destroys th e Ikko settlem ent a t N agashim a T h e b a ttle a t N agashino. T aked a Katsuyori is defeated W o rk begins on Azuchi castle U yesugi Kenshin dies Azuchi castle is com pleted. Persecution of the H okke sect T h e fall o f the Ishiyam a H onganji A kechi and H ideyoshi are sent against M ori T h e m urder o f N obunaga b y Akechi
But there were strategic as well as political reasons against action by the richest and most powerful barons. They were surrounded by rivals, and could not move in force towards Kyoto without first securing their position against attack from both front and rear. For example, the great daimyo Ouchi Yoshiola had for a time left his fief and done well in Kyoto after the decline of Hosokawa. B ut in order to establish a central power in the capital, Ouchi needed first to subdue the forces in his rear ( Otomo, Shimazu, and others) as well as those who stood be tween him and the capital ( Amako, Hosokawa, and many smaller war rior houses). In such conditions a march from the W est to Kyoto was an almost impossible enterprise, and indeed he was forced to return home to protect his interests there. Similar difficulties held good against an approach from the Kanto, where Uyesugi, or Hojo, or Takeda, or even Satomi might have had designs upon the Home Provinces, but could accomplish them only after conquering various near and distant rivals. During the first half of the sixteenth century these barons were, in fact, busy fighting one another with no decisive result; their history was against them, and so was their geography. This was not, however, true of Imagawa of Suruga, who besides be ing a powerful daimyo familiar with Court life was master of a domain not difficult to defend against attack from the east. There was seemingly no threat from the west: Imagawa was Constable of Totomi and Mikawa as well as of Suruga, and he had no reason to apprehend a formidable resistance in Owari and beyond. Behind him was Hojo, firmly estab lished in his fortress at Odawara but too preoccupied with a watch upon Asakura, Takeda, Uyesugi, and other enemies to threaten Suruga. Con sequently it was in a hopeful mood that Imagawa led a considerable array towards Owari in 1560, there to encounter a small force under the command of Oda Nobunaga, a young man of twenty-seven, who had for some years been preparing for this event. The pedigree of the Oda family is uncertain, and need not detain us long, but there is a special historical interest in tracing the steps by which they rose from obscurity and reached the modest position to which Nobunaga succeeded as a youth, since it was he who set in motion forces that were to change and dominate the constitution of the state from late mediaeval to modem times. The Oda family were minor vassals of Shiba Yoshimasa, Constable of Echizen about 1400. Yoshimasa’s son was made Constable of Owari as well, but being qualified for high office in the Bakufu, he resided in Kyoto and, as was common in his day, left deputies to act for him, Asa kura in Echizen and Oda in Owari. Thus N obunagas forebears b e longed to that class of official gentry which figured prominently in the fluctuations of power so frequent in the fifteenth century. In due course Oda the Deputy becam e more powerful, or at least
more influential, in Owari than Shiba the Constable. Nobunaga’s father was not the Deputy, but only an assistant to the head of the family, who held that office. It was a poor position, but he gradually improved his standing and even began to expand his own modest estates eastward and westward. This was about 1530. About 1535 he gave evidence of wealth and influence by making a handsome contribution to a fund for the repair of the Imperial Palace. W hen he died in 1551 he had become an important figure in the province, and his name was known in Kyoto at the Court. His heir Nobunaga found his own position difficult, for he was young —under twenty—and untried. Some of his relatives refused to follow him, but by a great effort he managed to collect a small force of about one thousand men, composed mainly of ashigaru and low-grade fighting men. His next move was to suppress members of the Oda family who were hostile to him. In 1556 he disposed of a rival branch which held the small stronghold of Kiyosu. He then had to deal with his younger brother, who had the support of some of his late father’s retainers. In this conflict his brother was killed, and by 1559 Nobunaga had over come all serious opposition in Owari. Thus, as some historians put it, by a continuous process of “gekokujo” he made himself master of the whole province and put the Constable to flight. Later in 1559 he visited Kyoto, where he was received with favour by the Ashikaga Shogun Yoshiteru. 2. O kehazam a L ate at night on June 21, 1560, at the fortress of Kiyosu where he was now established, Nobunaga received news that Imagawa, with a force reckoned at 25,000 or more, was moving into Owari from Suruga on his way to the capital. The next morning news arrived that one of Imagawa’s commanders had captured a fort called Marune. The com mander, Matsudaira Motoyasu, stormed the fort at dawn and sent the heads of seven captives for inspection to Imagawa, who was much elated by this pleasant sight and ordered Matsudaira to rest his men and horses. More news came, reporting the capture of another fort, later in the morning, and Nobunaga’s adviser pressed him to stand a siege at Kiyosu. H e refused, saying that only a strong offensive policy could make up for the superior numbers of the enemy, and calmly ordered a counterattack. It is doubtful whether Nobunaga’s total force at that time was much in excess of 3,000, but he may have recruited some support from robber bands, which were common in Owari. His scouts had reported that the main body of Imagawa’s army was resting after its successes, at a place called Dengaku-hazama. This was country over which he had roved as a boy, and he knew it well. Hazama means a gorge or defile, and it was in such a narrow position, unfavour-
able to manoeuvre, that Imagawa had bivouacked in the forenoon of June 22. People in the vicinity, hearing of his successes, came with food and drink for celebration. Officers and men relaxed until just after midday, when they were taken unawares by a violent rainstorm and a high wind. The whole camp was in confusion, and when the sky cleared, Imagawa’s men saw a large force appearing from behind a hill that formed one wall of the defile. At first they thought that this was a revolt within their own army—evidence that their morale was poor. Their few muskets were drenched and useless; their bows, spears, and swords were deep in mud. Before they could sort out their weapons, Nobunaga had fallen upon them, and they fled in panic, plunging through the wet rice fields. Nobunaga himself made for Imagawa’s command post, and in the mel6e Imagawa’s head was cut off by one o f Nobunaga’s followers. The battle of Okehazama,1 although a small-scale engagement, is of great importance in Japanese history, for if Nobunaga had been de feated, Imagawa might well have reached Kyoto and established him self there, with what results one can only vaguely speculate. The battle is of importance in another respect, for the officer named Matsudaira, who captured Marune, was a rear-vassal of Imagawa, later known as Tokugawa Ieyasu and one day to b e master of all Japan. 3. Mino Subdued After this trial of strength events moved with a seeming inevita bility in favour of Nobunaga. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the former Matsudaira, made a pact with Nobunaga in 1561, carrying with him his influence in the province of Mikawa. Nobunaga had a firm belief in the importance of political marriages, and his next step was to make friends with Takeda Shingen of Kai, by promising his daughter in marriage to Shingen’s son. The young Imagawa, faced with a combination of three provinces (Owari, Mikawa, and K a i), lost heart and took refuge with the Hojo family in the fortress of Odawara; and so the name of his family van ishes from the chronicles. Peace along the eastern seaboard was assured, at least for a time, by the alliance of these three warlords and by an understanding with the Hojo rulers in Sagami, whose desire was to keep order there. Nobu naga could therefore face towards Kyoto with some confidence. A glance at the map (p. xvi) shows that he was separated from Yamashiro and the capital by only two provinces, Mino and Omi, where there were possible antagonists, strong if not formidable. In northern Omi there was the family of Asai to be reckoned with, and Nobunaga formed 1 Perhaps the most curious (if the least important) fact about the battle known as the battle of Okehazama is that it was not fought there but in the aforementioned contiguous defile called Dengaku-hazama.
an alliance with them in 1564 by sending his younger sister (O -Ich i) to b e the wife of the chieftain, Asai Nagamasa. The lord of Mino was not so easy to deal with. He was one Saito Dosan, the son of a tradesman called Naraya who lived at Yamazala, near Kyoto. Dosan had made a fortune as an oil merchant in Mino and had risen to high estate. Nobunaga had been at odds with him for some time and had tried his policy of matrimonial alliance by marrying Dosan’s own daughter. But in 1566 Dosan was killed by his son, who with certain warriors in western Mino offered strong opposition to Nobunaga. In the end, however, Nobunaga succeeded in subduing Mino by his good fortune in reducing the Saito stronghold of Inabayama, which looked down on the Mino plain below. Nobunaga had overcome the antagonism of warriors in western Mino by promising rewards, so Saito was without their support. But victory was due in large measure to the skill and judgment of one of Nobunaga’s junior commanders, Kinoshita Tokichiro, known as Hideyoshi. At Inabayama, as at Okehazama, the skilful use of topographical features played an important part in the success of Nobunaga’s forces. For the strategy here, devised by Hide yoshi, was to build a stronghold facing Inabayama at Sunomata, in a commanding position near the confluence of the Kizu and Nagara rivers, on the border of Owari and Mino. (T h e work of building at Sunomata was done by a band of adventurers under the direction of a local robber baron named H achisuka.) From this position of strength Nobunaga was able to storm and take the castle without great difficulty, a success that his late father-in-law had wisely predicted. Upon the reduction of Mino in the last weeks of 1567, Nobunaga received a secret message from the Emperor Ogimachi, congratulating him on his exceptional military prowess. It seems that His Majesty desired the restoration of imperial property which had been confiscated by his enemies. Earlier in the year the refugee Yoshiaki, the younger brother of the late Shogun Yoshiteru ( who had been killed in 1565 by rebellious vassals of Hosokawa), had requested Nobunaga’s help in re storing the Ashikaga Bakufu. Later (in 1568) Yoshiaki was brought to Nobunaga from Asakura’s estate in Echizen, where he had taken shelter. These two requests formed the authority for Nobunaga’s further action. His motto now, engraved on his seal, was “Rule the Empire by Force.” He took up residence in Inabayama castle, and renamed the castle town, calling it Gifu, with a classical reference to a situation in early Chinese history which he felt he had repeated. I t was now abundantly clear that Nobunaga aimed at governing the whole country. There remained but one obstacle on the path to Kyoto, an opposition force in the province of Ise, where the descendants of Kitabatake Chikafusa were flourishing and influential. The Kitabatake forces threatened to move into Omi and Yamashiro, and were in touch with the Miyoshi family in Kyoto and the Rokkaku in Omi. But Nobu-
naga soon drove them from the field. The Rokkaku checked him briefly, but he took their strongholds and swept them aside. The fall of the castle called Mizukuri crowned his effort. H e sent for Yoshiaki, whom he had left in Gifu, and on November 9,1568, entered Kyoto in panoply. Yoshiaki was named the fifteenth Ashikaga Shogun on Decem ber 28. 4. N obunaga in Kyoto Although Nobunaga’s adversaries in Kyoto ( Hatakeyama, Hosokawa, Miyoshi, and Matsunaga) had fled, his reception in the city was cool. The experienced citizens thought of him as one more robber baron intent upon pillage. The fact that he brought Yoshiaki with him moder ated their fears, although a number of Court nobles sent their families and their possessions to relatives in the country, having suffered from the rapacity of the warriors who had just left the city. But to the gen eral surprise Nobunaga’s troops were under strict discipline, and orders were issued under his seal ensuring the safety of the citizens. This made a good impression upon the Court and the nobles, who turned to Nobunaga and begged him to order the return of their confis cated property. Nobunaga thought it prudent to conciliate them, and ordered certain of his officers to arrange for restitution. But his position was still somewhat uncertain, and his first care was necessarily to in crease and improve his military strength. He had one important ad vantage in holding the great alluvial plain which comprised the two provinces of Owari and Mino, and next to them was the rich province of Omi. Here again geography was in his favour: these rich lands were farmed by a number of independent warriors of the ji-samurai type and were not under the control of any great chieftain. If he could get these men on his side, he was in a strong position for holding his own against attack from the west; and (an important asset) he could control the life of the capital, whose citizens could not survive more than a few weeks if supplies of food from the adjacent provinces were cut off. His rear was tolerably secure against attack, thanks to Ieyasu, who had dealt with possible hostile combinations in the E ast by coming to terms with Takeda Shingen and by occupying the former Imagawa ter ritory. Yoshiaki's appointment as Shogun in 1568 was also a defensive measure, since it could be used to invest Nobunaga’s action with legiti macy and therefore to give pause to warriors disposed to attack him. The relations between Nobunaga and Yoshiaki were difficult. Their first difference of opinion took place when, soon after his installation, Yoshiaki offered a magnificent No performance to Nobunaga as a sign of gratitude. The programme consisted of thirteen items, and at the end of the fifth Nobunaga left in a bad temper, saying that the country was not yet at peace and he had no leisure for such entertainments. Next day he went back to his castle at Gifu. Yoshiaki offered him great appointments, but he would accept no subordinate position. As the
legend on his seal made clear, he meant to govern the country by mili tary power. H e saw that the Muromachi Bakufu was almost defunct H e was willing to show it outward signs of respect, but he had no in tention of obeying i t
Seal and two ciphers of Oda Nobunaga
Nor had he time or patience for political intrigue. From the end of 1568 he was busy in subduing or pacifying the provinces adjacent to Yamashiro. Towards the end of 1569 he rode into the capital at the head of a large force to announce the subjugation of Ise, and no doubt also to intimidate the Shogun. In January 1570 he wrote a “vermilion letter,” that is, a document under his official seal, to his representatives in Kyoto (his general Akechi and his servant, the Shingon monk Asayama N ichijo) to say that he had given Yoshiald five articles which he must obey. These all imposed conditions inconsistent with the dignity of the Shogun, since they left him only his ceremonial powers. Nobunaga had a feeling for magnificence, and he did not grudge Yoshiaki any of the splendours of his office. In fact, he took a great interest in the building of a new palace for the Shogun, now shouting directions from a place on the scaffolding, now striding about the garden in his tiger-skin cloak showing workmen where to place this bush or that stone. Nobunaga's attitude towards the Emperor was one of great respect, even reverence, and he indulged his passion for building on a large scale when he pressed on the work of a new Imperial Palace. This was a very costly undertaking, as we know from the literary remains of Nichijo. The point is of some interest, because it contradicts the view of certain early M eiji historians who describe the Palace at this time as a broken-down place in which intruders peered at the lodgings of the ladies-in-waiting and paid a few coppers for a script of verses by some indigent prince. The truth is that immense sums, to which Nobunaga
himself contributed handsomely, were being spent at this time upon rebuilding the Palace. In 1569 Nichijd had told the builders that they were spending too much; by that date the work had already cost 10,000 kan, and was far from complete. It was finished at the end of 1571. Yoshiald did not obey Nobunaga's rule that he must keep clear of politics, but continued to strike bargains with such important monas teries as the Horyuji and the Daitokuji and tried to gain favour by mediating between hostile barons, notably between Otomo and Mori, and even between Hojo, Takeda, and Uyesugi, a most delicate operation in which there was little prospect of success. Yoshiaki’s endeavours did little beyond angering Nobunaga, but their scope shows clearly that the office of Shogun was not entirely empty and useless even now. Despite their lack of solid physical power, both the Emperor and the Shogun had a remarkable influence derived from the prestige of their high offices. A long tradition was still at work. In their weakest days the Court and the Bakufu were still occasionally able to arrange peace between great warlords who were anxious to stop fighting but prevented by pride from saying so publicly. In such a predicament it was con venient for the parties to submit to persuasion from Kyoto, thus achiev ing their object while gaining merit as loyal subjects of the Throne or vassals of the Shogun. The further relations between Nobunaga and Yoshiaki will be dis cussed below; it is enough here to notice that by 1573 the Shogun had shown himself so insubordinate that Nobunaga deposed him. Yoshiaki retained his title but not his office, and he wandered from place to place in search of support until his death in 1597. Thus there was no Sei-i Tai-Shogun from 1573 until 1603, when the post was filled by Ieyasu. The year 1570 was a difficult one for Nobunaga, and it is not sur prising that he grew impatient with Yoshiaki and went his own way regardless of objections from any quarter. Early in 1570 he invited a number of powerful daimyos to Kyoto to discuss the affairs of the na tion and advise the Emperor and the Shogun. This was merely a device to test the warlords. Among those who did not reply was Asakura Yoshikage of Echizen, a very successful upstart ruler with whom Yoshiaki had taken refuge during his exile. His silence gave Nobunaga an excuse for attacking him, and at the end of May 1570 Nobunaga left Kyoto at the head of an army of 30,000 men. Northern Omi was held by Asai Nagamasa, whose wife was a younger sister of Nobunaga, and he relied upon this family connexion for a safe passage through Omi to Wakasa on his way to Echizen. But to his surprise Asai had responded to an appeal from Asakura, and now threatened to cut across his line of re treat. There was nothing for it but to retreat at once. W hile his enemies were in consultation, Nobunaga divided his force into separate divisions, which made their way back to Kyoto along byroads. Then on July 22, having reformed his army and obtained valuable reinforcements from Ieyasu, he marched out, and on July 30 he joined battle with the united
forces of Asai and Asakura at a place called Anegawa in northern OmL The fighting was developing in favour of Asai when Ieyasu delivered a powerful attack on the enemy’s flank. The battle ended in the total de feat of Asai and Asakura. More than half of their officers and men died in action; the rest fled in disorder towards their respective homes. Nobunaga’s new army was now toughened by experience, and it seemed that he could proceed to a further extension of his authority with fair assurance. He had trouble with some unreconciled elements in the Home Provinces, who formed leagues and engaged in guerrilla operations, always on the lookout for an opportunity to take Kyoto by surprise. But a far more dangerous enemy was the great Ishiyama Honganji,2 the cathedral of the Ikko or Single-minded sect, which was be coming very powerful throughout the country and indeed already ri valled the great barons in its wealth, its military strength, and the influence its leaders exerted on its members. The great wealth of the Honganji came chiefly from the contributions of the Monto, the sec tarians, who poured out money for the central treasury in a constant stream. The strong conviction of these fanatic believers, mostly peas ants and other poor people, constituted a force which Nobunaga was obliged to resist with all his might, since it was his strongest single rival for sovereign power in the state. 5. Nobunaga s Strategic Problems The rest of this chapter must be devoted to a study of the strategic problems that now faced Nobunaga. They were problems of political as well as military strategy, but at this juncture—in the latter half of 1570—military considerations were uppermost. A plain record of marches and battles makes tiresome reading, but the process of unification was, in its earlier phases at least, a military rather than a political process, because it consisted in the destruction of obstacles to unity. The nature of the unity ultimately reached was in fluenced by the methods used to achieve it, and therefore the military problems that faced Nobunaga deserve attention for their political interest. Nobunaga’s defeat of Asai and Asakura had relieved the pressure on him from the north, but it was not decisive. There had been frequent and successful Ikko risings in Kaga and Echizen, and the threat there had not been entirely removed. By itself it was not important, but it might be used by powerful warlords in the E ast and North. In the East, Uyesugi Kenshin of Echigo, Takeda Shingen of Kai, and Hojo Ujiyasu, who dominated the southern portion of the Kanto, had so far 2 The Ishiyama Honganji was a cathedral and stronghold established in 1496 at Osaka in an almost impregnable position facing west to the shore of Osaka Bay. It was difficult to approach by land, being almost surrounded by waterways; but it could be supplied with reinforcements and provisions by sea. Ishiyama is the name of the slight eminence on which the main buildings were erected.
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not made any durable agreements, but they had to b e watched. In the North there was no solid force, only a number of barons (Satake, Yuki, D ate, Nambu, and a few others) whose domains were backward economically and weak politically, since the rulers could not control the very independent rural gentry. These provinces presented no im minent th reat In the western provinces the strongest ruler was Mori Motonari, a remarkable man who (having displaced the Ouchi fam ily) controlled with a firm hand the western part of the main island and part of northern Kyushu. Apart from formidable land forces, he had at his command a number of warships with experienced crews. Opposed to Mori were the powerful Otomo and Ryuzoji in northern Kyushu, and Shimazu in the south, governing Satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga as a unit. These western barons had lately gained a new importance from their association with Portuguese traders and might have been dangerous to Nobunaga if they had been able to agree among themselves, but they seem to have thought chiefly of trade and of battles with their neighbours. Remote and preoccupied as they were, they caused no anxiety to Nobunaga. In the central provinces between Mori and Nobunaga were a num ber of newly prominent families with histories much like Mori's. Amako, Uldta, Urakami, Hatano, and others, having long been subservient to such warlords as Akamatsu, Yamana, and Hosokawa, had recently driven their former masters from the land and now were busy consolidating their power. On the whole Nobunaga had no pressing danger to fear from the central and western provinces. His most menacing antago nists were nearer home. At this time his immediate concern was to protect Kyoto. Here he was threatened by the powerful Enryakuji, north of the city. I f he should make a move to the north, however, Miyoshi and Matsunaga and Saito, whom he had driven out of Mino, were likely to occupy the the capital in his absence. They had built forts near Osaka and were a new source of anxiety. On the other hand, if he attacked them he would bring out the armed strength of the Ishiyama Honganji, the most dangerous of all the forces by which he was threatened. For not only was the Ishiyama Honganji the cathedral of the Ikko sect, it was a great fortified place. There was a garrison composed of believers from each section of Osaka and from the sect’s provincial congregations in Kaga and Echizen and elsewhere. They were always on patrol, and were several hundred in number, easily multiplied by more than ten times over on the ringing of an alarm bell. The Honganji was considered as impregnable. Moreover, several provincial warlords had thought it prudent to establish friendly relations with this formi dable body, among them being Asakura in Echizen, Asai in Omi, and Mori in the W est, and they were emulated by a number of kokujin here and there.
The threat of combination between such barons and the Ikko sectar ians was one which Nobunaga could not disregard. H e knew he must come to a reckoning with the Ikko; and an opportunity was soon offered. In November 1570 the Honganji sent help to the Miyoshi faction in Kyoto, which was active again, stirring up trouble in the city. Nobunaga sent a punitive force to put down the disturbance, whereupon the Ikko troops were reinforced by soldier-monks from Negoro in Kii, and by a body of musketeers said to have numbered 3,000. Their assault was vigorous, and Nobunaga’s force was obliged to withdraw with the loss of a large number of men. H e saw that his most powerful enemy, the greatest obstacle in the way of unity, was not the old regime but the new militant church, the Honganji and the Ikko leaguers upon whom it could call in all parts of the country. At this point Asai and Asakura, who had recovered from their punish ment at Nobunaga’s hands, were joined by the soldier-monks of the Enryakuji, whose excuse for action was Nobunaga’s refusal to help them to regain lands which his generals had confiscated. In addition to these troubles Nobunaga was faced with hostile movements in Omi and Ise, fostered by the Honganji. His position was so dangerous that he had to shorten his line and concentrate on the defence of Kyoto and Gifu. The Emperor intervened on his behalf, and there was a truce, but it did not last long. Nobunaga now decided that in order to break through the net he must completely destroy the Enryakuji. Early in October 1571 he stormed Hiyeizan. T h e fighting monks were taken by surprise and sub dued without much trouble. All the great buildings were destroyed by fire. The Komponchudo, the pagodas, the numerous shrines and chapels with their precious contents, all went up in flames. Nobunaga's soldiery killed indiscriminately; monks, laymen, women, and children were captured and beheaded. As one writer said: “The whole mountainside was a great slaughterhouse, and the sight was one of unbearable horror.” At about this time the Ikko leaguers in the Kiso River delta at Nagashima erupted against Nobunaga’s forces there, and put up a very strong resistance in a ring of protected villages. Nobunaga went to supervise the attack but had to withdraw, pursued by the Ikko men, who inflicted some losses upon his troops. This defeat seems to have brought No bunaga’s hatred of the sectarians to a high pitch, and he resolved to destroy them. Apart from the Honganji, probably the most dangerous of his enemies at this time was Takeda Shingen of Kai. Takeda had for a time been nominally allied with Nobunaga against Uyesugi Kenshin and the Hojo family, but this arrangement came to an end on the death of Hojo Ujiyasu, a month after the destruction of Hiyeizan. The death of Ujiyasu upset the delicate balance of power, and the new Hojo leader decided to break with Kenshin and come to terms with Takeda. Thus Takeda felt free to make his long-intended drive to the capital.
This adventure is at first sight of little interest, but its background is important. Takeda had been in touch with the treacherous Shogun Yoshiaki since 1570, and he was related by marriage to the C hief Abbot Kosa of the Ishiyama Honganji. H e now took the lead in an alliance against Nobunaga and planned to move on Kyoto. The immediate ob stacles to his design were his old enemy Uyesugi Kenshin in Echigo and Tokugawa Ieyasu on the eastern seaboard. This was a strong com bination, and of course Nobunaga had also to be reckoned with, as a third party in a strong defensive alliance. Takeda therefore sought help from the Honganji and persuaded the Abbot Kosa to cause the Monto in Kaga to rise against Uyesugi.* This last move was a check to Nobunaga and obliged him to change his plans. Meanwhile, at the end of November 1572 Takeda began his offensive by marching westward with an army of 30,000 men. H e reached Omi in January 1573, and joined battle with Nobunaga and Ieyasu at Mikata-gahara, along the lower reaches of the Tenryugawa in Totomi. Takeda was successful, and Ieyasu barely escaped with his life to Hamamatsu. Nobunaga, also in a difficult position, was driven to seek a diplomatic solution. In the name of the Shogun Yoshiaki, he proposed a truce between Takeda and Kenshin. If Takeda refused, he could be accused of disobeying an order of the Shogun. But Takeda replied that he would accept the mediation of Asakura, not of Nobunaga. Nobunaga next tried for an agreement between himself and Takeda, again alleging orders from the Shogun, but this device also failed. Takeda refused and complained to Yoshiaki of Nobunaga’s misdeeds in a paper of five articles, to which Nobunaga retorted with seven articles of his own. After this documentary battle, another trial of strength was unavoidable. B ut Nobunaga s position was still awkward, for Yoshiaki was working against him, collecting funds and stirring up resentment. In March 1573 Nobunaga drew up a charge of seventeen articles against Yoshiaki, who then called upon Takeda, Asakura, Asai, and the powerful Ikko league in Etchu to demolish Nobunaga. This was more than Nobunaga could stand, and he attacked Yoshiaki in his Nijd palace. Yoshiaki fled and took refuge with his friends. Thus a final encounter between Nobunaga and Takeda was certain. But at this juncture news came that Takeda Shingen, wounded in a new attack upon Ieyasu, had died a few weeks later. This was a stroke of good fortune for Nobunaga and discouraging for Yoshiaki, who, how ever, thought fit to make one more effort In June 1573 he called upon Matsunaga (who had murdered the Shogun Yoshiteru, Yoshiakis brother), Asakura, the Honganji, and other possible allies for help against Nobunaga. At the Abbot Kosa's instance he asked Mori for * In the history books Takeda and his enem y Uyesugi have a high reputation as commanders in the military chronicles. T hey certainly enjoyed battles, but neither displayed any remarkable strategical g ift T hey fum bled their opportunities and they seem to have learned little from their frequent mistakes.
supplies. At the same time he wrote for help to Shingen’s successor, Takeda Katsuyori. But Nobunaga’s preparations were better. H e descended upon Kyoto, crossing Lake Biwa in boats he had secretly got ready, took Yoshiaki by surprise, and drove him out of the city. B y August 1573 Nobunaga’s position in the Home Provinces and the adjacent provinces was firm. In September he had his final reckoning with Asakura in Echizen and Asai in Omi, routing their armies, destroying their castles, and driving them to suicide. H e awarded their lands to Hideyoshi, who built a castle at Nagahama in Omi and was thus established as a warrior of the first rank. Before the investment of his castle Asai had sent his wife (N o bunaga’s sister) and her three daughters to Nobunaga’s headquarters. This lady, named O-Iehi, was said to be a great beauty. She later married a general who was killed, or died by his own hand, in an attack by Hideyoshi. She refused to escape and died with him. The daughters were taken care of by Hideyoshi, and the eldest, called Chacha during her childhood, later becam e his mistress and was well-known as his favourite, Yodogimi.
Drawing o f O-lchi, Nobunaga’s sister and the wife o f Asai Nagamasa, after a portrait in the Jimyd-in, Kdyasan
At the New Year celebration in 1574 Nobunaga is said to have re ceived as a gift a lacquer box containing the heads of three defeated enemies, which he inspected with glee. This may be true, but his mind at this time was fixed not upon past victims but upon destroying the Ikko sect. Before delivering his final assault on the Honganji, however, No bunaga thought it wise to secure himself against an attack which Takeda Katsuyori was obviously meditating and also to break up the Ikko leagues in Ise and in the province of Kaga. H e also had to take measures to prevent hostile action by Uyesugi Kenshin.
The order in which he undertook these tasks was determined partly by the movements of his adversaries. Several times since 1570 he had dealt with risings by a stubborn Ikko league in a settlement called Nagashima whose five strongholds were situated in strong positions in the delta of the Kiso River. The risings were incited by Nobunaga’s enemies and were never permanently put down. In July 1574 Nobunaga sent a strong force to Nagashima to settle the issue. His troops met with fierce resistance, but three redoubts at last gave way before enveloping attacks repeated day after day. From the seaward side the remaining defenders were under the pressure of a force of pirates from Ise, who bombarded them with large-calibre muskets and broke down their look out towers. By the end of August they were short of food, and some were dying of hunger. They offered to surrender, but Nobunaga was im placable. He put a stout stockade round the two strongholds which still held out, Nakaye and Nagashima, and in which there were crammed some 20,000 people, thus cutting off the defenders from any chance of escape. H e then set fire to the strongholds from all sides, and those within were burned to death. In O ctober 1574, after this act of venge ance for his former defeats, Nobunaga returned in triumph to Gifu. Meanwhile attack and defence at the Honganji perimeter went on intermittently through 1574 and into 1575. Help continued to arrive from Ikko congregations far and near, including gold, rice, barley, oil, and clothing from the church in Echizen, the Honseiji. Early in 1575 Nobunaga decided that he must finish the subjugation of Echizen, which was now dominated by the sectarians. But in June of that year he was obliged to modify his plans and move eastward to help Ieyasu withstand an attack by Takeda,Katsuyori. The ensuing battle, fought at a place called Nagashino in the province of Mikawa, marks a new era in the history of warfare in Japan. Takeda opened the attack with the old-style order of battle: four waves of mounted warriors charged one after another against the de fences erected by Nobunaga. They were all destroyed before they reached his front line. Nobunaga had set up wooden palisades in a zig-zag pattern, of a height which the horses could not overleap. Takeda’s cavaliers were brought up short against this obstacle and were shot down from behind it by some 3,000 foot soldiers armed with muskets. Every successive charge of the Takeda warriors was repulsed with heavy losses, while the defenders suffered hardly a scratch. The muskets were still rudimentary weapons, muzzle-loaded and fired by a tinder, effective up to about eighty yards. The firing process was so slow that the musketeers were divided into three sections, firing in rotation. Takeda Shingen and Uyesugi Kenshin had used muskets in their battles at Kawanakajima not long after the weapons first ap peared in Japan, and Takeda had ordered materials for the manufacture of muskets in 1572; but neither he nor Kenshin had fully understood the power of this new weapon. By contrast, the Ikko leaders had quickly
perceived the superiority of firearms to swords and spears. The Ishiyama Honganji soon developed a real arsenal, where muskets were made in quantity. T h e Ikko settlements at Negoro and Saiga had similar workshops, and it was at Negoro that some of the best-known gunsmiths learned their craft. Sakai was also an important centre for the manu facture and sale of firearms and ammunition for sale to any purchaser. The defeat of Takeda at Nagashino in June 1575 greatly improved Nobunaga's strategic position. The only threat remaining to the north was the military strength of Uyesugi Kenshin, alone or combined with the leaguers in Kaga. Nobunaga, using a strong force in a short, sharp campaign, broke the leaguers, and swept on to Tsuruga, subduing Echizen and later the whole of Kaga. H e thus came close to Kenshin's domain, but refrained from attacking him, being anxious to avoid a major engagement. Meanwhile Kenshin was active. In the fall of 1575 he established a link with the Ishiyama Honganji, with armed monks in Kii, and with Mori in Yamaguchi. H e began to move south in October 1577, but was held up by bad weather and decided to wait until the snow melted in the spring. W hen spring came, he died of a haemorrhage at the age of forty-eight. 6. T he F all o f th e Honganji W hile Nobunaga was dealing with his northern adversaries, Yoshiaki, the deposed and fugitive Shogun, had been steadily plotting against him. From Tomo, in Bingo province, he despatched letters (dated in April 1575) appealing for help to be given by Mori to the defenders of the Honganji.4 But Mori was for the moment reluctant to move, and the Abbot Kosa, in urgent need of supplies, made peaceful overtures to Nobunaga, who knew that Kosa was only playing for time. Both Nobunaga and Mori were fully aware of the importance of con trolling traffic through the Inland Sea. Here the advantage lay with Mori, who had a strong naval force at his command, composed of ex perienced privateers. In the summer of 1575 he ordered his captains to proceed with supplies to the relief of the Honganji. Nobunaga also had war vessels, some three hundred in number. They were stationed at the head of Osaka Bay, defending the estuary of the Kizu River. Here there was a brisk engagement, in which firearms were used on both sides. The Mori ships won the fight, and had little trouble in getting the needed supplies into the fortress. This was in August 1575. At this point Yoshiaki and Mori pressed Kenshin and Takeda to move. A letter from Mori to Kenshin is preserved, from which it appears that Mori’s design was to make a frontal attack in great force upon Nobunaga, while * * Mori Motonari had died in 1571. He was succeeded by his grandson Tcrumoto, who worked in harmony with his kinsmen and advisers Kikkawa and Kobayakawa. It was to these men that Yoshiaki’s letters were addressed.
Kenshin, Takeda, and Ikko armies descended upon him from the east. Mori’s letter is very specific. I t is dated in September 1575, refers to his sea victory with satisfaction, and makes plans for the downfall of Nobunaga. It need hardly be said that the anxiety of these great warriors to support the Honganji was not due to a desire to protect Buddhists or Buddhism. Neither Takeda nor Kenshin answered Mori’s call, and the fighting ceased for a time. Indeed, all was so peaceful that early in 1576 No bunaga began work on his new castle at Azuchi, on the edge of Lake Biwa. W hile supervising the foundations there, he laid his plans for an attack which should destroy the power of the Ikko sect. The interrupted struggle was resumed in June. Nobunaga led a force of 3,000 against the Honganji, which mustered 15,000 troops. Nobunaga was at the head of a body of ashigaru, which was checked and withdrew when Nobunaga was slightly wounded in the leg. H e then decided to change his tactics, and to attack the inland strong-points which formed the eastern outer defences of the Honganji. In March 1577 he left his castle and assembled his generals in Kyoto. W ith them he led a very large force into Izumi by way of Yahata, Uji, and the province of Kawachi. Divided into two armies, they swept through Izumi, thrusting aside all resistance from local warriors, and entering Kii province delivered a strong attack on Saiga. There the Ikko leaguers put up a stubborn resistance, but they could not withstand as saults which continued day and night, and at length they surrendered. During this operation Nobunaga detached a strong force to attack the monastery of Negoro. They set fire to the buildings, and the defenders were forced to come out and surrender. Thus the whole of the province of Kii was subdued in less than a month. The soldier-monks of Negoro and the sectaries of Saiga were set free on binding themselves not to support the Honganji in any way. In April Nobunaga returned to Kyoto in good order, having cut off the garrison’s source of supplies from the east and south. The news of his successes filled Mori Terumoto with alarm. H e wrote to Uyesugi Ken shin saying that now nothing could stop Nobunaga but an attack in full force from east and west in combination. At the Honganji, the besieged garrison fell into a state of despond ency on learning of the fall of Saiga. The Abbot Kosa sent summonses to pastors and congregations throughout the country, exhorting them to stand fast and to send supplies and reinforcements to succour the defenders of the cathedral and the fortress. Only thus, he said (in a letter addressed to believers in Sagami and Musashi during the summer of 1577), could the Law of the Buddha b e restored. Mori could do nothing at this time without help from Kenshin, and Kenshin, as we have seen, was slow to move in the fall of 1577 and was dead the following spring. The isolation of the Honganji was thus
almost complete. Nobunaga ordered Kosa to evacuate the fortress and leave Osaka. Kosa consulted his colleagues and associates in long-drawnout discussions, all the while imploring Mori for help. Meanwhile his outposts were falling one after another, and his supplies were nearly exhausted. In April 1580 an Imperial Messenger was sent with a L etter of Advice from the Throne, and the fortress surrendered a few weeks later.* Thus ended eleven years of bitter fighting. I t will be noticed that the intervention of the Emperor was effective, because it gave “face” to both sides and prevented indiscriminate slaughter. The incident is also of interest because it contradicts statements that the sovereign was neglected, the Court penniless, and the Palace falling to pieces for want of repairs. It was, of course, Nobunaga who suggested to His Majesty Ogimachi that he despatch an imperial missive to Kosa. It might b e supposed that after the fall of the Hdnganji Nobunaga would rest a while from his campaigning; but in 1581 he decided on one more great battle. H e and Ieyasu and Hojo led an immense force to attack Takeda Katsuyori. The chronicles say that a total of nearly 180,000 men marched from different points against some 20,000 men assembled with difficulty by Katsuyori. The vanguard from Gifu en tered Kofu, the capital of the Takeda domains, without meeting any opposition. Katsuyori fled to Temmokusan, where he was captured and killed in April 1582. This was the end of the Takeda family, in its twentyeighth generation. W hy Nobunaga used so much force against so weak an enemy is not clear. Takeda Shingen had caused him much trouble in the past and at times had defeated him in battle. H e may have thought it wise to occupy, if only for a short time, the four provinces which Takeda had ruled. Moreover, it was necessary for him to reward his generals by gifts of territory. In this way he disposed of Kai and Shinano, while Ieyasu received Suruga, and a trusted general named Taldgawa was awarded a part of Kotsuke, where he could keep an eye on the Hojo family and their activities in the Kanto. Part of Nobunaga s statecraft was devoted to the distribution of territory among his wartime friends and allies. He probably took an especial pleasure in carving up the Takeda lands, for he appears to have had a violent, almost insane, hatred of both Shingen and Katsuyori. H e even treated the monks of the Eirinji (th e church which held Shingens rem ains) with appalling cruelty, roasting them to death in a great bonfire. Ieyasu, on the other hand, paid respect to the corpse of Katsuyori and sheltered some of his ad herents from Nobunaga's vengeance. * Kosa left the fortress in charge of his son in May 1580 and sought without suc cess to raise a relieving force in Kii. I t was actually the son who had to surrender the place and march o u t
1. Missionaries in the C apital h e n Francis Xavier left Kagoshima in 1550 and made his painful way to Kyoto, his purpose was to see the “King of Japan.” At that time Kyoto was little more than a scene of desolation. There was no power ful ruler to whom he could appeal, and he was obliged to return to Yamaguchi, where he was protected by Ouchi Yoshitaka and allowed to preach the gospel. H e was then invited to Funai by Otomo Sorin (later Francisco), the lord of Bungo, who also gave him protection and who becam e an ardent supporter of Christianity, for reasons political rather than religious. Xavier, on his return to Goa in 1552 with an envoy from Bungo to the Portuguese Viceroy of the Indies, reported favourably on the pros pects of mission work in Japan and spoke highly of the character of the Japanese people. He urged the despatch of missionaries without delay, and good men were sent. In western Japan they had much success, partly because they were favoured by rulers who wished to attract Por tuguese ships and partly because the poor and oppressed country folk listened gladly to a gospel which offered them a prospect of bliss. But, although the missions in Kyushu flourished, the directors in Goa were convinced that they must extend their labours to the capital, for it was the policy of the Jesuits to seek the support of the ruling classes wher ever they went. They knew that in the long run they must depend upon the good will of the temporal power. Consequently, the leading mis sionaries in Japan were, as one of them put it, “at pains to see the King, because in Japan everything depends upon the rulers.” In 1559 there were only six Fathers in Japan, but one of them, Father Gaspar Vilela, was sent from the province of Bungo to the capital at the earliest opportunity. After some difficulties he was cordially received by the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru, who in 1560 issued orders that the missionaries were to be well treated and not taxed or otherwise ham pered in their work. I t is not clear why Yoshiteru should have been so friendly. He may have received word from Otomo, but it seems more likely that it was because Vilela, in the early days of his sojourn in Kyoto, had made a good impression upon a number of warriors and had converted Miyoshi Chokei, who was then acting as a kind of guardian to the Shogun. W hat ever the reason, the protection afforded by Yoshiteru was of great value. I t enabled Vilela to preach freely and to move about the city with his
companion, Brother Lorenzo, who was a Japanese of humble origin, a blind musician. Vilela soon becam e known in the country round Kyoto and as far afield as Sakai and Nara. The number of his converts grew fast, particularly among military men, who swarmed over the region south of the capital at this time, the Miyoshi and Matsunaga factions being engaged in their usual enterprises of conspiracy and slaughter. Vilela was so successful that he appealed to Goa for assistance, but then violent turmoil broke out in Kyoto, and he was unable to carry on his mission or to protect his church and his converts. L ate in 1560 he felt obliged to move for a time to Sakai, where he was safe from attack but found the prosperous merchants indifferent to his gospel. The Sho gun had fled from Kyoto at the same time as Vilela; but although order was restored before long and the Shogun returned to the city, Vilela was to remain in Sakai reluctantly for two years, returning to Kyoto in 1563. During these years Buddhist monks pressed for the expulsion of all missionaries from Japan and threatened violence, but the Shogun’s chief minister, Matsunaga Hisahide, silenced them. W ithin a few years after Vilela’s arrival in Kyoto several small Chris tian churches had been built at a distance from the city. In 1564, Vilela was joined by Luis Frois and another Father sent by the authorities in Goa in response to Vilela’s request. At this time there were about twelve Fathers in Japan, most of them in Bungo, where the number of converts was very great. Frois, who was ordered to Kyoto after nine years in Malacca, is an important figure in the history of the Jesuit mission to Japan. His letters provide highly reliable evidence on events from 1549 to 1578, and he remained in Japan until his death in 1587. He was active in Kyoto when Nobunaga was at the height of his power, and he was on friendly terms with many important persons. Vilela had been received several times by Yoshiteru; and he and Frois were both present at a New Year audi ence in 1565, where Yoshiteru sat in state, acknowledging the obeisances of some of the important guests by a slight movement of his fan. In the summer of 1565 this unfortunate Shogun was murdered with his mother and his wife by Matsunaga and the Miyoshi faction, who had so terri fied the Shogun’s friends and adherents that his funeral was attended only by a few monks from the Shokokuji. The great Zen prelates kept away. Frois, in a letter written soon after these foul deeds, relates how Yoshitern’s younger brother Yoshiala escaped and was finally rescued by “Nobunaga, the King of Owari, who raised a great army to subjugate the rebels.” Shortly after Yoshiteru’s death an edict was issued by the Emperor (under pressure from the Buddhist sects) ordering the expulsion of all missionaries. Vilela and Frois escaped from the tumult with the help of a Japanese convert, and made their way to Sakai, a good observation point and a centre of news from all parts of the country.
The edict was a great blow to the Jesuits, and Vilela returned to Kyushu, but Frois continued his work from Sakai and was respected by his converts. Their faith seems to have been firm and comforting, for (w e are told) when Frois on Christmas Day of 1567 invited men from both of the armies then at war to celebrate the festival together in amity, they came gladly and left saying “W e are brothers in Christ,” but they resumed the slaughter in the morning. In the early years of Vilela’s mission a number of warriors in the Home Provinces had adopted the Christian faith. Some were ordinary bushi, others men of rank. Among the more prominent of Vilela’s con verts was a daimyo of good standing in Settsu, Takayama by name. He is said to have been converted after losing in a debate to which he had challenged Vilela. H e took Vilela to his castle and there was baptised with his wife and children. He was given the baptismal name of Dario, and his eldest son, then ten years old, was christened Justo. W hen the boy grew up he was known by his title as Ukon ( an honorary rank in the Imperial Bodyguards), and in the Jesuit writings, where he is con stantly praised for his great services to the missionary cause, he is always referred to as Ucondono. Takayama Dario had an elder brother named W ada Koremasa, a chieftain in Omi, who had rendered valuable services to Nobunaga in his campaigns in the Home Provinces; and Takayama, anxious to assist the missionaries, urged W ada to use his influence with Nobunaga and ask for the recall of the Fathers to Kyoto. As a result of this suggestion, one day in the late spring of 1569 Frois was taken to see Nobunaga, who had not long before entered the city with Yoshiaki. Yoshiaki also was indebted to W ada—to Vatadono, as the Jesuits called him—for aid and comfort during his years of wandering.1 The interview took place on a hot day, on a bridge across the moat at the entrance to the Nijo castle, which was then under construction. Nobunaga was there superintending the work, of which he was very proud; he wore a tiger-skin tunic and was surrounded by a great num ber of armed men. Frois was held in conversation by Nobunaga, then in an amiable and talkative mood. H e asked Frois questions about his purpose in coming to Japan and was pleased with his replies, which were respectful but firm and included some derogatory observations upon Buddhist monks which were much to Nobunaga’s taste. W ada was ordered to guide Frois round the building, and on their return Nobunaga dismissed him with kind words. Shortly after this meeting Wada took Frois to an audience with the new Shogun, Yoshiaki, and soon thereafter Frois received a license to 1 The date of this interview is sometimes given as in the summer of 1568, but this is impossible, since Nobunaga did not enter Kyoto with Yoshiaki until the fall. Frois wrote describing the interview in June or July 1569, and he certainly would not have waited a year before reporting an event of such importance.
preach his doctrine in Japan. This favour aroused great antagonism among hostile Buddhist monks, who tried to have the license rescinded and the missionaries expelled. W ada was alarmed because they had appealed to the Emperor, and he arranged another interview with Nobunaga, who again received Frois in a friendly manner. On being asked to protect the Christians against the Buddhists, Nobunaga enquired w hat was the reason for this hostility, and Frois replied that it was be cause the missionaries exposed the sins of the monks. As the discussion proceeded, a certain Nichijo Shonin—a monk of obscure origin and dubious character who was useful to Nobunaga as a secretary and as a go-between in many lands of transactions—lost his temper, and when Frois spoke of the soul picked up a sword and threatened to cut off the head of the poor blind Brother Lorenzo, to see whether there were such a thing as a living spirit. H e was seized and restrained by Hideyoshi, who was standing by; and the debate that ensued ended to the Jesuit's advantage. Nobunaga’s favours to Christian missions continued throughout the rest of his life, which was then to last another thirteen years; and despite the opposition and intrigues of the Buddhists, the Jesuits’ work contin ued to prosper. Indeed one of the reasons for their success was the con tempt in which certain sects of Buddhism were held by the ruling class. In seeking for an explanation of the growing number of conversions to Christianity, not only in the poor western provinces but also in the capi tal city and the surrounding provinces, which were the most advanced in all Japan, one must take into account the degradation of almost every sect of Japanese Buddhism in the late middle ages. Ten years after the first visit of Frois to Nobunaga, Takayama Ukon succeeded to his father’s land and his castle of Takatsuki. The number of baptised Christians in his fief had risen to 8,000, a third of its total population. The total number of Christians in central Japan at this time was about 15,000, and there were many handsome churches in the larger towns. More missionaries were sent for, and were received by Nobu naga when they arrived—among the most prominent being Francisco Cabral, the Vice-Provincial, Organtino Gnecchi (who made a strong impression), and in 1581 Alexander Valignano, a tall man whose stature astonished Nobunaga and whose Negro servant amused him. Valignano spent some weeks with Nobunaga at Azuchi, the great castle which No bunaga had built between 1576 and 1579. Thus the prospects of evangelization in Japan were very fair. In Kyoto and its environs the Christians were for the most part men of good standing, well educated, and devout. Seminaries were founded for the education of youths of good family; and one of these was visited by Nobunaga, who was pleased with what he saw and with music played on European instruments by the pupils. T h e condition of the mission work in the country as a whole was surveyed by the Visitor-General Valignano in 1582. H e concluded that
there were 150,000 Christians in Japan at that time, and 200 churches, mostly small; of the converts by far the greater number were in western Japan, even allowing for central Japan a larger number than the 15,000 cited above. No doubt the number of converts included some who thought it fashionable to take up the new creed, or to adopt foreign habits such as carrying a rosary, or to wear an article of foreign dress, just as their remote ancestors had once copied Chinese fashions. But even allowing for these, the labour of the missionaries must have been stupendous, especially when one recalls that there were at first only two or three Fathers and a handful of brothers and other helpers; and that even in 1580 there were not more than twenty Fathers in the whole of Japan, and about thirty helpers, seminarists, and catechists, most of whom were Japanese. It is usually held that Nobunaga hated religion, a view which his slaughter of the monks of Hiyeizan and his cruel treatment of the Ikko leaguers at Nagashima would seem to justify. But what he hated was the churchmen's interference in political matters and their use of mili tary strength. H e had no animosity towards religion in general and thought it right that monasteries should be places of worship and homes of learning. It is this attitude which accounts for his favours to Christian mis sionaries. H e saw that they were men of high character and strong purpose whom he need not fear. One of the most important passages in the history of the Jesuits in Japan is the fortunate sequence of events that brought Frois into Nobunaga’s presence. 2. N obunaga and the Buddhist Sects When Nobunaga was developing a castle town at Azuchi, he thought it necessary to provide it with certain religious institutions. This was a common practice, as can be seen from plans of mediaeval castle towns, which show a liberal allowance of sacred buildings, some for the samurai, some for the townspeople. He therefore persuaded, or rather obliged, Jodo (Pure Land) monasteries in the vicinity to move into the new city, where he built for them the Jogon-In. This was richly endowed as the presiding church of the sect in Omi and Iga provinces. His reasons for favouring the Jodo monks can only be guessed, but he doubtless thought of the sect as mild and manageable in contrast to the Hokke (L otu s) sect founded by Nichiren, which had a long tradi tion of militancy.* 2 The early tradition of Buddhism in Japan had been one of comparative harmony in the relations between different branches of the Church, all doctrines being regarded as different versions of one truth. But this tradition was broken by Nichiren (1 2 2 2 -8 2 ), a quarrelsome saint and a master of vituperation. In No bunaga’s time the Hokke sect had not mended its manners, but remained subversive and antagonistic to the civil authority; and it was natural that Nobunaga should keep a suspicious eye upon its leaders.
In 1579 it happened that a Jodo monk from the eastern provinces was preaching in the castle town when he was heckled by a monk of the Hokke sect. Their argument was on the point of exploding into violence when Nobunaga intervened and ordered the parties to come to terms. T h e Hokke monk insisted upon a debate to decide the point at issue. Nobunaga agreed to this proposal and ordered a learned Zen abbot from the Nanzenji to be the judge, and to preside over a discussion in the Jogon-In. T he subsequent events were recorded in some detail in an account which throws light upon Nobunaga’s policy in matters of reli gion and also upon the general condition of sectarian strife in the six teenth century. The parties assembled in the oratory of the Jogon-In on a day in June 1579, and commenced the argument. The Jodo leader said: “Among the eight points in your doctrine, is there or is there not the Buddha-calling?” To this the Nichiren leader replied: “There is.” The argument con tinued, becoming more and more heated until it developed into an exchange of insults. But the Jodo assertions were overcome by the Hokke reasoning, and Teian, the Jodo spokesman, got red in the face and lost his self-control. It was late, and Nobunaga had no intention of letting the Nichiren people enjoy a victory. He had long ago de termined to break the power of the Hokke sect, and the judge ( a deaf old man of eighty-four) seems to have thought it prudent to declare in favour of the Jodo party. Helpless in the face of this monstrously un fair decision, the Hokke leaders were obliged to give way. They sub scribed to an oath in which they swore by all the gods in Japan and all the holy writ of the Tripitaka that they had been overcome in argument with the Jodo sect, that they would never in future attack another religious teaching, and that they accepted the punishment of some of their colleagues. Murai, the Commissioner of Police (Shoshi-dai) in Kyoto, was ordered to announce this news publicly both within and beyond the capital. Thus the Jodo sect triumphed, as Nobunaga had doubtless intended from the beginning, for his magistrates had surrounded the meeting place with more than a thousand armed men, who, when the Jodo men cried “Victory,” attacked the followers of Nichiren with great brutality. The Jodo spokesmen were handsomely rewarded. T he matter did not end there, for subsequently the lay members of the Hokke party, who were evidently men of good standing, were sought out and executed as dangerous rebels. This grim story confirms the view that Nobunaga feared the political influence of the Buddhist Church. His treatment of the great monastic complex at Koyasan is another example of his drastic method of dealing with sectarian opposition. Koyasan was so remote in position among the high hills of Yamato and (unlike Hiyeizan) so aloof from secular affairs that it was an almost independent ecclesiastical state. But during the civil wars of the late
middle ages, its wide domains becam e a refuge for soldiers escaping from defeat and for criminals evading punishment. T he laws of Japan did not recognize a right of sanctuary, but in general fugitives were fairly safe in the mountainous region south from Yoshino to Kumano and east over the lonely Odaigahara to the coast of Ise.* After Nobunagas subjugation of his enemies in the Home Provinces, notably in Yamashiro, remnants of the defeated forces of Miyoshi, Matsunaga, Hosokawa, and others found their way to Koyasan, where according to custom they were given asylum, and—in suitable cases— even encouraged to enter holy orders. This state of affairs was dis pleasing to Nobunaga, especially when he learned that officers of Arala Murashige, whom he had defeated in 1581, were being sheltered in the monastery. H e sent officials to demand the surrender of these men, and his envoys were forcibly ejected by the monks. This action infuriated Nobimaga, since he regarded it as an offence against his government to harbour rebels and criminals. H e at once ordered all mendicant friars from Koyasan to be seized and executed, and shortly afterwards he ap pointed his third son, Nobutaka, to the command of an army which was to proceed in six divisions by six routes to chastise the monks. As the forces moved upon the holy place, the monks were at odds, some wishing to resist by prayer, some being in favour of armed force. The Court at Kyoto was alarmed, fearing that Koya would suffer the fate of the Enryakuji, and the Emperor sent a special messenger to Nobunaga deploring his policy. Here we see an interesting testimony to the power of the Throne in certain circumstances, for Nobunaga ac cepted the remonstrance and stopped military operations, contenting himself for the time with ordering his officers in Yamato and Kawachi to keep a close watch on the monastery and its superior clergy. He then becam e preoccupied by the problems arising from his campaigns against Takeda in the E ast and Mori in the W est, so that Koyasan escaped his further attention and by a stroke of good fortune survived as a sacred institution of imposing size and quality. I t might not have survived for long if Nobunaga had not died in 1582. 3. Japan ese Christians It is sometimes suggested that the daimyos and the warriors who adopted the Christian faith were moved only by a desire for material gain, thinking that as Christians they could get a greater share in the Portuguese trade or could more easily secure weapons and other supplies of advantage to their military efforts. This is an altogether too simple explanation of the remarkable success of the missionaries. Perhaps some8 8 Nearly fifty years ago I was hospitably entertained on my way over Odaigahara by a band of hunters and woodcutters, kindly men who had committed offences in Osaka and thought it wise to leave the city.
western daimyos accepted baptism on political grounds, but often mem bers of their families proved firm in their faith to the point of martyrdom. T he Japanese warriors who went into battle wearing the Cross as an emblem on their helmets, and shouting as a war cry “Jesu” or “Santa Maria” or “Sant’ Iago,” were inspired by a strong faith, which may have been superstitious but was none the less genuine. All the history of war in Japan shows the belief of their class in a guardian deity, and the transfer of their allegiance from Hachiman to a new tutelary power should not b e difficult to understand.
Seals of four Christian daimyos: Hosokawa Tadadki, Kuroda Yoshitaka, Otomo Sdrin (Francisco), and M M Terumoto
The conversion of great numbers of peasants and artisans is even simpler to explain. Some were ordered to becom e Christians by their masters, but as a rule they were willing converts, finding solace in Chris tian doctrine, material help in the form of charitable gifts, medical care in the Jesuit infirmaries, and a new status and feeling of well-being in the little Christian schools and the churches where they attended Mass. That the faith of these simple people was very deep-rooted is proved by their steadfast behaviour under persecution in a later period. Among the merchants the Jesuits had comparatively little success, for men of this class were (in the words of Father V ilela) proud and avaricious and addicted to pleasures. Since in addition the priests in veighed against usury and commercial trickery, traders in the towns rarely attended their churches. It is a curious fact that the opening of diplomatic intercourse be tween Japan and European states was brought about by the Fathers in Kyushu, for early in 1582, by arrangement of the Jesuits in Japan with their Society at home, a mission of four well-born Japanese youths was sent to the King of Spain and the Pope by the Christian daimyos Otomo, Arima, and Omura. T he four boys, accompanied by Valignano, left Nagasaki harbour in a Portuguese ship for Macao, where they stayed for some months of study while waiting for the monsoon. At the end of 1582 they sailed for M alacca, and thence, after a voyage not free from dangers and hardships, they reached Goa, where Valignano left them. Leaving Cochin in the company of three other Portuguese vessels, they sailed round the Cape of Good Hope and at last reached Lisbon
three years after their departure from Japan. They were well received wherever they stopped on their way to Madrid, and at their destination they were welcomed gracefully by Philip II, the most powerful monarch in Europe, then ruling both Spain and Portugal. Soon afterwards they left Spain in a Spanish ship for Italy, where they went first to Florence and thence proceeded to Rome. The Pope, Gregory X III, insisted upon a brilliant ceremony, against the wishes of the Jesuits. W earing Japanese costume, the young men rode on fine horses in a splendid procession to the Vatican. They were received in the Sala Regia, where they kissed the Pope’s foot and were embraced by him with affectionate greetings. From the point of view of the Jesuits the mission was a great success, for their Society was granted a monopoly of evangelisation in Japan, and was promised a handsome annual subsidy. The envoys’ stay in Rome was somewhat prolonged owing to the death of Gregory and the election of Sixtus. They returned to Japan in the summer of 1590, having been absent for over eight years. In those years the Christian daimyos Otomo Sorin and Omura Sumitada had died and the position of the Christians in general had dete riorated. The wind of persecution had begun to blow.
1. Civil Government I t w i l l be recalled that early in the sixteenth century the successful warlords began to pay close attention to the civil administration of their territories, hoping thereby to increase their military strength and im prove their economic condition. The House Laws of their families nearly all contain provisions relating to monetary matters, to trade and com munications, and in general to the development of material resources. T he administrative acts of Hojo Soun, Asakura Toshikage, Takeda Shingen, and Uyesugi Kenshin are good examples of this trend, which was followed by Nobunaga first on a provincial and then on a national scale. When Nobunaga marched westward from Mikawa in 1567, his first concern was to consolidate his military position by overcoming local opposition and by occupying strongholds of strategic importance, nota bly the castle at Gifu in Owari, his own native province. But he also began at that time to plan the economic development of Owari and Mino, which together formed the Nobi plain, one of the three great alluvial plains of Japan. His first step was to break local trade monopolies by declaring free markets in the leading towns. This was not a new idea, for local mag nates had from time to time forbidden sales monopolies in their domains; for instance in 1549 Rokkaku had closed a paper merchants’ guild in Mino under penalty of confiscation, and had declared a free market in its place. Nobunaga first declared free trade in the town of Kano, in a notifi cation which provided for free markets ( raku ichi) and open guilds ( rakuza) and for penalties in case of dishonest practices. These were the preliminary steps towards freedom of trade, and since Kano was the castle town below his fortress of Gifu, and therefore under his full control, the prevention of closed markets was simple. To abolish occu pational and mercantile guilds elsewhere was a more difficult task, how ever, since it ran contrary to the interests of powerful institutions or persons then outside his jurisdiction. But Nobunaga could bide his time: the policy was laid down, and its execution would proceed by stages. Upon his entry into Kyoto in 1568, Nobunaga lost no time in devel oping new policies for civil administration, although his military prob lems must have been pressing. One of his first steps was to issue a set of elaborate currency regulations, whose aggregate effect was to forbid barter transactions using rice as a unit of exchange; to order sales and
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purchases of more than specified quantities of certain goods to b e made in silver or gold; and to fix the ratio of value between copper, silver, and gold. This edict, issued in 1569, was preceded by a public notice an nouncing the official rate of exchange between copper coins of varying degrees of pure copper content, and forbidding the use of “bad coin” ( aku sen ), that is to say, counterfeit money.1 Other problems of civil administration to which Nobunaga turned his attention were the abolition of barriers within the territories which he occupied and the construction and repair of roads and bridges. In 1574 he issued special orders concerning the upkeep of roads and bridges in his own province of Owari, which were to b e regularly inspected. He also ordered pine and willow trees to b e planted along the road sides, and fixed the width of main and secondary roads. This was by order under his vermilion seal in 1575. The general trend of Nobunaga’s ideas on civil administration is clearly indicated in the steps he took to develop a prosperous castle town beneath his great fortress on Azuchiyama. The construction of this great castle was symbolic of the ambition of Nobunaga, and an emblem of his power. Begun in 1576 and not completed until 1579, it was an immense structure with a soaring keep, and it dominated the country from the shore of Lake Biwa. I t was in Omi province, but it frowned upon Kyoto, and it was a warning and a barrier to attackers from the eastern provinces. The transport of the great stone blocks of which the castle was com posed, required an exceptional effort, and it was accomplished by a small army of men, straining at the ropes of oxcarts and encouraged by music. Contemporary paintings show them as they haul and sweat, while perched on the cart is a kind of master of ceremonies with a small orchestra composed of ladies of the town. Stones were brought by the thousands from nearby quarries and then selected. T h e transport of the heaviest of these to the summit was done by great numbers of men work ing day and night to lever them up by inches. The purpose of this great structure was to watch over the approaches to the capital, and in particular to guard it against threats from Uyesugi and other likely invaders from the north. Experience had shown that a fortress inside the capital city was a danger, not an advantage, since the risk of conflagrations was constant and unavoidable. The city itself, apart from its inflammability, was far too sprawling and vulnerable to serve as a military base. I t is evident that Nobunaga found these fac tors of such importance that he contemplated making Azuchi the capital from which he would rule the whole country. He pressed on with the foundation of a big castle town while the 1 It is interesting to learn that the text of this notice is preserved in the archives of the Tennoji monastery, where it was originally displayed on a notice board within the precincts.
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main edifice was still under construction, but he met with difficulties at first because his military subordinates and the civilians in his service were slow to occupy the houses which he had got ready for them. Those which his generals were to occupy were enclosed by stone walls and prepared for defence as if they were independent forts, while those of the civilians—the townspeople in general—were some distance away, near the lake shore. It was two or three years before residents settled in numbers, but by about 1582 the population of the castle town was of the order of 5,000. In order to ensure the prosperity of the town Nobunaga had to pro vide attractive conditions for the tradesmen and the artisans who settled there. Accordingly, in the summer of 1577, while the castle was still under construction, he issued a municipal charter, of which the main provisions were as follows: ( 1 ) the town was to be a free market, and no tax whatever should b e levied on sales or purchases; ( 2 ) merchants proceeding along the central highroad (Nakasendo) were not to pass through the town without stopping, but must take lodging there; (3 ) except in case of war or other great emergency no levy for building or transport should be imposed upon the residents; ( 4 ) if a moratorium ( toku sei) was declared within the province, it should not apply to debts owing to residents of the town. In general the regulations were devised to attract money and trade to the town, and this was a significant departure from the restrictive practices of mediaeval commerce. But it need not b e supposed that Nobunaga had anticipated the doctrine of Adam Smith. Other war lords had already taken similar measures to remove obstacles to trade; and his aim, like theirs, was political rather than economic. Freedom of buying and selling was not an end but a means; those who proclaimed it sought to abolish all controls but their own. The roads were to be improved not so much for the comfort of travellers as for the easy trans port of soldiers and war material; markets were to be free in order to stimulate a flow of commodities from other parts of the country. In general the castle town was looked upon by the warlords as a reservoir of money, materials, and technical skill which would be essential in time of war. Nobunaga saw these things clearly, and in a larger framework than other rulers. H e thought always in terms of unifying factors, while he added gradually to his powers and spread them over an increasing range. B y the beginning of 1578 he had so consolidated his military dominance that his New Year celebration was attended by warriors great and small from eleven provinces—Yamashiro, Yamato, Kawachi, Izu, Settsu, Etchu, Echizen, Owari, Mino, Omi, and Ise.2 All these came to express their loyalty to him. 2 The castle building was not completed, but be could show them some of the apartments and their lavish decorations.
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2. N obunaga’s Political Power The military successes of Nobunaga are a matter of record and serve to explain the degree of political power which he came to have. But the steps by which he established himself as a leader after his early and extremely fortunate victory at Okehazama are not easy to define, and deserve some study. How did he, with the aid of Hideyoshi, gather the political as well as the military support which enabled him to com plete the first phase of unification? There are differences of opinion on these points among Japanese historians, but it seems to be agreed that a large measure of his early success was due to his connexion with the province of Owari. It was in Owari that he had been bom , and it was from Owari that he pro ceeded to establish his authority in the other provinces of the rich cen tral region, moving his base from Gifu to Mino and Omi and then to the capital. To control this region was to possess the granary of the Home Prov inces and to dominate the approaches to Kyoto from the east and north. The wealth of the area depended of course upon its natural advantages of rich soil and abundant water, but also upon the composition of its farming population, for the farmlands were in the hands not of oppres sive landlords but of a class of independent cultivators well organized in their villages. These men, the ji-samurai, were of modest military origin. Hideyoshi himself was of the lower rank in that class, and No bunaga, though related to a family of somewhat higher rank, was on the same social level as most of the rural gentry of Owari. I t was among men of his own class that Nobunaga found his earliest support. Details of the methods by which fighting men were enlisted do not appear to be available, but it is clear that foot soldiers were recruited in great numbers, principally no doubt from the lower stratum of the farming population ( i.e., the farmhands and domestic servants, men of the ashigaru type as distinct from the ji-sam urai). W hat inducements or rewards were offered to these men is hard to say, but they must have been valuable if the size of the forces raised by Nobunaga and Hide yoshi is correctly reported. Actually, the hope of reward may have been inducement enough. W e know, for example, that Hideyoshi was given all the domains of Asai, whom he defeated, and Hideyoshi s soldiers must have profited by a share in those spoils. Nobunaga’s military successes won him political support in other parts of Japan, and he was on the point of further extending his politi cal influence when he met his death; but he certainly had seen the im portance of a strong and competent civil administration. His policy at Azuchi may be regarded as an expression of this view, for while the castle was an emblem of military strength, the castle town was a centre from which he hoped to extend his political influence. This task he bequeathed to Hideyoshi, who opened his administrative career by
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proclaiming a land policy designed to put agriculture under central government control. Here also, it may be observed, Hideyoshi s work was facilitated by his familiarity with rural life in Owari. 3. N obunaga and Sakai The history of Sakai to the middle sixteenth century has been traced in earlier chapters, and it is now appropriate to refer to its later growth, since it figures prominently in the history of domestic and foreign trade and the rise of a class of wealthy merchants. The geographic position of Sakai accounts for both its prosperity and its misfortunes, for its wealth was derived from its seaborne trade and its troubles arose from its proximity to the great whirlpool of po litical and military currents which always threatened but never entirely submerged the capital city. Tim e after time this emporium was squeezed like a sponge by warlords in need of funds; but in spite of this drain, or because of it, the Sakai merchants doubled and redoubled their efforts and built up such financial power that the warlords began to perceive in their dim way how foolish it would be to destroy so plentiful a source of wealth. So, gradually, Sakai was taken out of the area of hostilities at the request of its citizens, and thereafter any general who happened to be operating in its vicinity would take care not to let his soldiers loose, but to keep them outside under discipline. The city government was in the hands of a Council of Thirty-six (known as the E go-shu), which was by no means a democratic body but an almost despotic organ composed of the richest merchants. This kind of self-government was not unusual at this time. It was to be seen in Hakata, Ominato, and other important centres of trade. The Council, and the influential citizens of Sakai in general, exercised some authority in other than municipal matters, even to the point of arbitrating between such quarrelsome warlords as Matsunaga and the Miyoshis, who were plaguing the Home Provinces about 1560-65. Sakai in this period was sometimes described as a free city, especially by the Jesuit missionaries, who went so far as to compare it to Venice. After entering Kyoto with the Shogun Yoshiaki in 1568, Nobunaga was short of funds, and he imposed a war tax on the Honganji of 5,000 kan and on Sakai of 20,000 lean. T h e Honganji paid but Sakai refused, and the Council began to strengthen the city’s defences by making the moat deeper, erecting lookout towers, and scattering obstacles in ap propriate places. However, the Council were not unanimous in their determination to resist, and when Nobunaga threatened to invade the city as a punishment for harbouring his enemies, they gave way and apologized with a payment of 20,000 kan. Nobunaga, who had mean while been given jurisdiction over the city by Yoshiaki, in 1569 ap pointed one of his captains as its Deputy Governor.
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I t may be wondered why Nobunaga confined himself to threats and took no more drastic step. One reason, no doubt, was that he knew from a reliable informant that there was already a pro-Nobunaga party in Sakai, and that h e would get the best results by working through them. His informant was a very rich Sakai merchant named Matsui Yukan, whom Nobunaga had known for some time and had come to tru st H e followed Matsui’s advice, and rewarded him for his help with important and lucrative official appointments, making him his Deputy in Sakai. But Nobunaga had other reasons for his moderation. Sakai was at that time the principal source of supply of firearms, ammunition, and other military requisites, such as armour and helmets protected by thin iron plates. Matsui himself was probably an important contractor for the supply of war material. It would have been foolish therefore for Nobunaga, or any warlord in the middle of his campaigns, to interfere by force in the highly specialized business of supplying and transporting the materials on which their lives depended. Nobunaga and Matsui shared a taste for articles prized by tea masters for their beauty or their rarity. In one book it is stated that in 1568, when Nobunaga was campaigning in Settsu, he was visited in his camp by Matsui, who presented him with a celebrated “Matsushima” tea jar, which was known by name to all connoisseurs. Father Vilela, writing in 1568, said of Sakai (where he had taken refuge from the devastation of K yoto), “In the whole of Japan there is no place so safe as Sakai. Here, whatever is happening beyond the city, there is no disorder. Victor and vanquished live peacefully to gether, and men walk the streets in peace. B ut a stones throw from the city there is killing and wounding.” Sakai retained its immunity for some years to come, but after its capitulation to Nobunaga in 1569 it was no longer a free city.4 4. Nobunaga’s Last Campaigns Nobunaga was a warrior first and last and he enjoyed military dis plays. In the spring of 1581 he arranged a grand review of troops, ostensibly for the entertainment of the Emperor Ogimachi but in reality for his own satisfaction and to impress the public mind with his power and glory. His generals with mounted escorts rode at the head of troops from their respective territories, Niwa with the men of Settsu and Wakasa, Akechi with men from Yamato and northern Yamashiro, and the sons of Nobunaga leading men from his own provinces of Owari, Mino, and Ise. All had been ordered to appear in full dress, wearing the most brilliant colours; and a crowd said to have numbered more than 100,000 watched the 20,000 horsemen as they galloped by. I t will be noticed that all the warriors in this great army were from the provinces around the capital. Ieyasu was still engaged with Takeda
in the East, and the W est was still dominated by Mori Terumoto, who rivalled Nobunaga in the size of his armies and in the wealth of his possessions. H e had conspired against Nobunaga with the Shogun Yoshiaki, and had aroused Nobunaga’s anger by his help to the besieged Honganji. Nobunaga naturally wished to settle accounts with Mori, and as far back as 1575 (when his ships had been defeated by Mori in Osaka B ay) he had ordered Hideyoshi to plan a campaign to thwart Mori’s ambition. Hideyoshi had consulted Akechi Mitsuhide, a general of the same standing as himself. These two men, although of relatively humble origin, had impressed Nobunaga as being clearly more gifted than their colleagues Shibata, Niwa, and Sakuma, and other leading vassals. In 1575 Akechi had set about “pacifying” the province of Tam ba, as a preliminary to advancing against Mori. H e met with great difficul ties, and for several years made little progress. Meanwhile, parallel with A kechis slow advance along the Sanindo (th e highway north of the central mountain ran ge), Hideyoshi had been moving along the Sanyodo (th e southern highw ay), and in 1578 he met with stubborn resistance from Mori kinsmen at the head of 60,000 men. H e was obliged to call for reinforcements, but even with this support his position was dan gerous. I t was relieved only when Ukita, one of Mori’s allies, turned his coat, attacking the Mori army from the rear and obliging it to retreat. The subsequent fighting included some remarkable feats by Hi deyoshi in reducing fortresses that were thought to be impregnable. In 1580 he moved north from H im eji castle, an important point in Harima where the Sanyodo and two other highways m eet After passing through Tajim a he was checked by the fortress at Tottori, a mountain stronghold on the Inaba coast. H e made no attempt to assault it but invested it very closely by ringing it with strong-points at intervals of about 500 yards, using a force of 20,000 combatants. His purpose was of course to starve out the garrison, and he had already taken the precaution of buying up all the rice in Inaba at several times the market price. The garrison was soon starved o u t T he emaciated men and women who tried to escape were shot down by musketeers, and the governor of the fortress surrendered and took his own life. In 1581 Hideyoshi returned briefly to report to Nobunaga at Azuchi, and discussed with him the invasion of Bitchu province. H e rejoined his army and in April 1582 marched into Bitchu, where he attempted to arrange the surrender of Takamatsu castle by a handsome bribe. This failed, and Hideyoshi now showed his skill by resorting to a remarkable engineering device. Takamatsu stood only a few feet above sea level, and partly on marshy ground. Hideyoshi built an elaborate structure of dykes and channels contained by great timbers, and proceeded to flood the castle by diverting river water and rain water (it was the rainy season) in such quantities that it began to be submerged. H e also
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erected towers on barges, and from these his gunners kept up a steady fire. This danger brought hurried reinforcements from Mori, and Hideyoshi sent a call for help to Nobunaga.
E l - /*? Hideyostii
• i 1. Kikkawa
_____________ Koboyakawo M5ri
□ Hideyoshi
miles E3 Takamatsu C astle
H ideyoshts Siege o f Takam atsu C astle
Meanwhile Ieyasu, having dealt the death blow to the last of the Takedas of Kai, had returned to Kyoto, where he was granted the prov ince of Suruga as a reward for his services. This was at the beginning of June 1582, and it was at this time that Hideyoshi’s appeal reached Nobunaga, with news that Mori had mobilized all his forces. Nobunaga at once ordered his leading generals to proceed westward, and an nounced that he would take command of die whole expedition. W hile preparations were being made, Ieyasu went off for a short holiday in Sakai, at Nobunagas suggestion, while Akechi Mitsuhide started for his province of Tam ba, to mobilize his own contingent there. Nobunaga himself left Azuchi for Kyoto in the middle of June to arrange matters there before departure. As was his habit he lodged at the Honnoji, a monastery on the avenue called Nishi-Toin, protected by a moat. A few days later ( June 2 1 ) the Honnoji was surrounded at dawn and attacked by a strong force of Akechi Mitsuhide s men. Nobunaga had no reason to suspect treachery by Akechi and was taken by surprise. He and his retinue resisted vigorously, but he was overborne and (a c cording to one story) rushed into an adjacent room and committed suicide behind its closed door. The Honnoji went up in flames and his body was not recovered. He was in his forty-ninth year. During the morning a detachment of Akechi s soldiers attacked the Nijd palace stronghold, which was occupied by adherents of Nobunaga.
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Some of them climbed up to the roof of the Konoye mansion and shot down into the Nijd courtyard, with firearms and bows. L ater in the day Akechi marched upon Azuchi castle, which he captured without trouble. He treated the Jesuit fathers well, partly be cause he hoped to get assistance from Takayama, the Ucondono of the missionary letters. H e did no damage to the fortress, but a week or so later it was in flames, perhaps lit (as some said) by Nobunaga’s son in a fit of rage, but more probably by a rabble of townspeople who were looting and destroying, mad with excitement. Having taken but not occupied Azuchi, Akechi hesitated. He had not made up his mind what to do next—a dangerous condition for any enemy of Hideyoshi; and meanwhile disorder was mounting in the ad joining provinces. He knew that he must soon meet an attack from Hideyoshi or Ieyasu or both, but he chose to negotiate with possible allies and made no firm military decisions. The Jesuit letters give some interesting descriptions of the exciting events of those days. They are in general remarkably accurate, but they are of course only hearsay accounts. I t is therefore worth while to look at some of the evidence furnished by persons directly concerned in the sequels of the Akechi affair. The most useful source is the diary of Yoshida Kanemi, a high Shinto dignitary at Court. H e was a descendant of Kanetomo, the founder of Yoshida Shinto, and was related to Akechi by marriage. After recording the death of Nobunaga, he describes the scene in the Nijo palace and the panic of the ladies as they fled to escape the swarm of rough soldiers searching for Nobutada, whom they found and killed. A few days later he was ordered by the Court to go to Azuchi and request Akechi to restore order and safety in Kyoto. H e made the journey, was admitted to the castle after some de lay, and was well received by Akechi, then busy distributing gifts from Nobunaga’s treasure. Akechi gave great sums to likely supporters, and on his return to the capital he visited Kanemi to arrange the presen tation of several sums of 500 pieces of silver to the Court and similar amounts to the Five Zen Monasteries ( G ozan). Kanemi himself received fifty pieces for his services, and later, when it was apparent that Akechi had failed, was rebuked for his dealings with a rebel. The news of Nobunaga’s death had reached Hideyoshi by swift courier late at night on June 22. H e kept the news secret and opened pourparlers with M6ri, reaching an agreement by which Hideyoshi was to receive the surrender of Takamatsu castle and the three provinces of Bitchu, Mimasaka, and Hold, which were already in his actual pos session. This was a reasonable solution, which Mori’s advisers recom mended that he accept. On the following day Hideyoshi took over the castle, raised camp, and marched at great speed day and night through wind and rain back to Himeji, which he reached late on June 24—a
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journey of 70 miles. After a short rest he raised as great a force as possible, and on June 30 he attacked Akechi near the key position of Yamazaki, southwest of the capital.* T here Akechi was completely and finally defeated, and was killed as he fled through the fields. 5. N obunagas Character Opinions differ about the character of Nobunaga. T he Jesuit mis sionaries, though inclined to overlook his faults out of gratitude for his favours, wrote of him with qualified praise, dwelling upon his courage and determination and his great military skill but condemning his pride and his tyranny. His courage and his iron will are beyond question, but it may be argued that in a strict sense he had no exceptional military talent. H e bungled some of his campaigns and at times used unnec essarily large numbers against weak adversaries. Indeed, part of the credit for his greatest victories is due to the planning of Ieyasu and Hideyoshi. Nobunaga was fortune’s child in the time and place of his activity, for in the progress westward from Okehazama to Kyoto he m et no firstclass opponent and he was favoured by the geographical situation of his own province of Owari. But it must be said that he took full advantage of his opportunities, for he had a restless energy of mind as well as body, and he was not bound by tradition. The record of his innovations is impressive. As a youth he learned the use of firearms, and by 1575 or thereabouts he had substantial control of their manufacture in the Home Provinces. In 1582 he was collecting metal and melting down temple bells for use in his foundries. H e also promoted the manufacture of gunpowder, and encouraged the importation of saltpetre and of lead for bullets. It is supposed that one of the reasons for his protection of the missionaries was a desire to ensure the arrival of those essential articles in Portuguese ships. Although Hideyoshi was more fertile in individual stratagems, it was Nobunaga who led the way in introducing the new patterns of war fare in which the foot soldier armed with a matchlock displaced the mounted man carrying a bow and a sword. T he battle of Nagashino in 1575 showed the deadly efficacy of firearms. Nobunaga also experi mented in the building of warships with iron-plate armour, and he en couraged the manufacture of large-bore artillery, which was used with success at Nagashima. He paid special attention to the discipline of his troops, a matter of growing importance as hand-to-hand fighting was superseded by mass * There is an interesting account of the battle of Yamazaki in a long letter ad dressed by Hideyoshi to Nobutaka’s adviser Saito Gemba, in which he mentions the part played in the action by Takayama Ukon and other commanders.
infantry movements. H e developed the ashigaru as a regular trained foot soldier, and he fostered esprit de corps among his men by dressing them in smart uniforms which made a strong impression upon spectators. T he methods of fighting which Nobunaga used were utterly ruthless in a ruthless age. H e would follow up every victory in the field by a merciless pursuit and slaughter of fugitives. H e burned to death the survivors of Nagashima. H e ordered his generals to pursue into every com er of Echizen the Ikko men, women, and children who had fled before his armies, and he went so far as to write to the Shoshi-dai in Kyoto saying that the streets of the capital of Echizen were so crammed with corpses that there was no room for more, and fugitives must now b e searched out and exterminated “yama yama, tani tani,” “on every bill, in every valley." T he total of those massacred in this campaign alone is said to have exceeded 20,000. Nobunaga’s gifts as an administrator and his grasp of economic problems cannot be denied, though he often applied his talents to base uses. Most judgments of his character are highly unfavourable, and he is severely condemned by Arai Hakuseki in D okushi Yoron. A mod em historian, the learned and kind-hearted Tsuji Zennosuke, has tried with but little success to find favourable aspects of Nobunaga. I f his virtues are open to doubt, his vices are unquestionable. He never showed a sign of compassion. His vindictive ruthlessness is appar ent from the beginning of his career, when he killed his brother, to his last years, which were filled with wanton slaughter. H e became the master of twenty provinces at a terrible cost. H e was a cruel and cal lous brute.
H I D E Y O S H I ’ S R I S E TO P O W E R
1. First Steps B y J u l y 1, 1582, Hideyoshi was in a very favourable situation. H e had just avenged Nobunaga’s death and was at the head of a victorious army. I t was natural and easy for him to take the political initiative, since Ieyasu and other generals were not on the spot; and it is charac teristic of his promptitude that, while tinning over in his mind certain problems of civil administration, he at once invited Shibata, Niwa, Ikeda, and others of similar rank to attend a council in the Oda castle at Kiyosu in Owari, in order to decide upon a successor to Nobunaga and the divi sion o f his estate. There Nobunaga’s second and third sons (Nobukatsu and Nobutaka) began to quarrel, and the discussion floundered until Hideyoshi, with his usual practical wisdom, went into an adjoining room and came back holding in his arms the infant grandson of Nobunaga, Samboshi, who was at once declared the heir.1 In his youth Hideyoshi had learned a great deal about simple human relations, and he could put it to good use, being in that respect far different from the cold and stubborn Nobunaga. The provinces which had been under the direct rule of Nobunaga were divided among the generals, Hideyoshi retaining Harima and tak ing Yamashiro, Kawachi, and Tam ba as well. He made a special arrange ment to conciliate Shibata, allotting to him the important castle of Nagahama in Omi, within easy reach of Kyoto. W ith regard to civil govern ment it was agreed that the four leading generals should act together, forming a council. Thus in effect the battle of Yamazald had made Hide yoshi the master of the country, ready to complete the task of unification. O f course he had to meet opposition from his colleagues. The quadri partite council was bound to be dissolved by jealousies, and Nobunaga’s sons could not be counted upon for loyalty. Early in 1583 Nobutaka was discovered to be conspiring against Hideyoshi, who dislodged him from Gifu castle but treated him gener ously, and soon allowed him to return to Gifu. Taldgawa in Ise had next to be suppressed, and then in late April Shibata Katsuiye (now showing his true colours) marched a force through the snows of Echizen into Omi, where early in May he was faced by Hideyoshi at a place called Shizugatake, close by the northern shore of Lake Biwa. At this time 1 Samboshi, later called Oda Hidenobu, was the son of Nobutada, Nobunaga’s first-born.
Chronology of the Period of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa leyasu 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1590 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1603 1605 1609 1614 1615
Death of Oda Nobunaga. Hideyoshi defeats Akechi at Yamazaki Hideyoshi’s victory at Shizugatake. Land survey begins Hideyoshi and leyasu in conflict in Owari. Arrival of Spanish galleon in Hirado Hideyoshi becomes Regent. Shikoku and northern provinces subdued Hideyoshi becomes Chancellor Kyushu subdued. Entertainment of the Emperor at the Jurakudai (Mansion of Pleasure). Hideyoshi’s edict expelling the Jesuits Hideyoshi’s Sword Hunt Osaka castle completed. The fall of Odawara. leyasu enfeoffed in the Kanto Hideyoshi resigns as Kampaku in favour of Hidetsugu. Invasion of Korea Ming ambassadors arrive in Japan to negotiate withdrawal from Korea. Hideyori is bom. The arrival of the Franciscans Fushimi palace completed Hidetsugu commits suicide. Persecution of his family by Hideyoshi Hideyori is made Regent Second invasion of Korea. First persecution of the Christians Land survey completed. Hideyoshi dies and a Council of Regency is formed under leyasu. Evacuation of Korea Death of Maeda Toshiiye. Ishida attempts to assassinate leyasu Battle of Sekigahara. Arrival of William Adams in Kyushu leyasu appointed Shogun leyasu resigns as Shogun in favour of his son Hidetada Dutch ships arrive at Hirado leyasu issues an edict suppressing Christianity The fall of Osaka castle. Death of Hideyori and the destruction of the house of Toyotomi. Promulgation of the Buke Sho-Hatto. Founda tion of the Tokugawa Bakufu Death of leyasu
H I D E Y OS H i ’ s R I S E
Nobutaka, who had broken faith again—there must have been an evil strain in the Oda family—tried to create a diversion by attacking the castle at Ogala; and while Hideyoshi was absent from his base helping to meet this threat, Katsuiye moved against Hideyoshi s forward posi tion in Omi, and put the defenders to flight. Among the defenders was Takayama Ukon, the Christian general who was a friend of the Jesuits in Kyoto. Hideyoshi, with one of those rapid strokes of which he was a master, galloped with a handful of young aides-de-camp from Ogaki back to Shizugatake to face Katsuiye, covering a distance of nearly fifty miles in six hours by night. On the following day at dawn he and his officers led a determined assault upon Katsuiye’s vanguard under Sakuma Morimasa and pressed him back into Echizen. Three days later they had taken Katsuiye's main castle at Kita-no-sho (th e modern F u k u i); and Katsuiye, after setting fire to the keep, stabbed his wife2*and other members of his household, and then cut his own belly in full view of the armies. Hideyoshi now had no difficulty in taking the adjoining provinces of Kaga, Noto, and Etchu, which he divided among Maeda Toshiiye and other generals as a reward for their services. H e then returned to Azuchi to distribute further rewards and punishments. Oda Nobukatsu was ordered to rebuke his younger brother Nobutaka and oblige him to surrender Gifu castle. This was done, and Nobutaka was confined in a monastery in Owari, where he committed suicide. After Shizugatake Hideyoshi had no important military operations to perform. The remnants of Akechi’s army had been swept up by Taka yama Ukon and his colleagues, and Hideyoshi received from one of his commanders the welcome gift of Akechi s head, which had been long sought. This dreadful trophy was sent to the Honndji, or rather the ruins of the Honnoji, for public display. Hideyoshi was now undisputed master. T o calm popular fears he announced that the laws of Nobunaga would not be changed; and to show that he had no further warlike designs he opened his castle at Himeji and distributed among his comrades the silver, gold, and rice which had been stored there against wartime needs. The action at Shizugatake, though an easy victory for Hideyoshi, must be regarded as one of the decisive battles in Japanese history. T he fighting in Echizen and the last hours of Shibata Katsuiye are described in rather florid language and in much detail by Frois,8 who was fortun ately a very copious source of news ( some of his material was no doubt furnished by Takayama U kon). But the most interesting and presum ably the most credible account of the important events of M ay 1583 is to be found in a letter written by Hideyoshi at Sakamoto early in July 2 She was Oda Nobunaga’s sister, O-Ichi. 8 See M urdoch, 1 ,194, for an example.
in answer to an enquiry from Kobayakawa, the chief counsellor of the M ori family, with whom he had negotiated from time to time. W ithout wasting words, Hideyoshi traces the main features of the campaign and gives a graphic, not to say grisly, account of the last hours of Shibata Katsuiye. H e ends with an outline o f his own future policy. T he tone of this letter is one of great self-confidence. Perhaps its most striking passage is one in which, discussing the last phase of the attack on Shibata s castle, he says: “I saw that if we should let Shibata get his breath, the thing would b e long-drawn-out I thought to myself: This is the time to decide who shall govern Japan [“Nihon no osamuru mono wa kono toki ni soro”], and therefore it will not be wrong for Chikuzen [i.e., Hideyoshi] to send men to die in battle here. So I made up my mind.” After his victory at Shizugatake Hideyoshi’s position was much strengthened. At the end of 1582 he had been given a modest Court rank by the Emperor, and now his progress was carefully watched. He had under his control after a year’s effort as many as thirty provinces, twenty o f these being provinces which it had taken Nobunaga twenty years to subdue.* He had rivals and enemies, of course, but no immedi ately dangerous antagonist His first care was to ensure the solid sup port of his own party, and here he was confronted with a difficulty, since his former comrade-in-arms Tokugawa Ieyasu showed signs of dissatis faction. B y 1584 the breach between the two had so widened that Ieya su, yielding to pressure from Nobukatsu, Nobunaga’s second son, took arms against Hideyoshi in two engagements in Owari, at Komalayama and later at Nagakute. In each of these Ieyasu gained the advantage, but both men were too sensible to waste strength on a foolish quarrel, and Hideyoshi was not too proud to come to terms. Ieyasu was cautious at first and would not respond to Hideyoshi s overtures for some time; but at last, after the armies had glared at one another for some months, they made peace, 'j.’his was early in 1585. It will have bee a noticed that Ieyasu took no part in the events fol lowing Nobunaga’s murder. H e was not present at Hideyoshi’s council at Kiyosu, and in the following years he appears on the scene only to take arms against Hideyoshi in 1584. His withdrawal from problems of national importance was deliberate. H e was in Sakai, sightseeing and enjoying the tea ceremony and other pastimes in company with his friend Anayama Baisetsu, when news of Nobunaga’s death was brought to him secretly. W ithout disclosing the news, he left Sakai quietly at « Yamashiro, Yamato, Kawachi, Izumi, Settsu, Om i, Wakasa, Echizen, Kaga, N ote, Etchu, Tam ba, Tango, Tajima, Inaba, Hold, Harima, Bizen, Bitchu, Mimasaka, A wa, Iga, Ise, Shima, Owari, Mikawa, Totom i, Suruga, Kai, Hida, M ino, Shinano, Kotsuke. (M ikaw a, Totfimi, and Suruga were strictly speaking Ieyasu’s ow n provinces.)
night with a small escort, and made a rapid journey across Iga and Ise through country infested by bandits. H e was fortunate in reaching the coast unharmed, for Baisetsu, who followed him, was killed. From Ise Ieyasu took ship and crossed the bay to Mikawa, where he entered his castle at Okazaki. H e had mobilized his forces and was pre paring to march to Kyoto when he heard from Hideyoshi that Akechi had been defeated and that no help was now required. Though he no doubt felt that Hideyoshi had stolen a march on him, he readily turned his energies to improving his own position in the provinces to the east of Owari, extending his influence in particular to the province of Kai. Once the danger of a permanent breach with Ieyasu was removed, Hideyoshi could proceed to carry out his plans, which were bold and far-reaching. One of his first steps was to begin the construction of a great castle at Osaka, which he regarded as the best site for a fortress to command the approaches to Kyoto from the w est His general inten tion was to reduce the number of small castles throughout the country, leaving only the strongholds of the great territorial lords whom he had invested with power, and thereby depriving the stubborn rural gentry, who stood in his way, of bases from which they could conduct subversive movements. H e also paid attention to the distribution of the lands which he awarded to his generals, making sure that they left their former prov inces and moved to areas where they had no traditional authority.8 Thus Ikeda Nobuteru, who held the existing Osaka castle, surrendered it to Hideyoshi and moved to Gifu in exchange. Hideyoshi s first statement of his policy of reducing the number of castles ( shirow ari) and redistributing fiefs ( ku n iw ake) occurs in a sur prising con text It is in a letter which he wrote while in Sakamoto to a girl called Ma, a daughter of M aeda Toshiiye, chosen to becom e when nubile a concubine of Hideyoshi. H e tells her that he is looking into the occupation of land in Omi province. As soon as his hands are free, he will occupy and garrison Osaka castle and destroy most of the castles in each province, in order to prevent uprisings and ensure peace. Since M a was in her thirteenth year, this information was doubtless intended for her father, and sent to her because Hideyoshi did not want to make a public announcement Gifu and Ogald were of little strategic value to Hideyoshi, since Omi was now more important than Owari as a base for overseeing the capital, and Sakamoto served that purpose well enough. The work on Osaka castle was begun in the autumn of 1583, at a time when Hideyoshi was much occupied with military problems, but he found time to institute certain administrative measures to which in the past he had given care 8 A detailed listing of Hideyoshi’s redistribution of fiefs will be found in Appen dix in .
ful thought His first and probably his most important step was to order a survey of all farm land in Japan. 2. H ideyoshis L an d Survey The system of land tenure lay at the heart of the national economy, and it was bound to come to the attention of successful warlords as they developed the administration of their domains. As a preliminary step to whatever fiscal policy they meant to adopt, it was necessary for them to learn the dimensions and the product of the farm land under their rule. F o r this purpose an accurate survey was needed, showing areas, crops, and such other particulars as the terms of ownership or tenancy. Surveys of this kind had been made in their own domains by Imagawa, Hojo, and others as early as about 1530, and a more thorough investigation was made by Nobunaga in 1580 in the province of Yamato. The Tamon-ln N ikki, die journal of a branch of the Nara Kofukuji, reports with alarm under dates in that year a visit by two of N obunagas leading generals, Akechi Mitsuhide and Taldgawa Kazumasu, who ordered the prepara tion of a list of all Church lands in the province, with full details of area, revenue, and ownership. The monks worked hard at this task for weeks, since nearly all the land in Yamato had for centuries furnished revenue to the monasteries. Akechi and Taldgawa stayed in or near Nara for several weeks, with 10,000 men at their call; and at the end of the year the scribes wrote in the monastery’s journal that the whole province was in a ferment, that such things had never happened before, and that the tortures of hell must be like the misery they and their brethren were suffering. But the Yamato landlords came to little real harm at this time. They duly filed their returns—which were called sashidashi, “documents put forward”—but rights in land, especially in the ancient province of Ya mato, were so various and so involved that Nobunaga’s representatives could not decide what action to take next and let the matter drop. Hideyoshi s survey was far more thoroughgoing. In 1582, immedi ately after the council at Kiyosu, he ordered all manors in Yamashiro to send in returns, choosing Yamashiro as the very home of the great man orial lords whose influence in the capital he was bent on destroying. But his plan did not stop there. He found that many of the returns fur nished were inaccurate, either by design or for want of exact particulars, whereupon he decided upon a complete land survey in every province, to be carried out under the supervision of his own officials. It was to begin in 1583, in the province of Omi. I t is characteristic of the wide spread of Hideyoshi’s activities that this work was undertaken at a time when he was engaged in military operations of vital importance. The work continued year by year until 1598, when all provinces had been surveyed, though not completely. The method of survey was
HIDEY O S H l’ s
changed as experience dictated, but its essential feature was a record by locality of the dimensions and yield of every rice field in Japan. The method employed was not finally determined until 1594. The calcula tion of area was made b y means of a measuring rod of 6 .3 feet ( sh aku ) in length, the smallest unit of area being the square of that length. F o l lowing this measure, the yield was calculated in terms of a fixed quan tity of unhulled rice to be harvested from one unit of area, allowance being made for different grades of soil and other variables. H ie major classification of land (w et fields) for this purpose was carefully decided as follows (omitting subdivisions within a class ac cording to quality): first-class fields, 1 .5 koku ( 7 . 5 bushels) per unit of area; second-class fields, 1 .3 koku; third-class fields, 1 .1 koku. There were similar classes for dry fields. In both cases these grades varied somewhat by province. There was a general tendency to increase the burden on the cultivator and to be more rigorous in collection. But the surveyors usually took into account such circumstances as the distance which the grain had to be transported, local difficulties of cultivation owing to topographic or other causes, soil variations, and the upkeep of irrigation channels. The area of a survey was usually a single village, but it sometimes included a group of small villages. On the face of it the survey was bound to be beneficial in so far as it cut through the dreadful tangle of rights and obligations and custom ary practices that constituted the sh6en, and stated the position of the cultivator in exact terms. But this benefit is clear only if a long view is taken, and farmers and landowners do not see political action in a broad perspective. In practice, the working of the survey can be de scribed only in a long and complicated story of obstruction and evasion, of trickery and bribery on the part of the rural population, from the small holder to the prosperous farmer. For this Hideyoshi and his advisers were in part to blame, because the first step they took when they fixed the standards of measurement was to reduce the unit of area without changing the rate of tax, so that the government in effect raised the tax by as much as one-fifth. There were certain compensations for this loss, since the general security of rural life was improved under the strict rule of Hideyoshi, but this gave little comfort to the taxpayer. The truth is that the Japanese peasant in the sixteenth century wanted no change, for he had never been so prosperous. Any cadastral survey was bound to be a threat to him, since it would reveal the true area of his land, which he had never reported, or disclose the amount of tax which he had evaded by false returns. Consequently resistance to the survey was at times intense. Perhaps an extreme case was the scheme of a village headman who hid the report drawn up by the surveyors and substituted one which he had prepared to his own great advantage. Other objectors absconded without paying any tax, and refused to return.
B ut such devices were in the long run ineffective, for Hideyoshi’s main purpose was to make the actual cultivator the permanent tenant of his land and to hold him and no other person responsible for the pay ment of tax on its product. This was to impose a unified system of land tenure and land tax throughout the country, and Hideyoshi’s officials proceeded to put such a system into operation. But in practice they used their discretion and applied the new rules with some regard for local circumstances. In backward areas it was impossible to rely upon peasants who were ignorant and unorganized. T he more advanced peasants in the Home Provinces were so stub born in their resistance that the surveyors sometimes confined themselves to the survey and made no serious attempt to enforce the rules. The main purpose of Hideyoshi's land policy was achieved once he estab lished the principle that the actual cultivator and no other person was responsible for the tax on the yield of a specified area of land registered in his name. By this measure alone he brought the agriculture of the whole country under his control, created a new peasant class with uni form rights and duties which they could not escape, and diminished, if he did not destroy, the independence of the rural gentry. The cultivator s right was unitary and could not be divided or shared with others. The over-all result of this policy was to make a great number of semi independent peasants into fully independent small farmers. T he richer farmers tried to circumvent these rules by private agreements with the small cultivators, and in this they met with a fair measure of success. But nothing could prevent Hideyoshi from achieving the main purpose of the survey, which was to bring the farming population (some eighttenths of the total population of Japan) under his discipline, to tie them to the soil, and to leave the small holders after payment of tax with little more than was needed for their bare subsistence. The ferocity of Hideyoshi’s edicts shows at once the difficulty of changing the ingrained habits of the peasants and the strong measures to which the surveying officers were urged to resort. In 1584 Hideyoshi threatened to crucify the men, women, and children of villages in which false returns were made. Perhaps this was not a serious threat; but in 1590 he issued instructions (w hich are on record) to Asano Nagamasa, who was responsible for the survey in Dewa and Mutsu, ordering him to make it very clear to the rural gentry as well as to the peasants that if any landowner should resist inspection, he and his family would all be executed; and that if the peasants grumbled, whole villages would be put to the sword. T he survey should miss nothing. It should be made to reach “to the recesses of the mountains and by sea as far as can be reached by oars.”® * The text reads, “ yama no oku, umi w a rokai no tsuzuld soro m ade." T he se verity o f these orders was due to a widespread revolt o f farmers in D ew a, w h o had killed surveying officers and in general had resisted so violently that Uyesugi had been obliged to send a large force to suppress them.
Although the new system of tenure was in many ways burdensome, it had certain advantages for the peasant He had only one master, and although he was strictly speaking not the owner but the permanent tenant of his land, he could not be disturbed and he knew exactly what tax he had to pay. O f his total crop he paid a fixed proportion. This varied from time to time and place to place, but the basic rate was laid down in 1586 by Hideyoshi as “two to the Prince and one to the People” ( “niko ichimin”). In practice, and allowing for changing conditions of harvest due to weather and other circumstances, the average was four to the Prince and six to the People ( “shiko rokumin”). Since there were no surtaxes or other impositions, a division of five to five was not unduly onerous, though it must be said that the tendency was always to reduce the proportion taken by the peasant. By 1598—it was the year of Hideyoshi s death—all provinces had been surveyed. A complete register (w ith sketch maps) of all cultivated land in the country was made in three copies, one for the Emperor, one for Hideyoshi, and one for distribution in parts to the territorial lords con cerned. Thereafter transactions in land were described not in terms of area but in terms of the product, the number of koku assigned to the land in the register. Consequently, when a grant of land was made by Hideyoshi ( or his successors) to a vassal, it was stated in terms of koku, and a daimyo of that period was described as having a revenue of, say, 10,000 koku (th e lowest figure) up to over 1,000,000 koku (w hich was the estate of the Maeda family and very few others). W hen Hideyoshi accepted the submission of Mori Terumoto in 1591, he gave him a cer tificate with a list of provinces granted to him, and attached a copy of the survey register showing a total revenue of 1,205,000 koku. The provinces were seven western provinces on the mainland and parts of two others. In return Mori swore fidelity to Hideyoshi, promising mili tary aid to the value of about two-thirds of his total revenue if he should be called upon. The amount earmarked for military aid was sufficient to equip and provide a contingent of 50,000 men for the expedition against Korea.7 In this way the various daimyos submitted to Hideyoshi, entering into a vassalage which was to form the new feudalism of the seventeenth century. 3. H ideyoshi s Military Problem s: Kyushu W hile the great land survey was in progress, Hideyoshi was steadily pursuing his military policy, which was of course designed to bring the whole of Japan under his control. He still had to make sure of the whole of Kyushu, Shikoku, and the Kanto provinces ruled by the Hojo family, whose base was at Odawara. But he could afford to take these piece meal, since in his central position he was almost invulnerable. 7 I t will be seen from the roster quoted in a later chapter that Mdri Terumoto led a contingent of 30,000 men to Korea.
His first task was to complete the subjugation of the provinces of K ii and Izumi, where there were still some unreconciled elements. He disposed of these in 1585, when he destroyed the monasteries of Negoro and Kogawa in Kii and obtained the submission of Koyasan. Finally he chastised the settlement of Saiga, which had sided with the Honganji against Nobunaga. H e then went on to subdue the island of Shikoku, which was not a difficult task; and he might well have stopped there, since he was now supreme in all territory west of a line Owari-MinoH ida-Etchu as far as and including Mori's territory in Choshu ( N agato). However, while Hideyoshi was occupied with pacifying Kii and Shikoku, Shimazu of Satsuma was increasing his influence in Kyushu. In 1584 Otomo and Ryuzoji had appealed to Hideyoshi for help against Shimazu. Hideyoshi was unable to respond at that time, but in 1585, soon after being appointed Kampaku, he tried to influence Shimazu by ordering him in the name of the Emperor to make peace with Otomo. In reply Shimazu, whose family had been great warriors since Yoritomo's day, laughed at the idea of Hideyoshi, an upstart, being appointed to the high office of Kampaku, and said that His M ajesty must have made a hasty choice.8 But it was also hasty to elect to withstand Hideyoshi, who forthwith took the necessary preliminary steps to equip a great army for a cam paign against Shimazu. Such an expedition was bound to be extremely costly, and Hideyoshi had to raise funds from the rich merchants of Sakai, Hakata, and other centres of trade. He met with a ready response from some of the wealthiest, who were inclined to welcome the prospect of new markets in western Japan and then perhaps on the continent. W hile leisurely preparations were being made, Shimazu’s offensive strength was growing fast, and Otomo implored Hideyoshi to act quickly. H e made a journey to Osaka in April 1586 to visit Hideyoshi in his castle there. H e was hospitably received, shown round the castle, and enter tained at a tea ceremony arranged by the great tea master Sen no Rikyu. He explained the situation in Kyushu to Hideyoshi, by whom he was assured that if Shimazu proved obdurate a great expedition would be sent against him. The state of affairs in Kyushu was of course well known to Hideyoshi,
8 Being of humble birth—his father was an ashigaru in service to a warrior famil in Owari—Hideyoshi was only slowly promoted, though his merits were soon recog nized by Nobunaga. Until about 1575 his rank was below that of senior commanders like Shibata, who in turn was outranked by Ieyasu. After that, from about 1582, Hideyoshi was gradually promoted and became the general officer commanding all troops in the central provinces, with the title Chugoku Tandai. After Nobunaga's death his progress was rapid. He was made Nai-daijin in 1584, Kampaku (Regent) in 1585, and Daj6-daijin (Chancellor) in 1586, when the family name of Toyotomi was conferred upon him. He was sensitive about his ancestry and asserted that he was a Fujiwara, but nobody believed this. The appellation of Taiko by which he was popularly known was the style used by a Regent on retiring from office.
who had kept intelligence agents there for some time past. He knew of the constant strife between the three great families of Shimazu, Ryuzdji, and Otomo, and he was well aware of Shimazu s recent depreda tions. At the beginning of 1587 Shimazu Yoshihisa, then the head of the clan, sent a letter to Hideyoshi in which he justified his conduct by saying that he had taken arms in self-defence. Hideyoshi was not im pressed by such excuses. Some months before he had issued mobiliza tion orders to his own troops, and in February the summons went to thirty-seven provinces, instructing them to set their armies in motion on the way to Kyushu, where rebels must be suppressed. The size of the army was immense: it is said to have been composed of over 200,000 men. Provisions for 300,000 were carried, and the number of pack horses was 20,000.* The vanguard was to leave at once, and Hideyoshi would advance in April. The vanguard, under Hide yoshi s half-brother Hidenaga, left early in M arch as arranged, proceed ing part by land and part by sea. Hideyoshi left Osaka on April 8 and led the main body along the shore of the Inland Sea, calling on the way at Itsukushima for worship of the goddess Benten, and arriving in Shimonoseki at the end of the month. H e then crossed the Straits and passed through Chikuzen and Chikugo on the way to deal with Satsuma forces in Higo. Meanwhile Hidenaga had already been joined by Kobayakawa and Kikkawa, who had been sent by Mori to relieve Otomo at Hideyoshi’s request. Hidenaga moved from Bungo into Hyuga, pressing the Satsuma forces back as he advanced. The Satsuma armies, though fighting with great courage, had not the discipline or the skill in manoeuvre of Hideyoshi’s best troops, nor were they well equipped with firearms. They continued to fall back. T he campaign was complicated and difficult, but in the end the com bined pressure of Hideyoshi and Hidenaga was irresistible. All Satsu ma s forces had to give way. By the end of M ay Hideyoshi had reached Yatsushiro, more than half way to Kagoshima from the Straits of Shimonosela. Here the warlords from the islands—Matsuura, Arima, Goto, and others—came to subm it Their warships crowded the offing and their battle flags were flown, to show that they would join the expedition against Satsuma. Hidenaga was ready to advance, and Hideyoshi drove on southward into Satsuma, to a point north of the Sendai River, where a desperate action was fought on June 6. The Satsuma forces were attacked from all sides, routed, and put to flight. A week later an emissary from Shimazu arrived at Hideyoshi’s camp and asked for a truce, which was granted. T h e emissary was ljuin, a leading vassal of the Shimazu house, who had shaved his head and taken his vows, and appeared before Hideyoshi in monastic garb. 9 These figures may be exaggerated, but a total of 200,000 men is not improb able. The Tam on-In N ikki gives a total of 25,000 men with 3,000 horses, but this must refer to the vanguard only, as it left Osaka.
A t this point, where in similar circumstances Nobunaga would have been ready to slaughter all his captives, Hideyoshi displayed the shrewd political sense, not to say the magnanimity, which distinguished him from other great leaders of his time. H e could afford to be lenient, for he had overwhelming strength at his command: his own army (w hich with the addition of Ryuzoji’s men numbered close to 200,000), Hidenaga’s 70,000 troops, the Mori contingent, and numerous local levies under the command of warriors who had been injured or insulted by Satsuma chieftains and who were ready at command to harass the flanks and the rear of Satsuma columns on the move. In addition to the great force approaching close to Kagoshima (th e Satsuma capital) from the north, a strong seaborne force was coming up the gulf to attack the city from the south. But Hideyoshi did not give the word to attack. H e saw clearly that no good purpose would be served by slaughtering thousands of Satsuma warriors and leaving a legacy of hatred among the survivors. H e treated Yoshihisa’s son Iehisa with civility and suggested that he should go to Kagoshima and persuade his father and his brother, Yoshihiro, to sur render. Iehisa departed but soon returned to Hideyoshi’s headquarters, reporting that his mission had failed. Thereupon, in Iehisa’s presence, Hideyoshi’s generals clamoured for a final attack which would destroy Satsuma (their speeches may have been arranged beforehand so as to impress Ieh isa). But Hideyoshi spoke again and said that he had no wish to take extreme measures. He wanted a peaceful solution, he said, and one could be reached with advantage to Satsuma if Shimazu would submit; for he had confidence in the pride of the Shimazu family, who, once they declared allegiance, would never break their word of honour. Yoshihisa was persuaded and went to Hideyoshi’s camp as a hostage while Yoshihiro and Iehisa gratefully accepted the liberal terms offered by Hideyoshi Those terms provided that Shimazu should keep all Satsuma and Osumi and the southern half of Hyuga. The power of Shimazu was limited to those provinces, and the remainder of Kyushu was placed under the governance of three of Hideyoshi's best commanders, Katd, Konishi, and Kuroda. Otomo and Ryuzoji were confirmed in their origi nal holdings. The Mori family was also rewarded by great fiefs in north ern Kyushu, while Kobayakawa was given Chikuzen, a rich prize. Hideyoshi’s triumphal return was impressive. H e reached Hakata on July 12, and stayed there for some days. H e made his headquarters at the Hachiman shrine of Hakozaki, and his generals camped at Hakozaki, Sumiyoshi, Tatara, and other places, covering a space of about fifty square miles. His naval force was anchored in Hakata Bay, with innumerable pennants flying in the breeze. The master Sen no Rikyu prepared fragrant tea in a pine grove on the shore. Hideyoshi gave
orders for the rebuilding of the town of Hakata, which had been ruined in the battles of Ryuzoji and Otomo, and then on August 4 he took ship at Kokura for Shimonoseki, proceeding thence by land to Itsukushima, where he worshipped and offered to the gods a performance of sacred dances. Then he took ship again and returned to Osaka, to b e greeted with congratulations from the Throne and welcomed by a great crowd of Court nobles, officials, monks, and citizens. Hideyoshi’s calm confidence in this great enterprise is revealed in his letters from Kyushu to his wife, then in Osaka castle. In August 1586 he had written to Otomo Sorin informing him of his intention to attack Shimazu and had suggested certain steps to be taken by Otomo in con cert with Mori. H e had already decided on his own plan of campaign. Less than a year later, in July 1587, he wrote to his wife to tell her that he had defeated his enemy and was on his way from Satsuma into Higo. She should set her mind at rest, he continues, for he will reach Hakata early next month and that is halfway back to Osaka. H e will be at home at latest by the first week of August He then tells her of his future intentions. “I am exacting hostages even from Iki and Tsushima, and ordering them to come to the camp. I have also sent word by fast ship to Korai [Korea] ordering them to appear and submit to the Emperor. I told them that if they do not appear I will punish them next year. And I will also get China in my grasp.” He ends this bold statement by confessing that he is a little afraid of what-his wife will think of him when he returns. He is showing signs of age—he was then fifty-one—and has grey hairs which he cannot pluck out. Then in his next letter he describes the conditions imposed upon Satsuma, the names of the hostages, which include all the Shimazu leaders other than Yoshihisa, who has to send his only daughter, a child of fourteen, to live in Kyoto. A large number of Hideyoshi s notes and letters have been pre served, and of these twenty or more furnish valuable historical evidence. Their chief interest, however, is in the aspects of his character which they rev eal In this they are exceptional, for private correspondence in Japan is generally reserved and discreet and does not disclose intimate feelings. Hideyoshi was not an ignorant man, but his education was imper fect because of the circumstances of his parents. He wrote most of his letters in kana, but hjs choice of words is good and he expresses himself clearly, in a colloquial style. His letters to his wife and his mother show the gentle and affectionate side of his character, while in writing to his colleagues and subordinates he spares no pains in explaining his own attitude and in attempting to understand theirs. Among his best-known letters are those to his wife cited above, his long memorandum sent to Kobayakawa describing the battle of Shizugatake and its sequels, and
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his letters written while he was besieging Odawara castle. But all are worth careful study. 4. H ideyoshts Military Problems: the Kanto After the victory over Shimazu there remained no serious threat to Hideyoshi’s design of unification. I t is true that the Hojo family still ruled in the Kanto from their base at Odawara, but they did not actually menace Hideyoshi and they had as their western neighbour the power ful Ieyasu. In the North there were a number of warrior families who might one day prove troublesome, but for the present they could be neglected. I f there was a weakness in Hideyoshi’s position, it was the influence of Ieyasu along the eastern seaboard, especially in Mikawa, Totomi, and Suruga ( and later in Kai and Shinano), an influence which he had been patiently developing for some years past. The battles of Komakiyama and Nagakute, though not decisive, showed at least that Ieyasu con sidered himself Hideyoshi’s equal. Their peace agreement had been slightly favourable to Ieyasu, since it provided that the Omandokoro (Hideyoshi’s m other) should remain as a hostage with Ieyasu, who was to marry Hideyoshi’s younger sister. However, Hideyoshi’s successes in other parts of Japan combined with his rapid rise in Court rank and office to give him an important advantage, for as Regent and Chancellor he took precedence over Ieyasu almost as a lord outranks a vassal. For tunately this position was not abused by either. Ieyasu showed no sign of discontent, and Hideyoshi treated him with special consideration. Ieyasu had not been asked to take part in the Kyushu expedition because it was one of his duties to keep an eye on the Hojo family, and no doubt he was glad to be relieved of the expense of sending an army from the E ast as far as Kyushu. But in 1590 he was obliged to undertake another and probably no less arduous duty, by sharing in the reduction of the eight eastern provinces and Izu. This considerable and highly fertile area—it included the great allu vial plain of the Kanto—was well protected against attack by its position behind a great mountain barrier. Hideyoshi had made peaceful over tures towards Hojo Ujimasa not long after returning from Kyushu, but in reply had received defiant messages. He therefore began to think of leading an expedition to the E ast on the same scale as the invasion of Kyushu. H ere Ieyasu's position was awkward, for his fief stood be tween Hideyoshi and the Kanto, and Ujimasa’s son Ujinao was his sonin-law. When he failed to bring about a compromise between the Hojo family and Hideyoshi, he was under suspicion on both sides; and he therefore felt obliged to pursue the campaign with exceptional vigour, to avoid Hideyoshi’s displeasure. Kanemi, a contemporary diarist at home in Court circles, records that late one evening in December, 1589, he received a summons to go
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to Hideyoshis palace. A council meeting was held to discuss action against Hojo Ujimasa, who had broken a promise to go to Kyoto and subm it Hideyoshi was angry, and it was decided that Ujimasa must be punished, L ate at night the draft of a communication to Hojo was prepared. The text of this draft is on record. It recites Hideyoshi’s efforts to negotiate a settlement and contains some rather complacent state ments of Hideyoshis own virtues. It ends by saying that in the light of the Hojo refusal to obey the commands of heaven, Ujimasa must be destroyed.101 Having despatched this ultimatum, Hideyoshi at once ordered the mobilization of a great force, probably exceeding 200,000 men. The Hojo leaders had sent out their order in the summer of 1587 and had conscripted all able-bodied men, including those in the service of monas teries and shrines. But their numbers were limited and their army in cluded a large proportion of old-fashioned warriors, in contrast to the up-to-date professional soldiers of Hideyoshi. I t is doubtful whether Hojo could muster as many as 50,000 first-class fighting men. Hideyoshi’s great army moved early in April 1590. Its departure is described by Kanemi in his diary. The Emperor and Court nobles watched Asano’s division as it marched out. It was a brilliant sig ht Asano and his son dismounted to show the columns their way. First came 1,500 horse, then another detachment of some 3,000. Next was Ukita’s division, and others followed that day and the next. The streets were thronged by many thousands of spectators. On April 5, the day set for Hideyoshis departure, the weather was fine. He paid respects at the Palace and rode off at ten o’clock in the morning. There never was such a splendid display of arms and armour. There were pack horses carrying gold and silver, and spare mounts led by grooms and wearing brightly coloured horse-cloths of brocade. Neither tongue nor pen could describe these wonders. The number of men is said to have been 20.000. 11 Hideyoshi gave a linked-verse party on the night before leav ing the capital. Before setting forth, Hideyoshi had given orders to Ieyasu, who was to advance along the Tokaido, and to Sanada Masayuki, the holder of Numata castle, who was to take the central mountain road (Nakasendo) 10 It uses one of Hideyoshi’s favourite locutions, “lcubi hanerubeshi,” which might be translated "Off with his head.” 11 This may refer only to the divisions leaving Kyoto, or it may be a mistake for 200.000. The student of Japanese military history is always faced with the problem of numbers, since most chroniclers are either ignorant of arithmetic or indifferent to i t The size of Hideyoshi’s expeditionary force to besiege Odawara, however, is not difficult to estimate in round numbers. His mobilization order went to five areas— the Home Provinces; the central provinces (Chugoku); the northern provinces; the great military bases at Osaka and Kiyosu ( in Owari) and the country between them; and Ieyasu’s five provinces ( Totond, Mikawa, Suruga, Kai, Shinano). I f the con tribution of these areas was of an average size of 40,000 men, the total of 200,000 for Hideyoshi and Ieyasu combined would not be excessive.
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across country. The Hakone Pass, by which Ieyasu and Hideyoshi had to approach Odawara, presented difficulties to the command of a great army, especially in the transport of an immense quantity of supplies. Hideyoshi had no intention of wasting men in frontal assaults on Odawara. Unlike Nobunaga, he always preferred a strategy which reduced casualties, as is shown by his sieges of Takamatsu and other heavily protected castles. H e was prepared to sit before Odawara for a long time, and knowing that he could not depend upon a regular flow of goods in great quantities over the high passes, he set up an elaborate system of transport by sea. A large fleet of vessels, some carrying troops, others provisions, was provided by Mori and Otomo and the freebooters under their control. The Hojo also had ships patrolling off the Izu coast, but they were no match for the opposing fleet, which was armed with thousands of muskets and cannon. Hideyoshi s determination to reduce Odawara by hunger or thirst is shown by the scale of his measures for the transport and storage of food and munitions of war. H e was lavish in all his actions, and here he came near to extravagance. His chief supply officer stored in Shimizu 200,000 koku of rice, bought up with gold pieces, as well as great quan tities of millet and fodder. A long row of storehouses was prepared in E jiri, and in addition to the large transport vessels he procured from Ominato several hundred first-class lighters for moving freight. His strategy is described in his own words in a letter to his wife written from his encampment on May 16, 1590. He says that he now has the enemy caught like birds in a cage. H e himself is in no danger, and she may set her mind at rest. H e is longing to see his young son (Tsurumatsu, an infant bom to his favourite, Yodogimi), but he must resign himself to staying at the front until he has accomplished his pur pose of bringing peace to the empire ( “tenka odayaka ni moshitsuku beshi”). He is prepared for a long siege. H e has the enemy closely surrounded within a double fosse; not a man can escape. Once he has starved Oda wara out, he will be master all the way to Mutsu in the North, and that means one-third of all Japan. He has gold and provisions in plenty for a long siege, and he hopes to be able to return for a visit before the end of the year. Meanwhile he wishes her to send his favourite, Yodogimi, to Odawara. Apart from his own family feeling, which was very strong, Hide yoshi knew that the inactivity of a long siege was a source of danger, for mettlesome warriors were likely to quarrel and forget the require ments of discipline. He therefore decided to make their sojourn in camp more agreeable. They were to send for their wives, and, to please those ladies, merchants and shopkeepers were brought from all parts of the country with a great choice of articles for sale. To relieve the taedium vitae for all ranks musicians and dancers were brought from the capital,
and a number of courtesans came with them. To these were added girls from the surrounding countryside, and all these entertainers were in stalled in suitable apartments. The Hojo leaders had at first intended to fight in open country, making use of the network of castles built since Soun’s time, but a council of war held before Hideyoshi’s arrival had decided in favour of standing a siege. This made it easy for Hideyoshi’s generals to capture the more important citadels and thus to spell the complete ruin of the Hojo family. I t was not long before the defence of Odawara began to weaken, partly with the pressure of the besiegers and partly from internal weakness. There was treachery within the fortress, for Hideyoshi had bribed one of Ujimasa’s leading counsellors. Although Hideyoshi had been prepared for a much longer siege, the defenders must have given up hope when they found that their fortresses had been taken and some of their warriors had surrendered in the field. On August 4 Ujimasa offered unconditional submission, and a few days later Hideyoshi entered Odawara. He demanded the suicide of Ujimasa and his brother Ujiteru, but Ujinao was spared because he was the sonin-law of Ieyasu. Ujinao had offered to commit suicide on behalf of the others, but (according to contemporary letters) Hideyoshi refused to accept this sacrifice and insisted on “the Law,” by which Ujimasa and others were doomed. In a letter written soon after the surrender, Hide yoshi told his wife that the heads of Ujimasa and Ujiteru had been sent to Kyoto for exposure. Ujinao was sent to Kdyasan, and later was granted a small fief of a few thousand koku. Ujinori ( also a brother of U jim asa), who had held out in Nirayama castle, was treated generously by Hide yoshi and given a small fief. The way was now clear to the northern provinces, where there were a dozen or more barons, none of whom had great strength except Date, who was gradually extending his influence. He was sent for by Hide yoshi and scolded, but allowed to keep his territories on submission to the Kampaku. By the end of 1590 Hideyoshi was master of the whole country, as he had predicted. The task of unification, in a military sense at least, had been accomplished, and Hideyoshi proceeded with his plans for creating a political and economic unity. An interesting example of his methods is provided by his treatment of Dewa and Mutsu. No sooner had D ate and the other northern barons submitted to him than he or dered the land survey to be thoroughly carried out in both regions. He had already begun to turn his attention to administrative prob lems, but there were still some military questions to settle. He had to think of future security in the East and the North. There were certain territorial adjustments to be made, and some “cleaning up” operations were desirable in the northwest. Gamo Ujisato, one of his greatest gen erals, was allotted a great tract in Aizu, a lonely region from which he could keep watch on Uyesugi and the Kanto provinces adjacent.
Hideyoshts great seal,
r ic h t :
Ieyasu’s cipher (top) and Hideyosfus cipher.
Next and most important was the disposal of the eight Kanto prov inces themselves. This had already been decided in Hideyoshi’s mind while he was sitting before Odawara. They were offered to Ieyasu in exchange for his former holdings. Ieyasu readily accepted, and by Sep tember 1 he had entered the castle at Yedo. His former provinces were divided among trusted vassals of Hideyoshi. This was a satisfactory arrangement, since Hideyoshi was glad to have Ieyasu at a distance, and Ieyasu for his part held the provinces celebrated as the home of the Kanto bushi, the hard-fighting eastern warriors. There were disadvan tages in the somewhat remote position of the Kanto provinces, but they had been well governed by the Hojo family, who had promoted indus trial development and had looked after agriculture in the Kanto plain, by far the most extensive of the alluvial basins of Japan.1* It is pertinent to state here in political terms the result of Hideyoshi’s military successes. In a general way they may b e said to have brought order out of a protracted confusion that had attended and followed the war between the northern and southern Courts. During this period the provincial Governors becam e independent warrior chieftains, usually recognizing as suzerain one of their order but submitting only reluc tantly to his commands. F o r a brief time the Ashikaga Shoguns had exercised that suzerainty, but in an imperfect and diminishing way, and as they gradually lost their power, the country was plunged into a series ia Ieyasu received only six of die eight Kanto provinces, since Awa and Hitachi remained in the hands of former holders. But he had also the rich province of Izu, west of the Hakone barrier.
of desperate and indecisive civil wars. It was not until the late sixteenth century that Nobunaga and then Hideyoshi were able to put an end to the prevailing anarchy. Hideyoshi achieved by force of arms and careful planning what none of the Ashikaga Shoguns could bring about, the restoration of a feudal system of government and a strict feudal discipline. The most recalcitrant barons submitted to him and becam e his vassals. He confirmed them in their fiefs and allowed them to enjoy their revenues. By the closing years of the sixteenth century he had established a new feudal hierarchy, more stable and more rigidly organ ized than the system developed by Yoritomo, which had begun to col lapse soon after the Mongol invasions. The process was to be completed by Ieyasu, but it could not have begun without the military successes of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, nor could those successes have been achieved without their military talents; nor (it can be argued) without the use of firearms, which were introduced to Japan at a critical stage in her history.
1. H ideyoshi and N obunaga T h e r e is no general agreement among Japanese historians today on the nature of the political ideas and intentions of Nobunaga and Hide yoshi. T he facts are not in dispute, since the actions of both men are amply documented by the texts of their edicts and a great deal of con temporary correspondence; but discussion tends to drift into a conflict of theories based largely upon comparison with the history of European feudalism. I t is true that there are here some instructive analogies and contrasts, but discourse in this field may be left to specialists and we had better confine ourselves to following the main lines of political development in a convenient order. It is clear that both Nobunaga and Hideyoshi aimed at absolute rule over a unified system, but unification is not merely a question of military force followed by edicts. I t has to b e accomplished by careful planning, executed by functionaries practised in the arts of government and ad ministration. M ere tyranny will not succeed, and that both rulers under stood this is clear from their fiscal practices. The collection of funds was of such importance to them that they found it prudent to make use of the richest merchants ( especially those of Sakai, Hyogo, and H akata), who could finance great projects and were therefore accorded a great deal of freedom, which they were usually discreet enough not to abuse. W hile they flourished as individuals, the pressure of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi prevented their cities from acquiring the degree of inde pendence enjoyed by the free cities of Europe. Nobunaga had already begun to organize both rural and urban com munities according to his ideas before he becam e master of almost the whole country. But his temperament and his early death prevented him from carrying out his designs in anything approaching a liberal fashion. ( It will be remembered that his motto, carved on his seals, was “Govern die Empire by Military Force.”) Hideyoshi, however, being a man with an active and wide-ranging mind, had been thinking about prob lems of government for many years; and when after Odawara he became truly the master of all Japan, he set about organizing the human and material resources of the country with determination, it is true, but also with patience and with very specific ends in view. 2. T he Organization o f Government Hideyoshi had issued orders in 1583 for a national land survey, which as we have seen continued for more than a decade. T he purpose of this measure, apart from ascertaining the total yield of farm lands, was to
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impose uniformity upon the structure of rural society throughout Japan. T he peasant was to have no privilege other than security of tenure, and he was to obey a national and not a local or customary law. The regulation of commerce was, of its nature, not so easy to achieve, but it will have been seen that although both Nobunaga and Hideyoshi favoured freedom of trade to the extent of throwing open closed markets and closed guilds, they both assumed arbitrary powers of control over economic affairs. Both can be charged with suppressing the rise of an independent urban class of tradesmen and artisans, which during the middle ages had been growing in importance and strength. Thus while encouraging agriculture and industry, they circumscribed the freedom of fanners and industrial workers. One of the most striking examples of this reactionary trend (fo r despite their constructive efforts both No bunaga and Hideyoshi were in a true sense reactionaries) was their attitude towards the growing free cities of Japan. Sakai and Hakata lost their independence. Nobunaga assumed jurisdiction over Sakai and treated the rich city as if it were a fief governed by his Deputy ( Matsui Yukan). Hideyoshi instituted a number of industrial monopolies, in gold and silver mines, for instance, which becam e state enterprises in the sense that they provided him with much needed revenue. A further step in the direction of absolute rule was Hideyoshi’s policy of demolishing castles and fortresses, while shifting daimyos in order to prevent the development of centres of opposition to his government The purpose of Hideyoshi’s great land survey (Taiko no Kenchi, it was called ) was, apart from its direct fiscal advantage, to create a sub servient peasantry, and to render impossible the agrarian risings which had plagued his predecessors.1 I t was followed in 1588 by a measure known as the Taiko’s Sword Hunt (Taiko no K atanagari). The Sword Hunt was a measure of disarmament by confiscation that Nobunaga had earlier applied to members of leagues which had engaged in agrarian or sectarian risings. The measure had the double advantage from the ruler’s point of view of preventing riots and distinguishing the peasant from the soldier, since throughout the middle ages farmers and towns people alike had carried swords for defence or even only for display. Hideyoshi’s Sword Hunt was more comprehensive in its scope. It was, like Nobunaga’s, designed to distinguish the soldier from the ci vilian, but it was also employed to confiscate the weapons carried by soldier-monks of the great monasteries of Koyasan and Tonomine. The direct cause of Hideyoshi's order was, it is thought, a violent rising of well-to-do and well-armed farmers in Higo in 1587. The reason given for the order of 1588 was to disarm “peasants who 1 I t may give a useful idea of the dimensions of the land survey to set forth an estimate of the total area of cultivated land at different periods: M id-H eian ( ca. a .d . 9 0 0 ): 8 62 ,00 0 chd (o f 2)4 acres ) Early Muromachi ( ca. a .d . 1 3 5 0 ): 946,000 chd Register of a . d . 1600: 1,500,000 chd ( producing 15 million koku)
keep needless weapons, do not pay their taxes, and plot risings against landlords. They are now to collect all their weapons and armour and then turn them in to the owner, tenant, or deputy of the respective es tates.”* T h e metal thus obtained was to be melted down and turned into nails and bolts for the Great Im age of the Buddha which was to b e installed in a new Hokoji monastery in Kyoto. T h e peasants were told that such offerings would assure them of salvation in this world and the n e x t Following the Sword Hunt came the announcement of a census of population at the end of 1590. This, it will be remembered, was very soon after Hideyoshi’s return from Odawara, when he had completed the pacification of the whole of Japan. His first step was to order the expulsion of ronin ( vagrants) from villages in which they did no farm work and performed no military service. The land survey had brought such persons to the notice of the census-takers. T he order was first en forced in 1590 in the province of Omi, and in September of the following year it was extended to the whole country by a notice which laid down rules for a census of houses. In every village a list was to be made of all houses and their occupants. All persons who had entered a village from another village or another province after the fall of Odawara ( Sep tember 1590) were to b e expelled. This order was known as the Hitoharai or Expulsion Edict. The register thus compiled, together with the land register, served to bind the peasant firmly to the soil; and from the point of view of the authorities, these registers provided a convenient basis for conscripting labour to work on the construction of roads, dykes, and drains—the corvee in general. At the end of 1591 an even more drastic rule was issued, to the effect that any person in military service of whatever rank who newly entered a village after the fall of Odawara must at once be expelled. If that order were disobeyed, the whole township or village would be punished. Further, if any farmer should abandon his land and take employment as a day labourer or as a tradesman, the whole village would pay the penalty. It may be asked what was the purpose of this extremely harsh legis lation. The answer is twofold. In general Hideyoshi was determined to separate the peasants from all other classes, and in particular to distin guish them from the military class at every social level. According to one view it was desired to build a reservoir of manpower for use in a great overseas adventure which Hideyoshi was already preparing—the invasion of Korea (due to take place in 1592). Partly, no doubt, in preparation for this event, an effort was.also made at this time to sup press piracy. Shipmasters, crews, and fishermen were obliged to take an oath that they would not engage in piracy, and it was made known * The exact words of the first clause of the order issued on August 2 9 ,1 5 8 8 , are: "The fanners ( hyakushd) in all provinces are strictly forbidden to keep swords, sidearms, daggers, spears, guns, or any other military equipment.”
that the daimyos in whose territory they were based would b e punished for failure to prevent piratical behaviour. There is disagreement among Japanese historians concerning the true purpose and the effect of the land survey and registration. I t used to be regarded on the whole favourably, as a rational measure of land reform, but recent scholars look at it in a different light and enquire what change registration brought about in the life of the peasant and in the general structure of society, and who benefitted by that change. They do not all reach the same conclusions, probably because each con centrates upon a different aspect of an epoch-making enterprise. There can be no doubt, however, that the survey was intended to strengthen the new feudalism which had been steadily developing since Nobunaga’s day. It was to abolish the last vestiges of the sh5en system, and to establish the position of the actual cultivator as tenant and taxpayer, so that the ruler held in his hand the food supply of the nation.* 3. Rural L ife Hideyoshi’s private letters and his public orders repeatedly stated that the land survey and other investigations must be carried out to the letter in the remotest corners of all the sixty-odd provinces; but there is good reason to believe that the well-to-do farmers stubbornly and often successfully resisted orders which called upon them to split up their families into a number of independent units. This offended the strong family tradition in rural society, the tradition which Hideyoshi was seeking to break down, because it was easier to deal with and to coerce an individual than a united family. Village life, with its ancient customs and its natural solidarity, was difficult to change, and therefore Hideyoshi’s sweeping reforms aroused resentment and at least passive resistance. This was particularly true of some of the larger villages, which were highly organized and on the whole prosperous. I t is difficult to give a description of villages holding good for all parts of the country, for there were very wide variations in size and character; but the following outline may serve to illustrate con ditions with which the land surveyors and the census takers had to deal at the close of the sixteenth century. A typical village of the late middle ages in Japan in the Home Prov inces or adjacent regions would consist of the dwellings of one or more well-to-do farmers native to the locality, of their adult sons, and of farm workers of various grades, comprehensively styled htkan or nago, who were theoretically independent cultivators of small plots of land, but who almost invariably did farm work for larger proprietors. * Thus the actual cultivator of a plot or plots of land was now an independent unit, treated separately from his parents and his other relatives. For a variety of views on this subject see the essays of Araki Moriaki, Endo Shinnosuke, and Miyagawa Mitsuru on Taiko no Kenchi. A list will be found in Thomas C. Smith's Agrarian Origins o f M odem Japan , a valuable work dealing prin cipally with conditions after 1600.
The well-to-do farmers were known as dogo, a term which implies that they were important members of rural society, long settled on the land which they farmed. They were for the most part members of the warrior class, and their appellation ( ji-sam urai) is sometimes translated as “yeoman fanner” or “country squire.” This is only an approximation, but it gives a general idea of their social status. It was men of this standing who formed the nucleus of the power which Nobunaga and Hideyoshi acquired in the early stages of their careers. The dogo might hold land yielding 50 koku or more, and for its cul tivation he would need more labour than his family alone could furnish. H e depended mainly upon the hikan or nago, supplemented in some cases by hereditary servants. The nago for their part usually held only very small plots, yielding about one koku; and since a koku of rice rep resents the consumption of one adult for one year, it was essential for the support of a nago and his family to earn more by working for the holder of larger areas of land. Consequently the larger houses in a village were the dwellings of the dogo and his family and families of similar position, usually kinsmen in some degree. The cultivated fields would generally but not always be close to the farm dwellings. The composition of a village may be represented diagrammatically as shown below:
A A" A* A*
H ou se a n d y a rd o f dogd
H o u ses o f m em bers o f d o g o s fa m ily
B C D E F 6 M
H o u s e s o f r e la tiv e s o r te n a n ts S t a b le s , b a m , e tc . C a b i n s o r h u ts o f w o r k e r s ( n a g o ) C a b i n s o f p e a sa n ts (s m a ll f a n n e r s ) W a ll C a te w a y s M oat
Plan o f a village in northern Yamashiro, based on a diagram in Nihon no Reldshi, Vol. 7 (Yomiuri Shim bunsha, 1959)
The village was sometimes surrounded by a moat, and the yashiki (th e homestead of the dogo) was usually surrounded by a wall. The village illustrated is planned on the lines of a small fort, showing that the headman was a warrior as well as a farmer, that is to say a man of the ji-samurai or kokujin class. H e would naturally assume leadership in the village; but after Hideyoshi’s land survey, he had to decide whether to continue his profession as a warrior or to become a farmer. It should be made clear that in either case he continued to receive his share of the crop inscribed in the register. He would of course have to pay to the nago or the outside workers a share of the yield of the plots which they cultivated for him. The intention of the survey and the register was not to confiscate land, but to ensure that the yield of each separate plot was recorded, and that the actual cultivator was made responsible for the payment of tax thereupon. The revenue of the land lord was not diminished by the fact of registration, but the lower grades of farm worker were able to resist pressure from landlords and gradu ally acquired independence as owners of minimal pieces of land. Reg istration did not bring this result about at once, and in remote parts of the country it was long delayed.
4. Administrative Organs As the authority of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi was extended in scope, it becam e important to develop an organization capable of carrying out their governmental plans. When Nobunaga came into power, he inher ited part of the administrative system built up by the Ashikaga Shoguns, and some of the offices and titles of the Muromachi Bakufu (such as Kanrei, Shoshi-dai, and Tandai) were retained in use. But new condi tions and new rules needed new officers for their supervision, and often makeshift devices had to be adopted, for Nobunaga as he conquered new provinces had no time to decide upon a considered scheme in de tail. H e was thus obliged to rely provisionally upon a form of military government adapted to the new circumstances but leaving room for adjustment. In his early days of power he was obliged to depend upon his comrades-in-arms—such generals as Niwa and Shibata and others of their rank—to fill the chief administrative posts. But soon after he was estab lished in Kyoto he appointed a Commission of Five to govern the capital and the Home Provinces. The men appointed were Asano Nagamasa, Maeda Geni, Mashida Nagamori, Natsuka Masaiye,* and Ishida M itsunari; and it is interesting to note that they were all by origin members of the small rural gentry of Omi and Owari, men who had supported Nobunaga in his progress to power and who were now his vassals. Maeda Geni (h e was also known as the Abbot Tokuzen-In, for he * Mashida and Natsuka are preferred readings, instead of Masuda and Nagatsuka.
was in holy orders) was picked out by Nobunaga as a man of great ability, and Hideyoshi also had great faith in him. H e was given the post of Shoshi-dai, which was equivalent to Commissioner for the Met ropolitan Area, and at the same time he dealt with religious matters and was a judge in civil suits. Natsuka, who had a good head for figures and the power of rapid decision, was given charge of financial matters. Mashida, a man of upright character, was made Commissioner for Pub lic Works. Ishida, a capable administrator, was made Chief of Police and Commissioner for Sakai, and he also dealt with trade questions in general. H e served several terms as Commissioner for Hideyoshi's land survey, and applied its provisions to the letter in his own domains. These men were used by Hideyoshi to give effect to his major deci sions. T he most important among them was Asano Nagamasa, who took a leading part in devising the land survey, which was a truly remarkable undertaking in both design and execution. Nagamasa was in fact some thing like a Prime Minister to Hideyoshi, presiding over a small cabinet. H e was the senior of the five Commissioners, and was especially trusted by Hideyoshi with most confidential matters, since his wife was a younger sister of Yodogimi, Hideyoshi’s favourite. Hideyoshi’s administrative arrangements were of a more permanent nature than those of Nobunaga, whose methods were of a somewhat hand-to-mouth character. H e was a dictator in a hurry, whereas Hide yoshi, though despotic, had a gift for organization which served him in good stead in his political as well as his military life. In this respect he was superior to Nobunaga, who did not live long enough to develop his capacity to the fullest. Hideyoshi, however, did not delegate full powers to his Commis sioners, but continued to take an active interest in details of adminis tration. H e was inclined to use his authority as Commander-in-Chief to issue edicts and orders of a military character in civil affairs. His council of Five Commissioners thus tended to be a committee of spe cialists rather than a deliberative body deciding high policy.8 Such a body was formed by the Five Elders (G o-Tairo) appointed by Hide yoshi towards the end of his life, mainly in order to prevent changes in the system of government which he had created in the interests of the Toyotomi family. The Tairo were Ieyasu, Ukita, Mori, Maeda, and Kobayakawa. Their names show that they were appointed as the only men strong enough to deal with any difficult situation arising after Hide yoshi’s death. The Tairo are reported to have been assisted by certain 8 Some authorities are of opinion that Hideyoshi did not at this time create special organs for the execution of policy. There were, they suggest, no doubt a □umber of commissioners (bugyo) performing traditional functions and of senior feudatories giving advice; but as integral parts of the machinery of government the Go-Bugyo and Go-Tair5 date from shortly before Hideyoshi’s death, and they were appointed for the special purpose of guiding and protecting Hideyori during his minority. In ordinary circumstances Hideyoshi would lay down policy and give orders for its execution by officers of his choice.
junior advisers (C hurd), whose duty was to mediate between the Taird in cases of disagreement. But they seem to have been ineffective in that difficult situation. Still lower in the administrative scale were the Deputies (D aik an ), who governed territories under the direct jurisdiction of Hideyoshi ( and of Nobunaga before him ). The appointment of Matsui Yukan as Daikan of Sakai, acting on behalf of Nobunaga, has already been mentioned. The habit of appointing rich merchants to such posts was continued by Hideyoshi, though they were placed under the direction of the Five Commissioners after 1595. The area of territories under Hideyoshi’s direct jurisdiction was very great. They were worth about two million koku at that time, and were scattered throughout the country. It was part of the function of the Daikan of one of those territories to keep an eye upon neighbouring daimyos. Not much is known about the subordinate functionaries who worked under the Commissioners and other highly placed officers of state, but there are occasional sidelights in contemporary records. An interesting piece of evidence is furnished in the reminiscences of one Tamald Yoshiyasu, a kinsman of Mori, who describes his experiences as a superin tendent of land surveys in five provinces in five successive years.® ( His first appointment was in Iyo in 1583, when he was thirty years of age.) He explains his procedure; he begins by climbing to a high point where he can get a general view of the farm land, its water supply, its different soils, its topographical features. H e dwells on the hardships of the peasant who cannot grow enough rice for his own consumption, ekes it out with leaves and grass, and suffers from cold and damp for want of warm clothing. Tamald may have been exceptional in his justice and compassion, but it is clear from the results of the survey and census, and from public works completed on a grand scale under Hideyoshi’s rule, that there was no lack of talent available for the execution of important projects at what we may term a civil service level. But there was a fundamental weakness in the despotic rule of Nobu naga and, to a lesser degree perhaps, of Hideyoshi. Neither of them in their work of unification seems to have thought of developing a compre hensive system of civil and criminal law for the whole country, nor did they at any time declare that the Joei Formulary and its many amend ments were either obsolete or in operation. They were prompt to issue ad hoc rules, ordinances, and laws, but had little interest in legal prin ciples. They governed by edict. Hideyoshi’s Sword Hunt is a striking example of the dictator’s attitude. H e did not attempt to lay down rules and penalties limiting the use of swords and spears, but only to lessen the danger of revolt by depriving the most numerous class in the country of all weapons.8 8 His notebook, Mi no Kagam i, is full of interesting things.
His attitude towards offences by both civil and military persons is well displayed by his order of 1597 establishing organs for self-govern ment at a rather low level. These were the Five-man Group (Goningum i) of samurai and the Ten-man Group (Junin-gum i) of peasants. Their function was to preserve order in town and country. T he members o f each group were sworn to reveal any offence committed by one of their number, from petty theft to murder. Under the doctrine of joint responsibility they were punished for the crimes of others which they failed to report; and members of the group who were expelled had their little fingers cut off. The Ten-man Group had to keep a careful watch on village life, and prevent breaches of the rules governing cultivation and tax. Such duties as these inevitably lapsed at times into spying and delation. One of the most important functions of Hideyoshi’s government was naturally the administration of its finances. Among the sources of rev enue was the product of gold and silver mines throughout the country. F o r the development of those sources, daikan were appointed by Hideyoshi, or in some cases the daimyo in whose territory the mines were situated was charged with their supervision and development, remitting a fixed percentage of their profit to the central government. Hideyoshi also obtained revenue from taxes levied in Sakai and from miscellaneous imposts. Hideyoshi’s currency policy was carried out by Natsuka Masaiye, who also took part in directing the land survey and the census. But there was no question of a regular financial office framing estimates of revenue and expenditure. Indeed, in contrast to the detailed adminis tration of such measures as the land registration and the census, the reli ance of Hideyoshi upon private enterprise is at first sight quite astonish ing. It is well illustrated by the history of Konishi Yukinaga, one of Hideyoshi’s favourites. This Konishi belonged to a family which since the close of the fif teenth century had been active in the trade with Ming China, particu larly in importing medicines. Yuldnaga’s father was Konishi Ryusa, an influential Sakai merchant whom Hideyoshi appointed his Commis sioner in Sakai and entrusted with the management of his funds. In other words Ryusa becam e a kind of Treasury official. He evidently had a talent for organization, for during the Kyushu campaign of 1587 he was in charge of the commissariat. He is said to have collected sup plies for 300,000 men and 20,000 horses, bringing them to Hydgo and Amagasald and thence arranging transport to Shimonoseki by way of the Inland Sea. His son Yukinaga was also well acquainted with maritime affairs, and was for that reason given command of a naval force in the Inland Sea. His services in this position were much appreciated by Hideyoshi, and he figures in later history as one of Hideyoshi’s trusted general offi
cers. Like his father, Yukinaga was a Christian convert, frequently men tioned in the Jesuit letters under the name of Don Augustino. In such ways, it will be seen, Hideyoshi made use of rich men in very responsible work, both military and civil. He also employed per sons with special qualifications as commissioners in charge of impor tant public works, in building, irrigation, the construction of roads and bridges, and similar undertakings requiring technical knowledge and skill. These men as a rule were not permanent officials but were ap pointed for special duty. There was, for instance, a commissioner of works for rebuilding the Palace, Asayama Nichijd, a monk who had served from time to time under Nobunaga. There were also commis sioners (bugyo) charged with the provision of building material on a very large scale for houses, fortifications, harbour facilities, and other such enterprises. These were government contractors rather than offi cials. The building of Hideyoshi s great castle at Osaka called for great quantities of material and it testifies to good direction and technical skill of a high order. The financing of such great undertakings no doubt depended upon the cooperation of the richest merchants of Sakai and other trade cen tres, but the provision of currency presented a new problem, since the volume of monetary transactions increased throughout the country, thanks not only to the purchase of supplies for great armies but also to a general growth of industrial and commercial activity. Following upon Nobunaga’s currency orders of 1569, which had for bidden barter and laid down valuations for copper coins of various ori gins, an increasing number of copper coins was struck in Japan; but these were, it seems, not officially minted until Hideyoshi’s time, when after about 1585 copper, silver, and gold coins were issued. They were known as Tensho coins, from the name of the Tensho era (1 5 7 3 -9 1 ). T h e sudden increase in the production of silver which made this change possible was due in part to improved methods of smelting, but the most important cause was probably a realization among the war lords that they must develop the material resources of their fiefs—a kind of activity which was no doubt stimulated by wealthy investors from the cities. Nobunaga and Hideyoshi both paid great attention to the devel opment of gold and silver mining, especially in the provinces under their direct jurisdiction (which were virtually their private property), and both collected in their castles very great reserves of gold and silver bullioa Copper coins were good enough for small transactions of a retail kind, but a more portable currency was needed for such expenditure as the purchase of great quantities of supplies required by the expedi tionary forces which in the latter half of the sixteenth century were marching up and down.and across Japan. F o r such purposes payments were made in bullion, and to prevent fraudulent dealing the bullion
usually carried the mark of a goldsmith or a silversmith whose relia bility was known, Nobunaga had a store of such marked pieces in his Azuchi castle, and Hideyoshi, as we have seen, carried great quantities by pack horse to Odawara for commissariat purposes. Most of the daimyos held large stocks of gold and silver bullion and gold d u st The demand for gold was so great that it was freely imported, while silver was exported in large quantities during the latter half of the sixteenth century. Apart from its function as a medium of exchange, gold was very freely used for ornamental purposes. Hideyoshi’s great seal, for example, was of gold, and an issue of large gold coins known as the Tensho Oban is thought to have been ordered by Hideyoshi in prepara tion for his Kyushu campaign. 5. H ideyoshi s Relations with th e Throne Nobunaga, following his father s example, had made a point of treat ing the Throne with respect and of rendering services to the imperial family. At the request of the Emperor Ogimachi, he had seen to the reconstruction of the Palace (th e Tsuchimikado-dairi) very soon after his entry into the capital with Yoshiald in 1568. Hideyoshi, although perhaps less influenced by the national habit of veneration for the sov ereign, continued Nobunaga's policy of care for the person of the Em peror and of generous contributions to the expenses of the C o u rt He assigned definite revenues to the Imperial House after the Emperor GoYozei had condescended to be present at a great entertainment in 1588, and he much prized the titles of Regent and Chancellor which he had obtained in 1585 and 1586. The emperor exercised no direct political power, but he was the acknowledged fountain of honour and the symbol of national unity. H e did not stand at the head of a feudal system as did the kings of England and France in the middle ages, but the de facto rulers to whom the vas sals owed allegiance were always careful in great matters to act in the name of the sovereign. If they had not done so, they would, it is true, have laid themselves open to a charge of treason by their adversaries; but apart from these considerations of prudence a genuine sentiment of loyalty survived through the tumult of centuries. Occasionally the emperors intervened in national affairs, but there is little evidence to show that they ever took the initiative. There is one instance in which the Emperor Ogimachi seems to have taken a strong line. T hat was in 1569, when he protested to Nobunaga against the licensing of the Jesuit Father Frois to preach in the capital. But the pressure here came from Buddhist quarters, and it was proper for the Emperor at their request to protect an established national religion. Nobunaga, it will be recalled, paid no attention to this move, being well aware of its origin; for on most occasions of intervention by the
Emperor or in his name, it could safely be assumed that he was acting at the request of political or religious leaders for their own purposes. His Majesty’s fiat was often claimed as an excuse for some act which might otherwise b e regarded as shameful, such as the surrender of the Ishiyama Honganji in 1580; but here too of course the Emperor acted in response to pressure. Nobunaga frequently asked the Emperor to approve action which he proposed to take, or to issue a commission to chastise some alleged enemy of the Throne. B ut these were well-worn practices and did not signify the free exercise of sovereign power. An emperor who was bold enough to defy the supreme warlords on whose bounty he depended might end his life in banishment, as Go-Toba and Go-Daigo had done. Yet it should not be supposed that imperial action, even when so circumscribed, was of little real importance. On the con trary, it served at times to ease political tensions or prevent the devel opment of awkward situations, resembling in that respect the function of a constitutional monarch in Europe today. Magnificence was Hideyoshi’s policy as well as his pleasure. In 1587 he gave a giant open-air tea party at Kitano, to celebrate his vic tory in Kyushu. People of all classes from warlord to peasant were in vited by public notice boards set up in Kyoto, Osaka, and Sakai. They needed to bring only a mat to sit upon and a teacup. There was a show of art treasures, and for ten days there were plays and dances for the guests to watch and music for them to listen to. This was a prodigious entertainment, but for political significance as well as lavish expenditure it does not match the occasion when Hide yoshi and his great vassals entertained the Emperor at Hideyoshi’s new Kyoto mansion, the Jurakudai or Mansion of Pleasure, which was com pleted in 1587. This building was a characteristic expression of his taste. It occupied a great space almost equal in area to the Imperial Palace Enclosure, and it was surrounded by a moat and thick walls of great blocks of masonry fitted together like those in the castles of Azuchi and Osaka. From outside it looked like a fortress, but the inner apart ments were richly decorated. Hideyoshi moved there from Osaka in the fall of 1587, and in the first month of 1588 he invited the newly enthroned Emperor Go-Yozei to be his guest. M aeda Geni studied precedents for the entertainment of royalty, and on the appointed day His Majesty was escorted to the Jurakudai by Hideyoshi, who as Regent held the highest Court rank.7 The proces sion was brilliant with colour; there were dozens of palanquins bearing Court ladies, mounted escorts, guards of honour, and innumerable men at arms. Following His Majesty’s carriage and the great Court nobles there came Hideyoshi himself, followed in turn by his great generals1 1 Second grade of first rank. The first grade was always posthumous.
and their attendant officers. W hen the outriders at the head of the pro cession reached the Jurakudai gateway, the rear guard had not yet emerged from the Palace enclosure.8 Upon arrival, the sovereign was waited on by the great daimyos, not in their military capacity but by virtue of their Court ranks, of which the highest were held by Taira ( O da) Nobukatsu and Minamoto (Tokugaw a) Ieyasu. The Em peror remained for five days at the aptly named Mansion of Pleasure, in most luxurious surroundings which (th e secretary said) beggared description. T he real purpose of the gathering, apart from a display of extravagance, was disclosed on the day after His Majesty’s arrival. T h e daimyos who had been invited subscribed to a written oath. I t was a simple document of only three articles, which ran as follows: 1. W e who are assembled here weep tears of gratitude for the pres ence of His Majesty. 2. I f any evil persons should attempt to confiscate Crown estates or the property of Court nobles [kuge[, we will take action against them, and we bind ourselves and our descendants to carry out this undertaking. 3. W e swear that we will obey the commands of the Regent [Hideyoshi] down to the smallest particular. This oath was sworn in the Em perors presence to all the Gods and Buddhas in the usual formula, ending in a comprehensive clause includ ing “all the Gods, great and small, of the sixty and more provinces of Japan.” It was subscribed by six men of the highest rank, including Ieyasu and Nobukatsu, and was followed by a similar document signed by more than twenty of the leading warlords. On the following day (th e third) there was a great poetry meeting to which the Emperor contributed, and so did the retired Ogimachi, in a verse declaring that all was well in the world and there was no cloud in the sky. This was in the month of May, when Kyoto is a city of balmy airs and light mists. In the spring of the following year, Hideyoshi invited some of the principal Court nobles and the most important daimyos (beginning with Ieyasu) to attend him in the great inner gallery of the Jurakudai. There he had arranged a great display of gold and silver pieces heaped upon trays, to the total value of 365,000 ryo (1 ryo being equal to 15 grammes), which he distributed among the nobles and generals ( including Ieyasu) who were his guests. I t will be seen from the events just recited that Hideyoshi did not regard himself as a candidate for the office of Shogun, but as a warrior who was, as well as Commander-in-Chief, the Regent ruling on behalf * * All these particulars and much more can be found in a record kept by Hideyoshi’s secretary, Kusunoki Masatora. It may be noted that part of the escort con sisted of samurai wearing not helmets but the ceremonial cap called tori-ebdshL
of the Emperor. This is a point which should not be overlooked in con sidering the importance of the Throne in Japanese political history. W hen Hideyoshi resigned the office of Regent in 1592, he gave a Paper of Advice to Hidetsugu, who succeeded him. In one of its five articles he enjoined the new Regent to serve the Throne with great care. 6. H ideyoshi and Buddhism Hideyoshi’s policy in matters of religion differed from that of Nobunaga, who had gone to extremes of violence in suppressing what he deemed to be subversive activities of the great Buddhist sects. No doubt the Enryakuji and Koyasan and the Ikko fraternities had learned their lesson and did not stand in need of correction from Hideyoshi. They had been weakened by constant attacks and had lost much of their revenue. Most of the monks had abandoned their military habits, turn ing to study and pious works. This was a state of affairs which Hide yoshi thought it sensible to encourage and to turn to his own advantage. He did, however, choose to take a strong line with certain religious bodies. In his battle with Ieyasu at Komakiyama in 1584, he had met with opposition from Ikk6 remnants including monks who had escaped from Negoro. H e did not forget this clerical insolence, and in revenge he attacked Negoro early in 1585, quickly reducing the place to ashes. Here he was no less ruthless than Nobunaga had been on Hiyeizan. At about this time he subdued the soldier-monks of Kumano by a display of force; and against the ancient and revered Koyasan he achieved a success which Nobunaga could never obtain. His method was simple and effective, for by a mere threat of force, by confiscating weapons in his Sword Hunt and by impounding Koyasan revenues in the course of his land survey, he frightened the monks into submission and then gained their esteem by returning their estates. By using the same method dur ing the course of the survey in other parts of Japan, he was able to reor ganize monastic holdings throughout the country and thus to bring all monasteries and shrines under his regulation in secular matters. His treatment of the Tendai sect was discreet, for without suggesting that Nobunaga had been wrong in destroying the Enryakuji he approved of an appeal for subscriptions put out by a prince abbot newly appoint ed after Nobunaga’s death. The appeal was for funds needed to restore the Komponchudo, the Hiyoshi shrine, and other historic edifices on the Mountain. The Hokke sect had been almost ruined by Nobunaga after the de plorable debate at Azuchi, but it was now licensed to spread its gospel by Hideyoshi, who wished to be impartial between religious denomina tions. His most active support of a religious body, however, was ac corded to the Ikko sect, but not on religious grounds. The Abbot Kosa, though ejected from the Ishiyama Honganji, had not abandoned his resolve to restore the central cathedral of the Single-minded believers.
A P. O R /
T I S ( ES V E M E A C O l A P Q N I A E A D R eu eren d u m in C h r i s t o P . C i a v d i . y j y A q _v a v t v a m P rarp o fitu m G en eraleo i d a ta ru m ,d e p ro x im a fp e v n iu e r f x la p o n i* ad C h ft i s T i E cclefiam a d iu n g ca d *.
E P IS T O L A E , A P. O R G A N T IN O j l U X J A N O So ciecatis I esv M caco I a p o n i a e datar. P A X C H R IS T I. V AE res n o n m e d io c rite r h o e .a n n o M. D .X C 1 V . n o s a fflix e r u o .l prim um d iu rurna P .V ifita to ris, 8C R cu ere p d if*. E p ifc o p i, quern ia m _________ in C h in am p eru en ilfe e x lic c e ri* M am h an o ru m c o g n o u im u s , a b fen tia : d c in d e , q u o d n a u is , qusr f o lc t q u o tan n is hu e ex I n d ia a p p e lle rc , S c o m n iu m harum S o c ic ta ti* d o m o ru m , m axim e autem C o l l e g i j, N o u itia «u% & Sem inar ij nccdTariam an nonan -aduehere, kac
A page from a little volum e o f Jesu it letters—Relationes—from India and Japan . It w as pu blished in Rom e in 1598. T he Latin text o f th e letters from Japan is a translation from the original Italian o f the author, F ather Organtino, w ho w as then living in Kyoto and was favoured by H ideyoshi (known in these letters as Q uam bacundono). T he letters, w ritten in 1594 and 1595, are a d dressed to Claudius A quaviva, the general o f th e society. In the letter from w hich this illustration is taken F ather Organtino w rites w ith satisfaction o f the progress m ade by th e Jesuits and o f th e p ea ce and tranquility brought by H ideyoshi. T he illustration is th e sam e size as the original.
He sought every opportunity of gaining the support of the secular arm as soon as Nobunaga was dead. H e had cleverly gained the approval of Hideyoshi by sending sectaries to create disturbances in the rear of Shibata Katsuiye, H ideyoshis antagonist in 1583; and in 1587, out of gratitude for past favours, Kosa sent messengers to Kyushu with instruc tions to the Ikkd leaders there to act as guides to Hideyoshis army in Satsuma. As a result of these actions Hideyoshi treated Kosa generously, and in 1589 granted him the land at Otani in Kyoto on which the shrine of the patriarch Shinran had once stood.' Hideyoshis own beliefs are not known. He carried on his person a small sacred charm, and he prayed for members of his family; but his only public act of piety was the building and dedication of a great Buddha image and a spacious fabric to contain i t This was an immense undertaking, which was begun in 1586 and involved the transport of large quantities of timber from nearly all the forest lands in central and western Japan. W hat moved him to this effort is not clear, but it is sup posed that he wished to erect some permanent memorial to his own greatness. If that is so his purpose was not achieved, for both image and building were overthrown by an earthquake in 1596. It has been suggested on the basis of one of the Jesuit letters that the reason for erecting this colossus was to dispose of a vast quantity of condemned copper coins. B ut this view must be mistaken, for the image was made of wood, and not of bronze as was the usual practice. Wood was chosen because of the technical difficulties of casting great sections of metal and the length of time required for its completion. The wooden framework required a large quantity of iron nails and bolts, and these by Hideyoshi s orders were to be made from the swords and other weapons of the militant clergy confiscated in the Taiko’s Sword H u n t An expert was brought from Ming China to assist the Japanese supervisors in the construction of the supporting framework and the shaped parts, which when they were in place were to be coated with lacquer. The lacquer was especially prepared in Sakai by Imai Sokyu. The work of preparing the site (which was in the Higashiyama dis trict), collecting and moving the materials, and erecting the building is said to have required the labour of 50,000 men, working over a period of five or six years. This may well be, since there were few mechanical devices to replace manpower. One account says that some of Hideyoshi’s generals and other officers took part, pulling on ropes and sing ing the lumbermans chanty as they hauled the great timbers, while others played the flute or beat the drum. Hideyoshi himself, according to one account, changed to a hempen jacket and lent a hand. After the earthquake of 1596 a new building was erected under the ®This shrine was later (1 5 9 1 ) transferred to Rokujfi, the site of the present Nishi Honganji.
orders of Hideyori, and a new image installed, this time of bronze and much smaller than the first. There followed repeated disasters, and the image was now of wood and now of bronze. T he surviving colossus, which is of wood, was erected in 1801; it is a monstrosity of which there is nothing more to be said. 7. H ideyoshi and Christianity Under Nobunaga s protection the growth of Christianity in Japan was remarkable. I t can be argued that he gave his protection because he wanted to ensure a continuance of foreign trade, and this was no doubt a factor in his decision; but he was a man of foresight and he must have balanced advantages and objections carefully before he made up his mind to treat the Jesuits well. H e was influenced, we may be sure, by the character of the missionaries—their evident good breeding, their learning, and their unselfish devotion to their faith. Hideyoshi took a somewhat different line. H e was not interested in religion, but he treated the Jesuit Father Gnecchi Organtino in a friendly way when asked to give permission for a church and a house near to the new Osaka castle; indeed, he even selected a site for them. Takayama Ukon, the Christian general who was a trusted member of Hideyoshi’s entourage, helped the mission to build the church, which was opened for worship on Christmas D ay of 1583, not long after the completion of the castle. Hideyoshi raised no objection to the conversion of his subordinates, and a number of persons close to him, including some Court ladies, becam e Christians, some of them under the earnest per suasion of Takayama. There were other Christians in important posts, among them Konishi Yuldnaga, Ukita of Bizen, and Kuroda, all officers who had served Hideyoshi welL On several occasions in 1584 and 1585, when in Osaka between cam paigns, Hideyoshi was on amiable and seemingly frank terms with the Jesuit leaders, and enjoyed conversation with them in his leisure mo ments. In 1588 the Vice-Provincial Gasper Coelho went up from west ern Japan (h e had been in Nagasaki, then almost a Portuguese town) to visit congregations in the Kyoto area. H e called at the Osaka castle in great style early in May, accompanied by Frois and other Fathers and a number of Japanese catechists. They were received ceremoni ously by Hideyoshi and some of his great barons. Then, after the barons had withdrawn, Hideyoshi joined the guests and talked freely with them, paying especial attention to Father Frois, who spoke Japanese well and had known Hideyoshi in his early days. They talked of old times. I t was an intimate occasion, and according to the Jesuit records Hideyoshi spoke without reserve to the Vice-Provincial, encouraging him to believe that he would make Japan a Christian country once he had conquered China. H e told Coelho that he meant to invade Korea with 2,000 vessels and
H ID EY O SH l’s
wished Coelho, when the time came, to purchase for him two well-armed Portuguese ships. Not long after this he granted certain privileges and exemptions to the Christians which were even better than they had dared to hope. H e must have known by then that the number of Christians in Japan was between 150,000 and 200,000. T h e seminaries were training young men to spread the gospel year after year, and although most of the converts were in the western provinces, there were 10,000 in the capital and surrounding country. The outlook was bright indeed. In the summer of 1587 on the way back from his successes in Kyushu, Hideyoshi invited Coelho to visit him at his headquarters near Hakata, where he was considering plans for the rebuilding of the city, then much damaged during the fighting. H e set aside a piece of land for a church. H e also went aboard a small but well-armed Portuguese ship to see the Father, and showed himself most affable and interested. Then, in the middle of the night, only a few hours after Hideyoshi had left the Portu guese ship, an urgent message reached Coelho, accusing the Jesuits of various offences and demanding a reply. Coelho did his best, but Hide yoshi paid no regard to his defence, and on the following day an edict was issued banning Christianity and ordering the Fathers to leave the country within twenty days. The date of this edict appears to have been July 25,1587, but there is some difficulty in establishing the exact course of events at this juncture, since the available documentary sources are not in agreem ent T he differences, however, are not important and the main facts are clear. Hideyoshi had made up his mind to get rid of the missionaries. In one of his statements he charged them with the same kind of treason able activity as that of the Ikko sectarians: with encouraging daimyos to force their people to give up their old religion; with selling Japanese as slaves to China, Korea, and other parts of Asia; with killing animals (horses and oxen) for food; and with destroying Buddhist and Shint5 buildings. There was more than a grain of truth in some of these accu sations, for the Portuguese traders did buy slaves, and the Jesuits, or their converts, sometimes smashed Buddhist images and damaged Bud dhist shrines. But it is most unlikely that these were the reasons which suddenly induced Hideyoshi to take such very drastic measures. Various explanations have been offered but none of them is con vincing. One Church historian suggested that Hideyoshi had been drink ing some strong wine presented to him by Coelho, and had acted in a rage. Another guess is that owing to Christian influence the young girls of the countryside would not submit to him. There may be some truth in this, since he was excessively amorous by nature and was usually well served by procurers. But it is highly improbable. It is far more likely that he had been brooding for some time on the question of his relations with foreign countries, and that something he had seen or heard while in Hakata had touched off accumulated suspicions. I t is known that he had an adviser, half pimp and half physician, one Seiyaku-In, who de-
tested the Jesuits and who no doubt played some part in disturbing Hideyoshi’s mind. W hatever the immediate cause of Hideyoshi's action, it is certain that he acted for a considered purpose, though perhaps stimulated by momentary anger. He already had the Buddhist sects well under con trol, but in Kyushu he found that, far from being oppressed, the Jesuits were in a very strong position, for it was they who controlled some of the leading rulers. I t happened that both Otomo Sorin and Omura Sumitada, the two most important “Christian daimyos” in Kyushu, had died only a little while before the end of his campaign; and he may well have thought that this was a suitable occasion for action to accord with his own plan for a unified despotic rule over the whole of Japan. He was well informed of the activities of the Portuguese—both priests and laymen—in Nagasaki, a city which had become as it were a foreign pos session, and he had probably already been told of the slave trade in which some Portuguese sea captains were deeply engaged. This defi ance of Japanese sovereignty provided him with a reason for immediate action in accordance with a long-decided policy. But for some resist ance in the Kanto he was now master of all Japan, and he may have felt that he could not embark on an invasion of Korea with full confidence until he had dealt with all possible agents of opposition at home. The expulsion order of course alarmed the missionaries, who were wise enough to give every appearance of obeying its terms. Coelho, as soon as he learned the text of the edict (a copy was sent to h im ), pro tested that it was quite impossible to leave the country at once since there were no ships ready to take him and his colleagues. H e assembled most of the missionaries in Hirado to take passage in a Portuguese vessel which was presently due to leave; but not all of them sailed away. In deed most of them, perhaps a hundred in all, remained and went into hiding in Omura and Arima, seaport towns in Hizen province, where by judicious bribery they were able to stay and resume their pastoral work. Hideyoshi's officers were not scrupulous in enforcing the edict, and trade continued undisturbed. Nagasaki remained ostensibly part of the Omura fief, but in reality it was governed by the Jesuits until 1590, when it was brought under Hideyoshi’s direct control. W hile bearing heavily upon the missionaries, Hideyoshi took care to assure the merchants that they were still welcome. The last of the five articles in his expulsion ediet states clearly that so long as they do not hinder the teaching of Buddhism, merchants from Christian countries may come and go freely, for purposes of trade. From other clauses in the edict he seems not to have denied individual freedom of belief, but to have objected to wholesale conversions at the instance of a daimyo or a great landlord. The memorandum of July 24 under his seal uses the phrase “kokoro shidai,” which means “according to a man's own heart— his private sentiments.”
On his return to Kyoto in 1587, Hideyoshi was faced with problems of more immediate concern than the treatment of Christian missions. H e had to proceed with his positive measures of unification, which in cluded currency reform, the confiscation of weapons, social legislation distinguishing the soldier from the peasant, and the subjugation of the eastern and northern provinces, beginning with the siege of Odawara. This occupied him until the year 1590, when his mind was filled with preparations for his invasion of Korea. H e was now concerned not with persecuting missionaries but with continuing and increasing his foreign trade. Consequently the missionaries in Kyushu were little disturbed and indeed made such good progress that, within a limited area it is true, they strengthened and deepened the faith of thousands. Their con verts were mainly peasants and workmen living poorly in a war-ridden country and thirsty for some consoling faith. But important personages were also on the side of the Jesuits—Konishi, the Admiral, and a few other men of high rank. Among the most steadfast Christians were the wives and daughters of believers. The student of Japanese history, ac customed to a picture of Japanese feminine character as gentle and subservient, in time discovers that among all the martyrs none displayed a more stubborn courage than the women. Hideyoshi did not withdraw his expulsion edict; but in 1590 he agreed to receive a mission from the Viceroy of the Indies, with which Valignano was to be associated. The mission was received in Kyoto in March 1591. It included as well as Valignano and several priests the four young ambassadors who had gone to Rome from Kyushu eight years before and had just returned. W ith them came a number of Por tuguese of good standing from Nagasaki and other ports. Valignano himself had been appointed to represent the Viceroy, and Hideyoshi treated him well, though he warned him not to ask for the withdrawal of the expulsion edict or for any other favours to the missionaries. The edict had not prevented Japanese Christians in high places from continuing in the faith and encouraging new converts. Hideyoshi seems to have tolerated the presence in Kyoto of Organtino and other Fathers, and he took no steps against a number of missionaries whom Valignano had brought with him to Japan, beyond detaining them in Nagasaki as hostages—a measure which pleased both parties. When Valignano left Japan in O ctober 1592 with a reply to the Viceroy’s letter, there were more than a hundred Jesuits working under cover in Japan. They were of course most active in Kyushu, but progress was made in the metro politan region as well. The citizens of Kyoto had always been enthusiastic followers of fashion, and after the appearance in the streets of Portuguese captains and merchants in their finest clothes, the city was seized by a mania for foreign dress and foreign manners. The beaux and belles of the city wore crucifixes, carried rosaries, and used Portuguese words. T he ar-
H ID EY O SH l’s
rival of goods from Europe as well as from China and the Indies was impatiently awaited, and the continuance of the Portuguese trade be came a matter of importance to modish people. Even Hideyoshi, ac customed to the sombre Jesuit frock, was impressed by the gallant array of the Portuguese laymen. F o r more serious reasons of policy Hideyoshi was anxious not to cut off the supply of goods brought by Portuguese ships, since in the autumn of 1592 he had moved to Nagoya in the prov ince of Hizen and had established there his headquarters for the Korean campaign. This alarmed the missionaries, since they were now at the mercy of press gangs searching the towns and villages of northern Kyushu for able-bodied men and provisions needed by the invading armies. The Jesuits were therefore in great danger, often on the run; but their ene mies were petty officials looking for profit and willing to take bribes. They also could depend upon their influential converts for protection, and thus despite all perils and obstacles their numbers increased and their labours were fruitful. Hideyoshi, though he might from tim e to time issue some unpleasant order, was no longer disposed to order a root-and-branch persecution. Accordingly, the number of Jesuits in Ja pan did not diminish but increased after 1592. The report of the Society for the years 1595-96 shows that there were fifty Fathers in China and more than one hundred and forty in Japan. This was a remarkable situ ation, for Hideyoshi had licensed only ten priests in Nagasaki for the spiritual needs of Portuguese only, while Organtino was allowed to re main in Kyoto without church or office. Looking back to the night of Hideyoshi’s thunderbolt, which struck the poor Coelho in Hakata in 1587, the position was scarcely credible. Now, according to the Jesuit reports, there w ere 300,000 Christians in Japan, and of these more than 60,000 had been baptised after the expulsion e d ic t Nor were the converts only humble peasants. In the list of distin guished names occur: Gracia Hosokawa, daughter of Akechi Mitsuhide; Maria, sister of Hideyoshi’s consort Yodogimi; Magdalen, the companion of Hideyoshi’s wife; the sons of Maeda Geni; So, the hereditary Tandai of Tsushima; Mori of Chikugo; Gamd Ujisato of Aizu; and that grand son of Nobunaga, Samboshi, who as an infant had been presented by Hideyoshi to the council at Kiyosu. Most of them were members of the flock of the aged Organtino. O f all these Jesuit movements Hideyoshi was aware, but he took no steps to check them. The missionaries were on the whole too discreet to flaunt their triumphs and Hideyoshi was fully occupied with both domestic and continental projects. H e could bide his time. W hile the Jesuits were reaping their harvest and the Portuguese traders were enjoying a profitable commerce in F a r Eastern waters, the Spanish conquistadores, whose main interest was in the development of a colonial empire on the American continent, developed a kind of
outpost at Manila, on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. T he Span ish sea captains based on Manila began to look with envy on the monopoly enjoyed by Portuguese ships in the Japanese trade, and the missionaries based on Manila, who were Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinians, resented the monopoly enjoyed by the Jesuits in Japan, which rested upon a papal brief of 1585. Although Hideyoshi had granted freedom of trade to the Portuguese, he regretted having to make an exception to his own rule of absolute control over all matters, whether secular or sacred, in Japan. But the alliance between the Jesuits and the Portuguese traders was very strong. On one occasion in 1591, after he had brought Nagasaki under his direct rule, he ordered his commissioners there to force a Portuguese vessel to hand over its freight of gold at a reduced price. The Portuguese mer chant replied that he could do no such thing without the intervention of th e Jesuits. Angered by this disobedience, Hideyoshi pressed on with plans for bringing Ja p a n s foreign trade under his own control. But he soon found that he could not force other countries to do business on terms laid down by him, and no doubt he held a grudge against both merchants and priests on that account.
1. T h e First Steps T H E O R D E R t o attack Korea was issued on April 24, 1592. I t set in motion the spearhead of an invading force of close on 200,000 men, while a reserve of about 100,000 was stationed in the vicinity of Nagoya, in Hizen province, where Hideyoshi had his headquarters. Preparations had been made on a scale commensurate to the gigantic military effort which he contemplated. The continuous warfare of the past century, and particularly of the five decades after the rise of Nobunaga, had given military leaders much experience in mobilizing, supply ing, and transporting great bodies of men and proportionate quantities of equipment and provisions. New methods of fighting and new weap ons had added to the needs of an army in the field, which as late as Yoshimitsu’s day, after two invasions and fifty years of civil war, had been relatively simple. No change of importance had taken place until the rise of Nobunaga and the extended use of firearms. Hideyoshi’s organization of supplies for his campaigns was always carefully thought out and efficiently executed, as may b e seen from his conduct of the expedition to Kyushu and the preparation for the siege of Odawara, which no doubt provided valuable lessons to his staff offi cers. The base at Nagoya was under construction from the early autumn of 1591. This was to be the General Headquarters of the whole army. A special issue of gold and silver coins was minted, and provisions for 480,000 men were made ready. Troops and weapons as well as trans port and other services were furnished by all daimyos in proportion to their revenue. Ships and crews were requisitioned on a similar basis from maritime provinces, as were the implements and labour required for moving cargo. Plans were drawn up in great detail, and by all ac counts the execution of those plans was a feat of organization equal if not superior to any contemporary military achievement in Europe. An analysis of the composition of the invasion force, showing the names of the commanders and the numbers of men engaged, is given in the archives of the Mori family. It is an authentic and reliable source, which may be summarized as follows: The main body consisted of seven contingents which were to form the first wave of attack. They were assembled on the island of Tsushima awaiting orders to embark. The commanders of the various units, to gether with their approximate strengths as listed by Mori, are given in tabular form opposite.
7,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 700
Kat5 Kiyomasa Nabeshima Sagara
10,000 12,000 800
Kuroda Nagamasa Otomo Yoshimasa
5,000 6,000
IV. Shimazu Yoshihiro Mori Yoshimasa Others
10,000 2,000 2,000
Konishi Yuldnaga So Matsuura Arima Omura Gotd
Fukushima Toda Chosokabe Ikoma Ikushima Hachisuka
4,800 3,900 3,000 5,500 700 7,200
25.000 (sic)
Kobayakawa 10,000 Tachibana, Tsukushi, and others 5,700
Mori Terumoto T otal
In addition there were reserves on the islands of Tsushima and Iki: 10,000 men under Ukita on Tsushima, and 11,500 men under Hidekatsu and Hosokawa on Iki. Thus the grand total of the striking force was 158,700. Combatant forces stationed at Nagoya included contingents furnished by Ieyasu, Uyesugi, Camo, and other important daimyos. Their total strength was of the order of 75,000. I t will be seen from the above figures ( which are in substantial agree ment with other accounts) that the total number of men mobilized by Hideyoshi was in round numbers 225,000. This does not include a naval force of about 9,000 men. The order of battle required that the first seven contingents should invade Korea and occupy the whole country. This was to make the way clear for an attack upon China. 2.
T he Landing at Pusan and the Drive to Seoul
The signal to move was given at the end of April 1592, and the van, which consisted of the first three contingents, with a total strength of 52,500, began to embark from Tsushima, where they had been awaiting orders. The contingent commanded by Konishi Yuldnaga, consisting of 18,000 men, reached Pusan on May 23 in 700 vessels which crowded the harbour. Konishi was followed two days later by Kato Kiyomasa with
22,000 men and Kuroda Nagamasa with 11,000; both these commanders were much chagrined at having been outstripped by Konishi. Before following the movements of the invasion forces after their landing at Pusan, it is important for a student of this highly organized campaign to understand that it began with an amazing blunder. The Japanese naval force, which was supposed to convoy the ships carrying the contingents of Konishi and Kato, did not reach Nagoya from the Inland Sea (w here it had assembled) until Konishi was on the point of leaving Tsushima. They did not sail from Nagoya until Konishi had been fighting on Korean soil for several days and the contingents of Kato, Kuroda, Kobayakawa, and others had already landed at or near Pusan and were moving inland. W hy the Korean navy failed to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy most of the invasion fleet is not clear. The weather appears to have been favourable and the enemy ships should have been easy to d etect It seems that the Korean government was still discussing policy and had issued no orders to Yi, the Korean Admiral. The Court supposed that the Japanese demand for a passage to China through Korean territory was an empty threat and certainly made no special preparations to prevent a landing. I t was extremely fortunate for the Japanese army that Admiral Yi did not get among their transports. T he first three divisions to land captured the fortress at Pusan in a few hours. They broke a feeble defence by Korean soldiers, taking 8,000 heads and holding a few score prisoners. They then advanced day by day for about a month, encountering very little resistance. Konishi’s contingent took the lead and moved with exceptional speed towards Seoul, marching about 275 miles in under twenty days. T h e second and third contingents followed close behind, and Seoul was occupied by Japanese forces on June 12,1592. Konishi and Kato had competed for the capture of the city, but the decisive action was taken by Konishi, after Kato had tried to forestall him by racing along one of the three main roads leading north from Pusan. By June 16 the third contingent from Pusan, 11,000 men under Ku roda, with some reinforcement from Shimazu s contingent, had reached Seoul by the western highroad, having as they advanced inflicted great loss and damage upon the Korean defenders. Almost at the same time Ukita, with the eighth contingent of 10,000 from Tsushima, arrived in Seoul and assumed the post of Commander-in-Chief. Meanwhile the remainder of the invasion force (th e fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh contingents) had landed and were awaiting orders at Pusan, where the Japanese fleet was anchored. This naval force was strong in numbers, but it was no match for the Koreans. It was com posed largely of craft manned by pirates who were under the control of daimyos of provinces bordering on the Inland Sea. Some larger vessels had been especially provided, but their commanders and crews had no
experience of naval warfare and were useful only in transport work. They were not familiar with the tides and currents in the narrow chan* nels south and west of the Korean peninsula and were therefore at a great disadvantage in action against Korean ships, which were better built and more skilfully handled. The Japanese navy, which was essen tial to the success of the invasion, was not able to obtain command of the sea and indeed was time after time roughly handled by Korean war ships. The Japanese fleet which brought the second part of the striking force to Pusan on June 7 was attacked by Admiral Yi as it lay at anchor off the island of Okpo, and it lost two or three score ships. Such attacks were repeated time after time by the Koreans. In one of them a Japanese squadron carrying several hundred fighting men was destroyed, and its commander, the pirate-admiral Kurushima, was driven to commit suicide. The failure of the navy placed the Japanese invasion force of 150,000 men in great danger, and its commanders were extremely for tunate to escape the grave results which might have followed a breach in their supply lines from Japan. It was not for want of foreknowledge that the Japanese seamen suf fered such reverses. The order of battle signed by Hideyoshi in April dwells on the importance of getting troops safely across the Korea Strait and enjoins the greatest precaution. “T he loss of one man or one horse through bad judgment will be regarded as a grave offence.” The armies moving northward from the captured city of Seoul could not be expected to keep up the pace of Konishi s dash. When the later contingents ( fourth to seventh) had landed at Pusan, they received their orders from Hideyoshi. Ukita, as Commander-in-Chief, was to remain at the headquarters in Seoul and hold the metropolitan province (K eikido or Kyunggwai). Konishi was to take the northern border province (H eiando or Pyonan), south of the Yalu; Kato the northern border prov ince south of the Tumen; while the remaining five contingents under Kuroda, Shimazu, Fukushima, Kobayakawa, and Mori were to occupy the central and southern provinces. T h e Japanese army commanders in each province set about impos ing upon the Korean inhabitants a new system of civil government akin to die feudal organization of Japan. They began a land survey and a redistribution of territories. Efforts were made to teach the Japanese language and Japanese customs to the inhabitants, and in general by good treatment and conciliatory propaganda to persuade them to con sider themselves as part of Japan, an idea which was to be revived some centuries later when the military party in Japan conceived the notion of a Greater E ast Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The King of Korea, with his princes and ministers, had fled before Konishi and Kato, leaving the city to b e looted by its long-suffering citizens before the invaders arrived. The Korean general entrusted with
the defence of Seoul made a feeble pretence of holding the line of the Han River, on which the capital stands, but he rapidly withdrew, and the King moved farther north to the city of Pyonyang, an early capital, on the Tadong River. It was then decided by the Korean commanders to hold a line along the Im jin River to the north, and before long a numerous force was massed along its course. Meanwhile, the panic which had overtaken the Korean soldiers as Konishi and Kato pushed forward from the south had subsided, and in some areas was replaced by an aggressive spirit. In Kangwun province Shimazu's division had some hard fighting, and even in the metropolitan province U lata’s best troops took a beating from Korean levies under an enterprising general who was subsequently executed by royal command for cowardice falsely alleged by a jealous rival. This instance may be taken as a symbol of the state of affairs in Korea. The people showed courage and endurance; the government was weak and foolish. Yet despite their handicaps the Koreans were able from time to time to offer strong resistance to Japanese pressure. W hen Kato Kiyomasa, acting upon orders from Hideyoshi, passed into Hamgyung province in early July 1592, he was faced by some of the best fighting men in Korea. The province lay on the right flank of an army advancing north towards the Yalu, and it was therefore essential to hold it for the safety of Konishi s force. B u t Kato m et with great difficulties and was obliged to struggle hard through the cold winter months of 1592-93. He did, however, at one point succeed in crossing the Tum en and entering Manchuria. Konishi's task was easier. H e had parted from Kato on July 9 and continued along the westernmost of the three highways to the north. He reached the Tadong River on July 15, and across the stream in front of him lay the city of Pyonyang, where the King had taken refuge. I t was a strong city in a strong position. Konishi had his own contingent of about 18,000 men, and he was soon joined by the third contingent of 11,000 under Kuroda. T h e Tadong was a difficult river, but a blunder by the Korean defenders revealed the position of the fords. The Japa nese crossed in great numbers and overwhelmed the defence of the city, which soon fell into Konishi’s hands. Having seized the granaries and other stores, he sat down with Kuroda to await further orders from the high command. The King fled north to W iju, on the left bank of the Yalu, and from there he sent messengers to China begging for assistance. Fortune had not so far favoured the Korean arms, but the passage of Japanese armies had encouraged the growth of a resistance movement which by now was gathering momentum. The regular forces were led by miserable officers and were almost useless, but the farmers showed a strong fighting spirit in defence of their fields and their crops. In most provinces they began to harass the Japanese forces by determined guer rilla tactics, cutting off small detachments and keeping the main bodies on the alert by their rapid movements. In open country almost every
where the Japanese were now on the defensive, and on one occasion at least they failed in an attack upon a Korean fort defended by local levies, although they outnumbered the garrison. W hile the troops under Kuroda, Hosokawa, and Mori were suffering reverses or at best holding their own against Korean irregulars, the Japanese generals in the north—Konishi in particular—were awaiting an order to advance into China. The King of Korea had sent repeated appeals for help to the Chinese government, until at last a Chinese force was sent to drive the Japanese back from Pyonyang. I t was trapped and cut to pieces by the Japanese defenders, thanks to whom the com placent Chinese military authorities learned a useful lesson: they now saw that they must prepare for a serious military effort on a large scale; and orders were issued to equip and mobilize a formidable host. I t is doubtful whether Hideyoshi had anticipated such a strong reaction from the Chinese, but Konishi evidently foresaw serious trouble. The Chinese, in order to test the temper of the Japanese command, sent a high officer to negotiate a peace or a truce with him, and after a brief meeting be fore the Japanese lines, it was agreed that the Chinese envoy should return to Peking to discuss terms while the two armies observed an armistice for fifty days. Konishi no doubt welcomed a standstill, since he was anxious about his rear and his right flank, especially in view of reports coming in from the south telling him of Japanese naval disasters and of the Korean re sistance movement, which was now developing offensive tactics in the southern provinces. The news of naval defeats was especially alarming, since if supplies from Japan were cut off, the Japanese armies would be forced to live on the country. Korean guerrilla attacks would then make it very difficult for the Japanese to depend upon Korean fields and granaries for food. Yet Konishi s appeals for supplies to the base at Nagoya were neglected. Meanwhile the guerrilla bands were coalescing into disciplined forces under experienced commanders at a time when some of the Japanese contingents were beginning to show a loss of martial spirit. Letters sent home from the battlefront hint that many of the warriors were tiring of the dangers and discomforts of a campaigner’s life, har assed as they were by a shortage of supplies, by sickness (due, they thought, to Korean w ater), and by the tensions of guerrilla fighting. The loss of strength from all causes was said to have reached one-third of the total by the beginning of 1593. It was at this time that, the armistice having expired, a new Chinese army crossed the Yalu and marched on to Pyonyang, reaching the city early in February. Konishi with only about 20,000 troops stood up to the attack of a far stronger force (over 50,000 at the lowest estim ate); but at last he had to withdraw along a prepared line of strong-points on the road to Seoul. His withdrawal obliged Kato Kiyomasa to follow suit,
by fighting his way towards Konishi’s columns. T h e next stage was of necessity a concentration of all available Japanese troops for the defence of Seoul against the Chinese, who had the advantage of some effective artillery pieces and a strong cavalry division. Seoul was stubbornly defended by Kato and Konishi. They not only withstood a great Chinese army, but even counterattacked and put it to flight in a fierce action outside the city. Kato and Konishi were aware, however, that this energy in attack could not be long sustained. They suggested a meeting to discuss peace, and they agreed to the Chinese terms, which required them to evacuate Seoul. T h e Japanese forces moved south on May